scholarly journals Pendidikan Islam Inklusif Pesantren ( Kajian Historis - Sosiologis di Indonesia )

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Syamsul Huda Rohmadi

Transformasi pesantren ke arah modernitas untuk menyongsong pengaruh dari luar peranan pada kyai sebagai figur pemimpin. Ada pesantren yang tetap mempertahankan misi pesantren sebagai lembaga tafaqquh fiddin, akan tetapi ada juga pesantren yang didesain sebagai lembaga yang bergerak di bidang sosial ekonomi keagamaan di samping pengkajian kitab-kitab klasik sebagai ciri khas pesantren. Inklusif adalah keterbukaan sikap dalam menerima keberbedaan dengan tetap berinteraksi dalam kehidupan, sehingga dalam konteks kultur yang beraneka ragam. Perlunya pesantren lembaga pendidikan melihat proses transformasi sosial dan yang kedua pengembangan pesantren tidak tercerabut dari akar tradisinya Kata Kunci : Islam Inklusif, Pesantren  The transformation of pesantren toward modernity to meet the influence from outside role on kyai as leader figure. There is a boarding school that still maintains the mission of pesantren as a tafaqquh fiddin institution, but there are also pesantren designed as an institution engaged in the field of religious social economy in addition to the study of the classic books as a characteristic of pesantren.Inclusive is the openness of attitudes in accepting diversity by staying interacting in life, so in the context of diverse cultures. The need for pesantren educational institutions to see the process of social transformation and the second development of pesantren not tercerabut from the roots of tradition. Keywords: Inclusive Islam, Boarding School.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-252
Khairul Mufid

Islamic boarding school is an educational institution that is loaded with social transformation. Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia which are the oldest educational institutions are very many, including PP. Lirboyo. When talking about PP Lirboyo, then at least it can have a sociological effect on the surrounding community, in this case, the residents of Lirboyo Village. This research is rooted in the writer's intellectual humour in terms of the extent of PP. Lirboyo in transforming the surrounding community. Lest PP. Lirboyo has no impact on the local residents. By using this type of qualitative research through the Descriptive-Qualitative approach, the researcher aims to identify a problem raised in the study, as well as produce descriptive data in the form of words, oral or written about the discussion about how the sociological effect felt by the Lirboyo Village community in the presence of PP Lirboyo and how to Analyze the Theory of Typology of Communities from Clifford Geertz on the people of Lirboyo Village, Mojoroto District, Kediri City. Clifford Geertz's theory focuses on the discussion of the division of Javanese society which is divided into three typologies. Namely Abangan, Santri and Priyai. With this theory, if you can read the Lirboyo Village community through Clifford Geertz's view.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 409-434
Ibnu Chudzaifah

Pondok Pesantren is one of the Islamic educational institutions that aim to form human beings who have noble character, so that created a human who has a balance between physical and spiritual. Some educational institutions offer various models of learning to balance the current development so that its existence is still recognized by the community. While boarding school in dealing with the development of the times, has a commitment to make new innovations by presenting the pattern of education that can give birth to a reliable Human Resources. Especially pesantren currently has a challenging enough weight in facing the era of "Demographic Bonus". Demographic bonus is a phenomenon in which the structure of the population greatly benefits the community from the side of development in various sectors, because the productive age is more than the non productive age. This means that the dependency burden will decrease with the ratio of 64 percent of the productive age population to bear only 34 percent of the nonproductive age population. With all kinds of scholarships and skills given to students, students are expected to compete in all fields, especially in the face of Indonesia gold in 2020 to 2035.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Yunus Yunus

AbstrakPola Strategi pengembangan Pondok Pesantren di Malangke, strategi pengembangan pesantren adalah cara atau srategi yang digunakan oleh wadah atau tempat guna proses suatu perubahan berencana yang memerlukan dukungan semua pihak, anatara lain Kepala, staff, guru, dan siswa dengan perubahan-perubahan itu diharapkan dapat mengembangkan dan meningkatkan lembaga pendidikan, yang memerlukan usaha jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang guna menghadapi perubahan yang akan terjadi pada masa mendatang. Peluang dan tangan pengembangan Pesantren di Luwu Utara,  terdapat Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang beberapa pasalnya menekankan penyelenggaraan pendidikan keagamaan, seperti, pasal 30 ayat (1) dan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 55 Tahun 2007 tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada pasal 1 ayat (2) tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Pendidikan Keagamaan yang didalamnya secara tegas dikemukakan bahwa pondok pesantren menyelenggarakan pendidikan diniyah pada tingkat dasar dan menengah, tergolong dalam sub sistem pendidikan Nasional di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, menjadikan manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menajdi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Sedangkan tantangan ada beberapa hambatan 1)Sistem kurikulum yang lebih modern, sehingga pesantren ketinggalan jauh dari sekolah umum, 2) Kurangnya anggaran dan sumber pendanaan disebabkan oleh kurang siswa. 3) adanya sebagian orang tua tidak tertarik menyekolahkan anak di sekolah Pesantren.Kata kunci:      Pengembangan, Pondok Pesantren As’addiyah.  AbstractThe pattern of the development of Islamic boarding schools in Malangke, the strategy of developing pesantren is the method or strategy used by the place or place for the process of planning changes that require the support of all parties, among others, the Head, staff, teachers and students are expected to develop and improving educational institutions, which require short, medium and long-term efforts to deal with changes that will occur in the future. Opportunities and hands for the development of Islamic boarding schools in North Luwu, there is Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, some of which emphasize the implementation of religious education, such as article 30 paragraph (1) and Government Regulation (PP) Number 55 of 2007 concerning Education Religion and Religious Education in Article 1 paragraph (2) concerning Religious Education and Religious Education in which it is expressly stated that Islamic boarding schools conduct early childhood education at the elementary and secondary levels, belonging to the national education sub-system in Indonesia which aims to educate the nation, make humans who have faith and devotion to the Almighty God, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and become a democratic and responsible citizen. While the challenges are several obstacles 1) A more modern curriculum system, so that pesantren lag far behind public schools, 2) The lack of budgets and funding sources is caused by lack of students. 3) there are some parents who are not interested in sending their children to school in Islamic boarding schools.Keywords:        Development, As'addiyah Islamic Boarding School.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Fitri Purwaningtias ◽  
Usman Ependi

Website saat ini telah digunakan diberbagai jenis instansi termasuk instansi pendidikan seperti Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah. Saat ini website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah menjadi tulang punggung dalam penyebaran informasi terkain pondok pesantren kepada wali santri, alumni, calon santri dan masyarakat luas. Mengingat pentingnya website bagi Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah maka perlu untuk dilakukan evaluasi apakah informasi yang diberikan dan website yang ada telah memiliki nilai kebergunaan bagi pengguna atau tidak. Untuk itu di dalam penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi untuk melihat perspektif pengguna terhadap website. Prose evaluasi dilakukan dengan system usability scale dengan sepuluh instrumen sebagai pernyataan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah mendapatkan nilai akhir 88. Nilai 88 berarti website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah mendapatkan adjective rating yang excellence, grade scale tergolong kelompok B dan tingkat acceptability termasuk acceptable. The website is currently used in various types of institutions including educational institutions such as Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School. Currently the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website is the backbone in the dissemination of information about Islamic boarding schools to the guardians of students, alumni, prospective students and the wider community. Considering the importance of the website for the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School, it is necessary to evaluate whether the information provided, and the existing website have a useful value for the user or not. For this reason, in this study an evaluation was conducted to see the user's perspective on the website. The evaluation process is carried out with a system usability scale with ten instruments as evaluation statements. Evaluation results show that the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website gets a final score of 88. A value of 88 means that the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website gets an adjective rating that excellence, grade scale belongs to group B and the level of acceptability is acceptable

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Masruchin Masruchin ◽  
A’yunina Mahanani ◽  
Diyah Ekowati

Wakaf is a Maliyah worship that have tight relation with development of umat welfare. It is a worship in the form of social economy. The potential of wakaf is huge nowadays however it does not use optimally yet because of some factors so that it cannot give maximum role in bringing welfare for society and empowering society’s economy. Wakaf does not only support the development of science but also prepare all facilities needed by students of university or society.Modern Boarding School Darussalam Gontor, Islamic boarding school that considered has been successful in organizing productive wakaf to finance itself and because of that, it can be the role model for developing educational institution base wakaf. Most of the result of wakaf used to develop the business and another used for teachers’ welfare and funding institutions of boarding school in shelter of PMDG. Some of the fund also donated to assistance founding of religious social life of society around.As for the concept of wakaf PMDG refers to maqashid – al shari’ah that is in level of law enforcement (tatbiq al hukmi) that is create welfare and avoid mercilessness. Trimutri in his wakaf concept more emphasizes on the welfare aspect aimed to that wakaf is a media to get closer with Allah SWT. It is form of Hajiyyat needs to possess the nature of religion, and give humanity assistance institutionally (at – tahbis), and for education of Islamic boarding school related to the intelligence development, so that it can give advantage optimally for Muslim’s life later.Key words: productive wakaf, Wakaf Gontor, Maqashid al – shari’ah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-88
Valentina Monoarfa

Islamic boarding school is one of the educational institutions of non-governmental non-profit religious organizations that prioritizes a service to external parties. The financial management of Islamic boarding schools still uses simple methods, accounting that has been used so far has not used financial reports that are in accordance with Islamic boarding school accounting guidelines. The purpose of this service is to provide additional knowledge to financial managers in compiling financial reports using software in order to provide transparent, accountable and accountable reporting. The method of implementing the activity is counseling, discussion and question and answer, which begins with providing knowledge about how to prepare Islamic boarding school accounting financial reports.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-36
Agus Sudiansyah

Indonesia has different types of educational institutions including a state owned institution and a private one. However, recently, several types of educational institutions in Indonesia have some attention from the society in terms of the development of behavioral character of the youth that tend to be degrading. Effective communication of dakwah(preaching) at Pesantren MQ Tebuireng (MQ Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School) as well as akhlak(behavior) education is believed to be able to improve the behavior or so called akhlak of the Indonesian youth to be better. It can be seen from this study, a study at Pesantren MQ Tebuireng aimed at finding the influence and correlation between the effectivity of communication of dakwah and akhlak education towards students. This study is a Quantitative study. The data in this study are obtained through survey using a proportional stratification sample tehnique towards 172 students at Pesantren MQ Tebuireng. The study shows that there is a simultaneous influence between an effective communication of dakwah and akhlak education towards students where Fcount of 18.009 > Ftable  of 3.05. However, there is also a correlation with r value of .749. According to Priyato, the r value of .60 - .799 shows a strong correlation, i.e. between the effectivity of communication of dakwah and akhlak education towards students. Indonesia memilki bebearapa lembaga pendidikan, yakni lembaga pendidikan milik pemerintah dan lembaga milik per orangan, sedangkan sekarang beberapa  lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia mendapat sorotan dari masyarakat mengenai pengembangan karakter tingkah laku generasinya yang mulai menurun. Komunikasi dakwah yang efektif di Pesantren MQ Tebuireung dan pembinaan akhlak  diyakini dapat meningkatkan tingkah laku atau akhlak generasi di Indonesia menjadi lebih baik. Terbukti hasil penelitian di Pesantren MQ Tebuireung dengan tujuan ingin mengetahui pengaruh dan hubungan  efektivitas komunikasi dakwah dan pembinaan akhlak terhadap akhlak santri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melaui survei dengan teknik sampel stratifikasi proporsional terhadap santri di Pesantren MQ Tebuirung berjumlah 172 santri. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat pengaruh secara simultan dengan F Hitung 18,009> F Tabel 3,05, komunikasi dakwah yang efektif dan pembinaan akhlak terhadap akhlak santri, dan terdapat hubungan atau korelasi dengan r sederhana dengan nilai 0,749, menurut Priyato nilai 0,60-0,799 sangat kuat hubungannya dari efektivitas komunikasi dakwah dan pembinaan akhlak terhadap akhlak santri.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-87
Denden Sudarman Hadiwijaya ◽  
Ahmad Hilal Hadiwijaya

This article aims to determine how important the vocational skill education for students in the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School of Kersamanah Garut. The background of this research is that ideally the person who was educated both formal and non-formal schools at least have the skills of life that it faces, especially in the world of work. In fact there are a lot of unemployment among educated either issued by the formal and non-formal education is still unused and still many educational institutions interventioned with offices and civil service, and there are still doubts in the world of work on the output issued boarding. Therefore it is necessary to study "Education Vocational Skills (Case Study In Darusaalam Islamic Boarding School Kersamanah Garut)", This study aims to describe and analyze the development of vocational skills in applied as future supplies students. It uses the method to achieve the goal of research is to reserch descriptive qualitative method. Data retrieval is done by interview, observation and documentation. Results from this study showed that the Darussalam Islamic Boarding school is a boarding school that equip students with vocational skills through extra-curricular activities in the form of education life skills oriented vocational education skills such as : organizational and clerical schools , or in the form of a course in which there are education vocational skills such as : automotive , sewing and culinary art , or other training by bringing in trainers from outside schools , in order to motivate students to become productive graduates who are able to enter public life line

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Lisa Aisyiah Rasyid ◽  
Supriadi Supriadi ◽  
Siti Aisa

Abstrack. As one of the scholars of the hadramain who played an important role in the development of islamic education in the eastern region of Indonesia, It is important to understand how the thinking and role of sayyid, the iraniacal bin salim aljufri, especially in the tower of the thousand churches, the city of manado. When Indonesia is beset by two themes of political persecution, fierce debate over islamic relations and countries between "secular" and religious nationalists, and the struggle between the hadrami of loyalty and integrity against the land between Indonesia or hadramaut. As one of the scholars of hadrami in the eastern region of Indonesia (kti), the old teacher did not get caught up in the political ideology of the political ideology, focusing on the movement: education, the preaching work, and the social empowerment, to the establishing of an alkhairaat islamic college in 1930. In 1934, the old master sent one of his disciples, muhammad qasim maragau for the preaching of the manado. In 1947 the official alkhairaat opened a branch in the town of manado, north sulawesi, to the rest of the istiqlal (Arab village), the following year in 1960 became a boarding school. From 1960 to 1996 the number of islamic islamic educational institutions of alkhairaate in sulut including manado steadily rises up to 167 branches, 2 of which is a boarding school located in the city of manado.Keywords:Guru Tua, Alkhairaat,Thought, role, Manado Abstrak. Sebagai salah satu ulama hadramain yang berperan penting terhadap perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Kawasan Timur Indonesia, penting kiranya untuk memahami bagaimana pemikiran dan peran Sayyid Idrus bin Salim Aljufri khususnya di wilayah Menara Seribu Gereja, Kota Manado. Ketika Indonesia dilanda oleh dua tema diskursus politik yang terjadi, yaitu perdebatan sengit tentang hubungan Islam dan negara antara kaum nasionalis “sekuler” dan nasionalis religious, dan pergumulan di kalangan Hadrami tentang loyalitas dan integritas terhadap tanah air antara Indonesia atau Hadramaut. Sebagai salah ulama Hadrami di wilayah Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI), Guru Tua tidak terjebak pada perdebatan ideologi politik tersebut, justru memfokuskan diri pada gerakan: pendidikan, dakwah, dan pemberdayaan sosial, hingga mendirikan sebuah perguruan Islam Alkhairaat pada tahun 1930. Pada tahun 1934, Guru Tua kemudian mengutus salah seorang muridnya, Muhammad Qasim Maragau untuk berdakwah ke Manado.Pada tahun 1947, Alkhairaat resmi membuka cabang di Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara, tepatnya di Kelurahan Istiqlal (kampung Arab), yang selanjutnya pada tahun 1960 berkembang menjadi sebuah pondok pesantren. Sejak tahun 1960 hingga 1996 jumlah lembaga pendidikan Islam Alkhairaat di Sulut termasuk Manado terus meningkat hingga menjadi 167 cabang, 2 diantaranya adalah pondok pesantren yang berlokasi di kota Manado.Kata kunci: Guru Tua, Alkhairaat, Pemikiran, Peran, Manado.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
A Idhoh Anas

Abstract: Education is possibly to have people attain the perfection of life both in their relationship with God, fellow human beings and nature. A well relationship is only possible if people have a balance between their orientation in the world and in the hereafter. Therefore, in order to achieve the aforementioned objective, they should have adequate religious education and general equally through educational institutions. One of the Islamic educational institutions is a dormitory or boarding school where students (Islamic pupils) learn to improve the Islamic religion. Education on Islamic educational institutions also aims to establish a generation of believers-Muslim virtuous, health, broad-minded, and social, rise intelligent scholars who have equal devotions and thought, as well as establish nationalism of Indonesian citizen who have a faithful and pious to Allah Almighty. In general, Islamic educational institutions are classified into three categories: a) traditional pesantren (Salaf), which still retains the traditional teaching methods and teaching materials with classic books (yellow book), b) modern pesantren (khalaf), which seeks to fully integrate the classical and the current school and university system, and 3) semi salaf and khalaf Islamic schools who defend the teaching of classical Islamic books, as well as open public educational institutions (formal or non-formal education).

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