scholarly journals Model Evaluasi CIPP dalam Mengevaluasi Program Tahfiz Selama Daring di SMP Islam Al-Ishlah Bukittinggi

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 73
Ris Doyok

Program tahfihz di SMP Islam Al-Ishlah Bukittinggi selama daring (online) mengalami perubahan yang sangat signifikan, mulai dari kesiapan lembaga, guru, siswa, fasilitas, terutama pada saat pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran daring (online) berbagai kendala dihadapi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi program tahfiz selama proses pembelajaran daring (online). Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model evaluasi CIPP (context, input, process, dan product). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi konteks sudah baik, evaluasi masukan bisa dikatakan baik, evaluasi proses mengalami hambatan yang cukup mengkhawatirkan proses kelangsungan program tahfiz diakibatkan pandemi Covid-19 ini sehingga sangat berdampak pada proses pembelajaran tahfiz, dan evaluasi produk menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan jauh dari apa yang telah direncanakan. Maka bisa dikatakan bahwa keberhasilan program tahfiz di masa pandemi Covid-19 mengalami kemunduran atau target yang diharapkan tidak tercapai. The tahfihz program at Al-Ishlah Islamic Junior High School Bukittinggi while online underwent very significant changes starting from the readiness of institutions, teachers, students, facilities, especially during the implementation of the online learning process, various obstacles were encountered. The aim is to find out how the tahfiz program is implemented during the online learning process. This research method uses a qualitative approach with the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process, and product). The results of this study indicate that the context evaluation is good, the evaluation of the input can be said to be good, the evaluation of the process experienced obstacles that were quite worrying for the continuity of the tahfiz program due to the Covid-19 pandemic so that it greatly affected the tahfiz learning process, and the product evaluation showed a success rate far from what had been planned. So, it can be said that the success of the tahfiz program during the Covid-19 pandemic experienced a setback or the expected target was not achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 663
I Gede Astawan ◽  
I Wayan Widiana ◽  
Muh Arafik

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, various changes have occurred in the world of education. Teachers are required to be able to develop online learning so that learning activities can run smoothly. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of online learning in universities. The research subjects were lecturers totalling 22 people. The research object includes the effectiveness of online learning programs in terms of context, input, process, and product. The approach used in this study is evaluative. The research model design used is the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process and Product Evaluation Model). The data were analyzed descriptively by calculating the percentage. Next, the data were analyzed by the T-Score formula. The level of effectiveness of online learning was analyzed through the quadrant of the "Glickman" model. The results of data analysis showed that online learning in PGSD, in terms of context, descriptively classified as very good, with an effectiveness percentage of 18.18%. Online learning at PGSD Undiksha in terms of input, descriptively is very good, with an effectiveness percentage of 0%. In terms of process, online learning at PGSD Undiksha is descriptively classified as very good, with an effectiveness percentage of -9.09%. In terms of products, online learning at PGSD Undiksha descriptively is classified as very good, with an effectiveness percentage of 18.18%. It can be concluded that the online learning that has been held is excellent and effective.

2020 ◽  
Farida Hanun

This study aims to obtain a description related to the learning of PAI by using ICT and how the impact of the use of ICT on PAI learning systems in the classroom. The research method uses a qualitative approach in the integrated Islamic high school Ummul Quro Bogor, West Java. The results showed that a) there were four stages of using ICT in the learning process, namely; emerging, applying, integrating dan transforming. PAI teachers are already at the integrating stage. In other words, ICT has been integrated into the PAI learning curriculum. b) supporting factors for the use of ICT are the existence of ICT support facilities, the availability of qualified educators, the commitment of the school to implement ICT in every PAI learning. c) Inhibiting factors in the use of ICT are aspects of financing ICT facilities require a large budget. Some elderly teachers have difficulty using ICT in the learning process. Besides, the internet network is unstable. d) The impact of the use of ICT is very significant on PAI learning process. e) the existence of ICT devices not only as a support but already as an important component in the education system. The research led to the recommendation of the need for government support in the form of concern for ICT in terms of policies, facilities, workforce, budget, and organizing training in the use of ICT for PAI teachers to improve their professionalism. Therefore, further research is suggested regarding the effectiveness of the use of ICT in the learning process of PAI.

Ni Luh Putu Aristrawati

This article discusses the evaluation of giant effigy ogoh-ogohparade based on three aspects, such as the implementationof ogoh-ogoh parade, the contribution of ogoh-ogoh paradeto the development of cultural tourism in Denpasar and toprovide recommendations for strategy implementation of ogohogohparade. This article was used culture tourism theory andevaluation theory. The data presented in this article was collectedthrough observation and is complemented by interviews andother published sources with qualitative approach. The collecteddata analyzed by CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product)evaluation model, expert judgment and qualitative descriptive.The result shows that parade ogoh-ogoh meet the criteria as anevent that contributes in an effort to realize Denpasar as culturalcity. Ogoh-ogoh parade also contributes as a supporting Denpasarin developing cultural tourism. The implementation strategyof ogoh-ogoh parade can be done through by the competitionstrategy and the increasing promotion strategy. From this articleit can be concluded that as one of the cultural event in Denpasarcity ogoh-ogoh parade can support the development of culturaltourism in the city of Denpasar, although in its implementation itrequires sustain improvement.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Susi Budiwati

Penelitian ini membahas kemampuan guru bahasa Sunda di SMP Piloting Project Kurikulum 2013 dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan dan menilai kemampuan mendongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 pada tahun pelajaran 2015-2016. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah (1) perkembangan Kurikulum 2013 yang sangat dinamis dan; (2) pedoman pelaksanaannya yang terus berubah, sehingga muncul pertanyaan apakah perubahan ini sampai kepada guru bahasa Sunda. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan menilai pembelajaran khususnya materi dongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Populasi sekaligus sampel penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa Sunda kelas VII, dengan teknik observasi dan study dokumenter. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) guru bahasa Sunda mampu merencanakan pengajaran dongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013; (2) dalam proses pembelajarannya perlu ditingkatkan dan; (3) guru bahasa Sunda mampu menilai pengajaran dongeng berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013. ABSTRACTThis article discusses the ability of Sundanese teachers in junior high school Piloting Project Curriculum 2013 in planning, implementing, and assessing the ability of storytelling based on Curriculum 2013 in the academic year 2015-2016. The backgrounds of this study were (1) the development of Curriculum 2013, which is very dynamic and; (2) the implementation guidance that is constantly changing, so the question arises whether this change reaches the teachers. The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of teachers to plan, implement, and assess fairytale learning materials based on curriculum 2013. This research employed descriptive method with qualitative approach. The population and sample is Sundanese language teacher of Grade VII. It used observation and documentary study. The instrument was the observation sheet. The conclusion of this study are that (1) the Sundanese teacher is able to plan teaching fairytale based on Curriculum 2013; (2) the learning process needs to be improved; and (3) the Sundanese teacher is able to assess fairytale learning based on the Curriculum 2013. 

Nadwa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Puspo Nugroho

<pre>The purpose of this paper is to know the internalization process of religious tolerance values such as <em>tauhid, rahmah, musawah</em> in educational institutions. This study took place in the SMP Muhammadiyah Salatiga, the Junior High School, which using a qualitative approach. The results of this study are that <em>first</em>, to put tolerance values into the curriculum, <em>second, to </em>develop vertical relationships in Allah SWT and horizontal fellow humans, <em>third,</em> to emphasize the implementation of tolerance values in the daily lives of students in realizing Islam <em>rahmatan lil alamin</em>,  Fourth,  the teacher gives examples of tolerance behavior in the learning process.</pre><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tujuan tulisan ini ingin mengetahui proses internallisasi nilai-nilai toleransi beragama seperti <em>tauhid, rahmah, musawah</em> di lembaga pendidikan. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah Salatiga dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah  <em>pertama</em> memasukkan nilai-nilai toleransi ke dalam kurikulum, <em>kedua </em>: membangun hubungan vertikal pada Allah SWT dan horizontal sesama manusia, <em>ketiga</em>: menekankan pelaksanaan nilai-nilai toleransi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari siswa dalam mewujudkan Islam <em>rahmatan lil alamin.</em> Ke empat: guru memberi contoh prilaku toleransi dalam proses pembelajaran.</p><p> </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 147
Gianti Gunawan ◽  
Yus Nugraha ◽  
Marina Sulastiana ◽  
Diana Harding

Implementation of character education based on local wisdom has been implemented in Purwakarta through Sundanese architecture of education buildings, government and public places. Purwakarta also has a policy about 7 special days of education. This research method is descriptive with qualitative approach. Researchers conducted SWOT analysis from character education program based on local wisdom at Junior High School in Purwakarta. Research located at SMPN Kahuripan Purwakarta. Analysis from the research is use to make principes of management by George Terry, including planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. The methods researc are observation, interview, and quetionaire. The research find that the main obstacle that needs attention is the teacher's readiness / skill. In this case workshops can be conducted to assist teachers about the curriculum, in terms of reducing character education programs based on local wisdom in their respective subjects. Basically they have a positive assessment, it's just a constraint on the application.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Subar Junanto ◽  
Nur Arini Asmaul Kusna

The Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) evaluation model is commonly used to evaluate a program, including a learning program. This study aimed at assessing the implementation of the learning program in Inclusive Early Childhood Education (PAUD) using the CIPP model. This is a qualitative study at the Lazuardi Kamila GIS Surakarta Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten. Data are collected through observation and interviews. The finding of the context evaluation showed that in the planning, the therapist and the teacher coordinated to determine the material. The input evaluation showed the availability of necessary facilities provided by the school. In the process evaluation showed that children with disabilities were educated in the same class and curriculum with other students and curriculum; only their assessment was made different as reflected in the IEP (Individualized Education Program). Product evaluation showed that Pra TK-TK Lazuardi Kamila GIS Surakarta has provided an inclusive education.[Evaluasi dengan model Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) digunakan untuk menilai sebuah program, termasuk program pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran di sebuah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) inklusif dengan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus di Pra TK dan TK Lazuardi Kamila Global Islamic School Surakarta. Metode pengambilan data meliputi observasi dan wawancara terhadap guru pendamping Khusus (GPK), guru kelas, dan kepala sekolah. Hasil evaluasi context menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek perencanaan pembelajaran, terapis dan guru berkoordinasi untuk menentukan materi yang akan diberikan ke siswa. Evaluasi input menunjukkan  ketersediaan sarana prasarana yang didukung oleh alat-alat dari Pelangi. Evaluasi proses menunjukkan pembelajaran antara peserta didik reguler dengan anak difabel disamakan dan hanya ketika evaluasi untuk anak difabel sesuai dengan IEP (Individualized Education Program) yang telah ditentukan terapis dan guru sentra. Evaluasi produk menunjukkan bahwa layanan inkusi telah dilakukan oleh  lembaga ini.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-155
Rudie Rudie

This research aims to describe the management of the acceptance of new learners online in the era of the covid 19 pandemic in SMP Negeri 3 Palangka Raya. The problem raises the management of new student admissions conducted online. To map the management problems, researchers highlight aspects of planning (planning), organizing (organizing), leadership (leading), directing , driving (actuating), and control (controling). The research method using qualitative approach, which produces description data, is carried out by means of observation, documentation and interviews with principals and teachers involved in the admission committee of new learners in Christian Junior High School and State Junior High School 3 Palangka Raya Year of study 2020/2021. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen  penerimaan peserta didik baru secara online era pandemi covid 19 di  SMP Negeri 3 Palangka Raya. Permasalahan mengangkat manajemen penerimaan peserta didik baru yang dilakukan secara online. Untuk memetakan permasalahan manajemen tersebut, peneliti menyoroti aspek perencanaan (planning), pengorganisasian (organizing), pemimpinan (leading), pengarahan (directing), penggerakan (actuating), serta pengendalian (controling). Metode penelitian menggunakan pedekatan kualitatif, yang menghasilkan data deskripsi, dilakukan dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara terhadap Kepala Sekolah dan Guru yang terlibat dalam Panitia penerimaan peserta didik baru di SMP Kristen dan SMP Negeri 3 Palangka Raya Tahun pelajaran 2020/2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Alfina Tri Buanawati ◽  
Risma Rahmawati ◽  
Zaiful Hidayat ◽  
Ratna Hidayah ◽  
Cucuk Budiyanto

Amid of the Covid-19 pandemic, our education should be continued. Therefore, the online learning was being implemented at home so the parents would have a role to make the learning continues. This article aims to analyze parents role in elementary students learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data obtained from a questionnaire consisting of 17 statements. The population in this study were parents of elementary school students who were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic as many as 60 respondents. The results of this study are the percentage of parents role in elementary school student learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion of this article is that parents play a good role in elementary school student learning in the Covid-19 pandemic is as teachers, facilitators, motivators, and influencer. This article can be used as literature and other researchers development material.

Mariyatul Qibtiyah ◽  
Walfajri Walfajri

This study aimed to analyze the process of teaching Arabic using moving picture media and the level of vocabulary mastery in Islamic Junior High School. This research method was quantitative with an experimental approach. The research was conducted at Islamic Junior High School Darul Amal Metro, involving 30 students of grade VIII as the sample. The data collection method used a test. The test method was aimed at students to get vocabulary mastery data. The data analysis technique used the T-test to determine the level of vocabulary mastery after using moving picture media. The results showed that the learning process by using moving picture media had been able to increase students' learning activities and enthusiasm. The spirit of learning characterized by a high concentration during the learning process, encouraging students to understand the lesson easily. The high of learning concentration caused by the characteristics of the moving picture media varied and corresponded with students' progress. The success of using moving picture media was supported by the teacher's ability to use media. The results of statistical analysis showed that the application of moving picture media in learning Arabic had a significant effect on students' vocabulary mastery.  

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