Youngky Prasetya ◽  
Erlina Zahar ◽  
Harbeng Masni

This research is aimed at describing figurative language in simile aspect in the Novel Marmut Merah Jambu by Raditya Dika. This research is qualitative descriptive. The data of this research is primary and secondary data. The primary data is taken directly while secondary data is taken from books, notes, and certain evidence, or published or unpublished archives. The result of the researc identifies that there are 8 quotes of figurative language in simile aspect which is found in the novel Marmut Merah Jambu by Raditya dika.Kata Kunci: analisys, figurative language, novel

Kandai ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Tania Intan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tanggapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince, menguraikan horizon harapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince, dan memaparkan faktor-faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Ada dua sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer mengacu pada objek penelitian, yaitu novel Le Petit Prince, sedangkan data sekunder berupa teks-teks yang memuat tanggapan pembaca novel Le Petit Prince yang terdiri atas 20 orang yang terdapat pada media massacetak dan elektronik, termasuk internet. Instrumen penelitian berupa tabel-tabel isian yang mengaitkan pembaca, tanggapan pembaca, dan horizon harapan. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara observasi dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dirumuskan dalam tiga poin. Pertama, seluruh pembaca menanggapi atau menilai positif unsur tema, alur, tokoh, latar, sudut pandang, gaya bahasa, teknik penceritaan, bahasa, dan isi novel Le Petit Prince. Kedua, harapan sebagian besar pembaca sebelum membaca novel Le Petit Prince sesuai dengan kenyataan ke sembilan unsur di dalam novel LePetit Prince sehingga pembaca dapat dengan mudah menerima dan memberikan pujian pada novel tersebut. Ketiga, faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca selain perbedaan stressing unsur yang ditanggapi juga karena perbedaan pengetahuan tentang sastra, pengetahuan tentang kehidupan dan pengalaman membaca karya sastra.(This study aims to describe the readers’ responses to the novel Le Petit Prince, the readers' horizon of hope for the novel Le Petit Prince, and the factors that cause differences in responses and readers' expectation horizons. This study included a type of qualitative descriptive study. There are two data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source refers to the object of the research, the Le Petit Prince novel, while the secondary data is in the form of texts that contain the readers' responses of Le Petit Prince's novels consisting of 20 people, which are contained in print and electronic mass media including the internet. The research instrument is in the form of tables that link readers, readers' responses, and expectation horizons. Data is collected by means of observations and data analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques. The results of the research are as follows. First, all readers respond or positively assess the elements of the theme, plot, character, setting, point of view, language style, storytelling techniques, language, and contents of the Le Petit Prince novel. Second, the hope of most readers before reading the Le Petit Prince novel is in accordance with the reality of the nine elements in the novel Le Petit Prince so that readers can easily receive and give praise to the novel. Third, the factors that cause differences in responses and readers' expectation horizons in addition to differences in elemental stressing are also responded to because of differences in knowledge about literature, knowledge of life and the experience of reading literature.) 

Stevanus Marelly Siahainenia ◽  
Dionisius Bawole ◽  
Eygner Gerald Talakua

The purpose of this study was to find out the function of cold storage in stabilizing fish prices in Ambon City, analyzing optimal production levels of various types of dominant fish, and analyzing the level of efficiency of utilization of cold storage and auxiliary machinery. This study uses the survey method. Primary data collection through questionnaires is built empirically while secondary data is obtained from several agencies related to this study. The research sample was drawn by exhausting sampling, amounting to 6 cold storage units in Ambon City. The role of cold storage to stabilize fish prices was analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach, while the quantitative techniques used included analysis of optimization of cold storage production with linear programming and analysis of the efficiency of utilization of cold storage. The results of the study show that cold storage has not played a role properly to stabilize fish prices in Ambon City. To achieve optimal use of production factors, the cold storage management needs to reduce the raw material by 24,915.9 kg / month; 7 HOK / month workforce; cold storage storage space capacity of 2.09 kg / month; and demand for flying fish 1,402.6 kg / month, while the use of production factors efficiently (fully utulized) is the capacity of the freezing machine, demand for tuna, skipjack, and cob. The level of technical efficiency of the utilization of cold storage facilities is reached, the total use of installed capacity must be proportional to the capacity used.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-53
Herawan Sauni ◽  
Dimas Dwi Arso

This research is purpose to know the role of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in overcome fictitious investment in Bengkulu city and To know the efforts of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan to protect the consumers that take fictitious investment in Bengkulu city. This research uses empirical approach, that is research in the place by using interviews to get answers about the role of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan to overcome fictitious investment in Bengkulu city and the efforts of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan to protect consumers that has done fictitious investment in Bengkulu City. This research uses two types of data,that is primary data and secondary data. Then, its data to be analyzed in a research report that is qualitative descriptive. The results of the research is the role of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan to  overcome fictitious investment in Bengkulu City that is preventive and repressive efforts. The preventive efforts for example to socializing and educating people to alert investment and coordinating with law enforcers and other regulators. The repressive efforts, for example set up an Alert Investment task force in every area. Then the efforts of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan to protect consumers that have  fictitious investment in Bengkulu City is regulated in POJK Number 1 / POJK.07 / 2013 about Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Faisyal Ammar ◽  
Bustamam Bustamam

The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in managing the School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds in public and private Junior High School in Banda Aceh City. This research involved two objects, Junior High School 3 Banda Aceh and Islamic Junior High School YPUI Darul Ulum. This research used the qualitative descriptive method and also used primary and secondary data in data collection.  The primary data were obtained directly by interviewing informants that were BOS coordinator in Education and Culture Services of Banda Aceh City and school BOS team consisting of the school principal and BOS treasure. The data were collected by direct observation in the field. The secondary data were collected by using documentation technique. In analyzing the data, the researcher used data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The result of the study showed that the accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in managing the School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds in Junior High School 3 Banda Aceh were in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) No. 26 of 2017 which reflected good governance, while the management of the School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds in Islamic Junior High School YPUI Darul Ulum Banda Aceh in terms of transparency was still not perfect, but in terms of accountability and effectiveness were in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) No. 26 of 2017.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 523-542
Sri Ayu Saputri ◽  
Nurzi Sebrina ◽  
Vita Fitria Sari

This study aims to determine how Administration, Reporting and Accountability of Dana Nagari in Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. There are three (3) aspects in village funds, administration, reporting and accountability. To achieve these objectives, descriptive qualitative research methods are used. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show: (1) Administration carried out by the treasurer in the form of receipts and expenditures which are recorded in the general cash book, bank book, income details book, and financing details book which is equipped with receipts. (2) Reporting that the delay in disbursing village funds was due to the late regulation of the Regulations of the Regent of Padang Pariaman which caused the disbursement of stage I and phase II village funds to be delayed too late. (3) Accountability Submission of accountability reports to the public through various media, such as websites and billboards. Submission through this media can make it easier for the public to obtain information about the performance of the village government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-100
Olin Lintang Pribadi

This study aims to determine the cause of the low market share of general engineering products at PT PAL Indonesia. Market share analysis is considered important in winning business competition. The study uses qualitative descriptive methods and subject data in the form of opinions, attitudes, experiences or characteristics of a person or group of people who are the research subjects or informants. Source of data used are primary data derived from informant interviews and secondary data derived from supporting documents relevant to the study. To find out the root of the problem using the technique of root causes analysis with the fishbone method and find alternative solutions to the problem with the Delphi method in the form of a questionnaire to the experts. The results of the study explained that the low market share of general engineering products is found in every indicator of fishbone, namely: machine, method, material, manpower, measurement and mother nature. And in the opinion of the experts there is no significant difference of opinion in providing alternative solutions to every problem on the fishbone indicator. So the company can be used in making policies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 146
Siswoyo Aris Munandar ◽  
Farida Nurus Sofa

<p><em>Abstrak </em><strong>- </strong><strong>Aguk Irawan adalah salah satu sastrawan yang menggunakan sastra novel sebagai media dakwahnya. Penanaman pesan-pesan moral-spiritual penulis kepada pembaca melalui tokoh yang dihidupkan di dalamnya. Peneliti tertarik dengan salah satu karya beliau untuk diteliti yang kemudian terangkum dengan judul, “Maqamat Tokoh Midah dalam Novel <em>Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW</em> Karya Aguk Irawan”. Novel yang terinspirasi dari kisah nyata ini menggambarkan tentang pengembaraan jiwa seorang perempuan dalam menemukan Tuhannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>library research</em> atau penelitian kepustakaan. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer yaitu novel <em>Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW</em>, sedangkan sumber data sekundernya adalah beberapa karya Aguk Irawan yang lain dan juga sumber referensi yang terkait dengan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang telah peneliti lakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa novel <em>Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW</em> merupakan novel yang mengandung ajaran tasawuf. Aguk Irawan menyampaikan ajaran tasawufnya melalui tokoh Midah Hamidah yang terangkum dalam laku kehidupannya sehari - hari. Peneliti menemukan beberapa maqamat yang tergambar dari tokoh Midah Hamidah, diantaranya adalah: taubat, zuhud, sabar, syukur, dan ridha. Novel karya Aguk Irawan ini sangat berguna untuk digunakan sebagai media dakwah di kalangan remaja maupun masyarakat pada umumnya.</strong></p><p><em>Abstract -</em><strong> </strong><strong>Aguk Irawan is one of the writers who used novel literature as his propaganda media. Planting the writer's moral-spiritual messages to the reader through the characters who are turned on in them. Researchers are interested in one of his works for research which is then summarized with the title, "<em>Maqamat Tokoh Midah dalam Novel Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW Karya Aguk Irawan</em>”. This novel, inspired by a true story, depicts the wandering of a woman's soul in finding her God. This research uses library research or library research. The source of the data used is the primary data source, namely the Mecca novel: Memoirs of Luka of a TKW, while the secondary data source is some of Aguk Irawan's other works and also a reference source related to research. Based on the results of the analysis that researchers have done, it can be concluded that the novel <em>Mecca: Memoirs of Luka of a TKW</em> is a novel that contains the teachings of Sufism. Aguk Irawan conveyed his Sufism teachings through the figure of Midah Hamidah summarized in his daily life. Researchers found several maqamat drawn from the Midah Hamidah figures, including repentance, zuhud, patience, gratitude, and pleasure. This novel by Aguk Irawan is very useful to be used as a media for da'wah among teenagers and the general public.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords -</em></strong><em> Literary works, Novels, Maqamat, Spirituality, Hermeneutics</em></p><p> </p>

Hikmah Pratiwi Hafid ◽  
Salma Said ◽  
Wahyuddin Abdullah

This study discusses the Performance Allowance in the perspective of al-'Adl in the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Gowa Regency. This type of research is a type of qualitative descriptive study with a phenomelogical approach that explains the phenomena and their meaning for individuals by conducting interviews with a number of individuals and the location of the study was conducted at the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Gowa Regency. Sources of data obtained consisted of primary data sources of 12 informants, as well as secondary data. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the process of receiving performance allowances in the manner of payment and giving, addition, and reduction of performance allowances is in accordance with government regulations. In addition, the value of Al-'Adl is an imbalance in the receipt of performance benefits with employee performance which is assessed through employee performance appraisal. The value of Al-'Adl is that there is no equality in providing training opportunities and infrastructure for employees. The value of Al-'Adl is that there is a mismatch in the receipt of performance allowances based on the time of payment, employee workload, and employee obligations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Denasya Nasution ◽  
Said Fadhlain ◽  
Reni Juliani

The novel Bumi Manusia is a controversial novel that contains Indigenous life in the Dutch colonial period. Pram depicts the cultural differences between Indigenous and Dutch with a very contrast in all aspects in more detail and depth. The purpose of this research is to expose the cultural differences which are framed in the novel Bumi Manusia. This research is also intended to expose the differences between Javanese and Dutch cultures which not only distinguish culture based on appearance and language. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with secondary data which are obtained from the library research, in the form of literature which are related to this research. The results of this study are: 1) Culture can affect one's personality and mindset. 2) The author describes broader cultural differences and is able to criticize the social gap or strata which are formed from the different cultures at the same time. Keywords :Framing Analysis, Media Studies, Bumi Manusia

Al-Buhuts ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Abdul Latif

This study aims to determine the system for the results of Mudharabah on Business Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU) Amanah Desa Bunobogu with Qualitative Descriptive Analysis method. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data relating to the annual revenue sharing system Mudharabah (2010-2014). The results of this study indicate that the profit sharing system is implemented by the Multipurpose Business Cooperative (KSU) Amanah Desa Bunobogu in the form of Mudharabah financing. With a guarantee statement on the process akadnya. In the event of negligence made by members who resulted in his business losing the goods made in the guarantee will be seized by the cooperative. Businesses that are established by members are mostly small and medium enterprises so often encountered bookkeeping that is not clear and just make a budget booklet at random. However, it does not become alaasan and hamper the growth of cooperatives which each year has increased the remaining results of operations. Unclear budget bookkeeping can result in member earnings manipulation, by lowering the profits earned and the effect on the revenue share installments

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