scholarly journals Relationship of Teacher’s Role and Nutrient Intake with Obesity in Elementary School Student at Medan Maimun Sub-district, Indonesia

Desty Adinda ◽  
Etti Sudaryati ◽  
Evawany Aritonang ◽  
Ernawati Nasution

Obesity is a problem of excessive fat accumulation and has a serious effect on health. The prevalence of overweight and obesity are in the children to increase significantly in the world. The objectives of this research are to analyze the relationships between teacher’s role and nutrient intake with obesity in elementary school student at Medan Maimun Sub-district. The research design uses a cross-sectional study, has taken location at Elementary School in Medan Maimun sub-district.  Samples were taken by simple random sampling of 120 students. Data were collected by using questionnaires, form food recall 2x24 hours, and BMI for age. Data analyzed using Chi-Square test. The result showed as 22,5% children were obese; the teacher’s role were majority low (75%),  and energy intake is under intake level Recommended Daily Allowance (55%). Bivariate analysis showed there is relation between teacher’s role with obesity (p=0.008), energy intake (p=0.007) and fat intake (p=0.038) with obesity. Intake of protein (p=0.739) and carbohydrate (p=0.540) are not related with obesity. The management of obesity in children is recommended to change children’s diet and lifestyle with family and teachers support at school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Desy Dwi Anugraheni ◽  
Bibit Mulyana ◽  
Farapti Farapti

Background: School-age children are critical period which are energy and nutritional needs must be adequate, because they are on growing and developing period. Children tend to spend more time at school because of fullday school rule, so they would skip lunch at school. Therefore, the quality of packed lunch is needed to fulfill the lunch’s children at school.   Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the relationship of packed lunch contribution and energy total with nutritional status (BMI/A) in elementary school students at SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya.Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted between April-Mei 2018 in Muhammadiyah 4 elementary school Surabaya. The sample of the study were a group of fourth and fifth grade with total of 108 student that chosen by simpel random sampling.  The data collected through interview using a questionnaire and recall for 2 days. Person corelation was used to analyze statistically.Results: The average of students energy total is 1614.2 kcal which packed lunch contributed 558.7 kcal or 27.8% total energy requirement. Therefore, this study showed 45.3% students were overweight and obesity. There was a significant association between packed lunch contribution (p=0.000) and energy total (p=0.000) with nutritional status among elementary school children.Conclusions: The nutritional status of elementary children is influenced by the contribution of packed lunch and daily energy total. Therefore higher contribution of packed lunch and daily energy total absoutely the children's nutritional status are also higher.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Anak usia sekolah merupakan usia kritis yang kebutuhan energi dan zat gizinya harus tercukupi, karena pada usia ini anak mengalami tumbuh dan berkembang. Anak cenderung lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu seharian penuh di sekolah karena aturan fullday, sehingga waktu makan siang mereka juga terlewati disekolah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan bekal makanan yang berkualitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan makan siang di sekolah.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan kontribusi bekal makanan dan total energi dengan status gizi (IMT/U) pada anak sekolah dasar di SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya.Metode: Penelitian cross sectional dilakukan di SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya pada bulan April-Mei 2018. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 4 dan 5 dengan jumlah 108 siswa dan dipilih secara simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan  recall selama 2 hari. Analisis hubungan yang digunakan adalah korelasi Pearson.Hasil: Rata-rata total energi siswa adalah 1614,2 kkal dengan kontribusi bekal makanan sebesar 558,7 kkal atau 27,8% dari total kebutuhan energi. Selain itu, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa  sebanyak 45,3% siswa memiliki status gizi lebih. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kontribusi bekal makanan (p=0,000) dan total energi (p=0,000) dengan status gizi pada anak sekolah dasar.Kesimpulan: Status gizi anak sekolah dasar dipengaruhi oleh kontribusi bekal makanan dan total energi sehari. Sehingga semakin tinggi kontribusi bekal makanan dan total energi sehari maka status gizi anak juga semakin tinggi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Baiq Qamariyah ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

Background: Nutritional status of students can be influenced by many factors such as energy intake, macro nutrients intake and total energy expenditure.Objectives: this study aimed to determine association of energy intake, macro nutrients intake and total energy expenditure with nutritional status of elementary students.Methods: this study was observasional analitic research with cross-sectional design wich was done in SDN Pacarkembang 1 Surabaya on July 2017.The sample was 66 students in grade 4 and 5 with simple random sampling. Variabel in study was nutritional status, energy intake, macro nutrient intake, and total energy expenditure. Data were collected through interview using food recall 2 x 24 hour, physical activity recall, weight and high measurement. Analysis data used independent sample T-test analysis.Results: this study showed the most of nutritional status was normal (69.7%). There were correlations of energy intake (p=0.000), protein (p=0.017), fat (p=0.040) carbohydrate (p=0.001) and total energy expenditure (p=0.000) with nutritional status of elementary students.Conclusion: energy intake, macro nutrient intake and total energy expenditure were associated with nutritional status of school children.School children should reduce the consumption of food high in energy, protein, fat and increase physical activity.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Status gizi pada anak sekolah dapat dipengaruhi banyak faktor diantaranya asupan energi, asupan zat gizi makro dan total energy expenditure.Tujuan: penelitian ini adalah mempelajari hubungan antara asupan energi, zat gizi makro dan total energy expenditure dengan status gizi anak sekolah dasar.Metode: Penelitian adalah observasional analitik dengan rancang studi cross-sectional yang dilaksanakan di SDN Pacarkembang 1 Surabaya pada Juli 2017. Sampel Penelitian adalah siswa kelas 4 dan 5 sebanyak 66 orang yang diambil dengan simple random sampling. Variabel penelitian meliputi status gizi, asupan energi, asupan zat gizi makro dan total energy expenditure. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dengan recall 2x24 jam, recall aktivitas fisik, pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan. Analisis data menggunakan uji independent sampel T-test.Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar status gizi siswa normal (69,7%). Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara asupan energi (p=0,000), protein (0,017), lemak (p=0,040), karbohidrat (p=0,001) dan total energy expenditure (p=0,000) dengan status gizi anak sekolah dasar.Kesimpulan: asupan energi, zat gizi makro dan total energy expenditure berhubungan dengan status gizi anak sekolah dasar. Sebaiknya anak sekolah dasar dapat mengurangi konsumsi makanan tinggi energi protein dan lemak serta meningkatkan aktivitas fisik.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 277
April Lani ◽  
Ani Margawati ◽  
Deny Yudi Fitranti

Background:Nutritional status is a measure of a person's body condition that can be seen from the food consumed and the use of nutrients in the body. Skipping breakfast and consuming high calorie snack foods can lead to overweight and obesity. The aim of this research was to know the correlation between frequency of breakfast and snack consumption with BMI-for-age Score in elementary school children. Confounding variables in this research are physical activity and energy intake.Method:This was an observational research with cross-sectional study design. The research was conducted in SDN Tancep 1 Gunungkidul Regency  involving 67 subjects with Simple Random Sampling method. Frequency of breakfast data was obtained through interviews and was calculated based on  subject’s frequency of  breakfast in a week. Snack consumption and energy intake data obtained through food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). BMI-for-age score were obtained from the measurement of body weight and height, and physical activity data using physical activity record form. Data were analyzed by rank Spearman.Result:Median for frequency of breakfast was 4.00 times/week. Median for snack consumption and physical activity were 315 and 2030 kcal. The mean BMI-for-age score was -0.23±1.52. There were significant correlations between frequency of breakfast (p=0,021), snack consumption (p=0,001), physical activity (p=0,001), and energy intake (p=0,001)  with BMI-for-age score. Multivariate analysis showed that 57,3% BMI-for-age score was influenced by snack consumption,  physical activity, and energy intake.Conclusion: BMI-for-age score was described as 57,3% by snack consumption, physical activity, and energy intake.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Dewi Kencono Jati ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

  Background: Children under two years of age are susceptible to nutritional problems. Nutrient intake are needed for optimal growth and mental development. Inadequate energy intake in the long run can lead to protein energy malnutrition.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association energy and protein intake with nutritional status of children aged 6 to 24 months. Methods: This research used cross sectional design aprroach.  The subjects of this study were 62 children under two years (aged 6-24 months). Selection of sample was using simple random sampling Data was collected through interviews using a structured questionnaire, nutrient intake using 2x24hours recall, and weight measurement. Data was analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: The results showed that majority of the children had inadequate energy intake, adequate protein intake, 24.2% were underweight. There was a correlation between energy intake (p=0.044) and protein intake (p=0.038) with nutritional status WAZ. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is  energy and protein intake contribute to underweight incidences among children aged 6-24 months. Therefore, it could be advised to increase high energy and protein intake for optimum growth.ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Anak dengan usia di bawah dua tahun rentan mengalami masalah gizi. Asupan gizi dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik dan mental. Asupan energi yang tidak mencukupi dalam waktu jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan gizi kurang yang berdampak pada kekurangan energi-protein. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan asupan energi dan protein dengan status gizi berdasarkan BB/U pada anak usia 6-24 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Klampis Ngasem, Surabaya.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah 62 bayi di bawah dua tahun (baduta) berusia 6-24 bulan yang didapatkan dari metode simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur, asupan gizi dengan recall 2x24hrs, dan pengukuran berat badan. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik Chi-square. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar baduta memiliki asupan energi tidak adekuat, asupan protein adekuat, dan 24,2% mengalami underweight. Terdapat hubungan asupan energi (p=0,044) dan asupan protein (p=0,038) dengan status gizi BB/U.Kesimpulan: Energi dan protein berkontribusi terhadap kejadian underweight pada baduta. Oleh karena itu, disarankan selalu melakukan peningkatan konsumsi pangan dengan memberikan asupan makanan yang mengandung energi dan protein untuk pertumbuhan yang optimal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 124 ◽  
Dewi Kencono Jati ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

  Background: Children under two years of age are susceptible to nutritional problems. Nutrient intake are needed for optimal growth and mental development. Inadequate energy intake in the long run can lead to protein energy malnutrition.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the association energy and protein intake with nutritional status of children aged 6 to 24 months. Methods: This research used cross sectional design aprroach.  The subjects of this study were 62 children under two years (aged 6-24 months). Selection of sample was using simple random sampling Data was collected through interviews using a structured questionnaire, nutrient intake using 2x24hours recall, and weight measurement. Data was analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: The results showed that majority of the children had inadequate energy intake, adequate protein intake, 24.2% were underweight. There was a correlation between energy intake (p=0.044) and protein intake (p=0.038) with nutritional status WAZ. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is  energy and protein intake contribute to underweight incidences among children aged 6-24 months. Therefore, it could be advised to increase high energy and protein intake for optimum growth.ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Anak dengan usia di bawah dua tahun rentan mengalami masalah gizi. Asupan gizi dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik dan mental. Asupan energi yang tidak mencukupi dalam waktu jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan gizi kurang yang berdampak pada kekurangan energi-protein. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan asupan energi dan protein dengan status gizi berdasarkan BB/U pada anak usia 6-24 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Klampis Ngasem, Surabaya.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah 62 bayi di bawah dua tahun (baduta) berusia 6-24 bulan yang didapatkan dari metode simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur, asupan gizi dengan recall 2x24hrs, dan pengukuran berat badan. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik Chi-square. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar baduta memiliki asupan energi tidak adekuat, asupan protein adekuat, dan 24,2% mengalami underweight. Terdapat hubungan asupan energi (p=0,044) dan asupan protein (p=0,038) dengan status gizi BB/U.Kesimpulan: Energi dan protein berkontribusi terhadap kejadian underweight pada baduta. Oleh karena itu, disarankan selalu melakukan peningkatan konsumsi pangan dengan memberikan asupan makanan yang mengandung energi dan protein untuk pertumbuhan yang optimal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Vivi Linda Fristianti ◽  
Nur Hidayat ◽  
Slamet Iskandar

Background : IDD problem is a serious problem, 33% of districts in Indonesia are endemic, 21% of endemic mild, moderate endemic 5% and 7% by weight endemic. Urine Iodine Excretion (EYU) illustrates the iodine intake of a person, because 90% of the iodine that enter the body are excreted through the urine. Blocking agents are substances certain minerals such as iron, manganese and calcium, which can bind iodine in groundwater. Objectives : This study aims to determine the relationship of Fe content in ground water sources against EYU levels in school children in the village of the District Cerme Panjatan Kulon Progo. Methods : An observational analytic research with cross sectional design. Data collection is done in May - June 2015. Location research Elementary School Cerme, District Panjatan Kulon Progo. The subjects of the study as many as 34 children in elementary school classroom Cerme 3, 4 and 5 were taken by simple random sampling. Well water and urine samples taken students then tested the iron in the Central Health Laboratory test Yogyakarta and iodine in urine in Magelang BP2GAKY Laboratory. Data analysis using Spearman Range test with significancy level : 0.05. Result : Fe content in the ground water is below the normal threshold is <0.3 mg / L. While levels EYU school children who are under the optimal level of 5.9%, the optimal level of 32.4%, and the optimum levels above 61.8% (optimal: 100 - 199μg / L). Conclusion : There was no significant relationship between the Fe content in groundwater with levels of EYU in school children in District Panjatan Kulon Progo (p = 0.447).   Keywords: Fe, EYU

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 341
Marcella Evangelista Melo ◽  
Giovanna Lima Miguéis ◽  
Mikaela Silva Almeida ◽  
Tatiane Dalamaria ◽  
Wagner De Jesus Pinto ◽  

Introduction: In the diagnosis of overweight and obesity based on body mass index in children and adolescents, several national and international anthropometric references are recommended. However, there is a divergence in the estimated prevalence of overweight and obesity among the references. Objective: To identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity and to analyse the magnitude of agreement among the three references. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 975 students from the early grades of elementary school. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were estimated according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) and Conde and Monteiro. The Kappa weighted index was calculated to assess the agreement magnitude among the three references. Results: The highest prevalence of overweight and obesity was estimated by the Conde and Monteiro and WHO references, respectively. Overall, the IOTF revealed lower a magnitude of prevalence than the two other references. The agreement among the references identified by the Kappa index had a range of 0.66 to 0.94. Conclusion: Despite the satisfactory agreement among the three references, this research highlighted the differing magnitudes of the prevalence of overweight and obesity. This fact limits the ability to make comparisons among populations and impairs the development of overweight and obesity prevention actions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  

Hypertension is a disease that usually occurs in the circulatory system which can cause an increase in blood pressure above the normal value, which exceeds 140/90 mmHg. The intention of this study aims to understand the relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of hypertension in Antang Makassar Public Health Center in 2018. This research method uses quantitative analytic motives using a cross sectional approach with a population of 46 people and a sample of 36 respondents. This research was conducted on July 14-16 June. The method used is simple random sampling and the tool used to obtain data is a questionnaire. The scale used is Liker and Guttmann scale with univariate, bivariate analysis and chi-square test with significant a = 0, 05. The results of this study indicate there is a relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of hypertension in the Makassar Antang Health Center with P = 0, 01 smaller than the value of a = 0.05. Suggestions are for hypertensive patients, namely the need to check their health routinely to health workers in order to know the development of blood pressure and obtain information from health workers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Cipriano Do Rosario Pacheco ◽  
Intje Picauly ◽  
Mindo Sinaga

Stunting can affect the health of toddlers. The prevalence of stunting in Timor Leste in 2014 is 50.2%, whereas in Aileu District is 52.3%. Stunting can interfere intellectual growth and development. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between stunting determinants. The research design was cross sectional. The population of this study was toddlers 24-59 months old, with a sample size of 102 people. Sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Data were analyzed bivariately using simple linear regression, while multivariate analysis was performed using multiple logistic regressions. Bivariate analysis revealed variables that have significant relationship with stunting: immunization (p=0.026), infectious disease (p=0.049), income (p=0.003), total family member (p=0.045). Multivariate analysis obtained two variables as determinant factor of stunting: infectious disease (p=0.025; OR=0.355; 95% CI=0.144-0.877), income (p=0.028; OR=0.332; 95% CI=0.124-0.887). The incidence of stunting in toddlers in Aileu District is very serious (54.9%). Toddlers with stunting demonstrated the adverse effects of stunting on growth, development, and the quality of human resources. Stunting is not only a health sector issue. It is necessary to have appropriate interventions with early and liable management through various related sectors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 333
Winanda Winanda ◽  
Ricvan Dana Nindrea

<p><em>The number of medical personnel in the Padang City is still a shortage of the amount required is 83 people, but this time medical personnel numbered 53 people. This research was carried out by combining two types of research are mixed method, preceded by a quantitative research with cross sectional approach, followed by qualitative research. The study was conducted in Primary Health Care Padang City. The population in this study are all medical personnel in the Padang City with a sample of 38 people, with a sampling technique is simple random sampling. The bivariate analysis known there are significant relationship between work (p = 0,023), compensation (p = 0,001), supervision (p = 0,001) and the relationship between employees (p = 0,000) with job satisfaction. But there is no relationship promotion with job satisfaction (p = 0,208). The conclusion of the study there are significant relationship between work, compensation, supervision and the relationship between employees with job satisfaction.</em></p>

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