scholarly journals T-Pattern Detection and Analysis of Football Players’ Tactical and Technical Defensive Behaviour Interactions: Insights for Training and Coaching Team Coordination

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Tiago Fernandes ◽  
Oleguer Camerino ◽  
Marta Castañer

This article aims to study the coordination of the defenders’ tactical and technical behaviour of successful teams to recover the ball according to contextual variables. A total of 15,369 (480.28 ± 112.37) events and 49 to 12,398 different patterns in 32 games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup’s play-offs were detected and analysed. Results evidenced a T-pattern of the first defender pressuring the ball carrier and his teammates concentrating at the same zone to cover him or space, leading to ball recovery. Field zones, first defender tactical and technical behaviours, and ball carrier first touch constituted opportunities for defenders to coordinate themselves. Moreover, the third defender had a predominant role in his teammates’ temporisation and covering zone behaviours. In the draw, first half, second-tier quality of opponent and play-offs excluding third place and final matches, the ball regularly shifted from upper to lower field zones in short periods, resulting in ball recovery or shot on goal conceded. Defenders performed behaviours farther from the ball carrier, and player-marking were most recurrent to an effective defence. This study’s findings could help coaches give specific tips to players regarding interpersonal coordination in defence and set strategies to make tactical behaviour emerge globally.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 495-503 ◽  
Andrzej Szwarc ◽  
Krzysztof Kromke ◽  
Łukasz Radzimiński ◽  
Zbigniew Jastrzębski

The aim of the study was to assess the efficiencies of players in 1-on-1 situations in terms of their position on the pitch and the match time during the final matches of the World Cup and European Championships from 1990 to 2014. The research was conducted on a sample of 1012 football players whose teams competed in the semi-finals, finals and the third place matches during the Football World Cup and European Championships from 1990 to 2014. The study included the performances of 506 players in 1-on-1 situations during 46 matches that were terminated at the regulation 90 min. The study revealed that during an average match, the players performed 231 times in 1-on-1 situations with 51% accuracy. The level of accuracy in 1-on-1 situations was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in winning teams than in losing teams particularly at the beginning of the game and in the middle zone of the pitch. Moreover, the results of our study showed that the highest effectiveness of the duels was noted in the defence zone and was decreasing along with moving the actions closer to the opponent’s goal. The players competed with similar frequencies on both defence (114 duels on average with 51% accuracy) and attack (113 duels on average with 52% accuracy). The players of the elite football teams exhibited high performance efficiencies in the 1-on-1 duels, especially on their own half of the field and during the early stages of both halves of the match. The accuracy of duels of their performances decreased when the action moved closer to the opponent’s goal and with the time in the game.

Putri Aprillia ◽  
Nina Carina

The routine which is carried out between home and the workplace, school or campus every day could trigger stress which caused by the burden of thoughts and workloads. This could also make the individual traits get higher and reduce social interactions because of their respective activities. Therefore, the third place is present as a neutral public space to be able to accommodate the need for social interaction to exchange ideas, release the burden of thoughts and also emphasize the tightness of activities in schools, campus, workplace, etc without feeling awkward for doing interaction among people who have different backgrounds. These problems will be answered through architectural product as a space for education and creativity which is equipped with playing facilities, gatherings, and also leisure facilities to maintain the quality of individual’s life. Kemang, South Jakarta, is selected as the area for designing a third place because Kemang is close to housing complex, office buildings, and schools. In addition, Kemang is also a trajectory for many people who travel from home to workplace, school or campus and vice versa. The program will raise art and sports as the design theme which will be supported by some supporting programs which are still related to the design theme as the answer of the problems and to strengthen the identity of Kemang. Moreover, art and sports are close to third place. This project will be designed by John Zeisel’s re-image method and will be supported by Erica M. Bartels’s transparency theory by giving priority to the permeable as part of the design concept and also paying attention to the existing factors of authenticity. AbstrakRutinitas yang dilakukan antara rumah dan tempat kerja, sekolah atau kampus hampir setiap hari dapat memicu stres dan penat akibat beban pikiran dan juga beban kerja. Hal ini juga dapat menjadikan sifat individualisme semakin tinggi dan berkurangnya interaksi sosial antar individu dikarenakan kesibukan masing – masing. Oleh karena itu, ruang ketiga hadir sebagai ruang publik yang bersifat netral agar mampu mewadahi dan menjawab kebutuhan akan interaksi sosial untuk bertukar pikiran, melepas beban pikiran dan juga stres akibat padatnya aktivitas di sekolah, kampus, tempat kerja, dan lain-lain tanpa merasa canggung untuk berinteraksi meskipun berbeda latar belakang. Permasalahan ini akan dijawab melalui produk arsitektur berupa penciptaan wadah untuk edukasi dan kreativitas yang dilengkapi dengan sarana bermain, berkumpul, dan juga bersantai guna menjaga kualitas hidup individu. Kawasan Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, dipilih sebagai kawasan untuk perancangan ruang ketiga karena Kemang merupakan kawasan yang dekat dengan perumahan, perkantoran, dan sekolah. Selain itu, Kemang juga menjadi lintasan banyak orang bepergian dari rumah ke tempat kerja, sekolah, atau kampus dan sebaliknya. Program akan mengangkat tema seputar seni dan olahraga yang kemudian akan didukung dengan beberapa program penunjang yang masih berkaitan dengan tema tersebut sebagai bentuk jawaban dari permasalahan dan pengangkatan identitas kawasan Kemang. Selain karena hal tersebut, seni dan olahraga juga memiliki keterkaitan yang cukup erat dengan ruang ketiga. Proyek ini akan dirancangan menggunakan metode re-image oleh John Zeisel yang kemudian akan didukung dengan teori transparency oleh Erica M.Bartels dengan mengutamakan sifat mudah ditembus sebagai bagian dari konsep perancangan dan juga memperhatikan faktor kesejaman yang ada.

Jonea Kane Darmanto ◽  
Nina Carina

Urban where life is full of busyness, forcing people to choose to do everything instantly. Problems that arise include the absence of a social life and lifestyle that does not support the quality of public health. According to a Zipjet Company survey, Jakarta is categorized as the most stressful city and has an impact on deteriorating health and quality of life. Open Architecture is an architectural proposal that discusses The Third place or an intermediate space that is expected to serve the needs of modern urban society. Pluit, North Jakarta one of the areas that has a third place character. The location directly adjacent to the first place and second place in PLuit is one of the reasons for site selection, so presenting a third place project here is expected to be a solution to the regional problem. Projects that provide a platform for the community to be able to come entertain themselves for a moment from the busyness or problems they face. Prioritizing sports programs with the intention of increasing interest in health, with the concept of wellness that is also adjusted to the needs of the surrounding community. So that this project becomes a place of fatigue that also supports the improvement of quality of life. With sports, an activity which in its development can be carried out as an entertaining and enjoyable activity, individuals between individuals can also meet and have the same motivation so that it can also create a community that further strengthens social life among surrounding communities. Abstrak Perkotaan dimana kehidupan di penuh kesibukan, memaksa masyarakat memilih untuk melakukan semua hal dengan instan. Permasalahan yang muncul antara lain adalah tidak adanya kehidupan bersosialisasi dan  pola hidup yang kurang mendukung kualitas kesehatan masyarakat. Menurut sebuah survey Perusahaan Zipjet (2017), Jakarta masuk dalam kategori kota paling stres dan berdampak pada kemerosotan kesehatan serta kualitas hidup. Open Architecture adalah sebuah proposal arsitektur yang membahasa mengenai The Third place atau ruang antara yang diharapkan mampu melayani kebutuhan masyarakat kota modern. Pluit, Jakarta Utara salah satu daerah yang memiliki karakter third place. Lokasi  yang berbatasan langsung dengan first place dan second place di PLuit ini menjadi salah satu alasan pemilihan tapak, Sehingga menghadirkan proyek third place disini diharapkan menjadi solusi permasalahan kawasan. Proyek yang memberi wadah bagi masyarakat untuk  bisa datang  menghibur diri sejenak dari kesibukan atau masalah yang di hadapinya. Mengutamakan program olahraga dengan maksud meningkatkan minat terhadap kesehatan, dengan konsep wellness yang di sesuaikan juga dengan kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar. Sehingga proyek ini menjadi sebuah tempat pelepas penat yang sekaligus mendukung peningkatan kualitas hidup. Dengan adanya olahraga, sebuah kegiatan yang dalam perkembanganya dapat dilakukan sebagai kegiatan yang menghibur dan menyenangkan, individu antar individu juga dapat bertemu dan  memiliki motivasi yang sama sehingga dapat pula tercipta sebuah komunitas yang semakin mempererat kehidupan sosial antar masyarakat sekitar.

Harisno Coandy Wibowo ◽  
Doddy Yuono

Jakarta's monotonous life between home/ first place and workplace/ second place needs a place for us to get out of this routine. Therefore the third place comes as an alternative to eliminate the boredom caused by Jakarta. A good third place is a third place that can have a positive impact on users. The need for limited learning tools in schools results in students feeling bored and looking for other places to learn. Therefore the project taken is a social forum in the form of a place of learning for students an the community. This place of learning will certainly be a place for students to learn and space for the community to relax or conduct dialogues until training. The approach of this project is sharing where people from various groups can share knowledge, so that people gain knowledge not by reading, but by dialogue. In designing this project the designer re-examines what is meant by “learning”. This project brings all kinds of learning methods that we know into a single unit. Learning does not have to be by reading book, learning can be done by dialogue while eating relaxed. Learning does not have to sit in front of a desk, learning can be done by walking. Learning does not have to be “safe”, learning can be done by giving a sense of danger. The presence of this building is expected to improve the quality of life of the community, especially in terms of education in the Tanjung Duren and surrounding areas. Thus creating a better state life than before. AbstrakKehidupan Jakarta yang monoton antara rumah/ tempat pertama dan tempat kerja/ tempat kedua membutuhkan wadah untuk kita keluar dari rutinitas tersebut. Maka dari itu tempat ketiga (third place) hadir menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menghilangkan kejenuhan yang ditimbulkan Jakarta. Third place yang baik adalah third place yang dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi penggunanya. Kebutuhan akan sarana belajar yang terbatas pada sekolah-sekolah mengakibatkan siswa merasa jenuh dan mencari tempat belajar lain. Oleh karena itu proyek yang diambil adalah sebuah wadah sosial berupa tempat belajar bagi siswa dan masyarakat. Tempat belajar ini tentunya akan menjadi wadah bagi siswa untuk belajar dan ruang bagi masyarakat untuk bersantai ataupun melakukan dialog sampai pelatihan. Pendekatan proyek ini ialah sharing dimana masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan dapat saling berbagi pengetahuan, sehingga masyarakat memperoleh ilmu bukan dengan cara membaca, tetapi dengan cara berdialog. Dalam perancangannya proyek ini  perancang menelisik kembali apa yang dimaksudkan dengan “belajar”. Proyek ini membawa segala macam metode belajar yang kita kenal menjadi satu kesatuan. Belajar tidak harus dengan membaca buku, belajar dapat dilakukan dengan berdialog sambil makan santai. Belajar tidak harus duduk di depan meja, belajar dapat dilakukan dengan berjalan. Belajar tidak harus dengan “aman”, belajar dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan rasa bahaya. Dengan hadirnya bangunan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat terutama dalam hal pendidikan di wilayah Tanjung Duren dan sekitarnya. Sehingga menciptakan kehidupan bernegara yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Daniel Yohanes ◽  
Priscilla Epifania

A third place functions as a meeting platform for people outside their daily routine in homes, working places, and can enhance the life quality of urban society, especially during the increasingly individualist era due to the growth of technology. Penjaringan District has one of the busiest nodes in Jakarta City, and consists of housing (first place) and offices (second place) with relatively large and equal percentage, and with the positions which allows permeability. The design site which is located between Pluit and Penjaringan Subdistricts, is chosen based on the performed district investigation. Nearby facilities have the potential to be improved, such as Putra Putri Park, Penjaringan Busway Station, and Pluit Junction Mall.  A skywalk is introduced to connect the facilites by acting as a platform to bring mobility from and to Penjaringan Busway Station to vitalize Pluit Junction Mall and Putra Putri Park which in their existing condition did not function as intended. The designed third place which is connected with the skywalk becomes one with the formed connectivity. Music is the chosen theme for the third place as a binder of the people with their differing backgrounds. The proxemics approach and the Pattern Language method are used to shape the spaces to encourage social interaction. The vision is to make the third place to be “a large living room” for Penjaringan District. The third place which provides a freedom of expression and encourages visitors to bring and play music instruments is hoped to act as an interaction and activity platform for both the locals and outsiders. Keywords: freedom of expression; living room; music; skywalk; third place AbstrakThird place berperan sebagai wadah berkumpulnya warga di luar keseharian mereka tinggal dan bekerja, dan dapat meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat perkotaan, terutama di dalam era yang semakin individualis sebagai akibat dari perkembangan teknologi. Kawasan Penjaringan memiliki salah satu noda teramai di Kota Jakarta, dan terdiri dari perumahan (tempat pertama) dan perkantoran (tempat kedua) dengan presentase yang relatif besar dan seimbang, dengan posisi yang memungkinkan adanya permeabilitas di antara keduanya. Tapak perancangan yang terletak di perbatasan Kelurahan Pluit dan Kelurahan Penjaringan, terpilih berdasarkan investigasi kawasan yang dilakukan. Beberapa  fasilitas terdekat memiliki potensi peningkatan kualitas, diantaranya Taman Putra Putri, Halte Transjakarta Penjaringan, dan Mal Pluit Junction. Sebuah skywalk dihadirkan untuk mengkoneksikan fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut dengan menjadi wadah yang membawa pergerakan dari dan menuju ke Halte Transjakarta Penjaringan untuk menghidupkan Mal Pluit Junction serta Taman Putra Putri yang pada kondisi eksisting tidak berfungsi secara maksimal. Tempat ketiga yang dirancang terhubung dengan skywalk ini dan menjadi sebuah kesatuan bagi konektivitas yang terbentuk. Musik merupakan tema terpilih sebagai pengikat orang-orang yang beragam latar belakangnya. Teori proksemik dan metode Bahasa Pola digunakan untuk menciptakan keruangan yang mendorong terjadinya interaksi sosial. Visi proyek ini adalah untuk menjadikan tempat ketiga ini “sebuah ruang tamu besar” bagi Kawasan Penjaringan. Tempat ketiga yang memberikan kebebasan ekspresi dan mengundang pengunjung untuk membawa dan memainkan instrumen musik ini diharapkan dapat berperan sebagai wadah interaksi dan kegiatan bagi warga lokal ataupun pengunjung dari luar kawasan. 

Fransiscus Jason

Life in a big and crowded city, like Jakarta, can sometimes affect the physical, emotional and mental conditions of the community. With intense economic competition, people are increasingly busy with all routine activities in order to be able to fulfill their lives. Work routines and population density resulting in a lack of vacant land and green land, can psychologically cause boredom, increased stress levels and emotional instability. Stress not only have a direct impact on society but also impacts on the environment. High level stress can cause psychological, physiological and behavioral disorders. Creating an architectural work that raises the theme of the third place as a container that provides a means of recreation, relaxation and mental healing, urban communities are expected to be able to improve the quality of life of people physically and mentally. The theme of the third place in this case functions as a meeting room (communal space) which is protective and includes all levels of society to meet and exchange ideas, share and be a place of recreation integrated with health and fitness programs for workers and the community. The presence of this recreation and health container can benefit the community to improve physical and mental conditions and can eliminate daily fatigue. Abstrak Menjalani kehidupan di kota yang besar dan padat, seperti Jakarta, terkadang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi fisik, perasaan serta mental dari masyarakatnya. Dengan persaingan ekonomi yang ketat, masyarakat semakin sibuk dengan segala rutinitas aktivitas yang dilakukannya untuk dapat memenuhi kehidupannya. Rutinitas kerja dan kepadatan penduduk yang berakibat kurangnya lahan kosong serta lahan hijau, secara psikis dapat menimbulkan kejenuhan, tingkat stres meningkat dan emosi yang tidak stabil. Stres tidak hanya berdampak secara langsung terhadap masyarakat namun juga berdampak terhadap lingkungan. Akibat dari tingkat stres yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan gangguan psikologis, fisiologis dan perilaku. Dengan menghadirkan sebuah karya arsitektur yang mengangkat tema third place sebagai sebuah wadah yang menyediakan sarana rekreasi, relaksasi dan penyembuhan mental masyarakat kota diharapkan dapat terjadi peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat secara fisik dan mental. Tema third place dalam hal ini difungsikan sebagai ruang temu (communal space) yang bersifat mengayomi dan mencakup seluruh lapisan masyarakat untuk saling bertemu dan bertukar pikiran, berbagi serta menjadi wadah rekreasional yang dipadukan dengan program kesehatan dan kebugaran bagi para pekerja maupun masyarakat. Dihadirkannya wadah rekreasi dan kesehatan ini dapat memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat untuk membantu meningkatkan kondisi fisik dan mental serta dapat menghilangkan kepenatan sehari-hari.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-248
Lapushniak Myroslava ◽  
Hrytsku Veronika ◽  
Hrytsku-Andriesh Iuliia ◽  
Danilova Olha

Abstract Thus, the Chernivtsi Region takes the third place in Ukraine with respect to quality of living. Traditionally high ratings are shown within the frame of social components (reproduction of population, social standing, and decent work). In the last years, situation has improved with regard to population’s comfort of life and level of education, though the ratings of education are the worst in Ukraine. Such components as material state (well-being) still stays to be problematic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Lukman Affandhy ◽  
Muchamad Luthfi ◽  
Dian Ratnawati ◽  
Frediansyah Firdaus

ABSTRAK  Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bubuk daun Moringa oleifera (MO) terhadap kuantitas dan kualitas semen sapi peranakan ongole (PO). Metode penelitian menggunakan percobaan lapang dengan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan pemberian MO sebesar 0 kg/ekor/hari (P1); 0,05 kg/ekor/hari (P2) dan 0,1 kg/ekor/hari (P3). Analsis data menggunakan one way analysis of variance. Masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas empat ekor dengan tiga periode pengamatan sebagai ulangan, yaitu periode pertama dan ketiga tanpa MO, dan periode kedua diberikan MO pada P2 dan P3. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa volume dan pH semen perlakuan P1, P2 dan P3 tidak berbeda semua periode pengamatan. Motilitas massa spermatozoa P2 dan P3 periode kedua dan ketiga menunjukan nilai +++ berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan P1 (++); motilitas individu  perlakuan P1 menunjukkan nilai terendah 60,56±2,94 % (P<0,05) dibandingkan P2 dan P3 pada periode kedua dan ketiga (75,50±2,29 dan 72,50±2,34%). Konsentrasi spermatozoa P2 dan P3 periode kedua dan ketiga menunjukkan rata-rata  >1.350 juta/ml berbeda nyata (P<0,05) daripada P1 (876±152juta/ml), sedangkan total spermatozoa motil menunjukkan nilai tertinggi 5.647±829 juta/ml pada P3 periode kedua.Viabilitas spermatozoa P2 dan P3 menunjukkan nilai >88-89 % beda nyata (P<0,05) daripada P1 (<84 %) pada periode kedua dan ketiga, sedangkan nilai abnormalitas spermatozoa yang terbaik adalah P2 sebesar 4,30% pada periode kedua dan P3 sebesar 5,33% pada periode ketiga. Disimpulkan pemberian bubuk daun MO dengan dosis 0,1 kg/ekor/hari dapat memperbaiki kuantitas dan kualitas semen (viabilitas dan total spermatozoa motil) sapi pejantan PO.Kata kunci:  kuantitas dan kualitas semen, Moringa oleifera, sapi pejantan ABSTRACTThe research aimed to determine the effect of Moringa oleifera (MO) leaf powder on the quantity and quality of semen of ongole crossbreed. The research method used was a field experiment with a completely randomized design with three treatments giving MO of 0 kg/head/day (P1); 0.05 kg/head/day (P2) and 0.1 kg/head/day (P3). Each treatment consisted of four heads with three periods of observation as replications, namely the first and third periods without MO, and the second period was given MO on P2 and P3. Data analysis used a one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that the volume and pH of semen treated P1, P2, and P3 didn’t different in all observation periods. The second and third period spermatozoa mass motility of P2 and P3 showed that the value of +++ was significantly different (P<0.05) compared to P1 (++); Individual motility of P1 treatment showed the lowest value 60,56±2,94 % (P<0.05) compared to P2 and P3 in the second and third periods (75,50±2,29 and 72,50±2,34%). The second and third periods of P2 and P3 spermatozoa concentrations showed an average of >1,350 million/cc significantly different (P<0.05) than P1 (876±152 million/cc), while the total motile spermatozoa showed the highest value of 5,647±829 million/cc in the second period P3. The spermatozoa viability of P2 and P3 showed values >88-89% significantly different (P<0.05) than P1 (<84%) in the second and third periods, while the best spermatozoa abnormalities were P2 at 4.30% in the second period and P3 at 5.33% in the third period. It was concluded that the giving of MO leaf powder at a dose of 0,1 kg/head/day could improve the quantity and quality of semen (viability and total motile spermatozoa) of Ongole Crossbreed bulls. Keywords: bulls, Moringa oleifera, quantity and quality of semen

Ekaterina Grinberg

In two parts of the article, more than 70 errors and violations of the Biotechnics of artificial breeding of Pacific salmon in salmon hatcheries are collected and summarized, which lead to an immediate or delayed deterioration of the quality of reared fry and a decrease in their survival rate. Deviations from the biological basis of fish farming are shown and possible consequences of such errors or violations are predicted. In the first part of the article (#7,2020) there were General errors (throughout the entire fish-breeding process), as well as violations of Biotechnics during the work with producers, collecting eggs and preparing them for incubation, in the second part-violations of Biotechnics during the incubation of eggs, holding pre-larvae, rearing and release of young. Their correction, prevention or minimization of consequences will significantly improve the quality of sexual products and offspring from producers, increase the linear and weight gain of juveniles during rearing, improve the coefficient of feed payment, reduce the time of rearing, improve the epizootic situation by developing immunity in fry and mobilizing other protective reactions of their body, significantly reduce waste at all stages of the production process, increasing survival by 10–15%. In conclusion, it is noted that the first and most important condition for an efficient salmon hatchery is the creation of optimal environmental conditions at each stage of the production process. The second condition is strict compliance with the Biotechnics of artificial salmon breeding and the complex of veterinary and sanitary, fish-breeding and meliorative and therapeutic and preventive measures. The third is the availability of competent specialists who regularly improve their skills in accredited Universities to implement, control and manage the first two conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 106-108
M. N. Ponomareva ◽  
S. V. Sakharova ◽  
E. M. Pochinok ◽  
E. V. Fomina ◽  

Aim. To identify current trends in hospital eye trauma based on the materials of the specialized ophthalmology department of a round-the-clock hospital. Materials and methods. The analysis of medical records of patients treated in the round-the-clock specialized ophthalmology department of the state medical establishment OKB No. 2 in the period since January 2017-2019. Results. During the analyzed period, 4948 patients were treated, of which 218 patients (5.6%) were identified for nosologies belonging to the category of eye trauma. Men are most often exposed to eye injuries (84%), in addition, in 62% of cases, these are young patients (18-44 years). The structure of eye trauma is almost unchanged: the leading position is occupied by penetrating wounds of the eyeball and contusions, the third place is occupied by burns, through wounds of the eyeball are rare. Conclusions. Given the poor prognosis of the outcome of a severe eyeball injury, it requires the introduction of modern types of microsurgical intervention using endovitreal surgery at the present stage.

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