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It was defined in the publication that in the context of humanization and democratization of higher education happens the reorientation of the educational process to the preparation of future professionals, that are characterized not only by the formation of professional competence, but also by the ability to think critically and autonomously. In turn, this provides the granting of a pedagogical support to the future professional in personal and professional formation. Therefore, the providing of this noted support to each subject is a pressing issue for the pedagogical theory and practice in different countries, including Ukraine and the People’s Republic of China. The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of “a pedagogical support” on the basis of the analysis of the comparison of the perspectives of Ukrainian and Chinese scholars. The following theoretical research methods were used to achieve this goal: the analysis of scientific sources that reveal the essence of the problem under study; synthesis, comparison, systematization of scientific views of scientists in determining the essence of pedagogical support. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, it has been established, that the concept of a pedagogical support is interpreted by the scientists ambiguously, in particular as: a purposeful activity of the teacher aimed at providing prompt or preventive assistance to the individual in the process of his / her learning and development; the activity of the teacher, that is implemented in the following areas: the providing of internal conditions (needs, attitudes, needs, abilities) for the development and self-development of each personality; the creation of favorable external conditions for its existence, training and personal development; building a humanistic micro social environment in the educational establishment by the providing a favorable psychological climate, active interaction between the participants of the educational process, involving the subjects of interaction in the performance of creative activities, etc. It was determined that the research under the pedagogical support refers to a purposeful activity of the teacher, aimed at assisting the individual in the process of its learning and development, stimulating its transformation into an active subject of their own professional and personal formation. It has also been found that providing pedagogically literate a pedagogical support can significantly improve the efficiency of the educational process in higher education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 68-75
O.N. Shevchenko ◽  

The education system at the university at the present stage is being created in the context of reforming education and other areas of activity that are closely related to the development processes of civil society. In todays’ Russia, the educational system that developed during the Soviet period has essentially lost its influence, and in accordance with the new challenges of the time, a different system for organizing the educational process is being formed. When teaching bachelors of technical sciences, it is possible and necessary to take into account the educational potential of technical disciplines in the complex process of a future engineering and technical worker personality forming. The methodological basis of the study is the psychological and pedagogical theory and practice of creating a system of educational activity when teaching engineering disciplines at a university with the aim of forming the personality of a competitive specialist in engineering and technology and reflecting the requirements of educational and professional standards for the training of experts in engineering profiles. The purpose of this article is to determine professionally important qualities and professionally significant psycho-physiological properties, based on theoretical analysis and study practical experience in teaching geometric graphic disciplines at a university, which students can form in the learning process for personal development and successful mastering of the profession in accordance with professional standards and the realities of industrial and technical sphere. Graphic culture has an impact on the worldview and moral values of the individual, forms aesthetic tastes, contributes to the formation of a civic position and responsibility. Educational activities at the university should be implemented not only in sports, leisure and entertainment events, but the most important aspects of personal education in learning technical disciplines are the formation of cognitive independence, strong-willed personality, emotional, behavioral, intellectual flexibility, which are the key qualifications of the future engineer. The results can be used in the teaching of graphic disciplines in technical universities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (44) ◽  
O. Makiievskyi

The article is devoted to the search for effective methods of organizing the educational process within the training of future specialists in road transport, which ensures their professional and personal development. It is noted that the problem of formation of professional competence of future road transport specialists in higher education institutions is relevant now in pedagogical science, but scientists have not formed practical directions for implementing the developed theories in the whole process of their professional development. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the professional competence of future road transport specialists, a system has been developed that includes the integration of knowledge from the disciplines of general technical and professional cycles, which is implemented in leading higher education institutions of Ukraine. The methodological basis for the implementation of the system of formation of professional competence of future road transport specialists are the conceptual provisions of the competence, system, acmeological and synergetic approaches. The developed system of formation of professional competence of future specialists of motor transport covers the basic scientific and theoretical approaches of modern pedagogical science, first of all on the basis of the competence approach as one of strategic directions of the state policy in the field of education.

Iryna Stadniichuk

Rеlevance: the need to justify the methodological foundations for the future professional competence of electrical technicians is determined by the needs of qualified specialists in the agricultural sector. The purpose of the study is to substantiate methodological principles, to specify and to cover the scientific approaches to the formation of professional competence of future electrical technicians in agricultural colleges. Methods: theoretical research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem – to identify the state of the problem under study in pedagogical theory and practice; analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization – for substantiation of methodological bases of formation of professional competence of future electrical technicians. Results. The article highlights a number of methodological approaches, such as: systematic, competent, humanistic, cultural, axiological, personality-oriented, activity-developmental, environmental, information, integration, technological, synergistic approaches, which it is expedient to rely on in the process of analysis of professional competence of future specialists of technical and technological specialties in agricultural colleges. The content and essence of these approaches are considered. This made it possible to set the basic requirements for the formation of professional competence of future electrical technicians and understanding of the construc- tion of the educational process in the higher school for the preparation of these specialists. Conclusions: the methodological principles for the future professional competence of electrical technicians should be based on the unity of such basic scientific approaches as competent, personality-oriented, activity-developmental, humanistic, cultural, axiological, informational, and, to a lesser degree, synergistic approaches.

Yana S. Lukatska ◽  

New Ukrainian and world realities set new tasks for the higher educational establishments, which are related to the search for new, modern methods that allow to increase the effectiveness of training. Currently, topical are the issues of not only professional but also the personal development of the student forming the priority in the implementation of educational activities in universities, preparation for future professional activities, as well as for successful interaction in society. The concept of «individual social competence» is an important factor in creating a system of educational process which takes into account aspects of professional development, and at the same time the peculiarities of the formation of the student personality. The author analyses the concept of «competence», considers the key competences for lifelong learning, identified by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, including social competence, studies the scientific achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, including G. Gedviliene, H. S. Han, K. M. Kemple, U.P. Kanning, M. Horenburg, G.W. Ladd, H. K. Ma, K. Monahan, M. Monnier, O.V. Varetska, N.I. Hlebova, D.V. Hubareva, O.I. Hura, M.O. Doktorovych, I.B. Zarubinska, O.O. Subina, V.M. Shakhrai. They explored different aspects of social competence of different age categories. The author concludes that, despite different interpretations, all scientists agree that social competence is an acquired skill, it can be formed and developed throughout life. It was also determined that the developed social competence determines the status of the individual in society, it affects the success in professional activities. The high level of social competence allows a person not only to be realized in professional activities, but also to influence the processes in society, which in turn determines its stability. The author’s definition of the concept of «individual social competence» is given in the paper; the author concludes that social competence is an integrated ability that contains other competencies: spiritual, civic, communicative, linguistic; the concept of social competence is closely related to professional competence, without the successful interaction of the individual with society it is impossible to acquire the skills and abilities inherent in a qualified specialist. Thus, an important task for modern higher education is the formation and development of social competence of students, which is the key to successful implementation of the future specialist in professional activities. The educational process should be aimed at forming a system of knowledge about interaction in society, understanding the system of social values, ability to cooperate in society, the ability to communicate constructively, because only a socially competent person can.

Inna Bogdanova

The topicalty of the problem dealing with the professional mobilization competence is determined by professional requirements to the professional training intended for the future social workers. It provides readiness for permanent improvement of professional competence and discloses future specialist’s personal reserves, we mean hidden internal potentials which contribute to the ability to mobilize the efforts aimed at continuous professional and self-development. The purpose of the article is to determine the nature and structure of the phenomenon called «professional mobilization competence of a social worker» as well as to identify the pedagogical conditions facilitating its development. A set of methods was used to solve the assigned tasks: theoretical methods: the analysis of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice of higher social and pedagogical education, the analysis of personal teaching activity and higher education standards in the specialty 231 «Social Work»; empirical methods: diagnostic, observational. It’s been determined that the professional mobilization competence is interpreted as a complex integrated quality of an individual which allows conscious and effective implementation of his / her own strategy aimed at solving specialized tasks and practical problems related to the social sphere or to the educational process. The structure of the professional mobilization competence comprises a set of these components: personal mobilization, state of preparedness, individual potential. The conditions providing the development of the professional mobilization competence have been determined: deep rethinking of the existing personal qualities and improvement of the other ones which are necessary for successful professional activity under the new changed conditions of existence, awareness at the level of beliefs in the individual potential within the training. Keywords: professional mobilization competence, personal mobilization, individual potential.

Lyudmila Shumigora

The article is devoted to modelling as a method of studying the educational environment of university as a process of creating an imaginary system of educational environment, which makes it possible to study the psycho-pedagogical laws. The university’s educational environment is defined as a multi-faceted structure that purposefully and spontaneously influences the professional and personal development of the future specialist, ensuring his / her readiness for professional activity and / or continuation of training, successful self-realization in the process of life activity. The educational environment is a set of material factors of the educational process and interpersonal relationships that establish the subjects of education in pedagogical interaction. The educational environment is a multilevel multicultural entity that is individual to each student; the environment of constructing one’s self, which provides the creation of favorable conditions for actualization of the inner world of the individual, his personal growth, self-realization, the formation of self-consciousness. The essential component of the educational environment is defined by the set of conditions (opportunities) and resources (material, financial, personal, technological, organizational, reputational) for the education of the individual, which are formed in the institution of higher education. The author emphasizes on the main features of the modern university’s educational environment in an open society: flexibility; community and communication; eventfulness; configurability; cultural conformity; spherical; openness, capacity for development and self-development; systematic, organization and structure; sociality; display. Prospects for further research are to investigate the impact of the higher education institution’s educational environment on the personal and professional development of each participant in the educational process.

2019 ◽  
pp. 22-29
Н. В. Фрадкіна

The purpose and tasks of the work are to analyze the contemporary Ukrainian mass culture in terms of its value and humanistic components, as well as the importance of cultural studies and Ukrainian studies in educational disciplines for the formation of a holistic worldview of modern youth.Analysis of research and publications. Scientists repeatedly turned to the problems of the role of spirituality in the formation of society and its culture. This problem is highlighted in the publications by O. Losev, V. Lytvyn, D. Likhachev, S. Avierintsev, M. Zakovych, I. Stepanenko and E. Kostyshyn.Experts see the main negative impact of mass culture on the quality approach, which determines mass culture through the market, because mass culture, from our point of view, is everything that is sold and used in mass demand.One of the most interesting studies on this issue was the work by the representatives of Frankfurt School M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno «Dialectics of Enlightenment» (1947), devoted to a detailed analysis of mass culture. Propaganda at all socio-cultural levels in the form is similar in both totalitarian and democratic countries. It is connected, according to the authors, with the direction of European enlightenment. The tendency to unify people is a manifestation of the influence of mass culture, from cinema to pop. Mass culture is a phenomenon whose existence is associated with commerce (accumulation in any form – this is the main feature of education), in general, the fact that it exists in this form is related to the direction of the history of civilization.Modern mass culture, with its externally attractive and easily assimilated ideas and symbols, appealing to the trends of modern fashion, becomes a standard of prestigious consumption, does not require intense reflection, allows you to relax, distract, not teach, but entertains, preaches hedonism as the main spiritual value. And as a consequence, there are socio-cultural risks: an active rejection of other people, which leads to the formation of indifference; cruelty as a character trait; increase of violent and mercenary crime; increase in the number of alcohol and drug addicts; anti-patriotism; indifference to the values of the family and as a result of social orphanhood and prostitution.Conclusions, perspectives of research. Thus, we can conclude that modern Ukrainian education is predominantly formed by the values of mass culture. Namely, according to the «Dialectic» by Horkheimer and Adorno, «semi-enlightenment becomes an objective spirit» of our modern society.It is concluded that only high-quality education can create the opposite of the onset of mass culture and the destruction of spirituality in our society. It is proved that only by realizing the importance of cultivating disciplines in the educational process and the spiritual upbringing of the nation, through educational reforms, humanitarian knowledge will gradually return to student audiences.Formation of youth occurs under the influence of social environment, culture, education and self-education. The optimal combination of these factors determines both the process of socialization itself and how successful it will be. In this context, one can see the leading role of education and upbringing. It turns out that the main task of modern education is to spread its influence on the development of spiritual culture of the individual, which eventually becomes a solid foundation for the formation of the individual. Such a subject requires both philosophical and humanitarian approaches in further integrated interdisciplinary research, since the availability of such research will provide the theoretical foundation for truly modern educational and personal development.

Nailya R. Salikhova ◽  
Aida R. Fakhrutdinova ◽  

Data from an empirical study aimed at identifying the difficulties faced by students in their transition to higher education, the overcoming of which is important for personal development, are presented in the article. The study participants (n=179) were asked to describe the difficulties of transition from school to University in the 1st year based on analysis of their autobiographical memory. The content analysis of texts allowed identifying the main themes and compiling a list of challenges, and then the frequency of occurrence of each of them was determined. According to the results, the most actual difficulties are the different aspects of integrating into the new social community due to sharp changes in the social environment during the transition from school to University. A big challenge is the need for self-organization in educational and everyday matters, planning and organizing your time. The third most frequently mentioned is learning difficulties, especially those related to mastering the material in the new educational environment. Problematic areas of adaptation to higher education that have not been previously reflected in the sources are the establishment of a common life in the dormitory, pressure from parents, the manifestation of their individuality, the increase in the length of classes and the pace of learning, romantic relationships and language barriers. The difficulties of the first examination session are much less frequently mentioned, and are more frequently mentioned when examining the current adaptation process. The results of the study can be used for the development and subsequent implementation of a system of practical measures aimed at helping students to adapt to the new environment and conditions. Such assistance to students in building a new way of life at a university, especially at an early stage of study, is necessary not only to improve the effectiveness of the educational process, but also to facilitate the processes of personal growth and development of students

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (195) ◽  
pp. 18-22
Hanna Karas ◽  

The article is devoted to the use of interdisciplinarity as an innovative approach in the educational process of art institutions of higher education on the example of studying the discipline «Evolution of artistic styles in art» included in educational master's programs. This discipline is based on the theory and practice of professional development of a teacher-musician, who provides the Master of Arts education process, shapes their professional development necessary for their future musical and pedagogical creativity, skills, and pedagogical culture. The content of the discipline consists of the introduction of artistic styles’ scientific and theoretical fundamentals to the future specialists. The objectives of the course are 1) the theoretical generalization of the historical experience of the evolution of artistic styles, 2) acquaintance with the best examples of artistic culture, representing different styles and directions, 3) mastering complex problems of stylistic analysis. The aim of the course is the establishment of a strategy for a professional growth as part of the vocational training of masters in the following educational areas «Secondary education. Musical Art» and «Musical Art»; mastering the scientific and theoretical foundations of the artistic styles’ analysis as a formative student course of the music and pedagogical education in higher education. The interdisciplinary approach can be implemented in two main formats. A. Kolot believes that with the help of the first format he builds bridges between different sciences, brings them together on an informal basis without violating their individuality and uniqueness. In this format, the discipline «Evolution of artistic styles in art» «builds bridges» with such disciplines as: philosophy, history, foreign languages, general psychology, culturology, sociology, art culture, aesthetics. In the second format, interdisciplinarity is presented as a real tool for unifying sciences, and the emergence of integrative products. In this format the course «Evolution of Artistic Styles in Art» involves an organic combination of such disciplines as history and theory of music, theater, ballet, art history, philosophy, art culture and literature, analysis of musical form, choral class, music psychology, and others. Therefore, we propose to define the student course «Evolution of artistic styles in art» as a complex, interdisciplinary field of knowledge and consider the application of an interdisciplinary approach in the practice of a teacher of artistic institutions.

V. A. Turchina ◽  
D. O. Tanasienko

One of the main tasks in organizing the educational process in higher education is the drawing up of a schedule of classes. It reflects the weekly student and faculty load. At the same time, when compiling, there are a number of necessary conditions and a number of desirable. The paper considers seven required and four desirable conditions. In this paper, one of the well-known approaches that can be used in drawing up a curriculum is consid-ered. The proposed scheme of the genetic algorithm, the result of which is to obtain an approximate solution to the problem of scheduling with the need to further improve it by other heuristic methods. To solve the problem, an island model of the genetic algorithm was selected and its advantages were considered. In the paper, the author's own structure of the individual, which includes chromosomes in the form of educational groups and genes as a lesson at a certain time, is presented and justified. The author presents his own implementations of the genetic algorithms. During the work, many variants of operators were tested, but they were rejected due to their inefficiency. The biggest problem was to maintain the consistency of information encoded in chromosomes. Also, two post-steps were added: to try to reduce the number of teacher conflict conflicts and to normalize the schedule - to remove windows from the schedule. The fitness function is calculated according to the following principles: if some desired or desired property is present in the individual, then a certain number is deducted from the individual's assessment, if there is a negative property, then a certain number is added to the assessment. Each criterion has its weight, so the size of the fine or rewards may be different. In this work, fines were charged for non-fulfillment of mandatory conditions, and rewards for fulfilling the desired

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