scholarly journals Pertobatan Ekologis Dalam Bingkai Filosofi “Sangserekan Bane’” Dan Pandemi Covid 19

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Teny Manopo

Abstract: Pandemic is a momentum that presents ecological reflection, forcing people to return to basic lessons about life and reflect on reconstructing new relations with the natural environment, which is closely related to the philosophy of "Sangserekan Bane" in the Toraja context. In the writer's perspective, the community needs to get good and correct eco-theological education to help think comprehensively about an ecological dynamic that occurs. This is what the authors then see that it is necessary to get a proper explanation using a qualitative-descriptive historical model approach that aims to create an ecological conversion for society that can help restore the earth's homiostatic status. The result is that through the philosophy of "Sangserekan Bane" it is realized that “lolo tau" (human), “lolo tananan” (plant) and” lolo patuan” (animal) have the same ontological status, because they are created from the same material, namely gold, so that they can help to form a synergy understanding, creation as a narrative narrative of creation in the book of Genesis. Abstrak: Pandemi adalah momentum yang menghadirkan refleksi ekologis, memaksa manusia untuk kembali kepada pelajaran dasar tentang hidup dan berefleksi untuk merekostruksi relasi baru dengan alam sekitar, yang memiliki kaitan erat dengan filosofi “Sangserekan Bane’” pada konteks Toraja. Dalam perspektif penulis masyarakat perlu mendapatkan pendidikan eko-teologi yang baik dan benar untuk membantu berfikir secara komprehensif akan sebuah dinamika ekologis yang terjadi. Hal inilah yang kemudian penulis lihat perlu mendapatkan penjelasan yang tepat dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif model historis yang bertujuan menciptakan pertobatan ekologis bagi masyarakat yang dapat membantu mengembalikan status homiostatik bumi. Hasilnya ialah melalui filosofi “Sangserekan Bane’” disadari bahwa “lolo tau” (manusia), “lolo tananan” (tumbuhan) dan “lolo patuan” (hewan) memiliki status ontologis yang sama, sebab diciptakan dari bahan yang sama yakni emas, sehingga dapat membantu untuk membentuk sebuah sinergitas pemahaman antar ciptaan sebagaiaman narasi penciptaan dalam kitab Kejadian.

2006 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-208 ◽  
Lyle Eslinger

AbstractA common pool of primitive human values fuels the world's religions. These values are evident in classical religions and are found lying on the surface in the book of Genesis, which is among the Bible's richest archetypal repositories. The Genesis pre-history focuses on human well-being. The mythological assumptions underlying this story manifest the rudiments of human thought and experience laid down in the archaic period. A hostile natural environment evokes behaviour to overcome its hazards. The narrative explores the mythological options of agency for achieving human well-being. As in other theistic worldviews two primary agencies are envisioned. Gods and humans, each with strengths and weaknesses, are potential protagonists on the stage of human optimism. Genesis inherits a southwest Asian cosmogony in which the gods are hostile to the advanced potential of collective human agency. Divine hostility complicates agency options, leading to a devotional compromise in the form of God's covenant with Abraham. The essay suggests the value of a renewed awareness of the influence of archaic human experience on the classical literature of ancient Israel. The argument is developed with reference to the traditional figure of Abraham.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 391
Ahna Soraya

<p class="07KatakunciKeywords">This study aims to determine the perspective of Islamic eco-theology in the Reresik Sendang tradition in Wonosoco Village. How the people of Wonosoco Village carry out, interpret, and how the Reresik Sendang tradition is seen from the perspective of Islamic eco-theology. This research uses a type of field research using a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques obtained through the results of observations, interviews, and documentation. The findings from this study indicate several important points: First, the tradition of Reresik Sendang is a form of effort by the people of Wonosoco Village in preserving the natural environment based on Islamic teachings. Secondly, in the implementation of the Reresik Sendang tradition, there are still rituals which are Hindu-Buddhist teachings. The community interpreted that the Sendang Reresik tradition is a form of gratitude to God Almighty, as well as a form of respect for the ancestors. Third, viewed from the perspective of Islamic eco-theology in the Reresik Sendang tradition in Wonosoco Village, there is a meeting point in it, which sees nature as a "sign" of God.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
Phillips Iman Hery Wahyudi

Background of the study: the use of the YouTube platform as a medium for learning information literacy in students.Purpose: to find out the implementation and use of the YouTube platform as a learning medium to help students understand information literacy.Method: Using a qualitative descriptive method with the analysis of the Miles and Huberman model approach, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.Findings: Using YouTube as an information literacy learning media helps students understand information literacy material, this can be seen from the average access to information literacy material above 5000 times.Conclusion: YouTube can be used as a medium for learning information literacy even though it is a supplement or supplement. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Abdul Rahman ◽  
Usman Rianse ◽  
Sitti Aida Adha Taridala

This research aims to analyze (1) supply chain path, and (2) the performance of a supply chain commodity peanut Muna Regency. Sampling method used in this research was simple random sampling and snowball sampling. Supply chain path analyzed in qualitative descriptive. Supply chain performance is analyzed with a model approach to Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR). The results showed that members of the supply chain consists of peanut farmers, village collector (PPD), Sub-district collector (PPK) and inter-insular traders (PAP). There are three pathways of a supply chain that is a path I: farmer → PPD → PAP; path II: farmer → PPK → PAP; and path III: farmer → PAP. Supply chain performance attributes based on shipping and order fulfillment cycle, farmers are in the position and traders are at a good position..Keywords: peanuts; supply chains; traders; SCOR

Ruang ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Rina Kurniati ◽  
Muhammad Fajri Nugraha

The rapid growth of billboards that are used as a medium of communication and marketing of products and services, one of which is caused by increasing community needs and development of technology & information. The rapid growth must be responded to well by the Semarang City Government so that strategic points for regional income can be maximized while maximizing spatial planning efforts in Semarang City. Based on this, the research itself aims to formulate a billboard structuring policy in the city of Semarang by using a qualitative descriptive method. The formulation efforts were carried out through several analysis points which resulted in each building function and land use affecting the provisions relating to billboards and the development of advertisement plots on private land to be controlled because they were related to environmental aesthetics, road benefits and road space could also be used for advertising and information media provided that they get permission from the road organizer according to their authority.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Haeruddin Haeruddin

The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Policy at the Social Office of Donggala Regency. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Determination of informants is done purposively. Collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman interactive model approach, namely data collection, condensation, display and data verification. The results of the study indicate that: (1) Aspects of communication, PKH implementers in Donggala Regency have built communication between the parties, providing relevant information, but socialization is not routinely carried out to the parties, especially cross-agency officials who need this information. (2) resources (Resouces), the availability of resources in the implementation of the Family Hope Program in Donggala Regency is supported by the availability of PKH human resources (HR) recruited under the conditions of academic standards and experience set by the Ministry of Social Affairs, then strengthened by training and technical guidance and has met the ratio of 1 (one) social assistant accompanying 250KPM, (3) the implementer (disposition), in terms of loyalty, commitment and honesty of the implementer in the implementation of the family hope program has been running in accordance with the code of ethics set by the institution, based on values and polite attitude, integrity and professionalism. (4) the bureaucratic structure, the implementation of PKH activities has been carried out based on the source of the Operational Procedure (SOP), as well as fragmentation in the form of distribution of authority, the hierarchy has run quite synergistically between the government units involved.

Dewi Y ◽  
I.G. Batan ◽  
N.W.S. Mahayanti

The use of target language only and mixed languages as communication strategies between the teacher and students have different purposes to be achieved for both of them when conducting the learning process. Therefore, this study focused on finding out 1) the language of instruction used by the teacher as communication strategies in teaching as well as 2) the student’s responses toward the use of each type of language of instruction as communication strategies in teaching English by the teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja. To investigate this study there were 3 teachers and 174 students from eight classes who were used as the primary sources. To collect all of the data, observation and questionnaire distribution were implemented. Then, all of the data were analyzed descriptively. This study followed qualitative descriptive model, approach, and design adopting framework of Maxwell (2012). Therefore, the results of the study indicates that the most frequent of language uses by the teachers is target language only. The students fell very glad when the teachers use target language only. To make the students easier to understand the material, the use of mixed languages in the right portion is very good, in particular at the beginning stages. Key words: target language, mixed languages, opening, observing, questioning, exploring, associating, communicating, closing. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-88
M Imron ◽  
M Saiful Anwar

Abstrak Pengembangan wisata alam berbasis edukasi memiliki tantangan yang serius di ranah mempertahankan eksistensi dan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Setiap stakeholder yang ada harus berani menjamin keterlibatan mereka dapat memberi kontribusi yang positif bagi keberlangsungan ekosistem kawasan pantai. Model Quintuple Helix memberikan posisi yang signifikan bagi lingkungan alami masyarakat untuk memperoleh perhatian yang lebih. Berangkat dari realitas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari strategi yang ideal bagi kolaborasi pengembangan wisata berbasis edukasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif, pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini berupa konsep strategi kolaborasi yang ideal untuk pengembangan wisata berbasis edukasi dengan model Quintuple Helix. Melalui model ini dapat memberikan modal tambahan berupa manajemen berbasis kualitas pembangunan yang efektif, keseimbangan alam yang terjamin, serta garansi terhadap generasi mendatang agar tetap dapat merasakan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Abstract Educational tourism-based natural tourism development has serious challenges in the realm of maintaining the existence and sustainability of the environment. Every existing stakeholder must have the courage to guarantee that their involvement can contribute positively to the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem. The Quintuple Helix model provides a significant position for the natural environment of the community to get more attention. Departing from reality, this study aims to find the ideal strategy for collaborative education-based tourism development. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method, data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and document studies. The results of this study are in the form of a collaboration strategy concept that is ideal for education-based tourism development with the quintuple helix model. Through this model, it can provide additional capital in the form of effective quality-based development management, guaranteed natural balance, and guarantees against.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 293
Sartina Padju ◽  
Salam Salam ◽  
Zilfa Achmad Bagtayan

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji interaksi para tokoh yang membentuk jalinan hubungan beserta perannya dalam lingkungan alam dalam novel Aroma Karsa Karya Dee Lestari. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu, 1) mendeskripsikan interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan alam, dan 2) mendeskripsikan peran manusia terhadap lingkungan alam dalam novel Aroma Karsa Karya Dee Lestari menggunakan teori ekokritik sastra dengan memandang karya sastram, manusia, dan lingkungannya adalah aspek hidup yang tidak terpisahkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik baca, cata, dan teknik riset kepustakaan. Sedangkan teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini mengindetifikasi bagian-bagian teks kutipan novel berdasarkan indikasi hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan alam, mengklasifikasikan, menganalisis, mendeskripsikan, serta menyimpulkan hasil analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran interaksi mengenai beberapa tokoh yang memiliki hubungan khusus dengan alam melalui indra penciumannya dan perjalanan beberapa tokoh yang dimaksudkan melakukan ekpedisi perlindungan tanaman Puspa Karsa dalam novel Aroma Karsa Karya Dee lestari dengan pendeskripsian bahwa manusia dapat memberikan peran berupa hal positif dan negatif pada lingkungan alam.   This research was conducted to examine the interaction of the relationshop-forming figures and their roles in the natural environment in the novel Aroma Karsa by Dee Lestari. The objectives of this study were 1) to describe human interactio with the natural environment, and 2) to describe the role of humans in the natural environment in the novel using literary ecocritical theory by reviewing literature, humans, and their environment as inseparable aspects of life. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, where the data collection techniques used technique of reading, takin notes, and literature study. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique in this study identified parts of the text of the novel excerpts based, on the indication of the human relationship with the natural environment, calculates, analyzes, describe, and concludes the results of the data analysis. The results showed a picture of the ineraction of several figures who had a special relationship with nature through their sense of smell and the journey of several figures who were intended to carry out an expedition to proted the Puspa Karsa plant in the novel Aroma Karsa by Dee Lestari with the description that human can provide positive and negative roles in the natural environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 903 (1) ◽  
pp. 012004
N R P Salain ◽  
N M M Mahastuti

Abstract Sustainable development is raised as the theme of the article which is then analyzed based on the value of local wisdom with three main pillars, namely economic, environmental, and social aspects. Manik Ring Cucupu, Tattwa, Susila, Upacara, and Tri Hita Karana are the values of local wisdom used in organizing sustainable development in Taman Harmoni. The purpose of writing this article is to know the existence of economic, environmental, and social aspects that are the pillars of sustainable development in the Taman Harmoni tourist area based on the values of local wisdom. The method used is Qualitative Descriptive with data collection techniques through direct observation, interviews, and literature studies. The result of this writing is sustainable development in the economic aspect prioritizes the natural sustainability of the environment which is assumed to be a “container” as well as the value of local wisdom Manik Ring Cucupu which perceives the built environment with a natural environment such as a fetus in the womb of a mother; Sustainable development in environmental aspects is planned based on the value of local wisdom, namely Tattwa (philosophy), Susila (ethics), and Upacara (religious rituals); Sustainable development in environmental aspects, dividing the area of Taman Harmoni into three areas namely Parahyangan, Pawongan, and Palemahan in accordance with the teaching values of Tri Hita Karana.

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