scholarly journals Efektivitas Penerapan Poseidon Meeting Classroom Berbasis Pendekatan Ilmiah Materi Stoikiometri terhadap Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-65
Firdiawan Ekaputra

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan motivasi belajar peserta didik yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan penerapan Poseidon Meeting Classroom berbasis pendekatan ilmiah, ada tidaknya perbedaan prestasi belajar peserta didik yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan penerapan Poseidon Meeting Classroom berbasis pendekatan ilmiah. Penelitian didesain sebagai penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan satu faktor dan dua variabel. Satu faktor berupa media pembelajaran, dua variabel yaitu motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar. Sampel penelitian ini merupakan peserta didik kelas X MIPA 7 SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta yang diberi perlakuan penerapan Poseidon Meeting Classroom. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik dokumentasi dan angket. Data mengenai motivasi dan prestasi belajar dianalisis menggunakan uji-t sama subjek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan motivasi belajar peserta didik yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan penerapan Poseidon Meeting Classroom berbasis pendekatan ilmiah, adanya perbedaan prestasi belajar peserta didik yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan penerapan Poseidon Meeting Classroom berbasis pendekatan ilmiah. Kata Kunci: motivasi belajar, Poseidon Meeting Classroom berbasis pendekatan ilmiah, prestasi belajar, stoikiometri The aims of this research are to find out whether there were significant difference of learning motivation between students before and after taught using scientific approach based Poseidon Meeting Classroom, whether there were significant difference of learning achievement between students before and after taught using scientific approach based Poseidon Meeting Classroom. This research was designed as an experimental research with one factor and two variables. The factor is learning media and the variables are learning motivation and achievement learning. The samples of this research are students in X MIPA 7 of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 the was a treatment of the application of scientific approach based Poseidon Meeting Classroom. The data collection technique was done with documentation and questionnaire techniques. The data about motivation and learning achievement were analyzed by using paired sample t-test. The result of this research showed that there was significant difference of learning motivation before and after taught using scientific approach based Poseidon Meeting Classroom, there was significant difference of learning achievement before and after taught using scientific approach based Poseidon Meeting Classroom. Keywords: learning achievement, learning motivation, scientific approach based Poseidon Meeting Classroom, stoikiometri

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Uki Suhendar ◽  
Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti

Penelitian eksperimen semu ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan Pendekatan Saintifik, mendeskripsikan keefektifan Pendekatan PMRI, dan mendeskripsikan manakah yang lebih efektif diantara Saintifik dan PMRI ditinjau dari prestasi, minat, dan percaya diri. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Babadan Ponorogo Jawa Timur Indonesia dan secara acak terpilih kelas VIIB dan VIIC sebagai sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah tes dan non-tes, dengan instrumen meliputi soal tes prestasi, angket minat dan percaya diri. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji t dan Hotelling’s Trace. Hasil penelitian pada taraf signifikansi 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa Pendekatan Saintifik efektif ditinjau dari prestasi, minat, dan percaya diri. Pendekatan PMRI efektif ditinjau dari prestasi dan percaya diri, tetapi tidak efektif ditinjau dari minat. Saintifik dan PMRI sama-sama efektif ditinjau dari prestasi dan percaya diri, akan tetapi ditinjau dari minat Saintifik lebih unggul daripada PMRI.Kata kunci: pendekatan Saintifik, pendekatan PMRI, prestasi, minat, percaya diri The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Scientific and PMRI Approaches Based on the Achievement, Interest, and Self-Confidence of Students of Grade VII AbstractThis quasi-experimental research aims to describe the effectiveness of Scientific Approach, describe the effectiveness of PMRI approach, and describe which is more effective between of Scientific and PMRI Approaches in terms of the achievement, interest, and self-confidence. The population in this research were students of class VII SMPN 2 Babadan Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia, and randomly selected VIIB and VIIC classes as a sample. The data collection techniques were a test and non-test, the instrument covers about mathematics achievement tests, questionnaires for students’ interest and self-confidence. The data were analysed using the t test and the Hotelling's Trace test. The results show that at the significance level of 0.05 the Scientific Approach is effective in terms of students’ achievement, interest, and self-confidence, while the PMRI Approach is effective in terms of learning achievement and self-confidence, but it is not effective in terms of interest. The Scientific and PMRI Approaches are equally effective in terms of learning achievement and self-confidence, but in terms of interest the Scientific Approach is superior to the PMRI Approach.Keywords: Scientific Approach, PMRI Approach, mathematics achievement, interest, self-confidence

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sunarti Sunarti ◽  
Selly Rahmawati ◽  
Setia Wardani

Abstrak: Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis game yang menarik dan mengetahui perbedaan motivasi dan prestasi belajar dengan media tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan. Hasil pengembangan divalidasi oleh pakar media dan IT, sedangkan validasi materi dan tes evaluasi game dilakukan oleh ahli materi bahasa indonesia dan PKn. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah angket dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis statistik inferensial yaitu Mann-Whitney U-Test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai beikut. (1) Pengembangan media game yang menarik dilakukan dengan mengembangkan design game petualangan si Bolang. (2) Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan prestasi belajar dengan media game dan gambar. (3) Ada perbedaan signifikan motivasi belajar dengan media game dan gambar. (4) Media game lebih efektif untuk meningkatan motivasi belajar dibandingkan dengan media gambar.Kata Kunci: game petualangan “Si Bolang”, prestasi hasil belajar, motivasi belajar DEVELOPING A GAME CALLED “PETUALANGAN SI BOLANG” AS THE THEMATICS LEARNING MEDIA TO IMPROVE THE FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT Abstract: This study was aimed to develop an interesting game-based teaching media and to find out the difference in the motivation and learning achievement of the students taught using the media. This study used the research and development model. The product was validated by a media and IT expert, while the validation of the materials and the evaluation of the game was done by content experts at Indonesian and Civic education. The instruments used were questionnaires and tests. The data were analyzed using the inferential statistical analysis, that Mann-Whitney U-Test. The findings showed that (1) the development of an interesting game media was carried out by developing a game called “Petualangan si Bolang”; (2) There was no significant difference in the learning achievement of the students taught using a game and those taught using pictures; (3) There was no significant difference in the learning motivation of the students taught using a game and those taught using pictures; (4) the game media was more effective to improve the learning motivation than the picture media. Keywords: game “Petualangan Si Bolang”, students’ learning achievement, students’ motivation

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 244
As’ad Furqon Syadzili ◽  
Sukainil Ahzan ◽  
Dwi Pangga

This research aimed to know there is or no effect of scientific approach toward student’s motivation and learning achievement. The kind of this research was experimental research. Design of this research used pretest and posttest one group design, with population was all students of XI IPA at SMAN 1 Kopang. Sample of this research consist of two classes that is class XI IPA 1 as experimental group and class XI IPA 2 as control group which used random sampling tachnique. Mean of pretest was 23,21 in experimental group and 30,15 in control group. Mean of posttest was 74,74 in experimental group and 57,68 in control group. Percentage of student’s learning motivation was increased 59,85% (low) in experimental group and 64,65% (quite) became 82,40% (high) in experimental  group and 76, 56% (quite) in control group. The data of homogenity and normality was homogen and normal distribution. The data analysis used t-test. The result of t-test was 3,89 for motivation and 5,47 for learning achievement and t-table was 1,99 in 5% level of significant with t-test > t-table. This research showed that there is effect of scientific approach toward student’s motivation and learnig achievement at eleventh year students of SMAN 1 Kopang. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 562
Salaida Menka ◽  
Wirdatul Aini

This research was motivated by the low learning motivation of students of package C class XI in computer subjects in PKBM SAKATO, Bayang district, Pesisir Selatan. This is presumably because it has something to do with the learning enviroment in PKBM SAKATO, Bayang district, Pesisir Selatan. This study aims to look at the description of learning motivation, learning environment and the relationship between learning motivation and learning environment of package C class XI students in computer subject at PKBM SAKATO, Bayang District, Pesisir Selatan. This type of research is quantitative research that is descriptive corerelational. The study population was 40 students of package C in PKBM SAKATO, Bayang district and a sample of 75% namely 30 people with the sampling technique is a random sample. The data collection technique is in the form of a questionnaire with the data collection tool in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this study used the formula for the percentage of product moment correlation. The results of this study show that the learning environment of students is categorized as less conducive, then the learning motivation of students in the package C class XI in PKBM SAKATO is still categorized as low, this can be observed through the answers that have been given by respondents to the indicators of the statements that were examined. Then there is a significant relationship between the learning environment and the learning motivation of the XI class C package students in PKBM SAKATO. Suggestions to the management of the SAKATO PKBM institution to further improve the qualityy of the environment for learning. It is hoped that other studies will be able to see several other factors that have not been examined in this study.  Keywords : learning environment, learning motivation

Lalu Saparwadi

This study aims to describe whether there are differences in learning mathematics-based problem-solving in terms of results and student motivation of mathematics. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research and the design carried out on this study is a pretest-postest nonequivalent group design. In this research, the observation was done twice, before and after treatment. Observations made earlier are called pre-test and later observations are called post-test. The result of the calculation of the implementation of mathematics learning with the problem-solving based approach to student achievement is significant (p = 0,000 <0.05). It showed a Fcount of 1.002 <Ftabel of 1.76 with a significance level of 5%. Thus H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning there is a significant difference in mathematics learning achievement between problem-solving approach and conventional. The result of the calculation of the implementation of mathematics learning with the problem-solving-based approach to student's learning motivation is significant (p-count = 0.03 <0.05) or refer to Fcount of 1.07 <Ftable of 1.76 with a significance level of 5%. So that Ho accepted, it means there are differences in student learning motivation that is taught between using problem-solving based learning and conventional learning. Learning with problem-solving approaches will be effective if the teacher as an educator prepares the problems according to the context. From the results of this study, the researchers recommend being used as a reference for similar research with different subject materials. This research can be developed by adding other attribute variables such as student self-confidence, verbal ability, motivation, nor critical thinking ability.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Kustiwi Nur Utami ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran tematik integratif yang layak dan efektif untuk meningkatkan karakter santun dan tanggung jawab, motivasi intrinsik, dan prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan yang terdiri atas sepuluh tahap, yaitu penelitian dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan produk awal, uji coba awal, revisi hasil uji coba awal, uji coba lapangan, revisi produk hasil uji coba lapangan, uji pelaksanaan lapangan, penyempurnaan produk akhir, dan diseminasi produk. Subjek uji coba berjumlah 3 siswa SD Glagahan pada uji coba awal, dan 9 orang siswa SD Tunjungan pada uji coba lapangan yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perangkat pembelajaran meliputi: silabus, RPP, LKS, media pembelajaran, dan soal tes prestasi. Hasil penilaian ahli materi dan ahli media untuk menguji kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran valid dan berkategori baik. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan layak serta memenuhi kriteria praktis dan efektif dalam meningkatkan karakter, motivasi, dan prestasi belajar siswa. Pembelajaran dengan produk yang dikembangkan mampu meningkatkan karakter santun dan tanggung jawab, motivasi intrinsik, dan prestasi belajar siswa. Kata kunci: perangkat pembelajaran tematik, karakter, motivasi, prestasi belajar. DEVELOPING THEMATIC LEARNING KITS TO IMPROVE THE CHARACTERS, MOTIVATION, AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Abstract: This study aims to produce integrated thematic learning kits capable of improving students’ characters, especially politeness and responsibility, learning motivation, especially intrinsic learning motivation, and learning achievement. This was a research and development study consisting of ten stages, namely research and data collection, planning, preliminary product development, preliminary tryout, revision based on the preliminary tryout results, field tryout, revision based on the field tryout results, field implementation testing, product finalization, and product dissemination. The tryout subjects were Grade II students of the elementary school, consisting of 3 students of SD Glagahan in the preliminary tryout and 9 students of SD Tunjungan in the field tryout, selected based on the criteria for students from the upper, moderate, and lower groups. The research product is integrated thematic learning kits consisting of a syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, learning media, and learning achievement tests. The results of the assessment by the material expert and the learning media expert show that the developed learning kits are valid and good and appropriate to be used for thematic learning at the elementary school. The results of the tryout show that the developed learning kits are appropriate and capable of improving students’ characters, motivation, and learning achievement. Keywords: thematic learning kits, characters, motivation, learning achievemen

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Eka Maryam

<em>This study aims to determine the achievement of physics learning using Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) model and find out an increase or gainscore between experimental classes using Team Games Tournamens model with control class using whiteboard. Conducting research in SMAN 1 Tugumulyo with sample 48 students, consisting of 25 students class XIA1 as experiment class and 23 students X1 A2 as control class. The type of this research is quasi experimental design. The data collection technique used is objective test. The statistical prestation test (t-test) used in this research is homogeneous test and normality data test. The results showed that: 1) the experimental class experienced an increase in learning achievement between before and after using TGT model, 2) the increase or gainscore in the experimental class is 5,0 and the gain score of the control class is 4,24. So it can be concluded TGT model can affect student achievement.</em>

Arina Puspitasari

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of paper quilling on the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years. This research approach is quantitative with the type of pre-experimental research and the research design of one group pretest-posttest design. This study took place at ABA II Kindergarten, Arallae, Bone Regency, with the subject of research on the effect of paper quilling activities on fine motor skills consisting of 12 children as research samples. Data collection techniques used are observation, treatment test and documentation. The results of the analysis showed that there were significant changes in the fine motor skills of children before and after being given paper quilling activities, based on the paired sample test, the Sig value was obtained. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, it can be concluded that there is an influence given by paper quilling activities on the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years. For further researchers in examining aspects of child development, it can be simulated with paper quilling activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Isfanda Devi Maharani Fijri

This research aims to: 1) develop educational comic “Accounting Days” as accounting learning media, 2) know the feasibility of educational comic “Accounting Days” as accounting learning media, and 3) examine the improvement of students learning motivation of class XII Social after the development of educational comic “Accounting Days”. The research was conducted using Four-D model which consists of define, design, develop, and disseminate. The data collection technique was observation, interview, and questionnaires. Based on the analysis of students learning motivation average score, there is an increase in Students Learning Motivation’s average score from 3,21 to 3,40. However, the result of paired sample T test analysis shows that there is not any significant change in Students Learning Motivation after using Educational Comic “Accounting Days”. Thus, Educational Comic “Accounting Days” as Accounting Learning Media is not proven to improve Students’ Learning Motivation of class XII Social SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta Academic Year of 2017/2018. Keyword: Learning Media, Accountng, Educational Comic, Learning Motivation

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 107
Adi Heryadi ◽  
Evianawati Evianawati

This study aims to prove whether transformational leadership training is effective for building anti-corruption attitudes of villages in Kebonharjo village, subdistrict Samigaluh Kulonprogo. This research is an experimental research with one group pre and posttest design.Subject design is 17 people from village of 21 candidates registered. Measuring tool used in this research is the scale of anti-corruption perception made by the researcher referring to the 9 anti-corruption values with the value of reliability coefficient of 0.871. The module used as an intervention made by the researcher refers to the transformational leadership dimension (Bass, 1990). The data collected is analyzed by statistical analysis of different test Paired Sample Test. Initial data collection results obtained sign value of 0.770 which means> 0.05 or no significant difference between anti-corruption perception score between before and after training. After a period of less than 1 (one) month then conducted again the measurement of follow-up of the study subjects in the measurement again using the scale of anti-corruption perception. The results of the second data collection were analysed with Paired Samples Test and obtained the value of 0.623 sign meaning p> 0.05 or no significant difference between post test data with follow-up data so that the hypothesis of this study was rejected.

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