2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Sefti Rompas ◽  
Michael Karundeng

Abstract : Menstruastion is change in body fisiology in human body with view circumstances and being influence by reproductive hormones or is being said blood flowing out, mucus and debrissel from uterine mucosa accompanied by release endometrium periodically and cycle with beginning in 14 day after ovulation. Menstrual periodic is a relevant indicator of reproductive health and changes in the menstrual cycle can effect a woman quality of life.And then, abnormal menstrual cycle can interfere woman reproductive health.As for the factors that influence changes in the menstrual cycle not only biological factors and social environmental factors but also influence by contraception. The choice of the contraception cannot be generalized because it depends on the character and deedsof individual. Pill end injection contraception is hormonal contraception. The purpose of research is to find out is there are relationship between use of contraception pil with the change on menstruation cycle. The design is quantitative Dedskriptif with cross sectional approach. The sample is taken with total sampling technic, with total sample is 40 respondents. The result statisyic chi square obtained p = 0,001. The Conclusion there is relationship between use contraception combinastion pil with change in menstruastion cycle at puskesmas sonder county minshasa.Keywords : combination Pil, change menstruastion cycle.Abstrak : Menstruasi atau haid adalah perubahan fisiologis dalam tubuh wanita yang secara berkala terjadi dan dipengaruhi oleh hormon reproduksi, atau disebut juga pengeluaran darah, mukus, dan debrissel dari mukosa uterus disertai pelepasan (deskuamasi) endometrium secara periodik dan siklik, yang dimulai sekitar 14 hari setelah ovulasi. Siklus menstruasi dianggap sebagai indijator yang relevan dari kesehatan reproduksi, dan perubahan pada siklus menstruasi dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup wanita. Dengan demikian siklus menstruasi yang tidak normal dapat mengganggu kesehatan reproduksi wanita. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan pada siklus menstruasi tidak hanya faktor biologis dan faktor lingkungan sosial tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh alat kontrasepsi. Pemilihan kontrasepsi tidak dapat disamaratakan karena tergantung karakter dan keperluan individu tersebut. KB suntik dan pil KB merupakan kontrasepsi hormonal Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Apakah ada hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi pil Kombinasi dengan perubahan siklus menstruasi di Puskesmas Sonder. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel diambil dengan Teknik pengambilan total sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 40 responden. Hasil penelitian statstic uji Chi-Square didapatkan p = 0.001. Kesimpulan terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan kontrasepsi pil KB dengan perubahan siklus menstruasi di Puskesmas Sonder.Kata Kunci : Pil Kombinasi,Perubahan Siklus Menstruasi

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Mardiah ◽  
Mina Marlina

From result in medical record at Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital Palembang in 2013 the died patient of amount 501 people while on 2014 in rise 610 people caused by terminal illness. The patient terminal have to get his palliative care that is to relieve symptoms of disease and improve the quality of life for the patient as well as the handling of pain and other issues such as physical, psychosocial and spiritual.The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between physical factors, social support, and spiritual support to palliative care to patients at Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital Palembang. The method of this is quantitative with survey analytic through cross sectional approach. The total sample of this study 38 respondents by using the total population. The questionnaire was used to collect the data. The Chi-Square statistic was used in this study, analysis the data used by univariate and bivariate. From statistic test found that there are a correlation among physical factors in palliative care with p value 0,005 < α (0,05), a correlation among social support in palliative care with p value 0,018 < α (0,05), a correlation among spiritual support in palliative care with p value 0,028 < α (0,05). To Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital Palembang hope that inputed and judgment in do measure leadership care most to patients terminal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-12
Ferilia Adiesti ◽  
Fitria Edni Wari

Latar belakang: Kontrasepsi hormonal merupakan kontrasepsi yang mengandung hormon progestin saja maupun kombinasi dengan kandungan estrogen dan progestin. Metode kontrasepsi hormonal memiliki banyak efek samping, salah satunya gangguan siklus menstruasi, metrorhagia, menorhagia. Akseptor sering menghentikan kontrasepsi hormonal karena gangguan siklus menstruasi. Tujuan penelitian: Diketahuinya hubungan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan siklus menstruasi. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi yang digunakan adalah 80 ibu akseptor kontrasepsi hormonal, dimana pengambilan sampel secara total sampling. Analisa bivariat  dengan uji chi-square (α) ≤ 0,05 dan Prevalence Ratio (PR). Hasil: Sebagian besar responden kontrasepsi hormonal progestin 36 (85,7 %) dan lebih dari setengah responden kontrasepsi hormonal kombinasi 20 (52,6 %) mengalami ketidaknormalan siklus menstruasi. Hasil uji statistik chi square menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kontrasepsi hormonal dengan siklus menstruasi (p=0,0030,05) dan PR 1,629 (CI=1,176-2,256) Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan alat kontrasepsi hormonal dengan siklus menstruasi, akseptor kontrasepsi hormonal progestin beresiko 1,6 kali lebih besar mengalami ketidaknormalan siklus menstruasi dibanding akseptor kontrasepsi hormonal kombinasi.Background: Hormonal contraception is a contraceptive containing progestin-only hormones or a combination of estrogen and progestin content. Hormonal contraceptive methods have many side effects, one of which is menstrual cycle disorders, metrorhagia, menorhagia. Acceptors often stop hormonal contraception because of menstrual cycle disorders. Objectives: Knowed the relationship of hormonal contraception with the menstrual cycle. Method: This study is a quantitative descriptive study with cross sectional approach. The population used was 80 mothers of hormonal contraceptive acceptors, where total sampling was taken. Bivariate analysis with chi-square test (α) ≤ 0.05 and Prevalence Ratio (PR). Results: Most respondents of progestin hormonal contraception 36 (85.7%) and more than half of the respondents in combination hormonal contraception 20 (52.6%) experienced abnormal menstrual cycles. Chi square statistical test results show that there is a relationship between hormonal contraception with the menstrual cycle (p = 0.003 0.05) and PR 1.629 (CI = 1,176-2,256) Conclusion: There is a relationship between the use of hormonal contraception with the menstrual cycle, Progestin hormonal contraceptive acceptors are 1.6 times more likely to experience abnormal menstrual cycles than combined hormonal contraceptive acceptors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-94
Desak Nyoman Widyanthini ◽  
Desak Made Widyanthari

Adolescent girls are a group that is prone to anemia because they experience menstruation every month and is in growth period. This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls in Bangli, Bali. An analytical study with cross-sectional design was conducted among 135 girls at a vocational high school in Bangli, Bali in 2019. School selection was carried out in a cluster sample, all girls in the school were used as research samples (total sample). The exclusion criteria were girls who were not present at the time of the data collection process. The variables studied were the incidence of anemia, menstrual cycle, duration of menstruation and adherence to Fe tablet consumption. Data were collected by checking Hb and using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Chi Square test. The results showed as many as 7.4% of girls had anemia. The variable that was statistically proven to be associated with the incidence of anemia was the menstrual cycle (OR=0.270;95%CI: 0.072-.0.013; p=0.049). The use of monitoring forms for the Tablet Tambah Darah program as well as increasing teacher support can be implemented to help improve students' adherence to Fe tablet consumption. Keywords: Anemia, girls, Fe tablet, Kabupaten Bangli Abstrak Remaja putri merupakan kelompok yang rawan terhadap terjadinya anemia karena mengalami menstruasi setiap bulannya dan sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor- faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri di Kabupaten Bangli, Provinsi Bali. Suatu penelitian analitik dengan rancangan cross-sectional dilakukan pada 135 remaja putri di SMK X di Kabupaten Bangli, Provinsi Bali pada Tahun 2019. Seleksi sekolah dilakukan dalam sampel cluster, semua remaja putri di sekolah tersebut terpilih menjadi sampel penelitian (total sampel), dengan kriteria eksklusi adalah remaja putri yang tidak hadir pada saat proses pengambilan data. Variabel yang diteliti adalah kejadian anemia, siklus menstruasi, lama menstruasi dan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet Fe. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan Hb dan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat (uji Chi Square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 7,4% remaja putri mengalami anemia. Variabel yang terbukti secara statistik berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia adalah siklus menstruasi (OR=0,270; 95%CI: 0,072-1,013; p=0,049). Penggunaan formulir pemantauan program Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD) dan meningkatkan dukungan guru bisa dilaksanakan untuk membantu meningkatkan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet Fe pada siswa. Kata kunci: Anemia, Prevalensi, Tablet Fe

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Naomi Toulasik ◽  
Tiyas Kusumaningrum ◽  
Retnayu Pradanie

Introduction: Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells which can cause death. Cancer has a great impact on sufferers both physically, psychologically and socially which will affect their quality of life. There are many factors that affect quality of life.Methods: This study used cross sectional design. The population of this study were all cancer patients aged ≥ 18 years in General hospital of Prof. DR. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. The sample size was 103 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. The dependent variable was the quality of life of women with cancer, while the independent variables were age, marital status, lifestyle, body mass index, cancer type and the stage of cancer. Data was collected using questionnaires. Data then analyzed using Ordinal Regression.Results: There were correlations between age (p = 0.015), marital status (p = 0,000), cancer types (p = 0.041) and stage of cancer (p = 0,000) with quality of life. There was no correlation between lifestyle and body mass index with quality of life.Conclusion: Quality of life of women with cancer are influenced by age, marital status, type of cancer and stage of cancer. Further researchers are advised to examine the relation between psychological, physical environmental, and social environmental factors to the quality of life of women with cancer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Norra Hendarni Wijaya

Nyeri menstruasi (Dismenore) yaitu nyeri pada daerah panggul akibat menstruasi dan produksi zat prostagladin. Dismenore pada remaja putri banyak mengganggu aktivitas di sekolah. Rata-rata lebih dari 50% perempuan disetiap negara didunia mengalami nyeri menstruasi. Menurut hasil studi pendahuluan di MAN 2 Bantul Yogyakarta 9 dari 11 siswi pernah mengalami dismenore pada saat menstruasi. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian nyeri menstruasi (Dismenore) pada siswi MAN 2 Bantul Yogyakarta. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survey analitik dengan pendektan cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 312 siswi dengan jumlah sampel 76 siswi menggunakan rumus solvin. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan uji chi-square dan Kendall-tau. Hasil analisis data diperoleh hasil ada pengaruh usia menarche terhadap dismenore (p=0.007<0.05), tidak ada pengaruh siklus menstruasi terhadap dismenore (p=0.165>0.05), ada pengaruh riwayat keluarga terhadap dismenore (p=0.015<0.05) dan ada pengaruh aktivitas fisik/olahraga terhadap dismenore (p=0.022<0.05). Ada pengaruh faktor usia menarche, riwayat keluarga dan aktivitas fisik/olahraga terhadap kejadian nyeri menstruasi pada siswi MAN 2 Bantul. Dan tidak ada pengaruh siklus menstruasi terhadap kejadian nyeri menstruasi pada siswi MAN 2 Bantul. Menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea) is pain in the pelvic area caused by menstruation and the production of prostagladin. Dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls a lot of disturbing activities in school. An average of more than 50% of women in every country in the world experiencing menstrual pain. about According to the results of preliminary studies in MAN 2 Bantul Yogyakarta, 9 of the 11 students never experienced dysmenorrhea during menstruation. This study is to determine the factors that influence the incidence of menstrual pain (Dysmenorrhea) in students of MAN 2 Bantul Yogyakarta. Used in this research is analytic survey with pendektan cross-sectional. The study population total 312 students with a total sample of 76 students use the formula solvin. Research data analysis using chi-square test and Kendall tau. Result of Data analysis obtained results there is the influence of the age of menarche against dysmenorrhea (p=0.007<0.05), no effect of menstrual cycle against dysmenorrhea (p=0.165>0.05), there is the influence of family history of dysmenorrhea (p=0.015<0.05), and there is the influence of physical activity/exercise against dysmenorrhea (p=0.022<0.05). No influence of age of menarche, family history and physical activity/exercise on the incidence of menstrual pain in students of MAN 2 Bantul. And there is no influence of the menstrual cycle on the incidence of menstrual pain in students of MAN 2 Bantul.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Siska Delvia ◽  

According to the health of reproduction WHO (World Health Organization) definition adolescence is from 12-14 years old. According to health is reproduction is Indonesian ( SKRRI) adolescence is from 14-15 years old. Research in japan from 221 respondence in stress condition almost 61% of students is university get menstrual irregular. This research was conducted to determine the relationship of stress with an irregular menstrual cycle on the students Akper Al-Maarif Baturaja. The research was conducted using the analytical method with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study is the students of the Faculty of Akper Al-Maarif, and the total sample used was 82 students who participated in this study and answering a set and complete questionnaires. At the very least. The study was conducted from May to June 2016. Data obtained from questionnaires that have been distributed to respondents. The computer program SPSS 16.0 helps the processing of the data. The results showed that 59,7% of respondents with stress were found and 40,2% of the respondents experienced an irregular menstrual cycle. Other results showed that 63% who didn't stress had irregular menstrual cycles (38% of them). Based on the results of the chi-square test, we found a significant relationship with the irregularity of the menstrual cycles in which the p-value is 0.003 (<0.05).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Aesthetica Islamy ◽  
Farida Farida

Remaja putri sering mengalami gangguan menstruasi terutama pada tahun pertama setelah menarche.Gangguan terbanyak berupa keterlambatan siklus menstruasi (80%).Faktor risiko gangguan siklus menstruasi adalah hormonal, status gizi, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), dan tingkat stres.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi siklus menstruasi pada remaja putri tingkat III di STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung.Desain penelitian berupa analitik cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 40 responden.Analisis data dengan uji statistik Chi-square dan multivariate analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terhadapat hubungan antara tingkat stres (RP=4,7 (95% CI 1,1 – 20,0); p=0,015) dan status gizi (RP=2,8 (95% CI 1,6 – 4,8); p=0,026) dengan siklus menstruasi. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang paling besar pengaruhnya dalam siklus menstruasi adalah status gizi dan tingkat stres.Kesimpulan dari penelitian bahwa remaja putri yang mengalami stres dan memiliki status gizi tidak normal dapat berdampak pada siklus menstruasi. Rekomendasi bagi dinas kesehatan dan puskesmas diharapkan lebih meningkatkan pemberian informasi dalam peningkatan kesehatan reproduksi terutama pada gangguan siklus menstruasi. Kata kunci :cross-sectional, faktor risiko, menstruasi, status gizi, stres FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THEMENSTRUATION CYCLE IN YOUNG WOMEN LEVEL III ABSTRACTMenstrual disorders was a common problem for teenagers. The menstrual cycle in adolescents was often irregular in the first year after menarche. Approximately 80% of teenage girls who experience delayed menstrual cycle and 7% who experienced menstruation faster. There were several factors that can cause menstrual cycle disorders including hormonal disorders, nutritional status, IMT, and stress. The aim of this research was to find out the most dominant factors which caused Menstruation Cycle in Young women. The study design was in the form of cross-sectional analytic with a total sample of 40 respondents. Data analysis with Chi-square and multivariate analysis. The results showed that there was a relationship between stress levels (RP = 4.7 (95% CI 1.1 - 20.0); p = 0.015) and nutritional status (RP = 2.8 (95% CI 1.6 - 4 , 8); p = 0.026) with the menstrual cycle. Multivariate analysis showed that the variables that had the greatest influence on the menstrual cycle were nutritional status and stress levels. The conclusion of the study is that young women who experience stress and have abnormal nutritional status can have an impact on the menstrual cycle. Recommendations for health offices and health centers are expected to increase information provision in improving reproductive health, especially in disorders of the menstrual cycle. Keywords: cross-sectional, risk factor, menstruation, nutritional status, stress

2019 ◽  
pp. 55-62
Vuong Diem Khanh Doan ◽  
Ngoc Minh Chau Ho ◽  
Thi Van Ngo ◽  
Thi Bao Nga Phan ◽  
Thi Hong Phan Nguyen

Background: Vietnam is entering the stage of aging population; as a result, the quality of life (QOL) of the elderly is really a matter of concern. There is a great deal of research on the quality of life of the elderly while Vietnam witnesses a lack of research on this topic, especially on how physical and social activities have impact on QOL of the elderly. Objectives: (1) To describe the situation of participation in physical, social activities and QOL of the elderly residing in Truong An Ward, Hue city. (2) To examine the association between physical, social activities and QOL among participants. Methodology: This study used cross-sectional study design. A total sample of 420 people aged 60 and above in Truong An Ward, Hue city were interviewd. The SF36 was used to measure the QOL of participants. Results: Percentage of the elderly taking part in physical activity were 66%. 49% reported having the habit of taking part in social activities. The majority of the elderly get their QOL level in three health fields, namely physical, mental and general health at above average. (56.0, 60.7 and 60.8 respectively). There were significant associations between physical activities, social activities and QOL among participants. Conclusion: The percentage of the elderly taking part in physical and social activities were still low. Besides, QOL of the elderly at the research location was not really high. It’s important to encourage the elderly taking part in physical and social activities to improve their quality of life. Key words: Physical activities, social activities, QOL, the elderly

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 192
Wiwid Wahyuningsih ◽  
Atik Setiyaningsih

ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Keberadaan kader di posyandu sebagai salah satu sistem penyelenggarakan pelayanan sangat dibutuhkan. Mereka adalah ujung tombak  pelayanan kesehatan yang merupakan kepanjangtanganan puskesmas Jawa Tengah tahun 2011 jumlah gizi kurang 5,35% dan gizi buruk 0,10%. Untuk Kabupaten Semarang dari 23.562 balita yang ditimbang pada tahun 2011 gizi lebih 1,13%, gizi baik 93,51%, gizi kurang 4,86% dan gizi buruk 0,49% (DepKes Prov Jateng, 2011). Tujuan Penelitian : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan peran kader posyandu dengan status gizi balita. Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh balita di Posyandu Mawar di Desa Gedangan sejumlah 40 responden, dengan teknik total sampling dan analisa data chi square. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil perhitungan chi square di peroleh X² hitung 10.644 pada df=4, P.value 0.031 dimana probabilitas lebih kecil dari level of significant 5 % (0,001 < 0,05) berarti Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Kesimpulan : ada hubungan antara peran kader posyandu dengan status gizi pada balita.Kata Kunci : peran kader , status gizi balitaCADERE ROLE RELATIONSHIP WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF CHILDREN POSYANDUABSTRACTBackground : posyandu cadre in Existence as one of the 56th's service system is urgently needed. They are the tip of the Spear is a kepanjangtanganan health services clinics in Central Java in 2011 the amount of nutrition less 5.35% 0.10% and malnutrition. To Semarang from 23.562 toddler who weighed in 2011 more nutritional 1.13%, 93,51%, good nutrition nutrition less 4.86% and 0.49% poor nutrition (Department of Health Central Java Prov., 2011). Objective : the research aims to find out the relationship role of posyandu cadre with the nutritional status of children. Methods : the design of this research is a survey using the analytic approach of cross sectional. The population in this study are all the toddlers at the Rose in the village of Posyandu Gedangan some 38 respondents, with total sample techniques and data analysis a chi square. The results :. The chi square calculation results in getting X ² count 10.644 on df = 4, P. value 0.031 where probability is smaller than the level of significant 5% (0.001 < 0.05) mean Ha Ho accepted and rejected. Conclusion : there is a connection between the role of cadres of posyandu with nutritional status on toddlers.Keywords : the role of cadres, toddler nutrition status

Dwi Jata ◽  
Nyoman Adi Putra ◽  
I.B.G. Pujaastawa

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is one of diseases that causes health problems in Indonesia and oftenly creates extraordinary events with great death. The purpose of this research is to discover relationship community behavior in mosquito nesting eradication and environmental factors with DHF incidence in 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Selatan and 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Timur. The research design used is observational, cross-sectional. Total sample of 82 households. Sampling was done in proportion sampling method. Results of the analysis of environmental variables associated with DHF incidence in 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Selatan: occupant density (p = 0.02), mobility (p = 0.01), the habit of hanging clothes (p = 0.04). 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Timur: mobility (p = 0.00), clogged water ditches (p = 0.00), containers water existance (p = 0.03), the habit of hanging clothes (p = 0.00). Knowledge, attitude and actions in 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Selatan and 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Timur statistically correlated with DHF incidence. As conclusion of the research results, in 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Selatan and 1st Public Health Center Denpasar Timur, that is mobility, the habit of hanging clothes, knowledge, attitude and actions strongly related with DHF incidence, while that is clogged water ditches, containers water existance and occupant density has no relation with DHF incidence. Public Health Center need to intensify health promotion, improves the quality of MNE (PSN), and the Provincial Health Service need to support Public Health Center on setting policies which necessary.

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