Buana Bastra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-68
May Adelia Pramesti ◽  
Eko Cahyo Prawoto

Youtube is one of the facilities of information on social media to air an advertisement. Youtube is visited by many people, especially teenagers. Many advertisements are aired on youtube, one of them is a beauty product advertisement. Beauty products are in high demand by Indonesian women, especially teenagers, because basically women always want to look beautiful. The use of language styles and impressions that we can catch on the beauty products advertisement is one of the things that influences consumers to be interested in buying it. The basis of this research begins with linguistics, namely stylistics. The purpose of this research is to describe more deeply, adequately, and comprehensively about climax language style, hyperbole language style, metaphorical language style and image on beauty products advertisements on youtube. The theory used in this research is stylistic theory. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Data collection techniques using documentation and observation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive data analysis techniques (processing, analyzing, and interpreting data). The results of the research found on the beauty products advertisement on youtube, amounting to 60 products include climax language style, hyperbole language style, metaphorical language style, and imagery (vision and touch). Conclusions and suggestions are given so that this research is useful for other researchers, advertisers, and the society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-211
Agung Nugroho ◽  
Inda Puspita Sari

This study aims to gain an understanding of the comparison of language styles in a collection of End-of-Season Phrases by Adiska Nirmaya and a collection of Nafaskarya Fatimah Musawa poems. The method used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques in research using documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques with steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of the study show that there are comparisons of comparative language styles and opposing language styles. Comparative language style in the collection of End-of-Season Phrases by Adiska Nirmala amounts to 18 data and the language style of contention is 5 data, based on the language style that dominates the collection of Phrase Poems at the End of Season. Whereas the collection of Nafas poems by Fatimah Musawa, namely: Language style comparisons totaling 9 data. While the language style of contention is 11 data. Conclusions, a collection of End-of-Season Phrases by Adiska Nirmaya is more dominant in the style of comparison and the collection of Nafas poems by Fatima Musawa has a dominant style of language in opposition. Keywords: Language Style, Collection of Poetry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Rahmat Rahmat

The purpose of this thesis research is to describe the character values ​​taught by Harfin in the novel Loving Him before Loving You. This study uses a qualitative method. Qualitative method as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences for each paragraph. Research data are data sources, collection techniques and data analysis techniques which include data description, data analysis and data conclusions. Data analysis was carried out by content analysis to reveal the 5 character values, namely religious character, mutual cooperation, independence, nationalism and integrity. Religious characters have good characters (protagonists) and person who are ugly. Character of mutual cooperation is the attitude of helping and advising each other. The usual independent character lives in deprivation, hard work, has a motivation that is less dependent on others. Nationalism character in the form of dedication of honorary teachers in an elementary school. The integrity character of hard work with confidence and optimism can complete the work while praying to Him. The character implanted can be a reference for learning in schools in order to realize Indonesian children who are religious, mutual help, independent, nationalism and integrity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Amelia Rosalina ◽  
Suryadi Suryadi ◽  
Irma Diani

The purpose of this study is to describe the quality of the language available in the novel teenager "D'Angel Princess" by Luna Torashyngu. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data in this study Various styles on the novel teenagers "D'Angel Princess" by Luna Torashyngu. Documentation technique is used in the data collection technigue. Data analysis technique in this research is done through steps, that is: (1) reading novelteenlit "Angel Angel" by Luna Torashyngu (2) hiding data, (3) classifying data, (4) analyzing data, and (5) conclude. Test the validity of the data is a credibility test conducted by increasing persistence with the supervisor during the process, and discussion with colleagues. The results found in the novel D'Angel Princess by Luna Torashyngu in slang and not used to separate the characteristics of the teen novel. Then the word denotation and author connotation to express and convince the compiler readers convey narration and description in the story, said Science used as a means to monetize a novel theme with a scientific theme, the words used to sort out teenage characters who look slang. The use of sentences is used to describe the main character in the sentence Usage. The author's written sentence contains descriptions and narrations to make the story more interesting and easy to understand. Comment topic sentence  gives a beautiful impression or a beautiful comment on the characters. Use of minor sentences is used  to give challenge and sincerity to what people say so that readers feel confidence. Minor sentences and reciprocal is used by writers when delivering narration in serious situations or moods.Keywords: language style, teenlit novel, "D'Anggel" by Luna Torashyngu

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Nur Syamsiyah ◽  
Farida Yufarlina Rosita

The purpose of this study is to describe the types of use of language style in the collection of poems of “Dear You” by Moammar Emka published in 2011. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data source in this study is a collection of poems contained in the poem “Dear You” by Moammar Emka. Data collection techniques in research, using content analysis techniques (text). The results of this study indicate that the use of language style and the value of character education in the collection of poetry “Dear You” by MoammarEmka has a type of language style: (a) parables, (b) metaphors, (c) personification, (d) depersonification, (e) hyperbole, (f) litotes, (g) metonimia, (h) sinekdoke, (i) alliteration, and (j) asonance. Of the ten language styles, the data obtained were 117 data with the smallest data of four data, namely the style of asonance language and the most data of thirty-four data, namely the style of the metaphorical language.

Tysa Mekar Afrila ◽  
Suyitno Suyitno ◽  
Budhi Setiawan

This study aims to describe the education value of religious character in Assalamualaikum Beijing novel by Asma Nadia. The method which is used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data source in this research is Assalamualaikum Beijing novel by Asma Nadia. The data in this study is the education value of religious character in Assalamualaikum Beijing novel by Asma Nadia. The data collection techniques in this study used documentation study techniques. The validity of the data in this study used theoretical triangulation technique. The data analysis technique in this study used interactive data analysis techniques. The results of the study found that the education value of religious character in Assalamualaikum Beijing novel by Asma Nadia is a form of religious relationship between humans and God, including piety, prayer, repentance, and tauhid. The form of the religious value of human relations includes affection and kindness. The results of this research can be used as a media to strengthen the religious character of students through literary learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-149
Muhtadin Muhtadin ◽  
Rika Berlista ◽  
Dian Oktavia

This study aims to describe the style of language used by the novel Tanah Langit Merah and the Comet novel. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research data collection technique is the documentation technique. Data analysis techniques are used through data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this study are: (1) Novel Comet contains a comparative language style of 109 citations, contrasting 39 quotations, linking 31 quotations, and repeating 10 quotations. (2) The novel Tanah Langit Merah contains comparative language styles, 97 parable parables, 117 metaphor quotations, 25 personification quotations, and 1 quote antithesis. (3) antagonism, hyperbole 74 citations, oxymoron 6 quotations, sarcasm 24 quotations, satire 15 quotations, paradox 10 quotations. (4) linkages, 8 excerpt metonemicals, 3 excerpts euphemisms, and 15 citation elepsis. (5) iteration, alliteration of 11 citations, anaphora 4 quotations, and efficiency of 2 quotations. In conclusion, the language style in the novel Tanah Langit Merah and the Comet novel, namely comparative language, conflicting, interrelated, and repetitive Keywords: Language Style, Novel

Moh. Syamsul Ma�arif ◽  
Lana Saadatul Abadiah

This study aims to describe: (1) the use of diction in Andmesh Kamaleng's first album; (2) the use of language styles contained in the songs of Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album. Researchers are interested in analyzing the diction and language style on Andmesh Kamaleng's first album because it has its own way or its own characteristics in conveying or composing a song. The object of this research is the first album from Andmesh Kamaleng which consists of 8 songs. The lyrics of the song by Andmesh Kamaleng contain 3 types of diction and 13 kinds of language styles. Diction is a choice of words that can distinguish precisely based on the nuances of meaning that arise from the idea to be conveyed. Language style is the use of words in speaking and writing in order to convince or influence a listener and reader. This research is a qualitative descriptive using content analysis method. The data source is a document in the form of song lyrics from Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album. The data collection techniques used in this study were the listening and note taking technique. Validating the data in this study using theoretical triangulation. The data analysis technique used in this research is flow analysis which includes three processes, namely: (1) data reduction; (2) Presentation of data; (3) Drawing conclusions. In the song lyrics of Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album, it contains three kinds of diction, namely diction which means denotative, connotative, and synonymy. For the language style used by the author, there are 3 kinds of language styles included in the lyrics of this song, namely: comparative language style, contradiction style, and repetition language style. The results of this study can be concluded as follows: (1) the use of word choices or diction in Andmesh Kamaleng's song lyrics, namely: 38 data denotative diction, 11 connotative diction, 11 synonymy diction, and 3 synonymy diction. The purpose of using denotative diction in a work is especially in Andmesh Kamaleng's songs so that the message conveyed by the writer can be understood by the audience; (2) the use of this language style consists of 13 types, namely: asonance as much as 46 data, alliteration of 26 data, anaphore of 18 data, personification of 10 data, tautotes with 2 data, apostrophe 5 data, epizeukis 9 data, hyperbolic 8 data, mesodilopsis 2 data, epanalepsis 1 data, metaphor 2 data, and zeugma with 2 data. Keywords: diction, language style

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Fikram Pratama A. Karim ◽  
Stanly W. Alexander ◽  
Jessy D.L Warongan

To fulfill the interests of the people, where the need for these funds increases every year along with the increase in population and the needs of the people. The funds that will be spent on this development are certainly obtained from the people themselves through a collection called tax. The purpose of this study was to determine motor vehicle tax revenue and the transfer fee of motor vehicle names in the South Minahasa regency and what obstacles / efforts were made by the government to increase tax revenues. The analytical method used in this study is a qualitative method with descriptive data analysis techniques. The results showed that the procedures for calculating PKB and BBNKB of South Minahasa Samsat UPTD had followed  local regulation No.7 of 2011, and PKB collection for each year for collection of BBNKB. Keywords: Motor vehicle reception tax, duty of transferring  name of a motor vehicle

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 510
Nanda Nur Novadina ◽  
Irham Zaki

This research aimed to find out what the takmir's management of Namira mosque was and its impact on society based on maqashid Syariah perspective. It based on the phenomenon that happened in the research object. The research object was the Namira mosque, which is located in Jotosanur village, Lamongan. This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. After interviewing, the results of the research were analyzed by using descriptive data analysis technique. The result of the research showed that how much the operational funds were that takmir of Namira mosque needed, and it was not very often that lack of funds was covered by the family foundation of Namira mosque. Then, the impact caused by the implementation of Rupiah zero-balance that the funds were used to donate to the activities taking place in the Namira mosque has been fulfilled based on maqashid Syariah.Keywords: Infaq, Mosque, Welfare, Maqashid Syariah.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah ◽  
Yurdayanti Yurdayanti

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa dan citraan pada puisi “Engkau Salat dalam Hutan” dan puisi “Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso” karya D. Zawawi Imron. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pustaka dan catat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan identifikasi, interpretasi, analisis, dan pemberian kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa stilistika dalam puisi “Engkau Salat dalam Hutan” dan puisi “Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso” memiliki keunikan yang khas D. Zawawi Imrom. Hal tersebut merupakan wujud karakteristik estetis individualisasi penyair. Kekhasan tersebut antara lain ditunjukkan dalam pemakaian gaya bahasa dan citraan. Penggunaan gaya bahasa dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan bahasa figuratif atau bahasa kiasan. Penggunaan gaya bahasa tersebut menyebabkan sajak menjadi menarik perhatian, menimbulkan kesegaran, hidup, dan terutama menimbulkan kejelasan gambaran angan. Adapun bahasa figuratif yang dimanfaatkan penyair dalam puisi tersebut adalah bahasa figuratif personifikasi, anafora, simile, klimaks, dan repitisi. Penggunaan citraan yang dimanfaatkan penyair dalam puisi “Engkau Salat dalam Hutan” dan puisi “Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso” adalah citraan penglihatan (visual), citraan pendengaran (audiovisual), dan citraan gerak. Pemanfaatan citraan dalam puisi tersebut mampu menghidupkan imaji pembaca dalam merasakan apa yang dirasakan oleh penyair.The purpose of this study is to describe the style of language and imagery in the poetry poem "Engkau Salat dalam Hutan" and the poem "Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso" by D. Zawawi Imron. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection is done by library and note techniques while data analysis is done by identifying, interpreting, analyzing, and providing conclusions. The results of the research and discussion are the stylistics in the poem "Engkau Salat dalam Hutan" and the poem "Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso", has a unique D. Zawawi Imrom which is a form of aesthetic characteristics of the poet individualization. This particularity is shown among others in the use of language styles and images. The use of language style is done by utilizing figurative language or figurative language causing poetry to attract attention, give rise to freshness, life, and especially cause clarity of imaginary images. The figurative language used by the poet in the poetry is the figurative language of personification, anaphora, simile, climax, and repetition. The use of images used by poets in the poem "Engkau Salat dalam Hutan" and the poem "Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso" are vision images (visual), hearing images (audiovisual), and motion images. The use of images in the poem is able to animate the reader's image in feeling what is felt by the poet. 

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