2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-72
Diah Navianti ◽  
Ardiya Garini ◽  
Karneli Karneli

Background: Venous blood sampling has several risks of complication, the basic cause was emotional factor, such as anxiety and pain, which remain important to be solved. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of hypno–EFT to reduce the anxiety and pain during venous blood sampling. Methods: The design of the study was quasi experimental, with pretest posttest with control group design. The sampling technique was simple random sampling to select 52 respondents. Anxiety was measured using a Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HARS) modification and pain was measured using the Visual analogue scale (VAS) method. Wilcoxon and Manova multivariate test were used for data analysis.Results: Before hypno-EFT there was 1 person (2.9%) did not experience anxiety, 9 people (25.7%) with mild anxiety, 20 people (57.1%) with moderate anxiety and 5 people (14.3%) with severe anxiety. After hypno-EFT therapy, there were 23 people (65.7%) did not get anxiety, mild anxiety were 11 people (31.4%) and severe anxiety was found in 1 person (2.9%). For the average pain of  respondent in venipuncture before hypno-EFT was 3.20 with a median 3.00 and a standard deviation was 1.91. The minimum value of pain was 0 and 9 in maximum. After therapy Hypno-EFT, the average pain was 1.54  and the minimum value of pain was 0 and 6 at maximum. Statistical  result  showed that the p-value of anxiety and pain was 0.000 (0.05)Conclusion: There was a significant effect of hypno-EFT therapy to decrease the anxiety and pain during venous blood sampling. This method is recommended as an alternative procedure in venous blood sampling with complicating factors.

2021 ◽  
Somaeh. Salehi Sarbijan ◽  
Roghiah Mehdipoor Rabori ◽  
Esmat Nouhi

Abstract Background: A large number of children are subject to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment procedures that mostly require venous blood sampling. Painful procedures such as blood sampling in children have annoying physical and emotional effects and can lead to wider negative consequences such as physical, behavioral, and social disorders in children. This study aimed to determine the effect of distraction by balloon inflating on the amount of pain during taking blood samples from children aged 4 to 7. Method: This study had a randomized controlled clinical trial that was conducted on 80 children admitted to the pediatric department of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Jiroft-Kerman province who met the inclusion criteria after obtaining their parent’s consent. The children were randomly grouped into the intervention (n = 40) and control (n = 40) groups. The pain level in children in the intervention group was measured during the venous blood sampling while the children were watching inflating a balloon. However, the pain in children in the control group was measured without any intervention during blood sampling. Wong–Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale questionnaire was used for pain assessment. Results: The average pain scores for the children in the two groups showed no significant difference before the intervention but the average pain scores after the intervention in the intervention and control groups were 1.38±2.56 and 4.2±1.58; showing a significant difference between the two groups after the intervention (p-value < 0.05). Conclusion: Using balloon inflation distraction during venous blood sampling reduces pain in children.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-127
Yunita Liana

Young women often feel primary dysmenorrhoea because the hormonal cycles experienced are not stable, this can disrupt the concentration and activity of young women. The principle of back to nature is increasingly popular today, the side effects of chemical drugs can cause new problems, it is one of the driving force of the development of traditional medicine. Papaya leaves contain Vitamin E which can reduce dysmenorrhea. In addition, turmeric acids also contain curcumine and anthocyanins that inhibit cyclooxygenase, thereby reducing the occurrence of inflammation during uterine contractions. The aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of papaya leaf stew with acidic turmeric to primary dysmenorrhea. Type of Research is an experimental study with a Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design design. The sample is 30 people. The research was conducted on December 27, 2017 s.d February 24, 2018 at SMP Negeri 46 Palembang. Instrument to measure pain Numeric Rating Scale. The statistical test used by Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney U. Average score of pain before papaya leaves stem 5.40 ± 0.73 while the mean score of pain after given turmeric acid 5.33 ± 0.61 The mean score of pain after being given papaya leaves stew 3.60 ± 0.91 while the mean score of pain after given turmeric acid 4.06 ± 0.79. There was a difference of mean score of dysmenorrhea pain before and after given papaya leaf stem p value = 0.000. There is difference of mean score of dysmenorrhea pain before and after given turmeric acid p value = 0,002. There was no difference of mean score of dysmenorrhea pain before and after given papaya leaf sting and turmeric acid p value = 0,217. The decoction of papaya leaf and turmeric acid have the same effectiveness in reducing primary dysmenorrhea pain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Sri Tanjung Rejeki ◽  
Yuni Fitriani

 Latar Belakang : Kehamilan melibatkan berbagai perubahan fisiologis antara lain perubahan fisik, perubahan sistem pencernaan, sistem respirasi, sistem traktus urinarius,muskuloskeletal dan sirkulasi. Dalam proses adaptasi tidak jarang ibu akan mengalami ketidaknyamanan salah satunya adalah nyeri punggung, meskipun nyeri punggung adalah hal fisiologis namun tetap perlu diberikan suatu penanganan, seperti yoga prenatal. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui pengaruh yoga prenatal terhadap nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil trimester II dan III. Metode penelitrian dengan quasi experiment Desain penelitian Pretest and Postest Without Control Group Design. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 ibu hamil Trimester II dan III, alat ukur kuesioner Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS). Penelitian dilakukan bulan April tahun 2019. Data dianalisis dengan Wilcoxon (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yoga prenatal terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil trimenster II dan III karena nilai Asym. Sig sebesar 0,000(p value < 0,05).

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Natalia Devi Oktarina ◽  
Suwanti Suwanti ◽  
M. Imron Rosyidi

Nyeri dismenore adalah nyeri di daerah panggul akibat menstruasi dan produksi zat prostaglandin yang membuat dinding rahim berkontraksi dan pembuluh darah sekitarnya terjepit (kontriksi) yang menimbulkan iskemi jaringan. Penanganan nyeri dismenore dapat dilakukan dengan nonfarmakologis diantaranya dengan pemberian minuman kunyit asam dan stimulasi kutaneus. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas pemberian kunyit asam yang baisa dikonsumsi remaja dengan pemberian stimulasi kutaneusterhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri dismenore pada siswi remaja putri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian quasy eksperiment dengan rancangan pretest-posttest with control group design. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling. Besarnya sampel adalah 40 remaja di Desa Candirejo Kabupaten Semarang. Instrumen penelitiannya berupa lembar observasi nyeri Numerical Rating Scale. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik t-test independent. Hasil penelitian melalui uji statistik t-test independent menunjukkan nilai p-value 0,002  yang artinya ada perbedaan efektivitas pemberian kunyit asam dan stimulasi kutaneus terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri haid dengan rata-rata penurunan skala nyeri lebih tinggi pada stimulasi kutaneus. Kesimpulannya adalah stimulasi kutaneus lebih efektif menurunkan skala nyeri dismenore pada remaja putri.Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diharapkan intervensi stimulasi kutaneus dapat diterapkan dan diaplikasikan sebagai intervensi baru bagi remaja ataupun masyarakat untuk mengatasi dismenore. Kata kunci      : nyeri dismenore, kunyit asam, stimulasi kutaneus

Kusila Devia Rahayu ◽  
Ivon Guite ◽  
Haidir Syafrulloh

Dysmenorhea can be experienced by every woman who is menstruating. Teenagers are an age group that is prone to dysmenorhea. A preliminary study found that of 125 high school teenagers in the city of Bandung 90 of them experienced dysmenorrhea. The results of the interviews revealed various ways they performed when dysmenorrhea included rest, rubbing the stomach, consumption of young coconut water, analgesic drugs and red ginger. Red ginger or Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum is a type of spice that grows and is known as complementary ingredients in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumption of red ginger stew on dysmenorrhea in high school adolescents. This type of research is quasi-experimental with non equivalent control group design. Data collection was carried out by purposive sampling on 54 respondents. The instrument in this study uses a Numeric Rating Scale sheet. Data analysis was carried out using The Wilcoxon test with a p-value of 0.000 (≤ α). The results of the study revealed that the administration of red ginger stew affected dysmenorrhea in high school adolescents. Health workers are advised to promote red ginger stew as a complementary therapy to overcome juvenile dysmenorrhea by involving officers in the School Health Unit.

Lutfatul Latifah ◽  
Dian Ramawati

Introduction: Every woman who undergo Sectio Caesaria (SC) surgery for delivery their babies often complain about pain after the surgery and it become very distrubing. The effect of the pain cause mobilisation limitation, interrupting bonding attachment between mother and child, and postponning breastfeeding inititation. This study conduct EFT or tapping as the pain management in women post SC surgery.The aim of this study is to identify the effect of EFT or tapping for reducing pain after SC surgery. Methods: Quasy experimental with pre-post non randomized control group design was used in this study. The data been colleted using Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) to measure the pain in participants before and after EFT or tapping treatment. The number of participants was 30 mothers with 15 women in control and treatment group respectively. The t-test was used to analize the effect of the EFT. Results: The mean of pain scale before treatment in control group was 5.20 dan 6.20 for the treatment group. The pain scale after treatment in control group was 5.00 and 4.27 in treatment group. There was a significant difference between the reducing pain scale in treatment group with p value = 0,000 (α = 0.05). Discussion: EFT or tapping can be one of many non farmacologic treatment as complementer therapy to reduce pain after SC surgery. Keywords: post SC pain, EFT, pain scale decline, non farmacologic therapy

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Ayu Irawati ◽  
Susianti Susianti ◽  
Iranita Haryono

Pain during labor is caused by the first stage of labor in which contractions cause dilation and thinning of the cervix and uterine ischemia due to contraction of the myometrial arteries. These contractions cause the opening of the cervix to begin labor. Various attempts are made to reduce labor pain, both pharmacologically and non-pharmacological. The non-pharmacological method applied is a distraction with birth balls. The research aims to prove the effectiveness of the use of birthing ball on the reduction of labor pain in the first stage of labor in the active phase. This study used an experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research sample was 20 maternity mothers at the Lompoe Health Center, who received treatment and 20 people as control samples. It applied the purposive sampling technique. The instrument of observation was the pain scale using the Faces Pain Rating Scale. Data processing using the Wilcoxon-test to determine the effect of the treatment given. Based on the results of the bivariate analysis showed that the p-value is <0,001. In conclusion, there is an influence of using the birthing ball to reduce the level of pain in the first stage of labor in the active mother.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-224
Tina Mawardika ◽  
Wacidatum Mutohharoh

Nyeri haid merupakan nyeri di daerah panggul akibat menstruasi dan produksi zat prostaglandin yang membuat dinding rahim berkontraksi. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi nyeri yaitu dengan Massage Effleurage. Massage effleurage dapat menstimulasi serabut di kulit yang akan membuat nyaman, menurunkan rasa nyeri haid karena sentuhan dan nyeri yang di rangsang bersama sensasi sentuhan berjalan ke otak dan meningkatkan hormone endhorpin. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh massage effleurage terhadap intensitas nyeri haid. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy eksperiment dengan rancangan non randomized pretest-post test with control group design. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling, jumlah populasi 126 siswi dan sampel 36 responden. Instrument penelitiannya berupa numeric rating scale dan lembar self report. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistic Independent t-test dan Dependent t-test. Hasil penelitian melalui uji statistik independent t-test didapatkan nilai p-value (0,001) < α (0,05) yang artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara massage effleurage terhadap intensitas nyeri haid   Kata kunci: massage effleurage, nyeri haid THE EFFECT OF MASSAGE EFFLEURAGE ON THE BACK FOR PERIOD MENSTRUAITION PAIN   ABSTRACT Period pain is pelvis pain area because of menstruation and prostaglandin subtances production. Prostaglandin used to make cervix contraction. One of the way for reduce the pain are massage effleurage. Massage effleurage can stimulated fiber on the scalp and make comfortable. Massage effleurage can reduce period pain because touch and pain stimulated with touch sensation going to brain and increase endhorpin hormone. Analyzing Massage Effleurage influence for period pain intensity. These research are using quasy experiment research design with non randomized pretest-post test with control group design. Taking sample by purposive sampling on 126 women students in total and 36 respondents for sample. Research instrument are numeric rating scale and self report paper form. Data analyze using statistic test : Independent t-test and Dependent t-test. Research result by statistic test independent t-test show p-value (0,0001 )< α (0,05) that mean there are a significant influence on massage effleurage in period pain intensity.   Keywords: massage effleurage, menstruation pain

Halil Kazanasmaz ◽  
Mahmut Demir

Abstract Objective Hemoglobin (Hb) measurement is one of the most commonly used laboratory tests in medical practice. Unnecessary blood sampling, especially in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), contributes to iatrogenic anemia. Continuous non-invasive monitoring of total Hb (SpHb) was compared with invasive venous blood samples (tHb) in NICU patients. Methods Three hundred and ten patients were identified in NICU. Non-invasive Hb measurement was performed immediately before venous blood sampling and comparison of invasive with non-invasive values was undertaken. Results There was a strongly positive correlation between SpHb and tHb (r = 0.965, p &lt; 0.001). Bland–Altman analysis was performed in 95% limits of agreement for Hb values measured by both methods. The mean bias between tHb and SpHb measurements was 0.05 g/dl (−1.85 to 1.96). In Passing–Bablok regression analysis, the CUSUM test p value was found to be 0.98 for Hb levels measured by SpHb and tHb; and the difference between the methods was not significant. Conclusion In newborns, SpHb method offers reliable Hb values, which are comparable with the more traditional tHb method. Continuous non-invasive monitoring of total Hb may help prevent unnecessary blood sampling and iatrogenic anemia. Further clinical studies are required for the effectiveness of the method in critically ill patients with circulatory disorders.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Hadits Lissentiya Armal ◽  
Heti Rais Khasanah ◽  
Leni Marlina

ABSTRACTTourniquet can be a problem if it is tied too long and too tightly when taking venous blood can affect potassium levels and result in high false potassium levels (pseudohiperkalemia). This study aims to determine the effect of Tourniquet release time on potassium levels in venous blood collection. This study uses the Quasy Experiment method using a Non-Equivalent Control group design involving two groups with two different treatments. The variables of this study were the time of tourniquet release and potassium levels. Data processing in this study was conducted in univariate and bivariate. Analysis of the data in this study also used the Independent T Test to determine the effect between variables.The results of the study through statistical analysis showed that the average blood potassium level in the first group was 3.784 mEq / L and the second group was 4.896 mEq / L. From the results of statistical tests obtained a value of P value (0,000) <α (0.05) which means Ha is accepted so that the results of this study are there are differences in the average potassium levels at the moment of release of tourniquet blood entering and releasing the tourniquet after blood. The conclusion of this study is that the release time of the tourniquet can affect potassium levels and it is recommended for medical personnel to release the tourniquet while the blood enters the syringe needle when taking venous blood to avoid high levels of potassium in the serum.Keywords: Tourniquet Release, Potassium Levels, and Pseudohiperkalemia

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