scholarly journals Strategi Pencegahan Stunting melalui Rumah Desa Sehat dan Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan Rumah di Desa Karya Indah Kecamatan Buntulia Kabupaten Pohuwato

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-86
Rosma Kadir ◽  
Jafar Lantowa

School children are at a rapid development stage in their intellectual and skill processes and are beginning to have vigorous physical activities. To support the development and physical activity, school children need various kinds of nutrients in sufficient quantities in order to grow and develop properly, because the role of nutrition greatly determines the child's health condition.In this regard, many direct factors are affecting nutritional status, including food consumption and infectious diseases. Moreover, several indirect factors, such as knowledge, education, income level, parental education, and family size, also affected the nutritional status. In developing countries, including Indonesia, nutrition is becoming more critical in terms of public health because malnutrition can reduce immunity to several diseases, especially infectious diseases.This community service program aims to increase education and provide information about stunting through the dissemination of stunting prevention and fostering the creativity of the community through the utilization of the home yard. The implementation methods employed includeddissemination, the use of Poskesdes as a Healthy Village House, coaching, and community empowerment. Thematic Community Service Program outputs are dissemination activities, the formation of Healthy Village Houses and modules on the use of house yards, and the formation of garden models, which are the results of the utilization of house yards that can be emulated by people who want to use their houses as gardens. The advice given regarding this Community Service Program is that the local government needs to support the stunting prevention in the village, especially in Karya Indah Village. Moreover, awareness is needed from village officials, health cadres, and the community in managing Poskesdes as a Healthy Village Home. Guidance and support from village officials and youth organizations are also needed for the community regarding the utilization of home yards

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-104
Yulita Londa ◽  
Yulita Tanda ◽  
Yohanes F Senda ◽  
Yanuaris B Gabe ◽  
Sirilus Sandy Banda ◽  

The general theme of the 2020 Community Service Program is “Community Empowerment”. Meanwhile, the special theme is "Entrepreneurship". The implementation time starts from August 3 to September 3, 2020, in Onekore Village, Ende Tengah District, Ende Regency. On the program. With this special theme, the main activity carried out is supporting entrepreneurship in Onekore Village. The purpose of implementing this activity is that students are expected to gain learning experience through direct involvement in the community in finding, formulating, solving, and overcoming problems in the field. In this KKN activity, the problems found were the lack of utilization of existing garden products, namely bananas. So far, it is consumed by boiling or eating it without further processing. Olso besides, we also found woven products from weaving that were difficult to market. Students socialize and practice entrepreneurship as an effort to solve problems faced by weaving craftsmen. Efforts made to help the household economy include making flower pots and making wallets made from woven fabrics. Supporting activities during the Community Service Program are assisting with the administration of the Village, community service, building a gate for the Indonesian Independence Day, making sample gardens, socializing COVID-19 and, health service for the elderly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-76
Ine Mariane ◽  
Soleh Suryadi ◽  
Taqwaty Firdausijah ◽  
Rizki Ilhami

The main problem responded by partners is Karang Taruna as a business effort in Warnasari, one of which has not yet formed a commitment to make partnerships in planning in its area, because of the lack of resources and capital owned.The purpose of this community service program is to educate business actors related to the potential of existing agrotourism with the resources needed to build partnerships through private-public partnerships needed to develop existing tourism potential.The methodology of implementation in community service is divided into 3 (three) The result of community service activities in the village of Warnasari, Pangalengan Sub-district, Bandung Regency, was to build a public private partnership so that forming an MOU also gained the ability to manage tourism in the village of Warnasari, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency.The impact of community service activities is the assistance of youth organizations as an aid to businesses and village apparatus in developing existing potential through private public partnerships developed by the MOU.The benefit of community service activities is the achievement of the welfare of the people of Warnasari Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency, with tourism support in the area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-126
Fatwa Tentama ◽  
Surahma Asti Mulasari ◽  
Desta Risky Kusuma

COMMUNITY EMPOWER THROUGH UTILIZATION OF STRAW WASTE AND RICE HUSK BECOME SUPERCARBON IN MOYUDAN, SLEMAN. Karanganjir, Sejati Dukuh and Setran are three hamlets in the village Sumberarum. The livelihoods of the majority of the population worked as farmers. Each season rice harvest paddy lands in Karanganjir, Sejati Dukuh and Setran will produce abundant rice. Results of the rice harvest in the form of straw and rice husks were also plentiful. Rural farming communities Sumberarum have not been able to utilize the waste straw and rice husks are plentiful. This is due to the lack of awareness, knowledge, and skills for the use of waste straw and rice husks. Pollution of the environment requires a solution that is by utilizing the waste straw and rice husks into supercarbon as kerosene and gas for household and economic value. The program will work closely with youth organizations and farmers’ groups in Karanganjir, Sejati Dukuh and Setran, Co-operative of Sumberarum village, Co-operative of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), and Department of Industry Trade and Cooperatives of Sleman. This program is conducted by lecturers and UAD students of Community Service Program (KKN) divided into five major themes: 1) Entrepreneurship; 2) Making supercarbon from agricultural waste; 3) Utilization supercarbon as an alternative fuel; 4) Motivating supercarbon entrepreneurship; 5) The establishment and development of business units supercarbon.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Surya Perdana ◽  
Arif Rahman

ABSTRAKKegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepemimpinan dan pelatihan mengenai pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan usaha ekonomi produktif kepada pemuda Karang Taruna Desa Sukamanis, Kecamatan Kadudampit, Kabupaten Sukabumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pertama dengan observasi langsung yaitu: pengabdi langsung datang ke lokasi pengabdiaan untuk memperoleh data. Hal ini kami lakukan pada saat menjelang maupun saat kegiatan berlangsung. Observasi berguna untuk mengetahui kondisi dan kebutuhan yang diperlukan oleh Karang Taruna terutama untuk peningkatan sikap leadership dan juga kewirausahaan bagi para anggota Karang Taruna. Observasi sangat penting untuk mewujudkan kesuksesan kegiatan pengabdiaan masyarakat itu sendiri. Metode kedua adalah melakukan pelatihan mengenai kepemimpinan dan juga kewirausahaan, memberikan cara-cara untuk membentuk sikap kepemimpinan yang baik, memberikan tips untuk menjadi seoarang wirausahaan yang sukses. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan kepemimpinan dalam kewirausahaan ini sangat bermanfaat karena dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan para pemuda Karang Taruna, ditambah dengan dukungan dari Kepala Desa Sukamanis sehingga para pemuda Karang Taruna sangat antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan kepemimpinan dan kewirausahaan.ABSTRACTThis activity aims to provide leadership training and training on community empowerment through the development of productive economic enterprises for youth youth in Sukamanis Village, Kadudampit District, Sukabumi Regency. The method used in community service is first by direct observation, namely: servants directly come to the service location to obtain data. We did this before and during the activity. Observation is useful to find out the conditions and needs needed by  youth, especially for improving leadership and entrepreneurial attitudes for members of youth organizations. Observation is very important to realize the success of community service activities themselves. The second method is conducting training on leadership and entrepreneurship, providing ways to shape good leadership attitudes, giving tips for becoming a successful entrepreneur. The results of leadership training activities in entrepreneurship are very useful because they can add insight and knowledge to youth youth organizations, coupled with the support of the Village Head Sukamanis in providing support so that youth youth are very enthusiastic in participating in leadership and entrepreneurship training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Rini Agustina ◽  
Dodit Suprianto ◽  
Sovia Rosalin

Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat sangat berpengaruh terhadap lembaga pelayanan masyarakat ditingkat kelurahan, yang saat ini telah melakukan peningkatan dalam hal pelayanan kepada masyarakat, termasuk salah satunya adalah pelayanan administratif dan pemberian informasi. Informasi dari pemerintah harus bisa segera tersampaikan kepada masyarakat mengingat akan adanya tenggat waktu dan masa di setiap informasi yang disampaikan. Peningkatan pelayanan kepada masyarakat membutuhkan kesiapan yang baik dari petugas administrasi kelurahan, mulai dari menyiapkan berkas, pencatatan hingga pelaporan. Demikian pula halnya dalam penyampaian informasi baik terkait program pemerintah maupun laporan kegiatan warga. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Sumber daya manusia di lingkungan kelurahan baik petugas administrasi, Ketua RT/ RW dan perwakilan dari karang taruna. Kegiatan pelatihan ini meliputi pelatihan program office dan Internet. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat dilakukan selama 2 hari mengingat kesibukan dari peserta dan pelatihan ini dirasa cukup berhasil, hal ini dapat dilihat dari minat peserta yang antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan sampai tuntas. Pelatihan ini mendasari kerjasama antara Perguruan Tinggi dengan instansi pemerintah yang diharapkan dapat berkelanjutan dengan program pelatihan lain untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di Kelurahan Merjosari.The rapid development of technology is very influential on community service institutions at the village level, which currently has made improvements in terms of service to the community, including administrative services and providing information. Information from the government must be conveyed to the public immediately given the deadline and period imposed for each information submitted. Improving services to the community requires good readiness from the village administration officers, starting from preparing the files, recording to reporting. Likewise in the delivery of information both related to government programs and reports on citizens' activities. The purpose of this activity is to improve the ability of human resources in the area including the administrative staff, Head of RT / RW and representatives of youth organizations. These training activities include Microsoft office and internet training. The Community Service was held for 2 days considering the busyness of the participants the training was considered quite successful, this can be seen from the enthusiastic participants' interest in participating in the training activities to the end. This training is the basis of a collaboration between universities and government agencies which are expected to be sustainable and can synergize with other training programs to improve the quality of human resources in Merjosari Village.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 859
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Husna Gemasih ◽  
Zulida Susanti

AbstrakTujuan yang ingin dicapai pada program Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN-PPM) Universitas Gajah Putih Takengon Tahun 2018 di Desa Simpur adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat di bidang pertanian dan peternakan sesuai dengan potensi sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki Desa Simpur. Meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dengan memaksimalkan potensi pertanian dan peternakan yang terdapat di Desa Simpur dengan beberapa program yakni pembuatan kompos dari kotoran sapi, penyusunan ransum ternak sapi dan pembuatan ransum fermentasi, pembuatan perangkap hama, penanaman cabe kopay tumpang sari dengan bawang merah. Menciptakan kemandiriaan energi dengan pembuatan instalasi biogas karena Desa Simpur belum semua lokasi dialiri listrik PLN. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah 1)Penyuluhan, 2)Demontrasi, 3)Membuat kebun percontohan, 4)Pratek langsung, 5)Mengadakan monitoring, evaluasi perkembangan setiap program yang dijalankan secara berkala.Kata kunci : Pemberdayaan masyarakat, cabe kopay, perangkap hama, kompos, biogas.AbstractThe aim to be achieved in the Takengon Gajah Putih University Community Service Program activities in 2018 in Desa Simpur is community empowerment in agriculture and livestock in accordance with the potential of natural resources and human resources owned by the village of Simpur. Improving the economy of the community by maximizing the potential of agriculture and livestock in Simpur Village with several programs namely composting from cow dung, compiling cattle rations and making fermentation rations, natural pest control, planting Kopay Chilli intercropping with shallots. Creating energy independence by making biogas installations because the village of Simpur has not been electrified by PLN. Improve the performance of village officials by computer training and making village websites. The methods used to achieve these objectives are 1) Counseling 2) Demonstration and Experiments 3) Making Kopay Chilli Pilot Gardens 4) Direct Pratek 5) Conducting monitoring, evaluating the progress of each program that is run regularly.Keywords: community empowerment, Kopay chili, pest traps, compost, biogas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-98
Khoirul Ngibad ◽  
Ernawati ◽  
Anis Putri Ambarwati ◽  
Ayu Putri C. ◽  
M. Ali Zainuddin ◽  

Sidorejo backwoods is backwoods located in the v Sidorejo illage, Krian District, Sidoarjo Regency. The condition of preservation of dolanan anak or traditional games in Sidorejo backwoods is currently very poor. Most children in Sidorejo backwoods are more familiar with modern games, such as: online games, playstation and others. Based on the results of a survey conducted by students of Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) in Sidorejo backwoods, it can be seen that the community of Sidorejo backwoods less responsive to the activity of reviving dolanan anak.. Therefore, the aim of Community Service is to preserve local culture through dolanan anak which is one part of the core program carried out by students of KKN from Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif in order to preserve the existing local culture. The community service activities that are conceptualized in Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) scheme involved students of Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif from various study programs guided by Field Supervisors. The implementation of community service begins with initial observations in the field of traditional games among school children from Dusun Sidorejo RW 04 and 05 and then determines the schedule of dolanan anak activities through traditional children's play followed by all children from Dusun Sidorejo RW 04 and 05. The results of this community service program have made the children more enthusiastic to revive the existing traditional games. The parents do not forbid their children to play traditional games so that it can support the success of programs run by students from Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif in the village of Sidorejo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-66
Frahmawati Bumulo ◽  
Sri Endang Saleh

Community Empowerment in the Tourism Sector in Efforts Acceleration of Economic Recovery in Dambalo Village As an effort to grow the economy which is currently slumped as a result of the covid 19 pandemic. He people of Dambalo Village have various livelihoods from self-employed fishermen, farmers and some are civil servants and construction workers, all of which aim to help the family economy. and almost 60% are creative and micro business actors. Here fore, we are interested in providing creative ideas in the tourism sector, where in this village there is a pretty good tourist attraction to be developed, namely the Botudidingga tourism object, as for the tourism objects in this village that have existed since a few years ago which are located on the coast which has its own uniqueness, because to go to this place the tourists seem to go on a trip to the mountains, the vast expanse of sea surrounded by mangroves and has a courtyard to the middle of the sea makes Botudidingga tourism object the maldeves of North Gorontalo. To further beautify and attract tourists, the thematic village community service students create interesting photo spots with materials taken in the village of Dambalo itself

Roni Nursyamsu

The Community Service Activity / Kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) was held in Cibinuang Village, Kuningan District, Kuningan Regency with the target of young people who are members of Karang Taruna Tunas Mekar as youth organization in Cibinuang Village. The problems faced by partner institution in this activity are: a) lack of socialization about the existence of youth organizations and their roles in the development of rural communities, b) less awareness and participation of youth in organizations, both administrator/ other members, c) training of administrators / members in making work programs have never been done. The method of implementation in this activity is active participation with stages namely 1). Seminar and discussing about the role of youth organizations, 2). Providing technical training in making organization programs, 3) Mentoring in making proposals. Seminar about the roles of youth organization for community empowerment in youth organizations in Cibinuang Village presented material in accordance with the theme. The materials presented to the participants including: the role of youth in village development, the mechanism for preparing programs and how to make proposals for effective funding requests. The training in making organization programs and activity proposals were divided into three stages, namely lectures and discussion about the role of youth organizations, providing technical training in the preparation of organization programs and making activity proposals, and mentoring in making organization programs and proposals.� Based on the process PkM activities, it can be seen that 1) there were enhancing youth's understanding and awareness of their capacity in developing villages through youth organizations, 2) members and administrators of youth organizations were motivated to play an active / participating role in building themselves and their villages, 3) administrators of youth organizations to arrange a program, 4) the management of the youth organization was able to make a proposal from each organization program that will be submitted to the Cibinuang Village Government.�Keywords: Youth Capacity, Youth Organization, Organization Program�AbstrakKegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilaksanakan di Desa Cibinuang Kecamatan Kuningan Kabupaten Kuningan dengan target pemuda-pemudi yang tergabung dalam Karang Taruna Tunas Mekar yang merupakan organisasi kepemudaan di tingkat Desa Cibinuang.� Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh lembaga mitra dalam kegiatan ini yaitu: a) kurang tersosialisasikanya eksistensi organisasi pemuda dan perannya dalam pembangunan masyarakat desa, b) kesadaran dan partisipasi pemuda dalam organisasi baik pengurus/anggota kurang, c) pelatihan pada pengurus/anggota dalam membuat program kerja belum pernah dilakukan.� Metode pelaksanaan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu partisipasi aktif dengan tahapan yakni 1). Ceramah dan tanya jawab tentang peran organisasi pemuda, 2). Memberikan pelatihan teknis pembuatan program kerja, 3) Pendampingan dalam membuat proposal kegiatan. Seminar tentang peran organisasi pemuda untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat pada organisasi pemuda di Desa Cibinuang Kec. / Kab. Kuningan diisi dengan pemaparan materi yang sesuai dengan tema. Materi-materi yang disampaikan kepada peserta meliputi: peran pemuda dalam pembangunan desa, mekanisme penyusunan program kerja dan cara pembuatan proposal kegiatan untuk permintaan dana yang efektif. Pelatihan pembuatan program kerja dan proposal kegiatan dibagi menjadi tiga kegiatan, yaitu ceramah dan tanya jawab tentang peran organisasi pemuda, memberikan pelatihan teknis penyusunan program kerja dan pembuatan proposal kegiatan, dan pendampingan dalam membuat program kerja dan proposal kegiatan. Berdasarkan proses kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dapat dilihat adanya 1) peningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran pemuda terhadap kapasitasnya dalam membangun desa melalui wadah organisasi pemuda, 2) anggota maupun pengurus organisasi kepemudaan termotivasi� untuk berperan aktif/berpartisipasi dalam membangun diri maupun desanya, 3) pengurus organisasi kepemudaan dapat menyusun program kerja, 4) pengurus organisasi kepemudaan mampu membuat proposal kegiatan dari setiap program kerja yang akan diajukan ke Pemerintah Desa Cibinuang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Hastin Ernawati Chotimah ◽  
Wijantri Kusumadati ◽  
Eka Nor Taufik

Petuk Katimpun is one of the supplier villages for vegetable needs in the Palangka Raya city and its surroundings. At the abundant harvest, the prices of vegetables dropped sharply and were even worthless. Vegetables are left to rot in the tree, because there are costs to be taken to pick the vegetables. This is certainly very painful for the farmer. The farmers continue to lose money. One solution is to increase the value added of vegetables through processing technology. The technology of processing vegetable chips with vacuum frying is able to maintain the distinctive aroma and color of vegetables, crisper texture, lower vitamin damage and lower oil absorption. The purpose of this community service program is to transfer vacuum frying technology to increase the value added of the vegetables so that the level of the loss of farmers can be reduced. The approach were taken by  counseling, training and coaching and mentoring. The counseling was carried out by direct communication and interactive discussion, while training of using vacuum frying tools with various vegetable raw materials was carried out under the guidance of the service team. The coaching and group assistance were carried out in the acquisition of SPP-IRT as well as ways to access markets both directly and indirectly. The results of the community service program showed that 70% of partners were able to operate vacuum frying equipment. The capabilities of labeling and packaging were 100 % . They also had an ability to access markets indirectly through online media. The direct market could not be accessed due to  the SPP-IRT certificate has not been obtained. Key words : community empowerment, vegetables chip, vacuum frying

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