Numeracy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-57
Dyoty Auliya Vilda Ghasya ◽  
Asmayani Salimi ◽  
Rio Pranata

The research aims to describe the learning planning of Mathematics subjects that have been made by teachers in grade IV, V and VI elementary schools, describing the pattern of implementation of distance learning in mathematics subjects grade IV, V and VI elementary school, describing the difficulty of teachers in carrying out distance learning in mathematics subjects grade IV, V and VI elementary school , describe the difficulties of grade IV, V and VI elementary school students in following distance learning in Mathematics subjects, describe the advantages of the implementation pattern of distance learning in mathematics grade IV, V and VI elementary school, and describe the opinions of parents or guardians of students on distance learning of Mathematics subjects grade IV, V and VI elementary school during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative research approach with exploration study type. The result of this study is distance learning in mathematics subjects grade VI, V and VI elementary schools there are conducted online and mixed. The implementation of distance learning in mathematics subjects grade VI, V and VI received a variety of responses from teachers, students and parents or guardians. Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Matematika yang telah di buat oleh guru pada kelas IV, V dan VI sekolah dasar, mendeskripsikan pola pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh mata pelajaran Matematika kelas IV, V dan VI sekolah dasar, mendeskripsikan kesulitan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada mata pelajaran Matematika kelas IV, V dan VI sekolah dasar, mendeskripsikan kesulitan siswa kelas IV, V dan VI sekolah dasar dalam mengikuti pembelajaran jarak jauh pada mata pelajaran Matematika, mendeskripsikan kelebihan pola pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh mata pelajaran Matematika kelas IV, V dan VI sekolah dasar, dan mendeskripsikan pendapat orang tua atau wali murid terhadap pembelajaran jarak jauh mata pelajaran Matematika kelas IV, V dan VI sekolah dasar pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis studi eksplorasi. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran jarak jauh pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas VI, V dan VI sekolah dasar ada yang dilaksanakan secara online maupun campuran. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas VI, V dan VI mendapatkan berbagai respon dari guru, siswa dan orang tua atau wali murid. Kata Kunci:  Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, Matematika, Kelas Tinggi Sekolah Dasar

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Nunung Nurjanah ◽  
Ratna Dewi Lestyorini

The background of this study is the lack of understanding of gender equality in elementary school students which raises various attitudes and actions that tend to be discriminatory and unfair to one party, especially felt by female students. The purpose of this study is to build students' understanding of gender equality through the development of citizenship education textbooks for the fifth grade of elementary schools in Indramayu Regency. The research approach used is the Reaserch And Development (R & D) research. The subjects in this study were fifth grade elementary school students in Indramayu Regency who were used as research samples. The number of schools studied were 18 elementary schools from the western part of Indramayu, central part of Indramayu and eastern part of Indramayu. The results of the study show that students understanding of gender equality changes and is better after obtaining Pancasila and Civic Education subject matter by paying attention to the equality of Gender contained in the book on gender Pancasila and Civic Education compiled by researchers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Wiwik Eko Pertiwi ◽  
Annissa Annissa

Background: Health promotion is an effort to distribute health messages to all levels of society. In order for the achievement of the main purpose of health promotion , media or tools are needed so  health promotion becomes effective and efficient. The lack of availability of health promotion media especially in elementary schools is still low, so that it affects the low condition of student knowledge and attitudes in healthy behaviors. Purpose: This study was aimed to determine the availability of health promotion media in elementary schools (SD) in Kramatwatu District, Serang Regency, Banten Province. Methods: This study was conducted on December 2017 to July 2018 with a total sample of 31 elementary schools. The study uses a descriptive design that is described in depth about the availability of health promotion media in elementary schools. Results: The results showed that out of 31 elementary schools located in Kramatwatu sub-district, it was found that 64.5% of elementary schools had health promotion media, 29.0% of elementary schools stated that the type of health promotion media were posters, 19.4% were available as health promotional media in book form. A total of 38.7% stated that the number of health promotion media was lacking, 25.8% of the number of health promotion media was sufficient. The health promotion media that are most often accessed by elementary school students were books (67.7%). Conclusion: the availability of health promotion media in elementary schools of Kramatwatu District is still categorized as low.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-43
Syamsul Kurniawan

If we agreed that human beings and their thoughts are the products of an educational process that they obtain, it can be said that the nature and behavior of humans that damage the environment are caused by the education that they got less optimal in strengthenig environmental wisdom. Because of that the lesson of Islamic Education should be able to be optimally given early for children, such as children of primary school. Environmental-oriented of Islamic Education needs to be given to students such as teaching them about the importance of caring for and preserving the environment and its functions. The focus of this paper is conceptual discussion of environmental oriented Islamic education in elementary schools concerning the basis, significance and implementation. Problem that want to be revealed through this paper: First, in Islam, what underlies the importance of Islamic education with environmental wisdom given to elementary school students? Second, why does Islam strongly emphasize the importance of strengthening environmental wisdom through Islamic education? Third, how should Islamic education with environmental wisdom given to elementary school students?

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Nuriyadin Nuriyadin ◽  
Abdullah Husein

Fiqh material requires a special skill for an educator in delivering it, let alone intersect with the problem of delivering material that considered taboo by both educators and students. Like delivering material about the purification of the big hadas (Mandi Junub), also conveyed the material of the request prayer, and fasting (Haid, Nifas Jimak). The skills of a teacher are needed in order to convey taboo material in Fiqh to level students elementary school in proportion. This article aims to analyze the skills of an educator in delivering Fiqh material which is taboo provide understanding to elementary school students. This article will studied using descriptive qualitative research methods by going directly to the field searches for data and narrates the data with a theory that concerned. The results of this study educators need special skills in teaching in order to be able to convey Fiqh material that is considered taboo to level students elementary school properly and in proportion. Conclusions from this research skills delivering Fiqh material from educators can provide understanding to participants educate on Fiqh material which is considered taboo

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Hayatul Khairul Rahmat ◽  
Syahti Pernanda ◽  
Mutiara Hasanah ◽  
Akhmad Muzaki ◽  
Ela Nurmalasari ◽  

<p align="justify"><strong>Abstrak:</strong></p><p align="justify">Sikap peduli lingkungan merupakan suatu sikap dan tindakan yang selalu berupaya mencegah kerusakan pada lingkungan di sekitar dan mengembangkan upaya-upaya untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yang terjadi. Melalui sikap peduli lingkungan siswa sekolah dasar tidak sekedar mengetahui pentingnya menjaga lingkungan tetapi juga menguatkan rasa keingintahuan bagaimana cara menjaga lingkungan. Karenanya perlu sebuah model pembelajaran guna mewujudkan terbentuknya sikap peduli lingkungan pada siswa sekolah dasar yaitu menggunakan model pembelajaran <em>discovery learning</em>. Adapun tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep model pembelajaran <em>discovery learning</em> guna membentuk sikap peduli lingkungan pada siswa di sekolah dasar. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode studi literatur. Melalui model pembelajaran <em>discovery learning</em> membuat siswa mampu menggunakan kemampuan intelektualnya guna memecahkan cara menjaga lingkungan sekitarnya.</p><p align="justify"><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><em>Discovery Learning</em>; Model Pembelajaran; Sikap Peduli Lingkungan.</p><p align="justify"><strong><em><br /></em></strong></p><p align="justify"><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong></p><p align="justify"><strong><em></em></strong><em>Environmental care is an attitude and action that always seeks to prevent damage to the surrounding environment and develop efforts to repair the damage. Through a caring attitude for the environment, elementary school students do not only know the importance of protecting the environment but also strengthen their curiosity about how to protect the environment. Therefore we need a learning model in order to realize the formation of environmental care attitudes in elementary school students, namely using discovery learning learning model. The purpose of this paper is to describe the concept of discovery learning learning model in order to form a caring attitude towards students in elementary schools. This paper uses a literature study method. Through the discovery learning model, students are able to use their intellectual abilities to solve ways of protecting their surroundings.</em><em>.</em></p><p align="justify"><em></em><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Discovery Learning; Learning Model; Environmental Care Attitude.</em></p>

Kosmas Sobon

The aim of this research is to explain influence smartphone on learning motivation of elementary school students Mapanget Subdistrict Manado City. This research is in four elementary schools used sample are 84 students. This research is a quantitative study used the survey’s method with the following stages: observation of the location of the research, preparation of questionnaires, distribution of questionnaires, validity testing, data collection, processing of research results, analysis of the results of research, and discussion. The result showed that the effect of smartphone on the learning motivation of students in elementary school Mapanget Subdistrict was 0.057 or 5.7% with a significance  0.028 < 0,05. The results of testing t-table is greater than t count, namely t-hitung = 2.232 ≥ (t-tab) = 1.989. This means that smartphone have an effect on students’ learning motivation even though it is in the low category 5.7%. It is recomended that students do not use excessive smartphones both at school and at home. Parents and teachers need to supervise children in using smartphone everday  because the effect  of smartphone on students’ learning motivation is very low.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Mahmud Alpusari ◽  
Eva Astuti Mulyani ◽  
Riki Apriyandi Putra ◽  
Neni Hermita

This study aims to assist teachers in developing learning media in elementary schools, namely the big book. This study uses a developmental research type with the Thiagarajan 4-D Model which consists of 4 stages, namely, define, design, develop, and disseminate. The research was conducted at PGSD of FKIP, Universitas Riau. The object of this research is the big book of elementary school students developed from the basic competencies in the 2013 curriculum. The products produced are 3 big books with the title Sekolahku, Wisata ke Pantai and Taman Kota. The results of the validation of the three big book titles carried out by experts, the feasibility of the content of the material obtained by the percentage of scores for the title Sekolahku 82.1%; Wisata ke Pantai 82.1%; and Taman Kota 86%. Meanwhile, for the big book language assessment, the percentage for Sekolahku was 79.9%; Wisata ke Pantai 79.7%; and Taman Kota 82.5%. So that the big book learning media is feasible to be tested with revisions according to suggestions.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Alexon & Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata

Abstract: Developing a Culture-Based Integrated Learning Model to ImproveStudents’ Appreciation of Local Culture. This study aims to develop a social studylearning model for elementary school students that can help them master subjectmatters as an effort to improve their appreciation of local culture, using an R & Dapproach consisting of three steps: preliminary study, model development andmodel validation. The subjects were teachers and students of elementary schools inBengkulu Province, Sumatra. The results show that the Culture-Based IntegratedLearning Model (CBILM) is an appropriate learning model to help students mastersubject matters as an effort to improve their appreciation of local culture. CBILM ismore capable of significantly improving students’ appreciation of local culture andtheir mastery of subject matters than the currently existing learning model.Keywords: learning model, social studies for elementary schools, cultureappreciation

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Yulia Maulani ◽  
Nur Azmi Alwi ◽  
Lindri Marthinopa ◽  
Nadiah Syaidah

Speaking skill is one of the four language skills that are important to master. Because speaking skills are an important element in communicating, so that students can convey messages and ideas well. The purpose of this study is [1] to determine the speaking skills of 5th grade students of SDN 01 TARANTANG [2] To assist in making speaking skills teaching materials based on the results of the analysis of 5th grade students' speaking skills of SDN 01 TARANTANG. The research approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative research with analytical methods. With data collection techniques through oral tests and literature studies. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out by researchers on 5th grade elementary school students, it can be seen that the average score of students' scores is 60 with the provision that 3 students have the highest scores such as KPA, SO, WSP by getting an overall score of 91, then for the lowest score, namely PI, TR, WFR with an overall score of 33, the reason is that they did not take the exam at all and did not answer the questions given by the researcher.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-146
Siti Qorrotu Aini

ENGLISHSnacking behavior is very inherent in elementary school pupils. This study aims to describe the behavior of student’s snacking in elementary schools in the study location. The type of this research is descriptive one. The samples of this research were students of 5th grade. The research used purposive sampling. The number of samples included 68 students. The data in the research consisted of the habits of children's snacking at school and other habits related to snacking behavior. The data were obtained from survey by using questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of students ate snacks at school. Students had breakfast and they did not bring food to school. The student spends averagely IDR 4,000-IDR 5,000.00 to buy snacks per day. Some students buy snacks in the cafeteria or vendors around the school. The students buy snacks averagely 2 times a day during school breaks. Most students usually washed their hands before eating, however some students ever get sick after consuming snacks. Almost all elementary school students in the study area buy snacks even though they are accustomed to have breakfast. Food snacks are also widely bought by students who did not bring food to school. INDONESIAPerilaku jajan sangat melekat pada anak sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perilaku jajan siswa di Sekolah Dasar dilokasi studi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 5. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 68 siswa. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi kebiasaan jajan anak di sekolah dan kebiasaan lain yang berhubungan dengan kebiasaan jajan. Data diperoleh dari hasil pengisian kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa mengonsumsi jajanan di sekolah. Siswa terbiasa mengonsumsi sarapan dan tidak membawa bekal makanan ke sekolah. Rata-rata siswa menghabiskan uang sebesar Rp4.000,00-Rp5.000,00 per hari untuk membeli makanan jajanan. Sebagian siswa membeli jajanan di kantin atau penjaja di sekitar sekolah. Rata-rata siswa jajan 2 kali dalam sehari pada waktu istirahat sekolah. Sebagian besar siswa terbiasa mencuci tangan sebelum makan, meskipun demikian sebagian siswa pernah sakit setelah mengonsumsi jajanan. Hampir semua Siswa SD di lokasi studi membeli makanan jajanan meskipun  terbiasa makan pagi. Makanan jajanan juga banyak dibeli oleh siswa yang tidak membawa bekal makanan ke sekolah.

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