scholarly journals Penguatan Ketahanan Masyarakat di Era Pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-77
Siti Rokhaniyah ◽  
Sinta Sinta

The Covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact on all aspects of life, both in the fields of education, health, religion, economy, tourism, and others. In terms of education, the Covid-19 pandemic has inspired the birth of an online learning policy. The economic aspect has also stalled, due to the enactment of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) so that various conventional economic transactions have been significantly transformed into the online system. The religious sector has also been affected by changes, due to a reduction in the capacity of places of worship. Based on the results of participant observation, it was found that changes in the life order due to the Covid-19 pandemic also occurred in Village of Sine, Sragen, Central Java. Some of the problems that arise in the community are problems in the field of education, how to overcome difficulties in implementing online learning, in the religious field, the termination of TPA (Al-Quran Education Park) and other religious activities such as recitation, while in the health sector, how the community's efforts to increase resilience during a pandemic are not yet aware of the importance of washing hands correctly and wearing masks. The most vital aspect is the economy, where most people work as traders and factory workers who are forced to stop working. In order to reduce these difficulties, community service activities were carried out that focused on several identified problems. Among the activities that have been carried out are learning assistance to children, organizing TPA for children, organizing socialization on preventing the spread of Covid-19 and providing entrepreneurial motivation for people affected by Covid-19. For the implementation of this community service activity, the residents of Sine Village feel very helped, and hope that it will be sustainable.

Mamik Ponco Rahayu ◽  
Nuraini Harmastuti ◽  
Endang Sri Rejeki ◽  
Taufik Turahman

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p align="center"> </p><p>          The Ngampon people in Mojosongo Village, Jebres, Surakarta City face diverse livelihood problems, most of which are factory workers with low income levels and the role of mothers as housewives. Therefore, it is necessary to have training activities to make agar agar fruit products as an alternative home-based home industry to increase family income.</p><p>          This community service activity was designed by conducting training on making fruit jelly candy products.</p><p>          The target of the above activities is that the community will get additional skills in making agar-agar candy fruit that can be done easily and small capital so that it can be an alternative family home industry.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: Fruit, jelly candy, home industry</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><em></em>

Suryani Suryani ◽  
Loly Subhiaty Idrus ◽  
Ruslin Ruslin ◽  
Rini Hamsidi

Background: Transmission of COVID-19 developed rapidly until the World Health Organization (WHO) established a pandemic status on COVID-19 since March 11, 2020. Various of government efforts in the context of prevention and treatment have been carried out including lockdowns decisision, social distancing and new normal was currently carried out. Objective: This community service activity aims as an effort to increase the knowledge and awareness of South Konawe communities to prevent and fight covid-19 by clean and healthy living behaviors. Method: The implementation of this activity using socialization and persuasive communication online methods via social media instagram and youtube and offline method performed in two categories, small-scale and large-scale at South Konawe. These community service activities are outlined in 4 main programs, GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement), GEMAS (Community Movement Using Masks), socialization about TOGA (Family Medicinal Plants), antiseptics and disinfectants. Results: The result of this program is increasing public knowledges about how to improve the immune system, such as consuming nutritious food, consuming herbs which can be processed into an infusion or decocta preparations as well as understand the importance of implementing about prevention of covid-19 in daily life, such wearing masks, antiseptics, and disinfectants and washing hand correctly. Conclusion: This community service activity really helped increase the knowledge and awareness of the community of South Konawe to prevent and fight the corona virus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-356
Jalu Norva Illa Putra ◽  
Nina Widyaningsih

This community service activity aims to train teachers to make learning media in the form of pictorial stories with children's literary content. This article is a case study of community service at the Nakula Gugus Teacher Working Group in Wonogiri, Central Java. Children's literature in this context is defined as a medium that is used as an intermediary to convey a form of character education for children. Apart from this, children's literature is considered an appropriate medium because it is able to attract students' interest through visual and narrative forms. Children's literature is also able to have more appeal if from the beginning it comes from ideas that are owned by the children themselves. This will stimulate a sense of ownership and logic to the things that the story structure wants to instill. The method used is lectures and discussions, then in the form of workshops on picture story books. The result of this community service is a picture book with a theme that is close to children related to the use of gadgets, which are then given the title Playing with Friends.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Rustam Ibrahim

Abstract: When boarding schools are faced with community service, some of them are not willing to accept it. Survey of BPPM Maslakul Huda Islamic School, in collaboration with the P3M Jakarta concluded that three (25%) of the 12 pesantrens in Central Java do not receive community service. It is an irony, because pesantren was born and raised from the public. One of pesantrens that was born from community service is PP DawarBoyolali. PP Dawar proved that pesantren had a great contribution to the community. This study wanted to uncover the devotion PP Dawar to community, both in religious and economic empowerment, as well as the main reason of PP Dawar in performing community service. The method used in this study was a qualitative research method using case study design. Based on the research, it was found that PP Dawar was a community-based boarding school which had done community services by performing routine religious activities such as routine verses recitation, recitals of Qur’an for the orphans, and also serving  the demand of societies that need Islamic teachers and religion teachers graduating from PP. DawarBoyolali. PP Dawar also helped the economy of the surrounding communities, by providing cheap labors, helping traditional broom and cracker home industry, and organizing donations to 500 orphans. The ideas or thoughts underlying PP Dawar’sdevotion are a sense of sincerity, an implementation on the religious science, a spirit of self-reliance, and a promotion for PP Dawar Boyolali itself. الملخص: عندما تُوجّه البسانترينات إلى وجود الخدمة الإجتماعية، كان بعضها لم يقبلها. دلّت الدراسة المسحية التي قام بها BPPM بسانترين "مسلك الهدى " بالاشتراك مع P3M جاكرتا على أن 3 أو (%25) من 12 بسانترين في أنحاء جاوة الوسطى لم تقبل الخدمة الإجتماعية. وهذا مؤسف، لأن بسانترين هو مؤسسة تربوية توّلدت وتطوّرت في المجتمع. ومن البسانترينات الذي تولّد من المجتمع هو معهد "داوار " بويولالي جاوة الوسطى. دلّ هذا المعهد على أن بسانترين له دور فعّال واسهام كبير في المجتمع . سيكشف هذا البحث عن الخدمة الإجتماعية التي قام بها هذا المعهد في المجال الديني ومجال ترقية الجانب الإقتصادي والأسباب الدافعة له في القيام بهذه الخدمة. سلك هذا البحث منهج البحث الكيفي بنوع دراسة حالة. دلّت نتائج البحث على أن معهد " داوار " هو البسانترين المؤسس على المجتمع ويقوم بالخدمة الإجتماعية في شكل المحاضرات الدينية المكثّفة، والمحاضرات الدينية في مناسبة " Yatiman”   وإرسال الدعاة والأساتذة للجهات المحتاجة إليهم وهم متخرّجو معهد "داوار" نفسه. ولهذا المعهد اسهام اقتصادي في المجتمع المحيط به بإعداد العمّال بأجرة رخيصة (صناعة منزلية) كصناعة المكنسات والأطعمة الإندونيسية وكفالة الأيتام (  500يتيم ) . والأسس الفكرية لهذه الخدمة – التي قام بها المعهد داوار - هي الإخلاص ونشر العلوم الدينية وروح الإعتماد على النفس والدعايات والتعريف بالمعهد.   Abstrak: Ketika pesantren dihadapkan dengan pengabdian masyarakat, beberapa pesantren belum dapat menerima. Survey BPPM Pesantren Maslakul Huda, bekerja sama dengan P3M Jakarta menyimpulkan bahwa 3 (25%) dari 12 pesantren se-Jawa Tengah tidak menerima pengabdian masyarakat. Sungguh ironis, karena pesantren merupakan pendidikan yang lahir dan besar dari masyarakat. Salah satu pesantren yang lahir dari pengabdian masyarakat adalah PP Dawar Boyolali, PP Dawar membuktikan bahwa peran pesantren sangat besar dalam berkontribusi di tengah masyarakat. Penelitian ini ingin mengungkap pengabdian PP Dawar, baik dalam keagamaan maupun pemberdayaan ekonomi, serta alasan utama PP Dawar melakukan pengabdian pada masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan studi kasus. Berdasarkan penelitian, ditemukan bukti bahwa PP Dawar adalah pesantren berbasis masyarakat, yaitu dengan melaksanakan pengabdian keagamaan seperti pengajian rutin, pengajian yatiman, juga melayani permintaan masyarakat yang membutuhkan ustadz atau guru agama lulusan PP Dawar Boyolali. PP Dawarjuga ikut membantu ekonomi masyarakat sekitar, yaitu menyediakan tenaga murah, membantu home industry pembuatan sapu, krupuk, dan menyelenggarakan santunan 500 anak yatim. Pemikiran yang mendasari Pengabdian PP Dawar adalah rasa keikhlasan, mengamalkan ilmu agama, semangat kemandirian, dan promosi bagi PP Dawar Boyolali. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Imam Ardiansyah ◽  
Sofiani Sofiani ◽  
Yudhiet Fajar Dewantara ◽  
Stephanie Rosanto ◽  
Vivian Octariana ◽  

ABSTRAK Penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) oleh pemerintah  Indonesia berdampak besar terhadap penurunan kegiatan ekonomi di masyarakat.Hal tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada sejumlah pengusaha terpaksa membuat keputusan dengan menutup usahanya dan sebagian karyawannya dirumahkan atau melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja karena beban operasional yang tetap berjalan, seperti biaya sewa tempat, listrik, maupun gaji karyawan sementara tidak ada pemasukan. Bagi pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang besar, kemungkinan masih bisa bertahan untuk beberapa waktu ke depan. Namun lain halnya bila pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang relatif kecil atau pas-pasan. Tentu menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang tidak mudah untuk bertahan. UMKM merupakan salah satu sector yang terimbas dari adanya Pemabatasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Bunda Mulia melalui program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini, membantu para penggiat UMKM di Desa Cadas Ngampar untuk dapat bangkit dan berinovasi dalam menjalankan usahanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih kemampuan berwirausaha masyarakat di desa cadas ngampar.  Beberapa paparan materi yang disampaikan dalam PKM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas UMKM warga lokal dan meningkatkan lagi perekonomian di Desa Cadas Ngampar. Setelah melakukan penyuluhan dengan pemaparan materi dari masing-masing dosen maka hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan intensitas tanya jawab yang muncul, kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta keterampilan peserta dalam kewirausahaan, dapat mengetahui manfaat-manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan, dan adanya tambahan motivasi dalam berwirausaha. Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan, Pemasaran, Higiene dan Sanitasi ABSTRACTThe implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy by the Indonesian government has had a major impact on the decline in economic activity in the community. This has affected a number of entrepreneurs who were forced to make decisions by closing their businesses and some of their employees being laid off or terminating their employment due to ongoing operational expenses, such as the cost of renting a place, electricity, or employee salary while there is no income. For entrepreneurs who have a large capital, chances are they can survive for some time to come. However, it is different if the entrepreneur has a relatively small or mediocre capital. Of course, being homework that is not easy to survive. MSMEs are one of the sectors affected by these restrictions. Therefore, Universitas Bunda Mulia through this Community Service (PKM) program, helps MSME activists in Cadas Ngampar Village to be able to rise and innovate in running their business. The purpose of this community service activity is to train community entrepreneurship skills in the village of rock ngampar. Some of the material presentations presented in this PKM are expected to improve the quality of local MSMEs and improve the economy in Cadas Ngampar Village. After conducting counseling with material presentation from each lecturer, the results obtained were based on the intensity of the questions and answers that emerged, this service activity was an increase in the knowledge and understanding, and skills of participants in entrepreneurship, being able to find out the benefits of the material presented, and additional motivation in entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Hygiene and SanitationABSTRAK Penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) oleh pemerintah  Indonesia berdampak besar terhadap penurunan kegiatan ekonomi di masyarakat.Hal tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada sejumlah pengusaha terpaksa membuat keputusan dengan menutup usahanya dan sebagian karyawannya dirumahkan atau melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja karena beban operasional yang tetap berjalan, seperti biaya sewa tempat, listrik, maupun gaji karyawan sementara tidak ada pemasukan. Bagi pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang besar, kemungkinan masih bisa bertahan untuk beberapa waktu ke depan. Namun lain halnya bila pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang relatif kecil atau pas-pasan. Tentu menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang tidak mudah untuk bertahan. UMKM merupakan salah satu sector yang terimbas dari adanya Pemabatasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Bunda Mulia melalui program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini, membantu para penggiat UMKM di Desa Cadas Ngampar untuk dapat bangkit dan berinovasi dalam menjalankan usahanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih kemampuan berwirausaha masyarakat di desa cadas ngampar.  Beberapa paparan materi yang disampaikan dalam PKM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas UMKM warga lokal dan meningkatkan lagi perekonomian di Desa Cadas Ngampar. Setelah melakukan penyuluhan dengan pemaparan materi dari masing-masing dosen maka hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan intensitas tanya jawab yang muncul, kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta keterampilan peserta dalam kewirausahaan, dapat mengetahui manfaat-manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan, dan adanya tambahan motivasi dalam berwirausaha. Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan, Pemasaran, Higiene dan Sanitasi ABSTRACTThe implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy by the Indonesian government has had a major impact on the decline in economic activity in the community. This has affected a number of entrepreneurs who were forced to make decisions by closing their businesses and some of their employees being laid off or terminating their employment due to ongoing operational expenses, such as the cost of renting a place, electricity, or employee salary while there is no income. For entrepreneurs who have large capital, chances are they can survive for some time to come. However, it is different if the entrepreneur has a relatively small or mediocre capital. Of course, being a homework that is not easy to survive. MSMEs are one of the sectors affected by these restrictions. Therefore, Universitas Bunda Mulia through this Community Service (PKM) program, helps MSME activists in Cadas Ngampar Village to be able to rise and innovate in running their business. The purpose of this community service activity is to train community entrepreneurship skills in the village of rock ngampar. Some of the material presentations presented in this PKM are expected to improve the quality of local MSMEs and improve the economy in Cadas Ngampar Village. After conducting counseling with material presentation from each lecturer, the results obtained were based on the intensity of the questions and answers that emerged, this service activity was an increase in the knowledge and understanding and skills of participants in entrepreneurship, being able to find out the benefits of the material presented, and additional motivation in entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Hygiene and Sanitation

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 092
Riza Faishol ◽  
Meliantina Meliantina ◽  
Eka Ramiati ◽  
Ellyana Ilsan Eka Putri ◽  
Syu’adah Murni Rahayu

Student learning assistance by utilizing secondhand goods aims to increase students' interest and creativity. This community service activity is carried out in several stages including: the preparation stage consisting of observation, interview to parents, delivery of strategies, and material bribery; the implementation stage consisting of socialization of the implementation of activities begins with the approach and mentoring of students; evaluation stage of the assessment of activities that have been carried out. The results of the activities that have been achieved are student learning assistance in preventing the transmission of corona virus, utilizing secondhand goods as a place to wash hands, utilization of used goods as handicrafts, and mentoring students in utilizing secondhand goods as a learning medium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 220-229
Syahrul Azmi ◽  
Ketut Sarjana ◽  
Junaidi Junaidi ◽  
Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih ◽  
Wahidaturrahmi Wahidaturrahmi

This community service activity aims to improve teachers’ abilities to create video lessons that could be used either on online learning or in person. The activity's strategy was a workshop that mainly focused on working and creating video lessons after giving a brief explanation on how to produce the video. The workshop also involves pre and post-test to assess the improvement of participants’ competence. This activity resulted in video lessons uploaded on the Youtube channel, and participants’ assessment scores improved from 65,8 to 76,9. Therefore, teachers involved in this social service admitted that they benefit from joining the workshop as they are now able to create exciting video lessons that might raise students’ enthusiasm and motivation in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Deasy Aseanty ◽  
Tiara Puspa ◽  
Ina Oktaviana Matusin

The COVID19 pandemic has shocked the world, including in Indonesia. This pandemic has an impact not only on the health sector, with many people exposed and even dying, but also in other sectors, one of which is the economic sector. Low economic growth, in fact there was a recession with a negative growth rate, many companies had to close, workers were laid off, people's incomes tended to decline, and many other changes. The government is also actively involved in regulating this, such as implementing Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), implementing social distancing, even for workers, students and university students, so activities are carried out from home. The impact of all these things has made the Indonesian people more creative in carrying out their daily lives and activities. Including company managers or entrepreneurs or business people, it is necessary to restructure their operational activities and business management. Indonesia needs human resources who are more skilled, more creative, and more able to improve competence and performance than what was done before this panddmi. Thus, each company is expected to be able to manage its business more competitively, both large and SME businesses. The Bina Amanah Cordova School of Entrepreneurship, Tangerang, is one that has also felt the impact of this pandemic. This school is a school dedicated to developing aspiring entrepreneurs. This school produces prospective business people who later they can help the government in increasing its contribution to the economic sector. realize that there is a need for their students and alumni who are already in the SME business to develop the further knowledge and skills needed to manage the challenges faced by any business due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Many students and alumni who are already business people are very aware of this changing situation. They need information, knowledge, related to how to maintain their business in this pandemic era, especially how to increase the competence of business people so that their performance can also increase and this is an effort to maintain the business they run.The Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University through its community service program strives to facilitate the needs faced by students and alumni of the Cordova School of Entrepreneurship. The FEB Usakti Community Service Team (PKM) has conducted training to improve the performance of human resources to remain competitive in a sustainable manner in facing business challenges due to Covid-19, for students and alumni of the Bina Amanah Cordova School of Entrepreneurship, Tangerang. The results of the training evaluation show that students and alumni have been able to significantly improve their performance in increasing competence, especially in terms of how to improve the skills and knowledge needed to survive in running their business (MSME sector), so it can be concluded that the training provided has successfully fulfilled its objectives. .Keywords:  Covid-19 epidemic, competence, performance, UMKM

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-76
Sri Nurhayati ◽  
M Fajar Wicaksono ◽  
Riani Lubis ◽  
Myrna Dwi Rahmatya ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat

ABSTRACT The purpose of this community service is to improve the ability of teachers to utilize information technology for online learning. The current COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on education in Indonesia. Under these conditions, there will be a shift in the learning process from what is done in school to learning from home. One of the innovations made by the world of education during this pandemic is online learning. With this program and in the current pandemic conditions, of course SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi inevitably has to do online learning. However, online learning in secondary schools, not all students and teachers use the e-learning system synchronously in the teaching and learning process. The methods used in this service activity are in the form of training, discussions, and simulations conducted through webinars using the Zoom Meeting application. During the training, in addition to provide materials, pre-test and post-test were also given to participants. The training material was a google meet application for online learning. The result of this service activity was an increase in the ability of teachers to utilize information technology in online learning, namely synchronous e-learning using the Google Meet application. Keywords: Information technology, online learning, synchronous e-learning   ABSTRAK Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi untuk pembelajaran online. Pandemi COVID-19 saat ini berdampak besar pada pendidikan di Indonesia. Dengan kondisi tersebut maka akan terjadi pergeseran proses pembelajaran dari apa yang dilakukan di sekolah menjadi belajar dari rumah. Salah satu inovasi yang dilakukan oleh dunia pendidikan selama pandemi ini adalah pembelajaran online. Dengan adanya program ini dan dalam kondisi pandemi saat ini tentunya SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi mau tidak mau harus melakukan pembelajaran secara online. Namun, pembelajaran online di sekolah menengah, tidak semua siswa dan guru menggunakan sistem e-learning secara sinkron dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa pelatihan, diskusi, dan simulasi yang dilakukan melalui webinar dengan menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting. Selama pelatihan, selain pemberian materi, juga diberikan pre-test dan post-test kepada peserta. Materi pelatihannya berupa aplikasi google meet untuk pembelajaran online. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran online yaitu e-learning sinkron dengan menggunakan aplikasi Google Meet. Kata kunci: Teknologi informasi, pembelajaran online, e-learning sinkron

Pengmasku ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Agung Dinarjito ◽  
Aldi Bilqisthy Pratama ◽  
Dessyka Sitanggang ◽  
Faizul Abrori ◽  
Fayiz Alfitra RM ◽  

This community service activity aims to provide education and assistance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing an understanding of the importance of preparing financial reports and providing assistance in preparing financial reports using the SI APIK application. The method of implementing the activity is carried out in several stages, namely the first stage is planning and observation, the second stage is assistance in the preparation of financial reports using the Si APIK application, the third stage is the preparation of financial reports until August 2021, and the last stage is making video tutorials using the SI APIK application and making posters regarding the preparation of financial reports. MSME XYZ which is engaged in the culinary field is the object chosen and located in Central Java. The result of this activity is that MSME XYZ is able to make financial reports for the month of August using the Si APIK application. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mmeberikan edukasi dan pendampingan bagi usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) dengan memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya penyusunan laporan keuangan dan memberikan pendampingan penyusunan laporan keuangan menggunakan aplikasi SI APIK. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, yaitu tahap pertama adalah perencanaan dan observasi, tahap kedua adalah kegiatan pendampingan penyusunan laporan keuangan menggunakan aplikasi Si APIK, tahap ketiga penyusunan laporan keuangan sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2021, dan tahap terakhir adalah pembuatan video tutorial penggunaan aplikasi SI APIK dan pembuatan poster mengenai penyusunan laporan keuangan. UMKM XYZ yang bergerak dibidang kuliner merupakan obyek yang dipilih dan berlokasi di Jawa Tengah. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah bahwa UMKM XYZ mampu membuat laporan keuangan bulan Agustus dengan menggunakan aplikasi Si APIK.

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