2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-40
Sendi Fauzi Giwangsa

The recent phenomenon of moral decline has become a concern for some of our people. This is marked by the many immoral behaviors that are widely reported by national television. Education is one of the tools in instilling morals in children. Both education in the family environment and formal education at school. Citizenship Education (PKn) is one of the subjects that aims to encourage morale in students. Naum in practice often learning PKn only teaches knowledge only without any more emphasis on aspects of attitude and skills. Knowledge is important because knowledge will be the basis for action. But that is not enough to instill moral in students. Strengthening is needed especially in the aspect of attitude and of course it must be practiced in everyday life so that because morals are not enough just for material knowledge but also a habit of behaving in life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Muhammad Arif

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konteks deradikalisasi Islam melalui pendidikan multikultural berbasis kearifan lokal. Untuk maksud tersebut, dilakukan penelitian mendalam pada masyarakat Cigugur. Penelitian menghasilkan temuan bahwa sikap toleran, saling menghargai, saling menghormati, dan bahkan saling bekerja sama yang tercipta dalam kehidupan masyarakat Cigugur yang multi agama dan multikultural didukung oleh aktualisasi pendidikan multikultural berbasis kearifan lokal yang mencakup tiga dimensi, yakni dimensi waktu, dimensi tempat, dan dimensi isi. Menurut dimensi waktu, pendidikan diselenggarakan dalam tiga fase, yakni sateuacan nitis (sebelum nitis), sateuacan boboran (sebelum lahir), dan saatosna boboran (setelah lahir). Menurut dimensi tempat, masyarakat Cigugur menyelenggarakan pendidikan di lingkungan keluarga (pendidikan informal), lingkungan sekolah (pendidikan formal), dan lingkungan masyarakat (pendidikan nonformal). Sementara, menurut dimensi isi, terdapat etika sebagai pedoman dan tuntunan berperilaku sosial yakni berupa cara ciri manusia dan cara ciri bangsa. This article aims to describe the context of the de-radicalization of Islam through multicultural education based on local wisdom. For this purpose, conducted in-depth research on Cigugur society. The study produced findings that tolerance, mutual respect, and even cooperate with each other in Cigugur society that’s multi-religious and multicultural, supported by the actualization of multicultural education based on local wisdom that includes three dimensions, namely the dimension of time, the dimensions of the place, and dimensional content. According to the dimension of time, education was held in three phases, namely “sateuacan nitis” (before mariage), “sateuacan boboran” (before birth), and “saatosna boboran” (after birth). According to the dimensions of the place, the people Cigugur education in the family environment (informal education), school environment (formal education) and community (non-formal education). Meanwhile, according to the dimensions of the content, there are ethical guidelines and guidance in social behavior, namely “cara ciri manusia” and “cara-ciri bangsa”.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Usman Lubis ◽  
Resky Annisa Damayanti

<p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />Nowadays, more and more people are turning to modern and contemporary style when it comes to choosing furniture for their homes, offices, restaurants, or hotels. In the past we might tend to back the use of natural elements, and one of the many popular products are bamboo. Bamboo as one of the most important non-timber forest products and fastest-growing plants in the world. As it known that bamboo craft is a folk craft products that has been around for a long time and developed hereditary, therefore we should preserve it. At first the user<br />of bamboo furniture is from the family environment which later evolved to reach a wider market. Many craftsmen developed an appreciation of the existing ones to create a new design that is estimated to sell in the market. The hope is to make<br />our bamboo furniture craft products can compete with the products of other countries.</p><p><br /><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Saat ini semakin banyak orang yang beralih ke gaya modern dan kontemporer dalam memilih mebel untuk rumah tinggal mereka, kantor, restoran, atau bahkan hotel. Dahulu mungkin kita cenderung untuk memilih desain dan gaya klasik, tetapi sekarang ini orang cenderung kembali mempergunakan unsur-unsur alam, dan salah satu produk alam yang banyak digemari adalah bambu. Bambu sebagai salah satu produk non-kayu yang penting serta tanaman yang pertumbuhannya paling cepat di dunia. Seperti diketahui bahwa kerajinan bambu merupakan produk kerajinan rakyat yang telah ada sejak lama dan dikembangkan secara turun temurun, maka sudah<br />selayaknya hal ini perlu dilestarikan. Pada mulanya pemakai kerajinan mebel bambu hanyalah dari lingkungan keluarga yang kemudian berkembang hingga mencapai lingkungan pasar yang lebih luas. Banyak para pengrajin mengembangkan apresiasi yang sudah ada dengan membuat desain baru yang diperkirakan akan laku di pasaran. Harapannya adalah agar produk kerajinan mebel bambu negara kita dapat bersaing dengan produk negara lainnya.<br /><br /></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Daviq Chairilsyah

Spoiled is the attitudes and actions of children obtained from the environment such as family environment, community environment, and school environment. These things can affect children to not to have self-reliance to learn and to do things optimally. In overcoming the children indulgence, parents should know the factors that cause it. Several factors cause children to be spoiled can come from the family, community and school. Through this literature review, the author tries to propose some good and planned strategies that can be carried out by the teacher and parents. Parents and teachers can do various activities so that children are stimulated to do their activities. Teachers can also approach directly and work closely with children's parents in creating children's independence programs. Tips for parents to deal with spoiled children are consistent with parents mean what they say as it builds credibly, provide explanations that are easy for children to understand about independence in everyday life, show and explain good and bad behaviour in children. Besides, parents must consistently give punishment and praise to children if they succeed or violate the rules regarding self-reliance, and involve children in various social activities so that children can learn to share, communicate and control his ego.

Edupedia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Ubabuddin Ubabuddin

The first and the most important children education in Islam is the family education with Islamic perspective.Family Education with Islamic perspective is education based on the guidance of Islam which is applied in the family intended to forming children to be a peoples who faithful and cautious to God Almighty, and has noble character that includes ethics, moral, character, spiritual or understanding and experience in religious values in everyday life. This is one form of amar makruf nahi munkar in family life by providing education to children based on the teachings of Islam. Children in their growth require a variety of processes educated by the father and mother in the family environment. Pattern or method of religious education in Islam is basically modeled on the behavior of Prophet Muhammad in his family and his friends,because everything that is done by Prophet Muhammad is the manifestation of Qur’an’s content.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Amina Erni

Childhood is the age before entering formal education institution of Elementary School (SD). Children enter primary school after the age of six, the beginning of the school age phase. During the childhood phases the physical development of children, male or female, increases rapidly. The muscles, nerves, and skeletons of their bodies lead to maturity. Moving skills accelerate, ranging from large muscle movements, muscle shrinkage, and the cooperation of eye movements and hand movements. Children are in transition between the vital period and the intellectual period. The childhood phase is a critical period in the development of the personality of children. According to the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud in the childhood phase is within the level of psychosexual development and begin to attract and gain pleasure from genital stimulation. They begin to realize and fascinated by the differences between men and women. Attitudes and the way parents educate their children are very influential on the child's personality. Proper sex education will be a provision for children to face the world around. Difase this new child will know the outside world. If the child has not been equipped with intellectuals about sex education, then the child will experience confusion with the things he will meet. The child will only respond and show the stimuli from the environment he is, only based on what he experienced and he felt. Sometimes children are removed from the supervision of their parents. Family role is needed. Because the family is the child's first social environment, it is expected to implement sex education. Can be applied in the family environment through interpersonal communication between parents and their children.

2021 ◽  
Felta Felta

Education is an important pillar in the development of children's cognition. Since the beginning of human civilization, it was there that education emerged. Education is a series in the way of acquiring knowledge and self-perfection which is carried out by humans continuously or continuously. Humans are not free from limitations and shortcomings so that to complement these limitations and shortcomings, humans must process, one of which is through the acquisition of knowledge through education. Education obtained by humans is not only through formal education but early education obtained by humans is through the family environment and the community environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 347-360
Maria Reyes Ferrer

El presente artículo se centrará en el análisis de Althénopis (1981), la primera novela publicada por la escritora italiana Fabrizia Ramodino. Esta obra, parcialmente autobiográfica, se caracteriza por la minuciosidad de las descripciones y la sucesión de escenas cotidianas, todo ello ambientado en el entorno familiar de la protagonista. Concretamente, nos detendremos en el estudio de la triada familiar, compuesta por la abuela, la madre y la protagonista y cómo, a través de la cotidianidad, la escritora desvela las relaciones entre ellas. This article is focused on the analysis of Althénopis (1981), the first novel published by the Italian writer Fabrizia Ramondino. This piece of work, partially autobiographical, is characterized by the thoroughness of description and the succession of a sequence of scenes from everyday life, all of them set in the family environment of the protagonist. In particular, we are going to study the familiar triad, formed by the grandmother, the mother and the protagonist, and how throughout daily life events, the writer reveals the relationship among them.

2021 ◽  
Felta Felta

Education is an important pillar in the development of children's cognition. Since the beginning of human civilization, it was there that education emerged. Education is a series of ways of acquiring knowledge and self-perfection by humans continuously or continuously. Humans are not free from limitations and shortcomings so that to complement these limitations and shortcomings, humans must process, one of which is through the acquisition of knowledge through education. Education obtained by humans is not only through formal education but early education obtained by humans is through the family environment and the community environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Dewi Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Desi Wulandari

Dalam pembelajaran IPA untuk memenuhi ketentuan dalam kurikulum 2013 bahwasanya pembelajaran dilakukan dengan mengajarkan materi pada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan kompetensi yaitu kompetensi sikap spiritual, sosial, pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran tersebut pembelajaran yang diterapkan yaitu mengajarkan materi tekanan hidrostatis. Pembelajaran IPA pada materi Tekanan dengan submateri Tekanan Hidrostatis serta dalam penerapan sehari-harinya dilakukan dengan model Problem Base Learning. Model tersebut disajikan sebuah demonstrasi produk dari guru untuk mengamati percobaan yang didemonstrasikan. Submateri yang disampaikan juga terkait materi Hukum Torricelli dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran dengan materi tersebut diintegrasikan dalam ranah afektif yaitu spiritual dan sosial serta keterpaduan antara cabang ilmu lainnya. Kajian spiritual yang diberikan disajika dalam mengaitkan atau mengitegrasikan dengan firman Allah SWT. QS. QS. Al-Ma’arij (70): 19-35 dan (QS. Asy-Syarh (94): 5-6). Dalam kajian sosial yaitu dapat dipadukan dengan kegiatan pemeliharaan kelestarian dan peduli lingkungan dalam firman Allah SWT. (QS An Nahl 16:10). Dalam memenuhi kompetensi dalam kurikulum 2013 pembelajaran, pemebelajaran dalam ranah pengetahuan yang bersifat keterpaduan IPA yaitu kajian fisika dengan biologi tentang siklus hidurologi dapat dikaji dan dilakukan pembelajaran dengan menjelaskan kandungan ayat dalam firman Allah SWT. QS. An Nur : 43. Dengan menyertakan firman Allah SWT. agar dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik dalam lingkungan keluarga maupun lingkungan sosial bermsyarakat. Kata kunci: Afektif, Hukum Torriceli, Kurikulum 2013, PBL (Problem Based Learning), Tekanan In science learning to meet the provisions in the 2013 curriculum, learning is carried out by teaching material to students to develop competencies, namely the competence of spiritual, social, knowledge and skills attitudes. To carry out this learning, the thing applied is to teach hydrostatic pressure material. Science learning on Pressure material with submaterial Hydrostatic Pressure and in its daily application is carried out with the Problem Base Learning model. The model presented a product demonstration of the teacher to observe the experiment being demonstrated. The sub-material presented is also related to Torricelli's Law material and its application in everyday life. Learning with this material is integrated in the affective realm, namely spiritual and social as well as integration between other branches of science. The spiritual studies given are presented in linking or integrating with the word of Allah SWT. QS. QS. Al-Ma'arij (70): 19-35 and (Surah Asy-Syarh (94): 5-6). In social studies, it can be combined with activities to maintain sustainability and care for the environment in the word of Allah SWT. (Surah An Nahl 16:10). In fulfilling the competencies in the 2013 learning curriculum, learning in the realm of knowledge that is integrated in science, namely the study of physics with biology about the hidurology cycle, can be studied and carried out by explaining the content of the verse in the word of Allah SWT. QS. An Nur: 43. By including the word of Allah SWT. so that it can be applied in everyday life, both in the family environment and in the social environment. Keywords: Affectiv, Curriculum 2013, Torriceli Law,  PBL (Problem Based Learning), Pressure

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-319
Irawan Hadi

Family is the first environment recognized by children. Children spend most of their time with family. In family environment, parents have important roles in shaping children's personality because their habits can be imitated by the children. In a family, everyone is influential, but the father and mother are the most influential. Educating children is the most important task for parents because it can affect the success of the family. However, the success of the family means nothing if it fails in educating and shaping children’s character and personality in accordance with the parents’ expectations. Family is the most significant institution in shaping children’s personalities. The essence of education is the responsibility of the family, while formal education is only a part of it. Parents have the greatest role to influence children when they are sensitive to external influences by educating them according to their own pace. Parents are the ones who should know best when and how their children learn.

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