scholarly journals Kematian Kristus dan Implementasinya Dalam Kehidupan Kristen Masa Kini

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-44
Steven Tommy Dalekes Umboh

AbstrakSejarah telah mencatat bahwa kematian Kristus selalu menjadi perdebatan khususnya bagi mereka yang meragukan otenistas benarkah Kristus meninggal secara faktual? Walau ada yang meragukan kematian Kristus, namun Alkitab tetap menjadi patokan utama yang harus dipercayai, bahwa kematian-Nya merupakan memiliki bukti keotentikan sejarah maupun secara doktrinal. Bukti kematian Kristus bersifat absolut dengan adanya tanda-tanda yang dikemukakan oleh para penulis Alkitab yang menjadi saksi mata dari peristiwa tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriftif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan. Hasil pada uraian artikel mengemukakan kematian Kristus terbingkai secara sistemtis dalam narasi Kitab Suci. Selain itu bukti secara arkeologis dan medis menyatakan hal itu. Implementasi bagi orang percaya dari kematian Kristus agar semakin menunjukkan kehidupan yang berubah melalui buah-buah roh, serta tidak melupakan perintah Allah dalam merealisasikan perintah Amanat Agung.Kata-Kata Kunci: Kematian Kristus, Kitab Suci, Orang KristenAbstractHistory has recorded that christ's death has always been a debate especially for those who doubt whether Christ died factually? Although some doubt christ's death, the Bible remains the main benchmark to be believed, that His death Was evidence of historical authenticity as well as doctrinally. The evidence of Christ's death is absolute with the signs presented by the Bible writers who bear eyewitnesses to the event. The method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative method with a library approach. The results in the article description suggest christ's death is framed systemically in the Scriptural narrative. In addition archaeological and medical evidence states it. Implementation for believers from christ's death to further demonstrate a life that changes through the fruits of the spirit, and not forgetting god's command in realizing the command of the Great Commission.  Key Words: The Death of Christ, Scripture, Christians 

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Agus Yulianto

This study aims to describe actan scheme and functional scheme in the story entitled Kisah Agama Islam Masuk Di Kerajaan Banjar. The problem in this study is how does the form of actan structure and functional srtucture in the story. This study uses descriptive qualitative method and library technique. Base on the analysis it can be found that actan structure and functional structure in the story is very complex. There are five structure patterns that explained separately.   Nevertheles, there is only one main structure pattern (plot) that is V (five) pattern plot, while the others are only a side. Key words : structure, Greimas, folklore                                                                 AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan skema aktan dan skema fungsional yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat yang berjudul Kisah Agama Islam Masuk di Kerajaan Banjar. Adapun masalah yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah struktur skema aktan dan skema fungsional yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat yang berjudul Kisah Agama Islam Masuk di Kerajaan Banjar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik studi pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa struktur aktan dan model fungsional yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat Agama Islam Masuk di Kerajaan Banjar sangat kompleks. Hal itu disebabkan ditemukan lima pola struktur yang setiap fungsi unsurnya  dapat diurai secara terpisah. Meskipun demikian, hanya terdapat satu pola struktur (alur) utama saja yaitu struktur alur pola V (lima) sedangkan empat pola yang lain hanya merupakan alur sampingan.Kata kunci: struktur, Greimas, cerita rakyat

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Wiwik Yully Widyawati

<p>The purpose of the study is to find out the students ability in identifying the generic structure of recount text, the problems faced by the students and solution of the problems faced by the students in identifying the generic structure of recount text. This method used descriptive qualitative method. The writer used essay test, 10 items. The writer took sample randomly, thirty six students. The findings of this research are by analyzing the students’ test which are done by the students about of identifying the recount text . After the data have been collected and analyzed, the score of the students’ ability to identify the generic structure of recount text is 73.9. It means that the students’ ability in identifying the generic structure of recount text is fair. However, the problems that faced by the students in identifying the generic structure of recount text are the students found the difficulty in understanding the meaning of the word and question, and they can’t identify the generic structure of recount text completely especially the part of event. Then, to overcome the problems, the writer offers some suggestions. They are the teacher should give more exercises in analyzing the generic structure especially event, give more attentions to the result of the assignment which are given to the students.</p><p>Key words: genre, generic structure, and recount text</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Lalu Erwan Husnan

Kajian bahasa Sasak untuk kepentingan pembukuan terkait pelajaran bahasa daerah (mulok) belum ditemukan secara spesifik. Kajian tersebut belum mengarah kepada penyiapan bahan baku yang dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam buku mulok. Hasil kajian lebih condong ke arah ilmu mikrolinguistik bukan praktis pengajaran. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini berusaha memberikan deskripsi lebih detil mengenai kalimat tanya dalam bahasa Sasak dialek standar. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan data empiris lapangan yang bersifat naturalistik. Data empiris yang dimaksud adalah data kebahasan variasi dialektal a-e (Pujut) atau dialek standar. Data tersebut diperoleh di dua kabupaten dengan penutur dialek standar, yaitu Kabupaten Lombok Tengah dan Lombok Barat. Daerah yang dijadikan lokasi pengambilan data di kedua kabupaten tersebut adalah Kecamatan Batukliang Utara, Kecamatan Praya Timur, Kecamatan Pujut, dan Kecamatan Kuripan Utara. Data diperoleh dengan cara wawancara langsung dengan penutur dialek tersebut. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode agih dengan enam teknik lanjutannya. Analisis kalimat tanya dilakukan terhadap delapan jenis kata tanya menunjukkan bahwa selain struktur umum kata tanya berada di depan juga terdapat struktur lain yang memungkinkan kalimat tersebut dapat menjadi kalimat tanya yang berterima seccara gramatikal dan makna.   Kata kunci: kalimat tanya, kata tanya, struktur, gramatikal, makna   Study on Sasak for shake of publishing to support local language teaching is not yet found in specific one. The study is not managed to have material of production which can support producing teaching book. Result of study tends to be microlinguistics science not for teaching practice.  Therefore, this writing is aimed at giving more detil descriptiom on interrogative sentence in standard dialectal of Sasak. Descriptive-qualitative method is used. This method uses natural-empirical data. The data is standard dialectal a-e (Pujut) of Sasak. Data is collected in two main regencies which occupied by Sasak speakers. They are Central Lombok and West Lombok which focused in Batukliang Utara, East Praya, Pujut, and Kuripan Utara. Data collected through direct interview with native speakers of Sasak. The data is analized by agih method using six techniques. The analysis of interrogative sentences is done into eight kinds of question words. It is shown that there is another structure of interrogative sentence other than common structure of question words which always exist at the beginning of sentences. This structure allows questions words to be at the middle. The sentence constructed is grammatically dan semantically accepted in Sasak.   Key Words: interrogative sentence, question words, structure, grammatical, meaning

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Wiwin Malindo

This thesis research uses descriptive qualitative method, the researcher acts as a non-participatory research subject, data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation study, data equivalence is carried out by triangulation techniques.This thesis research was conducted because LKP Lubuk Akal was the only LKP in Bengkulu City that had a graduate distribution program, the distribution program for graduates at the Lubuk Akal LKP was carried out in three ways namely, 1). Direct distribution of graduates is the distribution of graduates that are planned and conducted by the head of LKP without involving other pockets, 2.) semi-direct distribution, is channeling by involving the Depnakers / BLK as the party delivering the graduates. 3). indirect distribution is distribution that involves other parties, namely intermediaries, intermediaries are usually individuals who understand and master the distribution of graduates who are skilled in sewing. Distribution of graduates at LKP Lubuk Akal has been conducted since 2016 until now, the program and the implementation of graduate distribution are conducted because the LKP chairman has moral responsibilities and obligations and his conscience is called to try to channel graduates so that LKP graduates get jobs and income. Key words: responsibility to graduates 

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-33
Yessy Purnamasari

This paper is entitled “Competition Frame on MotoGP Articles: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach.” This research is aimed to identify two main points: (1) the elements of the competition frame found in MotoGP articles and (2) to identify the most frequent element that occurs in MotoGP articles. This research employs the syntactic approach and uses the descriptive qualitative method. The siginificance of this study is to give information about the competition frame on sport articles as part of linguistic variety. The result of this research shows there are six elements used on the articles: competition, participant, place, prize, rank and score and value. Then, the most frequent words that occur on the MotoGP articles are dominated by the participant elements (92.85%) and rank and score elements (28.57%).Key words: frame semantic, cognitive linguistics, competition element

Lia Mustabsyiah ◽  
Purwadi Purwadi ◽  
Nila Kusumaningtyas

ABSTRAK Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah kepemimpinan Kepala KB Bina Anak Sholih dimana adanya kerjasama yang solid antara pendidik dan juga walimurid serta prestasi yang ada di lembaga tersebut, dapat menjali kerjasama dnegan pihak luar dalam mendukung program pembelajaran yang ada serta dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT sebagai strategi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepemimpinan yang mengutamakan kenyamanan, kedisipilinan, dan tanggung jawab dengan gaya kepemimpinan demokratis. Menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk mengukur sejauh mana perkembangan yang dimiliki serta rencana apa yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya. Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan, Kompetensi Manajerial, SWOT ABSTRACT The background of this study is about the leadership of play group’s principal at KB Bina Anak Sholih by having solid cooperation between the teacher and the student guardians by using SWOT analysis as the strategy. To study about the leadership of the playgroup’s principal who supports the learning program at KB Bina Anak Sholih, the researcher uses the descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research is research that uses natural background by interpreting the existing phenomenons and by using various possible methods.         The result of the research showed the leadership priors comfort, discipline, and responsibility along with democratic style. A SWOT analysis measures how far the development has been achieved by the principal, and what are the next plans.  Key Words: Leadership, Managerial Competen, SWOT

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-36
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

Abstract: Evangelism as a means of bringing people together with God through testimony or example must continue to be echoed. However, there are many different paradigms and concepts of evangelism. Moreover, churches and believers are reluctant to do evangelism because they do not consider it their duty and responsibility. Indeed, believers do not escape the actualization of the mandate of the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus in preaching the gospel to humans. Using a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, it can be concluded that the study of mission theology in Romans 10:13-15 on the actualization of Christian missions studied through exegesis can be concluded, First, evangelism must be carried out as part of the actualization of the mandate of the Great Commission by giving oneself to preach the news to others so that People who don't know Jesus can hear salvation only in Jesus. Second, the task of the believer is continued as a person who continues to preach by listening and proclaiming the gospel of salvation for humans. The three churches or leaders are obliged to send messengers of evangelists for the sake of saving souls. Abstrak:Penginjilan sebagai sarana mempertemukan manusia dengan Tuhan lewat kesaksian ataupun keteladannan harus terus digaungkan. Namun banyaknya perbedaan paradigma dan konsep pengijilan. Terlebih gereja maupun orang percaya enggan melakukan penginjilan karena bukan mengangap bahwa tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Sejatinya orang percaya tidak luput dari aktualisasi mandat Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus dalam melakukan pemberitaan Injil kepada manusia. Mengunakan meotode kualitatif deskritif dengan pendekatan studi literature bahwa kajian Teologi misi dalam Roma 10:13-15 terhadap aktualisasi misi Kristen yang dikaji melalui eksegesa dapat disimpulkan, Pertama Penginjilan harus terus dilakukan sebabgai bagian aktualisasi mandat Amanat Agung dengan memberi diri untuk memberitakan kabar bagi sesama sehingga orang yang belum mengenal Yesus dapat mendengar keslematan hanya didalam Yesus. Kedua, Tugas orang percaya dilanjutkan sebagai pribadi yang terus menerus melakukan pemberitaan dengan Memperdengarkan dan memberitakan Injil keselamatan bagi manusia. Ketiga Gereja atau pemimpin wajib mengirimkan utusan Pemberita Injil demi jiwa jiwa diselamatkan.

Kurios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Johannis Siahaya ◽  
Nunuk Rinukti ◽  
Ho Lucky Setiawan ◽  
Charista Jasmine Siahaya ◽  
Vicky Samuel Sutiono

Harmony between the people of religion in Indonesia is not only the responsibility of the government, but it is also the responsibility of all Indonesians to maintain the integrity of the nation by building an attitude of tolerance and tolerance, and harmony among the people themselves. This also applies to Christians in Indonesia, to take part and be active in building harmony between religious communities. The Bible, especially Romans 14: 1-4 provides a good example for Christians to respect and respect one another, and not to humiliate and judge one another, so that inter-religious harmony can be maintained properly. And this is the model of religious moderation that Christian scriptures uphold. This research was written using a descriptive qualitative method using journal and book sources as the main reference. The discussion was carried out by explaining the concept of harmony of religious communities in Indonesia, then briefly describing the concept from a Christian perspective. The analysis, which is a deconstruction, is specifically directed at Romans 14: 1-4 which is in the spirit of harmony both internally and among religious communities within the framework of moderation in Indonesia. Opportunities and challenges according to Indonesian conditions are discussed at the end. The conclusion is that religious harmony according to Romans 14: 1-4, stimulates Christians to further increase religious moderation in Indonesia, which, although different in terms of ethnicity, ethnicity, religion, and RAS, is tolerant and accepts others as they are, makes it less difficult for Christians to judge and humiliate others.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-208
Herianah Herianah

Tulisan ini bertujuan membahas makna lagu Bugis Sajang Rennu ciptaan Yusuf Alamudi melalui pendekatan hermeneutika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik inventarisasi, baca-simak, dan pencatatan dalam pengumpulan datanya. Teknik analisis data melalui tahap identifikasi, klasifikasi, analisis, dan deskripsi. Analisis makna lagu dengan pendekatan hermeneutika ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu analisis kata dalam larik lagu, analisis larik dalam bait, dan analisis bait dalam lagu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna lagu Sajang Rennu ciptaan Yusuf Alamudi adalah adanya rasa sirik ‘malu’ dari seorang lelaki karena kekasih pujaan hatinya menikah dengan orang lain tanpa kabar berita. Konsekuensi dari rasa sirik ‘malu’ ini membuatnya berpikir untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Abstract: This writing is intended to discuss the meaning of Buginese song Sajang Rennu by Yusuf Alamudi using hermeneutic approach. This research applies descriptive qualitative method by collecting data using inventory technique, reading-observing, and noting. The technique of data analysis is identification, classification, analysis, and description. The result of the research shows that the meaning of Sajang Rennu by Yusuf Alamudi is sirik or feeling embarassed of a man since his girl friend gets married to another man without any notification before. The consequence of sirik makes him think of suicide. It is figured by the statement that one day people will find a new grave, and he is in. Key Words: meaning; Buginese song; hermeneutic research

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Marulak Pasaribu

The purpose of the Bible itself is to enable human to understand God and His will. Therefore, it is vital to be translated to languages so that individuals can read and understand His Word. However, the translation of the Bible to other languages often meets difficulties due to differences in diction between the source language and the target languages. Besides, one word in a language may have different senses which are related and dynamic. The goal of this research is to find the appropriate translation of the word gunh in Paul’s letter, specifically 1 Chorintian 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12 and to find the position of women’s leadership in the church. The research is carried out using descriptive-qualitative method focusing in elaborating the diction found in different translations of the Bible, such as Greek, English and Bahasa Indonesia. The finding shows that the translation of the word gunh  in Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI) is not accurate. Instead of translating the word gunh  to wife, the institution translate the word into women in general. The recommend that LAI edit the translation of the Bible and that the church leader allow women to be leader in the congregation.AbstrakPenerjemahan Alkitab ke dalam bahasa lain bukan pekerjaan mudah. Tidak adanya padanan kata yang tepat dan akurat  dari kata aslinya ke dalam bahasa si pembaca dan terdapat banyak kata memiliki variasi makna yang saling terkait dan memunyai makna yang luwes adalah sebagian kendala dalam penerjemahan Alkitab. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan terjemahan yang tepat istilah gunh (gune) dalam 1 Korintus 14:34-35 dan 1 Timotius 2:11-12 dan bagaimana kedudukan wanita dalam kepemimpinan jemaat. Penelitian ini meneliti data dengan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif, yang menekankan pada penjelasan berdasarkan studi kata dengan sumber data yang digunakan adalah Alkitab berbahasa Yunani, Inggris dan Indonesia. Temuan hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa terjemahan Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI) yang menerjemahkan istilah gunh  dengan perempuan tidak akurat. Yang benar adalah istri dan bukan “perempuan secara umum”. Rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini ditujukan kepada LAI agar mengoreksi terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan kepada para pemimpin gereja untuk dapat menerima perempuan  ditahbiskan menduduki kepemimpinan dalam jemaat.  

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