scholarly journals Edukasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Di Karangtaruna Pendowohardjo

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-87
Pri Hastuti ◽  
Desi Ekawati

Adolescence is the initial period of maturity of the reproductive organs in humans or the so-calledpuberty. Based on previous preliminary studies, adolescents prefer sources of reproductive health informationobtained from peers and parents, but if this is not given an explanation from health workers directly it will causedifferent perceptions from each teenager which can cause gaps. Based on the preliminary study, researchers areinterested in doing community service with the title "Adolescent Reproductive Health Education in KarangtarunaPendowohardjo". The purpose of this research is to increase the knowledge of adolescents about the importanceof reproductive health from a physical and psychological perspective. Adolescent Reproductive Health EducationActivities at Karangtaruna Pendowohardjo were carried out using counseling and demonstration methods, themedia used using teaching aids. The target audience in this community service is Youth, especially YouthOrganizations in Pendowohardjo Sewon Bantul with a target number of 48 Youth Youth Organizations. The resultsof this research are that adolescents gain knowledge and skills regarding Reproductive Health through counselingand demonstrations.

Diyana Faricha Hanum ◽  
Noviatul Rochmah ◽  
Mahcica Afshokun Nabila

Abstract Adolescent reproductive health is a healthy condition that concerns the reproductive systems, functions and processes of adolescents. The importance of maintaining reproductive health for adolescents because adolescence is the best time to build good habits of maintaining hygiene, which can be an asset in the long term. Community service activities have been carried out at SMK Dharma Wanita, Gresik. Community Service is divided into several stages, namely: appointment of reproductive health cadres from the school and counseling on reproductive health education for female adolescents about personal hygiene during menstruation through videos uploaded on the youtube channel Followed by questions and answers using the WhatsApp (WA) media. This community service was attended by 10 students who had been appointed as reproductive health cadres. And our YouTube is followed by 103 viewers, 32 likes and 18 subscribers. At the end of this community service activity, the hope is that it can make female adolescents students become counseling friends about adolescent reproductive health with peers and can prevent problems that may arise due to inaccurate personal hygiene during menstruation, so that teaching and learning activities run well and there is an increase in achievement for students. And our hope as health workers is that young women can be responsible for their reproductive health which will have an impact on their future as healthy women and mothers.   Keywords: Reproductive health, female adolescents, personal hygiene, Menstruation

Erina Eka Hatini

Hasil Survey tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (KRR) pada Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2012 menunjukkan hasil bahwa sekitar seperempat remaja Putri tidak pernah membicarakan kepada siapapun tentang menstruasi sebelum mereka mendapat haid yang pertama kali, sekitar16% remaja Putri dan 9% persen remaja pria mengetahui masa subur pada seorang Putri yaitu ditengah-tengah antara dua masa haid. Datahasil survey juga menunjukkan hanya sekitar 16% remaja Putri dan 17% remaja pria yang pernah mendiskusikan masalah seksualitas dengan petugas kesehatan. (BPS, BKKBN, Kemenkes dan ICF International, 2013). Metode Pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan yaitu memberikan Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja dengan penggunaan media aplikasi Rumah BidanKu berbasis Web. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan yaitu Edukasi tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi bagi remaja dengan media aplikasi Rumah BidanKu menunjukkan hasil persentase yang meningkat mengenai Remaja yang mengetahui tentang system reproduksi manusia sekitar 100%, sekitar 92% mengetahui tentang kehamilan,  sekitar 100% mengetahui tentang HIV/ AIDS, Sebanyak 76%  mengetahui tentang Infeksi Menular Seksual,  sekitar 92% mengetahui tentang Nafza (Narkotika, Alkohol, Psikotropika dan Zat adiktif lainnya). Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, RemajaPutri, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Media Aplikasi Berbasis Web, Rumah BidanKu               ABSTRACT The results of the Survey on Adolescent Reproductive Health in the Indonesian Demographic Health Survey in 2012 showed that around a quarter of young women never talked to anyone about menstruation before they had their first menstruation, about 16% of young women and 9% of young men knew the fertile period in a daughter is in the middle between two menstrual periods. Survey data also showed that only about 16% of young women and 17% of boys had discussed sexuality issues with health workers. (BPS, BKKBN, Ministry of Health and ICF International, 2013)The Community Service Method implemented is to provide Health Education on Adolescent Reproductive Health by using the Web-based Media Midwife Home application.The implementation of community service, namely Education on Reprodu ctive Health for adolescents using the RumahBidanKu application media showed an increasing percentage of adolescents who knew about the human reproductive system were about 100%, about 92% knew about pregnancy, about 100% knew about HIV / AIDS , 76% know about sexually transmitted infections, about 92% know about Napza (Narcotics, Alcohol, Psychotropics and other addictive substances). Keywords: Education, Young Women, Reproductive Health, Web Based Media Application, My Midwife Home                   

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 697-702
Ruwayda Ruwayda ◽  
Dewi Nopiska Lilis ◽  
M Dody Izhar

At the posyandu for youth, the IEC includes providing information about adolescent reproductive organs, puberty, the process of pregnancy, menstruation, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, gender and maturity of marriage age. HIV / AIDS includes providing information about transmission, prevention and symptoms. Based on data from the Health Office of Muaro Jambi Regency, in the area of ??Puskesmas Penyengat Olak, the target number of adolescents aged 10-18 years is 1,959 males and 1,903 females. This large number is an opportunity to form a youth posyandu. Community service activities will be carried out in Penyengat Olak Village, Muaro Jambi Regency. This community service aims to increase the capacity of youth as cadres of the village post at Penyengat Olak district. Muaro Jambi. Target adolescents aged 10-18 years who are in the area of ??olak stinger health centers. There are activities in the form of advocacy to puskesmas and the community in establishing youth Posyandu, recruiting cadres and holding youth Posyandu cadres training, implementing youth Posyandu formation in stinging olak villages. The output of community service activities is the formation of cadres to care for reproductive health in pilot youth Posyandu for the work area of ??the Pengegat Olak Community Health Center in Muaro Jambi Regency. olak stinger. Through this training activity it is very important to increase the coverage of adolescent reproductive health services and it is hoped that the support of the puskesmas and village officials is expected.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-27
F fitriyani ◽  
Risqi dewi aisyah

ABSTRAK MTs Muhammadiyah Pekajangan merupakan salah satu madrasah yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan bagi remaja putra dan putrid yang berada di Desa Ambukembang Kecamatan Kedungwuni. Kurangnya informasi dan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi remaja masih menjadi permasalahan remaja khususnya di MTs Muhammadiyah Pekajangan. Perasaan malu, ketakutan, dan kecemasan menjadi masalah nagi remaja untuk mencari informasi terkait dengan kesehatan reproduksi remaja, sehingga masih banyak remaja yang belum dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan reproduksi remaja salah satunya yaitu dengan mengadakan promosi kesehatan. Sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah remaja putra dan putrid kelas VII dan VIII. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah remaja putra dan putri dapat mengetahui tentang kesehatan reproduksi remaja dan dapat memecahkan masalah kesehatan reproduksi yang mereka alami. Diharapkan adanya peran serta dari dinas kesehatan dan pihak sekolah untuk dapat meningkatkan kesehatan reproduksi remaja dengan rutin mengadakan promosi kesehatan.   Kata Kunci : Remaja, Sehat, Reproduksi     ABSTRACT MTs Muhammadiyah Pekajangan is one of the madrassas that provides education for young men and women who are in Ambukembang Village, Kedungwuni District. Lack of information and knowledge about adolescent reproductive health is still a problem of adolescents, especially in MTs Muhammadiyah Pekajangan. Feelings of shame, fear, and anxiety become problems for adolescents to look for information related to adolescent reproductive health, so there are still many teenagers who have not been able to solve adolescent reproductive health problems. One of the efforts that can be done to improve adolescent reproductive health is by conducting health promotion. The targets in the community service activities are young men and girls in class VII and VIII. The results of this activity are young men and women can find out about adolescent reproductive health and can solve reproductive health problems they experience. It is expected that the participation of the health department and the school can improve adolescent reproductive health by regularly holding health promotions..   Keywords : Adolescents, Healthy, Reproductive

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 162-170
Dewi Novianti ◽  
Siti Fatonah

The high number of cases of early marriage in Bantul raises its problems. Communication literacy Adolescent reproductive health is still low, so the researchers conducted this study. Research on communication literacy, adolescent reproductive health, education aims to: knowing the knowledge of adolescent reproductive education in Sorowajan, Bantul. Second, the researcher wants to provide literacy in reproductive education health communication for adolescents in Sorowajan, Bantul. This research method is descriptive qualitative, by conducting interviews and Focused Group Discussions with the youth of Bantul's Sorowajan Village According to the study's findings, many teenagers who marry at a young age do so due to a lack of knowledge about adolescent reproductive health, poverty, and a lack of education. The government has carried out adolescent reproductive education through several programs, including the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) which has established Youth Family Development (BKR) groups whose targets are families with teenage children. Academics need to help the government carry out communication literacy on adolescent reproductive health, which in this case the researcher and the team have already done it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 015-019
Anita Rahmawati ◽  
Thatit Nurmawati ◽  
Nawang Wulandari ◽  
Dita Yanuar

 Dysmenorrhea is often occurred at the beginning of menstruation, especially in adolescents. If left untreated, pain experienced by adolescents with primary dysmenorrhea could lead to serious problems that ultimately require health services and could also reduce quality of reproductive health and general body health. The aim of gymnastics activity is to improve the reproductive health of adolescent women through the provision of dysmenorrhea gymnastics education. The activity was divided into 2 sessions, lecture and practice. The first session were explanations, questions and answers about the menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhoea and how to prevent or treat dysmenorrhoea pain using dysmenorrhea gymnastics. The second one was gymnastics practice in the same time between community service team and all of the participants, where the service team was divided as gymnastics instructor and the others as facilitator who correct participants' exercise movements that were not right. This activity was carried out on young women at the PSBR dormitory in Blitar City. Implementation was in the March 2021 and followed by 35 teenagers. The results of this activity indicated that all of the participants were able to follow and carry out activities that have been planned properly. Dysmenorrhea gymnastics were an easy, cheap and safe way to reduce and prevent dysmenorrhea pain so that it could be an independent dysmenorrhea therapeutics option for adolescents, especially teenagers in the PSBR dormitory in Blitar City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Miftachul Jannah ◽  
Pedvin Ratna Meikawati ◽  
Swasti Artanti

Adolescents are people aged 12 to 24 years. Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood. This means that the process of introduction and knowledge of reproductive health has actually started at this time. In simple terms, reproduction comes from the word "re" which means to return and "production" which means to make or produce. Reproductive health, as part of general health, is thus also a human right of every person, both men and women. Women's human rights are regulated in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights Article 3 paragraph (3) which states that everyone has the right to the protection of human rights and human freedoms without discrimination. Reproductive health according to Law Number 36 Year 2009 is a complete physical, mental and social condition, not merely free from disease or disability related to the reproductive system, function and process in men and women. The purpose of this community service is to provide reproductive health education about healthy reproduction, healthy adolescents, especially about anemia in adolescents, reproductive health and free sex in adolescents. Methods of reproductive health counseling carried out are (1) Socialization and licensing, (2) Conducting reproductive health counseling, (3) Evaluation of the results of reproductive health counseling activities by means of pre and post tests. The results of the reproductive health counseling activity showed high enthusiasm, indicated by the very good response of participants in receiving material on healthy reproduction, healthy adolescents and the willingness of participants to ask questions. The enthusiasm of the participants is expected to increase the understanding of girls and boys about the importance of healthy reproduction, healthy adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1034-1042
Veronica Silalahi

ABSTRAK Kesehatan reproduksi remaja adalah suatu kondisi sehat yang menyangkut sistem, fungsi dan proses reproduksi yang dimiliki oleh remaja. Masalah kesehatan reproduksi yang bisa terjadi akibat perilaku berisiko  seperti ketidaksiapan menghadapi konflik perkawinan atau aborsi, seks pranikah, kekerasan seksual, penyimpangan perilaku seksual, gangguan kesehatan, penyakit kelamin, kematian yang disebabkan oleh organ reproduksi yang belum matang. Masih tingginya masalah kesehatan reproduksi tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh masih kurangnya pengetahuan/pemahaman remaja mengenai kesehatan reproduksi. Pengabdian masyarakat melalui kegiatan pendidikan kesehatan dilakukan secara daring atau online melalui zoom meeting pada 20 responden remaja di Taruna Swastika Yuwana Desa Laban Kulon Kecamatan Menganti, Kabupaten Gresik. Kegiatan pendidikan kesehatan diawali dengan pemberian pre test dan setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan, responden diberikan post test melalui google form. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan setelah diberikan pendidkan kesehatan. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi, dapat membantu remaja berperilaku sehat dan dapat merubah perilaku menjadi lebih baik. Kata kunci : Pendidikan Kesehatan, Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja, Remaja  ABSTRACTAdolescent reproductive health is a health condition that concerns the reproductive systems, functions, and processes of adolescents. Reproductive health problems can occur due to risky behavior such as unpreparedness to face marital conflicts or abortion, premarital sex, sexual violence, sexual behavior deviations, health problems, venereal diseases, death caused by immature reproductive organs. The high rate of reproductive health problems can be influenced by the lack of knowledge or understanding of adolescents about reproductive health. Community service through health education activities is online by zoom meetings on 20 teenage respondents at Taruna Swastika Yuwana, Laban Kulon Village, Kec. Menganti District, Kab. Gresik. Health education activities begin with giving a pre-test and after being given health education, respondents are given a post-test by a google form. There is an increase in knowledge after being given health education. Increased knowledge and understanding of adolescents about reproductive health, can help adolescents behave healthily and can change behavior for the better  Keywords: Health Education, Adolescent reproductive health, Adolescent

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-79
Eko Winarti ◽  
Fauziah Laili ◽  
Teguh Pramono ◽  
Sondang Sidabuntar

Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) problems are currently increasingly concerning, this is due to the low knowledge of adolescents about ARH. Increasing knowledge of adolescents about ARH can be done through adolescent health education. Research objectives to see the needs of students about adolescent health education. Research design using cross-sectional. Consists of all students at the Kota Kediri. The sample of some students was 35 respondents using the cluster random sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis using the statistical test of rank spearman. The results showed that almost all respondents had low knowledge (85.7%), mostly good psychological conditions (71.4%), almost all of the level needs assessment of ARH education was high (82.9%). The ARH education method attracted the most questions and answers (88%). ARH media education is the most popular video (86%). The most popular ARH education material was how to care for organs (95%). Almost all of the presenters of ARH education chose health workers (92%). There is a significant relationship between knowledge and the need level of the ARH education assessment, but there is no relationship between psychological conditions and the assessment of the needs of the ARH education level at Kota Kediri in 2021. Based on this research it can be denied that ARH education is needed by students and in delivering the program. ARH education in higher education is adjusted based on student needs.

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