intestinal peristalsis
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Metabolites ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Natsumi Ichikawa ◽  
Hiroyuki Sasaki ◽  
Yijin Lyu ◽  
Shota Furuhashi ◽  
Aato Watabe ◽  

Chronic or acute ambient temperature change alter the gut microbiota and the metabolites, regulating metabolic functions. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced by gut bacteria reduce the risk of disease. Feeding patterns and gut microbiota that are involved in SCFAs production are controlled by the circadian clock. Hence, the effect of environmental temperature change on SCFAs production is expected depending on the exposure timing. In addition, there is limited research on effects of habitual cold exposure on the gut microbiota and SCFAs production compared to chronic or acute exposure. Therefore, the aim was to examine the effect of cold or heat exposure timing on SCFAs production. After exposing mice to 7 or 37 °C for 3 h a day at each point for 10 days, samples were collected, and cecal pH, SCFA concentration, and BAT weight was measured. As a result, cold exposure at ZT18 increased cecal pH and decreased SCFAs. Intestinal peristalsis was suppressed due to the cold exposure at ZT18. The results reveal differing effects of intermittent cold exposure on the gut environment depending on exposure timing. In particular, ZT18 (active phase) is the timing to be the most detrimental to the gut environment of mice.

2021 ◽  
Yasushi Rino ◽  
Yukio Maezawa ◽  
Toru Aoyama ◽  
Yosuke Atsumi ◽  
Keisuke Kazama ◽  

Abstract Introduction Gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy is a standard treatment for gastric cancer. Anastomotic leakage remains a potentially fatal complication of gastrectomy. Forceful stapler extraction may cause anastomotic complications. We focused on the duodenal peristalsis, as we hypothesized that it might cause forceful stapler extraction. We then retrospectively investigated duodenal peristalsis. We reviewed videos of Da Vinci system cases to clarify the relationship between peristalsis and anastomotic complications. Methods Forty-nine cases with stored videos of laparoscopic surgery using the Da Vinci system from 2015 to March 2021 were included. Peristalsis was defined by repeated contraction and expansion that was clearly visible three or more times in a row, and that there was no peristalsis in other cases. We investigated the duodenum because it is frequently observed during gastrectomy. We evaluated suture failure in cases with and without peristalsis. Results The study population included 49 patients (male, n=32; female, n=17; median age, 71 [42-82] years). Duodenal peristalsis was observed in 14 (28.6%) cases. Three patients experienced complications. A comparative study of cases with and without complications showed significant peristalsis in cases with complications (p=0.0198). Discussion Anastomotic leakage remains a serious and potentially fatal complication of gastrectomy, and surgeons should make efforts to prevent anastomotic leakage. Various risk factors associated with anastomotic leakage have been reported. This is the first retrospective study to evaluate duodenal peristalsis during gastrectomy for gastric cancer. We hypothesized that duodenal peristalsis would apply extreme tension on the stapler. Peristalsis would twist and increase the pressure on the stapler. In this study, we defined a new scale to evaluate duodenal peristalsis. Anastomotic complications were significantly more frequent in cases with peristalsis (p=0.0198). Our results suggest the utility of manual over-sewing or the use of reinforcement material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-63
Sari desi Esta Ulina Sitepu ◽  
Abdi Lestari Sitepu ◽  
Pratiwi Christa Simarmata ◽  
Ria Fitri Anggrareni ◽  
Selamat Tuahta Sipayung

Surgery is performed by taking certain body parts, with the aim of improving the body that has abnormalities such as laparotomy. This action can disable the sound of the prism with the state of the body that is anesthetized. Early mobilization is one of the effective ways to re-stimulate bowel function and produce normal peristaltic sounds and patients can be selected. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of early mobilization on the recovery of intestinal peristalsis in post-laparatomy patients at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. This study used a one-group pretest-posttest design, with pre-experimental pre-test (early stage) and post-test (final stage) with a sample of 27 respondents while the research instrument used an observation sheet. Data analysis used bivariate analysis, namely the Paired Sample T-Test. The results of the bivariate test with Paired Sample T-Test proved that there was an effect of early mobilization on increasing intestinal peristalsis before and after the procedure, as evidenced by the p-value = 0.00 < 0.05. As early as possible, early mobilization doing in post-laparatomy patients, the faster the intestinal peristaltis recovery process will be.

2021 ◽  
pp. 200-208
V. N. Drozdov ◽  
E. V. Shikh ◽  
A. A. Astapovskiy ◽  
S. Yu. Serebrova ◽  
I. A. Komissarenko

Currently, lactulose is known to most as a laxative that has a hyperosmotic effect, stimulating intestinal peristalsis. The drug has long established itself as a safe and effective medicine. Lactulose is one of the few drugs that is approved for use in pregnant women and children under 6 months of age with functional constipation. The prebiotic properties of lactulose were discovered in 1957. After research, it was found that it promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In addition to being used as an effective weak and prebiotic agent, lactulose has been successfully used since 1966 for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. The mechanism of action of the drug is that it prevents the absorption of excess ammonia, which is formed in the large intestine, through the hydrolysis of protein and urea by the intestinal microflora. Lactulose, which has a wide range of effects on nitrogen metabolism by the intestinal microflora, affects not only ammonia, but also other bacterial toxins as a result of the studies that have demonstrated the reliable effectiveness of the drug, the world’s leading professional communities have included lactulose in their recommendations as the drug of choice for the treatment of patients with hepatic encephalopathy at any stage of the disease. The article presents current data on the effectiveness and safety of the use of lactulose in various diseases. In addition, attention is paid to such a concept as microbiota. Its functions and influence on the human body are described. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. e555101019091
Luana Azevedo de Freitas ◽  
Paula Priscila Correia Costa ◽  
Stefanie Bressan Waller ◽  
Thaissa Gomes Pellegrin ◽  
Eduardo Gonçalves da Silva ◽  

The aims of the current study are to build an equation to predict gestational age (GA) and to compare ultrasound parameters indicative of delivery in healthy English Bulldog bitches subjected to elective cesarean section. Sixteen pregnant female dogs were included in the study. Inner chorionic cavity (ICCDD) and biparietal (BPD) diameters were measured at 30 and 50 days after artificial insemination, respectively, to estimate GA at embryonic and fetal stages. BPD, heart rate (HR), and intestinal peristalsis were measured at 48 h, 24 h, and 6 hours before delivery to compare fetal development. ICCD and BPD values were subjected to linear regression and parameters predictive of elective cesarean section were compared through Student’s t-test before delivery. The number of conceptuses did not influence pregnancy duration. Both ICCD and BPD were significantly correlated to GA; their  formulas presented accuracy of ± 1 and ± 2 days, respectively, in comparison to that of progesterone dosage. Based on the comparative ultrasound assessment, BPD has significantly increased from 48 h to 6 h before delivery (≥3 cm), regardless of the number of pups, whereas HR has significantly decreased within 6 h before delivery (HR <200 bpm). There was not statistically significant difference in parameter “intestinal peristalsis” among measurement times. The current study is pioneer in highlighting that measuring ICCD and BPD in the formula is a useful tool to predict GA in the herein investigated breed and that fetal parameters such as BPD and HR are fetal maturity predictors.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1468
Piotr Dobrowolski ◽  
Siemowit Muszyński ◽  
Janine Donaldson ◽  
Andrzej Jakubczak ◽  
Andrzej Żmuda ◽  

Prenatal and postnatal supplementation with β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) and alpha-ketoglutaric acid (AKG) affects the development and maturation of offspring. Both substances have the potential to stimulate cell metabolism via different routes. However, parity affects development and may alter the effects of dietary supplementation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of gestational supplementation with HMB and/or AKG to primiparous and multiparous minks on the structure and maturation of the offspring’s small intestine. Primiparous and multiparous American minks (Neovison vison), of the standard dark brown type, were supplemented daily with HMB (0.02 g/kg b.w.) and/or AKG (0.4 g/kg b.w.) during gestation (n = 7 for each treatment). Supplementation stopped when the minks gave birth. Intestine samples were collected from 8-month-old male and female offspring during autopsy and histology and histomorphometry analysis was conducted (LAEC approval no 64/2015). Gestational supplementation had a long-term effect, improving the structure of the offspring’s intestine toward facilitating absorption and passage of intestinal contents. AKG supplementation affected intestinal absorption (enterocytes, villi and absorptive surface), and HMB affected intestinal peristalsis and secretion (crypts and Goblet cells). These effects were strongly dependent on parity and offspring gender. Present findings have important nutritional implications and should be considered in feeding practices and supplementation plans in animal reproduction.

Zhaomeng Zhuang ◽  
Juanhong Zheng ◽  
Min Xie ◽  
Shuo Chen

Objective To analyze the effect of nasopharyngeal ventilation on the detection rate of colorectal polyps in 200 middle-aged and elderly overweight patients during painless colonoscopy. Methods A total of 100 patients aged 50-75 years, body mass index (BMI) ≥24 or abdominal circumference ≥85 cm in males and ≥82 cm in females, without underlying diseases, who underwent nasopharyngeal ventilation during painless colonoscopy at physical examinations in our hospital from 2019 to 2020, were selected as the observation subjects (n = 100). The control sample area was determined by propensity matching according to the basic information characteristics presented by the observation group. 100 patients received mask oxygen at physical examinations were randomly selected in the control group (n = 100). Results The verification analysis after matching indicated that there were no intraoperative and postoperative adverse reactions, the number of intraoperative limb movements was less than 1, and the intestinal peristalsis intervals were more than 5s in both groups, without atropine intervention. Colonoscopy was performed by senior endoscopists with a withdrawal time of 6-8 min. When the intraoperative SpO2 was lower than 90% but higher than 85%, the patients in the observation group underwent nasopharyngeal ventilation while those in the control group received mask oxygen assisted chin-lift. As a result, the SpO2 was maintained higher than 90%. The detection rate of colorectal polyps was compared between the two groups. Conclusion The detection rate of colorectal polyps in the observation group was higher than that in the control group, with a statistically significant difference. It may result from the reduction of ineffective respiratory movement and intraoperative intestinal peristalsis in middle-aged and elderly overweight patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Asniah Syamsuddin

Background: Almost every patient with major surgery or surgery who uses general anesthesia after surgery does not take any action to help with intestinal peristalsis. Giving warm compresses is one way to reduce muscle spasms, increase and increase blood flow.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to study the solution of warm compresses to postoperative intestinal peristalsis recovery with general anesthesia.Methods: The design of this study was a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design, a sample of 16 respondents who were taken by consecutive sampling technique. The research was conducted at the Meuraxa Hospital Hospital Banda Aceh in 2019. The data was processed using statistical tests using paired sample t-test.Results: The results of the study have shown that there is the effectiveness of giving warm compresses to the recovery of peristalsis in the experimental group with a value of p= 0.000 (p < 0.05), and the independent t-test shows that there is a significant difference in intestinal peristalsis between the experimental group and the control group in post patients. surgery under general anesthesia with a value of p= 0.022 (p < 0.05).Conclusion: The effectiveness of warm compresses on the recovery of intestinal peristalsis in the experimental group and the control group in postoperative patients with general anesthesia. It is hoped that patients and nurses can apply warm compresses after surgery with general anesthesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Katarzyna Ignasiak-Budzyńska ◽  
Mikołaj Danko ◽  
Janusz Książyk

MMIHS, also known as Berdon’s syndrome, is a rare disease that belongs to primary causes of CIPOS (chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction syndrome). Clinical characteristics of MMIHS are differential, but we come across the following classic symptoms: disorders of intestinal peristalsis, microcolon, and megacystis. In this article, we present a series of 4 patients with Berdon’s syndrome, in whom we managed to identify the genetic causes of MMIHS. All infants showed clinical features of bowel obstruction and dysfunction of the urinary system after birth. Two of them also manifested disorders from other systems. The prognosis for these patients is poor, but a constant betterment of management in MMIHS, in which the leading role plays TPN (total parental nutrition), causes improvement of patients’ survival.

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