Efektifitas Tanaman Hias, Jamur, dan Carbon Aktif Dalam Menurunkan Konsentrasi Carbon Monoksida di Udara

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Ulfa Nurullita ◽  
Mifbakhuddin Mifbakhuddin

Latar belakang: Polusi udara dalam ruangan menjadi masalah kesehatan yang lebih berat dibanding di luar ruangan. Salah satu sumber pencemar udara dalam ruangan adalah rokok. Rokok mengandung setidaknya 200 elemen berbahaya bagi kesehatan, tiga di antaranya yang paling berbahaya, yaitu tar, nikotin, dan karbon monoksida. Kadar CO dari asap rokok pada penelitian sebelumnya berkisar 109-113 ppm. Kadar ini masih di atas nilai ambang batas yang diperbolehkan yaitu 25 ppm. Untuk itu perlu upaya untuk mengurangi CO di udara. Penelitian sebelumnya menyimpulkan adsorben dan absorben terbaik dalam menurunkan CO adalah kaktus, jamur Penicillium sp, dan karbon aktif kulit durian. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan adsorbsi dan absorbsi CO berdasarkan jumlah kaktus, jamur Penicillium sp, dan karbon aktif kulit durian.Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen semu dengan rancangan static  group comparison. Obyek penelitian adalah  CO udara dalam ruangan, variabel penelitian adalah jumlah adsorben/absorben, jenis adsorben/absorben, dan konsentrasi CO di udara. Pengukuran CO dengan CO meter digital. Analisis data dengan uji anova 1 arah dan uji kruskal wallis dengan tingkat kemaknaan 95%.Hasil: rata-rata CO dengan kaktus 1 batang 63 ppm, 2 batang 56 ppm, 3 batang 46,6 ppm, 4 batang 28 ppm, dan kontrol 106,6 ppm. Rata-rata CO dengan Penicillium sp 150 gram 47,3 ppm, 300 gram 34,7 ppm,  dan kontrol 76,6 ppm. Konsentrasi CO dengan karbon aktif kulit durian 1 kg 41,56 ppm, 2 kg 30,89 ppm, dan kontrol 101,4 ppm. Rata-rata CO dengan gabungan semua adsorben adalah 22,9 ppm. Uji perbedaan konsentrasi CO pada berbagai jumlah kaktus nilai p= 0,001, jamur penicilium sp nilai p=0,001, dan uji kruskall wallis  untuk karbon aktif kulit durian adalah 0,001.Simpulan: Ada perbedaan kemampuan adsorbsi dan absorbsi CO berdasarkan jumlah adsorben dan absorben. Jumlah kaktus terbaik adalah 4 batang, jamur Penicillium 300 gram, dan karbon aktif 2 kg. Konsentrasi CO dengan penggabungan semua adsorben dan absorben telah berada di bawah nilai ambang batas yang diperbolehkan yaitu 25 ppm.ABSTRACTTitle: The Effectiveness of Ornamental Plants, Fungi, and Activated Carbon in Reducing Carbon Monoxide Concentrations in the AirBackground: Cigarettes contain about 4000 elements and 200 of them are harmful to health. Exposure to cigarette smoke which is quite potential is CO. CO is a toxic gas and is one of the greenhouse gases that damage the earth's ozone layer. Exposure to cigarettes in the room is still widely found. Need to attempt to reduce CO in the air. Previous research concluded that the best type of adsorbent in lowering CO is cactus, Penicilliumsp, and durian skin activated carbon. The aim of this study isto know the difference in CO adsorption ability based on the number of adsorbents. Method: This research type is quasi-experimental with static group comparison design, the object is CO in the room, the variable is the amount of adsorbent, the type of adsorbent, the concentration of CO in the air. Data analysis used 1-way ANOVA test and Kruskalwallis test. Results: on average CO with cactus 1 stem 63 ppm, 2 stems 56 ppm, 3 stems is 46.6 ppm, 4 stems is 28 ppm, and control is 106.6 ppm. The average CO with Penicilliumsp 150 grams is 47.3 ppm, 300 grams is 34.7 ppm, and control is 76.6 ppm. The average CO with 1 kg durian skin activated carbon is 41.56 ppm, 2 kg is 30.89 ppm, and control is 101.4 ppm. The average CO with a combination of all adsorbents is 22.9 ppm. Test the difference in CO concentration in various cactus, pvalues = 0.001, Peniciliumsp p value = 0.001, and the Kruskal wallis test for activated carbon was 0.001. Conclusion: There are differences in CO adsorption and absorption based on the number of cactus, Peniciliium sp, and durian skin activated carbon. The best amount of cactus is 4 stems, 300 grams of Penicillium sp, and 2 kg of activated carbon. CO concentration with all of adsorbent and absorbents has been below the permissible threshold value of 25 ppm. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-83
Heni Isniyati ◽  
Mustafa Daru Affandi

ABSTRACT   Carbon Monoxide (CO) produced from smoke by cigarettes has a certain level that accumulates indoors and affects indoor air quality. The purpose of this study was to see how effective the method of air stripping in reducing CO gas concentration by using activated carbon, silica sand, and zeolite media in the experimental room which has a volume of 1000 litters. This research was performed in the laboratory by using pre-experiment random group design. The independent variables of this study include activated carbon, zeolite, and silica sand as adsorbent, while the dependent variable of this study was carbon monoxide concentration. The test was carried out by measuring the accumulation of CO gas from burning cigarette, and subsequent testing with air stripping test treatment by using the varies adsorbent on 30 minutes. From the test results obtained the highest percentage reduction of CO concentration, which was 50.89% by using the activated carbon adsorbent medium, and the lowest percentage of CO reduction was 5.85% by using silica sand adsorbent medium. The difference of CO gas concentration was significant after passing air stripping process by using zeolite media, activated carbon and silica sand with significance level p value = 0.0001. There were significant differences in the ability of zeolite, activated carbon and silica sand to reduce CO concentration, with p value = 0.0001.   Keywords: Carbon Monoxide Concentration, Air Stripping, Adsorption, Activated Carbon, Zeolite, Silica Sand   ABSTRAK   Karbon Monoksida (CO) yang dihasilkan dari asap oleh rokok memiliki kadar tertentu yang terakumulasi di dalam ruangan dan mempengaruhi kualitas udara dalam ruangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat seberapa besar efektivitas metode air stripping dalam menurunkan konsentrasi gas CO dengan  menggunakan media karbon aktif, pasir silika dan pasir zeolit di dalam ruangan percobaan yang memiliki volume 1000 liter. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan di dalam laboratorium dengan menggunakan pre-eksperimen desain kelompok acak. Variabel bebas dari penelitian ini meliputi karbon aktif, pasir zeolite dan pasir silika sebagai adsorben, sedangkan variabel terikat dari penelitian ini konsentrasi karbon monoksida.. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengukur akumulasi gas CO dari pembakaran rokok, dan pengujian berikutnya dengan perlakuan uji air stripping menggunakan adsorben yang berbeda-beda dengan waktu pengujian selama 30 menit. Dari hasil uji didapatkan persentase penurunan konsentrasi CO tertinggi, yaitu 50,89 % dengan menggunakan media adsorben karbon aktif, dan persentase penurunan CO terendah yaitu 5,85% dengan menggunakan media adsorben pasir silika. Perbedaan konsentrasi gas CO yang signifikan setelah melalui proses air stripping dengan menggunakan media zeolit, karbon aktif dan pasir silika dengan taraf signifikasi nilai p = 0,0001. Ada perbedaan nilai yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan media zeolit, karbon aktif dan pasir silika dalam menurunkan konsentrasi CO, dengan nilai p = 0,0001.   Kata kunci : Konsentrasi Karbon Monoksida, Air Stripping, Adsorbsi, Karbon aktif, Zeolit, pasir silika

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Lestari Puji Astutti

Latar Belakang : Mual dan muntah(emesis gravidarum) adalah gejala yang sering muncul pada kehamilan trimester 1.mual biasanya terjadi di pagi hari,tetapi dapat pula terjadi setiap hari dan malam hari, ini terjadi karena relaksasi pada otot-otot pencernaan antara lain peristaltik dilambung sehingga pencernaan makanan oleh lambung menjadi lebih lama dan mudah terjadi peristaltic balik ke esophagus, selain itu juga karena pengaruh dari homon HCG, Di Wilayah Puskesmas Kaliwungu sebanyak 87,9 % ibu hamil trimester 1 mengalami mual muntah, berbagai macam cara yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi mual muntah salah satunya adalah pemberian permen jahe.. Menurut Dr.Borelli dari University of  Naples Frederica di Itali mengatakan  bahwa jahe bisa menjadi terapi yang efektif untuk mengatasi mual dan muntah dalam kehamilan. Tujuan : untuk menganalisa pengaruh permen jahe terhadap penurunan emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester 1 di Wilayah Puskesmas Kaliwungu Kabupaten Kendal. Metode Penelitian : metode penelitiahan ini adalah penelitian pre eksperimen dengan desain static group comparison/ posttest only controlgroup design, menggunakan sampel 38 responden, masing-masing 19 responden untuk kelompok perlakuan dan 19 responden untuk kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur mual muntah adalah lembar observasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sendiri oleh peneliti dan data dianalisa secara univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji test mann whitney. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh permen jahe terhadap emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester 1 dengan nilai p value (p=0,022, α = 0,05). Kesimpulan :  Ada pengaruh permen jahe terhadap penurunan mual muntah pada ibu hamil trimester 1 di Wilayah Puskesmas Kaliwungu Kabupaten Kendal. Diharapkan permen jahe bisa menjadi alternatif pilihan dalam mengatasi emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil. Kata Kunci: Permen Jahe;  emesi;  gravidarum Trimester 1 THE EFECT OF GINGER CANDY TO REDUCING EMESIS GRAVIDARUM IN FIRST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANT IN KENDAL KALIWUNGU PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT 2016 AbstractBackground : Nausea and vomitus(emesis gravidarum) are symptoms that often arises in first trimester pregnancy, ussually occurs in the morning, but can also occurs everyday and night. This occurs due to the relaxztion of the muscles of the digestive include gastric peristaltis so digestion by the stomach longer and forth easily occur peristalsis to esophagus, and also efect from HCG hormone, Kaliwungu Public Health Distric in the region as much as 87,9% of the first trimester pregnant experience nausea and vomitus. Dr.Borelli dari University of Naples Frederica di Itali say that ginger may be an effective therapi to treat emesis gravidarum. Purpose : to identify the efect ginger candy to reducing emesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant in Kaliwungu Public Health Kabupaten Kendal. .  Method : This reseach used pre eksperiment with static group comparison/ posttest only controlgroup design.each 19 respondent for intervention and control groups. Instrument used to measure emesis gravidarum is cheklist. Collected of the data was carried out by the researcher herself and the collected data was analyzed in univariate, bivariate by using test mann whitney. Result :The result of the research shows that efect ginger candy to reducing emesis gravidarum in first trimester one pregnant (p=0,022, α = 0,05). Conclusion: Ad a ginger candy effect to decrease nausea and vomiting in pregnant women in the first trimester Kaliwungu Regional Health Center Kendal. The expected ginger candy can alternative choice to reduce emesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant. Key words ; Ginger candy, emesis gravidarum trimester 1

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Hillary Inggrid Prananta ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Elyda Akhya Afida Misrohmasari ◽  
Niken Probosari ◽  
Surartono Dwiatmoko

Red dragon fruit flesh extract contains of anthocyanin as red pigmen that potentially to be a natural dye. Athocyanin contains of polysaccharide that can binding with polysaccharide of dental plaque called hydrogen bonds, so dental plaque has been colored and potentially as alternative of disclosing solution. The purpose of this study was to find out the difference of plaque index after smeared by red dragon fruit flesh extract 75% and disclosing solution. The method of this study is a clinical experimental study with a static-group comparison design. 20 subjects were examined the plaque index after smeared with red dragon fruit flesh extract 75%) and disclosing solution). There was no significant difference between groups. Conclusions: Red dragon fruit flesh extract 75% had similar capability with disclosing solution to examine dental plaque.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Indah Naryati

ABSTRAKLembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) adalah salah satu bagian dari bahan ajar. Sebagai salah satu bagian dari bahan ajar, LKS merupakan komponen yang penting dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pendahuluan, LKS yang digunakan masih belum mengarah pada pola pembelajaran yang mengeksplorasi pengetahuan siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan LKS hasil pengembangan berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi teks diskusi siswa SMP kelas IX yang valid dan efektif. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan, kolaborasi model Borg & Gall dan Dick & Carey. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen (static group comparison design). Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SMP kelas IX, 30 siswa sebagai kelas pembanding, 33 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen. Alat ukur berupa tes pilihan ganda pada evaluasi formatif sebagai posttest. Analisis data digunakan uji-t untuk sampel berpasangan pada taraf signifikan 5 % (p<0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan LKS tergolong valid berdasarkan rata-rata penilaian pakar sebesar 74,7% dengan kategori cukup valid. Efektif berdasarkan 1) hasil belajar kognitif, rata-rata kelas 90,42 dan melebihi batas ketuntasan (KKM) yang ditetapkan yaitu 80. Hasil uji-t diperoleh nilai t = -9,574 dengan derajat kebebasan (dk) sebesar 61.  Sedangkan p-value (2-tailed)= 0,0000, karena p-value = 0,0000 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05 maka H0 : µ1 = µ2 ditolak, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara posttest kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok pembanding. Kata Kunci: LKS, inkuiri terbimbing, materi tek diskusi.ABSTRACTStudent Activity Sheet (LKS) is one part of teaching materials. As one part of teaching materials, LKS is an important component in learning. Based on preliminary research results, LKS used still not lead to learning patterns that explore students' knowledge. This study aims to produce LKS based on guided inquiry based on the discussion material of students of SMP class IX class that is valid and effective. This type of research is a research and development, collaboration models Borg & Gall and Dick & Carey. The method used is quasi experiment (static group comparison design). The sample of the research is the students of SMP class IX, 30 students as the comparison class, 33 students as the experimental class. Measurers are multiple choice tests on formative evaluation as posttest. Data analysis used t-test for paired samples at 5% significant level (p <0,05). The result of the research shows that LKS is valid based on the average expert rating of 74.7% with the category is quite valid. Effective on the basis of 1) cognitive learning outcomes, grade averages 90.42 and beyond the defined limit of (KKM) which is defined as 80. T-test results obtained t value = -9.574 with degrees of freedom (dk) of 61. While p-value (2-tailed) = 0,0000, since p-value = 0,0000 is smaller than α = 0.05 then H0: μ1 = μ2 is rejected, so it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the experimental group posttest and the comparison group. Keywords: LKS, guided inquiry, discussion material.

Maryam Shirani Bidabadi ◽  
Jamshid Banaei Borojeni ◽  
Saeed Keshavarz ◽  
Mohammad Karimi

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of consuming grape seed extract with moderate-intensity aerobic training on the expression of miR-126 and miR-29 in the cardiac tissue in type 1 diabetic male rats. Materials and Methods: 40 rats with an initial weight range of 160-220 g were divided into five groups: Training + Extract, Training, Extract, Diabetic / Control, and Healthy / Control. Aerobic training program was moderate intensity and rats performed aerobic training for 60 minutes a day with the intensity 70 to 75% of maximum oxygen consumption (28 meters per minute). Grape seed extract was also administered by gavage at a dose of 40 mg/kg per day. Results: Expression of both miRNAs in the three groups of training + extract, healthy training and control was significantly higher than the two groups of extract and diabetic control (P-value= 0.001). The difference between the three groups of training + extract, healthy training and control and also the difference between the two groups of extract and diabetic control were not significant (P-value> 0.05). Conclusion: Aerobic training may be able to prevent cardiac disease caused by type 1 diabetes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 523-530
Henny Prihatni ◽  
Yuistiana Evayanti ◽  
Devi Kurniasari ◽  
Sunarsih Sunarsih

PERINEUM WOUND HEALING WITH POSSIBLE EXERCISES Background Labor and delivery are physiological events. Often childbirth causes birth canal injuries so that it must be cared for properly and properly The maternal mortality rate in Lampung in 2017 is still high, namely 115.8 per 100,000 live births. The results of the initial survey in January 2019 at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Desa Merak Batin Natar District, South Lampung Regency, that in January there were 52 post partum mothers, of the 52 post partum mothers 40 of them had perineal injuries, 37 due to spontaneous rupture and 3 due to episiotomy.Purpose was to determine the effect of postpartum gymnastics on the healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency in 2019.Methods Quantitative research type methods, pre-experimental research design with a static group comparison approach. The population was 52 postpartum mothers. The research sample was 30 people divided into 2 groups, namely 15 people as the experimental group and 15 people as the control group. With a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis with dependent T-test.The results of univariate and bivariate analysis showed that the average duration of healing of perineal wounds in postpartum women who did postpartum exercise at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency in 2019, was 1.33 and in the control group was 4 , 60.The conclusion is that there is an effect of postpartum gymnastics on the healing of perineal wounds in post-partum mothers at BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency in 2019. The t test results obtained p value 0.000 <α (0.05).Suggestion it is recommended for health workers, especially midwives, to advise postpartum mothers to do postpartum exercise as an alternative to accelerate the healing of perineal wounds.  Keywords: Postpartum exercise, Perineal Wound Healing ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Persalinan dan kelahiran merupakan kejadian fisiologis. Seringkali persalinan menyebabkan perlukaan jalan lahir sehingga harus dirawat dengan baik dan benar Angka kematian ibu di Lampung tahun 2017 masih tinggi yaitu sebesar 115,8 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup.Hasil survey awal pada Bulan Januari 2019 di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, bahwa pada bulan januari terdapat 52 ibu post partum, dari 52 ibu post partum tersebut 40 diantaranya mengalami luka perineum, 37 dikarenakan rupture spontan dan 3 karena episiotomi.Tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Senam  Nifas Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Pada Ibu Nifas di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan  Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Tahun 2019.Metode Jenis Penelitian Kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian pre-eksperimen dengan pendekatan static group comparison. Populasi sebanyak 52 ibu nifas. Sampel penelitian  30 orang yang di bagi dalam 2 kelompok yaitu 15 orang sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 15 orang sebagai kelompok kontrol. Dengan teknik sampling purposive sampling. Analisa data dengan uji T-test dependent.Hasil analisa univariat dan bivariate didapatkan rata-rata lama penyembuhan luka perineum pada ibu nifas yang melakukan senam nifas di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan  Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Tahun 2019, yaitu sebesar 1,33 dan pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 4, 60. Kesimpulan diketahui ada Pengaruh Senam Nifas Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Pada Ibu Nifas di BPM Siti Hajar, S.ST Desa Merak Batin Kecamatan  Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Tahun 2019. Hasil uji t didapat p value 0,000 < α (0,05).Disarankan bagi tenaga kesehatan khususnya bidan agar menganjurkan kepada ibu nifas agar melakukan senam  nifas sebagai salah satu alternatif mempercepat penyembuhan luka perineum.  Kata Kunci            : Senam nifas, Penyembuhan Luka Perineum

Dr. I. Vijayapriya ◽  
Dr. Prakash. S ◽  
Dr. S. Hemadharshini

Background: Among different complications of diabetes, ddiabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. Increase in the frequency of lower serum magnesium levels have been reported among patients with diabetes. Materials and methods: A total of 120 subjects were included in this study and divided into 3 groups. The study groups consisted of 40 patients that are type 2 diabetes with retinopathy and 40 patients with type 2 diabetes without retinopathy and control group consisted of 40 healthy subjects respectively. Both cases and controls were subjected to estimation of biochemical parameters. Results: Among the study population, (80) 66.67% participants were cases and another (40) 33.33% participants were controls. Among the people who had mild NPDR, the median Mg was 1.90 (IQR 1.80, 2.00). It was 1.90 (1.70, 2.00), 1.75 (1.67, 1.92), 1.8 (1.69, 2.0) and 2.10 (1.90, 2.20) among people with DM retinopathy moderate NPDR, severe NPDR, Proliferative retinopathy and no retinopathy respectively. The difference in the Mg across DM retinopathy was statistically significant (P Value 0.008). The difference between the values among both the case and control groups for certain parameters such as SBP, FBG, PPBG, HbA1c, Magnesium, Urea, and Creatinine were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: Serum magnesium levels were significantly lower in patients with diabetic retinopathy compared to diabetics without complications and control group. Keywords:  Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic retinopathy, Magnesium

Nurwening Tyas Wisnu ◽  
Ayesha Hendriana Ngestiningrum ◽  
Nuryani Nuryani ◽  
Hery Sumasto

Several studies have shown that the role of elementary school, kindergarten and PAUD (Early Childhood Education) teachers in early detection of toddler growth and development is very important in efforts to monitor and detect early childhood growth and development. This study aims to analyze the influence of role play learning methods using MCH books to improve the ability of teachers to detect children's growth and development. The design of this study was static group comparison. The study subjects were 100 PAUD Teachers in Poncol District, Magetan Regency, which were divided into treatment and control groups. Data was collected through questionnaires and observations using a checklist. Differences in the ability to detect growth and development of children between the two groups were analyzed using the t test. The results of data analysis show that there was an influence of the use of role play on the ability to detect growth, development and mental emotional problems in children. Keywords: children; growth; development, mental-emotional, role play; teacher ABSTRAK Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran guru SD, TK dan PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) dalam deteksi dini tumbuh kembang Balita sangat penting dalam upaya pemantauan dan deteksi dini tumbuh kembang balita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh metode pembelajaran role play penggunaan buku KIA untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru untuk mendeteksi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Desain penelitian ini adalah static group comparison. Subyek penelitian adalah 100 Guru PAUD di Kecamatan Poncol, Kabupaten Magetan, yang dibagi menjadi kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengisian kuesioner dan observasi menggunakan checklist. Perbedaan kemampuan deteksi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak antara kedua kelompok dianalisis menggunakan uji t. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penggunaan role play terhadap kemampuan deteksi pertumbuhan, perkembangan dan masalah mental emosional pada anak. Kata kunci: anak; pertumbuhan; perkembangan, mental-emosional, role play; guru

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Rena Afri Ningsih ◽  
Siska Helina ◽  
Ani Laila

Pada persalinan pervaginam 75% ibu mengalami luka pada perineum, baik yang ruptur alami maupun dengan tindakan episiotomi. Pada penjahitan luka perineum setiap kali jarum masuk ke jaringan tubuh, jaringan tubuh akan terluka dan menjadi tempat potensial timbulnya infeksi dan penyembuhan luka terlambat. Penyembuhan luka perineum yang mengalami keterlambatan pada ibu postpartum dapat disebabkan karena kurangnya mobilisasi dan olahraga (senam nifas/kegel). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan Pre-eksperimental dengan desain Static Group Comparison/ Posttest Only Control Group Design. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 30 orang ibu postpartum dengan luka perineum. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penyembuhan luka perineum yang sangat baik pada kelompok mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel sebesar 93.3% dan penyembuhan luka perineum yang baik pada kelompok yang tidak melakukan mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel sebesar 53.3% dengan p value 0.035 <α. Kesimpulan penelitian ini ada hubungan yang signifikan mobilisasi dini dengan kombinasi senam kegel terhadap penyembuhan luka perineum. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi tenaga kesehatan dalam memberikan asuhan pada ibu postpartum untuk penyembuhan luka perineum yang sangat baik

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-76
Diah Evawanna Anuhgera ◽  
Nikmah Jalilah Ritonga ◽  
Riris Sitorus ◽  
Juni Mariati Simarmata

A comfortable childbirth is the dream of mothers. Faster delivery progress can lead to quality midwifery care. Birth ball is a tool that can be used by mothers to position the pelvis properly, especially applied the pelvic rocking technique. This review study aimed to evaluate the evidence regarding the effect of using birth ball with pelvic rocking in duration of labor in kala I active phase. This study followed a quasi experimental research design with posttest control group design.The sample consisted of 12 treatment people dan 12 controls with the purposive sampling.Partograph was measured duration of labor in kala I active phase. The difference in duration of labor for the treatment and control group were tested with Mann Whitney. There was a difference in the effect of  using a birth ball with pelvic rocking technique in length of labor in kala I active phase in the treatment and control groups with p-value 0.001. The use of birth ball with pelvic rocking technique is evidence to speed the duration of labor in kala I active phase. Birth ball with pelvic rocking are recommended to be use an alternative to speed the duration of labor in kala I active phase in midwifery services

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