Septyani Prihatiningsih ◽  
Indah Lutfiya ◽  
Erwin Dyah Nawawinetu

Background: One of the global nutrition problems that are the focus in developing countries is stunting. Probolinggo is one of the regions that accounts for the second highest prevalence of stunting in East Java at 39.9% exceeding the maximum WHO limit of 20%. Bremi Village, Krucil District is a village in the highlands of Probolinggo Regency which has a stunting prevalence of more than 30%. Objective: this activity is scheduled as an effort to prevent stunting in Bremi Village, Krucil Probolinggo District. Method: This activity is carried out in 4 stages starting from planning, implementing, observing and evaluating activities. Results: Community service activities received positive appreciation with the provision of stunting kits, early detection of stunting training, competition for making local Supplementary Food (PMT) and stunting early detection competitions through measuring body weight, height and reading KMS. The results of the survey of respondents' knowledge about stunting after education got an average score of 80.This is reinforced by the average skills of respondents from the competition for making local food PMT and early detection of stunting, which showed satisfactory results with a value range of 70 to 80. Conclusion: The useful aspect of this activity is quite high. Posyandu cadres receive education and skills for early detection of stunting independently, thus supporting stunting prevention in Bremi Village.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1085-1091
Susanti Tria Jaya ◽  
Eva Nur Azizah ◽  
Vide Bahtera Dinastiti

The independent variable is early detection training for posyandu craders, with an interval scale. Dependent Variable, namely Knowledge and Skills About Motor Stimulation. The instruments used were questionnaires and observation sheets, with an interval scale. Statistical analysis using the T- Test on the effect of early detection training on the development of posyandu cadres to knowledge of motor stimulation with a value of p = 0.000 means at 5% alpha. This showed that there was an effect of early detection of growth and development training for posyandu caders on knowledge of motor stimulation. The results of statistical tests showed that the value of  p = 0.000 means that at 5% alpha. This showed that there was an effect of early detection of growth and development training for posyandu caders on skill of motor stimulation. So that it  an increased of  21.33 % and 19,04 %.

Arief Budiman ◽  
Pradityo Utomo

In Indonesia, rice is still an essential commodity. Besides as a crop producing staple food for rice, also as a source of eyes the primary search for farmers. Problems that are often experienced by farmers are the threat of pest attacks. If not handled quickly and correctly suffered a massive loss, it can even cause a failed harvest finally harming farmers. In Madiun Regency, the total rice fields are planted hopper infestation before the 2017 rainy season harvest reaching 223 hectares covering Pilangkenceng Subdistrict, Wonoasri, Balerejo, Sawahan, Mejayan, Saradan, and Wungu. So far to suppress attacks Planthopper pests, farmers, give stimulant pesticides to plants that if Improper handling will interfere with health. The best solution is to recognize the initial attack of pests so that the level of attack on plants can be minimized. The limited knowledge and skills of partner farmers in identifying their paddy plants early makes farmers prefer the fast way by spraying pesticides. This Community Service aims to motivate farmers to avoid using pesticides by providing quick and easy and attractive solutions in early detection rice crop pests. To facilitate farmers in detecting pest attacks, a website was developed which contained information about planthopper pest attacks and how to overcome them by using biological agents. Website developed can be used by farmers by accessing it through a browser on a computer device or smartphone device.Keywords : Website, Pest, Rice, Farmers. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo ◽  
Zulfa Nur Ganda Sari ◽  
Barkah Waladani

Korban henti jantung bisa dialami oleh siapapun dan kapanpun tanpa mengenal tempat kejadian. Salah satu faktor penyebab tingginnya kematian akibat henti jantung adalah terlambatnya pertolongan yang diberikan kepada korban segera setelah henti jantung. Mayoritas kasus henti jantung terjadi di pra-Rumah Sakit, mencapai 72%. Pengetahuan dan ketrampilan orang awam yang baik, meningkatkan angka kelangsungan hidup korban henti jantung sebelum mendapatkan penanganan lanjutan di Rumah Sakit. Relawan adalah orang atau tim yang paling sering menjumpai kejadian henti jantung dan korban tidak sadar ketika melakukan pencarian dan evakuasi korban. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan relawan bencana. Proses pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari edukasi dan praktik dengan materi bantuan hidup dasar. Perubahan kognitif sebelum dan sesudah edukasi dievaluasi menggunakan pertanyaan, dengan nilai rata-rata 35 menjadi 85. Peserta sangat antusias dalam mengikuti program edukasi bantuan hidup dasar. Pengabdian masyarakat dengan memberikan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan relawan dalam memberikan pertolongan kepada korban tidak sadar. Tindak lanjut dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu membuat tim relawan kolaborasi dengan medis untuk menangani kasus medis diluar Rumah Sakit Kata kunci: bantuan hidup dasar; ketrampilan; pengetahuan; relawan bencana IMPROVEMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS BASIC LIFE ASSISTANCE IN DISASTER VOLUNTEERS ABSTRACT Victims of cardiac arrest can be experienced by anyone and at any time without knowing the scene. One of the factors causing the high death due to cardiac arrest is the late help given to victims immediately after cardiac arrest. The majority of cases of cardiac arrest occur in pre-hospital, reaching 72%. Good knowledge and skills of lay people, increase the survival rate of victims of cardiac arrest before getting further treatment at the Hospital. Volunteers are the people or teams that most often encounter cardiac arrest and the victim is unconscious when searching and evacuating victims. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge and skills of disaster volunteers. This community service process consists of education and practice with basic life support materials. Cognitive changes before and after education were evaluated using questions, with an average score of 35 to 85. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the basic life support education program. Community service by providing knowledge to improve volunteer skills in providing assistance to unconscious victims. Follow-up from this community service is to create a team of volunteers collaborating with the medical to handle medical cases outside the hospital. Keywords: basic life support; disaster volunteer; knowledge; skills

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Sumarni Sumarni ◽  
Triwirasto Triwirasto ◽  
Andrian Fajar Kusumadewi ◽  
Santi Yuliani ◽  
Dwi Dwi ◽  

Mental health of elderly is a main priority which should be concerned of, in order to provide strength to obtain welfare in old age. Merapi eruption was a natural disaster that provided long-term psychological effects on elderly survivors. It is necessary to be handled with continuous support related to depression and life quality of elderly after Merapi eruption by providing training on humor games based on local cultural wisdom and management of depression in elderly in the manner of social spiritual to the cadres of integrated services for elderly in Hunian Tetap (Huntap) Kuwang, Cangkringa, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY).  Data used in this research was secondary data taken from community service that conducted in May - September 2014. The community service involved 30 cadres of integrated services for elderly and 45 elderly in Huntap Kuwang. Tools used in this research were module of local wisdom games completed with its equipment and module of early detection and coping with depression. The data were presented in descriptive quantitative and qualitative. After being given training on humor games based on local wisdom, there were increased average score on cadres’ knowledge of humor games based on local wisdom (from 66.4 to 93.2.) and skill (from 64.1 to 87.6,) as well as knowledge of early detection of depression (from 47.6 to 84.4) and skill of social support providing (from 35.3 to 80.8). There were declining trend of depression in elderly from 36 people before training to 17 people after the training of humor games based on local wisdom and spiritual social support. Training on humor games based on local wisdom and early detection of depressive tendencies along with the coping to the cadres of integrated services can reduce depressive tendencies and improve life quality of elderly in Huntap Kuwang, Cangkringan, Sleman, DIY.

Gusneli Yanti ◽  
Zainuri Z ◽  
Shanti Wahyuni Megasari

Abstract   One determinant of the success of the construction worker is the accuracy of the work scheduling plan. But the limitations of knowledge and skills, the making of scheduling is still carried out manually. Whereas government projects since 2017 have provided requirements that the scheduling must use a program or scheduling application that is intended to be MS Project. If the contractor does not meet these requirements, the biggest possibility is that they will not be able to win the project. The main problem of partners is the lack of knowledge and skills in making scheduling using the MS Project application, so the solution offered to solve the problem is to carry out the Scheduling Training using the MS Project Application. The partners involved are CV. Summit Mas and CV. Fiwi Teknik. The implementation methods used in community service activities are lectures, practices, and discussions. From the training results obtained by the participants' knowledge before the training (pre-test) got an average score of 62,85 in the sufficient category, the assessment of the average practice of Ms. Project's use of training participants obtained an average value of 92,25 in the excellent category , the final assessment (post-test) is 88,46 in the very good category, this proves that Job Scheduling Training with Ms. Project Applications For Construction Service Providers in the City of Pekanbaru is very useful and able to increase knowledge in completing Application-based Ms. Project training participants.           Abstrak Salah satu penentu keberhasilan suatu pekerjaan konstruksi adalah keakuratan perencanaan penjadwalan pekerjaan. Namun keterbatasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan, maka pembuatan penjadwalan masih dilaksanakan secara manual. Sedangkan proyek-proyek pemerintah sejak tahun 2017, telah memberikan persyaratan bahwa penjadwalan yang dilakukan harus menggunakan program atau aplikasi penjadwalan yang diantaranya adalah MS Project. Apabila kontraktor tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut, maka kemungkinan terbesar mereka tidak akan bisa memenangkan proyek tersebut. Permasalahan utama mitra adalah kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam membuat penjadwalan dengan menggunakan aplikasi MS Project, sehingga solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan  adalah  melaksanakan   Pelatihan Penjadwalan dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi MS Project. Mitra yang dilibatkan yaitu CV. Sumpit Mas dan CV. Fiwi Teknik.  Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah ceramah, praktek dan diskusi. Dari hasil pelatihan diperoleh Pengetahuan peserta sebelum dilakukan pelatihan (pre-test) mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 62,85 dalam kategori cukup, penilaian rata-rata praktek penggunaan Ms Project terhadap peserta pelatihan didapat nilai rata-rata adalah 92,25 dalam kategori  sangat baik,  penilaian akhir (post-test) adalah 88,46 dalam kategori sangat baik, ini membuktikan bahwa Pelatihan Penjadwalan Pekerjaan dengan Aplikasi Ms Project Bagi Penyedia Jasa Konstruksi di Kota Pekanbaru sangat bermanfaat dan mampu  meningkatkan pengetahuan di dalam menyelesaikan penjadwalan berbasis  Aplikasi Ms Project peserta pelatihan.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 1085-1089
Haryanto Haryanto ◽  
Syahid Amrullah ◽  
Junaidi Junaidi ◽  
Maria Magdalena

One of the factors that affect wound healing is maceration which can increase wound healing time. However, the results of observations revealed that many maceration wounds were treated with a washing process and an inappropriate selection of dressings. This community service was carried out by transferring knowledge and skills to wound specialist nurses to detect early maceration using flir one smartphone thermography. Based on the results of the evaluation, the nurse can explain the definition and signs of maceration and can demonstrate using a maceration detection tool in the wound with appropriate and correct steps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 1318-1328
Siti Hamidah ◽  
Zufra Inayah

Community service is carried out in 4 areas of Karangpoh Village, Gresik Regency, East Java in February-June 2021. The problem that occurs is the presence of malnutrition in Karangpoh Village. The objectives of this community service are: (1) providing learning about lactation management, complementary feeding and infant stimulation, (2) knowing the impact of activities in the form of knowledge and skills of PKK members on the delivered materials. The method of community service is by conducting workshops with 80 participants. The results of the service carried out are the average score of breastfeeding practice after the workshop (86.80) is better than before (48.52), and the average score of baby (3-6 months) stimulation skills after the workshop (87.89) is also better than before (53.88). This community service has implications for increasing exclusive breastfeeding coverage, optimizing complementary feeding, and preventing growth delays in infants and children.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Erfan Karyadiputra ◽  
Galih Mahalisa ◽  
Abdurrahman Sidik ◽  
Muhammad Rais Wathani

The problems faced by the children of Banjarmasin Al-Ashr Orphanage are almost the same as those faced by other orphanages in the city of Banjarmasin, namely, lack funds and personnel or volunteers who help and guide orphanage children to develop their skills and creativity as a provision in carrying out life after the completion of the orphanage. The purpose of this community service program is to make the children of the Al-Ashr Orphanage have a strong and more independent motivation by providing them with the knowledge and skills they will use to prepare themselves for the future. While the target of this activity is to make the children of the Al-Ashr Orphanage have design skills in making invitations, brochures, and banners as well as online businesses. The method used is training and guidance, where training is carried out with presentations and practices.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 191
Mulyatun Mulyatun

<p>In order to meet households energy needs, one of the groundbreaking efforts that needs to be done is to implement appropriate technology training in utilization of cow manure waste by recycling it into biogas and organic fertilizer. Animal husbandry in Bambankerep Sub-District of Ngaliyan, Semarang City, are sufficiently developed, however, the use of livestock manure has not been optimal, whereas livestock manure can be used as raw material to produce renewable energy in the form of biogas and organic fertilizer. Furthermore, Limited knowledge and skills of the people in Bambankerep sub-district in the utilization of cow manure waste by recycling it into biogas and organic fertilizer have become the main problem. Steps performed in Community service programs are as follow (1) Socialization of recycling livestock waste into a blessing; (2) training, (3) Monitoring and outreaching. The impact generated from this community service programs, among others are: (1) raising public awareness in the utilization of cow manure waste for biogas alternative energy, (2) increasing knowledge and skills of people in processing cow manure into energy and fertilizer, (3) growing number of business groups in cow manure organic fertilizer processing that are expected can improve the welfare of the people in Bambankerep sub-district, Mijen, Semarang City.</p><p> </p><p>Dalam rangka pemenuhan keperluan energi rumah tangga, salah satu upaya terobosan yang perlu dilakukan adalah melaksanakan pelatihan teknologi tepat guna pemanfaatan limbah kotoran sapi menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik. Usaha peternakan di Kelurahan Bambankerep, Ngaliyan Semarang cukup berkembang, tapi pemanfaatan kotoran ternak selama ini belum optimal, padahal kotoran ternak dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan baku untuk menghasilkan energi terbarukan dalam bentuk biogas dan pupuk organik. Keterbatasannya pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki masyarakat di Kelurahan Bambankerep mengolah limbah kotoran sapai menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik menjadi permasalahn utama. Tahapan program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah: (1) Sosialisai pemanfaatan limbah kotoran hewan menjadi berkah; (2) pelatihan; (3) Monitoring dan Pendampingan. Dampak yang dihasilkan dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain: (1) meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan limbah kotoran sapi untuk energi alternatif biogas, (2) meningkatnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat bidang pengolahan kotoran sapi menjadi energi dan pupuk, (3) tumbuhnya kelompok usaha pengolahan pupuk organik dari kotoran sapi sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Kelurahan Bambankerep Ngaliyan Semarang.</p>

Heliyon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. e07184
Tunde Adebisi ◽  
Ayooluwa Aregbesola ◽  
Festus Asamu ◽  
Ogadimma Arisukwu ◽  
Eyitayo Oyeyipo

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