2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Sri Purwati Puji Lestari ◽  
Jimmy Yanuar Annas ◽  
Juniastuti Juniastuti

AbstrakLatar belakang : Endometriosis adalah penyakit ginekologi yang bersifat menahun dan progresif dengan angka kejadiannya mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun namun penyebabnya sebagian besar masih belum diketahui. Usia menarche adalah salah satu faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian endometriosis. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia menarche dengan kejadian endometriosis di Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik retrospective dengan pendekatan case control. Kelompok kasus adalah wanita yang telah menjalani operasi kandungan dengan hasil Patologi Anatomi menunjukkan endometriosis dan kelompok kontrol adalah pasien wanita yang telah menjalani operasi laparaskopi MOW (Metode Opetratif Wanita). Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 70 responden (35 kasus, 35 kontrol) selama periode tahun 2017-2018 dengan teknik purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria inklusi.. Analisa data menggunakan uji chi square pada tingkat kemaknaan α 0,05. Hasil : Responden dengan endometriosis sebagian besar mengalami menarche pada usia 12-13 tahun (62,9%). Usia menarche tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian endometriosis (p=0,484). Kesimpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara usia menarche dengan kejadian endometriosis di Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. AbstractBackground: Endometriosis is a chronic and progressive gynecological disease with an increased incidence every year but the cause is largely unknown. Age of menarche is one of the risk factors associated with the incidence of endometriosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between age of menarche the incidence of endometriosis in Dr. Ramelan Hospital Surabaya. Method: This was a retrospective analytic study with a case control approach. The case group was women who had undergone uterine surgery with Anatomical Pathology results showing endometriosis and the control group were women who had undergone laparoscopic tuba ligation. 70 respondents (35 cases, 35 controls) taken during the period of 2017-2018 with a purposive sampling technique based on inclusion criteria. Analyzed data used chu square test at significant level of α 0,05. Results: Most respondent who got endometriosis had menarche at 12-13 years old (62.9%). The age of menarche had no significant association with the incidence of endometriosis (p = 0.484). Conclusion: We found no association between age of menarche and the incidence of endometriosis with the incidence of endometriosis in the Dr. Ramelan Hospital Surabaya. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 213
Hasanah Nurbawena ◽  
Martono Tri Utomo ◽  
Esti Yunitasari

AbstrakLatar belakang : Kejadian stunting merupakan salah satu  masalah gizi pada anak yang memiliki prevalensi tinggi di Indonesia. Cut off point  kejadian stunting tidak boleh lebih dari 20%, sedangkan jumlah kejadian stunting di Surabaya sebanyak 22,8%. Salah satu penyebab tingginya kejadian stunting yaitu penyakit infeksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan riwayat sakit dengan kejadian stunting pada balita. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan menggunakan rancang penelitian case control. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 40 balita dengan usai 24-36 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Simomulyo Surabaya. Sampel penelitian balita stunting merupakan kelompok kasus dan balita non-stunting merupakan kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan data untuk kelompok kasus menggunakan purposive sampling dan pada kelompok kasus menggunakan matching sampling dengan menyesuaikan usia bayi dan jenis kelamin pada kelompok kasus. Pengumpulan data mengguanakan instrumen kuisioner. Uji statistik menggunakan chi square Hasil : Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan balita stunting memiliki riwayat sakit sebanyak 90%, sedangkan pada balita non-stunting sebanyak 45%. Uji statistik menggunakan mengenai hubungan riwayat sakit dengan kejadain stunting pada balita dengan uji Chi square didapatkan hasil yang signifikan yaitu p=0,002 (<0,05) dan OR 4,889. Kesimpulan : Balita stunting memiliki riwayat sakit lebih sering daripada balita non-stunting.AbstractBackground: . The incidence of stunting is one of the nutritional problems in children who have a high prevalence in Indonesia. The cut off point for stunting events should not be more than 20%, while the number of stunting events in Surabaya is 22.8%. One of the causes of the high incidence of stunting is an infectious disease. This study aimed to determine the relationship of a history of illnes with the incidence of stunting in infants. Method: This research was an observational analytic study using a case control research design. The number of samples were 40 toddlers (20 toodlers with stunting and 20 toodlers with non-stunting) aged 24-36 months in the working area of the Simomulyo Primary Health Care in Surabaya. The stunting toddlers belonged to a case group and non-stunting toddlers belonged to a control group. Data collection of case group had used purposive sampling and that control group used matching sampling by adjusting the baby's age and gender in the case group. Data was obtained by questionnaire instrument.Data was analysis by Chi square Results: The persentage of stunting toddlers who had a history of illness was 90%, while the non-stunting toddlers had a history of illness was 45%. There was relationship between the history of infectious diseases and the occurrence of stunting in toodler p=0,022 (<0,05) and OR=4,338. Conclusion: Stunting toddlers have a history of pain more often than non-stunting toddlers 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 331
Dwi Putri Rahayu Tampubolon ◽  
Lilik Herawati ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati

Abstrak Latar Belakang : Preeklampsia tetap menempati peringkat pertama sebagai penyebab tingginya Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Surabaya dari tahun 2013-2017 sebesar 28.92 %. Tingginya angka preeklampsia bisa dicegah dengan dilakukannya skrining preeklampsia yang mudah dilakukan pada trimester I dan II yaitu dengan dilakukannya skrining Mean Arterial Presure (MAP), Roll Over Test (ROT), Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT) di fasilitas kesehatan dasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Skrining Preeklampsia (MAP, ROT, IMT) yang dilakukan pada ibu hamil trimester I dan trimester II serta kejadian preeklampsia. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Retrospektif, Case Control dengan sampel pada kelompok kasus yaitu pasien preeklampsia pada saat trimester I dan II yang dilakukan skrining preeklampsia sedangkan untuk kelompok kontrol, ibu hamil normal yang juga dilakukan skrining preeklampsia pada trimester I dan II. Hasil : Didapatkan besar sampel 189 ibu hamil dengan preeklampsia selama 1 tahun, pengambilan sampel dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Hasil pemeriksaan diperoleh pada kelompok kasus didapatkan pasien dengan MAP (+), ROT (+), IMT (+) berturut-turut adalah 43 (95.6 %), 18 (40 %) dan 18 (40 %), sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol diperoleh hasil 18 (40 %) sampel MAP (+), 26 (57.8 %) ROT (+), 5 (11.1 %) IMT (+). Hasil uji statistik Chi Square menunjukan adanya hubungan signifikan antara skrining MAP dan IMT dengan kejadian preeklampsia dengan nilai p berturut-turut (p 0.0001, OR = 32.250 dan p 0.002, OR = 5.333 ), namun tidak didapatkan hubungan antara skrining ROT dengan kejadian preeklampsia (p 0.092 OR = 0.487). Didapatkan hubungan ketiga skrining (MAP, ROT, IMT) dengan kejadian preeklampsia (p 0.001, OR 4.529). Kesimpulan : Pasien MAP (+) dan IMT (+) mempunyai resiko sebesar 32 kali dan 5 kali pada preeklampsia. Skrining ROT (+) tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia.AbstractBackground: Preeclampsia still ranks first as the cause of the high Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Surabaya from 2013-2017 at 28.92%. The high rate of preeclampsia can be prevented by conducting pre-eclampsia screening that is easy to do in the first and second trimesters by doing Mean Arterial Presure (MAP) screening, Roll Over Test (ROT), Body Mass Index (BMI) in basic health facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Preeclampsia Screening (MAP, ROT, BMI) performed in first trimester and second trimester pregnant women and the incidence of preeclampsia. Methods : This study was a retrospective study, case control with samples in the case group, namely preeclampsia patients during the first and second trimesters of preeclampsia screening, while for the control group, normal pregnant women who were also screened for preeclampsia in the first and second trimester. Results There was a sample of 189 pregnant women with preeclampsia for 1 year, taking samples by consecutive sampling technique. The results of the examination were obtained in the case group obtained patients with MAP (+), ROT (+), BMI (+) respectively 43 (95.6%), 18 (40%) and 18 (40%), while in the control group obtained results of 18 (40%) samples of MAP (+), 26 (57.8%) ROT (+), 5 (11.1%) BMI (+). The Chi Square statistical test results showed a significant relationship between MAP and BMI screening with the incidence of preeclampsia with p values in a row (p 0.0001, OR = 32,250 and p 0.002, OR = 5,333), but no association between ROT screening and the incidence of preeclampsia ( p 0.092 OR = 0.487). Obtained the third screening relationship (MAP, ROT, BMI) with the incidence of preeclampsia (p 0.001, OR 4,529). Conclusion: MAP (+) and BMI (+) patients have 32 times and 5 times higher risk of preeclampsia. Screening for ROT (+) has no relationship with the incidence of preeclampsia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 373
Novianti Tysmala Dewi ◽  
Dhenok Widari

Background: Stunting is a nutritional problem that has a high prevalence in Indonesia. Stunting among children under two years of age has a higher risk compared to other age groups because it will permanently affect the physical and cognitive development of children in the future. Factors that can cause stunting include low birth weight and infectious diseases.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between low birth weight and infection disease with incident of stunting among children under two years of age in Maron sub district, District of Probolinggo, East Java. Methods: This research was an observational research with case-control design. Sampling technique using multistage random sampling. the study was conducted in June until July 2018. The samples of study were 52 children (26 stunted children in case group and 26 normal growth children in control group. Data collection of infectious diseases was carried out by structured questionnaire interviews and medical records while low birth weight was obtained by looking at KIA book. Stunting was determined from measurement of children's recumbent length by metline. Data were analyzed by using chi square test for determining odds ratio. Results: The results showed that low birth weight (p=0.042; OR=0.157; 95% CI: 0.030-0.822) and infection disease (p=0.049; OR=3.071; 95% CI: 1.155-11.861) had significant relation with stunting among children under two years of age. Conclusions: Low birth weight and infection disease in the last 3 months increased the risk of 0.157 and 3.017 times stunting among children under two years of age. It is recommended for children under two years of age who have low birth weight and infectious disease should be given special attention by Integrated Health Post and there should be a monitoring related development routinely so developmental disruptions can be identified and immediately get the treatment. ABSTRAKLatar Belakang:Stunting merupakan masalah gizi yang memiliki prevalensi tinggi di Indonesia. Stunting pada baduta memiliki risiko lebih tinggi jika dibanding dengan kelompok usia lain karena akan berdampak secara permanen terhadap perkembangan fisik dan kognitif anak dimasa depan. Faktor penyebab stunting diantaranya adalah berat badan lahir rendah dan penyakit infeksi.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menganalisis hubungan antara berat badan lahir rendah dan penyakit infeksi dengan kejadian stunting pada baduta di Desa Maron Kidul Kecamatan Maron, Kabupaten Probolinggo.Metode: Jenis penelitian menggunakan desain case-control. Sampel diambil dengan teknik sampel acak bertahap. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni hingga Juli 2018. Besar sampel sebanyak 52 baduta (26 anak stunting dan 26 anak non-stunting). Pengumpulan data penyakit infeksi dilakukan dengan wawancara kuisioner terstruktur dan rekam medik sedangkan berat badan lahir rendah diperoleh dengan melihat buku KIA. Penentuan stunting baduta diperoleh melalui pengukuran panjang badan dengan metline. Data dianalisis menggunakan chi-square untuk menentukan odds ratio.Hasil:  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan berat badan lahir rendah (p=0.042; OR=0,157; 95% CI: 0,030-0,822), dan penyakit infeksi (p=0,049; OR=3,071; 95% CI: 1,155-11,861) dengan kejadian stunting pada baduta.  Kesimpulan:Berat badan lahir rendah dan Rerat badan lahir rendah dan dutdah diperoleh dengan melihat buku KIA. of alcohol penyakit infeksi dalam 3 bulan terakhir meningkatkan risiko sebesar 0,157 dan 3,017 kali terhadap kejadian stunting pada baduta. Disarankan untuk baduta yang memiliki masalah BBLR dan penyakit infeksi diberikan perhatian khusus oleh posyandu serta perlu dilakukan peninjauan terkait perkembangan secara rutin agar gangguan perkembangan yang mungkin terjadi dapat segera dikenali dan diatasi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Nuri Luthfiatil Fitri

Abortion as one of the causes of maternal death is a matter of great concern. According to the WHO estimated at 15% -50% of maternal deaths associated with abortion. In Southeast Asia the annual incidence of abortion reaches 4.2 million and in Indonesia it reaches 1.5 million. The purpose of this study is to know the correlations between age and gestational distance with the incidence of abortion in hospitals Jend. Ahmad Yani Metro in 2015. The type of analytic survey research using case control approach. The population in this study were all pregnant women who were treated in RSUD Jend. Ahmad Yani Metro in 2014, amounting to 518 people with samples taken as many as 260 people consisting of 130 people in the case group and 130 people for the control group. The analysis in this study used chi square test.  The results of statistical tests showed that there was an association of age with abortus occurrence (p-value 0,000 OR 4.021; CI; 95%: 2,161-7,483), there was a correlation between pregnancy distance and abortus occurrence (p-value: 0,000, OR 3.955; CI; 95 %: 2,354-8,556). Research shows there is a correlations between age and gestational distance with the incidence of abortion.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sri Evi New Yearsi Pangadongan ◽  
Agustina Rahyu ◽  
Selvy Pasulu

Bronchial Asthma generally starts from childhood which is condition where respiration channel experiences constriction because of hyperactivity with some specific stimulation which cause inflammation. Some risk factors are smoking exposure of cigarette smoke, weather changes, mite on house dirt, pet and history of family sickness. The purpose of this research is to know Relation of mite on house dirt, exposure of cigarette smoke  and history of family sickness with bronchial asthma incident to child 5 – 10  years old on working area of Puskesmas Lempake Samarinda City in 2016. Method which used was analytic survey with Case Control approaching. The total sample was 36 children which consisted of 18 case group and 18 control group with matching by using age and gender which submitted with Purposive Sampling technique. Data Analysis used Chi Square with wrong degree α = 0,005. The result showed that there was relation of mite of house dirt (p = 0,006), history of family sickness (p = 0,001) and no relation with exposure of cigarette smoke (p = 0,370) with bronchial asthma incident to child 5 – 10 years old on working area of Puskesmas Lempake Samarinda City in 2016.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 575
Neila Sulung ◽  
Rizki Yananda ◽  
Adriani Adriani

<p>Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In Indonesia every year 1: 3 women per 1000 population are affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer is a cancer that attacks most women. The incidence of breast cancer is currently estimated at 39 per 100,000 population in 2008. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the risk of female breast cancer in surgical outpatient poly patients at Dr. Achmad Mochtar, Bukittinggi City. This study uses descriptive analytic method with a case control approach. The sampling technique in this study was accidental sampling. The sample in this study were all women diagnosed with breast cancer, amounting to 50 cases and 50 controls with data processing through computerization. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using Chi-Square test (α = 0.05). The results showed that the factors associated with the incidence of breast cancer were genetic (p = 0.009), menarche (p = 0.014), menopause (p = 0.016), hormonal contraception (p = 0,045), obesity (p = 0,043), and high food fat (p = 0.028).  Conclusions of the study are factors related to the risk of breast cancer incidence are genetic, menarche, menopause, hormonal contraception, obesity and high-fat foods.<br /> </p><p>Penyakit kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia setiap tahun 1:3 wanita per 1000 penduduk terserang kanker payudara. Kanker payudara merupakan kanker yang paling banyak menyerang perempuan. Angka kejadian kanker payudara saat ini diperkirakan 39 per 100.000 penduduk pada tahun 2008. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko kanker payudara wanita pada pasien poli rawat jalan bedah di RSUD Dr. Achmad Mochtar Kota Bukittinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>deskriptif analitik</em> dengan pendekatan <em>case control</em>. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah <em>accidental sampling.</em> Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah semua wanita yang terdiagnosis kanker payudara, berjumlah 50 kasus dan 50 kontrol dengan pengolahan data melalui komputerisasi. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar kuisioner. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji <em>Chi-Square </em>(α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kanker payudara adalah genetik (p=0,009), <em>menarche</em> (p=0,014;), <em>menopause</em> (p=0,016), kontrasepsi hormonal (p=0,045), <em>obesitas </em>(p=0,043), dan makanan tinggi lemak (p=0,028). Simpulan penelitian adalah faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko kejadian kanker payudara adalah genetik, <em>menarche, menopause,</em> kontrasepsi hormonal, <em>obesitas</em> dan makanan tinggi lemak.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Siti Lestari ◽  
Dyah Dwi Astuti ◽  
Fachriza Malika Ramadhani

Asfiksia perinatal merujuk pada kekurangan oksigen selama persalinan, sehingga berpotensi menyebabkan kematian dan kecacatan. WHO memperkirakan  4 juta anak terlahir dengan asfiksia setiap tahun, dimana 1 juta di antaranya meninggal dan 1 juta anak bertahan hidup dengan gejala sisa neurologis yang parah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko fetal dan tali pusat pada asfiksia neonatal.Penelitian dilakukan di lakukan di RS Dr Moewardi Surakarta dengan pendekatan  quantitative retrospective case control study. Data diambil dari rekam medis antara  tahun 2013-2018. Penelitan ini melibatkan  264 neonatal yang terdiri dari 88 kelompok kasus dan 176  kelompok control. Kelompok kasus adalah bayi dengan diagnosa  asfiksia yang  dilakukan analisis terhadap faktor risiko fetal, sedangkan bayi yang tidak mengalami asfiksia dijadikan  kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis statistik uji Chi-Square dan Fisher Exact ditemukan bahwa  kelahiran prematur (OR 2,07 CI 95% P 0,02), persalinan dengan tindakan (OR 3,61 CI 95% P 0,00), berat bayi (OR 2,85 CI 95% P 0,00), posisi janin (OR 2,37 CI 95% P 0,05), tali pusat ( QR 3,071 CI 95%  P 0,01)  berisiko terhadap insiden asfiksia perinatal. Air ketuban yang bercampur meconium (OR 1,51 CI 95% P 0,16) tidak memiliki risiko  dengan Asfiksia perinatal. Kesimpulan: Risiko terhadap insiden asfiksia perinatal  meliputi kelahiran prematur, persalinan dengan tindakan, berat bayi, posisi janin,  dan tali pusat.Perinatal asphyxia refers to a lack of oxygen during labor, which has the potential to cause death and disability. WHO estimates  4 million children born with asphyxia each year, in  which 1 million dies and 1 million survive with severe neurological sequelae. This study aims to analyze fetal and umbilical risk factors in neonatal asphyxia.This research is a quantitative retrospective case-control study, which was conducted at The Dr. Moewardi  hospital,  Surakarta. Data was taken from  medical records from 2013-2018. The case group was patients diagnosed  asphyxia, while those who did not experience asphyxia were treated as a control group.  A total of 264  samples, consisting of 88 case group respondents and 176 control group respondents. Statistical analysis Chi- Square and Fisher Exact found that preterm birth (OR 2.07 CI 95% P 0.02), labor with instrument or complication (OR 3.61 CI 95% P 0.00), infant weight (OR 2.85 CI 95% P 0, 00), fetal position (OR 2.37 CI 95% P 0.05), umbilical cord (QR 3.071 CI 95% P 0.01) are at risk for the incidence of perinatal Asphyxia. The amniotic fluid mixed with meconium (OR 1.51 CI 95% P 0.16) has no risk with perinatal asphyxia.The risk factors of incidences of perinatal asphyxia were  preterm birth, labor with instrument or complication, baby weight, fetal position and umbilical cord. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Alisiya Alisiya ◽  
Sulistiawati Sulistiawati ◽  
Patricia Maria Kurniawati ◽  
RR Indrayuni Lukitra Wardhani

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease related to joint cartilage and commonly occurs in the knee joint. The 2013 National Survey recorded the prevalence of joint diseases in East Java was 26.9%. OA affected more women than men due to the estrogen and caused disabilities in many women. This study aimed to find the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI), age of menarche, parity, and the use of hormonal contraceptives against OA in genu at Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Surabaya. This was an analytic observational study with a case-control approach. Data collection was carried out through a short interview using a questionnaire. The sample size was calculated using a formula and found that the study required 42 patients with OA in the case group and 42 patients without OA in the control group. The case group was dominated by patients with 56-60 years old age (62.1%), BMI 23-24.9 kg/m2 (58.7%), menarche age 12-13 years (53.6%), multiparous (52.6%), having contraception pill usage history (62.3%) particularly using combination pills (60.5%) with a mean duration of use > 1 year (56.8%). There was a relationship between BMI and type of hormonal contraceptive used against genu OA in female patients at Universitas Airlangga Hospital Surabaya.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Maramis Puji Darma ◽  
Khambali . ◽  
Setiawan .

Home environment give influence on upper way respiration disease (ISPA) asenvironment based disease indicated by improving ISPA incidence because of unhealthy homeand residential. Wonokusumo public health center during last five years ISPAalways positionedfirst ranking in Top 10 diseases with average more than 10.000 cases. This research done torecognize correlation between home component and ISPA incidence in Wonokusumo publichealth center Surabaya region in 2013.Analytic research method done with case control. This research compare between casegroup and control group. Sample taken as many 94 houses for case group respective andcontrol group with population 10.013 patients. Sampling technique using simple randomsampling with data analysis method using chi square test.The assessment result explain that house component assessment aspects which meetrequirement house component assessmentaspects are ceilings, wall, floor, living room window,and lighting. While unmeet requirement are bedroom aspects, ventilation, and kitchen fumecavity. Most of case group have home component is unmet requirements with percentage79.8% and most of control group as many 74.5%. The result of the research indicating thatthere are no correlation between house components and ISPAdisease incidence.Suggested health workers give information, citizen hoped to keep house cleanliness andheld contest about health home in order to citizen more motivated again for more improvinghouse that meeting healthy requirements.Keywords: House component, ISPAincidence, health house.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 263
Henny Syapitri ◽  
Normi Parida Sipayung ◽  
Marthalena Simamora

Introduction. The successful management of pulmonary TB can be seen by evaluating the results of treatment. Evaluation of the success in intensive phases of treatment visits and evaluation of bacteriological namely the conversion of BTA (+) sputum (-). This study aimed to analyze the infl uence of side effects the drugs and nutritional status of the BTA conversion failure. Methods. Types of analytical research with case control approach, which was done in Pulmonary Medicine Center of Medan. The study population consisted of the population, namely the case of patients who failed conversion of BTA (+) and a control population that patients with smear conversion (-) after undergoing intensive treatment phase. Samples in the case group were 32 cases and samples in the control group 64 cases. Data were analyzed by Chi-Square test. Result. Results showed variable drug side effects and signifi cantly affect the status of the failure of BTA conversion value (p = 0.022) and (p = 0.041). Discussion. Needs to be improved the ability of health workers to carry out the treatment of side effects the drugs by the availability of pharmaceutical preparations in order to side-effects that occur do not result in the cessation of the patient to take medication.Keywords: Side effects of drugs, nutritional status, conversion BTA

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