scholarly journals Efektivitas Pengawasan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Terhadap Pengelolaan Dana Desa (Desa Blahkiuh, Kecamatan Abiansemal, Kabupaten Badung)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 391-396
I Komang Gerdion Ananda Junior ◽  
I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya ◽  
I Wayan Arthanaya

Village funds are a form of assistance from the government as a means of support and means of encouraging development and empowerment of communities in the village, where the assistance is used to support community facilities in developing activities and potential in a village. The government budget given to the village is basically used to increase community development and empowerment. The purposes of this research are to examine the implementation of the supervision of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) on the management of village funds in Blahkiuh Village and the effectiveness of the supervision of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) on the management of village funds in Blahkiuh Village. This type of research used in this study is an empirical method, wtih socilogical approach and staturory approach. The results shows that Implementation of BPD supervision of village fund management in Blahkiuh Village, among others, is directed at realizing the desired future state by looking at the potential and needs of the Village. The effectiveness of BPD supervision on the management of village funds in Blahkiuh Village, among others, is not yet fully running, although the village budget is very important, such as construction / repair / maintenance activities for irrigation channels, roads, etc. This is influenced by low public participation, weak coordination between planning and budget execution

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-98
Anita Erari

According to Minister of Home Affairs  Regulation No. 56 of 2015 concerning Code and Data of Administrative Area, it is mentioned that Papua is one of 34 provinces in Indonesia with the highest number of villages by 5,419 villages, 110 urban villages, and 558 sub-districts scattered in 28 regencies and 1 city. The high number of villages in a regency/city area has an effect on the amount of village funds allocated by the Central or Provincial Governments for each district/city, thus affecting the amount of regency/city APBD. Village Fund Allocation is a manifestation of the fulfillment of the right for the village to implement the principle of autonomy for the village to grow and develop following the growth of the village itself, based on diversity, participation, original autonomy, democratization, and community empowerment. However, the increasing number of village formation burdened the government budget to finance the formation of new villages, so that the village formation had a significant and positive effect on the amount of regional finance, especially regency/city and provincial APBD. For example, in the 2016 fiscal year, Tolikara Regency had a total of 541 villages spreading across 46 districts and received the largest village fund allocation of Rp320.04 billion. Thus, Tolikara Regency ranked 1st with the most villages and the largest village fund in the Papua Province. In contrast, Jayapura City with a total of 13 villages was the regency/city with the least number of villages and the least amount of village fund of Rp. 12.51 billion.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Erna Sari ◽  
Yulia Neta

Village Administration System implementation as stipulated in the Act Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government to give freedom to the village to have a genuine authority in managing the household itself. The village also has a delegated power as deconcentration of the government on it. As the embodiment of democracy, the rule penyelenggarakan village consultative body established villages or other designations in accordance with the culture that flourished in their local village, which serves as the regulatory agencies in the governance of the village. Keywords: Village, Village Governance System Implementation

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Busyra Azheri ◽  
Upita Anggunsuri

Village Owned Enterprise is an important part of the form of empowerment economic community at the village. Given, the urgency of the existence of Village Owned Enterprise, the government through the Regulation of Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration No. 5 of 2015 stated that one of the priorities of the use of village funds is for the establishment and development of Village Owned Enterprise. While the mechanism of establishment of Village Owned Enterprise is based on the result of village consultative meeting involving element of village government, element of village consultative body, and elements of community figures. The result of the village consultative meeting is implemented in form Village Regulation. However, it causes anomaly related to the status of Village Owned Enterprise, because it does not have to be legal entity in Regulation of Ministry of Villages meanwhile it has to be legal entity in Regulation of Minister of Home Affairs No. 39 of 2010 on Village Owned Enterprise.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Maulita Sofie R ◽  
Rohman Effendi ◽  
Rohman Effendi ◽  
Djoko Supatmoko

This study focuses on the application of accountability system, which is a form of responsibility over the management of public funds by the Government which was done starting from the planning stages, execution, implementation, and surveillance of the management of village Funds Allocation. This study was conducted because of the amount of the funds allocated for rural development as well as susceptible to fraud resulting from the lack of transparency of reporting to the public, as well as the performance of the implementation Team in the village of accountable reporting accountability that has not been in accordance with the applicable regulations. This study is expected to be beneficial to the Government of Banyuwangi Regency especially Rogojampi Sub-district in an attempt to improve the accountability of the management of the village Funds Allocation. This study was conducted in nine villages in Rogojampi sub-district. The Data collected by direct observation in the villages and with interviews with the parts of County, district monitoring teams, Treasurer of villages, village of Consultative Body Elements, as well as representatives of the villagers. This study shows that in the planning and the execution were in accordance with the applicable pr,ocedures and operations have been conducted in a transparent and accountable. For the surveillance phase is still not going well because of lack of transparency towards the public. As for the implementation phase also has not run properly due to human resources managing team in making the Administration report is still lacking, so the necessary existence of coaching and supervision over local government.

Muhammad Saleh

The purpose of this study is to elaborate on the development of rural democratic practices in Indonesia. In the development of democratic practices in villages, there have been ups and downs recently as a result of the concept of government institutionalized by the government above it or supra village. This resulted in the loss of the main characteristics possessed by the village. The main characteristics referred to are the loss of local wisdom, mutual cooperation, and even the character of individualism has begun to penetrate the joints of village community life. This study uses literature study by parsing various theories, opinions across history both during the old order, the new order, up to the current reform era to get a comprehensive picture. The results of the study found that there are ups and downs of democratic practices in Indonesia which are caused by the implementation of the concept of a state from the regime that is currently in power. The ups and downs can be seen in the tug-of-war in village democratic institutions represented by the executive, namely the village head and the legislative body, namely the village consultative body (Law Number 5 of 1979, Law Number 22 of 1999, Law Number 32 of 2004, and Law Number 6 of 2014).  Keywords: democracy, village, local wisdom, local institutions   ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan ini adalah untuk melakukan elaborasi tentang perkembangan praktek demokrasi desa di Indonesia.  Dalam perkembangan praktek demokrasi di desa akhir-akhir ini terjadi pasang surut sebagai akibat dari konsep pemerintahan yang dilembagakan oleh pemerintah di atasnya atau supra desa.  Ini mengakibatkan hilangnya karakteristik utama yang dimiliki oleh desa. Karakterisitik utama dimaksud adalah hilangnya kearifan lokal/local wisdom, gotong royong, bahkan watak individualisme mulai merasuki sendi kehidupan masyarakat desa.  Studi ini menggunakan studi pustaka dengan mengurai berbagai teori, pendapat lintas sejarah baik pada masa orde lama, orde baru, sampai dengan pada masa reformasi saat ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif.  Hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya pasang surut praktek demokrasi di Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh pelaksanaan konsep bernegara dari rezim yang sedang berkuasa.  Pasang surut ini dapat dilihat terjadi tarik ulur pada lembaga demokrasi desa yang diwakili oleh lembaga eksekutif yaitu kepala desa dan lembaga legislatif yaitu lembaga permusyawaratan desa (Undang-Undang Nomor 5 tahun 1979, Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, Undang-Undang Nomor 32 tahun 2004 dan UU Nomor 6 Tahun 2014). Kata kunci: demokrasi, desa, kearifal lokal, institusi lokal    

Ratna Sari Wijayanti ◽  
Isnaini Muallidin

The problem of poverty almost occurs in almost all areas including Traji Village. To alleviate poverty requires proper methods with careful calculations by the village government. The aim is to find out how the efforts of poverty alleviation by the village government in the Traji cultural village, Parakan District, Temanggung. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which is a research that conducted based on a qualitative paradigm, strategy, and model implementation. The final result of this research is that in the effort to alleviate poverty in the cultural village of Traji, Parakan Subdistrict, Temanggung Regency, there are several problems, such as less than optimal services due to the limited facilities and infrastructure owned by the village, lack of training for village apparatus, and program achievements that are too minimal. thus making poverty alleviation difficult to achieve. However, the village government continues to carry out its duties by seeking various ways to alleviate poverty, such as holding Peken Lepen which can generate 6 million per performance and has a good impact on the village economy. Peken Lepen is a commitment from the village government to the economy of the local community. In addition, the government also involves all communities and government institutions such as the Activity Management Team Village Consultative Body and stakeholders by holding hamlet meetings, which is proof that the government is not the sole authority.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Zulkifli Zulkifli ◽  
Suasa Suasa ◽  
Mukarramah Mukarramah ◽  
Daswati Daswati ◽  
Muhammad Ahsan Samad

Village funds are a form of assistance from the government as a means of supporting and stimulating development and community empowerment in the village. The purpose of this study was to determine the supervision of village funds by the village consultative body in Batumatoru village, Lariang district, Pasangkayu Regency. The research method used is a qualitative research method by adopting escort theory. According to Sondang P Siagian there are two indicators of supervision namely direct supervision and indirect supervision. Data collection techniques are carried out through field research which includes observation, interviews and documentation. Analysis of the data used is data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. By using a purposive technique with a total of 7 informants. The results showed that the implementation of supervision of village funds in Batumatoru Village was still not optimal. Due to lack of supervision in the implementation of the use of village funds, both directly and indirectly. This was heard by complaints from the public regarding the government's performance in implementing the use of village funds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-52
Firman Firman

This study aims to determine and obtain data regarding the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the Village Consultative Body in the administration of government, and obtain data on the factors that influence the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the Village Consultative Body in the administration of government in Mattirowalie Village, Majauleng District, Wajo Regency. The research method uses data collection techniques through, observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained from the research results are processed using qualitative analysis to find out and obtain data regarding the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the Village Consultative Body in the administration of government and obtain data on what factors influence the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the Village Consultative Body in the administration of government. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the main tasks of the BPD in the administration of government has not been fully carried out optimally because only three main tasks are carried out namely accommodating and channelling the aspirations of the community, forming a village head election committee and the process of discussion and stipulation of village regulations together with the village head, out of six the main tasks that have been determined by the Government Regulation on Villages. The factors that influence the implementation of the main tasks and supervisory functions are influenced by two factors, namely the driving factor which includes community support or participation, and a good cooperative relationship between the Village Consultative Body and the Village Government. Whereas the second factor is the inhibiting factor which includes the lack of benefits provided to the members involved, facilities and infrastructure, lack of Human Resources to fill membership and the existence of a society that is either pro or contra to each decision made. Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh data mengenai pelakanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, dan memperoleh data mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di Desa Mattirowalie Kecamatan Majauleng  Kabupaten Wajo. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah diperoleh dari hasil penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh data mengenai pelakanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan memperoleh data mengenai faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan tugas pokok BPD dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan belum sepenuhnya dilakukan secara optimal karena hanya tiga tugas pokok yang dilaksanakan yaitu menampung dan menyalurkan aspirasi masyarakat, membentuk panitia pemilihan kepala Desa dan proses pembahasan dan penetapan peraturan desa bersama dengan kepala desa, dari enam tugas pokok yang telah ditetapkan Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Desa. faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi pengawasan dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor pendorong yang meliputi dukungan atau partisipasi masyarakat, dan hubungan kerjasama yang baik antara Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dengan Pemerintah Desa. Sedangkan faktor yang kedua yaitu faktor penghambat yang meliputi kurangnya tunjangan yang diberikan kepada para anggota yang terlibat, sarana dan prasarana, kurangnya Sumber Daya Manusia yang mengisi keanggotaan serta adanya masyarakat yang pro maupun kontra terhadap setiap keputusan yang ditetapkan.

Zaini Bidaya ◽  
Ramzin Ardiansyah

Abstrak: Pemerintah Desa yang ada sekarang ini adalah Pemerintahan Desa yang sesuai dengan jiwa UUD Negara RJ 1945 yang selanjutnya disingkat (UUDNRI Tahun 1945) yaitu memperhatikan dan menghormati hak asal usul yang bersifat istimewa. Oleh karenanya mempunyai keharusan bahwa dalam melaksanakan pembangunan disegala bidang guna memcapai hasil yang optimal, mau tidak mau harus mengikutsertakan masyarakatyang ada di desa, pemerintah desa sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan terendah yang langsung berhadapan dengan masyarakat sebagai pelaksana pembangunan agar semakin mampu menggerakkan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian empiris dengan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan (StatuteApproach), pendekatan konseptual (ConceptualApproach) dan pendekatan lapangan. Metode pengelohan dan análisis data yang dipergunakan adalah análisis data dan bahan hukum.Dari hasilpenelitianiniadalahadabeberapajenis pembentukan organisasi pemerintahan desa yaitu pembentukan organisasi Kepala Desa, Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), Sekertaris Desa dan Kepala-kepala Urusan Desa. Dalam melakukan proses pembentukan organisasi pemerintahan desa dilakukan pembentukan kepengurusan pemerintahan desa. Dalam membuat dan menetapkan, aparatur pemerintahan desa tidak lepas dari peraturan-peraturan yang ada dan berlaku sekarang, Hal ini dapat dilihat di Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 72 Tahun 2005 dan Daerah KabupatenBima Nomor 02 Tahun 2007 Tentang PedomanPenyusunandan Tata KerjaPemerintahanDesa, Bima 2007 danperaturandaerahNomor 07 Tahun 2006 tentangBadanPermusyawaratanDesa (BPD), Bima 2006. Abstract:  The village government there right now is the Village Administration in the spirit of the State Constitution 1945, hereinafter abbreviated RJ (UUDNRI 1945) is to pay attention and respect the right of the origin of which is special. Therefore has the necessity that in carrying out development in all fields in order to striking an optimal result, inevitably have to involve the society in the village, the village government as the organizer of the lowest government that directly deal with the public as the construction company to be more able to mobilize the people to participate in development.Metodeyang used in this research is empirical approach legislation (StatuteApproach), the conceptual approach (ConceptualApproach) and the field approach. Pengelohan methods and analysis of data used is the analysis of data and legal material.Hasilpenelitianiniadalahadabeberapajenis establishment of the village government organizations namely the establishment of the organization Village Chief, Village Consultative Body (BPD), Village Secretary and Heads of Village Affairs. In the process of the establishment of the village government organization conducted the formation of village government stewardship. In making and sets, apparatus village administration can not be separated from the regulations that exist and apply now, It can be seen in the Government Regulation No. 72 of 2005 and Regional Bima Regency Number 02 Year 2007 on PedomanPenyusunandan Tata KerjaPemerintahanDesa, Bima 2007 danperaturandaerahNomor 07, 2006 tentangBadanPermusyawaratanDesa (BPD), Bima, 2006.

2019 ◽  

The Government of Kayeli village is an integral part of the District government Buru where the administrative elements make the Kayeli village government have to run the administrative tasks strictly in their activities, in fact A involvement in traditional institutions that eventually affect the orientation and implementation of development. The three elements of village institutions namely village Governments, village consultative bodies and indigenous institutions are able to collaborate from planning to monitoring the development of the Kayeli village community. This research is a qualitative study aimed at describing the partnerships that awakened between institutions in the village of Kayeli. The research site is focused on Kayeli village. The number of informant interviews of 30 people consisting of village apparatus, public figures, indigenous people and local communities is taken purposive. The analytical techniques used to follow the concepts given by Miles and Huberman include data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions. The results showed that the relationship that awakened from these three institutions was able to create harmonization of village development that materialized through the planning, implementation and supervision conducted jointly with Communication and active role in village development.

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