Farzaneh Sayfouri ◽  
Seyyed Amir Masoud Shahram Nia ◽  
Abbas Hatami ◽  
Seyyed Javad Emamjomeh Zadeh

Globalization and social development, as two independent and interactional discourses in this paper, have been investigated using the globalization indicators in two Khatami’s and Ahmadinejad’s administrations. Thus, the independent variable of globalization, and the dependent variable of the state of social development of Iran are compared in the two periods of 1997-2005 and 2005-2013 with the different approaches adopted in the two administrations. The research method is comparative. The research hypothesis is that based on valid statistics, both administrations have been on the path to social development, but Khatami's approach was based on global reformism, and Ahmadinejad's approach was based on indigenous and local thoughts. In terms of theoretical foundations, we have used the generalization model of political-social development. According to this model, development priorities are different in countries with different political and social contexts. Social globalization grew as much as 8.86 in the Khatami’s administration, and up to 4.89 in Ahmadinejad's administration. Therefore, the administration type is related to the extent of globalization, and globalization has contributed to the growth and development of social development. It also has provided a platform for the continuation of studies of this trend in a different way, with regard to the states and the internal environment of the countries.

Petro V. Makushev ◽  
Аndrii V. Khridochkin ◽  
Hanna O. Blinova ◽  
Oleksandr V. Taldykin

The relevance of the problem under study is due to the need for theoretical justification of the place of executive proceedings in the modern legal system of Ukraine and the functions of the state executive service to protect the rights of citizens and legal entities, as well as the interests of the country. The purpose of the article is to develop a modern model of administrative activity of state executive service bodies. The leading research method for this problem is modeling, which allows us to consider this problem as a focused and informed process of reforming the existing system of executive proceedings in Ukraine. The article presents the main causes of problem situations in executive proceedings and offers comprehensive ways to solve them, based on the structure of the modern state executive service, creating the theoretical foundations of executive proceedings and making specific amendments to the current legislation. The article clarifies the principles, functions and powers of the state executive service in Ukraine, as well as defines the functional features of the administrative activities of the state executive service bodies and discloses the contents of the administrative-legal status of the state executor in a mixed decision enforcement system. In Ukraine is not yet comprehensive research on state executive service in Ukraine in a mixed system of decision-making, with emphasis on the peculiarities of its reform in the present period and the formulation of the Concept. This determines the relevance of this study, its scientific and practical value

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Muhammad Maga Sule

A linkage between Muslim youths and societal development is obvious and enduring since the time of the first Prophet on earth, Adam (A.S.). This interaction is connected symbiotically and, furthermore, one depends on the other for its sustenance. Therefore, the role of Muslim youths in the development of Nasarawa State cannot be ignored. The wheels of the development of a country rest on the shoulders of the youths. Consequently, the youths in Nasarawa State are the engine of the growth and development because they provide the labor force for the production of goods and services to take effect in the development of the state. Thus, the role of Muslim youths in the development of Nasarawa State is crucial for the entire developmental processes and aspirations of the whole society.  In addition, the productive youths are acknowledged as the cornerstone for societal rejuvenation. Keywords:Youth, Social Development, Nasawara State

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 288-301
Saulo Fabiano Amâncio Vieira ◽  
Gerson Antonio Melatti ◽  
Paula Regina Ribeiro

The importance of the entrepreneurship in economic and social development is verified currently with the necessity of constructing an enterprising society. An effective way is through education, that can stimulate and develop in the pupils necessary abilities and capacities to the management of an enterprise. The effective learning of disciplines of Entrepreneurship depends on the adoption of specific practical and methods of education, and not more than the models of the traditional education. Thus, this work has as objective to understand the education of entrepreneurship in public institutions of superior education of the south of the country, analyzing, among others aspects, the academic profile of the coordinators of the course of Administration and the didactic-pedagogical practices used for the education of discipline of entrepreneurship. This work is a qualitative research, presented in the form of a comparative study enters the state universities of Londrina and Maringá, both located in the Paraná. Among others aspects, the results point the trend of curricular adaptation to the new academic and market necessities, followed of the lack in the support to pedagogical practices turned to the entrepreneurship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-88
Mohd Faez Mohd Shah ◽  
Norhidayah Pauzi

In the discipline of Islamic law research, strong proofing and clear Istinbat method are key pillars in the construction of Islamic law based on the application of the science of usul al-fiqh and maqasid al-shari'ah. However, what happens at the state of Johor’s fatwa institution is the opposite. The fatwa research methods applied by the Fatwa Committee of Johor in resolving current fatwa issues is not based on the right and true discipline of Islamic law research. In fact, current inputs related to fatwa issues are not explicitly stated in the method of determining the law either in the form of reality or scientifically verified. Therefore, this paper will discuss the fatwa procedures undertaken by the Fatwa Committee of Johor based on the methods applied in resolving current issues. The research methodology adopted is library and interview methods. This study shows that fatwa management and production in the state of Johor is placed under the jurisdiction of the Mufti of Johor’s Department. The methods adopted by the Fatwa Committee of Johor covers two methods, namely: internal research methods including literature review through the application of original source and proofs based on syarak. Second: field research method that includes an external review or going to the location of study such as conducting observation, questionnaires and interviews including referrals to specialists of different fields. Maslahah and mafsdah consideration are also implemented by the Fatwa Committee in every fatwa decision based on the standard that meets the interests of maqasid al-shari'ah. Keywords: Metode, fatwa, istinbat, usul al-fiqh, maqasid al-shari’ah ABSTRAK Dalam disiplin penyelidikan hukum Islam, kekuatan pendalilan dan kaedah istinbat yang jelas merupakan tunggak utama dalam pembinaan hukum Islam berasaskan kepada aplikasi ilmu usul al-fiqh dan maqasid al-shari’ah. Namun begitu, apa yang berlaku di institusi fatwa negeri Johor adalah sebaliknya. Kaedah penyelidikan fatwa yang diaplikasi oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor dalam menyelesaikan isu fatwa semasa tidak berasaskan kepada disiplin penyelidikan hukum Islam yang tepat dan sebenar. Malahan input-input semasa yang berkaitan dengan isu fatwa juga tidak dinyatakan secara jelas dalam kaedah penentuan hukum sama ada dalam bentuk realiti yang berlaku atau pembuktian secara saintifik. Justeru, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan prosedur fatwa Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor berdasarkan metode-metode yang diaplikasi dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu yang bersifat semasa. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah melalui metode perpustakaan dan metode lapangan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pengurusan dan pengeluaran fatwa di negeri Johor hanya terletak di bawah bidang kuasa Jabatan Mufti Johor. Metode fatwa yang diamalkan oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor merangkumi dua metode iaitu pertama, kaedah penyelidikan dalaman yang merangkumi kajian kepustakaan menerusi pengaplikasian dari sumber asas dan dalil-dalil syarak. Kedua, kaedah penyelidikan lapangan yang meliputi kajian luaran atau turun ke lokasi kajian seperti observasi, soal selidik dan temubual dan rujukan kepada pakar dalam bidang yang berlainan. Pertimbangan maslahah dan mafsdah juga dimplementasikan oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa dalam setiap keputusan fatwanya berasaskan standard yang menepati kepentingan maqasid al-shari’ah. Kata kunci: Metode, fatwa, istinbat, usul al-fiqh, maqasid al-shari’ah

Manuskripta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Novarina Novarina

Abstract: This research is a comparative literary study that uses Malay and Javanese versions of Mahabarata text sources. The research objects used were the text edition of Pandhawa Gubah (PG) by Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto and the text of Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) by Khalid Hussain. The research method used is descriptive-analysis method. In the comparative study used a comparative literary theory proposed by Endraswara (2011). The results of the text comparison reveal the similarities and differences in the image of Bima figures in the Javanese and Malay versions. The equation as a whole is that both texts contain the same heroic storyline and heroic character, Bima. In addition, Indian influence is still evident in the two texts seen from the nuances of Hinduism that exist in both texts. While the difference is seen in the events that accompany Bima's struggle in achieving his victory. Based on these similarities and differences, it can be seen that the authors attempt to represent the concept of metaphysical interactions vertically and horizontally expressed through PG text. --- Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah satu kajian sastra bandingan yang menggunakan sumber teks Mahabarata versi Melayu dan Jawa. Objek penelitian yang digunakan adalah edisi teks Pandhawa Gubah (PG) karya Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto dan teks Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) karya Khalid Hussain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-analisis. Dalam telaah perbandingan digunakan teori sastra bandingan yang dikemukakan Endraswara (2011). Hasil perbandingan teks mengungkapkan adanya persamaan dan perbedaan citra tokoh Bima dalam versi Jawa maupun versi Melayu. Persamaan secara keseluruhan adalah kedua teks tersebut mengandung alur cerita kepahlawanan dan tokoh pahlawan yang sama yaitu Bima. Selain itu, pengaruh India masih tampak dalam kedua teks tersebut dilihat dari nuansa Hinduisme yang ada dalam kedua teks. Sementara perbedaannya tampak pada peristiwa-peristiwa yang menyertai perjuangan Bima dalam mencapai kemenangannya. Berdasarkan persamaan dan perbedaan tersebut tampak adanya upaya penulis untuk merepresentasikan konsep interaksi metafisik secara vertikal dan horizontal yang diungkapkan melalui teks PG.

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 613-620
Igor N. Tyapin

The author of the article uses the works of L.A. Tikhomirov as the basis when examining the problem of criticism of the conditions of the state and society in monarchic Russia during the last decade of its existence from the part of the conservative figures who not only advocated the necessity to preserve the autocracy but also substantially contributed to the working out of the main principles of Russian social development. In particular, the “creative conservators” managed to accomplish the deep philosophic conceptualization of Russian history while trying to find the previously lost ideal of social organization. Tikhomirov’s relevant concepts of the mutual conditionality of Russian national consciousness underdevelopment and state degradation, as well as of the necessity to realize the model of the moral state of justice on the basis of the national idea, were not accepted by the bureaucratic system that resulted before long in the collapse of Russian monarchic state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 157-165
Mansoor Mohamed Fazil

Abstract This research focuses on the issue of state-minority contestations involving transforming and reconstituting each other in post-independent Sri Lanka. This study uses a qualitative research method that involves critical categories of analysis. Migdal’s theory of state-in-society was applied because it provides an effective conceptual framework to analyse and explain the data. The results indicate that the unitary state structure and discriminatory policies contributed to the formation of a minority militant social force (the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam – The LTTE) which fought with the state to form a separate state. The several factors that backed to the defeat of the LTTE in 2009 by the military of the state. This defeat has appreciably weakened the Tamil minority. This study also reveals that contestations between different social forces within society, within the state, and between the state and society in Sri Lanka still prevail, hampering the promulgation of inclusive policies. This study concludes that inclusive policies are imperative to end state minority contestations in Sri Lanka.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Binti Mutafarida

The development of sharia banking in Indonesia very rapidly grow up preceded by Bank Muamalat Indonesia and in 2013 ranked as the bank with the highest loyalty and the best among other sharia banking nationally. Bank Muamalat Indonesia branch of Madiun is one of the first branch in Madiun and currently has many competitors from other sharia banking. Based on this background, in this study take what factors affect the size of customer loyalty Bank Muamalat Indonesia branch of Madiun. Based on the result of research, it is found that the level of loyalty of customer of Bank Muamalat of Madiun branch is mostly influenced by product innovation with value of t test value obtained by t-count 2,493, while second factor is influenced by service quality with result of tcount 2,268. So the least influenced factor by the value of the customer is with value of 2.217. This research is a descriptive research method and associative / relationship, this matter to know the value of independent variable. While population of this research is funding customer of Bank Muamalat Indonesia branch of Madiun with amount of 22.196 customer by taking data using random sampling method as much as 108 customer. Keyword: Customer Value, Product Innovation AND Quality Of Service

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 66-78
Nurul Fadilah

The ideology of Pancasila as a way of life, the basis of the state, and national identity has a various challenge from time to time so that the existence of Pancasila as an Ideology must be maintained, especially in industrial revolution 4.0. The research method used is a qualitative approach by doing study of literature. In data collection the writer used documentation while in techniques data analysis used content analysis, inductive and descriptive. Results of the research about challenges and strengthening of the Pancasila Ideology in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 are: (1)  grounding Pancasila, (2) increasing professional human resources based on Pancasila’s values, (3) maintaining the existence of Pancasila as the State Ideology.

Zenoviy Siryk

Ukraine is a unitary state, yet historically various regions, oblasts, districts, and local areas have different levels of economic development. To secure sustainable economic and social development and provide social services guaranteed by the state for each citizen according to the Constitution, the mechanism of redistribution between revenues and expenditures of oblasts, regions, and territories through the budgets of a higher level is used. The paper aims to research the peculiarities of improving interbudgetary relations in conditions of authorities’ decentralization. The paper defines the nature of interbudgetary relations. The basic and reverse subsidies to Ukraine and Lvivska oblast are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages the communities face at changing approaches to balancing local budgets are determined. Regulative documents that cover the interbudgetary relations in Ukraine are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the problem of local finances reforming, including the development of interbudgetary relations. The scheme of the economic interbudgetary relations system in Ukraine is developed. The ways to improve the system of interbudgetary relations in Ukraine are suggested. The negative and positive aspects, advantages, and disadvantages of the system of interbudgetary relations in Ukraine require the following improvements. 1. It is necessary to avoid the complete budget alignment in the process of budgets balancing by interbudgetary transfers as the major objective. 2. The interbudgetary transfers should be distributed based on a formal approach. 3. The changes have to be introduced to the calculation of medical and educational subsidies in terms of financial standard of budget provision to avoid the money deficit for coverage of necessary expenditures. 4. There is a need to improve interbudgetary relations at the levels of districts, villages, towns, and cities of district subordination. 5. Improvement of the mechanism of targeted benefits provision, their real evaluation, and control for the use of funds.

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