scholarly journals Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran oleh Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Idris Harun ◽  
Mohd. Fauzan

This study aims to determine the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in learning by Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers. This research was conducted on PAI High School (SMA) teachers in Riau Province. The research method is a survey method with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Sampling is done by cluster sampling technique. The research sample consisted of 60 PAI teachers. The research instrument uses questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques and inference with the t-Test and Anova formulas. The results showed that the use of ICT in learning by PAI teachers was included in the "Good" category with a percentage of 63.19%. The results of the t-Test and ANOVA calculations show there are significant differences in the use of ICT in learning based on the teacher's last education (p = 0,000). There was no difference in the use of ICT in learning based on sex (p = 0.985), educator certificate (p = 0.505), teaching experience (p = 0.380), employment status (p = 0.057) and school status where teaching (p = 0.354). Barriers to the use of ICT in learning by PAI teachers are the skills of PAI teachers to use ICT in learning is still lacking; Very few television programs related to PAI material; and the availability of ICT tools in schools is still lacking when compared to the number of existing teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Fahmi Saputro

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Two Stay Two Stray method for student learning outcomes, and to determine the effectiveness of the Two Stay Two Stray method for student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education (PAI) subjects. This study uses quantitative research with a quasi-experimental approach in which there are 2 classes to be studied, 1 class as a experimental class (experimental) and 1 class will be a non-experimental class (control), with the analysis of class VIII students and the sample of this study is class VIII D as an experimental class and class VIII B as a control class. The data of this study were obtained from tests, interviews, observations, documentation. How to take class data with cluster sampling technique. The data obtained can then be processed using statistical analysis. Furthermore, hypothesis testing is done by using t-test analysis of two paired t-test samples with the help of SPSS For Windows Release 16.0. The data obtained that the average learning outcomes of the control and experimental class at the time of the pretest is 71.9 and 71.62 with a difference of 0.28 and the average learning outcomes of the control and experimental class at the posttest namely 74.38 and 78.38 with the difference in number 4. So it can be said that the application of the Two Stay Two Stray method runs effectively and well proven by the value of learning outcomes between control and experimental classes. The ttable number with df of 33 is 2.03452, so tcount is greater than ttable, then it can be said that Ho is rejected and the research hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that by applying the Two Stay Two Stray cooperative learning method student learning outcomes can be effective, the Two Stay Two Stray cooperative method in addition to being able to provide effective learning outcomes, can also make students more compact in each group, so that students in the experimental class (VIII D) in SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga can meet the KKM value.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Siti Erlina

AbstrakUsaha peternakan itik alabio di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara belum berkembang sebagaimana mestinya ditunjukkan 80 persen peternak kepemilikannya dibawah 500 ekor. Pengembangan agribisnis itik alabio dengan  memperhatikan semua subsistem menjadi penting agar diperoleh tingkat produksi dan pendapatan maksimal.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji keterkaitan antar subsistem agribisnis itik alabio petelur terhadap produksi dan pendapatan peternak. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey, penentuan sampel peternak memakai teknik stratified random sampling, sedangkan sampel pedagang, breeder dan pembesaran melalui teknik purposive. Hipotesis diuji dengan analisis multivariat, uji F dan uji T. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan agribisnis melalui peningkatan produksi dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan sumber bibit, harga kandang, jumlah pakan, jumlah tenaga kerja dan biaya pemasaran, sedangkan melalui peningkatan pendapatan dengan memperhatikan sumber bibit, harga bibit, harga kandang, jumlah pakan dan biaya pemasaran. Secara bersama-sama semua subsistem menentukan namun secara parsial subsistem lembaga penunjang tidak menentukan tingkat produksi dan pendapatan peternak.Kata kunci : Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, itik alabio, pengembangan gribisnis.AbstractAlabio duck farming businesses in Hulu Sungai Utara district have not yet been developed as it should be, it indicated that 80 percent of the owners farmers just owned under 500 ducks. Alabio duck agribusiness development with attention to all subsystems become important in order to obtain the maximum level of production and income. This research aimed to examine the linkages between agribusiness subsystems of Alabio duck layers . Research used a survey method with stratified random sampling technique, while the sample traders, breeders and growers by using purposive. The hypothesis testing analysis used multivariate analysis, F test and T test. The results showed, agribusiness development through increased production can be done with the source of female ducks, cages prices, the amount of feed, the amount of labor and marketing costs. While through increasing of revenue could be fulfilled by female duck sources, female duck price, price of the cage, the amount of feed and marketing costs. Together of all subsystems were crucial but in partial subsystems supporting institutions did not determine the level of production and income of the farmers. Keywords: Hulu Sungai Utara District, Alabio ducks , agribusiness development.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 23
Chan Mei Yee ◽  
Zarinah Arshat

<p>This study was designed to determine the influence of home learning on Chinese preschoolers’ literacy skills is likely to be moderated by the level of teacher’s teaching experience. There were 136 preschoolers aged ranged between three to six years old with their parents and teachers recruited in this study using a Multi-Stage Cluster sampling technique. The results of the Hierarchical Multiple Regression analysis indicate that teacher’s teaching experience has a significant moderating effect on the strengths of the relationship between home learning and preschoolers’ literacy skills. Further research is needed to investigate more deeply to identify whether these relationships are upheld over time and with diverse sample. </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Aldila Fitri Radite Nur Maynawati ◽  
Awik Hidayati

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dari hasil observasi di sekolah terhadap pelaksanaan layanan konseling perorangan rasional emotif behavior. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penyelenggaraan layanan konseling perorangan dengan pendekatan konseling rasional emotif behavior di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Sukoharjo mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, serta hambatan-hambatannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survai. Dengan pengambilan populasi di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik <em>cluster sampling (area sampling) </em>teknik ini digunakan karena daerah atau strata digunakan untuk menentukan sampel objek yang akan diteliti atau sumber data sangat luas. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa guru bimbingan konseling dalam melaksanakan layanan konseling perorangan rasional emotif behavior sudah menggunakan perencanaan, namun disesuaikan dengan permasalahan siswa. Ketika pelaksanaan guru bimbingan konseling belum mengikuti tahap-tahap konseling rasional emotif yang ada, dan belum mengetahui teknik-teknik dalam konseling tersebut. Guru bimbingan konseling masih kurang dalam mengevaluasi layanan konseling perorangan rasional emotif behavior, namun dalam pelaporannya sudah melaporkan kepada Kepala Sekolah. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan layanan tersebut karena terkendala jam mengajar, serta fasilitas sekolah.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <strong>Penyelenggaraan, Layanan, Konseling, Rational Emotif Behavior.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>This research is based on the results of school observations on the implementation of individual rational emotive behavior counseling services. The purpose of this study is to know the implementation of individual counseling services with rational emotive behavior counseling approach in SMA Negeri as Sukoharjo District starting from planning, implementation, evaluation, and constraints. This research uses survey method. With population taking in SMA Negeri as Sukoharjo District. This study uses cluster sampling technique (area sampling) This technique is used because the area or strata used to determine the sample object to be studied or data source is very broad. The results of this study proves that counseling teachers in implementing individual counseling services rational emotive behavior has been using planning, but tailored to the problems of students. When the implementation of counseling teachers has not followed the existing emotional rational counseling stages, and has not yet known the techniques in the counseling. Teacher guidance counseling is still lacking in evaluating individual rational emotive behavior counseling services, but in reporting it has been reported to the Principal. Obstacles in the implementation of these services because constrained hours of teaching, as well as school facilities.</em></p><strong>Keywords: <em>Organization, Service, Counseling, Rational Emotive Behavior</em></strong>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ely Indriani

The background of the problem in this study is that various obstacles arise in the application of online learning, ranging from limitations to internet access, operational capabilities and online features. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in class X high school students in Mranggen District in PJOK subjects. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using a survey method conducted online by distributing questionnaires using google form. The sampling technique in this study used cluster sampling. Then after the data has been collected, it will be analyzed and in a percentage for later description. The results of the study showed that the PJOK lessons using online learning were 41,% said they were less understood and 52.2% were not fun. In the operation of online learning media Wa and Zoom, 63.6% of students said they understood how to use them, while Gadgets (Hp) were the media that was often used with 72.2%. Limited quotas, slow networks and difficult to understand material are obstacles that students often experience during online learning at home. Giving assignments and examinations online 60.5% of students felt they did not understand and lacked enthusiasm for 62.7%, while during online learning Google classroom was the application most often used with 64.2%. Then 52.8% of the assignments became a model often used by teachers during online learning and online presentations, 21.3%. While the assignment given by the teacher when online was 47.5% for theory assignments and 22.2% of motion tasks. The conclusion in this study is based on the data and results that online learning for PJOK during COVID-19 class X SMA in Mrangggen sub-district is less effective from the various problems and obstacles that exist. Suggestions, to improve the online learning system so that it is easier to understand, learning during the COVID-19 pandemic can be done face-to-face or online and for further research to follow up on the factors of the online learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Abstrak Latar belakang masalah pada penelitian ini adalah berbagai kendala muncul dalam penerapan pembelajaran daring, mulai dari keterbatasan pada akses internet, kemampuan operasional dan pada fitur-fitur online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas implementasi pembelajaran daring dimasa pandemi COVID-19 pada siswa SMA kelas X se-Kecamatan Mranggen mata pelajaran PJOK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survey yang dilakukan secara online dengan penyebaran angket menggunakan google form. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan cluster sampling. Kemudian setelah data telah  terkumpul, maka akan dianalisis dan di persentase untuk kemudian di deskripsikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelajaran PJOK dengan menggunakan pembelajaran daring 41,% mengatakan kurang di mengerti dan 52,2% tidak menyenangkan. Dalam pengoperasian media pembelajaran daring Wa, dan Zoom 63,6% siswa mengatakan mengerti dalam menggunakan nya, sementara Gadget (Hp) menjadi media yang sering digunakan dengan 72,2%. Kuota yang terbatas, jaringan yang lambat dan materi yang sulit dipahami menjadi kendala yang sering dialami siswa selama pembelajaran daring dirumah. Pemberian tugas dan ujian secara daring 60,5% siswa merasa kurang paham dan kurang semangat 62,7%, sedangkan selama pembelajaran daring google classroom menjadi aplikasi yang paling sering digunakan dengan 64,2%. Kemudian 52,8% penugasan menjadi model yang sering digunakan guru selama pembelajaran daring dan presentasi online 21,3%. Sementara penugasan yang diberikan guru ketika daring 47,5% tugas teori dan tugas gerak 22,2%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan data dan hasil bahwa pembelajaran daring PJOK selama COVID-19 kelas X SMA se-kecamatan Mrangggen kurang efektif dari berbagai permasalahan dan kendala yang ada. Saran, untuk meningkatkan sistem pembelajaran daring agar lebih mudah dipahami, pembelajaran selama pandemi COVID-19 dapat dilakukan dengan tatap muka atau secara daring dan untuk penelitian selanjutnya agar ditindaklanjuti faktor-faktor proses pembelajaran daring selama masa pandemi COVID-19.

Shweta Gupta

Teachers have a pivotal role in our education system. However, inefficiency in teachers can affect the very foundation of this education system and which in turn will lead to the downfall of society and the nation. It is well said that the quality of education depends on the quality of teachers, so it is essential to prepare a quality teacher. As the teacher acts as transmitter of knowledge, motivator, and manager so it is dire need to train the prospective teacher in Life skills.  According to WHO life skills have been defined as “the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. The  present study include ten Life skills as suggested by WHO i.e. Self-awareness skill, Interpersonal skill, Effective Communication skill, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Coping with Stress, Coping with Emotion, and Empathy. A descriptive survey method is used for this study. The data of 100 pre-service teachers in which 40 female and 60 male pre-service teachers, were collected by random cluster sampling technique from two B.Ed. colleges of Ghaziabad affiliated to C.C.S. University Meerut in Ghaziabad district. Moreover, t-test is used as a statistical technique to compare the life skills between male and female pre-service teachers. However, the investigator found no significant difference between the male and female pre-service teachers in their Life Skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
Ting Tiang Hii ◽  
Shahlan Surat

The study is aimed to identify the relationship between gender and race with needs motivation in academic performance for secondary school students. A survey method through questionnaire was used to collect motivation score and demographic of samples. A total of 400 form 3 students from five different secondary schools in Skudai, Johor were selected as respondents using a stratified random sampling technique. The David McClelland Motives questionnaire was used as a research instrument, in which it covers three main domains of motivation, namely needs of achievement, needs of affiliation, and needs of power. Inferential T-test and Pearson correlation were used to test the hypotheses. The T-test analysis stated that there was no significant difference between gender and race with motivation scores. Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was a weak significant positive relationship between motivation score and student's academic performance mean score. In a conclusion, need motivation has an influence on students’ academic performance. Teachers should assimilate a variety of teaching styles and encourage students from time to time to motivate them to strive for excellence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 508-513
Sijila Das ◽  
Nalinilatha M

The role of teacher is proficient, be composed of academic, didactic and social roles. Academic roles cover teaching, instructing and supervisory characters and pedagogical characters include instructional, valuation and simplifying roles. The study aimed to identify the teaching competency of secondary school teachers. The investigator adopted survey method to study the teaching competency between teachers from selected government, private and aided school. For this study a sample of 300 school teachers from eight various schools which are situated in Palakkad district selected by the investigator using simple random sampling technique. The findings revealed that there is no significant difference towards teaching competency among selected secondary school teachers with respect to personal variables like Gender, Marital Status, Educational Qualification, Type of Management and Teaching experience. The findings of the study help to discover the teaching competency of secondary school teachers in the society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 174-179
Nani Surtinah ◽  
Sunarto Sunarto

2Department of Midwifery, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Indonesia; [email protected] ABSTRACT One of the efforts made to improve the knowledge, skills and competence of midwives is the Midwifery Update training. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of midwifery update training on increasing knowledge of midwives in midwifery services. The study design was a post-test only control group design. The population consisted of an experimental group of 41 people and a control group of 41 people. The experimental group had the midwifery update training in 2019, while the control group was midwives who had never attended midwifery update training in 2019. The experimental group and the control group were selected by using cluster sampling technique after that the sample selection used simple random sampling. Data analysis was used independent samples t -test. The mean knowledge results of the midwifery update group that had never attended midwifery update training was 55.11, while the mean knowledge results of the midwifery update group knowledge was 75.19. Based on the independent t-test, it was found that the t-count results were -8,987 with a p-value of 0.000 (

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Noornajihan Jaafar

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau tahap efikasi kendiri (EK) guru Pendidikan Islam (GPI) sekolah menengah kebangsaan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Kajian perbezaan berdasarkan beberapa faktor demografi terpilih seperti jantina dan lokasi sekolah turut dijalankan. Kajian korelasi juga dijalankan bagi menilai hubungan antara EK GPI dengan tempoh pengalaman mengajar. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk tinjauan yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan soal selidik merupakan instrumen utama kajian. Teknik pensampelan kelompok atas kelompok digunakan bagi menentukan sampel kajian. Saiz sampel yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah seramai 544 orang GPI yang mewakili populasi seramai 8562 orang GPI di SMK semenanjung Malaysia. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan EK GPI berada pada tahap sangat tinggi (min=4.32). Analisis ANOVA dua hala pula menunjukkan tiadanya perbezaan EK GPI terhadap faktor persekitaran berdasarkan jantina. Analisis Pearson pula menunjukkan terdapatnya korelasi yang lemah dan positif antara tempoh pengalaman mengajar dengan EK (r=0.098). Kajian ini dilihat memberi implikasi kepada polisi dan amalan pengajaran GPI.This study was designed to examine self-efficacy (SE) teachers of Islamic Studies (TIS) in national secondary schools in Peninsular Malaysia. A research on the differences of SE based on a number of demographic factors was also carried out. The study also aimed to assess the relationship between teaching experiences with SE. This study used a quantitative approach and the questionnaire was the main instrument. Multi stage cluster sampling technique was used to determine the sample. The sample size involved in this research were 544 TIS representing a population of 8562 TIS national secondary school in Peninsular Malaysia. The results showed that SE of TIS were very high (min=4.32). Two Ways ANOVA analysis showed there was no difference in the SE of TIS based on gender and school location. Pearson analysis showed that there were weak and positive correlations between teaching experience with SE (r=0.098). In addition, this study has also seen to have implications for the policy and practice of teaching among TIS.

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