scholarly journals Pengaruh Kepercayaan Konsumen terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dalam Penggunaan Sistem Pembayaran Online (Survei Pengguna Produk Unipin)

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 148
Rendy Rachman ◽  
Roswita Oktavianti

Consumer trust in a brand can lead to consumer loyalty to that brand. Consumer trust is very important in a company because it will increase customer loyalty to the company itself. A high trust from consumers can create customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is the behavior to make repeated purchases and to build customer loyalty to a product or service produced by the company. This study aims to measure the effect of consumer trust on customer loyalty in using online payment system services. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. Primary data was collected through distributing questionnaires to 90 respondents, namely the people of West Jakarta who have used UniPin as a payment service to buy credit or online game currency. Data analysis used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences with the SPSS for Windows 22 application. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there is a positive influence between consumer trust and customer loyalty from Unipin companies. Consumer trust has an effect of 67.4% on customer loyalty. If consumer confidence increases, customer loyalty will also increase. Conversely, if consumer confidence decreases, customer loyalty will also decline.Kepercayaan konsumen terhadap suatu merek dapat menimbulkan kesetiaan konsumen pada merek tersebut. Kepercayaan konsumen sangat penting dalam suatu perusahaan karena akan meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan terhadap perusahaan itu sendiri. Suatu kepercayaan dari konsumen yang tinggi dapat menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan. Loyalitas pelanggan merupakan perilaku untuk melakukan pembelian secara berulang dan untuk membangun kesetiaan pelanggan terhadap suatu produk atau jasa yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh kepercayaan konsumen terhadap loyalitas pelanggan dalam menggunakan jasa sistem pembayaran online. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 90 responden yaitu masyarakat daerah Jakarta Barat yang pernah menggunakan UniPin sebagai layanan pembayaran untuk membeli credit atau mata uang game online. Analisis data menggunakan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences dengan aplikasi SPSS for windows 22. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara kepercayaan konsumen terhadap loyalitas pelanggan dari perusahaan Unipin. Kepercayaan konsumen memiliki pengaruh sebesar 67,4% terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Apabila kepercayaan konsumen meningkat maka loyalitas pelanggan juga akan meningkat. Sebaliknya, apabila kepercayaan konsumen menurun maka loyalitas pelanggan juga akan ikut menurun.

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 405
Vendy Octavian ◽  
Wulan Purnama Sari

Electronic word of mouth is a message or information that comes from personal experience or consumer opinion on a product or service and is spread by word of mouth via the internet media. High electronic word of mouth can create customer engagement. Customer engagement is an attitude towards a brand or company, which involves active consumer commitment through online media in the form of word-of-mouth activities, providing reviews, recommendations, and blogging that is driven by motivation. This study aims to measure the effect of electronic word of mouth on customer engagement at Osbond Gym Bekasi. This research uses quantitative techniques with a survey method. Primary data were collected through distributing questionnaires to 85 respondents who are customers of Osbond Gym Bekasi. Data analysis used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences with the SPSS for Windows 25 application. Based on the research results, it is known that there is a positive influence between electronic word of mouth on customer engagement. Electronic word of mouth has an effect of 69.7% on customer engagement, while 30.3% is another factorElectronic word of mouth adalah suatu pesan atau informasi yang berasal dari pengalaman pribadi atau opini konsumen akan suatu produk atau jasa dan disebarkan dari mulut ke mulut melalui media internet. Electronic word of mouth yang tinggi dapat menciptakan customer engagement. Customer engagement merupakan suatu sikap terhadap merek atau perusahaan, yang melibatkan komitmen konsumen secara aktif melalui media online yang berupa aktivitas word-of-mouth, memberikan review, rekomendasi, dan blogging yang didorong oleh suatu motivasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh electronic word of mouth terhadap customer engagement di Osbond Gym Bekasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 85 responden yang merupakan pelanggan dari Osbond Gym Bekasi. Analisis data menggunakan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences dengan aplikasi SPSS 

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Hendy Suryawijaya ◽  
Farid Rusdi

The attractiveness of advertising can be assumed as something that moves people, talks about their wants or needs, and arouses their interest. The attractiveness of advertising is very important because it will increase the success of communication with consumers. An ad with a high ad appeal can create consumer buying interest towards a brand. buying interest is an impulse in a person to pay attention without coercion on a product and lead to a purchase. This study aims to measure the effect of the attractiveness of advertising on social media on consumer buying interest. This study uses quantitative techniques with survey methods and uses Brodo as an observation unit. Primary data was collected through distributing questionnaires to 105 young respondents in the West Jakarta area who had seen or known Brodo shoes advertisements in the form of posts or stories on Instagram social media. Data analysis uses Statistical Package for the Social Sciences with SPSS for Windows 17 application. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there is a positive influence between the attractiveness of advertising on social media on consumer buying interest in products from Brodo shoes. The attractiveness of advertising has an influence of 66.6% on buying interest. If the attractiveness of advertisements increases, consumers' buying orders will also increase. Conversely, if the attractiveness of advertising decreases, consumers' buying orders will also decrease.Iklan memiliki daya tarik. Melalui iklan orang dapat “tergerak” untuk berbicara baik tentang keinginan maupun kebutuhan mereka, dan pada akhirnya membangun ketertarikan terhadap produk tertentu. Daya tarik iklan dinilai penting karena dapat menghasilkan komunikasi yang sukses dengan konsumen. Suatu iklan dengan daya tarik iklan yang tinggi dapat menciptakan minat beli konsumen terhadap suatu merek. minat beli merupakan dorongan dalam diri seseorang untuk menaruh perhatian tanpa paksaan pada suatu produk dan berujung pada pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh daya tarik iklan di media sosial terhadap minat beli konsumen. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kuantitatif tepatnya metode survey, dan menggunakan Brodo sebagai unit observasi. Data penelitian didapat dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada 105 responden anak muda di daerah Jakarta Barat yang pernah melihat atau mengetahui iklan sepatu Brodo baik dalam bentuk postingan atau story di media sosial Instagram. Analisis data menggunakan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences dengan aplikasi SPSS for windows 17. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif antara daya tarik iklan di media sosial terhadap minat beli konsumen terhadap produk dari sepatu Brodo. Daya tarik iklan berpengaruh terhadap minat beli sebesar 66,6%. Artinya, jika daya tarik iklan meningkat maka mendorong meningkatnya niat beli konsumen. Sebaliknya, jika daya tarik iklan menurun maka mendorong turunnya minat beli konsumen.

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 316
Fernaldo Fernaldo ◽  
Roswita Oktavianti

The attractiveness of advertising can be understood as something that moves people, talks about their wants or needs, and arouses their interest. The attractiveness of advertising is very important because it will increase the success of communication with consumers. An ad with a high ad appeal can create trust in a high brand as well. Brand Trust is the customer's desire to rely on a brand with the risks faced because expectations of the brand will lead to positive results. This study aims to measure the effect of the attractiveness of e-commerce advertising on consumer brand trust. This research uses quantitative techniques with survey methods and uses Tokopedia as an observation unit. Primary data was collected through distributing questionnaires to 118 respondents who knew and watched Tokopedia #MulaiAjaDulu ads and were domiciled in West Jakarta. Data analysis uses Statistical Package for the Social Sciences with SPSS for Windows 15. Based on the research results, it is known that there is a positive influence between the attractiveness of e-commerce advertising on Tokopedia consumer brand trust. The attractiveness of advertising has an effect of 53.3% on brand trust, so it can be concluded that there is an influence between the attractiveness of advertising on brand trust.Daya tarik iklan (advertising appeal) dapat dipahami sebagai sesuatu yang menggerakkan orang, berbicara mengenai keinginan atau kebutuhan mereka, dan membangkitkan ketertarikan mereka. Daya tarik iklan sangat penting karena akan meningkatkan keberhasilan komunikasi dengan konsumen. Suatu iklan dengan daya tarik iklan yang tinggi dapat menciptakan kepercayaan akan suatu merek yang tinggi pula. Brand Trust adalah keinginan pelanggan untuk bersandar pada sebuah merek dengan resiko-resiko yang dihadapi karena ekspektasi terhadap merek itu akan menyebabkan hasil yang positif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh daya tarik iklan e-commerce terhadap brand trust konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik kuantitatif dengan metode survei dan menggunakan Tokopedia sebagai unit observasi. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 118 responden yang mengetahui dan menonton iklan Tokopedia #MulaiAjaDulu dan berdomisili di Jakarta Barat. Analisis data menggunakan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences dengan aplikasi SPSS for windows 15. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara daya tarik iklan e-commerce terhadap brand trust konsumen Tokopedia. Daya tarik iklan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 53,3%  terhadap brand trust, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara daya tarik iklan terhadap brand trust.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-129
Nur Asmi Ainul Kamal ◽  
Mahfudnurnajamuddin Mahfudnurnajamuddin ◽  
Asriani Junaid

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik Sistem Informasi Akuntansi manajemen yang berupa Broad scope, Timeliness, Aggregation dan Integration terhadap kinerja manajerial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 108 UMKM usaha Cafe di Kecamatan Panakukang Kota Makassar. Sampel yang akan digunakan diambil menggunakan rumus slovin sehingga didapatkan 85 sampel dan kuesioner yang tersebar sebanyak 85 kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan program Statistical Package For The Social Sciences (SPSS) Hasil penelitian broadscape memiliki pengaruh positif (berpengaruh) terhadap kinerja manajerial. Timeline memiliki pengaruh positif (berpengaruh) terhadap kinerja manajerial Agregated memiliki pengaruh positif (berpengaruh) terhadap kinerja manajeria dan Integrated memiliki pengaruh positif (berpengaruh) terhadap kinerja manajerial This research is conducted by aiming to analyse the influence of characteristics of information System management Accounting that of Broad scope, Timeliness, Aggregation and Integration to managerial performance. The methods used in this study used a quantitative approach. Data collection using primary data obtained from questionnaires. The population in this study is 108 MSME Cafe business in Panakukang Sub-district of Makassar. Samples to be used were taken using the Slovin formula so that obtained 85 samples and questionnaires spread as many as 85 questionnaires. Data analyzed using rhe program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) The results of Broadscape Research have a positive effect on managerial performance. Timeline has a positive influence on the managerial performance of Agregated has a positive influence (influence) on the performance of management and Integrated has a positive effect (influential) on managerial performance

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-137
Iis Sumiati ◽  
Asep Muhyiddin ◽  
Arif Rahman

penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelayanan prima KBIH Al-Waritsah, bagaimana kepuasan jemaah hajinya, dan bagaimana hubungan pelayanan prima KBIH Al-Waritsah terhadap kepuasan jemaah hajinya. Menurut Parasuraman, Zeithmal dan Bitner pelayanan prima harus meliputi 5 dimensi yaitu: tangibles, reliabillity, responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty.Apabila semua unsur ini terpenuhi maka tujuan perusahaan yaitu kepuasan para pelanggannya akan tercapai yang akhirnya pelanggan akan loyal terhadap perusahaan. Loyalitas pelanggan inilah yang menentukan maju mundurnya suatu perusahaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survai, Dari hasil penelitian mengenai hubungan pelayanan prima terhadap kepuasan jemaah haji yang dilakukan dan dilanjutkan dengan menganalisis data dengan menggunakan SPSS For Windows Versi 20.0, maka hasilnya adalah terdapat hubungan yang positif dan kuat antara pelayanan prima terhadap kepuasan jemaah sebesar 0,620 atau 62%, berdasarkan uji determinasi diketahui bahwa pelayanan prima mempengarui kepuasan jemaah dengan tingkat pengaruh sebesar 0,720 atau 72%. Sehingga hipotesis yang menyatakan ada hubungan antara pelayanan prima terhadap kepuasan jemaah dapat diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dari pelayanan prima KBIH (Al-Waritsah) terhadap kepuasan jemaah haji. The research objective was to find out how the KBIH Al-Waritsah excellent service, how satisfied the pilgrims were, and how the relationship between KBIH Al-Waritsah's excellent service to the satisfaction of the pilgrims. According to Parasuraman, Zeithmal and Bitner excellent service must include 5 dimensions, namely: tangibles, reliabillity, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. If all these elements are fulfilled, the company's goal is the satisfaction of its customers will be achieved which ultimately customers will be loyal to the company. This customer loyalty determines the progress of a company. The research method used in this study is a survey method, from the results of research on the relationship of excellent service to the satisfaction of pilgrims conducted and continued by analyzing data using SPSS For Windows Version 20.0, the result is a positive and strong relationship between excellent service to congregation satisfaction is 0.620 or 62%, based on the determination test it is known that excellent service affects the satisfaction of the congregation with a level of influence of 0.720 or 72%. So the hypothesis that there is a relationship between excellent service and satisfaction of the congregation can be accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a positive influence of the KBIH prime service (Al-Waritsah) on the satisfaction of pilgrims.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52 ◽  
Sri Widyastuti

Customer loyalty is ‘suspected’not been able to optimizationrepetition of transactions, customer recommendation and durability with the establishment relationship quality of the trust, customer satisfaction and commitment. Therefore, research conducted on Bank CIMB Niaga aims to determine the extent of the trust, and commitment to customer satisfaction can increase X-tra and TabunganKU savings customer loyalty. This research is verification and the method of research is explanatory survey method, the sample is 160 customer X-tra and tabunganKU savings in the branch office Bank CIMB Niaga Bintaro. The analytical method used is structural equation model. The results showed loyalty can be achieved with relationship quality for customers through the establishment of trust, and commitment to customer satisfaction, which all three have a positive influence. Therefore, the management of Bank CIMB Niaga need to improve their ability in trust, satisfactionand commitmentwith the bank's customers to become increasingly favored customers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026858092199451
Adrian Scribano

The social sciences in Latin America have always had a special connection with the study and analysis of the place of emotions in the social structuration processes. The aim of this article is to offer a synthetic exposition of some inquiries about emotions and the politics of sensibilities in Latin America, emphasizing those that are being felt in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this objective, first we offer a synthesis of the theoretical and methodological points that will guide the interpretation; then we draw on pre-existing inquiries and surveys which allow us to capture the state of sensibilities before and during the pandemic in the region; and finally some conclusions are presented. The work is based on a multi-method approach, where qualitative and quantitative secondary and primary data are articulated in tandem.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Kumaradeepan V. ◽  
Pathmini, M G S

The topic of the research is Customer Satisfaction (CS) and Customer Loyalty (CL); special reference to the leading supermarkets in Jaffna. The objective of the research is to identify the impact of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty of leading Supermarkets in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The research is simply deductive approach to find out the impact between Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. Quantitative method is available based on primary data. At present there are 08 numbers of supermarkets functioning in Jaffna district and popular three were selected. Random sampling technique is used to collect the data from customers of supermarkets in selected area. The analysis is carried out using a sample of 240 customers in Jaffna and only 218 were taken to analyze. ‘Statistical Package for Social Sciences’ (SPSS) 22.0 version was used in order to analyze the data. Correlation was used to find the connection between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Also Regression analysis is used to predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or more other variables. Also found that about 40 percent connection between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty and also found around 16% affect by Customer satisfaction to Customer loyalty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Devin Devin ◽  
Giovanni Pranata ◽  
Johannes Susanto

During this pandemic, cycling has become an increasingly popular activity in Indonesian society. more and more people are flocking to bike. The reasons are also various, some are cycling to avoid cramming on public transportation for fear of contracting the corona virus, some are aimed only at eliminating boredom while doing Work From Home (WFH). Cycling also has many benefits including reducing stress, reducing the risk of degenerative desease, controlling body weight, and increasing body strength, balance and muscle coordination. However, there are still many problems with free space on the bicycle paths in the Jakarta area. One of the problems on bicycle paths that is often encountered is the difficulty of making the bicycle paths become steering due to several reasons. Therefore, this study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of the people of Jakarta, especially bicycle lane users to the bicycle lanes that have been provided by the Government. This research was conducted directly by observing the research location. And distribute questionnaires to the public to determine the level of respondent satisfaction. Processing of data analysis used descriptive statistical methods with the help of the application of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).ABSTRAKDi masa pandemi ini, bersepeda menjadi kegiatan yang makin populer di lakukan oleh masyrakat Indonesia. semakin banyak orang berbondong-bondong untuk bersepeda. Alasannya pun beragam ada yang bersepeda untuk menghindari berdesakan di kendaraan umum karena takut tertular virus corona ada pula yang bertujuan hanya untuk menghilangkan kejenuhan selama melakukan Work From Home (WFH). Bersepeda juga memiliki banyak manfaat diantaranya adalah mengurangi stres, mengurangi risiko penyakit degeneratif, mengandalikan berat badan, dan meningkatkan kekuatan, keseimbangan, dan koordinasi otot tubuh. Akan tetapi masih terdapat banyak masalah pada lajur sepeda yang ada di kawasan jakarta ini. Salah satu masalah pada lajur sepeda yang sering dijumpai adalah sulitnya membuat lajur sepeda menjadi stelir dikarenakan oleh beberapa hal. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan masyarakat jakarta khususnya para pengguna lajur sepeda terhadap lajur sepeda yang telah disediakan oleh Pemerintah. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara langsung dengan melakukan pengamatan di lokasi penelitian dan membagikan kuesioner kepada masyarakat untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan responden. Pengolahan analisis data menggunakan metode statistika deskriptif dengan bantuan aplikasi Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 404
Tubagus Arya Abdurachman

The discussion of this research is the development of creative cities in a country is the result of the efforts of the government and creative actors in the city in the country. Creative city can not be separated from the potential of social capital that is owned by the people in the city. Social capital is a social organization concept that includes network of norms and social trusts that facilitate mutual coordination and cooperation including in developing the regional economy. This research aims to (1) know the contribution of social capital in making a creative city, (2) express the social capital and creativity of individuals and communities to realize creative city, and (3) know aspects of social capital that dominant influence on a creativity of the city. The method of this research is qualitative primary data with technic observation and indepth interview, also secondary data in the form of document and archive analysis from Bandung city as one of creative city in Indonesia. Research is done during 2015-2016. Conclusions this research are (1)Social capital that form trust, tolerance, cooperation, openness, and independence of the community greatly contributes in the creation of creative city because through the braided integration of social capital that forms a norm of behavior binding for its citizens to be creative and does not require material capital,(2)Individual urban creativity formed through the process of socialization of elements of social capital in the life of society to trigger creativity of individuals and society as a whole, and (3) The form of openness, tolerance, and cooperation are the dominant elements of social capital in growing the creativity of individuals and societyKeywords: Creatif city, Social capital

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