2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Hudan Nur

The analysis study was conducted interpretative by selected poems ‘a tree without foresting’ which emphasize reception on several poems produced by HE. Benyamine. There was found poems which wrong space of category dan heterotematics clasification.  This analysis uses descriptive method with hermeneutics approach, data was obtained through literature. As a study of philosophy, hermeneutics exposed are language and meaning contained structure series behind. Hermeneutics are efforts to take apart a secret veiled by tiers of meaning on literature’s work. Therefore, linguistic analysis on holistic attempted to understand of relation between linguistics meaning and coherent solid’s structures, so the problem analysis here are diction, symbol, and social culture. The results by analysis of hermeneutics to show existence of atmospheres achievement of social reality, uncertainly, in a state of calm, and anguish. The selected poems also convey criticism of natural management with identity of symbolism in local wisdom. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (33) ◽  
pp. 217-240
Grzegorz Pilarski

Background: The article presents a method of estimating the security level which indicates how probable it is for a phenomenon to occur. Objectives: The author attempts to answer the question: How do we estimate security? Decision makers usually need percentage showing the probability of an incident taking place in the future. This information is needed in the first place, later decision makers can use more descriptive information. Methods: The research problem concerns the assessment of security using the estimation method. Depicting security in numbers is difficult, thus the descriptive method is also usually applied. The estimation method facilitates the assessment. It is helpful since it is partly done by calculation and partly by guessing or approximation. Based on a case study analysing whether a terrorist attack may occur, the author also used tools such as averaging expert predictions, scenario analysis and risk analysis. Results: This article provides a view on forecasting security, which results in a method of estimating the level of security. Conclusions: The author presents an approach which allows to initially estimate the security level of the analyzed phenomenon in a relatively short period of time.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Ahmad Toni

Television personality award for the motor marketing television programs itself, the need to raise the rating and share. The awards were recently held by MetroTV devoted to female finalists Indonesia called modern Kartini. This study aimed to describe the representation of women in the awards Indihome Women Award at Metro TV. The method used consciousness-raising method, a method to generate knowledge and awareness in terms of women's issues and women movement within the frame of the mass media (television). This study used a qualitative descriptive method with emphasis on the reality of the media that have a relationship or context with social reality in Indonesia. The results showed the awards event Indihome Women Award in Metro women disepresentasikan as duality and ambiguity in the system of nation building; (1) Women look no further indicate the identity and values alignment on national development map but are represented at the level of the worse off, (2) Women made a movement which is represented as a capitalist agent, (3) Women and the movement into the implementation of a number of representations of themselves and movements performed in the frame of self falsehood.

Teguh Alif Nurhuda ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Suyitno Suyitno

 This study aims to describe the content of the novel Simple Miracles by Ayu Utami in terms of literary sociology studies. In addition, this study also sees its relevance to the learning of literature in high school grade XII. Novel Simple Miracles tells the spiritual story of the main character and his family in everyday life. In addition, in it also told about the relation of society related to religious, social, culture, and residence. This research uses qualitative descriptive method to describe the result of research of literary sociology on Simple Miracles novel. The results of this study indicate a social relationship between the character both in one family member and outside family members. It is that which indicates a relationship or social value in the novel. This novel also has a Javanese cultural value related to its birth and its inner death. The value of sociology literature study on social, religious, and cultural activities can be used as reference material in the study of literature in high school class XII in KD 4.1. 

This study is to examine Describe and analyze the quality of the implementation of public services by the district government in public services through the Public Service Mall (MPP) in the Sumedang patent district. Seeing the supporting factors and servants in the process of public service that refers to KememPan number 31 of 2019 there are still not many maximums from the start of the regent's regulations that have not yet come out even though the service has begun to run, this study will analyze how public services should be carried out in the process of implementing the pub service system lik through the Mall Public Services (MPP) in Sumedang Regency. The method used in the activity is a descriptive method through a qualitative approach. With this method and approach, it is expected to be able to describe various problems in their entirety and comprehensively, so that the results of the problem analysis can be used as a basis for understanding phenomena and giving birth to a concept of the quality of public service delivery in Sumedang Regency

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-58
M Tanggap Sasmita

The Bali Tourism Polytechnic has an annual agenda for campus introduction activities called the Tour De Campus in a series of Basic Professional Attitude Development activities, but in 2020 these activities cannot be carried out directly on campus. With limited resources and considered important, a Virtual Tour was created to replace these activities. The method used in writing this article is descriptive method from the results of designing activities that are carried out and directly observed. The stages of this descriptive research method are Problem Analysis, Activity Design and Design, and Implementation. Most of the results of the evaluation of the virtual tour activities were satisfied with the activities carried out. This activity can be carried out again in the future by increasing the use of technology to make it more attractive and can be duplicated by schools / campuses / other institutions that have technological limitations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 302-310
Silvyani Putri Sihotang ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono ◽  
Frida Purwanti

ABSTRAK Pulau Tidung Besar merupakan salah satu pulau di Kepulauan Seribu Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang menjadi destinasi wisata bahari. Perkembangan wisata bahari dapat memberikan dampak ekonomi, sosial-budaya dan lingkungan, sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi perkembangan wisata bahari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perkembangan wisata bahari, dampak perkembangan wisata bahari dari aspek ekonomi, sosial-budaya dan lingkungan, dan mengevaluasi perkembangan wisata bahari menggunakan siklus wisata. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan analisis secara kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan menyebar kuisioner kepada 98 masyarakat, 50 pengunjung dan 10 pengelola. Sejak tahun 2014 hingga 2016 terdapat penurunan pengunjung Pulau Tidung Besar yang disebabkan oleh tidak adanya penambahan daya tarik wisata dan belum maksimalnya perbaikan ataupun penambahan fasilitas pendukung. Dampak kegiatan wisata bahari di Pulau Tidung Besar untuk dampak ekonomi adalah penambahan lapangan kerja dan pendapatan penduduk, untuk dampak sosial-budaya terlihat dari kegiatan gotong royong penduduk dan dampak lingkungan adalah semakin meningkatnya kesadaran pemerintah maupun masyarakat terhadap keadaan terumbu karang, kebersihan lingkungan dan ketersediaan air bersih yang lebih baik.. Evaluasi perkembangan Pulau Tidung Besar masuk dalam tahap stagnasi menuju tahap penurunan/ peremajaan.                                                                                                                       Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Perkembangan, Dampak, Wisata Bahari, Pulau Tidung ABSTRACTTidung Besar island as part of  the Seribu Islands is located at the Jakarta Province which become a marine tourism destination. Development of marine tourism could affect condition of economic, social-culture, and ecology, therefore need to be evaluate marine tourism development. The aims of the research are to know development of marine tourism, impact of marine tourism development based on economic, sosial-culture, ecology aspects and to evaluate development of marine tourism using tourist life cycle . The methods used in this research was descriptive method with qualitative analysis. Data obtained by distributed quistionnaires to 98 residents, 50 tourists and 10 staffs. Since the year 2014 to 2016, the visitors of Tidung Besar Island was decline due to lack of improvement or addition for supporting facilities. The marine tourism activities impact on economic aspect are increasing employment, the sosio-culture impact is lowering the “Gotong Royong” activities, and the ecological impact are good concern of the government and resident for coral reefs and better sanitation and availability of clean water. Evaluation of marine tourism development at the Tidung Besar Island is in the stagnation level toward decline/ rejuvenation.Keywords : Evaluation, Development, Impact, Marine Tourism, Tidung Island

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-146
Neni Nuraeni ◽  
Dewi Sulastri ◽  
Z Zulbaidah

Abstract: In Law Number 1 of 1974 Article 3 paragraphs 1 and 2, providing an explanation of the marriage principle is monogamous but is open, or in KHI using the term polygamy is limited to four wives, but with a record of the ability to provide and do justice towards his wives and children. Households that are built based on polygamy are part of a community that is a matter of controversy, but legal normativeity has been ratified and that a social reality occurs. The method is used in this study by collecting data in the form of literary literature (literature research), as for the steps in this study by reading literature in the form of books, articles, legislation and fatwas. The data is analyzed by qualitative descriptive method in order to obtain research results based on theories related to research The results showed that there were no women who were willing to be polygamous. In the case of polygamy, women are the object of violence wrapped neatly in household life. Abstrak: Salah satu bentuk inovasi yang dikeluarkan bank syariah untuk menunjang kebutuhan masyarakat adalah produk gadai emas syariah. Namun, kekhawatiran muncul terhadap produk rahn (gadai syariah) karena produk ini bukan merupakan aset produktif dalam menghasilkan keuntungan. Dengan adanya layanan ini, Bank Syariah hanya men­dapatkan keuntungan dari jasa pemeliharaan barang yang dijanjikan sebagai jaminan. Permasalahan muncul ketika keuntungan diambil dari persentase besaran pinjaman yang diberikan oleh Bank Syariah kepada nasabah sebagaimana praktik di perbankan kon­ven­­sional.  Oleh karena itu, ini adalah topik yang menarik untuk dibahas di antara akademisi yang terkait dengan besaran dan perhitungan jasa pemeliharaan yang harus dibayar nasabah kepada Bank. Jika jasa pemeliharaan ditentukan berdasar­kan persen­tase dari jumlah pembiayaan atau pinjaman, maka terdapat nilai bunga kredit atas pembiayaan yang harus dikembalikan oleh nasabah sebagai jasa pemeliharaan yang dihitung dari besaran pinjaman tersebut. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa konsep akad dan penerapan­nya dalam pembiayaan gadai emas di bank syariah. Adapun obyek studi ini adalah mengenai bank komersial Islam, termasuk Bank Syariah Mandiri dan Bank Jabar Banten Syariah.

Б.Х. Борлыкова ◽  
Б.В. Меняев ◽  
Т.В. Басанова

В настоящей статье впервые на основе методологии, разработанной О. Д. Суриковой (2020), рассматривается ономастикон сарт-калмыцкой версии эпоса «Джангар». Авторами статьи предлагается систематизация ономастикона эпоса, приводится этимологияонимов, указывается их частотность, а также выявляются варианты собственных имён в других версиях эпоса «Джангар» и фольклорных образцах сарт-калмыков. В исследовании применялась комплексная методика лингвистического анализа, включающая описательный метод, методы контекстуального, сопоставительного и статистического анализов. Материалом для анализа послужил текст рукописи «Джангар», записанный в 1929 г. А. В. Бурдуковым от Бакхи Сарпекова (1872 г. р.) в селе Чельпек Иссык-Кульской области Киргизии. В качестве дополнительного материала были привлечены опубликованные песни калмыцкой и синьцзян-ойратской версий эпоса «Джангар», лексикографические источники, а также личные полевые записи авторов.В результате обработки текста выявлены три группы собственных имён: топонимы, антропонимы и иппонимы. Наибольшую частотность в сарт-калмыцкой версии эпоса имеют буддийские антропонимы, что, очевидно, связано с сильным влиянием буддизма на архаичный жанр – эпос. Наличие названий водных объектов Или и Текес указывают на историческую родину сарт-калмыков – Джунгарию. В целом, изучение собственных имён, извлечённых авторами статьи из текста рукописи А. В. Бурдукова, полезно с точки зрения лингвогеографии и способствует выявлению закономерностей номинационных процессов в сарт-калмыцком языке. The present article is the first to consider the onomasticon of the Sart-Kalmyk version of the Jangar epic on the basis of the methodology developed by O. D. Surikova (2020). The authors of the article propose a systematization of the onomasticon of the epic that includes giving the etymology of onyms, indicating their frequency, and revealing variants of their own names in other versions of the epic Jangarand folklore samples of the Sart-Kalmyks. The study uses a complex method of linguistic analysis, including a descriptive method, methods of contextual, comparative and statistical analysis. The material for the analysis was the text of the manuscript Jangar, written down in 1929 by A. V. Burdukov from Bakhi Sarpekov (born 1872) in the Chelpek villag, Issyk-Kul region, Kyrgyzstan. The published songs of the Kalmyk and Xinjiang Oirat versions of the Jangarepic, lexicographic sources, as well as the authors' personal field notes were used as an additional material. As a result of text processing, three groups of proper names were identified: toponyms, anthroponyms, and hyponyms. The most frequent in the Sart-Kalmyk version of the epic were Buddhist anthroponyms, the fact can be obviously associated with the strong influence of Buddhism on this archaic genre – the epic. The presence of the names of the water bodies Ili and Tekes indicate the historical homeland of the Sart Kalmyks – Dzungaria. In general, the study of their own names, extracted by the authors of the article from the text of the manuscript of A. V. Burdukov is useful from the point of view of linguo-geography and helps to identify patterns of nomination processes in the Sart-Kalmyk language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-161
E S Soegoto ◽  
E Mustafa ◽  

E-commerce is one of the technologies that should be applied in a company. The objective of this study is to identify e-commerce growth in improving competitive advantage in business processes. The method used was descriptive method for presenting a complete one picture of the social setting or intended for exploration and clarification of a phenomenon or social reality, by describing number of variables relating to the problem and the unit under study between the phenomena being tested. The results of this study were to increase the competitive advantage of the company. This study was conducted by discussing the payment transaction system, sales, and orders made by businesses using e-commerce technology. If all things are well-conducted, it can increase the competitive advantage of the company

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Dian Natashia

Advertisements, which can be found in daily life, do not just function as the source of the product’s information, but can also create a new connotation about social reality. This research is intended to reveal the form of the connotation about present beauty of Indonesian women that are trying to be conveyed by the advertisers through present advertisements in Kartini magazines.  This research is also revealing elements that are used by the advertisers to attract readers’ attention. To see what are the new connotation that are formed in the present advertisements, they will be compared with advertisements in the older generation. This research is using qualitative descriptive method and the data is coming from the wordings that are printed in those advertisements. The data will be described and analyzed with Discourse of Advertising Theory by Guy Cook and Anchoring Connotation Theory by Roland Barthes, and then the result will be conclude. Through Guy’s theory, this research will reveal all the elements that are used by the producers to build the beauty concept. Through Barthes’ theory, this research will show how the advertisers create new connotation. The result of analysis shows that present beauty concept about ideal body is a beautiful body that are radiated from the outer side of the women’s body and good looking. Beautiful face is a face that looks as young as twenty years old girls. Moreover, the result also shows that producers use current social representative where consumers these days like new, instant products that give maximum result. The result also shows consumers’ doubt over unknown products and women’s fear on fat body and aging.

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