2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Diswandi Diswandi ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Putu Arnatha Yoga ◽  
Thalia Bilqis Sevianty

ABSTRAK. Desa Buwun Sejati di Kabupaten Lombok Barat merupakan salah satu desa yang sedang berkembang untuk menjadi desa wisata alternatif di Pulau Lombok. Panorama alam Tibu Atas yang berlokasi di Desa Buwun Sejati memiliki potensi untuk mendukung desa ini menjadi salah satu destinasi andalan di pulau Lombok. Namun, Tibu Atas belum banyak dikunjungi karena terletak di wilayah yang relatif terpencil. Pengabdian yang dilakukan di desa ini telah membantu menata Tibu Atas sehingga lebih siap untuk menjadi destinasi alternatif di pulau Lombok. Berbagai program yang telah dilaksanakan antara lain pembuatan taman bunga sebagai penujang keindahan panorama Tibu Atas, edukasi pengelolaan wisata bagi masyarakat setempat, dan sosialisasi Tibu Atas kepada khalayak umum melalui sosial media. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan peluang Desa Buwun Sejati sebagai desa wisata semakin besar._____________________Kata Kunci : Desa Buwun Sejati, Air Terjun, Pariwisata, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat  ABSTRACT. Desa Buwun Sejati in West Lombok Regency is one of the developing villages to become an alternative tourism village on Lombok Island. The Tibu Atas natural panorama located in the village of Buwun Sejati has the potential to support this village as one of the mainstay destinations on the island of Lombok. However, the Upper Tibu has not been visited much because it is located in a relatively remote region. Devotion done in this village has helped organize Tibu Atas so that it is better prepared to become an alternative destination on the island of Lombok. Various programs that have been carried out include the creation of a flower garden as a supporter of the panoramic beauty of Tibu Atas, education on tourism management for the local community, and the socialization of Tibu Atas to the general public through social media. Through this activity, it is hoped that the opportunity for the Buwun Sejati Village as a tourist village will be even greater._____________________Keywords: True Buwun Village, Waterfall, Tourism, Community Empowerment

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-189
Sani Syauqi Azmi ◽  
Novi Sunu Sri Giriwati ◽  
Sri Utami Aziz

Ranu Pane Village is an enclave village located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area. This village still maintains the traditional Tengger culture which has natural potential in the form of Lake Ranu Pane and Lake Ranu Regulo. Located in a national strategic area of 10 priority tourist destinations, Ranu Pane village is directed to become a tourist village. Tourism development in the perspective of local independence is the embodiment of a community order that is carried out independently. Community participation is very decisive in the development of tourist villages, so as not to be separated from the cultural values of the local community and the decline in environmental quality, so that tourism management will be able to create a prosperous society together with nature conservation. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with direct observation techniques and library data collection. The purpose of this study was to determine the participation of the Ranu Pane village community in the development of a tourist village. through a SWOT analysis obtained a strategy for the development of tourist villages. In general, it is necessary to increase the participation of the village community so that it is better.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 184 ◽  
Suwarno Widodo ◽  
Rosalina Ginting ◽  
Supriyono P. S. ◽  
R. Istiyaningsih

The study was backed by the existence of equitable development and the acceleration efforts around countryside, has done several programs/activities at the village level -based community empowerment as well as optimize the local potential in the village such as tourist village. With the participation of the community directly in the tourist village development, then it can also be used for local community empowerment efforts. This research aim is to find the community participation in the legislation implementation through the Village tourism development Tanjungsari County of Rowosari Sub district Kendal. This research type is qualitative, descriptive research was carried out in the village in Kendal. Focus of the study was excavation of the tourism potential village, forms management in the development of tourism and other forms of activities upon community participation through the development of village tourism. Data collection methods used is interviews, observation, documentations. Technique of data analysis applies qualitative approach. The results shows that the Tanjungsari Village developed into a decent Education about how to cultivate fish and make crafts calligraphy that has tourism potential among other industrial centers household processing and marketing Fish Boiled & smoked fish, as well as the calligraphy craft. Tanjungsari Village Development model geared at empowering communities by involving the community in the development of tourist villages ranging from socialization and decision making in order to prepare the tourism components and the Pokdarwis formation. The research conclusion indicates that public participation can be rated high enough and enthusiastic but there has been no support program from the Government to prioritize the village tourism development. While the obstacles faced that there isn’t law regulation because the tourist village development program is not yet contained in the RPJMDES and RKP village then be followed up with SK (Circulating Letter) Regent Tanjungsari assignment as rural education. It suggests that socialization program in order to disseminate the existence in Tanjungsari Village with invites schools to learn to cultivate fish, creating crafts calligraphy through website and social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ade Pugara ◽  
Brian Pradana

<p>Community-based tourism (CBT) is the most popular approaches in tourism development. The main principle of CBT is giving access to the community in tourism management and development equally. Furthermore, the main goal of CBT is creating community empowerment in tourism. Therefore, the community has competitive advantages to enhance tourism quality and keep it sustain (Hausler and Strasdas, 2003).</p><p><em>.In 2015 Ponggok received the village Annual Budget (Dana Desa) from the central government. Through that budget, the local government establish the Village Company (BUMDes), which is focusing on tourism development. In the tourism development, Ponggok attempt to use Pongok water springs as the main tourist attraction.. Based on these facts, this research wants to examine "is the successes of tourism development in Ponbgok Village belongs to Community-based tourism (CBT)"?. This research uses the deductive – qualitative – rationalistic method. The analytical techniques of this research are descriptive qualitative, comparative and contrast. </em></p><em>The tourism development of Ponggok appropriate to the principle, characteristic and dimension of community-based development. It allows the local community to control and involved in tourism management. Moreover, it attracts community empowerment and shares the benefit of tourism development to direct and indirect actors. In the current situation, all people have a job, and the number of poverty can be decreased significantly</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-37
Alif Muhammad Zakaria ◽  
Mauliyana Rachmat

Empowerment and management of religious tourism villages is one alternative to overcome the still high economic and social security in Indonesia, given that the village is the frontline in regional economic development, it is necessary to empower communities to advance the economy and prosperity. This study aims to analyze how the role of empowerment and management of religious tourism villages for the socio-economic life of local communities, this research is qualitative with descriptive analysis methods, while the data from this study are divided into two (2) types, namely primary and secondary. The results of this study indicate that the impact caused is an increase in local community income through MSMEs and increased mutual respect, social service, and mutual cooperation.Keywords: Village, Religious Tourism, Community Empowerment

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 323-334
Rani Wahyuningsih ◽  
Galih Wahyu Pradana

Sektor pariwisata yang saat ini sedang banyak diminati masyarakat adalah konsep pariwisata pedesaan, seperti desa wisata. Di Gresik sendiri terdapat banyak sekali wisata yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau BUMDes seperti Desa Wisata Lontar Sewu di Desa Hendrosari. Berawal dari potensi desa yang apabila dikembangkan secara optimal dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar sehingga mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyakat Desa Hendrosari. Sebab itu perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih jauh mengenai pentingnya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Sehingga penting untuk dilakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana di Desa Hendrosari terdapat sumber daya alam yang mumpuni untuk dikelola sehingga jika dikelola lebih baik bisa untuk menambah pendapatan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus penelitian menggunakan teori Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh Tim Delivery (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Karena pada awalnya dahulu desa hendrosari terkenal dengan desa penghasil minuman fermentasi sehingga konotasi dari Desa Hendrosari lebih ke arah negatif. Sehingga dengan adanya program kerja tersebut mampu mengubah image masyarakat tentang desa tersebut menjadi desa wisata. Masyarakat Desa Hendrosari mempunyai peran penting untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan potensi yang ada seperti sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia. Sehingga mereka memiliki peran penting dalam tindakan pengambilan keputusan, mempengaruhi serta memberi manfaat bagi kondisi lingkungan yang ada disekitar. Pengelolaan yang baik menghasilkan tempat wisata yang dikenal dengan nama lontar sewu. Dengan adanya tempat wisata baru tersebut menghasilkan banyak pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan desa wisata lontar sewu. Kata kunci :Lontar Sewu, Desa Hendrosari, Desa Wisata, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat,   The tourism sector which is currently in great demand by the public is the concept of rural tourism, such as a tourist village. In Gresik itself, there are lots of tours developed by the Government through Village-Owned Enterprises or BUMDes such as Lontar Sewu Tourism Village in Hendrosari Village. Starting from the potential of the village which, if developed optimally, can increase the income of the surrounding community so as to improve the economy of the Hendrosari Village community. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further research on the importance of community empowerment. So it is important to do community empowerment where in Hendrosari Village there are natural resources that are qualified to be managed so that if they are managed better they can increase village income. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a research focus using the theory of community empowerment by the delivery team (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Because in the beginning, Hendrosari Village was known as a village that produced fermented drinks, so the connotation of Hendrosari Village was more negative. So that the existence of this work program is able to change the image of the community about the village into a tourist village. The Hendrosari Village community has an important role to play in preserving and developing existing potentials such as natural and human resources. So that they have an important role in decision-making actions, influence and benefit the surrounding environmental conditions. Good management produces a tourist spot known as lontar sewu. With this new tourist spot, it has resulted in a lot of community empowerment through the development of the Lontar Sewu tourism village. Keywords :Lontar Sewu, Hendrosari Village, Tourism Village, Community Empowerment

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 109-120
Novi Ekri Nurwahyuni ◽  
Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf

Desa Wisata Jambu berdiri sejak tahun 2018  berlokasi di Kecamatan Kayen Kidul Kabupaten Kediri yang meraih penghargaan  nominasi kategori desa wisata terbaik 2018 dan 2019 pada Penghargaan Anugerah Desa. Pada fase awal pembangunan desa wisata menggunakan modal anggaran yang berasal dari Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, serta metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung turun ke lapangan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Focus penelitian ini adalah meneliti mengenai permasalahan yang diangkat yaitu sumber daya manusia yang kurang responsive terhadap pengelolaan desa wisata. Desa wisata jambu memiliki 17 spot wisata diantaranya yaitu  Kebun Bibit Kediri, Wisata Edukasi Wiwit Padi, Permainan Outbond, Wisata Tubing Niagara, Wisata Edukasi Menangkap Lele, Agrowisata Petik Kelengkeng, Agrowisata Petik Alpukat, Agrowisata Buah Lokal, Wisata Edukasi Menanam Padi, Agrowisata Okulasi dan Tabulampat, Wisata Edukasi Angon Kerbau, Edukasi Pengolakah Yogurt, Edukasi Perah Kambing Ettawa, Edukasi Pengolahan Limbah Kayu “Ask Craft”, Wisata Sungai Sejuta Ikan, Edukasi Karawitan, Pasar Papringan. Pemerintah Desa Jambu gencar mengupayakan tumbuhnya pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengelola desa wisata. Tujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengelolaan desa wisata Jambu yaitu untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa serta mewujudkan masyarakat desa yang mampu berdaya saing dan mandiri. Dalam proses pengelolaan desa wisata terdapat kendala atau hambatan yang terjadi yaitu tanggapan masyarakat yang tidak responsive terhadap konsep spot wisata yang sudah disepakati. Selain itu kurangnya akses sarana dan prasarana spot wisata juga menjadikan kondisi desa wisata yang tidak kondusif sehingga akan menurunkan daya tarik wisatawan. Kata kunci : Desa Wisata, Alokasi Dana Desa,  Pemberdayaan Masyarakat   Jambu Tourism Village was founded in 2018, located in Kayen Kidul District, Kediri Regency, which won the nomination award for the best tourism village category 2018 and 2019 at the Village Award. In the early phase of tourism village development using budget capital from the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) with the aim of increasing the empowerment of village communities. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach, and data collection methods are carried out directly in the field with interviews, observation, and documentation. The focus of this research is to examine the problems raised, namely human resources who are not responsive to the management of tourist villages. Guava tourism village has 18 tourist spots including Kediri Seed Garden, Wiwit Paddy Educational Tour, Outbound Games, Niagara Tubing Tour, Catfish Catching Educational Tour, Longan Picking Agro, Avocado Picking Agro, Local Fruit Agro Tourism, Paddy Planting Educational Tour, Grafting Agro tourism and Tabulampat, Education Tour for Buffalo Angon, Education for Yogurt Processing, Education for Ettawa Goat Milk, Education for Making Rengginang, Education for Wood Waste Processing “Ask Craft”, One Million Fish River Tour, Education for Karawitan, Papringan Market. The Jambu Village Government is aggressively seeking the growth of community empowerment by managing a tourist village. The purpose of community empowerment through the management of the Jambu tourism village is to improve the economy of the village community and create a village community that is able to be competitive and independent. In the process of managing a tourism village, there are obstacles or obstacles that occur, namely the response of the community that is not responsive to the agreed tourist spot concept. In addition, the lack of access to tourist spot facilities and infrastructure also makes the condition of the tourist village not conducive so that it will reduce the attractiveness of tourists. Keywords: Tourism Village, Village Fund Allocation, Community Empowerment

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Ni Putu Ayu Anistya Dewi ◽  
I Putu Anom

Bali is one of the tourist destinations that is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Most people when they hear about bali island are synonymous with exotics beach. Bali is famous with the beautiful beach panorama. One of tourist attraction in the Bali Island is Mertasari Beach. Mertasari beach is an indigenous Intaran village. In tourism management is done one way to approach community institutions, namely the indigenous village institutions. Intaran village is one of the indigenous villages that located in South Denpasar District. In terms of management in Mertasari Beach, Intaran village started to build a management in December 2014 by forming BUMDES (Owned Indigenous Village). However, management Mertasari Coast has not fully given to the village. In conducting the study authors used data collecting observation, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies with similar previous studies. These results indicate that the role of Indigenous Village in Beach Intaran in the management of Mertasari terms of existing management stage such as: Planning (Planning) covers, community empowerment programs, increase sustain ability in Mertasari Beach, improve hygiene in Mertasari Beach and financial planning. Organizing (Organizing) includes, forming management organizational structure is accompanied by a clear task. Mobilization of people (Actuating) include, mobilize communities in managing Mertasari Beach, and Supervision (Controlling) include, supervision in the field of employment, supervision in the field of security and supervision of the trader.   Keywords: Management, Role, Indigenous Village

Neneng Salmiah

Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan wawasan masyarakat Desa Buluhcina tentang potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan serta peningkatan pengetahuan mempromosikan Desa Wisata Buluhcina melalui media sosial sehingga Desa tersebut menjadi maju dan mandiri serta kesejahteraan masyarakat meningkat. Permasalahan mitra adalah belum dikembangkannya potensi wisata yang dimiliki serta belum mempromosikan desa wisata secara optimal. Hal ini tentu saja berdampak pada rendahnya minat wisatawan berkunjung ke Desa Wisata Buluhcina. Khalayak sasaran adalah perangkat desa beserta masyarakat Desa Buluhcina. Solusi yang dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan dalam rangka peningkatan wawasan terkait pengembangan potensi wisata yang ada di Desa Buluhcina dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam mempromosikan wisata Desa Buluhcina melalui media sosial. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan wawasan peserta terhadap potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan di Desa Buluhcina dan peningkatan pengetahuan dalam mempromosikan wisata Desa Buluhcina melalui sosial media. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari antusiasme peserta pada saat pelaksanaan serta peningkatan hasil pre-test.[This program of community service aims to improve the insight of the community of Buluhcina Village about the potential of tourism that can be developed as well as increased knowledge of promoting the Village of Buluhcina through social media so that the village becomes advanced and independent and the welfare of society increases. Partner problems are not yet developed the tourism potential that is owned and has not promoted the tourist village optimally. This of course affects the low interest of tourists visiting the Tourism Village Buluhcina. The target audience is a village device along with the people of Buluhcina Village. The solution is to provide counseling in order to increase the insight related to the development of tourism potential in Buluhcina Village and increase the knowledge in promoting Buluhcina Village tourism through social media. The results achieved are increasing participants' insight into tourism potentials that can be developed in Buluhcina Village and increased knowledge in promoting the tourism of Buluhcina Village through social media. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of participants at the time of execution and improvement of pre-test results.]

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 111
Rumsari Hadi Sumarto ◽  
Lukas Dwiantara

This study aims to describe and analyze community empowerment activities in the Dewo Bronto Tourism Village in Yogyakarta through the concept of Community-Based Tourism. This study uses qualitative research that describes community empowerment through the concept of Community Based Tourism objectively based on data findings in the field. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Community empowerment in the field of tourism in the tourism village is carried out through various fields such as culinary business, the production of natural dyes of batik, batik training, transportation, arts and cultural attractions. This effort can support the development of tourism in the Dewo Bronto Tourism Village. However, community empowerment needs to be supported by the ability of the community to create a brand for a tourist village so that the Tourism Village is better known by tourists. In the future, it is necessary to do research on millennial communities who are familiar with the digital world so that they can promote the Village Tourism digitally. The impact of the tourist village is better known to tourists globally

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 314-320
Yohanis Rante ◽  
Sarlota Ratang

The village fund is expected village government and technical institutions can realize the vision of Jayapura city government that believes, independent, unified, modern, prosperous based local wisdom.  The city of Jayapura has established the Community Entrepreneurship Agency (BKM) in each village/village/Kelurahan in order to manage the funds of the village/village/Kelurahan more effectively, efficient, precisely targeted to support the governance activities Good and transparent. The purpose of this research is to describe the management of ADD in village community empowerment as well as driving and inhibiting factors. The results showed that optimizing village funds allocation in the development of community entrepreneurship at Village Tobati Jayapura City is already running but not maximally, hence the need for strategy.  STRATEGY (W-O) makes strategy that utilizes the opportunity to overcome weaknesses, namely consist of: Government policy that makes Village Tobati as a demonstration village for tourism, this is an opportunity to add Income or family's confidentiality. The help of Village fund, ADK, ADD the average routine each year.  The commitment of the city government to improve and develop fisheries sector, especially the cultivation of fish cages very smooth and good means of transportation, and the help of the Prospect fund from the years 2016 and 2017 for the business of kiosk, sales Pinang, vegetable sales + Seasoning Kitchen, selling cold beverages + juice jacket, selling yellow rice, handicraft business, business selling pulse, oil kerosene + gasoline, net business. The opportunities mentioned above show that weaknesses in Village Tobati can be overcome well because of the very dominant opportunities in the village. Therefore the need for awareness from the local community to take advantage of the opportunities that exist for the welfare of the family in doing some very promising efforts.

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