Training on making shredded toman fish (channa micropeltes) as a featured product of Tahura Lati Petangis, Paser Regency

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 2124-2128
Evi Setiyowati ◽  
Fitriyana Fitriyana

The Community Service aims to empower the local potential of Paser Regency through the development and application of science and technology in the food sector. The partners are the Forest Farmers Group (KTH) and the Tahura Lati Petangis Farmer Women's Group (KWT) of Paser Regency. The main problem is that the potential of toman fish (Channa micropeltes) has not been maximized to become feature products and unique processed products of the Paser regency. The method used to achieve the objective is training and mentoring in the manufacture of shredded toman fish through tutorials and demonstrations. The result shows that the partners have understood and have entrepreneurial skills, especially shredded toman fish. At the end of the activity, the service team donated floss production equipment.

Eka Zahra Solikahan ◽  
Asniwati Zainuddin ◽  
Tri Handayani

Community service carried out through the Science and Technology Program for the community aims to empower the potential of the Bulan and Tuna Tomini groups in Tanjung Kramat which are located in coastal areas with the livelihood of the people who are tuna fishermen. The main problems of the two partners are related to the processing, production, and marketing of products. The target of this program is the establishment of a business unit that develops food products from tuna fish. In particular, the program aims to train two partners, namely the Bulan and Tuna Tomini to produce tuna fish abon. Training will be given starting from production techniques, packaging, marketing, to business management techniques. The method that will be applied to achieve the goals/targets is a combination of several approaches, namely through counseling, training, mentoring, as well as providing production equipment assistance. The results achieved in this activity are the Bulan and Tuna Tomini groups who have understood and possessed entrepreneurial skills, more structured business management, addition of flavored tuna fish, which are spicy and sweet spicy flavors and marketing expansion through packaging innovation, and PIRT license

Steven ANTHONY ◽  
Bonita HIRZA ◽  

Plastic waste becomes one of the sources of environmental pollution problems. Landfill in the final landfill in Palembang, will be a serious problem if it is not sought solution. This community service is in the form of counseling and processing training of plastic waste into paving block given to the partners of the community in the location where the garbage disposal. The provision of counseling and training is expected to be the process of utilizing science and technology in the utilization of plastic waste so it is economically beneficial for the community because it has a high selling value. The implementation phase of this activity in the form of 1) establishment of partnership by determining the community, 2) fulfillment of production equipment, 3) counseling on the innovation of entrepreneurship and marketing of products, 4) training of paving block making. The result of this activity is that partners can make paving blocks from plastic waste and have entrepreneurial innovation and product marketing

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Suratna Suratna ◽  
Adi Soeprapto ◽  
Susanta Susanta ◽  
Simon Pulung Nugroho

Hargomulyo Village is one of the villages in the Kokap Kulonprogo District of Yogyakarta which has high agricultural potential. Agricultural management efforts are mostly carried out by women. The Mekar Mandiri Women Farmers Group is a forum consisting of a group of farmer wives or female farmers in Hargomulyo Village who have activities in the agricultural sector in utilizing agricultural resources to work together to increase farm productivity and the welfare of its members. In carrying out its activities, the Mekar Mandiri Farmer Group has several obstacles: (1) Limited insight and skills in developing the potential of agricultural products into processed products with higher economic value; (2) Limited production equipment capable of processing agricultural products into processed products; (3) The low involvement of young people in the development of agricultural products. The solutions offered through these Community Service activities include: (1) training to broaden the horizons and increase the capacity of the community in managing local agricultural products-based processed products, (2) Facilitating the procurement of business equipment, (3) Assisting in applying for home industry permits and trademarks, and (4) Assistance in the manufacture of packaging designs for agricultural snack products. This Community Service activity is expected to increase the insight and capacity of the Mekar Mandiri Women's Farmer Group in processing agricultural products into processed products with higher economic added value.Arifin dan Biba, Arsyad, 2016, Pengantar Agribisnis, Mujahid Press, BandungBPS Kabupaten Kulonprogo, 2020, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten Kulonprogo Menurut Lapangan Usaha 2015-2019, Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Kulonprogo.Craig, Gary, 2007, Capacity Building: Something Old, Something New..?, Critical Public Policy, 27(3):335-359Hermanu, Bambang, 2016, Implementasi Izin Edar Produk PIRT melalui Model Pengembangan Sistem Keamanan Pangan Terpadu, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multi Disiplin Imu dan Call for Papers Unisbank (SENDI_U) ke-2, Unisbank Semarang, 425-435.Hudayana, Bambang,  Pande Made Kutanegara, Setiadi, Agus Indiyanto, Zamzam Fauzanafi, Mubarika Dyah F.N., Wiwik Sushartami, dan Mohamad Yusuf, (2019), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) untuk Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Pedukuhan Pucung, Desa Wukirsari, Bantul, Bakti Budaya, 2(2):99-112Irrubai, Mohammad Liwa, 2015, Strategi Labeling, Packaging, dan Marketing Produk Hasil Industri Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Monjok  Kecamatan Selaparang Kota Mataram Nus Tenggara Barat, Society Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan IPS Ekonomi, Edisi XIII:15-30.Mukhtar, Syukrianti dan Nurif, Muchamad, 2015,  Peranan Packaging dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Produksi terhadap Konsumen, JSH : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora, 8(2):181-191 Mustanir, A, Hariyanti Hamid, Rifni Nikmat S, (2019), Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat Desa dalam Perencanaan Metode Partisipatif, Jurnal Moderat, 5(3):227-239Rahmadanih, Sitti Bulkis, Andi Amrullah, Rusli M.Rukka, M.Arsyad, (2015),  Strengthening Institutional Modelof Women-Farmers Group in Developing Household Food Diversification, International Journal of Agriculture System (IJAS), 3(1): 29-40Yuliana, Dina, (2017), Pemberdayaan Perempuan oleh Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP) melalui Kelompok Wanita Tani “Mekar Asri” di Dusun Mekar Mukti Desa Pasirmukti Kecamatan Cineam Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Dinamika : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara, 4(3):417-423.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 1128
Giacomo Squeo ◽  
Davide De Angelis ◽  
Riccardo Leardi ◽  
Carmine Summo ◽  
Francesco Caponio

Background: Mixtures play a key role in Food Science and Technology. For studying them, rational approaches should be used. In detail, the experimental designs for mixtures are useful tools for studying the effects of ingredients/components in formulations. Results: Food Science and Technology is the fourth category among the total records considered in this review. The applications span from food formulation to the composition of modified atmosphere, shelf-life improvement and bioactives extraction. However, the majority of the studies regards few products and ingredients. Simplex-lattice and simplex-centroid designs are the most common used, although some optimal designs, such as the D-optimal, have also interesting applications. Finally, some issues are highlighted, which basically regard the interpretation of the models coefficients and the lack of model validation. Conclusion: In the last decade, mixture designs have been fairly used in the field of Food Science and Technology. Modeling the response(s) allows researchers to achieve a global knowledge of the system under study within the defined experimental domain. However, the majority of application has regarded limited classes of products, and thus an increase in the spectrum of applications is desired.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 185
Sri Endah Indriwati ◽  
Eko Sri Sulasmi ◽  
Sri Rahayu Lestari ◽  
Bagus Priambodo ◽  
Hisyam Baidlowi ◽  

Kesejahteraan masyarakat merupakan hal penting yang perlu terus ditingkatkan, salah satunya dapat dilakukan dengan mengelola sumber daya alam atau potensi lokal. Kecamatan Poncokusumo merupakan bagian dari wilayah Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) yang menyimpan berbagai potensi lokal, salah satunya yaitu tanaman berpotensi obat. Keberadaan tanaman berpotensi obat dapat dijadikan sebagai tonggak dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Kecamatan Poncokusumo, terutama di desa Argosuko. Berkaitan dengan permasalahan tersebut, dilakukan beberapa upaya pendampingan: 1) pembuatan simplisia, 2) penyusunan komposisi simplisia sebagai bahan obat, hingga 3) pengemasan dan pengurusan ijin PIRT/BPOM. Partisipan dalam penelitian dan pengabdian adalah ibu-ibu PKK desa Argosuko sebanyak 30 orang, berasal dari 3 dusun (Keden, Wangkal Kidul, dan Wangkal Lor). Hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa seluruh ibu-ibu PKK bisa mengikuti kegiatan pendampingan yang diadakan. Melalui program pendampingan, ibu-ibu PKK memperoleh pembekalan bagaimana memperkaya pengetahuan tentang pembuatan bermacam-macam simplisia yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi, bagaimana menyusun komposisi simplisia sebagai bahan jamu herbal, bagaimana cara melakukan pengemasan yang menarik konsumen, dan bagaimana mendapatkan legalitas dari dinas terkait. Sehingga harapannya, di masa depan ibu-ibu PKK dapat mengatasi masalah perekonomian akibat ketidaktahuan dalam mengelola potensi lokal sebagai sumber ekonomi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga dan masyarakat.Kata kunci—pendampingan, branding, simplisia, kesejahteraan masyarakatAbstractCommunity welfare is an important thing that needs to be improved, one of which can be done by managing natural resources or local potential. Poncokusumo Subdistrict is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) which stores a variety of local potential, one of which is a potentially medicinal plant. The existence of potential medicinal plants can be used as a milestone in improving the welfare of the community in the District of Poncokusumo, especially in the village of Argosuko. In acquintance with this problem, several assistance efforts have been made: 1) manufacturing of simplicia, 2) preparation of the composition of simplicia as a medicinal ingredient, up to 3) packaging and processing of PIRT/BPOM permits. Participants in the research and service were 30 PKK Argosuko village women, coming from three hamlets (Keden, Wangkal Kidul, and Wangkal Lor). The results of research and community service show that all PKK can participate in the mentoring activities that are held. Through the mentoring program, PKK got a briefing on how to enrich their knowledge about making various kinds of simplicia that have high economic value, how to arrange the composition of simplicia as herbal medicinal ingredients, how to do packaging that attracts consumers, and how to obtain legality from related agencies. Therefore, it is expected in the future, PKK can overcome economic problems due to ignorance in managing local potential as an economic source to improve the welfare of families and communities.Keywords—assistance, branding, simplicia, community welfare

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Ahmad Rudi Yulianto ◽  
Wahyu Setiawan

MSMEs are an economic driving sector that can contribute greatly to the Indonesian economy. One of the weaknesses of MSMEs is that they still lack knowledge and understanding of financial management, especially when coupled with the Covid-19 epidemic, MSMEs are experiencing various problems, so there needs to be strengthening of MSMEs through various skills so that MSMEs can survive during pandemics and post-pandemics. One of the business groups that is quite affected by Covid-19, is MSMEs engaged in the culinary or food sector, which are indicated to still have weaknesses in the financial aspect. Our MSME partners in community service are handayani catering assisted groups. The PKM team makes efforts to assist the assisted catering groups through mentoring, empowerment and capacity building activities in financial management, starting with providing financial records and bookkeeping as well as various ways to mitigate financial risk. The result of this activity was that the participants began to prepare financial reports and began to implement financial management, especially cash flow, which was previously less of a concern. Participants were greatly helped by the preparation of financial reports as an indicator of business sustainability and health.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Septian Emma Dwi Jatmika Jatmika ◽  
Siti Kurnia Widi Hastuti2

This Community Service and Empowerment Program offers solutions to overcome problems encountered in Sedayu, especially the under-five health problems, such as the lack of knowledge about the provision of MP ASI according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards, the lack of utilization of quality local foods for MP-ASI and many the provision of instant breastfeeding by mothers in infants, the provision of MP-ASI is less appropriate with the duration, frequency, texture and variation according to age stage and the lack of attention of parents related to the growth of infants. The data shows that there are many toddlers in Sedayu who suffer from malnutrition and even malnutrition and stunting (short). The purpose of this community service is to improve the community's knowledge about the making of MP ASI by optimizing the existing local wisdom. The hope of this program can improve the knowledge, behavior and health status of children under five. The target of this program is the mother of the students from the students of  TK ABA Argomulyo, TK ABA Sedayu and TK Tapen, Sedayu Subdistrict, Bantul who have under five children. Activities undertaken include training on the basic principles of MP-ASI, training on making and assisting various processed MP-ASI using quality local food. And held a mini gallery of processed products of various variations of ASI MP using quality local food to promote MP ASI products to the public.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
J Junaidi ◽  
Rudi Kurnianto

Abstract– Most of the people in the district of Sungai Kunyit are engaged in the business of seafood including udang ebi. Udang ebi's monthly production in this district reached 5000 kg. Although the potential of udang ebi processing in Sungai Kunyit dsitrict is quite large, it's benefits still not improve the lives and welfare of the local fishermen. The low of education level may directly affect welfare of society that in general are still categorized as underprivileged families. Partners in this community service activities are the drying group of udang ebi in the territory of Sungai Kunyit district. The partners were Usaha Bahari Terpadu and Karya Bersama. These drying groups of udang ebi are generally running their business still use the traditional way by relying on the natural sunlight for drying udang ebi catches. So that during the rainy season, where the sun shines not too good and often cloudy, their income declined up to 40%. The above problem encouraged the team Community Services in the Sungai Kunyit district to conduct socialization and pilot project in construction drying oven for udang-ebi. Through this science and technology for Society (Ibm) program funded by Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M), it is expected to give significant effect on improvement in live and welfare of the local fishermen, especially drying group of udang-ebi, and finally increases the health, education and economic levels of society in general. Keywords– Nelayan, Ebi, Mesin pengering, Biomass.

Petrus Senas ◽  
Evnaweri Evnaweri ◽  
Tyas Wara Sulistyaningrum

This activity was carried out at Poklahsar Tampung Parei Jalan Tingang VIIB/Bukit Pengharapan No.2 Palangka Village, Jekan Raya Sub-District, Palangka Raya City on Tuesday, September 10, 2019. The purpose of this activity was to transfer knowledge and technology for processing value-added fish products for added value. Poklahsar Tampung Pare utilizes local wisdom so that it can produce new variant products. The open mindset of participants of the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program at Palangkaraya University to learn entrepreneurship with the skills they have to prosper their lives going forward. The activity was carried out by giving material to the Community Service Team in discussions with fish processing products entrepreneurs and demonstration of the manufacture of new products by adding sesame powder to processed products of wadi patin. Value-added processed fish products from local wisdom have advantages over other products. Besides being a product with a variety of new flavors, it can also increase consumer interest in buying to increase income and improve the welfare of the community, especially fisheries processing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-147
Elisabet Siahaan ◽  
Khaira Amalia Fachruddin ◽  
Hilma Tamiami Fachruddin

Local own-source revenue is one of the sources of revenue for the government of Medan. This revenue is used to accelerate the development of the city of Medan, especially in the infrastructure development section. A better infrastructure will help in the implementation of business operations that support the improvement of community welfare. One source of local revenues is the local tax revenue. The community service was conducted to optimize the revenue of Medan through optimizing the value of taxable object. This community service supported the government of Medan medium term plan program. This service was carried out with briefing methods, workshops, and mentorings. Science and technology given include work ethic, effective communication, and taxable object valuation. The results of this community service were satisfactory. There was a significant change in the attitude of partners while updating the data. As the results, the community as the owner of taxable object becomes more cooperative and the updating data goes better.

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