scholarly journals Core Ethical Values of Character Education Based on Sundanese Culture Value

Hisny Fajrussalam ◽  
Aan Hasanah

This paper is motivated by the moral decadence that occurs in West Java as a Sundanese society. This paper intends to re-explore ethical values that should be the basis of Sundanese people's lives in West Java. This research uses qualitative. Data taken from the author's observational that are felt and experienced in everyday life. Research shows that education takes an important role in efforts to foster a moral attitude of society. Education in question is character education based on Sundanese cultural values. So hopefully the community can become an identity that always holds the wisdom of a good Sundanese culture. Some ethical values of Sundanese culture that can be found are welfare, health, care for the environment, moderate, hard work, discipline, politeness, honesty, upholding the truth, mutual cooperation, social solidarity, positive thinking, mature calculation, education, gender management, preservation and preservation Sundanese culture. The values of Sundanese culture can be classified into 2 (two), namely prosperity/welfare and peace/goodness that are all reflected in outlook on life, oral traditions, language, and pro-social behavior. These values are very relevant to the essential value of the Koran. Based on the values inherent in the Sundanese community, it should be able to create a climate that brings the community to Islamic values. Thus, we will go to the society that Islam aspires for, namely a society where every aspect of life breathes religious values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Rohmatulloh Rohmatulloh ◽  
Aan Hasanah Aan Hasanah ◽  
Uus Ruswandi

Customary village is small group of people who still survive and consistently preserve the culture and belief of their ancestors. Local cultural values deserve to be promoted to the application of character education in school. The qualitative research understanding the life and local cultural values is carried out in the people of Kampung Adat Cirendeu in West Java. The local culture of the Kampung Adat Cirendeu people holds the principle of ngindung ka waktu and mibapa ka jaman which has the meaning of maintaining identity but still keeping abreast of the times. One of the local cultural values that still preserves until today is the culture of cassava-based food as a substitute for rice. This culture has been going on for a century and become an inspiration for the national food diversification program. One of the preservation efforts is through the example of their ancestors. Promotion and granting food culture values to the character education in schools involve various educational stakeholders (teachers, educators, governments, people, and customary peoples) that should give an example to the students. The most effective method is to form students with character and in the end they will be familiar with local food culture and does not depend on rice. Keywords: Character education, Kampung Adat Cirendeu, Exemplary. PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER NILAI-NILAI BUDAYA LOKAL MAKANAN DI MASYARAKAT KAMPUNG ADAT CIRENDEU JAWA BARAT MELALUI KETELADANANDesa adat adalah sekelompok kecil orang yang masih bertahan dan secara konsisten melestarikan budaya dan kepercayaan nenek moyang mereka. Nilai-nilai budaya lokal layak dipromosikan untuk penerapan pendidikan karakter di sekolah. Penelitian kualitatif yang memahami kehidupan dan nilai-nilai budaya lokal ini dilakukan pada masyarakat Kampung Adat Cirendeu di Jawa Barat. Budaya lokal masyarakat Kampung Adat Cirendeu memegang prinsip ngindung ka waktu dan mibapa ka jaman yang memiliki makna mempertahankan identitas tetapi tetap mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Salah satu nilai budaya lokal yang masih dipertahankan hingga saat ini yaitu budaya makanan berbasis singkong sebagai pengganti beras. Budaya ini telah berlangsung selama satu abad dan menjadi inspirasi bagi program diversifikasi pangan nasional. Salah satu upaya pelestariannya yaitu melalui contoh dari nenek moyang mereka. Promosi dan pemberian nilai-nilai budaya makanan untuk pendidikan karakter di sekolah melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan pendidikan (guru, pendidik, pemerintah, masyarakat, dan masyarakat adat) yang harus memberikan contoh kepada siswa. Metode yang paling efektif yaitu membentuk para siswa dengan karakter dan pada akhirnya mereka akan terbiasa dengan budaya makanan lokal dan tidak bergantung pada beras. Kata kunci: Pendidikan karakter, Kampung Adat Cirendeu, teladan.

2021 ◽  
Amtai Alaslan

AbstractThis study aims to describe, analyze the cultural values of duan lolat based on local wisdom in the Tanimbar community in West Southeast Maluku Regency (MTB). The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, data is collected through interviews, observation and literature studies as well as tracking related research results.The results of the study show that duan-lolat cultural values based on local wisdom remain alive and take root in the Tanimbar community as an entity or characteristic of the Tanimbar community, so they can contribute positively to the provision of development in this country. The spirit of mutual cooperation, social solidarity, compassion, independence and consensus in resolving community conflicts which are actually duan-lolat values, starting from being corrected (deconstructed) the meaning exchanged for the low value of duan-lolat, can also be transformed into the wisdom of the Tanimbar community.Keywords: Cultural Value, Duan Lolat and Local WisdomAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan, menganalisis Nilainilai budaya duan lolat berbasis kearifan lokal pada masyarakat Tanimbar di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat (MTB). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka serta penelusuran hasilhasil penelitian yang terkait.Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilainilai budaya duan-lolat yang berbasis kearifan lokal tetap hidup dan mengakar di masyarakat Tanimbar sebagai entitas atau ciri khas dari masyarakat Tanimbar, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi positif dalam mengisi pelaksanaan pembangunan di negeri ini. Semangat gotong royong, solidaritas sosial, bela rasa, kemandirian dan kemufakatan dalam menyelesaikan konflik masyarakat yang sejatinya merupakan nilainilai duan-lolat muali mengalami pergeseran (dekonstruksi) makna sehingga menyebabkan rendahnya derajat nilai duan-lolat itu sendiri sebagai sebuah kearifan lokal yang dianut oleh masyarakat Tanimbar.Kata Kunci : Nilai Budaya, Duan Lolat dan Kearifan Lokal

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Erni Erni ◽  
Herwandi Herwandi

One of the oral traditions of Pelalawan people loaded with character values ​​is the Long Chant of the Bujang Si Undang. In the long song Bujang Si Undang depicted portrait of ideal character of pelalawan people who can be guided as effort to maintain local wisdom of Petalangan society. This paper aims to describe the value of character education contained in the Legend of the Legal Bujang Si. Techniques performed in analyzing data using content analysis (content analysis). The result of the research shows that Singing Long Bujang Si Undang has educational content of character value. Educational values ​​of the characters contained in the Legend of Singles Long Leg there are five, namely the character of faith and cautious, honest, intelligent, resilient, and caring. Character education in Long Singing Sing song with the focus of faith and cautious reflected from the character of obedience to parents and mandate. The value of character education with honest focus is depicted from the honest character and responsibility. The education of the character's character with the focus of the intelligent character is depicted from the virtue character of demanding science and openness. Educational values ​​of characters with strong character focus are depicted from the character of hard work, diligent, and diligent, independent, confident, and courageous. Educational values ​​of characters with a focus of caring character depicted from sincere character, willing to sacrifice, affection, mutual cooperation, and spirit of unity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Syaiful Anwar ◽  
Agus Salim

National character education aims to form a strong, competitive, moral, tolerant nation, mutual cooperation, patriotic spirit, dynamic development, knowledge and technology oriented all of which are inspired by faith and piety to the Almighty God as in aspiring to the Pancasila philosophy. Character education is an important issue in the world of education related to the phenomenon of moral decadence that occurs in the community as well as in an increasingly diverse and diverse government environment. Crime, injustice, corruption, violence against children, violation of human rights, are evidence that there has been a crisis of identity and characteristics of the Indonesian nation. The values of politeness, and religiosity that are upheld and become the culture of the Indonesian nation as long as it seems to be weak and feels foreign along with the entry of global cultural values (global culture of the era), so that it is rarely encountered in the midst of society. Islamic education is a strategic answer in realizing the formation of national character from the family (informal), institutional institutions (formal) and learning groups in the community (non-formal), which is the main capital in the formation of national character.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
Damardjati Kun Marjanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya melalui pranata pendidikan adat; mengungkapkan kendala-kendala dalam proses pewarisan; dan mengetahui peranan pemerintah daerah dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan adat tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan Diskusi Kelompok Terpumpun (DKT). Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan sebagai berikut: 1) pembelajaran budaya dalam pranata adat di lima lokasi penelitian mendukung penguatan pendidikan karakter terkait dengan nilai-nilai utama program PPK, yakni Religius, Nasionalis, Mandiri, Gotong Royong, dan Integritas; 2) Pembelajaran budaya dilakukan melalui dua cara yakni praktik langsung dan pemberian nasihat, serta aktivitas pembelajaran lebih banyak dilaksanakan di tempat terbuka/alam; 3) Beberapa kendala yang ada dalam kegiatan pranata pendidikan adat adalah masalah dana, regenerasi pengajar, pergeseran nilai dari pelaksanaan pendidikan adat; 4) Dukungan pemerintah daerah secara umum masih minim terhadap pranata pendidikan adat ini. The objective of this research is to study the transmission of cultural values through institution of traditional education; reveal the problems during the transmission process; and identify the role of the local government in the traditional education process. This is a qualitative research. Data was collected through observations, interviews, and focus group discussion. The results of the study were as follow: 1) cultural learning in traditional institutions in five research locations supports the strengthening of character education related to the main values of the PKK program, namely religiosity, nationalism, independency, mutual cooperation, and integrity; 2) Cultural learning is accomplished in two ways namely by direct practice and advice giving, and mostly carried out in open / natural areas; 3) Some of the obstacles that exist in the activities of traditional educational institutions are the problem of funding, teacher regeneration, and the shifting values of the implementation of traditional education; 4) The support of the regional government in general is still minimal for these traditional educational institutions.

Ilham Rohman Ramadhan ◽  
Djono Djono ◽  
Nunuk Suryani

Kasepuhan Ciptagelar is one of the Sundanese traditional village based on agricultural culture in West Java Province, Indonesia. Kasepuhan Ciptagelar people still hold and apply their ancestral cultural values in their daily life. The purpose of this study is to (1) know the existence of local wisdom values that exist in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar society; (2) to know the form of social solidarity values that exist in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar community and (3) Integration of local wisdom value for social solidarity development in globalization era. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, with ethnography approach. The results show that (1) Kasepuhan Ciptagelar community has some local wisdom, they are social solidarity, environment awareness, democratic, honest, responsibility and creative. The values of existing local wisdom still exist and are proven to survive in the era of globalization; (2) social solidarity in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar reflected from social interaction, trust and social awareness that exist in society; and (3) Development of social solidarity in the era of globalization can be done through the integration of local wisdom into education in School.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 227
Pani Gultom ◽  
Muhammad Natsir ◽  
Fauziah Khairani Lubis

The research was found on the topic about  The Cultural Values of batak Toba in Batu Gantung Local Tradition in Samosir Island. This study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative method. The source of data was taken from the informants who live around Samosir Island, Kabupaten Simalungun. The technique for analyzing the data is descriptive qualitative research based on The Cultural Values in Sibarani (2013). The result of this research was The Cultural Values of Batak Toba in Batu Gantung Local Tradition in Samosir Island are Seeing Each Other Frequently, Honesty (30%), courtesy, social solidarity, harmony and conflict resolution (60%), welfare, hard work, discipline, mutual cooperation, gender management (80%) and education, health, cultural preservation and creativity, environmental concern, peace, commitment, positive thoughts, and gratitude. (100%). Keywords: Cultural Values, Local Tradition

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 79

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the application of integrated historical learning models Kalwedo culture. Kalwedo culture is one of the local wisdom of the people of Southwest Maluku who have noble values ​​such as cooperation, mutual cooperation, mutual respect, and social care. The research method used is Research and Development, by collecting data through literature studies, interviews, surveys, pre-post test tests and questionnaires. Data is processed using SPSS to determine the level of effectiveness of the application of the learning model. The results of the study indicate that this learning model is effectively used. This can be seen in the statistical results of achievement abilities and attitude scores between the experimental class and the control class that have a significant difference. This is shown by the acquisition of the experimental posttest grade value of 99.96 and the control class posttest of 93.68. While the value for the T test was obtained at 2.785 with a significance level of 0.007. Significance level of 0.007 <0.025. Then Ho is rejected or there is a difference in average between the experimental class and the control class. So it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant increase in the class using the historical learning model integrated Kalwedo cultural values ​​through PBL. From the results obtained can be concluded that the model developed is effective if used in learning, especially learning history.

Eva Febriani ◽  
Nunuk Suryani ◽  
Sariyatun Sariyatun

In the educational field, the implementation of History learning that provides local culture heritage is defined as a small starting point for the character changes of a large generation of notion. In the context of cultural values, several values such as acculturation, tolerance, cooperation and mutual cooperation are presented through the Indis architecture of Kapitan house as a model of History learning that is relevant to assist the growth process of a generation having characteramong the plural society. In this study, researchers propose the Indis architecture values of Kapitan house to transform the values of local culture heritage as a form of students’ solidarity. Through the existing values on Indis architecture of Kapitan house, the students are expected tobuild the tolerance, mutual cooperation, cooperation and mutual respect in diversity. In order to investigate the purpose this study, mixed-method research that was meant as the combination between quantitative and qualitative research was applied in SMAN 8 Palembang. To clarify, this study aimed at presenting the locality of Palembang history in forming the students’ social solidarity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 196-205
Luluk Ulfa Hasanah ◽  
Novi Andari

The purpose of this research is to explore the oral traditions that exist in the Becirongengor village as well as the social and cultural values ​​contained in these oral traditions so that these values ​​can provide learning for the local community. Starting from the problem that the oral tradition that develops in society is starting to lose its existence. Currently the role of oral tradition has begun to be replaced by the existence of social media that has mushroomed in the community. The question is how the oral tradition is able to provide social and cultural values ​​among the community, especially the Becirongengor Village community. The qualitative descriptive method is the chosen research method. The results found that there are still oral traditions that develop in the community, namely (1) the history of Beciro and Ngengor; (2) Haul Mbah Janten and Mbah Surogati; (3) the Kleman Tradition; (4) Paseban Karang Jiwo; (5) MBET traditions; and (6) Slametan. The social and cultural values ​​implicit in the oral tradition are the values ​​of mutual cooperation, andap ashor, tepo seliro, aji mareng sesepuh, friendship, tolerance, religious, and historical values. Of course, oral tradition also provides benefits in social science and cultural education among people, who have experienced the process of transmitting social values ​​that function for entertainment, reminiscing about the past (meaning to history studying), solidarity and togetherness, religious or religious functions, social control, and education.        

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