2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
M. Sholehuddin Al Ayyubi ◽  
Yul Harry Bahar ◽  
Achmad Musyadar

Empowerment of Women Farmers Groups (KWT) through the utilization of yardland is one way to improve the quality of life and women's independence. The purpose of the study is to describe, analyze, and formulate a strategy for empowering KWT through the use of yard land for healthy vegetable cultivation in Bojonggambir District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The number of samples was determined by the total sampling method. The results of descriptive analysis describe the characteristics of KWT on age (productive), education (low), length of farming (high), yard area (narrow), and all external factors (medium). The related factors are the area of the yard, the role of agricultural extension workers, and the availability of facilities and infrastructure. The strategy is in the form of extension activities with descriptive analysis to determine the material and Spearman Rank correlation to optimize factors related to empowerment, namely the area of yards (sig .044), availability of facilities and infrastructure (sig .037), and the role of extension workers (sig .000).

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-174
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto

Background: One of the most prevalent cardiovascular problems in elderly people is hypertension.Health cadres are those who voluntarily dedicate their time to have concern about elderly people’s health status in the community. Health cadres’ roles are important to promote elderly people quality of life, including their hypertension management. Objectives: This research aimed to analyzethe correlation between the role of health cadres of elderly posyandu and the treatment of hypertension at Salamrejo Village Sentolo Kulon Progo. Methods:This research was a correlational study with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was selectedwith a total sampling technique, drawn 57 hypertension patients. Data were analyzedwith Spearman rank correlation. Results:The result showed that coefficient correlation value of Spearman’s rho (r) between the role of cadres of elderly posyandu and the treatment of hypertension patients was 0.294 and p-value was 0.026 (p< 0.05). Conclusion:It can be concluded that there was a positive and significant correlation between the role of cadres of elderly posyandu and the treatment of hypertension. Key word:cadres, elderly posyandu, hypertension

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Carolina Anaktototy ◽  
George S. J. Tomatala ◽  
Lily Joris

This study aims to examine the role of extension workers for breeders in buffalo farming in Moa District, Southwest Maluku Regency. The method used in this research is survey method, the sample is determined by purposive sampling., The form of qualitative descriptive analysis with the first stage is checking the data, in this activity it is carried out after conducting an interview (filling out a list of questions). Based on the results of the research, the performance of agricultural extension services at the Moa Subdistrict BPP in developing buffalo farming in the research village is running well but not yet optimal. This is because the quantity of extension workers is still small and the quality of the timeliness of extension workers in completing the work is not good because the amount of work to be done is not balanced with the quantity of extension workers. In addition, there is still a lack of infrastructure for extension workers such as the posluhdes (Village Extension Officer).

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Zulvera Zulvera ◽  
Sumardjo Sumardjo ◽  
Margono Slamet ◽  
Basita Ginting

This study aims to analyze the empowerment level of the organic vegetable farmers as well as the related factors. The study was conducted in Agam and Tanah Datar, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The sample consisted of 300 vegetable farmers having attended the program of organic vegetable development in West Sumatra. The primary and secondary data were collected from September 2013 to January 2014. The analysis was performed by using the descriptive analysis and the Spearman Rank correlation. The research result shows that the empowerment level of the organic vegetable farmers in Tanah Datar and Agam is categorised low. Meanwhile, the factors related to the empowerment level of the farmers are the internal characteristics of the farmer, the intensity of extension, and the support the external environment.

Yara Falmira Dianira

ABSTRACT An important factor for the success of a CSR program is effective communication. Communication will be effective if it has an impact. If the information is conveyed based on the needs, then the communication will be effective. This study aims to analyze the factors which are related to the effectiveness of CSR communication. This study used a census method to approach 37 participants who received CSR programs. The Data analysis used the Spearman rank correlation for the statistical tests. The results showed that there was a correlation between factors that have the strength of CSR companion communication (level of attractiveness of the companion, quality of message content, and sources of information) which have real communication at the level of understanding of the participants of the Kertajaya Creative Destination (KCD) CSR program. In addition, there is a real correlation the factors that have the strength of CSR companion communication (the level of credibility of the companion, the source information, and the level of the recipient) and having communication at the level of attitudes of participants in the Kertajaya Creative Destination (KCD) CSR program. However, there is no real correlation between CSR companion communication factors and participant actions.Keywords :communication effectiveness, CSR, elements of communication. ABSTRAK Faktor penting dari keberhasilan program CSR adalah komunikasi yang efektif. Komunikasi dikatakan efektif jika menimbulkan dampak. Bila informasi tersampaikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, maka komunikasi yang dijalankan efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas komunikasi pendamping CSR. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sensus terhadap 37 orang peserta penerima program CSR. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik korelasi rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan nyata antara faktor efektivitas komunikasi pendamping CSR (derajat daya tarik pendamping, kualaitas isi pesan, dan sumber informasi)  dengan efektivitas komunikasi pada tingkat pemahaman peserta program CSR Kertajaya Creative Destination (KCD). Selain itu, terdapat hubungan nyata antara faktor efektivitas komunikasi pendamping CSR (tingkat kredibilitas pendamping, sumber informasi, dan tingkat penerima) dengan efektivitas komunikasi pada tingkat sikap peserta program CSR Kertajaya Creative Destination (KCD). Namun, tidak terdapat hubungan nyata antara faktor efektivitas komunikasi pendamping CSR dengan tindakan peserta. Kata Kunci : CSR, efektivitas komunikasi, unsur-unsur komunikasi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Fahrurrrazi Fahrurrrazi

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena minat baca siswa dan pengaruh minat baca terhadap pertumbuhan kemampuan belajar siswa pada jenjang-jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya. Kepala sekolah sebagai lokomotif perkembangan mutu pendidikan memiliki peran strategi bagi pengumbuhan dan pengembangan minat baca peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala madrasah sebagai edukator, manajer, dan innovator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif lapangan, data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi, serta dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai edukator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik meliputi meliputi tiga pembinaan, yakni pembinaan mental dan moral, serta pembinaan artistik. 2) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai manajer dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam meliputi penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dengan didasarkan pada pada kerjasama dengan USAID dan UIN Walisongo Semarang. 3) Peran kepala madrasah sebagai innovator dalam pengembangan minat baca peserta didik di MIT Nurul Islam Kota Semarang meliputi inovasi strategi, pola pikir (mindset) dan struktur. Abstract This research is motivated by the phenomenon of reading interest of students and the influence of reading interest on the growth of students' learning ability in the next level of education. The principal as a locomotive of the development of the quality of education has a strategic role for the growth and development of reading interest of learners. This study aims to determine the role of principal as an educator, manager, and innovator in the development of reading interest of learners in MIT Nurul Islam Semarang City. This research is a qualitative field research, data collected through observation, interview, documentation and triangulation, and analyzed by descriptive analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The role of principal as an educator in the development of reading interest of learners includes three activities are coaching, namely mental and moral coaching, and artistic coaching. 2) The role of principal as manager in the development of reading interest of learners at MIT Nurul Islam covers the application of management functions based on cooperation with USAID and UIN Walisongo Semarang. 3) The role of principal as innovator in the development of reading interest of learners at MIT Nurul Islam Semarang City includes innovation strategy, mindset, and structure.

KarismaPro ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Eny Nuryani

One of the efforts taken by the company to improve morale is to meet the promotion appropriately, because when promotions are met then the employee will contribute optimum morale. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of a promotion, the condition of employee morale and job promotion role in improving employee morale at PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) Branch Garut Retail.The analytical method used in this research is descriptive and verification method. Descriptive method used to determine the implementation of promotion and conditions of employee morale at PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) branch of Garut Retail, the verification method used to determine the role of promotion in improving employee morale at the office of PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) branch Retail Garut.The method used is survey explanation. The process of sampling carried out by random sampling technique. The sample size is 65 people. The data collection was conducted using questionnaires, interviews, and literature.These results indicate that the promotion included in the category of good, as well as morale is also high. It is seen that the coefficient of determination variable X amounted to 16.56%, and the remaining 83.44% is the influence of other factors. Spearman Rank Correlation promotion variables play a role in improving employee morale with a yield of 0,407 and have a relationship and the variables that are significant

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Joko Amin Sunarko ◽  
Rafeah Abubakar ◽  
Harniatun Iswarini

ABSTRACT This study aims To find out the constraints faced by extension workers in providing agricultural extension in Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency and To know the response of farmers to the implementation of agricultural extension in the Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research was carried out in Sukasari Village Mesuji Raya District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in March to May 2017. The research method used is qualitative methods. While the sampling method used is simple random Purposive sampling will 28 samples of palm oil farmer. So the sample studied from members of the population as a whole that is as much as 28 oil palm farmers. Data collection methods used are interviews and observation methods. The data collected consists of primary data and secondary data. Method of processing and analysis of data used is using descriptive analysis method with qualitative approach. The results showed that agricultural extension facilities used extension workers are motorcycles, aids and props. Infrastructure that is not yet supported is not yet all extension workers get a service house near the location of counseling, Distance taken by agricultural extension workers in carrying out their duties is about 3 km for the location of the activities of the farmer's house and about 5 km for the location of agricultural gardens. Farmer's response to the organik fertilizer extension activiti b using cattle manure for oil palm plantation with total score or 47,50 which means getting high score.  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi penyuluh dalam memberikan penyuluhan pertanian di Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir dan Untuk mengetahui tanggapan petani terhadap pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian di Desa Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sukasari Kecamatan Mesuji Raya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir pada bulan Maret sampai dengan bulan Mei 2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Sedangkan metode penarikan contoh yang digunakan adalah acak sederhana Purposive sampling dengan anggota populasi sebanyak 28. Maka sampel yang diteliti dari anggota populasi secara keseluruhan yaitu sebanyak 28 petani kelapa sawit. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan observasi. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengolahan dan analisis data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan metode analisis diskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Sarana penyuluhan pertanian yang digunakan penyuluh adalah sepeda motor, alat bantu dan alat peraga. Prasarana yang yang belum mendukung adalah belum semua penyuluh mendapatkan rumah dinas di dekat lokasi penyuluhan, Jarak yang ditempuh penyuluh pertanian dalam melaksanakan tugasnya adalah sekitar 3 km untuk kelokasi kegiatan dari rumah petani dan sekitar 5 km untuk lokasi kebun pertanian. Tanggapan petani terhadap kegitan penyuluhan pertanian pupuk organik dengan menggunakan kotoran ternak untuk tanaman kelapa sawit dengan jumlah keseluruhan skornya 47.5 yang artinya memperoleh nilai tinggi.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-67
Lintar Brillian Pintakami ◽  
Eko Wahyu Budiman

This study aims to describe the agribusiness partnership process that takes place in Kampung Kucai, analyze the income of chives farming, and the perception of chives farmers on the partnership process in Garum District, Blitar Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of a case study. Informants in this study were partner chives farmers in Kampung Kucai. Determination of the sample of plasma partner farmers was carried out by purposive sampling method. Informants were selected based on secondary data from the core and information from farmers. So the sample used for Kucai Mitra farmers is 20 people. In addition, there are also 5 key informants. The methods of data collection carried out in this study are of several types, namely structured interviews, in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and documentation. The data analysis method used in this researchis descriptive analysis,  income analysis, and Likert analysis. The results showed that the type of partnership between the Financial Institution "Bank BRI" and the partner chives farmers was classified as a nucleus-plasma partnership pattern. In the mechanism of the partnership pattern of the Financial Institution "BRI Bank" with the Kucai Farmer Group, it is carried out based on a partnership agreement. The agreement letter contains the identities of the two partnering parties and the rules given by "Bank BRI" as well as the location or planting area. The total income from chives farming is Rp. 242,000, -. The income of chives farming can be taken by women farmers once a month at the monthly member meeting in the Women Farmers Group or can be saved in advance. If they are saved, usually the women farmers in the research location will take the income before the Eid al-Fitr. The perception of partner chives farmers on the planning of partnership implementation is 80% or very good, the perception of partner chives farmers on the partnership process is 78% or quite good, and the perception of the evaluation of the partnership is very good with 85% results. So that the results of the Likert analysis on the average perception of partner chives farmers on the partnership process with financial institutions "Bank BRI" have a very good category with a percentage of 80% where the total score is 483.


This study aimed to know the role of agricultural extension in the development of tomato cultivation, the application level of tomato cultivation technology, and the relationship between the role of agricultural extension.  The sampling method in this study was stratified random sampling. The data were analyzed by using Rank Spearman. The results showed that the role of agricultural extension in the technology of tomato cultivation was very important position with an average score of 39.16, the level of application of tomato cultivation technology was in a high position with an average score of 45.47, there is a close relationship between the role of agricultural extension with the application level of tomato cultivation technology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Diansanto Prayoga ◽  
Syifaul Lailiyah ◽  
Jayanti Dian Eka Sari

Health services conducted by hospitals must prioritize quality and satisfaction for consumers. Internal hospital customers are hospital works that have a major role in providing services to consumers. Analysis Methods This study uses Quantitative Descriptive Analysis method. For a large sample of staff employees taken 20% of all employees (589 people) at Blambangan Regional General Hospital Banyuwangi regency of 125 people by systematic random sampling. The results of this study indicate that the level of satisfaction of employee employee karywan for 68.95 included in the category of satisfaction. Hospital employee satisfaction value is the highest indicator of job satisfaction that is mentally challenging with the value of employee satisfaction of 71.72, while the lowest hospital employee satisfaction value is a reasonable indicator of Rewards satisfaction with employee satisfaction score of 64.23. Accreditation of Blambangan Public Hospital of Banyuwangi Regency earned the title of Plenary.This study reviews materials for the management of the hospital to make improvements in the role of hospital employees to perform services to the community and management evaluation in improving the performance of employees in the organization. Keyword : Job Satisfaction, Accreditation, Quality of Hospital

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