2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 627
Hera Febria Mavilinda ◽  
Akhmad Nazaruddin ◽  
Nofiawaty Nofiawaty ◽  
Islahuddin Daud ◽  
Lina Dameria S.

ABSTRAKKebijakan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi digital menuntut para pelaku UMKM untuk dapat bertransformasi ke arah digitalisasi melalui pengembangan Kewirausahaan Digital (Digital Entrepreneurship). Namun demikian, pengembangan Digital Entrepreneurship di Indonesia dinilai masih rendah. Keterbatasan kemampuan UMKM dalam menggunakan teknologi serta kurangnya edukasi dan pemahaman literasi digital disinyalir menjadi hambatan dalam pengembangan Digital Entrepreneurship. Permasalahan ini juga dirasakan oleh para pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk pengembangan dan penguatan literasi Digital Entrepreneurship serta memotivasi para pelaku UMKM agar dapat bertransformasi ke arah digitalisasi dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah para pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing yang berjumlah ± 30 orang dengan jenis usaha bergerak dibidang pengolahan makanan, minuman, konveksi dan pertanian. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan (ceramah), tutorial dan diskusi interaktif. Melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam pengembangan “Digital Entrepreneurship” bagi pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman literasi digital serta menumbuhkan motivasi bagi UMKM agar dapat bertransformasi ke arah digitalisasi. Pelatihan dan pendampingan ini juga diharapkan dapat menciptakan dan mengembangkan strategi bisnis yang lebih inovatif serta berdaya saing global yang dapat membantu penciptaan lapangan kerja dan meningkatan perekonomian desa. Kata kunci: digital entrepreneurship; ekonomi digital; UMKM. ABSTRACTIndonesian government's policy for accelerating rapidly the digital economic growth requires MSME to transform towards digitalization through the development of Digital Entrepreneurship. However, the development of Digital Entrepreneurship in Indonesia is still considered low. The limited ability of MSMEs in using technology and the lack of education and understanding of digital literacy are alleged to be obstacles in the development of Digital Entrepreneurship. This problem is also felt by MSME in Kerinjing Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. The purpose of this activity is to develop and strengthen Digital Entrepreneurship literacy and motivate MSME to be able to transform towards digitalization in doing their business. The target audience in this community service activity are MSME in Kerinjing Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera, totaling 30 people with the type of business engaged in food processing, beverages, convection and agriculture. The method of implementing this activity is using socialization through presentations, tutorials and interactive discussions. Through training and mentoring in the development of "Digital Entrepreneurship" for MSME in Kerinjing Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera, it is expected to increase knowledge and understanding of digital literacy and bulid a motivation for MSMEs to be able to transform towards digitalization. This training and mentoring are also expected to create and develop more innovative and globally competitive business strategies that can help create jobs and improve the  economy in Kerinjing, Ogan Ilir ,South Sumatera. Keywords: digital entrepreneurship; digital economic; MSMEs. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
Anggia Cahyaningtyas

Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat merupakan salah satu cara supaya mahasiswa Universitas Trilogi memiliki keterampilan bermasyarakat. Khalayak  sasaran  dari  pengabdian  ini  adalah  masyarakat RW 09 di  desa Ciasihan. Kegiatan pengabdian  telah  dilaksanakan  pada  tanggal  11 Agustus-11 September yang  bertempat  di desa Ciasihan Kecamatan Pamijahan Kabupaten Bogor, dengan diikuti oleh seluruh masyarakat RW 09. Dari  hasil  evaluasi  diperoleh  hasil  dan  manfaat  dari  kegiatan  pengabdian  ini diantaranya adalah meningkatkan motivasi masyarakat akan pentingnya koperasi, dan pentingnya akan pemanfaatan sampah organik  menjadi pupuk. Kegiatan pengabdian  ini  berjalan  dengan  lancar,  karena  berbagai  pendukung  terutama  partisipasi peserta yang cukup antusias dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan pembentukan koperasi.. Tujuan  kegiatan  pengabdian  kepada  masyarakat  ini,  yang  dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan pembentukan koperasi adalah memotivasi masyarakat akan pentingnya koperasi, dan pentingnya akan pemanfaatan sampah organik  menjadi pupuk. Selain itu, Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini merupakan wahana bagi mahasiswa Universitas Trilogi untuk mengabdikan keilmuannya.Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Koperasi, Masyarakat RW 09Community service activities are one way for Trilogy University students to have social skills. The target audience of this service is the community of RW 09 in Ciasihan village. Community service activities were carried out on 11 August-11 September in Ciasihan Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, followed by all RW 09 people. From the results of the evaluation, the results and benefits of this service were obtained, including increasing community motivation for the importance of cooperatives, and the importance of using organic waste into fertilizer. This service activity went smoothly, due to various supporters, especially the participation of enthusiastic participants and actively participating in cooperative formation activities. The purpose of this community service activity, which was carried out through cooperative formation activities was to motivate the community on the importance of cooperatives, and the importance of waste utilization. organic into fertilizer. In addition, Community Service is a vehicle for Trilogy University students to devote their knowledge.Keywords: Formation of Cooperatives, Community RW 09

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Arman Sayuti ◽  
Budianto Panjaitan ◽  
S Syafruddin ◽  
R Roslizawaty ◽  
T. Armansyah ◽  

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian bertujuan membentuk sistem kemitraan dengan peternak melalui pemberian bantuan kambing terbatas selama enam bulan atau satu kali siklus reproduksi dengan introduksi teknologi manipulasi ovulasi dan inseminasi buatan sehingga penguatan modal usaha dapat ditingkatkan. Pada kegiatan ini dilibatkan sepuluh orang khalayak sasaran dari Desa (Gampong) Ajee Rayeuk, Kecamatan Ingin Jaya, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Kriteria khalayak sasaran yaitu 1) mempunyai pendapatan terendah, 2) mempunyai pengalaman beternak kambing, baik memelihara ternak kambing milik pribadi atau memelihara ternak kambing milik orang lain, 3) mempunyai kandang minimal untuk empat ekor ternak, dan 4) mempunyai anggota keluarga yang mampu dan mempunyai waktu untuk fokus mengurus dan memelihara ternaknya. Pengadaan kambing bantuan dilakukan oleh tim pengabdi berdasarkan kriteria sudah pernah beranak, sehat secara klinis, dan berumur 3 tahun, sehingga masih memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi. Jumlah pengadaan kambing sebanyak 30 ekor yang diberikan masing-masing tiga ekor untuk tiap khalayak sasaran. Kambing-kambing tersebut mendapat perlakuan manipulasi dan inseminasi buatan.Kata kunci: Ajee Rayeuk, kambing, peternak ABSTRACTThe community service activity aims to establish a partnership system with breeders by providing limited goat assistance for six months or one reproductive cycle with the introduction of artificial insemination and ovulation manipulation technology, thus the strengthening of business capital can be increased. This activity involved ten target audiences from Ajee Rayeuk Village, Ingin Jaya Sub-District, Aceh Besar District. Criteria for the target audience were 1) having the lowest income, 2) having experience in raising goats whether their own goats or other people goats, 3) having a pen for at least 4 livestock and, 4) having family members who are able and have time to focus on managing and caring for their livestock. The community service team was procuring goats based on the criteria that the goat have given birth, clinically healthy, and 3 years old,  so the goats had a high productivity performance. The total number of goats provided was 30 goats, with three goats for each target audience. The goats were then subjected to ovulation manipulation technology and artificial insemination.Keywords: Ajee Rayeuk, goats, breeders

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Saiful Rahman Yuniarto ◽  
Gunawan Eko Nurtjahjono ◽  
Raden Rustam Hidayat ◽  
Edy Yulianto ◽  
Muhammad Faisal Riza

The high unemployment rate is a fundamental problem in employment in our country, where the new workforce that is added is far greater than the increase in employment. Unemployment is a problem for countries with high population growth rates, and unemployment can also affect the level of the economy. At the beginning of 2020, world economic growth experienced a decline due to the coronavirus disease outbreak, this coronavirus (covid-19) had an impact on economic growth in the form of a decline in the level of the world economy, including Indonesia. Seeing conditions like this, special attention is needed for alumni to prepare students for the world of work. This community service is carried out in the form of training on strategies for finding and applying for jobs, the problem solving framework provided is by providing training so that it can increase knowledge and insight to job seekers college alumni about srategies for finding and applying for jobs.The purpose of this community service activity is to provide training to college alumni so that they have the readiness to find and apply for jobs. This community service activity is carried out virtually online online in the form of training and guidance. The target is college alumni who will definitely be involved in the activity of finding and applying for jobs, at the initial stage the presenter will deliver a theoretical presentation accompanied by realistic examples. The results of the implementation of community service by providing the training are expected that college alumni as prospective job seekers already have the knowledge, insight and readiness in finding and applying for jobs, then to provide knowledge and insight about strategies for finding and applying for these jobs, as well as the factors that must be considered.The high unemployment rate is a fundamental problem in employment in our country, where the new workforce that is added is far greater than the increase in employment. Unemployment is a problem for countries with high population growth rates, and unemployment can also affect the level of the economy. At the beginning of 2020, world economic growth experienced a decline due to the coronavirus disease outbreak, this coronavirus (covid-19) had an impact on economic growth in the form of a decline in the level of the world economy, including Indonesia. Seeing conditions like this, special attention is needed for alumni to prepare students for the world of work. This community service is carried out in the form of training on strategies for finding and applying for jobs, the problem solving framework provided is by providing training so that it can increase knowledge and insight to job seekers college alumni about srategies for finding and applying for jobs.The purpose of this community service activity is to provide training to college alumni so that they have the readiness to find and apply for jobs.This community service activity is carried out virtually online online in the form of training and guidance. The target is college alumni who will definitely be involved in the activity of finding and applying for jobs, at the initial stage the presenter will deliver a theoretical presentation accompanied by realistic examples. The results of the implementation of community service by providing the training are expected that college alumni as prospective job seekers already have the knowledge, insight and readiness in finding and applying for jobs, then to provide knowledge and insight about strategies for finding and applying for these jobs, as well as the factors that must be considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-59
Enny Dwi Oktaviyani ◽  
Ariesta Lestari ◽  
Licantik Licantik

Digital literacy is defined as the ability to understand and use information in various forms from various sources accessed through computer devices. Digital literacy will create a society with a critical-creative mindset and views. Provocative issues will not easily consume it, become victims of hoax information, or victims of digital-based fraud. Residents of Hurung Village, Banama Tingang District, Pulang Pisau Regency are partners in this community service activity who are active users of digital technology via mobile phones to access the internet and interact with other people. However, in digital technology, partners have not been able to distinguish true or false information and forward information obtained from social media or unclear sources. Likewise, in the search for information, still using sources or references that are not valid. So that the information obtained cannot be justified. In this service activity, the service team created digital media using a village profile website to support digital literacy for Hurung village. The activity was carried out in three stages, namely material presentation, mentoring, and training on the use of village profile websites. With this activity, it is hoped that it can be helpful to add insight, knowledge and build Hurung village to become a pioneer village of digital literacy

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Syahrial Ayub

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a change in the learning system from offline to online. Lecturers can use social media as a digital literacy-based learning media. The purpose of this community service activity is to develop student creativity through the use of YouTube as a learning medium during the COVID-19 pandemic. This activity was held online during 3 meetings with the number of participants as many as 23 students. The method of activity is: 1) on September 10, 2021 provides YouTube video links for the deepening of scientific approach material; 2) on September 17, 2021 designing learning activities with a scientific approach based on YouTube videos; 3) on September 24, 2021 made a learning video to explain the concept of high school physics with a scientific approach. Lecturers observe the creativity of students at every meeting. Indicators of creativity consist of fluent thinking skills, flexible thinking skills, original thinking skills, detail thinking skills, curiosity, and being challenged. Assessment of student creativity using scale 4. The increase in creativity score at the initial meeting and the final meeting is calculated using N-gain. The results showed the creativity score of students increased from 2.45 (poor criteria) at meeting 1 to 3.07 (good criteria) at meeting 2 and by 3.47 (good criteria) at meeting 3. The average creativity of students is 3.00 which is on good criteria. The lowest indicator is the skill of smooth thinking of 2.87 (poor criteria) while the highest indicator is to feel challenged by 3.17 (good criteria). The N-gain value of 66 is at the moderate criterion. Thus, the use of YouTube as a learning medium can develop student creativity, especially the attitude of feeling challenged

Dessy Harisanty ◽  
Dyah Puspitasari Srirahayu ◽  
Nove Eka Variant Anna ◽  
Endang Fitriyah Mannan ◽  
Esti Putri Anugrah ◽  

Background: In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, hoax news emerged which often caused people to panic and make wrong decisions. The emergence of this hoax is because many people are not literate with information, so they trust all the information that is circulating. People also do not have social awareness to filter the information they get. Objective: This article aims to present the results of the socialization of digital literacy education to anticipate hoax news. Method: The method used in this community service is to provide socialization on the dangers of hoaxes and literacy education digital to anticipate hoax news, then explain how to search for valid and accurate information. Results: The result of this community service activity was an increase in public understanding of how to find valid and accurate Covid-19 information / news. As well as people's understanding of how to differentiate between true and false information about Covid-19. Conclusion: This community service activity has a positive impact on increasing public understanding of the spread of Covid-19 news on the internet.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 541-549
Juandi Muhammad ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Gimin Gimin ◽  
Joko Risanto ◽  
Syahril Syahril

The potential of the agricultural sector in terms of cassava in Tampan District, Pekanbaru City with a total potential of 11,210 tonnes of cassava (based on BPS data, 2019). This enormous potential has led to the growth of SMEs for community groups to take advantage of these opportunities in the business of producing cassava-based food processing. Furthermore, this potential is an opportunity for local governments to create a market or regional superior product as well as an attraction for citizens from outside the region to come to Tampan District because it can form an agro-industry in the field of cassava chips. The attraction for visitors to stop by at Tampan District is also supported by geographical aspects, transportation that is easily accessible to everyone. Through this community service activity, the fostered village scheme is very appropriate to be applied in Tampan District because it can guide UKM groups so that at the end of the service activities of this guided village scheme will form superior regional products that are competitive through the application of environmentally friendly biomass energy-based drying technology, and the application of IT-based management system so that at the end of the activity it will produce an Agro-Industry target village with regional superior products that are competitive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 811
Septyan Budy Cahya ◽  
Tri Sudarwanto ◽  
Harti Harti ◽  
Raya Sulistyowati ◽  
Veni Rafida

ABSTRAKKegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi dan skill guru-guru Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Jurusan Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran di Surabaya dalam bidang bisnis online. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM yaitu melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan: a) Merancang strategi Bisnis Online   b) merancang pembuatan website. c) merancang prosedur Pemasaran Online dengan menggunakan/ memanfaatkan e-mail dan Media Sosial. d) melakukan pemasaran melalui situs mobile. e) membuat Blog. Hasil Pelatihan yang dilaksanakan dirasa bermanfaat bagi mitra, dimana dari segi kompetensi pengetahuan yang didapat setelah kegiatan PKM, 86% peserta memberikan respon sangat setuju, dan 14% menjawab setuju. Para peserta mengharapkan adanya kegiatan seperti ini lagi, dimana ada kelanjutan kegiatan webinar atau pelatihan mengenai bisnis online. Akan tetapi dalam pelaksanaan selanjutnya peserta mengharapkan kegiatan untuk dilakukan secara luring atau offline sehingga kegiatan serupa bisa terlaksana lebih maksimal lagi. Kata kunci: bisnis online; MGMP BDP kota Surabaya; pelatihan ABSTRACTThis Community Service activity aims to improve the competence and skills of MGMP teachers of the Online Business and Marketing Department in Surabaya in the field of online business. The method of implementing PKM activities is through training and mentoring: a) Designing Online Business strategies b) designing website creation. c) designing On-line Marketing procedures by using/utilizing e-mail and Social Media. d) conduct marketing through mobile sites. e) create a blog. The results of the training carried out were felt to be useful for partners, where in terms of knowledge competence obtained after PKM activities, 86% of participants responded strongly agree, and 14% answered agree. The participants hope that there will be more activities like this, where there will be a continuation of webinars or training on online business. However, in the next implementation, participants expect activities to be carried out offline or offline so that similar activities can be carried out more optimally. Keywords: online business; MGMP BDP Surabaya city; training 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-65
Ghani Nurfiana Fadma Sari ◽  
Endang Sri Rejeki ◽  
Mamik Ponco Rahayu ◽  
Nuraini Harmastuti ◽  

Telon oil and children have been an inseparable unity. The making of telon oil from easy-to-find traditional ingredients can encourage home industry ideas for economic growth. The use of essential oils (orange oil/ lavender oil) as components of the making of telon oil is expected to avoid mosquito bites causing itching and even dengue fever. The community service activity program aims to provide training of anti-mosquito telon oil making to keep children healthy. The participants of the program include a cadre of PKK (Family Welfare Movement) members in RW (Community Unit) 21, Nusukan Village, Banjarsari Sub-district, Surakarta. The community service activity began with the explanation of natural ingredients used to make telon oil as well as their benefits. Afterward, the training was conducted through several stages including a tutorial, technical assistance by the community service team, and evaluation of the activity. The results of the activity are: 1) the participants have an understanding of the benefits of the ingredients used; 2) the participants understand the procedure to make the anti-mosquito telon oil; 3) the participants can make the anti-mosquito telon oil by themselves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-88
Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Kadek Indah Widya Sari ◽  
Maziya Malkan ◽  
Talitha Gita Andani ◽  
Faradilla Ngesti Habibah

The basic literacy that must be possessed by someone to be able to compete in the 21st century is literacy, numeric literacy, scientific literacy, digital literacy, financial literacy, and cultural and civic literacy. This community service activity aims to develop digital literacy for teachers and students through the Teaching Campus program at SMPN 19 Mataram. The Teaching Campus Program is one of the implementations of the Independent Campus Policy which is beneficial for students. This community service activity at SMPN 19 Mataram was carried out from August 4, 2021 to September 25, 2021. The method of activity consisted of four stages each week, namely: planning weekly activities with the team, carrying out weekly activity plans, analyzing weekly activities, making improvement plans and follow-up. The form of digital literacy development activities is that students help teachers and students in implementing technology, information and communication (ICT) based learning. Students help teachers and students in optimizing the use of various digital applications, namely WhatsApp, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Google Drive, and Google Form. Students also assist teachers in preparing teaching materials in the form of power point media (ppt) and learning videos. Thus, the Campus Teaching program is beneficial for students to gain hands-on experience in the field of becoming professional teachers, teachers and students also gain information and skills in using various digital technologies as a provision to face global competition in the 21st century

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