2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 719
Bobby Halim ◽  
Amaliatulwalidain Amaliatulwalidain ◽  
Nike Anggraini

ABSTRAKKegiatan pelatihan Fotografi Produk di IRMA Baiturrahman merupakan respon dari pihak terkait. Di tengah kondisi pandemi ini, industri kreatif terus digalakan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Bidang Fotografi memiliki kesempatan tersendiri saat ini, dikarenakan pandemi yang menyerang Indonesia berakibat perubahan gaya hidup masyarakatnya. Akibat pandemi,masyarakat Indonesia lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan daring/online karena melalui daring masyarakat masih dapat beraktivitas sehari-hari,dari bekerja, belajar  hingga menikmati hiburan. Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Palembang, berkomitmen untuk selalu berusaha melakukan pengabdian terhadap masyarakat secara terus menerus sebagai wujud kepedulian insan akademik terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Untuk itu Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Palembang bermaksud menjalin kemitraan dengan IRMA Baiturrahman dengan skema pengabdian internal, yaitu 1) Memberikan wawasan mengenai Fotografi dan pengetahuan mengenai perkembangan fotografi. 2) Memberikan keterampilan Fotografi Produk terhadap peserta pelatihan. 3) Memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan dalam pembuatan Fotografi Produk. 4) Meningkatkan keterampilan bagi peserta yang sudah memiliki dasar dalam Fotografi. 5) Memberikan motivasi dan kiat-kiat kepada peserta agar dapat menjadi pribadi yang mandiri dan mampu menghasilkan Fotografi Produk secara berkala. Metode yang dipakai pada Kegiatan pelatihan Fotografi Produk ini yaitu Metode Sosialisasi dan Ceramah, Metode Demonstrasi & Metode Bimbingan & Partisipatif. Kegiatan pelatihan Fotografi Produk di IRMA Baiturrahman menghasilkan beberapa foto produk dengan fungsi yang bervariasi. Kata kunci: fotografi produk; remaja ; IRMA baiturrahman. ABSTRACTThe Product Photography training activity at IRMA Baiturrahman is a response from related parties. In the midst of this pandemic, the Indonesian government continues to promote the creative industry. The field of photography has its own opportunity at this time, because the pandemic that attacked Indonesia resulted in changes in the lifestyle of its people. As a result of the pandemic, Indonesian people spend more time online because online people can still do their daily activities, from work, study to enjoying entertainment. Indo Global Mandiri University Palembang, is committed to always trying to do community service continuously as a form of concern for academics to improve the quality of life of the community. For this reason, the Community Service Team of Indo Global Mandiri University Palembang intends to establish a partnership with IRMA Baiturrahman with an internal service scheme, namely 1) Providing insight into Photography and knowledge about the development of photography. 2) Provide Product Photography skills to trainees. 3) Provide knowledge and insight in the manufacture of Product Photography. 4) Improve skills for participants who already have a foundation in Photography. 5) Provide motivation and tips to participants so that they can become independent individuals and are able to produce Product Photography on a regular basis. The methods used in this Product Photography training activity are the Socialization and Lecture Method, the Demonstration Method & the Guidance & Participatory Method. Product Photography training activities at IRMA Baiturrahman produced several product photos with various functions. Keywords: product photography; teenager; IRMA baiturrahman.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Lisa Virdinarti Putra ◽  
Anni Malihatul Hawa ◽  
Ika Silfiana Arifatul Khoiriyah

Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu melatih siswa untuk memiliki karakter dan etika yang baik, melatih siswa untuk dapat menaati setiap aturan yang diberikan kepadanya melalui aktivitas belajar. Lokasi pengabdian akan dilaksanakan di SMAN 1 Ampel Boyolali melalui Pelatihan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, presentasi powerpoint, brainstorming, dan dialog. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan metode partisipatif artinya mitra binaan secara aktif dilibatkan dalam semua tahapan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode pelatihan yang dilaksanakan selama 3 (tiga) hari dengan materi pelatihan berupa ceramah, praktek, serta evaluasi yang disajikan secara bersamaan. Setelah kegiatan pelatihan, dilanjutkan kegiatan evaluasi sebagai bahan koreksi bagi penyelenggara kegiatan. Hasil evaluasi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi perpustakaan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan serupa terkait dengan kegiatan pendidikan pemakai. Hasil dari pelatihan ini diharapkan siswa memiliki karakter dan etika yang baik supaya siswa dapat menjadi manusia yang tidak hanya bertambah secara usia tetapi juga memiliki kepribadian yang baik seumur hidup.Kata kunci: karakter taat, aktivitas belajar, siswaAbstractThe purpose of this service is to train students to have good character and ethics, to train students to be able to obey ever y rule given to them through learning activities. The service location is implemented at SMAN 1 Ampel Boyolali through training conducted by lecture method, powerpoint presentation, brainstorming, and dialogue. The method used is a participatory method which means that foster partners are actively involved in all stages of this community service activity. This activity uses t raining methods that is carried out for 3 (three) days with training materials in the form of lectures, practices, and evaluations presented simultaneously. After the training activity, evaluation activities are continued as material for correction to the activity organizers. The results of this evaluation can later be used as consideration for the library to carry out similar activities related to user education activities. The results of this training are expected students to have good character and ethics so that students can become human beings who not only increase in age but also have a good  personality for life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Mafazah Noviana ◽  
Nur Husniah Thamrin

ABSTRAK Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas visual sebuah kawasan adalah dengan seni mural. Selain dianggap memperindah tampilan kawasan, keberadaan gambar-gambar dan warna ini juga dapat memperkuat karakter sebuah kawasan. Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad merupakan salah satu panti asuhan yang terletak di Kelurahan Loa Buah. Panti asuhan ini mempunyai misi menolong anak-anak yatim atau yang tidak mampu yang berpotensi untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang baik. Sebagai bekal untuk menghadapi kehidupan di masa depan, anak-anak asuh panti harus banyak memperoleh bekal keterampilan salah satunya adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat mural. Khalayak sasaran program ini adalah anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad.  Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan metode ceramah, praktik dengan bimbingan, serta evaluasi. Dalam kegiatan pelatihan dan ini tahap-tahap yang lakukan adalah memberi materi pendahuluan, tahap persiapan pembuatan mural, tahap melukis dan tahap finishing. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, peserta antusias mengikuti kegiatan dan memberi respon yang positif. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa pembuatan mural ini memberi keterampilan baru bagi peserta yaitu anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad sekaligus secara umum memperbaiki aspek estetika visual Kawasan Loa Buah Kota Samarinda. Kata Kunci: loa buah; mural; pelatihan; pendampingan.ABSTRACT One effort that can be done to improve the visual quality of an area is with mural art. Besides being considered to beautify the appearance of the region, the presence of images and colors can also strengthen the character of an area. Baitul Walad Orphanage is one of the orphanages located in the Village of Loa Buah. This orphanage has a mission to help orphans or underprivileged people who have the potential to get a good education. As a provision to face life in the future, orphanage children have to get a lot of skills, one of which is training and assistance in making murals. The target audience for the program is the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage. The method used is the lecture method, practice with guidance, and evaluation. In the training activities and the stages, the steps taken are to provide preliminary material, the preparation stage for mural, the painting stage and the finishing stage. The implementation of this activity went well as planned, participants enthusiastically participated in the activity and gave a positive response. The community service activity in the form of making murals gave new skills to participants, the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage, while at the same time improving the visual aesthetic aspects of the Loa Buah Samarinda City.Keywords: accompaniment; loa buah; mural; training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Ali Ahmad Muhdy ◽  
Abd. Aziz Ahmad

The students of MTs Sultan Hasanuddin Pattunggalengang Limbung, Bajeng Subdistrict, Gowa Regencyare the people of the nation, full of potential which is expected to equip themselves to build their independencethrough various training activities related to the field of study of cultural arts which they have been studying forexample art studies. In the information and technology era, students are expected to take part and participate indeveloping the potential and talents that they have, in order to realize their independence and avoid full dependenceon others in the future. One form in filling students' lives while they are still in the learning process is practicing finearts skills in the form of training in making collage craft from natural waste raw materials in the form of eggshellsthat are processed in such a way as to become a form of art. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge inpsychomotor (skills) aspects of expression and creative creation freely through a number of media such as eggshells,glue, pottery, clear (varnish), and brushes. The method used in this training activity is the lecture method, questionand answer, demonstration (practice and exhibition), while the presentation is sorted according to the schedule andallocation of time provided. This activity lasts for three working days, starting on Wednesday, September 6-8 2018in one of the classrooms. To find out and measure the extent of the participants' ability to process and compilevarious media provided, the instructor evaluates in practical activities. The results of the activity showed that theparticipants were able to express and be creative in creating interesting motifs according to each section with anaverage quality of 60-80, the minimum completeness value of the entire work produced.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Siti Aminah ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Imam Wicaksono

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a new life order which is commonly known as a health protocol implementation. Efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic can be made physically or spiritually. Physical efforts are carried out by applying health protocols in a disciplined manner, while spiritual efforts are carried out by increasing the quality of worship of God. These two efforts must be combined with maintaining the quality of worship in health protocols. In this case, the quality of worship can be improved by deepening the understanding and application of Arabic tajwid and grammar in reciting verse and prayer recitations. In addition, it is necessary to practice morning and evening prayers as self-protection and maintain mental stability. To achieve this goal, this team carried out a community service by compiling two pocketbooks. The first one is related to the application of health protocols in daily worship and another pocketbook containing tajwid material and morning prayer, which was equipped with exposure and training on recitation and reading the morning prayer and evening prayers. These exposures are presented in outreach videos and tutorials. The result shows that people are increasingly aware of implementing health protocols in their daily activities, especially in Islamic worship. In addition, the community's mentality has become more robust, and people have become calmer in living their lives during the pandemic since some people have practiced morning and evening prayers. In addition, they also apply tajwid and Arabic grammar in a better way so that their worship activities become much more solemn. ===== Pandemi Covid-19 membawa manusia kepada tatanan kehidupan baru dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengahadapi pandemi Covid-19 dan terhindar dari penularan virus dapat dilakukan secara jasmani maupu rohani. Upaya jasmaniah dilakukan dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan secara disiplin, sedangkan upaya rohani dilakukan dengan mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan dengan meningkatkan kualitas peribadatan. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan tetap melakukan ibadah dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan, diikuti dengan pemahaman dan penerapan tajwid dan gramatika Arab dengan benar dalam melafalkan bacaan ayat dan doa. Selain itu, diperlukan pula pengamalan doa pagi dan petang untuk menjaga diri dan meningkatkan kesehatan mental. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, tim  melaksanakan pengabdian dengan menyusun buku saku penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam peribadatan sehari-hari dan buku saku yang berisi materi tajwid dan doa pagi-petang yang diikuti dengan penyuluhan dan pelatihan penerapan tajwid dan membaca doa pagi dan petang yang dilakukan dengan membuat video penyuluhan dan tutorial. Hal ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa masyarakat semakin sadar untuk menerapkan protokol kesehatan dalam setiap aktivitas sehari-hari, khususnya dalam peribadatan Islam. Selain itu, mental masyarakat menjadi semakin kuat dan masyarakat menjadi lebih tenang dalam menjalani kehidupan selama pandemi. Hal ini karena sebagian masyarakat telah mengamalkan doa pagi dan petang, serta menerapkan tajwid dan gramatika Arab dengan lebih baik sehingga aktivitas ibadah mereka menjadi semakin khusyu’.

Rina Agustini

The sub-district office is a government institution that uses letter media in delivering information or activities carried out to support government programs. Writing official letters is one of the activities in administration that can help smooth the activities of the administration. Therefore, writing official letters is very important to be understood by all sub-district office employees to support the administrative work process. The purpose of this service activity is to find out the understanding of writing official letters of the Gunungtanjung District Office of Tasikmalaya District and to find out an increase in understanding of writing official letters of the Gunungtanjung District Office in Tasikmalaya District. The implementation of Community Service activities is packaged using a workshop approach. The activity was carried out using the method of lecture, discussion and practice. The achievement of the training activities was the increasingly motivated sub-district office staff to improve their competence and professionalism in writing official letters. The quality of official letters that have been produced by employees of the Gunungtanjung District Office in Tasikmalaya Regency has also increased as explained below. 20 official letters with very good categories, 7 official letters with good categories, and 3 official letters classified as sufficient (score <70). The training activities benefited the participants and were expected to improve the quality of services in the Gunungtanjung District Office in Tasikmalaya Regency.Keywords: official letter, sub-district employee.�ABSTRAK�Kantor kecamatan merupakan lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan media surat dalam menyampaikan informasi atau kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan guna mendukung program pemerintah. Penulisan surat dinas merupakan salah satu kegiatan dalam administrasi yang dapat membantu kelancaran aktivitas bidang administrasi. Oleh karena itu, penulisan surat dinas sangat penting dipahami oleh semua pegawai kantor kecamatan untuk mendukung proses kerja administrasi. Adapun tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pemahaman penulisan surat dinas pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman penulisan surat dinas pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini dikemas dengan menggunakan pendekatan workshop. Kegiatan dilakukan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan latihan. Pencapaian� dari kegiatan pelatihan ialah semakin termotivasinya para pegawai kantor kecamatan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalitasnya dalam penulisan surat dinas. Kualitas surat dinas yang telah dihasilkan oleh para pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya juga mengalami peningkatan sebagaimana uraian berikut. 20 surat dinas dengan kategori sangat baik, 7 surat dinas dengan kategori baik, dan 3 surat dinas tergolong katerori cukup (skor < 70). Kegiatan pelatihan dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para peserta dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di Kantor Kecamatan Gunungtanjung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Yasemin Oram ◽  
A. Deniz Akkaya

The lifetime incidence of nail involvement in psoriatic patients is estimated to be 80–90%, and the nails can be affected in 10% to 55% of psoriatic patients. Psoriasis may also solely involve the nails, without any other skin findings, in which the treatment can be more challenging. Nail psoriasis may lead to considerable impairment in quality of life due to aesthetic concerns and more importantly limitations in daily activities resulting from the associated pain, which may be overlooked by the physicians. Several topical and systemic treatment modalities, as well as radiation and light systems, have been used in the treatment of nail psoriasis. In the last decade, the introduction of biologic agents and the utilization of laser systems have brought a new insight into the treatment of nail psoriasis. This paper focuses on the recent advances, as well as the conventional methods, in treating nail psoriasis in adults and children, in reference to an extensive literature search.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Daryati Daryati ◽  
Riyan Arthur ◽  
Tommy Eka Miharja ◽  
Nasaruddin Ishak ◽  
Nur Rochimah

This service is carried out on the basis of statistics which is considered a difficult science because there are many formulas that require accuracy and precision in their calculations. As well as the many problems of students' inability to access data processing software caused by the low level of literacy in students. This service is a training activity for data processing research based on statistical software that aims to improve the quality of human resources through the ability of students to process research data. The partners of this service are universities around BODETABEK with a focus on training activities on statistical software-based data analysis techniques such as SPSS and JASP for final year students at BODETABEK. The methods used in this training activity include lectures, discussions, questions and answers, direct demonstrations and assignments. These methods were developed according to the current situation and conditions. The target to be achieved in the implementation of this activity is to improve the ability of students to carry out data analysis with the help of software such as SPSS and JASP. In addition, as an output, coaching participants are expected to be able to use SPSS and JASP software in thesis and research which can then be uploaded

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Halimah Halimah ◽  
Vina Aini Salsabila ◽  
Nia Kurniawati

Pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Juni 2021 di Auditorium Gedung Guru Cugenang, Cianjur, Jawa Barat ini memiliki dua tujuan yaitu 1) untuk mengenalkan dan menggunakan beberapa media pembelajaran digital interaktif dan 2) untuk mengintegrasian media ajar digital dan model belajar yang dapat menumbuhkan 4C yang dilaksnakan selama satu hari setara dengan 5 jam pelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah 1) tahap persiapan, 2) tahap pelaksanaan, serta 3) tahap evaluasi dan pelaporan. Berdasarkan kegiatan pelatihan yang telah dilaksanakan maka dapat dipahami beberapa hal. Pertama, pelatihan ini efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan memotivasi dosen untuk memahami dan melaksanakan kewajibannya tidak hanya dalam aspek pengajaran tetapi juga mulai menggeliatkan kegiatan di bidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kedua, pelatihan ini merupakan salah satu praktik nyata pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam kegiatan dan memberi mereka pengalaman kegiatan kemsyarakatan. Mahasiswa tidak hanya dibekali pengetahuan namun juga dibimbing untuk mengimplemnetasikan di masyarakat. Ketiga, bagi guru khususnya guru PAI pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan memotivasi guru untuk senantiasa mengembangkan kompetensinya sehingga guru dapat merancang dan menyajikan sebuah pembelajaran yang efektif dan kreatif yang mengarahkan siswa untuk memiliki kemampuan pendidikan Abad 21 yaitu kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkolaborasi, berkomunikasi dan berkreasi.�The training activity, which was held on June 22, 2021 at the Auditorium of the Cugenang Teacher Building in Cianjur, West Java, had two objectives: 1) to introduce and use several interactive digital learning media, and 2) to integrate digital teaching media and learning models that can foster 4C. The training activity was carried out in one day, which is equivalent to 5 hours of lessons. The methods used in this training are 1) the preparation stage, 2) the implementation stage, and 3) the evaluation and reporting stage. Several things can be deduced from the training activities that have been completed. For starters, this training is effective in increasing knowledge and motivating lecturers to understand and carry out their responsibilities not only in the teaching aspect, but also in beginning to expand activities in the fields of research and community service. Second, this training is one of the genuine learning practices for students who participate in activities and gain experience in community activities. Students are not only given knowledge, but they are also shown how to apply it in the community. Third, this training can increase knowledge and motivate teachers to constantly develop their competencies. Therefore, teachers can design and present effective and creative learning that directs students to have 21st Century educational skills, such as the ability to think critically, collaborate, communicate, and be creative.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 186-193
Budi Arifitama

Augmented reality in Indonesia has been widely used as a media aids in teaching in the classroom, to enhance a better learning interaction between teachers and students. Students can learn independently by observing augmented reality objects that are developed without the need to be guided. Unfortunately developing an augmented reality application takes a lot of effort especially for teachers, there are not many teachers who can develop an augmented reality application. Based on these problems, through the APSI organization, community service activities were carried out in the form of training on making 3D models based on augmented reality which was attended by representatives of 15 teachers from Jadebotabek. The training activities were divided into 3 sessions, namely the first session through the lecture method, the second session the guided tutorial method and the last session with training. The results of the implementation of this training are the teacher is able to make augmented reality applications independently and is able to make augmented reality based hydrological teaching aids that can be used to enrich learning in the classroom.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-52
Romy Aulia ◽  
Mardalius Mardalius ◽  
Febri Dristyan

Abstract: Community Service Activities in the form of internet utilization training at LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara aim to increase students' knowledge of internet technology and the benefits of the internet and encourage students to be able to independently manage networks and the internet. The target audience in this community service is LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara students. The training method used is a form of training in the classroom using the lecture method, discussion and question and answer. The lecture method used is intended to provide a theoretical explanation of internet and network material. The discussion method is used to explore students' understanding of the material given in lectures. The practice method is used to show directly how to make a network cable. The benefits obtained from this training activity are that students are able to make wired network connections and know the benefits of the internet.Keywords: Internet, Benefits, Training, NetworksAbstrak : Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat berupa pelatihan pemanfaatan internet di LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta didik terhadap teknologi internet dan manfaat dari internet serta mendorong peserta didik agar mampu dengan mandiri mengelola jaringan dan internet. Khalayak sasaran dalam pengabdian masyrakat ini adalah peserta didik LKP Bintang Mulia Batubara. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah bentuk pelatihan di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Metode ceramah yang digunakan dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara teori terhadap materi internet dan jaringan. Metode diskusi digunakan untuk menggali pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi yang diberikan secara ceramah. Metode praktek digunakan untuk menunjukan langsung cara membuat kabel jaringan. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah peserta didik mampu membuat koneksi jaringan dengan kabel serta mengetahui manfaat dari internet.Kata kunci : Internet, Manfaat, Pelatihan, Jaringan

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