2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Eva S

The research purpose to express stereotype women form and stereotype man form which constituante from jender, and equivalent jender form in text book Indonesian SD (elementary school). The text book selection as detailed examination object is text book Indonesian elementary school are purpose in elementary school high class South Bengkulu erlangga edition study 2010-2011 years. Speaking in text book are thorough beginning from four, five and six class. The research used analysis contents program. Analysis data involue the use of analysis data used. Analysis contents technic. Based on draft analysis sentence the thing which contains stereotype woman (SW), stereotype man (SP) and equivalent jender (KJ) interior discourse in text book it is sentence which give code apart. Equivalent form jender in the sentence in discourse text book Indonesia Language at elementary school high class Bengkulu South explain about equivalent character between woman and man in domestic zone and public which is not yet many get in four, five and six class, until book mentionet not yet equivalent jender. Based on result research can suggestion which is relation with necessarry text book which is give insight equivalent jender. In addition to needed sees jender in arranging curriculum Indonesia Language elementary school. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Elvina Syahrir

This study was motivated by the low score of the students‘ Indonesian language in national examination that were certainly correlated with the Indonesian language teachers‘ competences. The Indonesian language techers‘ competences can be observed in doing the Indonesian language proficiency test. This study was aimed to determine the Indonesian language teachers‘ capabilities indoing UKBI and to describe about it. The data obtained describe that the Indonesian language teachers of Senior High School (SMA) have the highest scores, then the Indonesian language teachers of Junior High School (SMP), and the last ones were the teachers of elementary school (SD). Moreover, among the Indonesian language techers‘ capabilities of SMA, SMP, and SD in doing UKBI have not shown the significant differences.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya nilai Ujian Nasional (UN) bahasa Indonesia siswa yang tentunya berkorelasi dengan kompetensi guru bahasa Indonesianya. Kompetensi guru bahasa Indonesia dapat terlihat dari Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan guru bahasa dan sastra Indonesia di Pekanbaru dalam menyelesaikan soal UKBI dan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru dalam menyelesaikan soal UKBI. Dari penganalisisan data diperoleh temuan bahwa nilai rerata UKBI guru SMA memperoleh skor paling tinggi, nilai rerata UKBI guru SMP memperoleh skor sedang, sedangkan nilai rerata UKBI guru SD memperoleh skor paling rendah. Akan tetapi, kemampuan guru bahasa dan sastra Indonesia dari ketiga tingkatan sekolah tersebut (SMA, SMP, SD) dalam menyelesaikan soal UKBI tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang berarti (tidak signifikan) pada taraf kepercayaan 5 %, hal ini terlihat dari nilai Fhitung lebih kecil dari Ftabel (Fhitung = 0,11 < Ftabel = 4,35)

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-285
Amelia Anggraini ◽  
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Munjiatun Munjiatun

This study aims to develop big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 elementary school and to determine the feasibility of big book learning media. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods using the FOUR-D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminte) model. The data collection technique used is by using questionnaires and trials. The feasibility of big book learning media is obtained from the results of media validation and testing. Validation was carried out by material experts and learning media experts. The results of the research show that the validation of the material experts and the validation of the learning media experts are very valid. The trials used in this study were limited to 10 students and received a very good response. The results of this development research indicate that the big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 Elementary School is very suitable for use in learning in Elementary School. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-179
Suprayekti Suprayekti ◽  
Fathia Fairuza Hanum

Educational technology as applied science that changes the definition over time makes the study area and contribution of Educational Technology in the education system at Indonesia also changed. This study is to identify the implementation of Educational Technology areas that have been applied in school institutions at elementary school, so in the future undergraduate researchers can do further research. This study is a descriptive research and has a survey method. The purpose of this study is identifying the implementation of Educational Technology areas that have been applied in elementary school institutions consisting of the area of creating, using, managing and evaluation. This study conducted at SDN Tegal Alur 09 From August to October 2017. To collect the data, this study used a questionnaire sheet, an interview sheet, and documentation. The result of this study has two types data, first, in quantitave data all of Educational Technology areas have been applied in school institution, but only three areas, which get a very good score, meanwhile creating the area get a low score. Second, in descriptive analysis data, there are some indicators of creating the area that haven’t been applied yet, but on the other hand, some indicators in all of areas that have been applied still in the simple and restricted form. Based on the result, educational technology as the study and ethical practice to facilitate learning needs to be introduced closer to the school institutions, because school institution still doesn’t know the existence of educational technology and its areas.   References Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktik edisi revisi V. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Januszweski, A., & Michael, M. (2008). Educational technology: A definition with commentary. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Association. Khoirunnisa, R. (2016). Pemanfaataan media pembelajaran montessori dalam pembelajaran pembendaharaan kata di Sekolah Bulan Bintang Islamic Montessori Preschool. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Jakarta: Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Miarso, Y. (2004). Menyemai benih teknologi pendidikan. Jakarta: Pustekkom bekerjasama dengan Kencana. Rosfita, I. (2017). Penerapan metode pembelajaran karyawisata pada mata pelajaran sejarah bagi siswa SMPHomeschooling Prigama Jakarta. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Jakarta: Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Seels, B.B., & Rita, C. R. (1994). Teknologi pembelajaran definisi dan kawasannya (terjemahan). Jakarta: Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Selywn, N. (2011) . Educational and technology: Key issues and debates. London & New York: Continuum. Sugiyono. (2010). Statistika untuk penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta. Undang-Undang Dasar Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional. Warsita, B. (2008). Teknologi pembelajaran landasan & aplikasinya. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Moh. Taufiq

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren As&gt;salafi Al-Fit}ra&gt;h Surabaya. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara mendalam dan analisis dokumentasi. Kemudian data dianalisa menggunakan teknik analisa induktif berdasarkan tipologi data dan konsep sebelum melakukan interpretasi. Pendidikan berbasis <em>T}areqat </em><em>Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em> adalah bimbingan, pengajaran dan pelatihan yang dilakukan oleh <em>murs}hid, </em>guru, <em>T}areqat </em><em>Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em> terhadap murid yang berlangsung sepanjang hayat untuk mensucikan jiwa, menjernihkan hati dengan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Murid adalah seseorang yang masuk <em>T}areqat Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em> dan telah berbaiat kepada guru/ murs}hid. Adapun tujuannya adalah pendekatan diri kepada Allah <em>(taqarru&gt;b ila&gt; Alla&gt;h</em><em>)</em>, pembersihan hati <em>(tasfiyah al-qalb)</em><em> </em>dan penyucian jiwa <em>(tazkiyat al-Nafs). </em>Materi ajarannya meliputi empat ajaran pokok yaitu; 1) Kesempurnaan suluk, 2) Akhlaq Murid, 3) <em>Dhikir,</em>dan <em> </em>4) <em>Mura&gt;qa&gt;bah</em><em>.</em> Dan metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, tanya jawab, demonstrasi, penugasan, <em>mujahadah</em>, <em>tajribah</em>, dan <em>khalwat/ ’uzlah</em>. Terdapat tiga pola pengajaran yang disampaikan di ponpes ini, pertama yaitu pendidikan, kedua <em>risalah</em> dan yang ketiga <em>kewad}ifahan</em>. Pendidikan yang diberikan di pondok pesantren ini merupakan kolaborasi ilmu kitab kuning dengan pengetahuan umum. Adapun hal-hal yang lainnya sama dengan pendidikan berbasis <em>T}areqat </em><em>Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em><em> </em>pada umumnya.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>This qualitative research was conducted at Pondok Pesantren As&gt;salafi Al-Fit}ra&gt;h Surabaya. Data was collected by observation, in-depth interview, and documentation analysis. Data was analyzed inductively based upon its typology of data and concepts before interpreted. The education based upon <em>T}areqat </em><em>Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em> is a long-life guidance, learning, and training under a <em>murs}hid</em> of <em>T}areqat </em><em>Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em> in purpose of purifying soul and cleansing heart along with bringing the soul closer to Allah SWT. Disciple in the <em>T}areqat Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em> has taken an oath to the teacher / murs}hid. The purpose of his training are taking closer to Allah <em>(taqarru&gt;b ila&gt; Alla&gt;h</em><em>)</em>, cleansing the heart <em>(tasfiyah al-qalb)</em><em> </em>and purifying soul <em>(tazkiyat al-Nafs).</em> The etaching materials involves four main teachings, such as 1) the perfection of suluk, 2) disciples’ practices of virtue, 3) remembering the Almighty, and 4) <em>Mura&gt;qa&gt;bah</em><em>.</em> Teaching methods include lecturing, question and answer, demosntration, tasking, , <em>mujahadah</em>, <em>tajribah</em>, and <em>khalwat/ ’uzlah</em>. There are three types of learning in this pesantren, such as education, <em>risalah (messaging), </em>and<em> </em><em>kewad}ifahan</em>. The education in this pesantren is a collaboration between the yellow scipture learning and secular science. The other aspects of education are the same as that of in pesantren with <em>T}areqat </em><em>Qa&gt;diriyah wa&gt;n Naqsyaba&gt;ndiyah</em><em> </em>style.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-173
Khadijah Khadijah

Writing ability in the process often did not get attention. Because in the lifetime of many students were able to read the text but were difficulty writing the text. The students find difficulty to begin and develop the idea or idea into a script. Beside that, the students difficulty writing text in the learning of writing especially write the report text result of teacher observation often limited to one english text book and less gives a reference or example of an observation based resport text from another source.  The purpose of the study to find out how the application of media pictures observation of language Indonesia lesson for class III MIN 11 Banda Aceh. This study used a research approach qualitative. The research indicates that used media picture successfully improves students ability in learning writing ability in observation the text. That increase in the from of a students individually is 100 % over 70. Abstrak Kemampuan menulis dalam pelaksanaannya sering tidak mendapat perhatian. Hal itu dikarenakan dalam kesehariannya banyak siswa mampu dalam membaca teks tetapi mengalami kesulitan dalam menulis teks. Siswa kesulitan memulai dan mengembangkan ide atau gagasannya tersebut ke dalam sebuah tulisan. Di samping siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menulis, dalam pembelajaran menulis terutama menulis teks laporan hasil observasi guru sering kali hanya bersumber dari satu buku teks Bahasa Indonesia, dan kurang memberikan referensi atau contoh tentang teks laporan hasil observasi dari sumber lain. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui  bagaimana penerapan media gambar materi teks observasi pelajaran Bahasa Indonsesia siswa kelas III Min 11 Banda Aceh.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan  penerapan media gambar   berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis teks observasi . Peningkatan itu dalam bentuk siswa secara individual 100% mencapai nilai  di atas 70. Kata kunci: Penerapan,  Media Gambar, Teks Observasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-165
Mahsun Mahsun ◽  
Baiq Wahidah ◽  
Khusnul Khotimah ◽  
Muh. Khairussibyan

Based on the result of the researches on  text book materials under 2013 curriculum published by  the government, for elementary school level, it is found that the materials from one competence to another on those books are not well-integrated, even the competences are elaborated in single theme or subtheme. Though those text books are entitled “Integrated Thematic Book of Curriculum 2013”, they still do not show the integration they should give. It is assumed that the disordered materials are caused by the absence of a certain field of knowledge that should be used as a binder and medium of transmitting and integrating the whole competences in case the material changes. Regarding the problem, this article delivers a brief description on how Indonesian language is used to bind and become a medium of transmission of the whole nonintegrated field of competences from any different materials. In other word, this article presents a conceptual model of designing integrated thematic learning on the basis of the language as a medium of transferring knowledge

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Milda Mabruroh

The research aim was to determine the influence of Project Based Learning Models On Students’ Critical Thinking Skills of Sixth Grade Elementary School Student on science subjects at Elementary School VI Margorejo. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with experimental methods and the design of One Group Pre-test and Post-test. The subject of this research was the student members of Class VI at Elementary School VI Margorejo, Surabaya. The techniques carried out to support my research using data collection, observations, questionnaires and tests in the form of pre-test and post-test. Validation of this research is expert validator and using SPSS calculation. Analysis data used is a non-parametric statistical test with Wilcoxon "matched pair. The results of this study indicate that the output of the "Test Statistics" 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis 1 (H1) is accepted, which means there is a difference in the value of the pre-test and post-test and there is big influence from this project on students' critical thinking abilities of Sixth Grade Elementary School VI Margorejo Surabaya.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Rissa Beatrik

 This paper describes model of teaching writing for elementary school students using Picture and Picture techniques.  As to write a complete sentence in Bahasa Indonesia, is the core competency for elementary school students in the grade 3 according to 2013 Curriculum for SD, model of appropriate teaching is required to explore.  This model is a response to alternate conventional methods to accomplish Standardized Competency.  This model promotes games-based interactive model to arouse writing sentences in a competition rules and drive interest to students.   

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Akhmad Yazidi Lilis Selestyawati Reni Anggraeni

Keterbacaan Buku Ajar Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Keterbacaan berkaitandengan dapat dibacanya teks secara cepat, mudah dimengerti, mudah dipahami, dan mudah diingatserta sesuai dengan tingkat pembelajar. Beberapa fomula keterbacaan, antara lain:Flesh Grade Level,Flesh Reading Ease, Forcast, formula Spache, formula Daledan Chall, formula SMOG, grafiks Fry, grafiksRaygor, indeks FOG, dan Tes Cloze. Keterbacaan bahasa Indonesia buku ajar di sekolah MenengahPertama, dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa hanya 13.88% bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan tingkatkelas VII. Sebagian besar lainya lebih tinggi dan sebagian kecil lainnya lebih rendah dari kelas VII.Kata-kata kunci: keterbacaan, formula

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