scholarly journals Komunikasi Interpersonal Kepala Keluarga Berbasis Capacity Building Dalam Mencegah Kenakalan Remaja

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-195
Zuhriah Zuhriah

The phenomenon of juvenile delinquency occurs in almost every region in Indonesia. The current of globalization is the driving force for juvenile delinquency today. This condition is seen from the behavior of adolescents who often show apathetic and selfish attitudes and the surrounding environment. Outside the home teenagers also often take actions outside the bounds such as ditching school, drinking, brawl and gambling. The behavior reflects the lack of interpersonal communication that is built by parents in fostering their children and there is no specific strategy in preventing the behavior. The purpose of writing is to describe how interpersonal communication is applied by the head of the family based on capacity building. Capacity building is the process by which individuals and organizations acquire, improve and maintain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment, and other resources needed to carry out their work competently. This allows the individual (head of the family) to attend to build interpersonal communication in a greater capacity in anticipating the involvement of their children in juvenile delinquency. In carrying out individual capacity building, measured through the concept of Gross namely decision making, communication, control.

Rammen Andino Sinaga

This study aims to look at the communication patterns of the social companions of the Family Hope Program in the Family Capacity Building Meeting (P2K2) in Balige District. Family Capacity Building (P2K2) carried out by Social Assistance to beneficiary families (KPM) basically has the same goal as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is to improve the welfare and safety of the community in order to improve the ability of the underprivileged to manage their daily lives. . With the following conclusions: (1) Family Capacity Building Activities have interaction between social assistants and families who are beneficiaries of the social assistance. This interaction creates an emotional closeness between the parties involved. In this activity, communication between the parties involved. The effective communication starts from the closeness and shared experience between the Social Facilitator and the beneficiary. With the results of the study as follows, the communication used in Family Capacity Building activities is a type of interpersonal communication and group communication. (2) In P2K2 activities, social assistants must take an emotional approach to KPM PKH because emotional closeness will increase the extrinsic motivation of KPM PKH. (3) Communication barriers in P2K2 activities, social assistants must take more persuasive and humane actions, so that the message conveyed can be well received. (4) P2K2 Balige District can be said to be effective communication, because the purpose.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Jesica Sharon Agatha ◽  
Roswita Oktavianti

The act of bullying is one of the dark sides of interpersonal communication. The act of bullying is experienced by many teenagers when hanging out with friends or in life in the family. A person's academic ability in high school tends to be influenced by the conditions of the surrounding environment. As for those who want to be involved in the world of modern communication, the ability of public speaking is an important part of it. This study wants to find out how much frequency the types of bullying experienced by students during high school (SMA), and how these types of bullying have an impact on academic ability and public speaking. The research method used is mixed (Mix Method) to find out how much frequency the type of bullying is towards the victim, and how the type of bullying has an impact on the academic ability and public speaking of the victim. In this study, the respondents selected by the researchers had certain criteria, one of which was the second-semester students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Tarumanagara University. Therefore, the measurement of the respondent's academic ability uses a GPA. Based on the results of the study indicate that the act of bullying has a different impact on the victims. Not a few who experienced a decrease in academic ability and public speaking. The highest frequency of bullying is verbal bullying in the form of physical insults.Tindakan bullyingmerupakan salah satu sisi gelap dalam komunikasi antarpribadi. Tindakan bullyingbanyak dialami para remaja ketika bergaul dengan teman-teman atau dalam kehidupan di keluarga. Kemampuan akademis seseorang pada masa SMA cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan sekitar. Hal ini menjadi persoalan ketika bullying yang dialami pada saat SMA membawa dampak bagi kemampuan siswa terutama ketika memasuki jenjang perguruan tinggi. Mahasiswa dituntut memiliki kemampuan public speaking selama perkuliahan. Penilaian juga beralih menjadi sistem Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui seberapa besar frekuensi jenis bullying yang dialami mahasiswa semasa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), dan bagaimana jenis bullying tersebut berdampak pada nilai public speaking dan IPK. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar frekuensi jenis bullyingpada siswa semasa SMA. Sementara metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menjawab bagaimana jenis bullyingtersebut berdampak pada kemampuan publicspeakingdan nilai IPK mahasiswa.Responden yang dipilih adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara semester dua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan bullyingmemiliki dampak yang berbeda-beda bagi korbannya. Tidak sedikit yang mengalami penurunan dalam nilai public speaking dan IPK. Frekuensi tindakan bullyingdialami mahasiswa semasa SMA adalah bullyingverbal berupa hinaan fisik.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Heri Saptadi Ismanto ◽  
Joko Sulianto ◽  
Mudzanatun IKIP PGRI Semarang ◽  
Ryky Mandar Sari

AbstractParents have a vital role for growth and development of a teenager. Parents as the first actor to be an example for a teenager, so it must equip children with knowledge of the personality and the science of religion that later children can socialize in the community. Juvenile delinquency is happening is not the fault of the parents themselves, but also lies in the surrounding environment that can affect the behavior of adolescent youth. The role of parents and the environment is important for teens to form personal the better. In dealing with teenagers there are some things you should always keep in mind, namely that the soul is a soul-filled adolescent turmoil. Internal and external conditions are equally turbulent adolescence that causes more prone than other stages of mental development of adolescents. To reduce collisions between turbulence and to provide opportunities for youth to develop themselves in a more optimal, need to be created nearby environmental conditions as stable as possible, especially the family environment.Key Words: Adolescents, Personal, Moral HonorAbstrakOrang tua memiliki peran yang sangat penting terhadap tumbuh kembang seorang remaja. Orang tua sebagai aktor pertama yang menjadi contoh bagi seorang remaja, sehingga harus membekali anak dengan ilmu kepribadian dan ilmu agama supaya kelak anak dapat bersosialisasi dimasyarakat. Kenakalan remaja yang terjadi bukanlah kesalahan dari orang tua sendiri, melainkan juga terletak pada lingkungan disekitar remaja yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku remaja. Peran orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar sangatlah penting untuk membentuk pribadi remaja agar menjadi lebih baik. Dalam menghadapi remaja ada beberapa hal yang harus selalu diingat, yaitu bahwa jiwa remaja adalah jiwa yang penuh gejolak. Kondisi intern dan ekstern yang sama-sama bergejolak inilah yang menyebabkan masa remaja lebih rawan daripada tahap-tahap lain perkembangan jiwa remaja. Untuk mengurangi benturan antargejolak itu dan untuk memberi kesempatan agar remaja dapat mengembangkan dirinya secara lebih optimal, perlu diciptakan kondisi lingkungan terdekat yang sestabil mungkin, khususnya lingkungan keluarga.Kata Kunci: Remaja, Pribadi, Akhlak Mulia

Oceans ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-132
Rebecca Zitoun ◽  
Sylvia G. Sander ◽  
Pere Masque ◽  
Saul Perez Pijuan ◽  
Peter W. Swarzenski

Capacity building efforts in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are indispensable for the achievement of both individual and collective ocean-related 2030 agenda priorities for sustainable development. Knowledge of the individual capacity building and research infrastructure requirements in SIDS is necessary for national and international efforts to be effective in supporting SIDS to address nationally-identified sustainable development priorities. Here, we present an assessment of human resources and institutional capacities in SIDS United Nations (UN) Member States to help formulate and implement durable, relevant, and effective capacity development responses to the most urgent marine issues of concern for SIDS. The assessment highlights that there is only limited, if any, up-to-date information publicly available on human resources and research capacities in SIDS. A reasonable course of action in the future should, therefore, be the collection and compilation of data on educational, institutional, and human resources, as well as research capacities and infrastructures in SIDS into a publicly available database. This database, supported by continued, long-term international, national, and regional collaborations, will lay the foundation to provide accurate and up-to-date information on research capacities and requirements in SIDS, thereby informing strategic science and policy targets towards achieving the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) within the next decade.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dra. St. Rahmah, M.Ag

Lately, the competition of life began fragmented in specific areas so as to make more stringent way of civilization as happens now makes humans living in it must be able to adjust to developments, technology more sophisticated, the prolonged economic crisis made the economy in society is getting worse, until finally becoming more food shortages. To satisfy all human needs often clash with the level of ability and powerlessness. As a result, people often have psychiatric disorders or stress. Stress can be prevented by blocking various factors that cause stress and shock in a good spirit of the individual factors themselves and the surrounding environment factors are factors in the family environment, school, and community environments. Islam as a source of rules and values against any phenomenon that happens in this world of universal and covers all dimensions of human life both to human problems that are material and psychological (mental) concept offers a patient as a preventive step to cope with the stress.

Dharma Duta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
I Kadek Sukiada

Advances in communication technology can provide ease to interact also entertainment through cyberspace. So the limits of mass communication and interpersonal communication become rather pseudo, the emergence of new ways of communicating to society, through social media. The existence of shifting function of the mobile phone, which initially only serves to send a message or call someone has developed far into a 'laptop' that can be easily taken anywhere. Most people prefer to keep a BB pin compared to storing phone numbers. The impact of these developments, so that it needs an increase in public awareness about the surrounding environment, especially families, because unconsciously or consciously has changed the lifestyle of every family in the community. The family will achieve a degree of harmony if it is not based solely on biological factors, but the aspect of affection must prevail within it as the main pillar of maternal stability. The family organization system must be balanced by maintaining the strap within which is a harmony based on love affair. So with sex, in his view is one of the biological needs of living beings, especially by a two-legged creature, having a nose, a two-handed, walking by standing, having a mind, called a human being.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 651-668
Carl A. Anderson

Decisions of the United States Supreme Court beginning with Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) have transformed family law in the United States. By characterizing the right to marry as a fundamental constitutional right and procreative decision-making as both a fundamental liberty interest and privacy right, the Court has “deregulated” the institutions of marriage and family. During this same period the Court’s approach to legal questions involving the rights of non-marital cohabitating couples as well as individual procreative decision-making has tended to blur legal distinctions between the family based upon marriage and other living arrangements. The widespread adoption of mutual consent and/or marital breakdown as grounds for the dissolution of marriage in the United States has significantly altered the social dynamics of marriage and further reduces distinctions between marriage and other living arrangements. However, recent decisions by the Court in Hardwick, Michael H., and Webster point to a change of direction in the Court’s view of privacy which may signal a willingness to tolerate greater community involvement in establishing protective regulation of the institutions of marriage and the family based upon it. The Court also appears to be in the process of significantly narrowing the constitutionally recognized right of privacy when viewed as a zone of autonomous decision-making for the individual or non-marital couple.

1954 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-191

AS MEDICINE in general and pediatrics in particular turn more and more to concern about the health of the family and the environment as essential to the health of the individual, it is inevitable that the problems of the juvenile delinquent are being brought to the attention of those dealing with the health and welfare of the youth of the community. The issue has grown so in magnitude that it has become an active interest in Washington. A Senate Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee under the chairmanship of Senator Hendrickson (Rep.—N.J.) is undertaking to investigate all phases of juvenile delinquency, the size and nature of the problem, its causes, and ways of dealing with it. In addition to hearings on the national aspects of juvenile delinquency, they plan to study the problem in individual communities where they will explore such questions as the following: 1. The relationship of such factors as housing and economic security to juvenile delinquents. 2. The extent to which overcrowded schools, lack of recreational facilities and lack of welfare and mental health services contribute to the problem. 3. The adequacy of laws pertaining to the protection of both children and the community and their enforcement. 4. The extent to which unscrupulous adults contribute to juvenile delinquency through the sale of alcohol and drugs to young people.

Nilton Eliseu Herbes Liane Rossales Dalprá

O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) é uma condição neurodesenvolvimental caracterizada pelo comprometimento de duas áreas do desenvolvimento: habilidades sociocomunicativos e comportamentos restritos e repetitivos, os quais têm influência nas relações e nas trocas estabelecidas com o meio. A família é o grupo social primário, constituindo um suporte de extrema importância para que o indivíduo se desenvolva, se forme e aprenda a viver em sociedade. Quando nasce um filho com autismo, o impacto do diagnóstico nos pais faz com que o ciclo de vida familiar se altere, acarretando um esforço adicional para os pais, pois têm de se reorganizar para se adaptarem à família com uma realidade nova. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo, investigar quais as implicações que o diagnóstico de transtorno do espectro autista (TEA) traz à família. Trata-se de um estudo de descritivo, bibliográfico, documental, realizado através de uma revisão da literatura. Para a revisão foram selecionados os estudos que respondessem à questão norteadora: Quais as implicações que o diagnóstico de TEA traz à família? Baseado na pesquisa, conclui-se que quando nasce um filho com autismo, o impacto do diagnóstico na família faz com que o ciclo de vida familiar se altere, acarretando um esforço conjunto para se reorganizar e se adaptar a uma realidade nova. As adaptações e mudanças efetuadas ao nível familiar e social são significativas. As redes de apoio e as estratégias de coping familiar facilitam o ajustamento e diminuem a angústia e a ansiedade da família que convive com um membro autista.Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by impairment of two areas of development: socio-communicative skills and restricted and repetitive behaviors which influence the relations and the exchanges established with the surroundings. The family is the primary social group, constituting an extremely important support system for the individual to develop, to be formed and to learn to live in society. When a child is born with autism the impact of the diagnostic on the parents causes a change in the cycle of the family life, demanding additional effort for the parents since they have to reorganize in order to adapt to the family with a new reality. The goal of this research is to investigate what implications the diagnostics of autism spectrum disorder have on the family. It is a descriptive, bibliographic, documental study carried out through a review of literature. For this review studies that answered the following guiding question were selected: What are the implications of a diagnostic of TEA on the family? Based on the research the conclusion is that when a child is born with autism, the impact of the diagnostic on the family causes alterations in the family cycle, demanding joint effort to reorganize and to adapt to a new reality. The adaptations and changes that take place at the family and social level are significant. The support networks and the strategies of family coping facilitate adjustment and diminish the anguish and anxiety of the family living with an autistic member.

Helena Vecenane ◽  
Dina Bethere ◽  
Svetlana Usca

The indicators of physical competence in scientific research studies and normative documents of education systems are defined differently. However, the consolidation of research evidence confirms that in this area the knowledge and skills of the person imply taking responsibility for health and well-being of one’s body, motoric skills, and ability to regulate and physically adapt to the surrounding environment. Undoubtedly, the family plays a major role in the development of children's physical competence. At the same time in this context the input of educational programmes is significant together with the individual physical competence of a teacher and his/her understanding about how to ensure its quality in one’s own work and in the concept of educational system.The aim of the research reflected in this publication is to analyse the physical competence of the students of Teacher Programmes as a resource for the development of the concept of their further pedagogical work. For this purpose, the emerging teachers have been surveyed using the methodology developed by Corbin et al. (2008). For statistical analysis of the research data the SPSS 22.0 programme was employed: a method of descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Kendall's tau-b correlation test.  

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