2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Bretha Arih Kitami S. Maha ◽  
S. H. R. Ticoalu ◽  
Djon Wongkar

Abstract: Use of high heels above five centimeters can cause problems in the blood vessels. That is, akhiles tendon which is behind the heel and calf muscles are constantly in a state of tension. Depressed blood vessels, occurs dam and eventually lead to varicose veins. Varicose veins are veins are dilated tortuous so prominent on the surface of the skin. Objective: To determine the effect of use high heels on the risk of varicose veins in the lower limbs. Method: The type of this research used an observational research and using a cross sectional design. Result: The statistics determined that there was significant effect of use high heels on the risk of varicose veins in the lower limbs and P value was 0.0001.  Conclusion:The statistics determined that there was significant effect of use high heels on the risk of varicose veins in the lower limbs. Keywords: High heels, varicose veins.  Abstrak: Pemakaian sepatu hak tinggi di atas lima sentimeter dapat menyebabkan masalah pada pembuluh darah. Artinya, tendon Akhiles yang berada di tumit belakang dan otot betis terus-menerus dalam keadaan tegang. Pembuluh darah tertekan, terjadi bendungan dan akhirnya mengakibatkan varises. Varises adalah pembuluh darah balik yang melebar yang berliku-liku sehingga menonjol pada permukaan kulit. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan sepatu hak tinggi terhadap resiko timbulnya varises pada tungkai bawah. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian observasional dengan menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional. Hasil: Secara statistik ditetapkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan sepatu hak tinggi terhadap risiko timbulnya varises pada tungkai bawah dengan p=0,0001. Simpulan: Secara statistik terdapat pengaruh penggunaan sepatu hak tinggi terhadap risiko timbulnya varises pada tungkai bawah. Kata kunci: Sepatu hak tinggi, varises.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-108
Riyan Sabputra ◽  
Santy Deasy Siregar ◽  
Rapael Ginting

Varicose veins of the lower limb (VVTB) abnormalities of blood vessels in the lower extremities. The prevalence of VVTB in Europe is around 50% of the adult population. The incidence of varicose veins in Indonesia is 25% to 30% in women and 10% to 20% in men. Based on a preliminary survey in Desa Securai Selatan, Babalan Subdistrict, Langkat Regency, out of 10 people there were 7 people suffering from VVTB. Therefore, the authors want to find out the factors that affect Varicose Veins of Lower Legs (VVTB) in Primary School (SD) teachers in Securai Selatan Village, Babalan Subdistrict, Langkat Regency in 2019. Types of analytical research with cross sectional approach. The population is Elementary School (SD) teachers in Securai Selatan Village, Babalan Subdistrict, Langkat Regency as many as 35 female teachers consisting of SD Alur Rejo having 19 teachers, SD Batang Rejo having 6 teachers and SD Sendayan having 10 teachers. The sample in this study using total sampling. Data analysis was performed with univariate and bivariate analysis with chi-square test. The results of the study were elementary school teachers based on the long standing majority of the categories that did not last long, namely 19 people (54.3%), the majority age category = 30 years was 28 people ( 80.0%), majority education in S1 category is 33 people (94.3%), obesity in the majority category is not obese that is 18 people (51.4%), the use of high heels majority of the categories do not wear high heels that is 25 people (71 , 4%), the majority of VVTB categories were not VVTB, namely 28 people (80.0%). The conclusion is the influence of long standing factors, age, obesity and the use of high heels on VVTB in elementary school teachers in Securai Selatan Village, Babalan Subdistrict, Langkat Regency in 2019. The research suggestion is that teachers are expected to prevent VVTB by minimizing the work of teachers who are dominated by standing length of time in teaching and limiting the use of high heels to less than or equal to 5 cm because the use of shoes more than 5 cm is easier for potential varicose veins in the lower limbs

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 201-206 ◽  
T M Ahti ◽  
L A Mäkivaara ◽  
T Luukkaala ◽  
M Hakama ◽  
J O Laurikka

Objectives To assess whether smoking, alcohol drinking and dietary factors are linked with varicose veins. Methods A middle-aged general population of 4903 was studied, and prevalence rates at entry and five-year incidence of varicose veins were assessed. Lifestyle habits were recorded at entry and at the end of the follow-up. Results New varicose veins were significantly more common in individuals with regular alcohol intake, incidence odds ratio (OR) 1.5 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05–2.3) in a multivariate analysis (of 2202 individuals). The association was particularly strong in women. Smokers had a higher incidence of varicose veins compared with non-smokers, OR 1.3 (95% CI: 0.9–1.8), but without statistical significance. Having daily meals of meat implied less new varicose veins than having 0–2 weekly meals of meat. Conclusion Alcohol was likely to increase the risk of varicose veins in women and smoking in both genders. These findings were seen in the follow-up design, but not when the data of these risk factors were compared with varicose veins prevalent at entry.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Mimi Amarita

Background: Food security from the consumption pillar is reflected by the loyal ability of citizens to consume food that is sufficient in quantity and nutritional quality, safe, diverse and affordable. Consumption of adequate and nutritionally balanced food is a form that must be met to minimize nutritional problems including stunting.Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between the Expected Food Pattern (PPH) and the incidence of stunting in toddlers.Methods: The type of research used is observational research, using a cross sectional design. The research sample is 90 samples. The research location is in North Kluet District, Aceh Regency. Data analysis using SPSS Software Independent Test t-test. Research data will be presented in the form of univariate and bivariate analysis.Results: The results showed that there was no difference in the Expected Food Pattern (PPH) score between stunting toddlers and the PPH score for normal toddlers, the p value = 0.553 (p > 0.553).Conclusion: In conclusion, the PPH score in stunting toddlers with normal toddlers does not show a difference on average in North Kluet District, South Aceh.

Sukma Sahreni ◽  
Yani Christina

Varicose veins of the lower limbs are diseases that are related to a person's life habits. This disease still received little attention, because this disorder is considered mild and a low mortality rate. However, varicose veins have several risky complications and are rarely noticed such as chronic venous insufficiency that will cause edema. From the above reasons, researchers are interested in examining the relationship of knowledge and prevention with the incidence of varicose veins in female nurses at Camatha Sahidya Hospital, Batam City in 2018. This research is a quantitative type with a descriptive-analytic research design with a cross-sectional approach conducted in November 2018. The total sample in Camatha Sahidya Hospital is 81 people. This study uses an Accidental Sampling of data collection techniques. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariate by computer using the chi-square statistical test. Based on statistical test results, it was found that there was no significant relationship between knowledge and the incidence of varicose lower limbs in female nurses at Camatha Sahidya Hospital with p-value = 0.177. , 8%), the category of good knowledge and the incidence of positive varicose veins were 25 nurses (53.2%), the category of bad knowledge and the incidence of varicose veins were positive there were 24 nurses (70.6%), the category of bad knowledge and the incidence of varicose veins were negative there were 10 nurses ( 29.4%) Then there was also a significant relationship between the level of prevention with the incidence of varicose veins in female nurses at Camatha Sahidya Hospital with p-value = 0.012. ), good prevention categories with the incidence of positive varicose veins were 35 nurses (72.9%), prevention categories b However, with the incidence of positive varicose veins there were 14 nurses (42.4%), the category of poor prevention with the incidence of negative varicose veins was 19 nurses (57.6%). From the results of the study it was concluded that there was no significant relationship between knowledge and the incidence of varicose lower limbs and there was a significant relationship between the prevention and incidence of varicose lower limbs in female nurses at Camatha Sahidya Hospital in 2018.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-322
Dwi Sutiningsih ◽  
Inova Inova ◽  
Mateus Sakundarno Adi

Background: Tempoyak is a traditional food of Dayak tribe that is processed from durian fruit meat. Some studies show that at a certain amount of tempoyak consumption can increase blood pressure. Nutritional content in durian fruit that can affect blood pressure, namely, potassium, calcium, sodium, and alcohol. The purpose of this study is to prove that consuming tempoyak is a risk factor for hypertension.Methods: This research is an observational research with cross sectional design that is done in Dayak tribal communities in the area of Tumbang Samba health center. The study population in this study is the population in the area of Puskesmas Tumbang Samba Katingan Regency. The sample number was 180 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Result: The results showed that the proven factors for the incidence of hypertension are coffee consumption (PR=5,280; p-value=0.022), tempoyak consumption frequency (PR=3,935; p=value=0.047).Conclusion : Tempoyak consumption is proven to be a risk factor for the incidence of hypertension.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Setia Budi ◽  
Ria Dila Syahfitri

The rate of stroke incidence is about 200 per 100,000 people throughout the world. This study aims to determine the Relation Suffer Stroke With Independence Level In Neurology Polyclinic TK II DR Ak Gani Palembang Year Hospital 2017. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with cross sectional design that is done by interviewing techniques with questionnaires on 42 respondents with Accidental sampling technique. This research was conducted in August 2017. Data analysis used is univariate data analysis and bivariate data analysis with one way anova test result. The results of univariate analysis showed that the duration of the respondents suffering from stroke was between 2.10 years to 3.38 years. Also found that most respondents were at the level of independence f; independent, except bathing, dressing, moving, and one other function with a total of 12 respondents. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the long suffering stroke with the level of independence with the value of p value 0.025. For that the need for rehabilitation to patients and families of patients in order to help improve the independence of stroke patients in doing their daily activities. Keywords : Long Suffer Stroke, Level of Independence

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Laila Kamila ◽  
Maulidiyah Salim

Abstract: Coronary heart is a disease that offense to blood vessels and heart attack due to constriction of blood vessels. A high level of cholesterol in blood or exceeds the normal limit can form sediment in wall of blodd vessels which cause blood vessels constriction or blockage. This research object to determine whether there is a correlation between cholesterol level total and hypertension with coronary heart disease in patients who hospitalized in Regional Public Hospital of dr. Soedarso Pontianak. This study was used cross sectional design, purposive sampling technique, it gained 50 people as samples. The measurement of blood pressure was done in heart poly and cholesterol total level in clinic laboratory of Regional Public Hospital of dr. Soedarso by using enzymatic CHOD-PAP method. It can be obtained that 10 people had hypertension and 40 people did not.the average of total cholesterol was 224 mg/dl. Maximum value of total cholesterol was 224 mg/dl and 152 mg/dl as minimum value. Data has been analyzed by using statistical test, Chi-Square, to determine the correlation of total cholesterol wit coronary heart disease, obtained p value=0,024 (less than α=0,05). Correlation of hypertension and coronary heart disease gained p value=0,923 (more than α=0,05), it can be concluded that total cholesterol correlated with coronary heart disease, and there was not a correlation between hypertension and coronary heart disease.Abstrak: Jantung koroner adalah penyakit yang  menyerang pembuluh darah dan serangan jantung, karena penyempitan pada pembuluh darah. Kadar kolesterol yang tinggi dalam darah melebihi normal dapat membentuk endapan pada dinding pembuluh darah sehingga menyebabkan penyempitan dan tersumbatnya pembuluh darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar kolesterol total dan hipertensi dengan penyakit jantung koroner pada pasien di RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak. Disain penelitian  ini menggunakan cross sectional, teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling, didapat jumlah sampel 50 orang. Pengukuran Tensi Darah dilakukan di poli Jantung dan pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol total di laboratorium klinik RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak dengan metode enzimatik CHOD-PAP. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 10 orang mengalami hipertensi dan 40 orang non hipertensi. Rata-rata kadar kolesterol total 224 mg/ dl. Nilai maksimum kadar kolesterol total yaitu 224 mg/dl dan nilai minimum yaitu 152 mg/dl. Analisa data dengan uji statistik Chi-square untuk mengetahui hubungan kolesterol total dengan penyakit jantung koroner didapatkan nilai p = 0,024 (lebih kecil dari  α 0,05). Uji hubungan hipertensi dengan penyakit jantung koroner didapat nilai p = 0,923 (lebih besar dari α 0,05), dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan kadar kolesterol total dengan penyakit jantung koroner dan tidak ada hubungan hipertensi dengan penyakit jantung koroner.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Fitriani ◽  

At present, the incidence of injuries in Indonesia is quite high, as seen from data on traffic accidents in the general public. There are several factors that affect wound healing, one of which is nutritional status. Based on the preliminary data retrieval conducted by researchers in the seruni surgery room in the last 1 month namely in March, it was found that the number of wounded patients was 109 patients, where the number of men was 78 (71.56%) while the number of women was 31 ( 28.44%) The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status and the wound healing process in RSUD. H. Andi. Sulthan Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba. This research uses the type of design of this research is quantitative research. This type of research uses analytic observational research with cross sectional approach. The sample of this study were 41 respondents taken by purposive sampling method. Data analysis in this study used the chi-square test (chi square test). The results of the analysis used the chi-square statistical test with a confidence level (α = 0.05). Based on the results of this test, the p value is 0.001, thus p <α (0.001 <0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between nutritional status and the process of wound healing in RSUD. H. Andi. Sulthan Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba. Researchers suggest that this study be used as a material consideration in the fulfillment of nutrition in wound care patients in RSUD.H.A. Sulthan Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba and this research can be continued by conducting research related to the wound healing process and linking it with other variables.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Imelda Derang

Intelligence is the ability to apply the knowledge and experiences that have been gained into the effort tasks are challenging and flexible book. Behaviour is an action that involves aspects of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. Goal: This study aims to determine the relationship between the behavior of student nurses intelligence level II STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. Method: This study uses correlation with cross sectional design. The study population was all students / i Ners Level II STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan as 65. The samples used were 65 respondents, the sampling technique in this research is using purposive sampling. The instrument of this study using questionnaire and observation sheets by using product moment test person. Result: Intelligence students as many as 30 people (46.2%) classified as having an average level of intelligence. A total of 32 people (49.2%) classified as well-behaved students. Person product moment test results obtained p value = 0.172 where a significant level of p> 0.05 so that this value proves that the absence of a relationship between the behavior of student nurses intelligence level II STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. Conclusion: Recommended for institutions, motivating students in balancing the behavior and intelligence. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Meriati Bunga Arta Purba

Based on the research by the Sexuality and Gender Study Center of University of Indonesia, the rate of early marriage in Indonesia is the second highest in Southeast Asian in which 2 million out of 7.3 million women below 15 years old are married and drop out from school. Early marriage hinders them from going to school, causes pregnancy and birth complication, impedes the achievement of KB (Family Planning) Program and increases divorce rate. Goals : The objective of the research was to discover the correlation of value of virginity, knowledge and trust with early marriage at Dusun I Desa Baru. Methods: This is an observational analytical research with cross sectional design. It was done at Dusun I Desa Baru, Pancur Batu Subdistrict from November, 2017 until February, 2018. The population covered the teenagers below 20 years old which was all taken as the research samples i.e. 139 people. The dependent variable was early marriage, while the independent variables were parent income, trust, knowledge and value of virginity. The data were collected through questionnaires. Multiple logistic regression testing was employed to analyze the data. Result : The research results demonstrated that the variable with the most dominant influence was parent income at p-value = 0.006 (p<0.05) and Exp. β value = 3.675, followed by the variable of trust at p-value = 0.027 (p<0.05) and Exp. β value = 2.368, the variable of knowledge at p-value = 0.003 (p<0.05) and Exp. β value 6.064, and the variable of virginity at p-value = 0.003 (p<0.05) and Exp. Β value = 6.064. Based on these results, it was concluded that f(y) was 97%. It indicated that the probability of the variables of parent income, trust, knowledge and virginity influenced early marriage of 97.7%. Conclusion: It is recommended that the local government cooperate with local Puskesmas, Religious Figures, and Parents to conduct counseling to improve people’s knowledge of the ideal age to get married, so that they can prevent from possible problems due to early marriage and provide their children parent income at early age the importance of protecting their virginity until they get married.

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