2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Olivia G. Mokolensang ◽  
Aaltje E. Manampiring ◽  
Fatimawali .

Abstract: In adolescents, the incidences of overweight and obesity are serious problems because they will continue to develop until the children become mature. Obesity is caused mostly by environmental factors like diet and feeding behavior. The general objective of this research was to determine the correlations between obesity and diet in adolescents from Bitung city. Methods used is descriptive observational analysis with cross sectional design. The results showed that the majority of subjects in this study were women (47%), and 77.1% had nutritional status of central obesity, based by waist circumference measurement. From the results of comparative analysis using Fisher exact test, they showed very significant correlation between diet and obesity, for this case is the correlations between intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat with obesity status (P <0.01). This is confirmed by the results of logistic regression analysis that showed from the intake of various nutrients, fat intake is the most influential variable in the status of obesity from subjects in this study (Exp (B) = 6, p <0.01). Conclusion: there is a correlation between diet and obesity where the adolescents in this research had excessive diet (all macro-nutrients, like protein, fat and carbohydrate), when seen from the results of nutirent intake analysis compared to the recommended dietary allowance for children teens 13-17 years.Keywords: adolescent, obesity, dietAbstrak: Pada remaja kejadian kegemukan dan obesitas merupakan masalah yang serius karena akan berlanjut hingga usia dewasa.Obesitas terutama disebabkan oleh pengaruh faktor lingkungan terutama terjadi melalui ketidakseimbangan antara pola makan dan perilaku makan. Tujuan umum dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pola makan dan obesitas pada remaja di kota bitung. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif observasional analitik menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, sebagian besar subjek penelitian ini adalah perempuan (47%), dan 77,1% mempunyai status gizi obesitas sentral berdasarkan hasil pengukuran lingkar pinggang. Dari Hasil analisis komparatif menggunakan fisher exact test menunjukkan secara keseluruhan terdapat hubungan yang sangat bermakna antara pola makan dalam hal ini adalah asupan energi, karbohidrat, protein dan lemak dengan status obesitas (P<0,01). Hal ini dipertegas pada hasil analisis regresi logistik yang menunjukkan bahwa dari berbagai asupan zat gizi, asupan lemak merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap status obesitas pada subjek dalam penelitian ini (Exp(B) = 6, p<0,01). Simpulan: Adanya hubungan antara pola makan dan obesitas dimana Pola makan anak remaja dalam penelitian ini cenderung lebih (semua zat gizi makro yaitu protein, lemak dan karbohidrat) jika dilihat dari hasil analisis asupan zat gizi dibandingkan dengan angka kecukupan gizi yang dianjurkan pada anak remaja 13-17 tahun.Kata kunci: remaja, obesitas, pola makan

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Fajriansyah Fajriansyah

Es campur merupakan salah satu makanan jajanan yang sangat umum dimasyarakat. Es campur yang dijual bebas dipasar mempunyai kandungan zat warna yang sangat berbahaya bagi masyarakat. Rendahnya pengetahuan pedagang serta tindakan mereka berdampak negatif bagi konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan pengetahuan dan tindakan pedagang es campur terhadap penggunaan bahan kimia di Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang yang dilakukan pada 23 pedagang es campur di Kota Banda Aceh. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data pengetahuan, tindakan dan data penggunaan bahan kimia. Pengumpulan data dlakukan secara wawancara dan pengujian laboratorium. Uji statistik yaitu fisher ecxact test pada CI95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rendahnya pengetahuan (60,9%) dan tindakan (69,6%) pada pedagang, serta tingginya kandungan Rhodamin pada es campur (52,2%). Pengentahuan dan tindakan pedagang mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan tingginya kandungan bahan kimia pada es campur (p < 0,05). Kesimpulan, rendahnya pengetahuan dan kurang baiknya tindakan pedagang sangat signifikan terhadap tingginya kandungan bahan kimia Rhodamin B pada es campur. Saran, perlu penyuluhan dan pembinaan secara rutin kepada pedagang tentang bahaya zat warna non pangan dan akibatnya terhadap kesehatan. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, tindakan, Rhodamin B, es campur  Ice mix is one of the most common food snacks in the community. The mixed free-mixed ice on the market has a very dangerous dye content for the community. The low knowledge of traders, as well as their actions, have a negative impact on consumers. This study aims to measure the correlation of knowledge and action of the merchant of mixed ice against the use of chemicals in Banda Aceh. The study used a cross-sectional design performed on 23 ice-mix traders in Banda Aceh City. The data collected includes data on knowledge, action, and data on the use of chemicals. Data collection was conducted by interview and laboratory testing. The statistical test is Fisher exact test at CI95%. The results showed low knowledge (60.9%) and action (69.6%) on traders, as well as the high content of Rhodamine on mixed ice (52.2%). Trader's knowledge and actions have a significant relationship with the high chemical content in the mixed ice (p <0.05). Conclusion, low knowledge and lack of merchant action are very significant to the high content of Rhodamin B chemicals on the mixed ice. Advice, need counseling and guidance on a regular basis to the trader about the dangers of non-food dyes and the consequences on health. Keywords: Knowledge, action, Rhodamine B, mixed ice

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 341
Shafira Roshmita Diniyyah ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

 Background: Undernutrition is still the major of nutritional problem in Indonesia. Toddlers are one of age group that are susceptible to nutritional problems.  One of the direct cause of malnutrition  is nutrient intake.  Low intake of energy, protein and fat causes the utilization of nutrient intake become not optimal and susceptible to infectious diseases. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between energy, protein and fat intake with underweight toddlers aged 24-59 months. Methods: This research used a cross sectional study design with a sample size of 62  toddlers that living in the Suci Village Gresik. Data were collected by interview with questionnaires that related to the characteristic of toddlers and parents, form food recall 2x24 hours and measurement of weight toddlers based on WAZ index.  Data were analyzed using fisher exact test. Results: Underweight toddlers have lower intake of energy, protein and fat intake than non underweight toddlers. The results showed that there are 79.0% non underweight toddlers and 21.0% underweight, most of toddlers have adequate levels of energy, protein and fat intake. There was a correlation between energy (p=0.007), protein(p=0.039) and fat intake(p=0.010) with nutritional status of toddlers based on WAZ index.  Conclusions: It was suggested to increase the varied  and  food sources of  high energy, protein and fat, so the malnutrition can’t getting worse.ABSTRAK Latar Belakang:  Gizi kurang masih menjadi masalah gizi utama di Indonesia. Balita merupakan salah satu kelompok usia yang rentan mengalami masalah gizi. Penyebab langsung terjadinya gizi kurang salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh asupan zat gizi. Asupan energi, protein dan lemak yang rendah menyebabkan pemanfaatan zat gizi tidak optimal dan rentan mengalami penyakit infeksi.         Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan asupan energi, protein dan lemak dengan kejadian gizi kurang balita usia 24-59 bulan. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional  dengan jumlah sampel 62 balita yang tinggal di wilayah Desa Suci Gresik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dengan kuesioner terk1q`3aq15b`6aait karakteristik balita dan orangtua, form food recall 2x24 jam dan pengukuran berat badan balita menggunakan indikator BB/U. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji fisher exact.Hasil:  Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan balita dengan status gizi baik 79,0% dan balita gizi kurang 21,0%. Sebagian besar balita memiliki tingkat asupan energi, lemak dan protein dalam kategori cukup. Terdapat  hubungan antara asupan energi (p=0,007), protein (p=0,039) dan lemak (p=0,010) dengan status gizi balita berdasarkan indeks BB/U. Kesimpulan: Balita gizi kurang memiliki tingkat asupan energi, protein dan lemak lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan balita gizi baik. Perlu meningkatkan asupan bahan makanan sumber energi, protein dan lemak yang tinggi serta bervariasi agar kondisi gizi kurang tidak semakin memburuk.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 23
Umi Faza ◽  
Dyah Umiyarni Purnamasari ◽  
Saryono Yono

Abstract  The aim of this study was to determine factors associated with diminished appetite in CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy. This study is an observational analytic research with cross sectional design. Population of this study was CKD outpatients undergoing hemodialysis therapy in July- August 2016 in Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospitals. Amount of 58 subjects taken by consecutive sampling. Appetite, sex, age, length of hemodialysis, frequency of nausea/vomiting, and depression were measured using questionnaire. Subjects who diminished appetite were 58,6%. More than half subjects were male (56,9%). Amount of 84,5% subjects were adults (19-59 years), 63,8% undergoing hemodialysis >1year, 39,7% experienced nausea/ vomiting and 53,4% were depression. Based on Chi-Square Test/ Fisher Exact Test, diminished appetite significantly associated with length of hemodialysis (p=0,041), frequency of nausea/vomiting (p=0,014), and depression (p=0,002). Dominant factors affected diminished appetite were depression and length of hemodialysis. Diminished appetite in CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy associated with length of hemodialysis, frequency of nausea/vomit, and depression. Keyword : appetite, chronic kidney disease, hemodialysi  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang berhubungan dengan penurunan nafsu makan pada pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik (GGK) yang menjalani terapi hemodialisis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah pasien GGK rawat jalan yang menjalani terapi hemodialisis pada bulan Juli- Agustus 2016 di RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Sebanyak 58 subjek diambil dengan cara consecutive sampling. Nafsu makan, jenis kelamin, usia, lama hemodialisis, frekuensi mual/muntah, dan depresi diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Responden yang mengalami penurunan nafsu makan sebanyak 58,6%. Lebih dari separuh responden (56,9%) berjenis kelamin laki- laki dan 84,5% responden berusia dewasa (19-59 tahun). Sebanyak 63,8% responden menjalani hemodialisis >1tahun. Responden yang mengalami mual/muntah berat sebanyak 39,7% dan 53,4% mengalami depresi. Berdasarkan analisis bivariat menggunakan Uji Chi- Square/ Fisher Exact diperoleh hasil bahwa nafsu makan berhubungan secara signifikan dengan lama hemodialisis (p=0,041), frekuensi mual/ muntah (p=0,014), dan depresi (p=0,002). Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi penurunan nafsu makan adalah depresi dan lama hemodialisis. Penurunan nafsu makan pada pasien GGK yang menjalani terapi hemodialisis berhubungan dengan lama hemodialisis, frekuensi mual/muntah, dan depresi. Kata kunci : gagal ginjal, hemodialisa, nafsu makan  

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 205
Kevinti Febrina ◽  
Adhila Fayasari

An increase in blood lipid profi le escalates risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is the leading cause of death in the world. This study was intended to analyze the relationship between fat intake, fi ber intake, smoking habits, Body Mass Index (BMI) and central obesity and lipid profi le among patients in cardiology clinic. This study used cross sectional design with 60 subjects aged >29 years who were outpatients in the Cardiaology Polyclinic at Gatot Soebroto Hospital. Central obesity was measured using metline by measurung waist circumference; BMI was converted from measurements of body weight and height; characteristics and smoking habits were taken using a questionnaire; and food intake was measured using Semi Quantitative FFQ. Lipid profi le data was collected through secondary data. Bivariate data analysis on categorical data used chi-square, Fisher-exact test or spearman ordinal correlation and stratifi cation analysis using ANOVA or kruskall-wallis. There were 78.3% subjects who had abnormal LDL, 76.7% had abnormal HDL, 80% had abnormal triglycerides and 78.3% had abnormal cholesterol. There were signifi ant relationship between fat intake, smoking habits, BMI and central obesity to the lipid profi le (LDL, HDL, triglycerides and cholesterol) (p <0.05). Fiber intake was not signifi cantly related to lipid profi le. However, based on stratifi cation analysis,the more fi ber intake the lower levels of LDL profi les, triglycerides and cholesterol, and the higher levels of HDL.

2008 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Ferry Ferry ◽  
Woro Kushartanti ◽  
Mochammad Noerhadi

Background: Football is body movement that need energy balanced for maintaining optimum cardiorespiratory endurance. Macronutrient and micronutrient are the most nutrient needed to produce energy so that athletes have maximal performance in each sport activity. Athlete’s menu must be consist of 60-70% carbohydrate and 20-25% fat of total energy.Objective: To find out the correlation between the pattern of carbohydrate and fat intake with cardiorespiratory endurance of football athletes of PS Semen Padang in the top division of PSSI Liga Bank Mandiri in 2003.Method: This research was observational with cross sectional design. The subjects were football athletes of PS Semen Padang in the top division of PSSI Liga Bank Mandiri in 2003. Variables consisted of the pattern of carbohydrate and  fat intake, and cardiorespiratory endurance. Data were analysed using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis.Results: There were no significant correlation between carbohydrate (p=0.751) and fat (p=0.297) intake with cardio- respiratory endurance, while BMI (p=0.034), triglyceride (p=0.044) and body fat (p=0.007) had significant correlation with cardiorspiratory endurance. The most influential variable to cardiorespiratory endurance was body fat (OR=12.00).Conclusion: There were significant correlation between BMI, triglyceride, and body fat with cardiorespiratory endurance of football athletes of PS Semen Padang in the top division of PSSI Liga Bank Mandiri in 2003, but  there was no correlation between pattern of carbohydrate and fat intake with cardiorespiratory endurance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 120-123
Hossein Elyasi ◽  
Rahim Golmohammadi ◽  
Mohammad-Shafi Mojadadi

Background: Enterobiasis is a common parasitic disease at all age groups, especially children. It results in perianal itching, insomnia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rarely appendicitis and fallopian tube inflammation in the affected patients. The prevalence of enterobiasis varies in different parts of Iran. However, the status of the enterobiasis prevalence among Sabzevar children remains unknown. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of enterobiasis among the kindergarten children of Sabzevar, Razavi Khorasan province, the northeast of Iran. Methods: In this cross-sectional analytical-descriptive study, sampling was carried out on children aged below 7 years using the Scotch-tape technique in the kindergartens of Sabzevar in 2019. The samples were then examined by a light microscope. Finally, the data were recorded in a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software and Fisher exact test. Results: Based on the results, 6 (3.49%) out of 172 collected samples were found to be infected with enterobiasis. There was no significant association between gender and infection. Eventually, no significant relationship was found between the geographical living area and enterobiasis. Conclusions: These findings indicated that the overall prevalence of enterobiasis among Sabzevar kindergarten children was lower than that of many parts of Iran. However, educational programs for parents and kindergarten staff regarding enterobiasis infection and the transmission routes should be conducted to reduce the infection rate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Sri Wahyuni Muhsin ◽  
Sukma Elida ◽  
Arif Iskandar

Nutrition problems in Indonesia are already classified as multiple nutritional problems, namely the problem of undernutrition and overweight obesity. In 2010 the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Aceh province was 11.2 percent and in 2013 was 14.8 percent (8.9 percent fat and 5.9 percent very fat) resulting in an increase of 3.6 percent. Food intake is one factor that can cause cause overweight and obesity. This study wanted to analyze the factors of food intake in children aged 7-12 years become the cause of overweight and obesity. This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design aimed at assessing relationship of food intake on obesity-related weight status in first-fifth grade elementary school children aged 7-12 years at Kabupaten Aceh Barat. The sample size is 289 students. Determination of child obesity status using Body Mass Index based on Age (IMT/U), that is overweight and obesity if IMT/U>1.0 SD. Data of food intake was obtained through interview using 24-hour food recall form for 3 days. From 289 respondents, 51.90% were overweight and obesity. Factors related to the incidence of overweight and obesity are energy and fat intake (OR = 4.56 and 4.03).

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 130-141
Darmila ◽  
Nadia Alfira ◽  
Muriyati ◽  
Andi Baso Tombong

The results of observations at RSUD H. Andi Sultan Daeng Radja carried out observations on all types of wounds that entered the emergency room with each wound characteristic observed, namely the location of the wound, the shape of the wound, the size of the wound, the depth of the wound, and the wound edge. Research Objectives To determine the relationship between wound characteristics and infection incidence in RSUD H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja, Bulukumba Regency. The research design is quantitative research. This study used a cross-sectional design. The sample size is 14 people. Results Based on the Fisher exact test, the value of p = 0.005 (<α = 0.05) was obtained, which means that there is a significant relationship between the location of the wound and the incidence of infection. Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.016 (<α = 0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship between the shape of the wound and the incidence of infection. Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.010 (<α = 0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship between wound size and the incidence of infection. Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.002 (<α = 0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship between wound depth and the incidence of infection. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.267 (> α = 0.05), which means that there is no significant relationship between the wound edges and the incidence of infection. Conclusion and suggestion that there is a significant relationship between the location, shape, size, and depth of the wound and the incidence of infection. It is hoped that there will be further research with a larger number of samples with in-depth studies.

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 135 ◽  
Maria Martiani ◽  
Elisabeth Siti Herini ◽  
Martalena Purba

Background: The prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased in recent years. In 1993 the prevalence of ASD was 2-4 cases per 10.000 children. The number increased significantly to 152 cases per 10.000 children in 2003 (0.15-0.2%). In addition to diet, nutritional status can be influenced by parent’s knowledge and attitudess toward children with autism. Improving parent’s knowledge and attitudess about autism can be an effective way to manage children with autism.Objective: To examine the relationship between parent’s knowledge and attitudes toward autism with dietary pattern and nutritional status of autistic children in SLBN Semarang.Methods: This was an observational study with cross sectional design. The subjects were students with autism who attended SLBN Semarang and their parents. A questionaire was used to collect the information on parent’s knowledge and attitudes toward autism, Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used to obtain the data on gluten and casein consumption, whereas the data on nutritional status were measured by weight and height of the children. Chi square and Fisher Exact test were used to analyze the data.Result: As many as 55.3% of parents have good knowledge and 65.8% have a possitive attitudes toward autism. Fifty percent of children presented with good consumption pattern of gluten, 65% exhibited good consumption pattern of casein and 55.3% of autistic children had good consumption pattern of both gluten and casein. Almost half (47.4%) of the children were undernourished. There were no association found between parent’s knowledge and gluten and casein consumption (p>0.05); parent’s knowledge and nutritional status (p>0.05); and parent’s attitudes and nutritional status (p>0.05). Only parent’s attitudes towards autism was found to be associated with casein and gluten consumption pattern (p<0.05).Conclusion: There was a significant association between parent’s attitudes and consumption of gluten and casein in children with autism. 

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 108
Elisabeth Pampang ◽  
Martalena Br Purba ◽  
Emy Huriyati

Backgound: Juvenile obesity is becoming a global problem. The high prevalence of juvenile obesity is due to an inadequate physical activity and an imbalance of nutritional intake. The roles of parent are significant in the incidence of obesity; therefore their understanding on the prevention of obesity is necessary. Findings of some studies in Yogyakarta show that 7.9 % of adolescents are approaching obesity.Objective: To assess the relationship between energy intake, physical activities, parental perception, and the status of obesity among students grade 7 to 9.Method: This study used cross sectional design. The samples were students grade 7 to 9 of Yogyakarta Municipal City including those who were obese and non-obese. The respondents were recruited as many as 230 students; chi square (χ²) test and significant level of 95%, were used to analyze the difference between obese and non-obese group.Results: This study found that energy intake correlated with obesity (p < 0.05). Moreover, physical activity significantly correlated with obesity (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, parental perception did not significantly correlate with obesity (p > 0.05).Conclusion: Physical activity and energy intake had an association with obesity status among students grade 7 to 9 in Yogyakarta Municipal City. But parental perception had no association with obesity among the respondence.

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