2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Sinta Maria Dewi ◽  
Lilis Astutiawaty

Covid-19 memiliki dampak yang besar untuk masyarakat menengah ke bawah, karena perekonomian menurun dan juga banyak pengurangan hak kerja (phk) bagi para pegawai di perusahaan/pabrik. Banyak pedagang kaki lima yang tidak bisa berjualan dengan normal karena adaanya wabah virus corona dan kekurangan mata pencaharian, dan jasa ojek online pun tidak bisa beroperasi seperti biasa karena adanya aturan PSBB dan beberapa orderan jasa yang menurun karena adanya social distancing. Pemerintah sudah berusaha maksimal dalam membantu masyarakat yang kekurangan dengan memberikan bantuan sosial berupa sembako dan bantuan lainnya. Pemerintah pun telah memberikan kelonggaran untuk membayar kredit, pajak dan keringanan tagihan listrik. Masyarakat dan pemerintah perlu bekerja sama dalam memerangi covid-19, agar perekonomian indonesia dapat membaik.Kata Kunci : Covid-19 , PSBB , Social Distancing Covid-19 had a great impact for the lower middle society, as the economy declined and also much reduction in employment rights (phk) for employees in companies/factory. Many street vendors cannot sell normally due to the presence of corona virus outbreaks and lack of livelihoods, then even online ojek services cannot operate as usual due to the presence of PSBB rules and declining service order due to the presence of social distancing. The government is already trying to utmost in helping the deprived public by providing social aid in the form of a sembako, etc. Then the government also provided credit-paying leeway, taxes were also borne by the government, and the leniency of electricity bills. The public and government need to cooperate in combating covid-19, in order for the economy of indonesia to improve.Keywords : Covid-19 , PSBB , Social Distancing

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Ni Ketut Sriwinarti ◽  
Ikang Murapi ◽  
Dewa Ayu Oki Astarini ◽  
R. Ayu Ida Aryani ◽  
Baiq Adrian Ulfa

Government appeals to stay at home and restrictions on the delivery of public services do make people less comfortable in receiving public services, but this is a policy currently taken by the government is an effort to limit or stop the spread of Corona Virus. based on the instructions given, DJP (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak) then stop reporting directly and lead to the use of e-filing and extend the tax reporting period that should end on 31 March 2020 to 30 April 2020. Termination is what later became a problem experienced by taxpayers, especially the grocery traders in Gerung Market, Gerung District, West Lombok Regency, where the average trader was very unfamiliar with the use of electronics, especially the use of computers and the internet. By coordinating with an account representative, the servant provides assistance to traders who wish to report their annual tax return online while still paying attention to social distancing or maintaining a safe distance from participants. because of the adaptations made so that not all registered participants can be accompanied, namely only 50% of participants who successfully report online, 20% of participants are reported manually and the rest are still waiting for further policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Sukma Alam

ABSTRAK Keberhasilan penanganan Covid-19 di suatu negara salah satunya tercermin dari kemampuan pemerintah dalam berkomunikasi ke masyarakat. Di Indonesia, isu komunikasi pemerintah merupakan topik yang sedang hangat dibincangkan bukan hanya dilihat dari sektor kesehatan saja tetapi juga mengandung kosekuensi politik dan ekonomi sangat besar. Pemberitaan tentang komunikasi pemerintah di pandemi Covid-19 menjadi sorotan publik. Sebab, komunikasi pemerintah tidak berjalan maksimal, cenderung tidak merespons dan abai terhadap virus corona. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui untuk mengetahui pembingkaian (framing) komunikasi pemerintah dalam berita, dan dan untuk mengetahui penonjolan dan seleksi isu dalam berita komunikasi pemerintah di pandemi Covid-19 yang dilakukan, dan Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah analisis framing Robert M. Entman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ditemukan perbedaan pembingkaian dalam berita yang dimunculkan oleh membingkai komunikasi pemerintah sebagai permasalahan serius, membingkai komunikasi pemerintah sebagai isu krusial dan membingkai isu komunikasi pemerintah dari aspek politik. Sementara dari aspek seleksi isu, lebih kepada permasalahan yang berdampak langsung terhadap masyarakat, lebih kepada permasalahan komunikasi pemerintah dan lebih kepada permasalahan juru bicara. Kemudian aspek penonjolan, cenderung menonjolkan diksi berkonotasi dan narasumber kritis, lebih menonjolkan kritikan membangun dan cenderung menyudutkan pemerintah.   Kata Kunci: Framing, Berita Komunikasi Pemerintah, Covid-19   ABSTRACT One of the successful handling of Covid-19 in one country is the government's ability to communicate with the public. In Indonesia, the issue of government communication is a hot topic discussed not only from the health sector but also contains enormous political and economic problems. The news about government communications in Covid-19 pandemic became the public spotlight. Therefore, government communication is not running optimally and ignores corona virus. This research aims to study to find out the framing of government communication in, and news and to study the highlighting and selection of issues in government communication news in Covid-19 pandemic conducted, and The method used in this research is Robert M. Entman's framing analysis. The results of this study are finding framing in the news that was raised by framing government communication as serious, framing government communication as a crucial issue and framing government communication issues in political terms. While from the aspect of issue selection, is more a challenge that is directly related to the community, is more about the problem of government communication and Criticism builds and further corners the government.   Keywords: Framing, Government Communication News, Covid-19

Harmoni ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Daniel Fajar Panuntun ◽  
Eunike Paramita

ABSTRACT The global world at the end of 2019 was shocked by a pandemic caused by the Corona Virus. Corona Virus Disease 2019 raises global concerns about the rapid and deadly spread. Indonesia has also been affected by the Covid-19 case and dated March 19, 2020 there have been 309 positive cases and still counting. The government promotes social distancing policies to reduce publicity in order to minimize the development of Covid-19. Indonesian people are responding to this recommendation, but there are some who do panic buying, persecution of health workers who have the possibility of exposure to Covid-19  and other cases that show the loss of hopitality of Indonesian citizens. This paper aims to formulate an ethical model of Christian hopitality in the midst of the Covid-19  Pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach to theological research and social descriptive research. The results of this study consist of three main points, namely: first, Christianity must not lose empathy as an attitude of Christian hopitality in every lifetime. Second, the attitude of hopitalitas must look at the context ethically, namely the context of the distribution of Covid-19. Third, Christian hopitality has risks and impacts in the form of its implementation amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Key Words: Ethical Decisions, Hospitality, Christianity, covid-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-94
Cut Sabina Anasya Zulkarnain

ABSTRAKUU Cipta Kerja dalam Pasal 39 ayat (2) untuk pertama kali mengatur keputusan kelayakan lingkungan harus diumumkan melalui sistem elektronik. Secara bersamaan, penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) terbukti telah menjadi pemicu bagi Pemerintah dalam melakukan percepatan pengembangan penyusunan dan penilaian Amdal melalui sistem elektronik ‘’, yang seharusnya, juga menjadi penyelesaian baru bagi banyaknya masalah transparansi dan sengketa informasi dokumen Amdal di Indonesia selama ini. Aturan tersebut seolah dibuat agar mampu meyakinkan masyarakat bahwa transparansi akan lebih terjamin, padahal regulasi serupa yang ada juga belum terlaksana dengan baik, bahkan UU Cipta Kerja menghilangkan prinsip pemberian informasi dokumen Amdal yang sebelumnya terakomodir dalam Pasal 26 ayat (2) UU PPLH. Metode Penulisan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Tahap Penulisan melalui penulisan kepustakaan yang dilakukan dengan mencari data sekunder termasuk bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Tulisan ini merupakan suatu bentuk analisis kritis atas belum adanya pengaturan Amdal yang memadai terkait transparansi pengumuman usulan rencana usaha, dokumentasi saran, pendapat, tanggapan (SPT) masyarakat dan tanggapannya, hingga transparansi dokumen Amdal dalam pengumuman penerbitan Izin Lingkungan. Hal ini agar peraturan perundang-undangan di masa depan terkait pelaksanaan transparansi informasi dokumen Amdal dapat menghasilkan perbaikan signifikan, melalui sistem elektronik sebagai pembentukan sistem pengawasan publik.Kata kunci: analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan hidup (amdal); sistem informasi lingkungan hidup; transparansi informasi dokumen lingkungan. ABSTRACTArticle 39 Paragraph (2) of Indonesian Omnibus Law, for the first time, regulates that the decision of the Amdal must be announced through electronic system. The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become a trigger for the government to speed up the development of environmental impact assesment (Amdal) through electronic system (, that should also resolve many transparency issues and information disputes regarding Amdal in Indonesia. Hence, the regulation was made to guarantee the transparency improvement to the public, however, similar regulations before have never been fully implemented. Even further, Omnibus Law has eliminated Amdal document information providing principles which previously accomodated on Article 26 Protection and Management of Environment Law. Used research method is juridical normative. Writing phase is done by finding secondary data using primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. This paper is a form of critical analysis of the absence of adequate regulations regarding Amdal related to the transparency of the proposal, records of the citizen input with the documents of response, and also the decisions. So that, the future regulation regarding Amdal documents transparency, through Electronic System will result in significant improvements, as a supportive public law supervision system.Keywords: environmental document and information transparency; environmental impact assesment (amdal); environmental information system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 104
Aceng Asnawi Rohani ◽  
Anne Gunawati ◽  
Agus Prihartono PS

The government enforces various kinds of regulations in providing protection to the public, one of which is through the Financial Services Authority (OJK) by issuing POJK Number 11 / POJK.03 / 2020 concerning National Economic Stimulus as a Countercyclical Policy on the Impact of the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019. This regulates the implementation of the relaxation policy. against debtors affected by the new Corona Virus or Covid-19 outbreak. The restructuring carried out by the financing institution is carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued by the OJK based on POJK Number 11 / POJK.03 / 2020. However, the implementation is left to the policies of each financing institution, the relief scheme may vary, among others, in the form of lowering interest rates, adjusting principal or interest installments, extension of time or other matters determined by the bank or financing institution. This regulation does not regulate sanctions against banks / financing companies that do not provide restructuring / relaxation programs for debtor customers, because they are not coercive, the language used in this POJK is "can" not "must".

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 566-570
Mukhlis Mukhlis ◽  
Hayatul Ismi ◽  
Emilda Firdaus ◽  
Maria Maya Lestari ◽  
Adlin Adlin

With the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia, including in Riau Province, it is necessary to implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). PSBB is one way to reduce the impact of Covid-19. PSBB has currently been implemented in 10 regions in Indonesia as part of efforts to prevent the corona virus. The Central Government through the Ministry of Health has approved Pekanbaru to implement the PSBB. The main reason for implementing PSBB in dealing with the Covid-19 corona virus is because physical distancing, which has been carried out so far, is ineffective in the community. On that basis, the government strengthened the policy of physical restrictions for the community by implementing PSBB in the regions. It is necessary to do the socialization of PSBB and this Perwako, so that the public knows the Rules about PSBB. The service activity aims to provide guidance to the people of Pekanbaru City regarding Corona and PSBB, because Pekanbaru City is one of the cities that is a transit point. The implementation of activities to increase public knowledge about PSBB and Perwako was successful. This can be seen from changes in the behavior of people who were previously reluctant to wear masks, then have started wearing masks when they go out, as can be seen from the behavior of people who have avoided people's hassles and tried to keep their distance. The community also complies with large-scale social restrictions set by the government, this can be seen from the minimum community activity at night outside the home.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Riska Hediya Putri ◽  
Feri Kameliawati ◽  
Surmiasih Surmiasih ◽  
Inggit Primadevi

ABSTRAK Pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mewabah ke seluruh dunia sejak awal tahun 2020 dan membawa dampak yang signifikan bagi kehidupan manusia di seluruh dunia. Wilayah di tanah air memberlakukan PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) yang menyebabkan sekolah dan tempat kerja diliburkan, kegiatan keagamaan atau ibadah bersama dibatasi dan kegiatan-kegiatan di tempat umum atau fasilitas publik juga dibatasi. Menilik himbauan dari pemerintah agar masyarakat tetap tinggal di rumah dan menjaga jarak sosial atau social distancing yang saat ini istilahnya diubah menjadi physical distancing oleh WHO. Physical distancing adalah hal yang hampir tidak mungkin dilakuakan oleh anak usia dini sebab dunia anak adalah dunia bermain dengan kecenderungan anak untuk berinteraksi secara langsung. Metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan terapi bermain ular tangga. Tujuan kegiatan ini memberi pengertian kepada anak tentang adaptasi kebiasan baru melalui cara yang menyenangkan, salah satunya melalui terapi bermain. Perbedaan pengetahuan anak sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan pendidikan kesehatan dengan media bermain ular tangga dan lebih berpengaruh dalam peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap anak mengenai 3M, terutama pada pertanyaan tanda dan gejala corona virus dan penting tidaknya memakai masker, adanya peningkatan presentasi sekitar 67%. Oleh karena itu terapi bermain ular tangga lebih banyak memberikan rangsangan terhadap anak dan sesuai dengan keinginan anak yakni bermain. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, New Normal, Terapi Bermain  ABSTRACT Coronavirus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19) has spread to the world since the beginning of 2020 and has had a significant impact on human life around the world. Areas in the country impose PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) that cause schools and workplaces to be closed, religious activities or worship together are restricted and activities in public places or public facilities are also restricted. Considering the appeal from the government for people to stay at home and maintain social distance or social distancing which is currently the term changed to physical distancing by WHO. Physical distancing is almost impossible for early childhood to do because the world of children is a world of play with a tendency for children to interact directly. This method of community service activities is done with therapy playing snake ladder. The purpose of this activity gives understanding to children about the adaptation of new habits through fun ways, one of which is through play therapy. Differences in children's knowledge before and after health education activities with the medium of playing snake ladder and more influential in increasing the child's knowledge and attitude about 3M, especially on the question of signs and symptoms of corona virus and the importance of not wearing a mask, there was an increase in presentation of about 67%. Therefore, the therapy of playing snakes stairs provides more stimulation to the child and in accordance with the child's wishes, namely, play. Keywords: Covid-19, New Normal, Play Therapy

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-91
Sri - Widiastutik

The COVID-19 pandemic that is threatening the world has caused anxiety for all parties, including the people in Denpasar City. Various attempts have been made to make the situation stable, one way is to share information within a positive elaboration terminology. The information is certainly delivered by foreign words that are currently so prevalent, and appears in one click through the Google search engine. In order to convey the intent and meaning that can be properly channeled to all levels of society, Policies related to handling the COVID-19 pandemic through the elaboration of several foreign terms such as lockdown, swab test, social distancing, etc. are required. This study aimed to find out how the foreign words can be well accepted by the community without risking the existence of Indonesian language. As a descriptive qualitative method, the main data is Covid terms that are informed to the public in Denpasar are collected using a polling technique through randomly distributing questionnaires and simulation. Finding data was used survey & observation methods, as well as documentation. It is hoped public can understand and implement the appeal as expected by the government, without reducing the existence of good and correct Indonesian.Keywords: elaboration, foreign words, covid term

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Deni Ainur Rokhim ◽  
Laila Nur Alfiah ◽  
Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari

Abstract. The world is repairing the 2019 Corona Virus Disease pandemic (Covid-19). The spread of Covid-19 is increasingly widespread, increasingly influencing the number of deaths and increasingly diverse aspects of life. The government provides policies regarding activities out of the house, school activities at home, work from home, even worship activities are at home. Street Vendors (PKL) in Celep Village, Sidoarjo. This study discusses community perspectives regarding government policy on Work From Home (WFH). Street Vendors (PKL) are able to fulfill their daily needs by selling along the road, so they have to take a trading holiday. Based on the results of research through the distribution of questionnaires to Street Vendors (PKL) in Celep 46.2%, they strongly agree with the WFH policy, however, the policy concerns Street Vendors (PKL), which are needed to help meet the daily needs of Foot Traders Lima (street vendors).Keywords: Corona Virus Disease, Work From Home (WFH), Street Vendors (PKL).Abstrak. Dunia sedang mengalami pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Persebaran Covid-19 semakin meluas, sehingga menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah kematian dan mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. Pemerintah memberikan kebijakan membatasi aktifitas keluar rumah, kegiatan sekolah di rumahkan, bekerja dari rumah (work from home), bahkan kegiatan beribadah pun di rumahkan. Kebijakan tersebut berdampak pada sektor ekonomi masyarakat khususnya para Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) di Kelurahan Celep, Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif masyarakat berkenaan kebijakan pemerintah mengenai Work From Home (WFH). Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) mampu mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan berjualan di sepanjang jalan, sehingga mereka harus libur berdagang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian melalui penyebaran angket kepada Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) di Kelurahan Celep 46,2% sangat setuju dengan kebijakan WFH tetapi kebijakan tersebut mempengaruhi penghasilan Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL), sehingga dibutuhkan upaya pemerintah untuk mencukup kebutuhan sehari-hari Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL).Kata Kunci: Corona Virus Disease, Work From Home (WFH), Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Alfian Listya Kurniawan ◽  
Anang Setiawan

<p><em>This study aims to analyze the efforts made by the government in order to protect personal data, especially related to patient medical records. In the midst of the rampant Corona Virus Disease-19 (hereinafter referred to as Covid 19) pandemic in Indonesia. Often the identity of the patient or person who has been exposed to Covid 19 is known by the community in their environment, which has implications for the isolation of the patient from the surrounding community. There are also frequent leaks of the identity of Covid-19 patients in the surrounding community due to information coming out of the hospital with the aim of preventing the spread of the virus which basically violates the provisions regarding the privacy of patients with Covid 19. suffered by someone is also widely spread to the public. Based on this, it is necessary to study how the government should regulate the protection of medical records in the future, especially regarding the current Covid-19 pandemic.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Medical records, Personal Data Protection, Covid-19.</em></p><p> </p><p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam rangka melindungi data pribadi khususnya terkait dengan rekam medis pasien. Ditengah maraknya pandemi Corona Virus Disease-19 (Selanjutnya disebut dengan Covid 19) di Indonesia. Seringkali identitas penderita atau orang yang telah terpapar Covid 19 diketahui oleh masyarakat di lingkunganya, yang berimplikasi pada diasingkannya penderita tersebut dari masyarakat sekitar. Sering terjadi juga bocornya identitas pasien Covid-19 dimasyarakat lingkungan sekitar yang diakibatkan informasi yang keluar dari pihak rumah sakit dengan tujuan pencegahan penyebaran virus tersebut yang pada dasarnya melanggar ketentuan mengenai privasi pasien penderita Covid 19, lebih buruk sering kali data rekam medis lain termasuk penyakit yang diderita seseorang ikut tersebar luas ke publik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dijaki bagaimana seharusnya pengaturan mengenai perlindungan terhadap rekam medis kedepannya terlebih terkait pandemi Covid 19 saat ini.</p><p align="center"><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Rekam Medis, Perlindungan Data Pribadi, Covid-19.</p>

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