scholarly journals Lexical-Semantic Features Of Hyponymy In The Short Stories “The Voyage” And “Dunyoning Ishlari”( Deeds Of The World)

Masharipova Nargiza Otaxonovna

This article focuses on the semantic category hyponymy which is a word or phrase whose semantic field is included within that of another word, its hyperonym or hypernym or more shortly it is a term used to designate a particular member of a broader class in linguistics and lexicography. And current research is aimed at discovering the types of hyponymy category and their comparison in short stories “The Voyage” (in English) and “Deeds of the world” (in Uzbek).

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (16) ◽  
pp. 40-47
O. V. Minenko ◽  
Y. S. Snisarenko

The article deals with the semantics of lexical units of unrelated languages. Problems of studying the lexical level of related and unrelated languages are of particular interest, since the specificity of the national language systems is the most clearly reflected in the lexis. The study of common and different structural semantic features makes it possible to disclose the peculiarity of the native language and culture on the background of language contacts. The studied language systems belong to different types, and the comparison of languages of different types without regard to their genetic links is the greatest value for any research, since it contributes significantly to the correct understanding of the significance of the analyzed speech phenomena. The subject of the analysis is lexemes of socio-political meaning in the Ukrainian and English languages. The study of socio-political lexis is of considerable interest to linguistics, because it reflects one of the most important spheres of life of modern society – political. The study of such an active lexical category as socio-political lexis, contributes to the understanding of language phenomena, due to the evolution of the semantics of lexical units. Socio-political lexis is characterized by blurring of its boundaries, semantic dispersion and sphere of usage. In order to systematize the linguistic material, the lexical-semantic field of the studied lexical units was identified – “Political activity”, within which an anаlysis of the dynamic prosesses in the socio-political lexis was carried out in their correlation with the factors of a social nature. The peculiarity of the lexical-semantic field is that it is allocated on the basis of the logical division of the broad concept, but at the same time it is the actual linguistic division of the man’s representations of objective reality. The field approach to the organization of the vocabulary is one of the main principles of systematization of linguistic phenomena, through which the relationship, interdependence and hierarchy of linguistic units are revealed. This makes it possible to study not separate lexemes, but systems of lexical units and the reflection of their semantic links. Lexical-semantic fields are highly organized and intergrated conceptual spheres, elements of which are mutually delimiting one another, and their importance derives from the system as a whole. Each field analyzes the scope of experience, concrete or abstract; divided and classified in a unique way, reflecting a scale of values of society and a special vision of the world. As a result of the study of structural-semantic features of the lexical-semantic field “Political activity”, it became known that in English it is represented by larger number of lexical units. This advantage can be explained by the greater stability of the British political system in comparison with the Ukrainian. The presence in the lexical vocabulary of the English language of a greater number of borrowed lexical units with political meaning can be explained by the fact that Great Britain has more economic and political contacts with other countries of the world than Ukraine.

Oksana Riba-Hrynyshyn

The results of the study of the lexical and semantic field «Erdölkrise» in German are presented in the article. The field structure of the oil industry terminology and the place of the «Erdölkrise» professional lexical unit, its definitive meaning and origin are characterized. Newspaper and magazine professional articles and television reviews of the economic and socio-political situation in the world in the spring of 2020 were the factual material of the study. Corpus of terms, related to the key concept of «Erdölkrise», is considered as a terminological field in the German-speaking terminology of the oil industry the components of which have been sampled using a semantic-logical criterion. The oil industry's terminology for the term under study is a «field» that gives it precision and uniqueness and beyond which the word loses its characteristic of the term. With regard to the key term «Erdöl», the professional lexical unit «Ölkrise» will be a peripheral, that is, an interdisciplinary term of oil, economic and socio-political terminology. The Erdölkrise terminological field is characterized as a core and margin structure. The core of the field is formed by terms that denote the relationship in the world market and the features of decrease in demand for oil and drop of prices. The periphery of the terminological field is represented by general scientific and economic terms. On the basis of logical and conceptual and subject-semantic features, four lexical-thematic groups are distinguished: basic parameters, oil production and refining, pricing policy, world community. The word-forming types of the studied terms are analyzed: terms-compound words, terms-phrases and terms-abbreviations. The systematic system of the oil industry's terminology and the role of the lexical and semantic field «Erdölkrise», which reflects the interdependence and hierarchy of all concepts of the oil industry, are substantiated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (193) ◽  
pp. 218-224
Nadiya Ivanenko ◽  

The research focuses on the study of the actualization of the concept MARRIAGE in the context of the linguocognitive and linguocultural paradigm. The article analyzes the means of modeling the concept MARRIAGE in the British language picture of the world, its content, structure and cognitive interpretation. The concept-cognitive MARRIAGE is considered in the direction of anthropocentrism with consideration of modern achievements of cognitive linguistics, and also the place of this concept in construction of the British national picture of the world is defined. In the English language tradition, this social phenomenon is expressed through the lexical-semantic field of the concept MARRIAGE. The composition of other basic concepts of linguistic consciousness largely depends on the concept MARRIAGE. The article presents the results of etymological analysis. It plays a big role in determining the typology of culture and the need for this analysis helps to establish the source of origin of the conceptualizer. The analysis of dictionary definitions made it possible to investigate all the meanings of lexical units of the outlined nominative field. This allowed us to understand the nature and types of semantic structure of words that belong to different semantic groups and semasiological subclasses, as well as to look at the epidemiological relations of the key. In order to describe the complex structure of the organization of a multi-valued keyword, the notion of lexical-semantic variant is used. Basic characteristics of the concept MARRIAGE are possible to be found in the dictionary definitions and the complex structure of the concept is defined as a field structure, that is: denotative central content with semantic nucleus, peripherality and connotative surrounding.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-53
S. Lypka

The article presents comprehensive research of the semantic field comprising different parts of speech denoting impertinent behaviour in modern German. The author uses a combination of system-centric and anthropocentric approaches to determine the nominative space covered by the constituents of the lexical-semantic field and to identify their systemic, syntagmatic, paradigmatic and epidigmatic characteristics. The semantic features of the systemic structure (i.e. the lexical-semantic field) are described with the help of formalized quantitative (approximate and static) methods

Boiko I.I.

Purpose. The article reveals the features of synonymy, paronymy and antonymy in the English terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, considers their functioning, and describes the dynamics of the prominent characteristics of these semantic processes.Methodology. The research material consisted of 1000 English terms of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine selected from the relevant English professional texts (scientific articles and didactic materials). The research is methodologically based on the systemic-structural approach, which enables synchronous analysis of language phenomena based on the connections and relationships between linguistic elements. The analysis of paradigmatic relations of the terminology was based on the principles of semantic field and thematic organization of terms. Descriptive and comparative methods were also applied.Results. A review of the literature confirmed the existence of multi-vector views on synonymy in terminology. The sources of synonyms in the terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine are disclosed. The semantic and functional criteria of synonymy in the terminology are described, and the synonymous series available in it are revealed.The manifestation of antonymous relations as a regular principle of naming concepts with opposite meaning is clarified, and the differences between word-forming and lexical antonymy in the terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine are shown. The use of paronyms is analyzed, and it is emphasized that a slight difference in spelling and pronunciation leads to incorrect replacement of one word with another and loss of information.Conclusions. The analysis of lexical and semantic features of terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine has shown that synonymy and antonymy are common phenomena manifested on the lexical-semantic, derivational and stylistic levels. Each of theseypes of paradigmatic relations contributes to the development and enrichment of terminology of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. As for paronymy, it is a linguistic universal that cannot be avoided despite the fact that it contradicts the principles of professional communication. This vision of the role of synonymy, antonymy and paronymy is generally consistent with the observations and conclusions of researchers who conducted similar studies in related terminological systems.Key words: semantic relations, systematic language, paradigmatic relations, term, lexical-semantic relations. Мета. Метою статті було розкриття особливостей синонімії, паронімії і антонімії в англійській термінології косметології та естетичної медицини, розгляд їх функціонування, опис динаміки провідних характеристик цих семантичних процесів.Методи. Матеріалом дослідження послугували 1 000 англійських термінів косметології та естетичної медицини, відібраних з відповідних англійських фахових текстів (наукових статей та науково-дидактичних матеріалів). Дослідження методологічно ґрунтується на системно-структурному підході, який дозволяє здійснювати синхронний аналіз мовних явищ на основі зв’язків і відношень між мовними елементами. Аналіз парадигматичних відношень термінології відбувався на основі принципів семантичного поля та тематичної організації термінопонять. Було також застосовано описовий та порівняльний методи.Результати. Здійснений огляд літератури підтвердив існування різновекторних поглядів на синонімію в термінології. Визначено джерела поповнення синонімів у термінології косметології та естетичної медицини. Описані семантичні і функці-ональні критерії синонімії в зазначеній термінології, виявлені наявні в ній синонімічні ряди.З’ясований вияв антонімічних відношень як регулярного принципу найменувань понять з протилежним значенням, показано відмінності між словотвірною і лексичною антонімією в термінології косметології та естетичної медицини. Проаналі-зовано використання паронімів та підкреслено, що незначна відмінність у написанні і вимові призводить до неправильної заміни одного слова іншим та втрати інформації.Висновки. Проведений аналіз лексико-семантичних особливостей косметології та естетичної медицини показав, що сино-німія і антонімія є у ній поширеними явищами, які маніфестуються на лексико-семантичному, дериваційному та стилістич-ному рівнях. Кожний з цих типів парадигматичних відношень сприяє розвитку і збагаченню термінології. Щодо паронімії, то вона є мовною універсалією, якої неможливо уникнути, попри те, що вона суперечить принципам фахового спілкування. Таке бачення ролі синонімії, антонімії та паронімії в термінології косметології та естетичної медицини загалом узгоджується зі спостереженнями та висновками дослідників цих явищ в споріднених або близьких за тематикою терміносистемах.Ключові слова: семантичні відношення, системність мови, парадигматичні відношення, термін, лексико-семантичні відношення.

Яньчунь Лю

Введение. Исследованы мотивационные отношения и модели номинации в лексико-семантическом поле «Вред» на материале диалектов русского языка. Лексика этого поля связана с выражением отрицательной утилитарной оценки. Анализ мотивационных отношений и моделей номинации в лексике утилитарной оценки показывает особенности осмысления понятия «вред» в сознании носителей традиционной культуры. Цель статьи – выявить структурно-семантические и мотивационные отношения в лексико-семантическом поле «Вред». Материал и методы. Материалом послужили 49 выпусков Словаря русских народных говоров. Обнаружение мотивационных признаков, а также моделей номинации на их основе предполагает компонентный анализ семантики производного слова в сопоставлении с семантикой производящего слова, группировку признаков номинации в модели номинации. Для выяснения функционально-семантических особенностей применяется ареальный метод и – в случае неясной внутренней формы – сравнительно-исторический метод. Результаты и обсуждение. Рассмотрение мотивационно-генетических отношений единиц лексико-семантического поля «Вред» в диалектах русского языка позволило выявить и отследить становление понятийной структуры отрицательной утилитарной оценки в традиционной культуре. Выяснилось, что большинство лексем поля имеет однозначно устанавливаемые мотивационные отношения, кроме единиц ядра и околоядерной части поля, которые утратили прозрачность мотивационных отношений в силу исторической глубины их возникновения. Для реконструкции мотивационных отношений этих лексем привлечены данные этимологических словарей. Анализ семантических связей и мотивационных отношений лексики поля позволил выявить границы поля и выделить восемь моделей номинации. Заключение. Найденные мотивационные отношения и представленные ими мотивационные модели обнаружили, с одной стороны, принципиальное сходство с рассмотренной ранее мотивационной характеристикой на материале литературного языка, а с другой – выявили различия, связанные с историческими изменениями в мотивационных отношениях, обусловленные эволюцией понятия «вред». Introduction. This article is devoted to the study of motivational relationships and nomination models in the lexical-semantic field “Harm” based on the material of the dialects of the Russian language. The vocabulary of this field is associated with the expression of the negative utilitarian evaluation. The analysis of motivational relations and nomination models in the vocabulary of utilitarian evaluation shows the features of understanding the concept of “harm” in the minds of carriers of traditional culture. Aim and objectives. The аim is to identify structural-semantic and motivational relationships in the lexicalsemantic field “Harm”. Material and methods. Dialect material was collected from 49 issues of the Dictionary of Russian dialects. The detection of motivational features, as well as nomination models based on them, suggests a component analysis of the semantics of the derivative word in comparison with the semantics of the generating word, grouping of the signs of nomination in the model of nomination. The areal method and, in the case of an unclear internal form, the comparative historical method, serves to clarify the functional and semantic features. Results and discussion. Consideration of the motivational-genetic relationships of the units of the lexical-semantic field “Harm” in the dialects of the Russian language made it possible to identify and track the formation of the conceptual structure of negative utilitarian evaluation in traditional culture. As a result, it turned out that most field tokens have unambiguously established motivational relations, except for units of the core and the perinuclear part of the field, which have lost the transparency of motivational relations due to the historical depth of their occurrence. To reconstruct the motivational relations of these lexemes, data of etymological dictionaries are used. The analysis of semantic connections and motivational relations of field vocabulary made it possible to identify field boundaries and identify eight nomination models. Conclusion. The found motivational relations and the motivational models presented by them revealed, on the one hand, a fundamental similarity with the previously considered motivational characteristics on the material of the literary language, and on the other hand, they revealed differences associated with historical changes in motivational relations caused by the evolution of the concept of “harm”.

2020 ◽  
pp. 229-245
Vilija Sakalauskienė

The article analyses the image of man in the written sources of the Western Aukštaitian subdialects of Kaunas region. The object of research is the lexeme man. The methodology of the Lublin Ethnolinguistic School and Jerzy Bartmiński was followed in the article; the works of Polish, Russian and Lithuanian ethnolinguists were also drawn on. The work is based on two types of data: systematic (dictionaries of subdialects) and textual (texts in subdialects). The material of the Western Aukštaitian subdialects of Kaunas region reveals the perception of the world by villagers and their worldview of the language. The definitions of lexicographic sources highlight three main aspects of man: physical – adult, no gender distinction; mental – intelligent, pleasant, kind, honest, serious; social – daily life related to work, relationships with other people, various communities.The study is not limited to the definitions of lexemes, but also takes into account all the data in the lexicographic entry of the word: collocations and quotations illustrating the use of the title word.The data of the lexicographic and subdialect corpus allow reconstructing the lexical semantic field of man, reflect the structure of man’s concept in discourse on subdialects, and present those features of the meaning that the representatives of the subdialect have in mind when using the word man in a specific context.According to the data in Lithuanian subdialect texts and lexicographical, man is a being capable of thinking and speaking, physically fit and healthy, honest, an obedient subordinate, working, communicating, dependent on others, his own nation or religion.

Екатерина Евгеньевна Калинина

Статья посвящена вопросам изучения цветообозначений в чувашском и китайском языках. Цель работы - рассмотреть и систематизировать накопленный в изучении чувашских и китайских цветообозначений опыт. Основой для исследования послужили научные работы по данной теме. Выявлено, что сохраняется устойчивый интерес лингвистов к изучению цвета в самых различных аспектах и направлениях.Актуальность исследования определяется пристальным вниманием к изучению взаимодействия языка, культуры и этноса, где семантическое поле цветообозначения рассматривается как компонент культурного кода. В чувашском языкознании лексика цветообозначений пока не получила должного освещения. Встречаются работы фрагментарного характера, в которых затрагиваются вопросы этноспецифических особенностей символики цвета. Категория цвета в китайском языке широко исследовалась как зарубежными, так и отечественными языковедами.На основе сопоставительного обзора научных работ автор приходит к выводу, что в чувашском и китайском языках исследователи уделяют внимание изучению семантических особенностей слов-цветообозначений, их употреблению в художественных произведениях, анализу в аспекте языковой картины мира, в частности на примере фразеологических и паремиологических единиц. Предпочтение отдается сопоставительным исследованиям цветообозначений в основном с русским и английским языками. This article is devoted to the color designations in the Chuvash and Chinese languages. The purpose of the work is to consider and systematize the accumulated experience in the study of the Chuvash and Chinese color designations. The study is based on the research works devoted to the subject under consideration. It was revealed that linguists are still interested in the study of color in various aspects and focus areas .The relevance of the work is determined by a very close attention to the study of the interaction of language, culture and ethnicity, which semantic field of color designation is considered as a component of the cultural code. In Chuvash linguistics , the vocabulary of color designations has not been studied properly yet.. There are some works of a fragmentary nature, in which the issues of ethnic specific features of color symbolism are raised. However, the color category in the Chinese language has been widely studied by both foreign and domestic linguists.Based on the comparative review of scientific works, the author comes to the conclusion that in the Chuvash and Chinese languages, researchers pay attention to the study of the semantic features of words of color designations, their use in literary works, analysis in the aspect of the world linguistic picture, in particular, exemplified by phraseological and paremiological units. The preference is given to comparative studies of color designations mainly in the Russian and English languages.

Omurbaeva Gulzat

Abstarct: The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of "justice" in the novel “Arhat” by K. Akmatov which was later translated into English by Elizabeth Adams. The verbal representation of this concept is presented in terms of nucleus and periphery level. A comparison of these means makes it possible to identify similarities and differences in the consciousness of the collective and the individual. The examples for the analysis were selected from both original and translated texts. Along with study of the language picture of the world , the concept “justice” will be studied from linguacultural point of view and lexical semantic field will be revealed . Key words: concept, language picture of the world ,cognitive linguistics, lexical se- mantic field, nucleus and periphery. Аннотация: Бул макала Елизабет Адамс англис тилине которгон К. Акматовдун "Архат" романындагы "адилеттүүлүк" түшүнүгүн талдоого багытталган. Бул концепттин түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр менен сүрөттөлүп берилүү өзгөчөлүгү каралды. Аларды салыштыруунун негизинде жамааттык жана жеке аң-сезимдин окшоштуктары менен айырмачылыктары аныкталды.Талдоо жүргүзүү үчүн мисалдар чыгарманын кыргыз тилиндеги жана англис тилине которулган басылмаларынан тандалып алынды. Дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнесин чагылдыруу менен бирге лингва-маданий изилдөөнүн алкагында"адилеттуулук"концептинин лексикалык-семантикалык талаасы аныкталды. Түйүндүү сөздөр: концепт, дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнеси, когнитивдик лингвистика, лексикалык семантикалыкталаа, түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр. Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу концепта "справедливость" в произведении К. Акматова “Архат”, переведенная на английский язык Елизабетом Адамс. Вербальная репрезентация данных концептов представлена на уровне ядерно-периферийного описания. Сравнение этих средств позволяет выявить сходство и различие в сознании коллектива и индивидуума. Примеры для анализа были выбраны из исходного и переведенного текстов. Наряду с изучением языковой картины мира, концепт "справедливость" будет рассмотрен в рамках лингвокультурного аспекта и будет выявлено его лексико-семантическое поле. Ключевые слова: концепт, языковая картина мира, когнитивная лингвистика, лексико-семантическое поле, ядро и периферия.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1224-1234
Liubov Iurevna Stepanova ◽  
Daria Alekseevna Shchukina

The concept of a thesaurus is examined in the article; the importance of creating individual author's thesauri for a better understanding of the linguistic personality of the writer and his worldview reflected in the units of the language system is determined. This provides the opportunity to conduct the diachronic study of the language and make comparative analyzes of various writers' idiolects, etc. The individual author's picture of the world in Bazhov’s tales using the method of comparing formal and functional thesauri proposed by L. Gasparov is examined in the article. This approach made it possible to determine the features of the language system of Bazhov's tales with the functioning of such lexical units in it that contribute to the understanding of the niche occupied by the lexical-semantic field “precious metals and stones” and other interacting spheres in this picture of the world including natural-geographical and everyday spheres, professional and mythopoetic spheres.

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