2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Lina Nurhasanah

This study aims to find out how the application of the Learning Organization in realizing the Child Friendly Madrasah Program at MTs Al-Ihsan. This study uses kualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used observation techniques, interviews and documentation as well as source triangulation. While the data analysis technique uses interactive analysis; data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The findings of this study revealed that it would be very difficult to realize the MRA program without the approach of Learning Organization discipline values developed by Peter Senge greatly helped MTs Al-Ihsan in launching the MRA program. LO disciplines are: 1) Personal Mastery, 2) Mental Models, 3) Share Vision, 4) Team Learning, and 5) System Thinking. MRA is based on the principles: 1). Non-discrimination; 2) The best interests of the child; 3). Life, survival and development; 4). Respect for children's views; and 5). Good management of madrasas. After evaluating for 3 (three) semesters, MTs Al-Ihsan is still in the process of developing further categories 2 of the 5 (five) categories of MRA designation established by KPPAP; 1). There is a policy to form an MRA development team, 2). Educators and trained personnel Child Rights, 3). Child participation, 4). Child-friendly learning process, 5). Complaints mechanism, 6). Have a safe / clean and healthy / caring and cultured / inclusive school program, 7). Parent participation, 8). Infrastructure and 9). Alumni participation. Obstacles to implementing the MRA program, namely; a) difficult to equate perceptions, b) difficulty translating the MRA program, c) limited facilities and infrastructure, d). Lack of support from the Ministry of Religion and e) the absence of the declaration of the KLA Program from the Regional Government. Keywords: Implementation, Learning Organization, Child Friendly Madrasah

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Intan Nuyulis Naeni Puspitasari

<span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">The facts about the increasingly turbulent cases of children make education. <span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">institutions more serious about running child-friendly schools (SRA). The term SRA<span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;"> contains a meaning that is still very abstract and needs technical-political arguments as<span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;"> well as patterns of systematic application to describe it. Therefore, through the learning <span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">organization (LO) with the theoretical approach of The Fifth Discipline Peter M. Senge <span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">and Organizational Learning Model Michael J. Marquardt can further produce visionmission alignment, the formation of mental models and system thinking, as a very <span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">integral part in building understanding and implementation of SRA in a more holisticintegrative manner. Because solving wholly various cases and integrated certainly cannot <span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">be done alone, cooperations with many parties, both in the scope of micro, meso, exo and <span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">macro are necessarily allied. This becomes a responsive step as well as preventive way <span style="font-family: BookAntiqua; font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;">against various acts of crime and violence in children around us<br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-128
Dilla Novita ◽  
Abdul Kadir ◽  
Nina Siti Salmaniah Siregar

The main task of the Langsa City Inspectorate is to carry out oversight of the implementation of Government affairs in the region, and the implementation of guidance on the implementation of Regional Government. But in reality there are still problems that occur at the Langsa City Inspectorate. Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem in the study is  What is the performance of the Inspectorate in carrying out the supervisory function at the Inspectorate in carrying out the supervisory function. Factors that influence the performance of the Inspectorate in carrying out the supervisory function.The research objective is to analyze  the performance of the Inspectorate in carrying out the supervisory function. Factors that influence the performance of the Inspectorate in carrying out the supervisory function. The research method used was descriptive with qualitative analysis. Data collection was obtained from interviews, documentation and observation. The results of the study are The performance of the regional inspectorate in carrying out the supervisory function in Langsa City in terms of productivity, service orientation, responsiveness and accountability in general has not been effective, apparently not yet effective. While the suggestions from the research are  Regulations or laws are needed which regulate internal supervision. There is a need for commitment and hard work and the seriousness of the supervisory apparatus in the Inspectorate in carrying out the supervisory function. As an institution that has a strategic role as supervisor of Government in the region, it is very important to increase effectiveness. Increasing the work ethic of examiners is a determining factor for the success of the organizational mechanism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Ali Masykur ◽  
Sukiram Sukiram

<p>This paper tries to elaborate on the assistance efforts to create a curriculum that is child-friendly and human rights-friendly. Assistance is done at PAUD of Basmala Grobogan. The child is the future determinant of a nation. The guarantee of the rights and protection of children is to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of the child, in order to live, grow, develop and participate optimally in accordance with human nature and dignity, and get protection from violence and discrimination for the realization of quality Indonesian children, morality and prosperity absolutely necessary to ensure a good growth mentally, spiritually and socially. Early childhood education provides a basic foundation and character formation in the golden age of children in life. A good curriculum and learning method and ensuring the rights of children and human rights are absolutely given for the child's future in the form of non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, survival and development, respect for children's opinions.</p><p> </p><p>Tulisan ini mencoba menguraikan upaya pendampingan pembuatan kurikulum yang ramah hak anak dan hak asasi manusia. Pendampingan dilakukan di PAUD Basmala Grobogan. Anak adalah penentu masa depan suatu bangsa. Jaminan hak dan perlindungan anak adalah untuk menjamin terpenuhinya hak-hak anak, agar dapat hidup, tumbuh, berkembang dan berpartisipasi secara optimal sesuai dengan kodrat dan martabat kemanusiaan, serta mendapat perlindungan dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi demi terwujudnya anak Indonesia yang berkualitas, berakhlak mulia dan sejahtera mutlak diperlukan untuk menjamin tumbuh kembang baik mental, spritual dan sosial. Pendidikan anak usia dini memberikan landasan pokok dan pembentukan karakter di masa emas anak dalam meniti kehidupan. Kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran yang baik dan menjamin diberikannya hak anak dan hak asasi manusia mutlak diberikan demi masa depan anak berupa non diskriminasi, kepentingan yang terbaik bagi anak, kelangsungan hidup dan perkembangan, penghargaan terhadap pendapat anak.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 145-150
Syaifuddin Syaifuddin ◽  
Wildan Suharso

Pendataan yang bersifat manual menjadikan permasalahan pada proses dilakukannya pendataan, hal ini juga terjadi pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Pasuruan dimana pendataan masih bersifat manual dengan keterbatasan jumlah Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang ditugaskan untuk melakukan pendataan, oleh karena itu pada kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan pelatihan sistem informasi untuk meningkatkan waktu pendataan dan mengurangi kompleksitas dalam proses pendataan pada pegawai di Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Pasuruan. Pelatihan sistem informasi yang dimaksud adalah sistem informasi pendataan berbasis masyarakat, yang berisikan data dasar yang diperlukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah dalam rangka penyusunan rencana pembangunan. Data informasi tidak akan memberikan manfaat jika tidak dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan dalam penyusunan rencana pembangunan sehingga pelatihan dan pendampingan perlu dilakukan untuk tercapainya tujuan.Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, Berbasis Masyarakat, PendataanABSTRACT Manual data collection causes problems in the data collection process, this also occurs in the Pasuruan City Education and Culture Office where data collection is still manual with a limited number of Human Resources (HR) assigned to collect data, therefore this service activity is carried out information system training to increase data collection time and reduce complexity in the data collection process for employees at the Pasuruan City Education and Culture Office. The information system training referred to is a community-based data collection information system, which contains basic data required by the Regional Government in the framework of formulating development plans. Information data will not provide benefits if it is not used as a reference in the preparation of development plans so that training and assistance are needed to achieve the goals.Keywords : Information System, Community Based, Data Collection 

Rani Tania Pratiwi

Masalah pada penelitian ini adalah bahwa mahasiswa kurang memahami konsep berorganisasi itu sendiri. Konsep organisasi yang harus mereka pahami adalah konsep organisasi pembelajaran. Sehingga, dalam menjalankan roda organisasi mereka seperti ”bingung”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survey dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Kuningan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Purposive Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner,Hasil penelitian, maka dapat diketahui mengenai gambaran learning organization pada mahasiswa di Universitas Kuningan. Skor rata-rata diperoleh sebesar 4.1624, hal ini menunjukkan gambaran learning organization pada mahasiswa di Universitas Kuningan sudah baik. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan angket dapat diketahui bahwa nilai rata-rata terendah terdapat pada indicator system thinking dengan nilai sebesar 4.0423 dan nilai rata-rata tertinggi terdapat pada indicator mental models dengan nilai sebesar 4.4036.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian melalui penyebaran kuesioner, dapat kita ketahui bersama bahwa rata-rata nilai angket terendah diperoleh pada indicator personal mastery pada item No. 09. Maka, dalam hal ini perlu sekali meningkatkan kesadaran anggota organisasi dalam mengutamakan kepentingan organisasi dibandingkan kepentingan pribadi. Selain itu, untuk pengembangan penelitian selanjutnya dapat ditekankan pada upaya peningkatan kemampuan system thinking. Selain itu, dapat juga dilihat pengaruhnya terhadap kompetensi, komitmen, kinerja, maupun variabel lainnya yang terkait.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147 ◽  
Ahmad Syahid ◽  
H. Husni

This study aims to analyze the character values ​​in Sirah Nabawiyah Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum by Syafiyyurrahman al-Mubarakfuri, so that it is revealed how the character education of the Prophet Muhammad. and analyze its relevance to current educational goals. The research method used is library research, the type of research approach is deductive and the analysis method is content analysis. Data collection techniques used were library techniques. This research succeeded in proving that prophetic values ​​based on the history of the Prophet Muhammad have a strong relevance to the concept of contemporary character education. Prophetic values ​​loaded with character education in this era, especially related to religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democracy, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, respect for achievement, friendship, love for peace , likes to read, care about the environment, care about social, and responsibility.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Faizal Rezza Fahlefi ◽  
Atok Miftachul Hudha

Abstract: Basis for the implementation of Child-Friendly Schools regarding Article 4 of Law No.23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. Schools designate as implementing agents in the education process who must have a friendly culture in carrying out their functions to achieve the goals of education. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of anti-bullying in preparing the SRA, the participation of stakeholders, and the challenges in the process of implementing anti-bullying in the making of Child-Friendly Schools in SD and MI Tanah Bumbu Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative. With data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation of participation, and study documentation. The results of this study indicate that: 1) this child-friendly school model is to create quality education for every child with children's rights and is also free from the conversation, friendly school programs namely anti-bullying is one way to tackle and correct problems or help bullying in school; 2) educators and parents need to be good listeners and ensure they participate in anti-bullying programs. 3) the problem of bullying for this program is not run once but to be maintained forever. It is needed from the two schools to provide training and workshops for teachers, parents, and students. Furthermore, for the relevant agencies to add an anti-bullying curriculum so that all parties know about the apprenticeship, consider, there is also a place for an anti-bullying association.Keywords: Anti-bullying, Child Friendly Schools, BullyingAbstrak: Dasar penerapan Sekolah Ramah Anak yaitu terdapat pada Pasal 4 UU No.23 Tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak. Sekolah berperan sebagai agen pelaksana dalam proses pendidikan yang harus memiliki budaya ramah dalam menjalankan fungsinya untuk mencapai tujuan Pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi anti bullying dalam membentuk SRA, peran serta stakeholder, dan faktor yang menjadi permasalahan dalam proses implementasi anti bullying dalam membentuk Sekolah Ramah Anak di SD dan MI Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi patisipasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) sekolah ramah anak model tersebut untuk mewujudkan pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi setiap anak dengan mempertimbangkan hak-hak anak serta terbebas dari diskriminasi, program sekolah ramah yaitu anti bullying salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi dan pencegahan perilaku atau dampak bullying di sekolah; 2) Sangat penting bagi pendidik dan orang tua menjadi pendengar yang baik serta meyakinkan dan melibatkan mereka ikut serta dalam program anti bullying. 3) permasalah bullying jarang dapat diketahui apabila kasus bullying terjadi baru ditangani dengan cepat. Untuk program ini tidak sewaktu saja dijalankan tetapi untuk dipetahankan selamanya. Perlu dari pihak kedua sekolah untuk lebih memberikan pelatihan dan workshop baik itu kepada guru, orang tua, maupun siswanya. Selanjutnya untuk pihak dinas terkait agar menambahkan kurikulum anti bullying agar semua halayak tahu tentang penagangan, dampaknya, juga tersedia tempat untuk atau wadah perkumpulan anti bullying.Kata Kunci: Anti bullying, Sekolah Ramah Anak, Bullying

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-104
Efrita Norman ◽  
Zul Hiskandar ◽  
Evinovita Evinovita

    This study aims to analyze the effect of price and location on Alfamidi's customer satisfaction in Pagelaran Village, Bogor. The method used is descriptive and associative quantitative analysis, data collection used in this study using primary data sourced from questionnaires distributed to customers of Alfamidi Raya Ciomas who are in Pagelaran Village. Sampling using the saturated sample technique where the sample is consumers who have shopped at Alfamidi in the performance village. The sample used was 100 Alfamidi customer respondents in Pagelaran Village. Based on the results of the study showed that 1) price had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, 2) location had a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction, 3) price and location together had a positive effect on customer satisfaction. positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction in shopping for Alfamidi customers in Pagelaran Village.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Alvira Zerlinda Kosalim Kosalim ◽  
Lya Dewi Anggraini

The focus of this research is designing buildings and spaces using the factors forming sense of place. The goalis to create a space that has aesthetic value, comfort, and can provide a sense of attachment between the userand the building so as to add value to residential, commercial, and public spaces. The methods used in thisdesign are observation and analysis, data collection, and literature study. From this method it was found thatthis design uses (1) fulfillment of the human senses, (2) forms of identity and (3) comfort, (4) pays attention tothe aesthetic side, so that (5) can design memory or experience in space or buildings. From this it is expectedto create a space that can support the self-actualization of its users. The results of this design obtained abuilding with the concept of fun and glass, where the building can support the concept of a boutique with anattractive window display and interior. The use of the forming factor of sense of place is also found in interioraesthetics, comfort with ergonomic furniture, and fulfillment of the human senses to form a sense of place.Spatial planning in building plans is also a method of solving problems and establishing comfortable spaces.By fulfilling the factors forming the sense of place, it is expected to form a sense of the user’s attachment tothe building.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (8) ◽  
pp. 102-138
Clarissa De Assis Olgin ◽  
Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald ◽  
Carmen Teresa Kaiber

Background: Developing autonomy, the ability to solve problem situations, make decisions and act for the benefit of your social environment are modern life skills and can be developed in the school environment, along with mathematical content, and can be viable through the methodology of project projects, using active methodologies and the resources of digital technologies. Objectives: Discuss the Mathematics Curriculum or the work projects as a pedagogical proposition based on the development of three projects with the thematic Cryptography, Music, and Project launching applicable to the High School. Design: Qualitative research that sought to investigate work with projects in High School was used. Setting and Participants: Experiments developed with two classes of high school students in the Rio Grande do Sul state. Data collection and analysis: Data collection took place during the development of the project stages through students' written records and questionnaires. Results: It is considered that the Work Projects developed constituted a possibility to modify the role of the student and the teacher, allowing students to become active, participative, and committed to the development of their knowledge. Conclusions: It is understood that students, their learning and development must be the focus of the educational process. Therefore, the school curriculum must enable students to assume the role and responsibility for their learning.

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