E.I. Isibaeva ◽  

In the Russian historical science, there is practically no research on the unified scientific and land issues. We can find the issue under consideration in works related to agricultural, economic, and other issues. However, as you know, most of them were prepared during the Soviet period. Therefore, in most cases, there is one-sidedness in the analysis, analysis and evaluation of historical works. Due to the disappearance of the traditional management system, the proclamation of the Kazakh land at the expense of state property, in this regard, the influx of external tributaries, the cutting off of millions of acres of land, its basis became water, steering, deer, and deer, and the Kazakhs themselves were displaced to the saline, tast regions, and these conditions of life are tied to the Land. This article describes the current issues of the history of the Earth in the socio-political views of Alash figures.


The physician George Hoggart Toulmin (1754–1817) propounded his theory of the Earth in a number of works beginning with The antiquity and duration of the world (1780) and ending with his The eternity of the universe (1789). It bore many resemblances to James Hutton's "Theory of the Earth" (1788) in stressing the uniformity of Nature, the gradual destruction and recreation of the continents and the unfathomable age of the Earth. In Toulmin's view, the progress of the proper theory of the Earth and of political advancement were inseparable from each other. For he analysed the commonly accepted geological ideas of his day (which postulated that the Earth had been created at no great distance of time by God; that God had intervened in Earth history on occasions like the Deluge to punish man; and that all Nature had been fabricated by God to serve man) and argued they were symptomatic of a society trapped in ignorance and superstition, and held down by priestcraft and political tyranny. In this respect he shared the outlook of the more radical figures of the French Enlightenment such as Helvétius and the Baron d'Holbach. He believed that the advance of freedom and knowledge would bring about improved understanding of the history and nature of the Earth, as a consequence of which Man would better understand the terms of his own existence, and learn to live in peace, harmony and civilization. Yet Toulmin's hopes were tempered by his naturalistic view of the history of the Earth and of Man. For Time destroyed everything — continents and civilizations. The fundamental law of things was cyclicality not progress. This latent political conservatism and pessimism became explicit in Toulmin's volume of verse, Illustration of affection, published posthumously in 1819. In those poems he signalled his disapproval of the French Revolution and of Napoleonic imperialism. He now argued that all was for the best in the social order, and he abandoned his own earlier atheistic religious radicalism, now subscribing to a more Christian view of God. Toulmin's earlier geological views had run into considerable opposition from orthodox religious elements. They were largely ignored by the geological community in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century Britain, but were revived and reprinted by lower class radicals such as Richard Carlile. This paper is to be published in the American journal, The Journal for the History of Ideas in 1978 (in press).

Pavel Olegovich Savvinov

The subject of this research, dedicated to mental characteristics of the world of Yakut emigration of 1917 – 1940, is the history of Yakut emigration on the example of life of the active participant in the anti-Bolshevik movement in the northeast of Russia, who fought for the alternative path of development in the XX century and the Yakut emigrant Asklefeodot Afanasyevich Ryazansky (1898 – 1968). The object of this research is the history of Russian emigration. Historical-biographical method is applies in the course of this work. The article analyzes the adaptation of the Yakut emigrant in the context of impact of external factors in China and Australia, as well as his political views. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the topic of Yakut emigration and “Yakut world” did not receive due coverage within the Russian historical science, although it is an important scientific problem that requires comprehensive examination on the background of Revolution of 1917 and Russian Civil war in the context of world history. The conclusion is made that along with majority of Russian emigrants of the first wave, A. A Ryazansky struggled for survival in the new conditions abroad and was able to adjust to foreign cultural environment, having become a prominent journalist in China, and later the owner of marine company in Australia. Ryazansky saw the future of his homeland (Russia) as a democratic federative state with guaranteed preservation of ethnocultural identity of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia with the possibility of receiving education.

S.N. Korusenko

This paper aims at reconstructing the genealogy of Siberian Tatars of Knyazevs (Western Siberia), identifying the origins of their surname, which is not characteristic of the Tatars, and at analysis of the influence of socio-political and socio-economical processes in Russia in the 18th through 20th centuries on the social transformation of the family. The sources were represented by the materials of the Inventory Revision Book of Tarsky District of 1701 and census surveys of the end of 18th through 19th centuries, which allowed tracing the Knyazev family through the genealogical succession and identifying social status of its members. In this work, recordkeeping ma-terials of the 18th–20th centuries and contemporary genealogical and historical traditions of the Tatars have been utilized. In the research, the method of genealogical reconstructions by archival materials and their correlation with genealogies of modern population has been used. The history of the Knyazev family is inextricably linked to the history of modern village of Bernyazhka — one of the earliest settlements of the Ayalintsy (a group of the Si-berian Tatars) in the territory of the Tarsky Irtysh land which became the home to the Knyazevs for more than three centuries. The 1701Inventory Revision Book cites Itkuchuk Buchkakov as a local power broker of the Aya-lynsky Tatars in the village. During the 18th century, this position was inherited by his descendants who eventually lost this status in the beginning of the 19th century in the course of the managerial reforms by the Russian gov-ernment. Nevertheless, the social status of the members of the gens remained high. In the mid. 19th century, the village moved — the villagers resettled from the right bank of the River Irtysh onto the left one. As the result, the village was situated nearby the main road connecting the cities of Omsk and Tara. At the same time, the village became the center of the Ayalynskay region. That led to the strengthening of the social status and property en-richment of the descendants of Itkuchuk Buchkakov. The Knyzevs’ surname first appeared in the materials of the First All-Russia Census Survey of 1897. Some of the descendants signed up under this surname later in the Soviet period. During the Soviet years, members of the Knyzev’s gens had different destinies: some worked in the local government, whereas the others were subjected to political repressions and executed. Knyazevs took part in the Great Patriotic War and seven of them perished. Presently there are no descendants of the Knyazevs in Bernyazhka as they spread over the villages of the Omskaya Region, some living in Omsk and other towns of Russia and abroad.

1950 ◽  
Vol 19 (57) ◽  
pp. 97-105
James Lawson

Aman's character is judged not merely by his public services and his political views but also by his private life and individual interests. Similarly the history of a nation is to be read not only in its military exploits, its constitutional experiments, its art and literature, but also in the social habits and predominant interests of its citizens. Just as a garden mirrors the character of its owner, so the gardens of a nation reflect the character and the degree of advancement of the State. It is no coincidence that the popular garden of the Roman Republic was the simple kitchen garden, while under the Empire pretentious landscape gardens were the vogue. The vitalizing energy of the Republic found an outlet in the productive vegetable plot: the elaborate but sterile gardens of the Empire were symbolic of incipient decay.Until the first century b.c. almost all Roman gardens were cottage gardens. Their plan and culture were governed solely by practical needs. From them the mistress of the house used to replenish her larder and medicine-chest and adorn the family shrine with flowers. Pliny the Elder reminds the luxury-seeking populace of a later date that in the past at Rome a garden was the poor man's estate: it was the only market he had from which to provide himself with food. The prime function of a garden was to make its owner self-sufficient. This self-sufficiency was more easy of attainment in ancient Italy than in more northerly countries, for the diet of the Romans consisted, for the most part, of salads.

Lada V. Shipovalova ◽  

This paper focuses on the concept of the scientific-technical revolution. This concept is relevant today most of all in the context of historiographic studies of the Soviet period or the reflection of contemporary technological transformation from the Marxist position. The article demonstrates its relevance in the context of important contemporary issues. For a conceptual framework, the author uses the works on the social history of science by J. D. Bernal, the contemporary studies of science, technology and society, and the critical theory of technology, which seeks to integrate the philosophy of science and technology into topical socio-political discussions. The author reveals the concept of the scientific-technical revolution as describing the radical transformations taking place since the beginning of the 20 th century in science, society, and technology. These transformations manifest the essential social and technological character of science and its previously hidden contradiction. The social character of science involves an increasing number of participants of these transformations, but the technological character leaves them passive objects of the efficiency requirements. However, the scientific-technical revolution offers a lesson in overcoming this contradiction, creating conditions for the activity of various participants — scientists, nature, lay experts, and technologies themselves. The emphasis on the radical revolutionary changes that have occurred with science allows us to keep in the spotlight the foundations of modern problems and how to solve them.

M. Koigeldiev ◽  

The 20-30 years of the XX-th century in the history of Kazakhstan are characterized by the formation of such a form of governance of the republic from the center as the institute of emissaries. This form of management remained unchanged until the end of the Soviet period. The system of administrative management has acquired a new character, consolidating the former imperial positions based on the search for sources of raw materials and sales markets. The history of the formation and activity of the Institute of emissaries as a management system in Kazakhstan was not considered as an object of historical analysis. For the first time in the Kazakh historiography in the context of the 20-30s, the author analyzes the origins of the formation of this institute of management. The article highlights the beginning of a new stage in the Kazakh history, which implies a generalization of the activities of the power system and its nature from the point of view of modern realities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 246-262
Aistis Žalnora

There issue of Psychiatry in Vilnius is unexplored field especially in a terms of its social aspects. Most of the former papers devoted to psychiatry in Vilnius were written in descriptive manner or they were uncritical case studies of one or another hospital. One of the first successful studies that was constructed by using modern methodology was a monograph of Dr. Tomas Vaisėta that described a social features of Vilnius psychiatry. However, the study is devoted to a late period – Soviet psychiatry only. Therefore the modern analysis of earlier periods and other Vilnius hospitals was still missing. In our article, we set us a goal, namely, to find the most important features, the so‑called paradigm fractures in the social history of Vilnius psychiatry. The main tendency which should be emphasized was uneven development of Vilnius psychiatry, especially in a terms of attitude towards the patient. In most cases that could be interpreted in a light of a broader Global context. In Vilnius hospitals just like in other countries mentally ill were discriminated because of their unclear social and economic status. In the earliest period the mentally ill as an outcast of society is being locked in a jail‑like mental hospitals or fall into complete favor of the monastery hospices. The 19th century positivism at least theoretically brought humane paradigm to Lithuanian psychiatry. However, because of the limited medical measures as well as economic reasons the later period was marked by the realism or even negativism of semi‑modern interwar psychiatry. Mentally ill again falls into a status of outcast or a burden to the society. The question of responsibility towards mentally ill is avoided by the community as well as by state. Nevertheless, some original solutions were found in Vilnius district. The mentally ill were employed in local farms that at‑least partly solved the issues of economic burden. Moreover, there were some more tendencies that do not fit in the global narrative. Despite the technical advance in treatment that gradually enabled the psychiatrists to help the patient, in the Soviet period we observe the opposite tendency that was to restrain and harm the mentally ill patient. In many cases even totally healthy people were misdiagnosed to be mentally ill and received harsh chemical treatment and isolation because of their personal criticism towards totalitarian Soviet system.

Sergei Vladimirovich Kodan

The scientific context of studying the historiography of the history of political and legal doctrines is associated with its positioning within the structure of the indicated historical legal science, and represents a challenging problematic that orients the researcher towards understanding the processes of development of this science through the prism of historiography as a reflection of its history. This necessitates to determine the subject field, objectives, tasks, and functions of historiography within the structure of the indicated science, which is the key vector of this research. At the same time, the analysis of these questions leans on universal vision of the development of historiography in the social sciences and humanities. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the historiographical problematic in the history of political and legal doctrines is studied insufficiently; therefore, this article is the first attempt to position historiography as a scientific discipline of historical legal trend, and present an original perspective on the topic. Emphasis is placed on examination of the key characteristics of historiography as part of history of political and legal doctrines: subject matter, objectives, tasks, and functions. At the same time, the author relies on the historiographical developments in social sciences and humanities, namely in the historical science, based on which presents an original perspective on the role of historiography as a part of history of political and legal doctrines is.

V. Getman

Biosphere and ethnic unity is the main factor of life existence on the Earth. Life process of any nation should harmonize with general evolutionary biosphere development. Otherwise it will be thrown away over the board by centrifugal force. Ethnic interaction with natural environment is noticed mainly on the village level and encloses not only industrial but spiritual sphere. The mentality of the Ukrainian ethnos has been forming on the base of countryside affection. Loss of this affection is an equivalent to the loss of identity of native population that has lived on the territory of modern Ukraine from the immemorial times. The diversity and resilience of natural ecosystems (picturesque nature) determine their performance and viability of the social system entities providing efficiency of labor and intellectual potential of people. Ultimately, all this provokes an energy charge, passionarity (by L.N. Gumilev), strength of national character. On the cultural position, we note that since Tripoli culture (Aratta), Russ (Kyiv) state, Hetmanshyny, Ukrainian land receives and stores still positive information (materials of archaeological excavations chronicle evidence, etc.) of people who vitally concerned about the social organization of the state, care for its unity, greatness and power among the people and countries of the Ecumene during that times. Since then our land has been infected with passion to create a state, the idea of fighting for independence and Ukrainian unity. The strength of feeling of homeland, highly emotional relationship to your native land, your native home, all that is known and is area of interest of the local geography. It has an important place in system of human values. If the fate of the Earth is the lot of human than environment starts flourishing, otherwise there will be loss of control over the natural environment and the disappearance of nation (ethnicity), as evidenced by numerous examples from the long history of entire nations and even civilizations. The strength of the Earth in its spiritual energy. Black arable of an autumn field, as a prototype of our bitter past, gives nutritious juice to spring’s green shoots. Spirit of the land is in black bread, which we consume, in breast milk, in the character of a young child, in the wisdom and will of the new generation of Ukraine!

2020 ◽  
pp. 30-33
B. Мороз ◽  
Д. Щепова

The scientific and social and political views of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yakunin Victor Kuzmich are considered. Emphasis is placed on his principled position in attitude to the «truth of history», the honesty and decency of scientific research. In the article shows that the main focus of his work was the fight against chauvinism and refined nationalism.The content and essence of universal categories «patriotic», «national» and «nationalistic» are revealed. Based on primary sources comprehends the contribution of historians of the Soviet period and Ukrainian scholars of the post-Soviet times to the study of the history of the OUN and the UIM. The analysis of socio-political phenomena and socio-cultural phenomena of patriotism and nationalism in their historical development is given.His scientific works «History, Ideology, Politics», «The CPSU collapse», «Patriotism and Nationalism: Experience and Lessons in History», «OUN Ideology: History and Modernity» and others testify to the author’s principle, thoroughness and talent. His language, manner of describing various historical events and factors is almost unmatched. His scientific works are easy to read and admire. V. K. Yakunin in his scientific works analyzes the views of historians who disagree with him and have opposite visions of the «truth of history». He agrees with some points of criticism of the author, but by principles he gives his arguments and evidence. This is the truth and power of the Ukrainian scientist since the restructuring and reform of public relations in Ukraine. The article draws attention to the poor health of the professor, that he underwent heart surgery. Emphasis is placed on the support of V.K. Yakunin by colleagues and associates.

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