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Alla Kalyta ◽  
Vladyslava Klymenyuk

The paper is focused on studying regularities of holophrastic constructions’ functioning in the English literary prose by means of identifying and classifying the most significant features of their linguistic characteristics and expression. Holophrastic construction is regarded in the paper as a synthetically formed composite lexical unit that combines features of a word, a word-combination, or a sentence, and which figuratively but precisely represents in communication the integrative pictures of the individuals’ thinking or behavior, fixed in their memory as a corresponding concept, for decoding of which the recipients use their communicative and cognitive experience. Having analyzed the interpretations of holophrastic constructions’ characteristic features given in various scientific sources, the authors present a generalized classification of their linguistic properties as well as provide examples of their actualization in English literary texts. The carried out analysis allowed the authors to systematize English holophrastic constructions according to the following most significant features of their linguistic expression: communicative and pragmatic aim (inducing to actions, restraining form actions, and evaluation of the communicative situation), form of expressing meaning (transparent or opaque), degree of their emotional loading (emotionally neutral, emotionally coloured, and emotionally expressive constructions), their syntactic function in the sentence (subject, predicate, object, attribute, or adverbial modifier) and their structure (three-component, four-component, five-component, and poly-component, i.e. consisting of six or more components). The performed study advances the idea that the substantiated classification can serve as a methodological tool for structuring classes, subclasses and groups of the experimental material within the scope of similar linguistic research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (14) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Im Hong-Pin ◽  

This paper aims to make it clear that syntactic analysis should be based on the lexical information given in the lexicon. For this purpose, lexical information of the syntactic argument is to be taken the form like [VP NKP, _, DKP, AKP] for the ditransitive verb give in English. The argument structure projects to syntactic structure. The NKP in this structure becomes VP-subject, but there is another subject called S-subject (Sentence-Subject) below S node. This amounts to Two-Subject Hypothesis for English. Between these two subjects, there intervene Conjugation-Like Elements, enriched by close examination of English verbal conjugation. Two-Subject Hypothesis perfectly accounts for peculiarities of the Expletive There (ET)construction. Restructuring can also explain the so-called Long Distance Wh-interrogative without introducing Wh-movement, and it can also explain why the imperative verbs are taking the base forms. It can also explain the characteristics of adjective imperatives by the same principles as applied to verbal imperatives. We try to deal with the other subtle problems, to get fruitful results. Restructuring approach, we think, provides more convincing explanations than the movement one.

Irina V. Trufanova

For the first time in linguistics, the article distinguishes negative pronouns of a pronoun-noun and pronoun-adjective. Their lexical meanings, grammatical features and syntactic functions are determined. A negative pronoun is a noun that means nothing (in Russian both - ничто and ничего ), a negative Russian pronoun что meaning whatever, none. Both pronouns function as the principle sentence component, mainly in negative genitive sentences or as a predicate in a two-memberSubject-Predicate sentence. Subject of a pronoun-noun, which is expressed by the noun of any lexico-grammatical category or infinitive, with a negative pronoun-adjective, which is an infinitive. Both negative pronouns function in rhetorical questions expressing negation in the affirmative form. Subject combined with a pronoun-noun could be expressed by a noun of any lexico-grammatical category or infinitive, with a negative pronoun-adjective что , which could also be formed by an infinitive. Both negative pronouns function in rhetorical questions expressing negation in the affirmative form. The meanings of both negative pronouns are syntactically limited (by the function of the predicate or the principle component of the negative genitive sentence) and structurally determined (be found in the construction with the dative of the authorizer). The meaning of a negative pronoun-adjective is also phraseologically confined, a negative pronoun is an adjective that is always used with the Russian words like проку, толку, выгоды, пользы, прибыли, добра . Three meanings stand out for a negative pronoun ничто : 1) ontological vacuum, nonexistence, absence of an object; 2) something insignificant, insignificant, not worthy of attention; 3) denial of the significance of a person, insignificance. A negative pronoun что is a noun that means something insignificant, insignificant, not worthy of attention (or (as it were) the absence of something/someone (for the authorizer)), or absence (of benefit). A negative pronoun что is an adjective that has one of the meanings of a negative pronoun-adjective никакой meaning none of the available or possible. Despite the indeclinability, a negative pronoun что expresses the noun-meanings of the nominative and genitive cases, while being a negative pronoun-adjective to denote the genitive case, either masculine or feminine. The data collected is retrieved from the National Corps of the Russian Language (NCRL). As the main methodological technique, the substitution method was applied. The theoretical basis of the article was the work on homocomplexes, functional homonyms, poly-functional words, the differentiation of homonymy and polysemy. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results allow us expand the linguistic understanding of the semantic and grammatical nature of the pronoun as well as the issue of pronoun syncretism in general, the differentiation of homonymy and polysemy of the classes of pronouns, as well as the varieties of genitive sentences. The data collected can be useful for lexicographic practice: compiling dictionaries of homonyms, grammatical homonyms, explanatory dictionaries, as well as to clarify the typology of one-member sentences. The relevance of the topic is determined by the necessity to establish the full list of pronouns in the Russian language, as well as the importance of studying the phenomena of functional homonymy, transition and syncretism and the importance of solving the problem of distinguishing homonymy and polysemy.

S. KOROL ◽  

The article deals with the main features of the infinitive, the specifics of its grammatical and syntactic functions in modern German language. It is found out that the infinitive has partial properties of both the verb and the noun. Therefore, the infinitive is considered a morpho-syntactically hybrid phenomenon, which is between the noun and the verb in the classification of parts of speech. The author proves that although infinitive and differs from a verb that it has no personal forms and the form of number, however as well as a verb expresses an action, process or state, has grammatical categories of time and state. The concept of infinitive time is special, because it does not express absolute time, but only the temporal ratio of actions. This time value is expressed in two forms Infinitive Present / Infinitive I and Infinitive Perfect / Infinitive II. The use of Infinitive I is responsible for the simultaneity or continuity of action, and Infinitive II for premature action. The grammatical category of the state of the German infinitive has six different forms: Infinitive I Active, Infinitive II Active, Infinitive I Passive, Infinitive II Passive, Infinitive I Stative, Infinitive II Stative. The affinity of the infinitive to the verb can be traced in the possibility of the formation of analytical verb forms (Future I, Future II, Conditional I, Conditional II), as well as in the function of the predicate in the sentence. As a result of the research it has been found that as well as a noun, the infinitive can express an action, process or state without specifying the person, number, method and time, it is easily substantivized and performs the appropriate syntactic functions. The analysis allows us to assert the powerful potential of the infinitive in the syntactic context, because it can perform the functions of both the main members of the sentence (subject, predicate) and secondary (object, attribute, adverbial modefier). This syntactic polyfunctionality of the infinitive distinguishes it from verb finite forms, which act only as a predicate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Mantasiah R ◽  
Yusri Yusri ◽  
Arlian Fachrul Syaputra ◽  
Femmy Angreany ◽  
Hasmawati Hasmawati

The purpose of this study was to investigate the verb conjugation process of German, Bahasa, and English. This study used a contrastive analysis which is one of approaches in applied linguistics. Data consisted of words and sentences in German, Bahasa, and English, and were analyzed descriptively. This article is a preliminary study which aims to do need analysis in developing German grammar book based contrastive analysis approach. Finding shows that there are 4 factors causing verb of a sentence should be conjugated: 1) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with Person as Subject,  2) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with active-passive voice sentence, 3) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with tenses of sentence, 4) Verb Conjugation Adjusted with quantifier factor of sentence subject.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Lulu Jola Uktolseja

Learning English is important in this era. English as an international language will be used globally to build up the relation and connection with the other countries. English has a lot of grammar elements that are very important to note in order to be used appropriately. In Indonesian, we do not know so many grammatical elements so that when learning English mistakes in grammar are common. It also becomes very critical if English learners cannot distinguish every word or sentence that is heard through movie or music. This research is a descriptive research. In this research, the data is a kind of text, thus the writer uses the documentation technique. The steps of doing this research are: Identifying, Classifying, Interpreting, Describing, and Concluding: the writer finds the conclusion and gives the suggestions. The result of this research, there are several grammatical errors in songs such as Conditional Sentence, Subject-Verb Agreement, Pronoun, Negator and Auxiliary Verbs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Churmatin Nasoichah ◽  
Nfn Mulyadi

Passive sentence is a sentence subject to accept or subject to action. There are two languages which also have passive sentences, namely Javanese and Old Javanese. Before the Javanese language developed, it was known as Old Javanese. Old Javanese as one of the derivatives of Austronesian languages is a language that has very old literature. By studying the Hariñjiŋ A, B, C Inscriptions as one of the proofs of the use of Old Javanese language, the research was carried out with contrastive analysis, namely comparing it with Javanese. The problem is how do passive constructs in Old Javanese language (the case study of Hariñjiŋ A, B, CInscriptions) and Javanese when viewed using contrastive analysis? The purpose is to describe passive construction in Old Javanese (a case study on the Hariñjiŋ A, B, C Inscriptions) and Javanese inscriptions and compare the two sentence patterns. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative by using a descriptive comparative contrast method which aims to provide an overview of passive sentences and find differences. The conclusions are that the construction of passive sentences in Old Javanese (in the writing of the Hariñjiŋ A, B and C Inscriptions) has a transitive passive and intransitive passive form which is the same as Javanese. The passive form is indicated by a kiks prefix, a combination of affix-in, a combination of affixes, a combination of ma-affixes, and infix -in-. Whereas the Javanese language is only known to be a prefix, di- -ni, and di-confix, or to be deunned. It can be concluded also that passive sentence Javanese is not derived from Old Javanese but rather has an influence from Malay which is the forerunner of Indonesian. Kalimat Pasif merupakan sebuah kalimat subjek menerima atau dikenai aksi. Terdapat dua bahasa yang juga memiliki bentuk kalimat pasif, yaitu bahasa Jawa dan bahasa Jawa Kuna. Sebelum bahasa Jawa berkembang, telah dikenal adanya bahasa Jawa Kuna. Bahasa Jawa Kuna sebagai salah satu turunan dari bahasa Austronesia adalah bahasa yang mempunyai kesusastraan yang sangat tua. Dengan mengkaji Prasasti Hariñjiŋ A, B, C sebagai salah satu bukti adanya penggunaan bahasa Jawa Kuna, penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis kontrastif yaitu membandingkannya dengan bahasa Jawa. Adapun permasalahannya adalah bagaimanakah konstruksi pasif pada bahasa Jawa Kuna (studi kasus Prasasti Hariñjiŋ A, B, C) dan bahasa Jawa apabila dilihat dengan menggunakan analisis kontrastif? Adapun tujuannya untuk mendeskripsikan konstruksi pasif dalam bahasa Jawa Kuna (studi kasus pada Prasasti Hariñjiŋ A, B, C) dan bahasa Jawa serta membandingkan kedua pola kalimat tersebut. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif kontras yang bertujuan memberikan gambaran tentang bentuk kalimat pasif serta menemukan perbedaannya. Adapun kesimpulannya adalah konstruksi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Jawa Kuna (dalam penulisan Prasasti Hariñjiŋ A, B, dan C) memiliki bentuk pasif transitif dan juga pasif intransitif yang sama dengan bahasa Jawa. Bentuk pasifnya ditandai dengan prefiks ka-, kombinasi afiks -in- -an, kombinasi afiks -in- -akan, kombinasi afiks ma- -akĕn, dan infiks -in-. Sedangkan bahasa Jawa hanya diketahui prefiks di-, konfiks di- -ni, dan konfiks di- -ne, atau dipun- -aken. Dapat disimpulkan juga bahwa kalimat penanda pasif bahasa Jawa bukan diturunkan dari bahasa Jawa Kuna melainkan mendapat pengaruh dari bahasa Melayu yang merupakan cikal bakal bahasa Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Widdya Syafitri

This research focuses on the use of commissive speech act used by the shopping hosts of MNC Shop. The source of data is taken from the advertisements of household appliances, such as frying pan, rice cooker, vacuum cleaner, etc which are broadcasted in December 2018. The purposes of the research are to identify and to explain the form and the pattern as well as the function of the commissive speech acts used by the shopping hosts. This research uses qualitative approach. The data are collected by using observational method followed by recording and note-taking technique. Then, the data are analyzed by using pragmatic identity method and distributional method with deletion and permutation technique. The theory of form and pattern of the commissive speech act are based on Alwi’s and Putrayasa’s theory. Meanwhile the theory of its function is taken from Yule’s and Ibrahim’s theory. From the analysis, it is found that the commissive speech acts in the advertisement can be uttered in the form of declarative, interrogative and exclamative. The pattern can be in the form of normal sentence (subject preceding the predicate then followed by the object) or in the form of inverted sentence (the inversion of normal pattern) which the predicate preceding the subject, etc. In terms of its functions, the commissive speech acts can be used to promise, to guarantee and to convince.

2018 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 360-372 ◽  
Matthew Rispoli

Purpose This article focuses on toddlers' revisions of the sentence subject and tests the hypothesis that subject diversity (i.e., the number of different subjects produced) increases the probability of subject revision. Method One-hour language samples were collected from 61 children (32 girls) at 27 months. Spontaneously produced, active declarative sentences (ADSs) were analyzed for subject diversity and the presence of subject revision and repetition. The number of different words produced, mean length of utterance, tense/agreement productivity score, and the number of ADSs were also measured. Results Regression analyses were performed with revision and repetition as the dependent variables. Subject diversity significantly predicted the probability of revision, whereas the number of ADSs predicted the probability of repetition. Conclusion The results support the hypothesis that subject diversity increases the probability of subject revision. It is proposed that lexical diversity within specific syntactic positions is the primary mechanism whereby revision rates increase with grammatical development. The results underscore the need to differentiate repetition from revision in the classification of disfluencies.

2017 ◽  
pp. 52-62
Iryna Aribzhanova

The article is devoted to the semantic-syntactical structure of the appositive phrase in the Ukrainian language. The term “double name”is used for the demonstration of semantical parameteres of the apposition phrase. Two levels of syntactic analysis are considered: abstract-grammatical level (internal structure of the appositive word-combinations) and concrete-grammatical level (the function in sentence structure). The concrete-grammatical analysis indicates that appositional phrases in the sentence are: syntactically indivisible components that serve as a simple part of the sentence (subject, object). The conflict arises between formal analyticity and functional syntheticity. This conflict is caused by nominative features of double name (compound nouns indicates the same subject of objective reality). Therefore they can be referred to as the type of lexical (stable) word-combinations. Abstract-grammatical analysis leads to the conclusion that internal structure of the appositional phrase can express different semantic-syntactical relations between nouns: appositional relations or mutual appositional relations. The mutual appositional relations are peculiar to the majority of stylistically neutral double names. O. Peshkovskiy wrote about mutual relations between nouns. The differentiation of two relation types was done with the help of the semantic principle and predicate transformation method.

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