scholarly journals Responsabilidade do gestor público e a judicialização da saúde no contexto do Estado do Ceará / Responsibility of the public manager and health judicialization in the context of the State of Ceará

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 2042-2069
Rômulo Luiz Nepomuceno Nogueira ◽  
Mariana Dionísio De Andrade

 DOI: 10.12957/rqi.2018.29241  ResumoO presente artigo se propõe a responder ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: deveria o gestor público responder pessoalmente pela ineficiência na prestação dos serviços públicos de saúde? O artigo possui como objetivo a análise da responsabilidade do gestor público, no âmbito do Estado do Ceará, diante do fenômeno da judicialização da saúde, demonstrando seus impactos na Administração Pública e para o próprio burocrata na gestão da pasta. O estudo possui abordagem qualitativa, porque interpreta a relação de causalidade entre fenômenos jurídicos e sociais, e possui suporte em elementos quantitativos, na medida em que utiliza dados mensuráveis e padrões numéricos para a melhor compreensão do assunto. Conclui-se que a ineficiência do Estado na promoção da saúde não poderia ser resolvida apenas por um administrante, que poderá sofrer sanção judicial por fatos anteriores à sua gestão. Verifica-se, ainda, a relevância do contínuo debate acerca dos meios de resolubilidade da judicialização da saúde, considerando a abrangência e importância essencial desse direito fundamental.Palavras-chave: Judicialização da Saúde; Responsabilidade Pessoal; Gestor Público; Ineficiência do Estado; Resolubilidade da Judicialização.AbstractThe present article proposes to answer the following research problem: should the public manager respond personally for the inefficiency in the provision of public health services? This article aims to analyze the responsibility of the public manager, in the context of the State of Ceará, facing the phenomenon of health judicialization, demonstrating its impact on the Public Administration and on the bureaucrat himself in the management of the agenda. The study has a qualitative approach, because it interprets the causal relationship between legal and social phenomena, and has support in quantitative elements, in that it uses measurable data and numerical standards to the better understanding of the subject. It is concluded that the inefficiency of the State in the promotion of health could not be solved only by an administrator, who could suffer judicial sanction for facts previous to his management. It is also verified the relevance of the continuous debate about the means of resolubility of the health judicialization, considering the comprehensiveness and essential importance of this fundamental right.Keywords: Health Judicialization; Personal Responsibility; Public Manager; Inefficiency of the State; Resilubility of the Judicialization.


LABURPENA: «Giza Eskubideetan Oinarritutako Ikuspegiaren» irismena azaltzeko asmoa dauka artikulu honek, zer-nolako aldagaiak eta kontzeptuak biltzen dituen ulertze aldera. Horren bilakaeraz eta indarraldiaz arituko gara, bai eta horren modalitate aplikatua nola nabarmentzen den azalduko ere. Horretarako, Nazio Batuen Erakundearen esparruan garatu diren ekarpenak eta gaiaren inguruko doktrina aditua erabiliko ditugu. Administrazio Publikoan duen indarra ezin ukatuzkoa da; izan ere, estatuak eta horri atxikitako erakundeek oso kontuan eduki behar dute politika publikoak norbanakoen eta komunitateen beharrei arreta ematen ari zaien jakiteko balio duela ikuspegi horrek, edota politika publiko horiek kontu emanez gardentasun publikoa eratzen ari diren nahiz edozelako diskriminazioa saihesten ari diren jakiteko balio duela. Azkenik, ikuspegi horrek Giza Eskubideen Gorte Interamerikarraren jurisprudentzia-aurrekari batzuetan duen indarraldia eta eragina aztertuko dira. RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene la intención de exponer los alcances del «Enfoque Basado en Derechos Humanos», con la finalidad de entender que variables y conceptos involucra. Haremos un recuento de su evolución, vigencia y cómo se evidencia su modalidad aplicada, a través de diferentes aportes desarrollados en el marco de la Organización de Naciones Unidas, así como de la doctrina estudiosa del tema. Su vigencia en la Administración Pública es de primer orden, puesto que el Estado y sus entidades adscritas, deben tener muy en cuenta que el enfoque citado, sirve para conocer si las políticas públicas, están atendiendo necesidades de individuos y comunidades concretas; generando transparencia pública a través de rendición de cuentas, así como evitando cualquier tipo de discriminación. Finalmente, se analizará su vigencia e impacto en algunos antecedentes jurisprudenciales de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. ABSTRACT: This article intends to expose the scope of the «Human Rights Based Approach», in order to understand what variables and concepts it involves. We will recount its evolution, validity and how its applied modality is evidenced, through different contributions developed within the framework of the United Nations, as well as the doctrine studious of the subject. Its validity in the Public Administration is of the first order, since the State and its affiliated entities must take into account that the aforementioned approach serves to know if public policies are addressing the needs of specific individuals and communities; Generating public transparency through accountability, as well as avoiding any type of discrimination. Finally, its validity and impact will be analyzed in some jurisprudential antecedents of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

2012 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-91 ◽  
Peter Barberis

By examining issues concerning the role and nature of the state together with the character of public bureaucracy, this article shows that, as a practical activity, public administration retains a distinct identity. Notwithstanding the many changes that have taken place in the public sector during recent years, programmes of study in the subject still have much to offer. Such programmes should reassert their place within the social sciences. Their virtues should be proclaimed with confidence, while resisting misplaced calls for more narrowly focused vocationalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-178

The purpose of the article is to consider the history of the public administration system development in Russia via various aspects and features. The analysis and accounting of Russian historical expe-rience in building the integral system of state incentives in the context of the management vertical formation is very relevant today. The article presents the author's approach to the state incentives consideration in the context of the state awards institution, taking into account legal and technical regulation of this process in various regulatory legal acts. The purpose of the article is to consider the genesis of the state awards institution and its formalization in regulatory legal acts in the context of public administration functioning. The subject of the study is the Russian state awards system and the system of normative acts regulating the award mechanism, both considered in historical retro-spect. The authors summarize that the institute of state incentives as a mechanism of public admin-istration is in permanent development and, today, it is designed for stimulating state-significant activi-ties in various fields, and the award mechanism, having passed a long evolutionary period, is cur-rently regulated by a number of specialized regulatory legal acts of the federal and regional levels.

Yevgeny Victorovich Romat ◽  
Yury Volodimirovich Havrilechko

The article is devoted to research of theoretical problems of the concepts of the subject and object of public marketing. The definitions of these concepts are considered in the article, the evolution of their development is studied. The article provides an analysis of the main approaches to the notion of subjects and objects of public marketing, their relationship and role in the processes of public marketing. The authors proposes concrete approaches to their systematization. These approaches allow us to identify specific types of public marketing and their main characteristics. Relying on the analysis of the concept of “subject of public (state) management”, it is concluded that as bodies of state marketing, most often act as executive bodies of state power. In this case, the following levels of marketing subjects in the system of public administration are allocated: the highest level of executive power; Branch central bodies of executive power; Local government bodies; Separate government agencies. It is noted that the diversity of subjects of public marketing is explained, first of all, by the dependence on the tasks of the state and municipal government, the possibilities of introducing the marketing concept of these subjects and certain characteristics of the said objects of state marketing. It is noted that the concept of “subject of public marketing” is not always the identical notion of “subject of public administration”. First, not all public authorities are subjects of state marketing. In some cases, this is not appropriate, for example, in the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Secondly, state marketing is just one of many alternative management concepts, which is not always the most effective in the public administration system.

N. Kalashnyk

Problem setting. The COVID-19 pandemic, global quarantine, quarantine restrictions created the conditions for society to react quickly. Digital technologies are now being used more intensively, and the public administration sector is no exception. At the same time, the country's development requires systematic strategic and tactical decisions that will accelerate the introduction of modern digital technologies in all spheres of Ukrainian society, also forming and implementation of public policy at various levels of government. The analysis of recent researches and publications. Problems of digital society are studied by such Ukrainian scientists as O. Klepanchuk, O. Petryk, S. Lisovsky, S. Romanyuk, L. Rudenko (the emphasis – achieving by Ukraine the goals of sustainable development, where the development of the digital society is considered as one of the tools); issues of implementation of e-government and e-democracy are studied by A. Emelyanova, S. Loboyko, O. Maevska, A. Semenchenko, V. Dreshpak; research on the implementation of public policy in a particular area, including in the field of justice and the provision of administrative services, are among the research interests of Y. Starylov, J. Sobko, I. Markvych and others. Among foreign researchers, these issues are being investigated by C. Emmanuelli, N. Jain, N. Maechler, D. Malfara etc. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem: the main contradictions, trends, problems and prospects for the provision of digital public services, based on the conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, namely – the application of quarantine restrictions; influence of digitalization on the public policy forming in Ukraine. Paper main body. The article analyzes the problems inherent in modern Ukrainian society in connection with the rapid digitalization processes, that have taken place over the past year. The influence of digitalization on the forming and implementation of public policy is considered on the example of the activity of the Ministry of justice of Ukraine. Based on the results of a survey of civil servants and local government officials conducted by the author, the main trends, problems and prospects for providing public services online are identified. 2020 turned out to be the crisis year for all mankind on the one hand, and on the other hand – it encouraged the rapid development of certain industries, including the field of digital transformation. In public administration, this has been embodied in promoting the use of digital services and governance platforms. In the direction of forming and implementation of justice state policy main efforts are aimed at building online interaction between citizens and the state, reducing the number of paper documents, more efficient administration of open state registers, ensuring control at each step of citizens' appeals, reducing corruption risks. minimization of the human factor in the processes of providing administrative services. The author conducted the survey among students of the Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine on the provision of administrative services online. 66 applicants from eight regions of Ukraine were involved in the survey. The question was asked: what hinders the development of administrative services online? Among the answers, the most common are (in order from most popular to least): low technical literacy of service consumers; technical unpreparedness of networks;  unpreparedness of the citizens; unpreparedness of officials; insecurity of the information processed; lack of habit to use online;   distrust to the state. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Contradictions of the digital society development in Ukraine include: the digital divide (the gap in the level of digital equipment); technological unemployment; digital dependence and digital control; digital opportunities for crime; unlimited digital space and its content; the need for large-scale efforts and resources to address the digital space, and needs will only increase; unavailability of information created by bodies-not information managers; form of obtaining information, information is created or obtained in a form unsuitable for machine processing; method of information processing – non-interoperability of data sets from different managers. Among the factors that will determine digitalization processes on the public policy forming in Ukraine, we consider: increasing the technical literacy of service consumers; improving the technical readiness of networks; work with the population to promote the tools of consumption of administrative services online; training of officials to work in the digital space; taking measures to protect information held by the authorities; forming the habit of using online in the field of forming and implementation the public policy; increasing the level of trust to the state.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Tawanda Zinyama ◽  
Joseph Tinarwo

Public administration is carried out through the public service. Public administration is an instrument of the State which is expected to implement the policy decisions made from the political and legislative processes. The rationale of this article is to assess the working relationships between ministers and permanent secretaries in the Government of National Unity in Zimbabwe. The success of the Minister depends to a large degree on the ability and goodwill of a permanent secretary who often has a very different personal or professional background and whom the minster did not appoint. Here lies the vitality of the permanent secretary institution. If a Minister decides to ignore the advice of the permanent secretary, he/she may risk of making serious errors. The permanent secretary is the key link between the democratic process and the public service. This article observed that the mere fact that the permanent secretary carries out the political, economic and social interests and functions of the state from which he/she derives his/her authority and power; and to which he/she is accountable,  no permanent secretary is apolitical and neutral to the ideological predisposition of the elected Ministers. The interaction between the two is a political process. Contemporary administrator requires complex team-work and the synthesis of diverse contributions and view-points.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Marina Rúbia Mendonça Lôbo De Carvalho ◽  
Andressa Guimarães Freire

<p>Os atos, condutas e comportamentos do Poder Público gozam de presunção de legitimidade, gerando, em diversas situações, expectativas nos indivíduos. Pode o Estado, no uso de suas prorrogativas, violar aquelas expectativas, causando efeitos negativos à ordem econômica, por despertarem desconfiança e instabilidade nas relações com o Poder Público. Delimitada a ênfase do presente trabalho à função administrativa do Estado, visou-se compreender o princípio da proteção da confiança como instrumento de tutela da expectativa legítima do indivíduo, por impor limites à Administração Pública na anulação de atos administrativos. Nessa situação, viu-se que referido princípio pode conflitar com a legalidade e a autotutela, sendo o caso de se buscar um juízo de ponderação, que resultará na manutenção do ato ou na sua anulação, esta podendo ser com efeitos <em>ex tunc</em>, com efeitos <em>ex nunc</em> ou com a modulação temporal dos efeitos para um determinado momento futuro.</p><p> </p><p>The acts, practices and behaviors of the Public Power in the exercise of legitimation, can generate, in several situations, expectations in individuals. The Estate, in use of its prerogatives, can breach expectations, generating a negative economic response, lack of confidence and instability in its relations. Thus, the principle of protection defends the preservations of these state acts, which effects extend in time, giving the individual an expectation of continuity, even if they are illegal or unconstitutional. Delimiting the emphasis of the present work on the administrative function of the State, it was intended to understand the principle of the protection of trust as an instrument to protect the legitimate expectation of the individual, for imposing limits to the Public Administration in the annulment of administrative acts. In this situation, it was seen that this principle may conflict with legality and self-assessment, being the case of seeking a weighing judgment, which will result in the maintenance of the act or its annulment, this being possible with the temporal modulation of the effects for a certain future moment.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Alex Pizzio Da Silva ◽  
José Eudacy Feijó Paiva

<p>O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir ao debate acerca da gestão do Poder Judiciário tendo como referência o princípio constitucional da eficiência na administração pública e os princípios da gestão da qualidade. Sob esse enfoque são abordados os temas da crise na administração pública e na administração judiciária. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica em livros e artigos levantou-se as contribuições de autores sobre o tema em análise. Uma correlação entre os princípios da qualidade e a realidade encontrada na administração de unidades judiciárias, através das fontes analisadas para o estudo, é realizada com o fim de demonstrar a validade da aplicação dos princípios para nortear as mudanças necessárias para a melhoria da prestação jurisdicional e a aumentar a satisfação da sociedade. O artigo apresenta a aplicabilidade de um sistema de gestão da qualidade, conforme o modelo da norma ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015, como uma alternativa eficaz para que o Poder Judiciário apresente a resposta mais adequada para a necessidade de melhoria na eficiência da gestão do Poder Judiciário.</p><p> </p><p>The purpose of this article is to contribute to the debate about the management of the Judiciary having as point of reference the constitutional principle of efficiency in the Public Administration and the principles of quality management. This approach addresses the issues of crisis in the public administration and judicial administration. Through a bibliographical review in books and articles the contributions of authors on the subject under analysis were compiled. A correlation between the principles of quality and the reality found in the management of judicial units, through the sources analyzed for the study, is established in order to demonstrate the validity of the application of the principles to guide the changes necessary to improve the jurisdictional performance and to increase the satisfaction of society. The article presents the applicability of a quality management system, according to the model of ABNT NBR ISO 9001: 2015, as an effective alternative for the Judiciary to provide the most appropriate response to the need of improving the efficiency of the Judiciary management.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-329
Kamaluddin Abbas

The government has made many laws and regulations, but corruption issues cannot yet be controlled. Police and Prosecuting Attorney Institutions have not yet functioned effectively and efficiently in eradicating corruption. Therefore, the public hopes Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)/the Corruption Eradication Commission eliminates the crime. KPK is considerably appreciated by the public due to Operasi Tangkap Tangan (OTT)/Red-handed Catch Operation to many government officials involved in bribery action, but the subject matter thereof is whether the OTT is in line with the fundamental consideration of KPK founding pursuant to Law Number 30 of 2002 as updated by the Law Number 19 of 2019 in order to increase the eradication of corruption crime causing the state's financial loss with respect to people welfare particularly KPK powers pursuant to the provision of Article 11 thereof, among others, specifying that KPK shall be authorized to conduct inquiry, investigation and prosecution on corruption crime related to the state financial loss of at least Rp 1,000,000,000 but in fact many OTTs performed by KPK have a value of hundred million Rupiah only and even there are any cases below Rp 100,000,000.-, and bribery action control through OTT being more dominant if compared to the state's financial corruption is not in line with the primary consideration of KPK founding, and similarly the OTT below 1 billion Rupiah doesn't conform to the provision of Article 11 thereof.

2021 ◽  
Modrite Pelse ◽  
Sandris Ancans ◽  
Lasma Strazdina ◽  

There is no doubt that digitalization processes make positive effects on the development of a company as emphasized and evidenced by many research papers and studies. However, there are a few empirical research studies on digitalization in the public sector, particularly in public administration institutions. Therefore, the present research aims to identify and compare the level of digitalization in four national public administration institutions: the State Revenue Service, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, the State Social Insurance Agency and the State Employment Agency. In Latvia, very good technical solutions and a broadband mobile Internet network are available, the number of Internet users increases all over the world every year, but are they widely used by public administration institutions to provide consumers with appropriate digital services? The State Revenue Service has reached the highest level of maturity in digitalization, and the institution has also allocated the most funds from its budget to information technologies and the maintenance of their systems. The level of digitalization is low in the State Employment Agency and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. The public requires public administration services to be available digitally on a 24-hour/7day basis.

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