scholarly journals Strengthening and Maintaining the Health of Applicants for Education in the Context of Distance Learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2 (340)) ◽  
pp. 114-122
Tetiana Berezueva ◽  

The problem of children's health has recently been a priority for the state, society and citizens, since the younger generation is the main source of replenishment of the country's labor reserves. Society needs healthy people, the social and economic well-being of the whole country and the effective realization of the potential of the individual depend on the level of health of each. Protecting the health of the younger generation is important. In the system of traditional education, taking care of the health of students is the prerogative of the relevant medical institutions, but their activities are mainly aimed not at forming an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle for children, but at preventing and treating diseases. In many ways, the health of applicants for education depends on the organization of the educational process. The process of organizing distance learning causes many difficulties, namely: a sedentary lifestyle; lack of a schedule; online streaming and communication across various platforms; inappropriate amount of tasks and online lessons; insufficient time to complete tasks; low motivation for learning and physical activity; excessive workload, lack of communication with the teacher and peers; rejection of distance learning; absence or obsolescence of computer equipment and others. All these factors lead to a deterioration in the general health of children. To help today's distance and blended education applicants improve their health, improve their health and form a value orientation towards a healthy lifestyle, recommendations have been developed to optimize the learning process at home. The given recommendations are intended to help those who wish to study independently and overcome difficulties. In the context of the transition to distance learning, a well-planned daily regimen and correctly selected sets of exercises, taking into account individual physical loads, will be able to provide students with a full-fledged motor regime and maintain physical health.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 242-246
Ekaterina Panchuk

The article discusses the concept, theoretical concepts of psychological well-being of the individual, analyzes the structure of this phenomenon. The analysis of the results of empirical studies of the psychological well-being of students transferred to distance learning in the conditions of the spread of coronavirus is given

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 10-21
Ekaterina I. Akimova ◽  
Anatoly G. Madzhuga ◽  
Raisa V. Shurupova ◽  
Elena L. Bueverova ◽  

Confronting current challenges, especially the COVID-19 pandemic, and striving to create a hopeful future – an era of life and active longevity – determine an urgent global need to implement the principles of humanity and create a new understanding of health and a healthy lifestyle, correlated with a fundamental respect for the dignity of life. Based on the idea of the relationship between health and a healthy lifestyle through the inherent value of the individual, embodying the intrinsic value of life, basic contradictions were identified: the contradiction between the understanding of health as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and a healthy lifestyle, which focuses on the physical aspect of health, omitting the spiritual component; the contradiction between the numerous proposed strategies for a healthy lifestyle and the lack of a fundamental goal that expresses its value-semantic result. In the aspect of philosophical-methodological ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, their essential binding element was defined – the good that embodies the result of the ultimate aspiration of a person. The resolution of the basic contradictions revealed in the analysis of philosophical-methodological ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle made it possible to present new, clearer definitions of health and a healthy lifestyle: health is a good that allows a person to embody the value of life in a specific reality; a healthy lifestyle is an individual way of life, which is based on a person’s respect for the dignity of life and creates a benefit to him/herself and others, gaining the joy of existence. A new concept of a healthy lifestyle was developed, which defined the joy of existence as its fundamental goal, implemented by a person through the creation of good for oneself and others in a system of socio-cultural and natural interaction based on respect for the dignity of life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-138
Anastasiya A. Khablova ◽  
Galina N. Bondar’ ◽  
Pavel F. Kiku ◽  
Natal’ya S. Tumanova ◽  
Valentina N. Rasskazova ◽  

Human health, in addition to social and spiritual well-being, is determined by its physical condition, which reflects the functional capabilities of the body, features of physical development and ensures working capacity in any activity, including academic workload, which is extremely important for students in higher educational institutions. The purpose of the study is to assess the health status of students at the School of Biomedicine of the Far Eastern Federal University. Material and methods. The health status of 184 medical students (147 young women and 37 young men) was assessed using a sociological survey (questionnaire) and a study of the component composition of the body using bioimpedancemetry. Results. The low physical activity, detected in 68% of students and bad habits (smoking tobacco) have been established to negatively affect students’ health. Among smokers, 75% of students live in dormitories on the university campus. According to the results of bioimpedancemetry, significant deviations from the age norm were noted in terms of body mass index (BMI) (50% of cases) and fat mass (FM) (71% of cases). Significant gender differences in the individual components of the body were not identified. Discussion. The most aggressive factors that significantly affect the health of students are unbalanced nutrition, lack of compliance with the regime of study and rest, lack of sleep and stay in the fresh air, lack of physical activity, lack of motivation for a healthy lifestyle. Significant deviations in BMI and FM, identified by bioimpedancemetry, indicate the risks of developing arterial hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and nutritional status disorders. Medical students need to give recommendations for increasing motor activity and changing diet. Conclusion. The results of the study can be used in the future to determine the functional state of students and develop preventive measures to preserve the health of medical students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 38-43
P. Jugal ◽  
M. Ospanova ◽  

The article deals with the problem of motivation in the student sphere. If we talk about the motivation of students, it represents the processes, methods and means of inducing them to cognitive activity, active development of the content of education. As motives can act in conjunction emotions and aspirations, interests and needs, ideals and attitudes. Therefore, motives are complex dynamic systems in which choice and decision-making, analysis and evaluation of choice are carried out. Motivation for students is the most effective way to improve the learning process. Motives are the driving forces of the learning process and assimilation of the material. Motivation for learning is a rather complicated and ambiguous process of changing the attitude of the individual, both to a separate subject of study and to the entire educational process. Motivation is the main driving force in human behavior and activity, including in the process of forming a future professional. Therefore, the question of incentives and motives of educational and professional activity of students becomes especially important.

Agnieszka Molga ◽  
Paweł Golec

In the information society conditions and social needs are constantly changing. The development of information technology together with the new methods of gathering and distributing information that have been generated open the way to alternative forms of education in knowledge society. Intensive development of distance education is a response to changes caused by the escalating pace of innovation in many areas of social and economic life. Computers and the Internet are replacing the previous model of traditional education. The development of technology has contributed to the search of mobile forms of learning, or e-learning. E-learning allows you to fill gaps in the traditional teaching. Modern techniques allow you to find previously unknown solutions that can be used to streamline the process of distance learning. Both traditional education and the world of business treat e-learning as an effective tool that supports science. The convenient application of this tool, the opportunity to individually decide about the time devoted to studying, low costs and easy access speak for applying e-learning as an educational method. This article attempts to present the role of the Internet in the educational process. The aim of the paper was to show the influence of e-learning on raising the efficiency of education.

Oksana Germanovna PROKHOROVA ◽  
Igor Ashotovich AKOPYANTS ◽  
Vyacheslav Petrovich TIGROV

We present the experience in the formation of social success of orphaned children by means of additional education (circus art). The concept of social success is considered. It is noted that in the modern understanding of child social success there are objective and subjective aspects. Also noted that the basis of the educational process in the conditions of the center for the promotion of family education should be individual and personal development of pupils. Disclosed forms of work used in the School of Circus Arts named after Y.V. Nikulin, the formation of social success of orphaned children and children left without parental care. Groups of criteria for assessment of social success of pupils of the organization for orphaned children and children without parental care are presented: the first group of criteria is connected with direct social success of the pupil and includes level of development of communicative skills; level of socialization; success in development of subjects of additional education; participation in public activity, in actions of organization and out of walls of organization; achievements in educational and extra-curricular activity; acceptance of family values; motivation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle; the second group of criteria is related to the social success of graduates of the institution: professional self-determination; well-being in family life; participation in public activities; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; legal literacy, etc.; the third group of criteria is related to the evaluation of the institution's activities: maintaining the image and reputation of the institution; excluding secondary orphanhood among graduates; reducing the number of pupils prone to deviant behavior; family life forms of pupils.

Vitaliia Harapko ◽  
Marianna Bedevelska

Although the World Scientific Society of Educators does not yet have sufficient evidence to measure the impact of school attendance on the risk of disease transmission, the harmful effects of a full transition to distance education are indisputable and affect the safety, well-being and education of children / students. and documents of many states. The purpose of the article is to determine the risks of the absence of a traditional educational process in educational institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic using the materials of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The study was based on the following theoretical methods: analytical and descriptive methods of developing theoretical and critical sources and resources related to the implementation of the educational process, in order to determine the risks associated with providing distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Analysis of contextual benefits and risks allows to determine the priority of educational institutions (or their components) to resume their work; priority of measures to reduce the risk of infection in educational institutions and communities; and focus areas for distance learning. Direct funding for education institutions most affected by the crisis, for example through formula-based funding, which gives priority to the most marginalized groups of pupils / students. From the point of view of mechanisms, scholarships for certain blocks and remittances (conditional or unconditional) to pupils / students should be considered. Tuition and other costs (school uniforms, etc.) should be waived where possible and other barriers to entry should be removed to maximize re-enrollment. We see prospects for further research in the analysis of ensuring the availability of educational materials / platforms, information, services and learning tools for people with disabilities in the process of obtaining education.

Ol’ga Savina ◽  
Ol’ga Smirnova ◽  

The problem is to identify and track stress factors in connection with the pandemic situation, awareness of possible dangers, and awareness of adolescents about self-defense measures against possible infection. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze risk factors for the safety of the educational environment in the situation of the COVID - 19. The research methodology: two stages of monitoring the safety risk factors of the school educational environment during the transition and adaptation to distance learning conditions: 1) Express survey (aimed at identifying associations and visual images of the coronavirus situation, assessing anxiety and anxiety and risk factors, self-prevention measures in a pandemic situation);2) online survey. The study involved 76 students in grades 5 and 6 of the Moscow School No. 1505 (34%m., 66% f.). Results. The most significant risks for experiencing psychological well-being in younger adolescents during self-isolation and distant education were the lack of real communication with friends, teachers, restriction in favorite activities, difficulties with self-organization, lack of free time, eye fatigue, restricted movement, difficulties in self-organization and motivation to study, hypercontrol on the part of parents. The changed conditions have led to the reorganization of the school's psychological service, focusing on support and individualized psychological assistance to students, parents, and teachers in solving the triad of life tasks: prevention of maladaptation, failure; adaptation to the new, resilience, development, and growth; sharing responsibility with other participants in the educational process (teachers, class leaders); crisis intervention (on current requests); proactive response to potential risks.

G. Malakhova ◽  
T. O. Belkova

The article highlights the level of interest and motivation of students with different levels of health of students during physical education classes. The influence of various factors on the attitude of students to a physically active, healthy lifestyle has been studied. The study of motives that enhance the desire of student youth to regular physical education and sports is one of the important pedagogical problems in physical education, as motives are crucial in behavior and stimulation of active activities. Due to the low motivation to engage in physical education among modern student youth, there is a need to find ways to increase this motivation and highlight the experience of its implementation in the educational process of the medical university, which determines the relevance of our study. The aim of the study is to study the mechanisms of personal health of students of medical institutions of higher education and ways to strengthen and preserve it through physical self-improvement with the use of health technologies, which is vital for professional development of students in distance learning. Data from a questionnaire survey of students of 1-2 courses of medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties of Donetsk National Medical University aged 17-23 years to different types, forms and means of physical activity in free time were used. The proposed algorithm for compiling a preventive and health program for the development of health of EG students contributed to their physical self-improvement, which was reflected in the state of functional systems of the body, resulting in significant changes in personal health. Thus, the obtained data revealed a positive trend: the high level of health of future professionals increased by 5.5%, above the average by 14.5%, and the average by 8.9%. The low and below average health levels of the subjects decreased by 10.0% and 18.9%, respectively. Involving students in physical education classes is an integral part of overall development, an important factor in strengthening all aspects of health. In turn, the study of the mechanisms of personal health of students of higher medical institutions and ways to preserve it, based on physical self-improvement with the use of health technologies, will increase students' motivation to exercise, which will positively affect their emotional and physical health. During the study it was found that the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students of higher medical education is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities about a healthy lifestyle, which provides the foundation of physical, spiritual well-being and success in professional activities; the formation of a stable motivation for caring for their own health and physical training, development of physical and mental qualities, creative use of physical culture, to ensure high efficiency and creative longevity, the ability to work professionally without psychological costs for successful professional activity in the chosen specialty. conditions of distance learning. The formation of a socially active personality in harmony with physical development is an important condition for preparing a graduate of a higher education institution for professional activity in society.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 122 ◽  
Elena Aleksandrovna Levanova ◽  
Olga Rafailovna Kokorina ◽  
Yuriy Vladimirovich Nikitin ◽  
Tatiyna Vladislavovna Perepelkina ◽  
Polina Anatolievna Segodina

<p>The article describes the theoretical and practical need for the development of the concept of assistance to health protection of the individual in order to address the problem of health protection of students and teachers in the conditions of a higher pedagogical education. The problem of studying human health, its entirety, systemacity and connection with the environment attracts particular attention in recent years. This was one of the reasons to study the problem of “healthy lifestyle” as the qualitative characteristic of a human life aimed at health, due to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is one of the determinants of health. This is made possible with the use of specific health-protecting technologies aimed at searching for ways and means of protection and conservation of health of students and teachers in the conditions of the educational process and using educational tools, which is currently included into the priorities of education.</p>

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