2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 294
Mahalul Azam ◽  
Muhammad Azinar ◽  
Arulita Ika Fibriana

Abstrak   Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) sering menimbulkan wabah dan kematian. Kasus DBD di Kabupaten Demak selalu meningkat dan 75% wilayah di Demak endemis DBD. Demak Kota adalah salah satu kecamatan endemis DBD dengan CFR tertinggi. Pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya, namun belum optimal. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengaktifkan kembali potensi dan kearifan lokal masyarakat “Ronda Jentik” adalah bentuk inovasi pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam penanggulangan DBD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Populasi seluruh rumah di RW 04 Kelurahan Mangunjiwan Kecamatan Demak sejumlah 126 rumah. Responden penelitian adalah ibu rumah tangga yang ditentukan dengan teknik cluster sampling. Hasil menunjukkan model “Ronda Jentik” relevan dengan permasalahan DBD, dapat menumbuhkan kebersamaan dalam pemberantasan sarang nyamuk, mudah, sesuai dengan budaya lokal, tidak membutuhkan banyak biaya, serta semua anggota masyarakat terlibat sebagai subjek pemantauan dan pemberantasan jentik. Hasil uji coba, model “Ronda Jentik” dapat meningkatkan praktik PSN dan meningkatkan jumlah rumah bebas jentik.   Abstract   Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a diseasethat often causes epidemic and death. Dengue cases in the Demak Regency always increases and 75% of Demak areas are endemic. Demak Kota is one of endemic sub-districts with the highest CFR. The government has made various efforts, but did not work well. Empowerment by reactivating potential and local wisdom, “Ronda Jentik” is a form of innovation community empowerment in dengue prevention. This is a development research with quantitative and qualitative approach. The population was all houses (146 houses) in RW 04 in Mangunjiwan Village. The respondents were housewives which were taken by cluster sampling. The study states that the "Ronda Jentik" model was relevant to dengue problem, able to foster togetherness in mosquito eradication, easy, similiar to the local cultural, and does not require a lot of costs, and all community members could involve as the subject of larvae monitoring and eradication. "Ronda Jentik" model could improve practices of mosquito eradication and increase the amount of no-larvae houses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Riana Damayanti Fauziah

 The background of the research is about phenomenon of situsipatahunan village. People around the situsipatahunan are continuining to suffer from acces poor to water and hygiene. The purpose of research is : (1) To find out the process of well waqf program. (2) To find out the relationship between the well waqf program with the community empowerment process. The type of research is descriptive field research by using qualitative approach. Then the techniques to collect data in research uses interview, observation, and documentation. The research location is in the kampung situsipatahunan rt/rt 03/05 desa Baleendah, kec. Baleendah - kab. Bandung and the subject research are the management of the foundation as a responsible person of well waqf program and the communities who resceive the benefits off well waqf as many as fourty families around the construction of well waqf. Based on the result the activity of well waqf program goes well. The program is carried out by means of sites surveys activities, fundraising and the well waqf execution. The relationship between well waqf and community empowerment is the use off well waqf to increase the economic level of people in Situsipatahunan village.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
I Kadek Agus Edi Yudana . ◽  
Dr. I Ketut Sudita, M.Si . ◽  
Dra. Luh Suartini, M.Pd. .

Judul penelitian ini adalah ”Kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan Tegalalang Gianyar”. Masalah yang dibahas pada penelitian sebagai berikut : (1) Bagaimana keberadaan kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan (2) Bahan dan alat apa saja yang dimanfaatkan untuk membuat kerajinan mosaik (3) Bagaimana proses pembuatan kerajinan mosaik kaca (4) Apa saja jenis-jenis kerajin mosaik yang terdapat di desa Kenderan Tegalalang Gianyar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah artshop-arshop mosaik di desa Kenderan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil-hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) keberadaan kerajinan mosaik mulai berkembang tahun 2007 di desa Kenderan hingga saat ini dikarenakan sebelum tahun 2007 kerajinan kayu menurun sehingga masyarakat di desa Kenderan beralih ke kerajinan mosaik kaca. (2) bahan dan alat yang digunakan untuk membuat kerajinan mosaik kaca sebagai berikut. Bahan yang digunakan seperti : kaca, kayu, MDF, gerabah, lem fox, nat MU, cat impra, dan thinner. Adapun alat yang digunakan seperti : alat pemotong kaca, penggaris kayu, geregaji besi, kuas, spray gun, kompresor, amplas dan spon busa. (3) proses dilakukan dalam pembuatan kerajinan mosaik kaca adalah sebagai berikut : a.pemilihan bahan kaca, b.pemilihan alas atau landasan, c.Pemotongan kaca, d.pembuatan pola landasan, e.pemasangan kaca ke landasan, f. pemasangan nat dan g. finishing. (4) Jenis-jenis produk seni kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan adalah sebagai berikut : a.mosaik cermin lingkaran, b.mosaik cermin persegi, c.mosaik cermin fauna, d.mosaik tempat buah, e.mosaik tempat dupa, f.mosaik asbak, g.mosaik hiasan dinding berbentuk fauna, h.mosaik hiasan dinding berbentuk gitar, i.mosaik tulisan, dan j. mosaik pas bunga atau guci. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kerajinan mosaik berkembang tahun 2007 di desa Kenderan, dalam proses pembuatan menggunakan beberapa bahan dan alat, adapun beberapa proses yang dilakukan dalam pembuatannya. Produk yang sudah dibuat seperti mosaik cermin berbentuk geometris dan fauna, tempat buah dan dupa, hiasan dinding berupa fauna dan gitar, mosaik berbentuk tulisan dan mosaik berbentuk guci dan pas bunga. Saran Untuk menumbuh kembangkan produk kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan. Disarankan agar pemerintah lebih memperhatikan terkait dengan memberikan pembinaan kepada para pengerajin dalam bidang pemasaran dan pengembangan bentuk desain. Kepada para pengerajin agar terus berkarya dan mengembangkan karyanya hingga menembus pasar internasional. Untuk Peneliti selanjutnya yang akan meneliti karya kerajinan mosaik kaca di desa Kenderan diharapkan untuk menambahkan aspek sejarah dari artshop-artshop yang ada di desa KenderanWayan, serta memasukan aspek pemasaran dan manajemen dalam pembuatan produknya. Kata Kunci : Kerajinan, Mosaik kaca The title of this research is "The mosaic craft at Kenderan Tegalalang village, Gianyar ". The problems discussed in this study were as follows : (1) The existence of mosaic craft at Kenderan Tegalalang village, (2) What materials and tools were used to make the mosaic craft (3) The process of making the glass mosaic craft (4) What kinds of mosaic crafts were found at KenderanTegalalang village.The method used in this research was descriptive with qualitative approach. The subject of this research was the mosaic art shops at Kenderan village. The process of collecting data in this research was conducted through observation, interview, documentation, and bibliography. The results that found in this research were: (1) the existence of mosaic craft firstly developed at Kenderan village in the year of 2007 till today because before the year of 2007 the wood craft decreased and the people at Kenderan village switch their interest to glass mosaic craft. (2) The materials and tools were used to make the glass mosaic craft as follows: a glass, a wood, a MDF, a pottery, glue, a fox, a nat MU, an impra paint, and a thinner. The tools used such as: a glass cutting tool, a wood ruler, a railing iron, a brush, spray gun, a compressor, a sand paper and a sponge foam. (3) The process in making mosaic glass craft were as follows: a. selecting the glass materials, b. selecting the base or foundation, c. cutting the glass, d. making the grounding pattern, e. installing the glass to the base, f. installing the nat and g. finishing. (4) The types of mosaic craft art products at Kenderanvillage were as follows: the circular mosaic mirror , the square mosaic mirror, the fauna mosaic mirror, mosaic of the fruit place, mosaic incense, f. mosaic ashtray, g) mosaic ornament of fauna-shaped wall, mosaic of wall hangings of guitar shaped, written mosaic , and j. flower-fitting mosaic or jar. It can be concluded that Mosaic handicraft developed in the year of 2007 at Kenderan village. Actually, the process of making the object used some materials and tools. There were several processes in creating the mosaic crafts. Products that had been made such as geometric mirror mosaic and fauna, fruit and incense place, wall decoration of fauna and guitar, written mosaic shaped and mosaic shaped urn and flower fit. There were also the suggestions to grow the mosaic craft product atKenderan village. It was necessary for the government to give more attention related to providing the construction to the craftsmen in the field of marketing and the development of the design form. All of the craftsmen need to continue to work and develop the creation in order to penetrate the international market. For further researchers who will investigate the handicraft of mosaic glass at Kenderan village were expected to add the historical aspects of each art shops atKenderanvillage, Gianyar. They also were expected to enter the aspects of marketing and managing the manufacture of its products. keyword : Handicraft, Glass Mosaic

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Muhammad Muhammad ◽  
Hadi Iskandar ◽  
Rasyidin Rasyidin ◽  
Juni Ahyar ◽  
Rudi Kurniawan

Before the emergence of Covid-19 which developed throughout the world, the Indonesian Central Government had issued Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, which is a policy that regulates the level of Village administration. However, in this law there is no allocation of development funds and village empowerment which is the basis of the community at the level of village government administration (Gampong). Funds sourced from APBN, APBD Province or Regency, hope to support the progress of the village to become an independent village capable of organizing and managing. The allocation of village funds in the form of a Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBG) is directed to finance government activities, development and community empowerment. For this reason, the Government has issued a special policy to handle Covid-19 by allocating Village Funds to address problems arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Especially for the economic sector through the formation of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMG) which is a business driver to improve the quality of life and realize the welfare of rural communities. With a descriptive qualitative approach using three methods, namely observation, interviews and documentation analysis. This study aims to determine business potential with local wisdom through a SWOT analysis with a focus on Village-Owned Enterprises. Based on the SWOT analysis, in the end, Village-Owned Enterprises will facilitate activities in realizing plans in accordance with local wisdom for the welfare of the community, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Rahmah Rahmah ◽  
Nurfitriani Nurfitriani

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or commonly called DHF is a problem that often occurs between seasons, such as in Indonesia, usually the transition from the dry season to the rainy season and vice versa. DHF caused by the dengue virus not only attacks children, but now it can attack all age groups. Until now, the handling of DHF has not been able to be addressed optimally, so there are still many cases of deaths from dengue. The high number of dengue cases every year to the end of death certainly requires special handling so that this problem does not continue and there needs to be cooperation between the government and the active role of the community itself. The aim of health education / education on prevention of dengue in Ainul Islamic Boarding School is sure to be able to provide information on dengue prevention and can apply directly to all residents of Islamic boarding schools in order to detect early so that dengue fever outbreaks can be addressed and watched out as early as possible and can reduce the number pain or death.Efforts that can overcome these problems include 3 M (draining, closing, burying), maintaining the cleanliness of the house and the environment, do not hang clothes, and immediately seek treatment from the nearest health service if you find complaints such as continuous fever for more than 3 days

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Arif Widianto

The emergence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were actively empowering women can supplement the lack of implementation of the programme of empowerment from the Government. In spite of all its shortcomings, a previous Study demonstrated that NGOs are more effective in carrying out the empowerment programs with a variety of models and strategies. Mother’s best friend Foundation (YSI) undertook to actively empower women in Yogyakarta and mengooptasi way to implement Islamic values not only in theoretical level but also practical. This paper discusses how YSI implement Islamic values and the implications for how the process of empowerment. This research uses qualitative approach method of verstehen to interpret the subject’s understanding of research on Islamic-based empowerment. Data collection techniques using participatory observation and indepth interview against informants chosen by purposive. The results showed that the application of the values of Islam is more of an approach at once an instrument of women’s empowerment. Islamic practices are applied in the empowerment of such a contract, pledge, pengajian, infaq is able to push the lancarnya the process of empowerment. The subject of research looked at that program of empowerment is the obligation to family and God. Nevertheless there are several members resigned because the program prove incriminating. On the one handthe implementation of Islamic values become the driving force of empowerment, on the other hand give rise to a difference of views among the participants and facilitator so that it becomes counterproductive. Keywords: NGOs, empowerment of women, the empowerment Strategy, values of Islam,

Adelia Undangsari Mangilep ◽  
Sukri Paluttui ◽  
Syamsuddin ◽  
Rini Angraeni ◽  
Noer Bahry Noor

Lorong Sehat (Longset) is one of the innovation programs to realize the improvement of the lives of healthy citizens of Makassar City. This program is specifically aimed at increasing public awareness to protect the environment and clean and healthy living behavior, from providing socialization to program evaluation to community members, one of which is to teach healthy life, wash hands before eating, get used to checking babies/toddlers to posyandu if there is , dispose of garbage in its place, and so on so that basic health can be fulfilled. This program is also contained in the Makassar City Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) document for the 2014-2019 period. This service is a response to the existence of several problems that focus on the problems mostly in the periphery (slum area) which in this case is dominated by people living in 7000 aisles/alleys of Makassar City who have difficulty reaching basic health data. This planning process involves the community together with the government conducted at a Planning and Development Deliberation (Musrembang) meeting and monitored directly by leaders in the Health Office, such as section heads, field heads, official secretaries and even agency heads who directly monitor through the head of the puskesmas and figures community about health problems. The immediate impact of community empowerment was that the residents in the hallway were immediately handled by the people who had been given training and direct coordination by the puskesmas. Based on the results of the analysis on the healthy Aisle training there was an increase in participants knowledge regarding healthy aisles, Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS), Non-Smoking Areas (KTR), personal hygiene and Maternal and Child Health (MCH). With the existence of this healthy Hallway training, it is expected that the trainees can apply the knowledge they have acquired and can spread their knowledge to the people in their environment so that they can help the development process of the healthy Hallway.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 612-619
Sapar Sapar ◽  
Syafruddin Syafruddin

Penelitian ini menganalisis konflik di sekitar pertambangan dan merumuskan resolusi konflik sebagai strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat di Kabupaten Bombana, Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan metode survei deskriptif. Populasi penelitian adalah rumah tangga yang tinggal di desa-desa sekitar wilayah pertambangan, baik di darat maupun di pulau-pulau. Teknik proportional cluster sampling digunakan untuk menentukan sampel. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Uji statistik inferensial yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda dan uji t untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara responden di daratan dan pulau-pulau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konflik antara perusahaan dengan masyarakat sekitar pertambangan di Kabupaten Bombana tergolong tinggi. Konflik tersebut meliputi proses pendudukan Sumber Daya Alam (SDA), dominasi perusahaan atas sumber daya alam, dan penanganan dampak negatif. Strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar pertambangan melalui pengelolaan konflik adalah: (1) Mempercepat penyelesaian konflik yang ada dengan pola musyawarah dan melibatkan semua pihak, termasuk masyarakat setempat, pemerintah, dan penegak hukum setempat. (2) Mendorong perusahaan pertambangan untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan lingkungan yang terkena dampak untuk mencegah kerusakan lingkungan. (3) Meningkatkan pola kerjasama antara perusahaan, pemerintah, dan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam. (4) Mencegah konflik sosial. Upaya peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar pertambangan dapat dilakukan melalui kerjasama antara pemerintah, perusahaan, dan masyarakat. Pemerintah dan perusahaan memiliki sumber daya yang cukup untuk menginisiasi program pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar pertambangan di Kabupaten Bombana. ABSTRACTThis study analyzes conflicts around mining and formulates conflict resolution as a strategy for community empowerment in Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The study was designed with a descriptive survey method. The research population is the householder living in villages around the mining area, both on land and in the islands. The proportional cluster sampling technique does the determination of the sample. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The inferential statistical test used is multiple regression analysis and t-test to analyze the differences between respondents on the mainland and the islands. The study results indicate that conflicts between companies and communities around mining in Bombana Regency are high. These conflicts include the process of occupation of Natural Resources (SDA), the domination of companies over natural resources, and the handling of negative impacts. Strategies for empowering communities around mining through conflict management are: (1) Accelerating the resolution of existing conflicts with a deliberation pattern and involving all parties, including the local community, government, and local law enforcement. (2) Encouraging mining companies to improve management of the affected environment to prevent environmental damage. (3) Improving the pattern of cooperation between companies, the government, and the community in the management of natural resources. (4) Preventing social conflicts. Efforts to increase the empowerment of communities around mining can be carried out through collaboration between the government, companies, and the community. The government and companies have sufficient resources to initiate community empowerment programs around mining in Bombana Regency.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Pratiwi Wulan Gustianingrum ◽  
Idrus Affandi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaknai nilai kesenian Kuda Renggong dalam upaya melestarikan budaya daerah di Kabupaten Sumedang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam kesenian Kuda Renggong antara lain: spiritual/religius, interaksi antar makhluk Tuhan, teatrikal, estetika, kerja sama, kekompakan dan ketertiban, kerja keras dan ketekunan, dan sosial. Kesenian ini secara tidak langsung membentuk karakter manusia/masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. Hal ini ditunjukkan lewat tindakan kerja bersama, saling menghargai satu dan yang lain, kebersamaan, ketekunan, ketertiban, dan semangat religius yang tinggi sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Pelestarian kesenian ini didukung oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sumedang, seniman, dan masyarakat. Interpreting the Art Value of Kuda Renggong in Preserving the Local Culture in Kabupten Sumedang. The research aims to interpret the art value of Kuda Renggong in preserving the the local culture in Sumedang. The research uses qualitative approach with a case study as the research method. The subject of research covers the Local Government of Sumedang, PASKURES and society. The data collection techniques use the observation, interviews, and documentation. Kuda Renggong contains some values such as: spiritual/ religious values, the value of the interaction among the God’s creatures, theatrical value, universal value, aesthetic value, cooperative value, cohesiveness and order value, hard work and perseverance value, and social value. Kuda Renggong indirectly forms human or social character better. It can be shown through out the team-work action, mutual appreciation,to getherness, perseverance, discipline, and high religious spirit as the expression to thank to God the almighty. The preservation of Kuda Renggong is supported by the government of Sumedang Regency, artists, and the society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-135
Mustafa MH.

ABSTRACTThis article discusses the issue of limiting worship of Muslims in Indonesia, during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is regulated by Ulil Amri in Indonesia, namely the Government and Majelis Ulama Indonesia. In the regulation of restrictions on worship, it is not implemented as it should. There is a group of Muslim communities, which do not comply with the policy. This article is a literature study with a qualitative approach. The data in this study were produced from literature processing from various views of fuqaha, which is viewed from the perspective of fiqh siyasah. The results of the study concluded that Ulil Amri has full authority on social and ijtihadi (furu) issues, but not on the subject matter (ushul) of religion because it is the authority of Allah SWT as al-Shari '(maker of the Shari'a). Included in the Ulil Amri authority is issuing policies in preventing and overcoming the spread of the coronavirus in Indonesia, by implementing a policy of limiting worship, based on the fatwa from Majelis Ulama Indonesia, and with regulations issued officially by the Government.Keywords: COVID-19; Ulil Amri Authority; Worship Restrictions, Islamic Law

Nicodemus O. Owusu

Background: For many years, malaria has been one of the main health concerns of the government of Ghana. The government has recently implemented a control strategy which will ensure the inclusion of the community members who were previously excluded from the process. Until now, however, scientific study on this strategy has been scanty.Objectives: The objectives were to investigate the level at which communities have been allowed to participate and to understand whether the idea of community participation in malaria control strategy is a myth or a reality.Methods: Data were collected in the rural district of Ahafo-Ano South in the Ashanti region of Ghana. An exploratory qualitative approach was employed in order to ascertain the opinions of the local health officials and community members. The level of participation was measured using the framework of Arnstein’s ‘ladder’ of participation, as developed in 1969.Results: Evidence showed that the level of community participation was only tokenistic. Communities were only informed and/or consulted after decisions had been made, but the real engagement and negotiations were absent. Communities thus had limited opportunities to air their views in the planning process.Conclusion: This article has revealed that the government’s vision of ensuring community participation in the malaria control policy-making process can be said to be a myth rather than a reality.

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