scholarly journals Message on Child’s Disability and Perspectives of Development: Parents’ Experiences

Pedagogika ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 117 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-167 ◽  
Stasė Ustilaitė ◽  
Ieva Kuginytė-Arlauskienė ◽  
Leticija Cvetkova ◽  
Aušra Kalinkevičienė

The article reveals experiences of parents experienced after receiving the first information on child’s disability. Data collection of qualitative phenomenological research was performed using the interview in which 12 families took part. Content analysis was applied to the data analysis. Experiences of parents reveal that professionally presented information helps a family to put up with the child’s disability providing hope for the future of the child and has the influence on family’s purposefulness, on the other hand, the information provided without using the principles of medical ethics, insensitively and unintelligibly to parents causes negative experiences. Unawareness of the true situation, lack of information on assistance resources do not create conditions for parents to become equivalent partners of specialists when providing assistance to the child. The data analysis of qualitative research reveals the need of families rearing children with disabilities for psychosocial assistance which is recognized by the informants as cooperation with specialists, families having similar experience and individual psychological support. Family counseling, the communication and cooperation of the family with various specialists and other families having similar experience is a prerequisite guaranteeing a better quality of life for children with disability and their parents.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 354-359 ◽  
Felipe de Sousa Lourenço ◽  
Germán Augusto Murrieta Morey ◽  
José Celso de Oliveira Malta

AbstractThe family Neoechinorhynchidae includes seven species ofNeoechinorhynchusfrom freshwater fishes of Brazil. Although severalNeoechinorhynchusspecies are cited infecting different fish species in Brazil, there is a lack of information concerning to their life cycle and the identification of the intermediate hosts. Thus, the aim of the present study was to describe the development ofNeoechinorhynchus buttneraein its intermediate host collected in a fish farm located in Rio Preto da Eva, Amazonas, Brazil. To verify the presence ofN. buttneraein the fish pond, twentyColossoma macropomumwere captured and analyzed, being corroborated the presence of this parasite species. Samples of plankton were also collected, finding the ostracodCypridopsis viduaas the intermediate host. For the description of the larvae development, a laboratory experimental procedure was conducted by feeding the collected ostracods with the eggs of the adult specimens taken from the sampled fish. To observe the stages of development an artificial hatch was performed. Every stage of development was photographed, measured, drawn and described. The time of development of the immature stages ofN. buttneraewas 29 days, reporting the stages: acanthor, acanthella (with eight developmental changes) and cystacanth. As high infections byN. buttneraecauses morphological damages to the intestine and may compromise the quality ofC. macropomumand in consequence the production of fish farmers in the Brazilian Amazon region, the knowledge of its intermediate host and the understanding of its life cycle represents a useful information to prevent and combat infections by this parasite.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Salminen-Tuomaala Mari ◽  
Haasio Ari ◽  
Naka Hajime

The originally Japanese phenomenon of hikikomori, or being socially withdrawn, has been identified in several countries across the world. This qualitative study describes meanings ascribed by self-defined hikikomoris to family and family communication. The study aims at producing knowledge that can be used by professionals in education, health care and social services to support and counsel the socially withdrawn individuals. The data were collected in May 2020 from an anonymous forum for self-defined hikikomoris or socially withdrawn people in Finland. Inductive content analysis was used to analyze the data. The socially withdrawn people had both positive and negative experiences associated with their families. Some of the hikikomoris appreciated the support and encouragement from their families, while others associated their failures in life with poor family dynamics, abusive experiences and lack of communication in the family. Counseling and support are required to improve interaction, dialogue and other aspects of family dynamics.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 815
Mohammad Abdus Sayek Khan

Diseased Organ and tissue donation and transplantation entails removing organ and tissues from someone (the donor) and transplanting them into another person (the recipient). Transplanting organs and tissues from one person hold the capacity to save or significantly improve the quality of life of multiple recipients. This is a rare opportunity for one to become an organ donor. In 2018, Australia had a population of 24.99 million. A total of 160,909 lives were lost that year; almost half of this death occurred in hospitals. However, a person may only be able to become a donor if their death occurs in a particular way and fulfils a defined set of special criteria—for example, while on the life support machine in an intensive care unit. Because of this, only 1211 people out of the large number of lives lost in 2018 were eligible to be potential organ donors. This is one of reasons we encourage everybody to consider the virtues of organ and tissue donation in any end-of-life discussion. Diseased organ donation occurs only when the clinician is certain that the person has died. The death is diagnosed by neurological criteria or by circulatory criteria which are discussed in detail in the article. This is an unconditional altruistic and non-commercial act. A large number of people are waiting on transplant list in Australia who are suffering from end stage organ failure; some of them will die waiting unless one receives an organ transplantation. Australians are known to be highly generous people. That is why 98% of Australian say ‘Yes’ to become an organ donor when they die. But in reality, only about 64% of families consent for organ donation on an average. There are widespread misconceptions and myths about this subject, mostly due to lack of information and knowledge. I have attempted to explain the steps of diseased organ donation in this article which, hopefully will be able to break some of those misconceptions. I have avoided to discuss living donation which is entirely a different subject. I have only touched on Islamic perspective of organ donation here as multiple Islamic scholars are going to shed lights here. We encourage everybody to ‘Discover’ the facts about organ and tissue donation, to make an informed ‘Decision’ and ‘Discuss’ this with the family. If the family knows the wishes of the loved one, it makes their decision-making process much easier during such a devastating and stressful time.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-87
Nicole Kyrkou

Research that gauges family quality of life in families that include a child with a disability has often focused on the relationship between parents and the child, but in doing so they underestimate the importance of the sibling relationship: siblings are in each other’s lives generally for a much longer period of time than parents are. The sibling relationship is not intrinsically positive or negative, but it is a dynamic and critical bond; from it children can learn to understand and advocate for themselves and each other in the context of the disability. The sibling relationship is a lifelong one. Nurturing it in the early stages of development will not only support family quality of life, but will set the foundation for healthy adult sibling relationships that can create positive outcomes for all members of the family. The important aspects of nurturing the sibling relationship are considered from the viewpoint of both sibling and parent. The assumptions that inform sibling relationships are discussed, and suggestions for nurturing them are provided.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 332-335
Darwis Darwis ◽  
Hajjatul Mabruroh ◽  
Helman Suprapto

Abstract.The purpose of this study was to determine the productivity of Fish Coastal Women (Dher eddher) and Existence of Selling Fish Coastal Women (Dher eddher) In achieving family welfare. This study uses qualitative phenomenological method by describing and analyzing data so that it is found a general tendency that can be used as further material in descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study were by observation, documentation and interviews with 20 informants from five villages in two sub-districts of Tlanakan and Pademawu Pamekasan. The results of the study showed that Pamekasan coastal women who became Selling Fish (dher eddher) were very productive because they met all the productivity factors of Selling Fish Coastal Women (dher eddher) in their performance were good motivation factors, reliable ability and experience, sellers the mobile fish has a good work ethic and discipline in work, the income is sufficient. and the work environment includes facilities and health in the work are fulfilled. Coastal Woman olso can fulfill the welfare of the family because the quality of life in terms of material, physical, health and facilities that are owned in the household and other facilities meet the criteria of a prosperous family.Abstrak.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui produktifitas wanita pesisir sebagai Penjual ikan keliling  (der eddher) dan wanita pesisir sebagai Penjual ikan keliling  (der eddher) dalam memenuhi kesejahteran keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif fenomenologi dengan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa data sehingga ditemukan kecenderungan umum yang dapat dijadikan bahan lebih lanjut dalam deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini dengan observasi, dokumetasi dan wawancara dengan 20 informan dari lima desa di dua kecamatan Tlanakan dan Pademawu Kabupaten Pamekasan.  Hasil penelitian menujukkan  bahwa wanita pesisir Pamekasan yang menajadi penjual ikan keliling  (dher eddher)  sangat produktif karena memenuhi semua faktor-faktor produktifitas wanita pesisir penjual ikan keliling (dher eddher) dalam kinerjanya adalah faktor motivasi yang baik, kemampuan dan pengalaman yang handal, para penjual ikan keliling tersebut mampunyai etos kerja  yang baik, disiplin dalam bekerja, pendapatannya cukup dan lingkungan kerja meliputi sarana dan kesehatan dalam bekerja terpenuhi. Wanita pesisir juga dapat memuhi kesejahteran kelauraga karena kualitas hidup dari segi materi, fisik, kesehatan dan fasilitas yang dimiliki dalam rumah tangga dan sarana lainnya memenuhi kriteria keluarga sejahtera.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Sekar Farah Nabila

  Penempatan peran yang baik bagi Family Caregiver sangatlah membantu lansia dalam meningkatkah qualitas hidupnya, meningkatkan motivasi dalam menjalankan hidup Penelitian ini bertujuan Mengetahui hubungan peran Family Caregiver dalam pemenuhan qualitas hidup bagi lansia di Kelurahan Langenharjo Kabupaten Kendal. DesainPenelitianDeskriptifKorelasional menggunakan pendekatan Krosectional,tehnikSamplingStratified Simple Random Sampling dengan karakteristik heterogen, dari populasi mempunyai hak yang sama untuk diseleksi sebagai sampel teknik undianPengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Uji statistik Chi-square, dengan taraf signifikasi 5%jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 70 sampel pada Family Caregiver dari 213 populasi yang ada. Hasil penelitian dari 70 responden didapatkan Peran Family Caregiver tidak baik dengan qualitas hidup tidak baik 33 (47,1%), sedangkan Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik 3 (4,3%). Untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik sebanyak 6 responden (8,6%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik sebanyak 23 responden (32,9%). Terakhir, untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik didapatkan hasil 2 responden (2, 9%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik didapatkan hasil 3 responden (4,3%)Menunjukkan nilai ρ value 0,001 (ρ < 0,05) berarti ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan lansia dalam keikutsertaan posyandu lansia. Disarankan kepada semua Family Cregiver lansia untuk mampu memahami pentingnya perhatian, dukungan bagi lansia dalammeningkatkan qualitas hidup yang lebih baik bagi lansia.   Kata kunci : Peran family caregiver, qualitas hidup, lansia.   ABSTRACT Placement of a good role for Family Caregiver is very helpful for the elderly to improve their quality of life, increase motivation in living life Research Objective: To know the relationship between the role of Family Caregiver in fulfilling quality of life for the elderly in Langenharjo Village, Kendal Regency. Descriptive Correlational Research Design uses a cross sectional approach, Sampling Stratified Simple Random Sampling technique with heterogeneous characteristics, from the population has the same right to be selected as a sample lottery technique Retrieving data using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Test Chi-square statistics, with a significance level of 5% the number of samples in this study 70 samples on the Family Caregiver from 213 populations. Results of the Study Of 70 respondents found the role of Family Caregiver was not good with poor quality of life 33 (47.1%) , while the role of the Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of a good elderly 3 (4.3%). For the distribution of the role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of the poor family as many as 6 respondents (8.6%) while for the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of good elderly as many as 23 respondents (32.9%). Finally, the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the poor is obtained by 2 respondents (2, 9%), while the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the elderly is obtained by 3 respondents (4.3%). 0.001 (ρ <0.05) means that there is a relationship between family support and the compliance of the elderly in the participation of the elderly posyandu. It is recommended to all elderly Cregiver families to be able to understand the importance of attention, support for the elderly in improving the quality of life better for the elderly   Keywords: Role of Family Caregiver, Quality of Life, Elderly

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Enike Dwi Kusumawati ◽  
Selvinus Lawu Woli ◽  
Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih ◽  
Waluyo Edi Susanto ◽  
Syam Rahadi

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa ayam kampung pada suhu 5oC menggunakan pengencer dan lama simpan yang berbeda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian laboratorium menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial dengan pengencer ringer lactat solution, air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer serta lama simpan 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, masing-masing diulang 10 kali. Variabel yang diamati yaitu motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis varian. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa menggunakan pengencer ringer lactat solution lebih tinggi (P<0,01) serta dapat bertahan sampai lama simpan 24 jam dibandingkan air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer. Adapun nilai motilitas ringer lactat solution, air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer pada lama simpan 24 jam masing-masing sebesar 43,5±17,17%; 8±4,83%; 6,5±2,4%, sedangkan nilai viabilitasnya sebesar 83,2±7,25%; 64,6±3,20%; dan 63,1±2,33%. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah ringer lactat solution lebih baik dibandingkan air kelapa dan tanpa pengencer dalam mempertahankan kualitas semen ayam kampung pada suhu simpan 5oC sampai lama simpan 24 jam.Kata Kunci : air kelapa, ayam kampung, motilitas, spermatozoa, viabilitas  ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to determine the motility and viability of spermatozoa of Native chickens at 5oC using different diluents and time storage. The method used in this study was laboratory research using Factorial Completely Randomized Design with ringer lactate solution, coconut water and without diluent at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 hours of time storage each repeated 10 times. The variables observed were motility and viability of sperm. Data analysis used is variance analysis. The results of data analysis showed that the motility and viability of spermatozoa using ringer lactate solution diluents was higher (P <0.05) than coconut water and without diluents. The motility values of ringer lactat solution, coconut water and without diluents were 43,5±17,17%; 8±4,83%; 6,5±2,4% respectively, while the viability values were 83,2±7,25%; 64,6±3,20% and 63,1±2,33%. The conclusion of this study is that ringer lactat solution is better than coconut water an without diluents in maintaining the quality of Native chicken semen at a storage temperature of 5oC until 24 hours.Keywords: coconut water, motility, native chicken, sperm, viability

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Lukman Affandhy ◽  
Muchamad Luthfi ◽  
Dian Ratnawati ◽  
Frediansyah Firdaus

ABSTRAK  Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian bubuk daun Moringa oleifera (MO) terhadap kuantitas dan kualitas semen sapi peranakan ongole (PO). Metode penelitian menggunakan percobaan lapang dengan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan pemberian MO sebesar 0 kg/ekor/hari (P1); 0,05 kg/ekor/hari (P2) dan 0,1 kg/ekor/hari (P3). Analsis data menggunakan one way analysis of variance. Masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas empat ekor dengan tiga periode pengamatan sebagai ulangan, yaitu periode pertama dan ketiga tanpa MO, dan periode kedua diberikan MO pada P2 dan P3. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa volume dan pH semen perlakuan P1, P2 dan P3 tidak berbeda semua periode pengamatan. Motilitas massa spermatozoa P2 dan P3 periode kedua dan ketiga menunjukan nilai +++ berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan P1 (++); motilitas individu  perlakuan P1 menunjukkan nilai terendah 60,56±2,94 % (P<0,05) dibandingkan P2 dan P3 pada periode kedua dan ketiga (75,50±2,29 dan 72,50±2,34%). Konsentrasi spermatozoa P2 dan P3 periode kedua dan ketiga menunjukkan rata-rata  >1.350 juta/ml berbeda nyata (P<0,05) daripada P1 (876±152juta/ml), sedangkan total spermatozoa motil menunjukkan nilai tertinggi 5.647±829 juta/ml pada P3 periode kedua.Viabilitas spermatozoa P2 dan P3 menunjukkan nilai >88-89 % beda nyata (P<0,05) daripada P1 (<84 %) pada periode kedua dan ketiga, sedangkan nilai abnormalitas spermatozoa yang terbaik adalah P2 sebesar 4,30% pada periode kedua dan P3 sebesar 5,33% pada periode ketiga. Disimpulkan pemberian bubuk daun MO dengan dosis 0,1 kg/ekor/hari dapat memperbaiki kuantitas dan kualitas semen (viabilitas dan total spermatozoa motil) sapi pejantan PO.Kata kunci:  kuantitas dan kualitas semen, Moringa oleifera, sapi pejantan ABSTRACTThe research aimed to determine the effect of Moringa oleifera (MO) leaf powder on the quantity and quality of semen of ongole crossbreed. The research method used was a field experiment with a completely randomized design with three treatments giving MO of 0 kg/head/day (P1); 0.05 kg/head/day (P2) and 0.1 kg/head/day (P3). Each treatment consisted of four heads with three periods of observation as replications, namely the first and third periods without MO, and the second period was given MO on P2 and P3. Data analysis used a one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that the volume and pH of semen treated P1, P2, and P3 didn’t different in all observation periods. The second and third period spermatozoa mass motility of P2 and P3 showed that the value of +++ was significantly different (P<0.05) compared to P1 (++); Individual motility of P1 treatment showed the lowest value 60,56±2,94 % (P<0.05) compared to P2 and P3 in the second and third periods (75,50±2,29 and 72,50±2,34%). The second and third periods of P2 and P3 spermatozoa concentrations showed an average of >1,350 million/cc significantly different (P<0.05) than P1 (876±152 million/cc), while the total motile spermatozoa showed the highest value of 5,647±829 million/cc in the second period P3. The spermatozoa viability of P2 and P3 showed values >88-89% significantly different (P<0.05) than P1 (<84%) in the second and third periods, while the best spermatozoa abnormalities were P2 at 4.30% in the second period and P3 at 5.33% in the third period. It was concluded that the giving of MO leaf powder at a dose of 0,1 kg/head/day could improve the quantity and quality of semen (viability and total motile spermatozoa) of Ongole Crossbreed bulls. Keywords: bulls, Moringa oleifera, quantity and quality of semen

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 77-83
S. L. Grabovska ◽  
L. O. Kolodochka

This article deals with the results of study of species content and basic peculiarities of beaked mites-Phytoseiidae in plant associations of one of the regional centers of Ukraine. The species composition and distribution of mites-Phytoseiidae (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) in plantations of Brovary town of Kyiv region were determined. Fourteen species of 8 genera of phytoseiid mites were found. Index of their existing and relative biotope connection of each registered species to vegetation types and plant species were computed. The study was conducted according to the results of material treatment on the territory of the mentioned city from 25 species of plants (16 species of hardy-shrub and 9 of herbaceous vegetations). The studies of distribution of plant-living mites-Phytoseiidae were conducted separately for hardy-shrub and herbaceous plants). The collection of faunistic material was executed during the vegetation of periods of 2011 and 2013. Within the city the collection of the material was conducted with hardy-shrub plants and herbaceous type of vegetation along the streets, in parks and squares of Brovary city of Kyiv region, district center, one of the satellite-cities of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The study of species complexes characteristics of mites was conducted with usage of data calculated on the basis of frequency index (Is), degree of relative habitat confinedness (F) (Pesenko, 1982) and domination index Paliy-Kovnatski (Di) (Shitikov, 2003). Only on one species of plant (F=1) 6 species of mites-Phytoseiidae were found – T.сotoneastri on blue spruce, T. laurae – on common spruce, T. aceri – on ash-leaved maple, P. incognitus – on dog-rose, P. soleiger – on mulberry-tree, A. caudiglans – on sea-buckthorn. These species can be related to stenoecic. The mentioned species are stenotopic only in relation to the sample of plants from the plant associations of Brovary, as in other regions these species of mites can populate the other species of plants. The rest 8 species, being registered on two or more types of plants, are related to euryoecic. Among them there is a group of 6 species with “positive tendencies to population of plants”, owning the indicators of habitat confinedness 0<F<1: A. andersoni (0,92–0,96), A. rademacheri (0,85–0,96), N. herbarius (0,92–0,96), T. tiliarum (0,66–0,77), A. pirianykae (0,73–0,99), A. clavata (0,82–0,98). The rest species, E. finlandicus и K. aberrans, have the expanded range of indicators in relation to habitat confinedness (-0,71<F<0,55 и -0,16<F<0,88), that specifies on their ability to populate the big quality of species. E. finlandicus has the negative indicator of relative habitat confinedness in relation to the plants of herbaceous morphotype that serves confirmation of the ecological peculiarity of the species detected earlier. The data of relative habitat confinedness of mites to certain species of plants shows availability of stenoecic (T.сotoneastri, T. laurae, T. aceri, P. incognitus, P. soleiger, A. caudiglans) and euryoecic species (A. andersoni, A. rademacheri, N. herbarius, E. finlandicus, K. aberrans, T. tiliarum, A. pirianykae, A. clavata). 

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-105
Rohmat Rohmat

Abstract: The quality of madrasah education needs to get serious attention both from process aspect and its result. The quality of madrasah education is also influenced by the family and community environment. This brings with it the need for a review and mapping of the quality management model of education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. The Madrasah Ibtidaiyah of Purwokerto and MI Ma'arif Pageraji Purwokerto were chosen to be the subject of this study with the consideration that the school has a good quality management system. This study aims to find the typology of quality management education in MI that is effective so that it can be replicated. Based on the findings of the data, it can be concluded as follows: (1) Quality planning conducted in MIN and MI Ma’arif pageraji Purwokerto through (a) improvement of teacher competence, through OJT activity (on the job trainning), (b) teacher. (c) Development of natural competence matrix. (d) Parent and community cooperation in establishing some madrasah programs. (2) Quality control system conducted in MIN and MI Ma’arif pageraji Purwokerto done through supervision activities. (3) Quality assurance conducted in MIN and MI Ma’arif pageraji Purwokerto done internally by madrasah and audited through accreditation activities run by the accreditation bodies of madrasah or other institutions externally. Keywords: Management model, quality of madrasah.

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