Imaji ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
I Wayan Suardana

This study of classical Balinese masks aims at discovering and introducing the local and traditional Balinese values with a hope that the result might become input for mask development in Indonesia. The focus of the study is the mask forms, especially those related to symbols in religious belief. The data were collected from references, informants chosen proportionally through purposive sampling and notes from historic sources as well as direct field notes. The result shows that based on structure and form there is similarity between classical Balinese masks and puppets. The similarity can be seen from their dots, lines, shapes, colors, and textures. The form elements reached the peak since the fall of Majapahit. The art traditions of East Java that had gone through synthesis were continued in Bali and accumulated with the local culture. The process enriched the existing arts, producing pajegan, panca, and bobondreasan masks. The masks are used as educational media applied in Hindu religious teachings and philosophy. The characters are taken from Mahabaratha and Ramayana epics. Keywords: visual structure, classical Balinese masks

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-23
Nifo Ria Nurendra Pangestika

Banyaknya budaya yang ada di Indonesia sangat perlu untuk dilestarikan, terutama di Elementary School of Semarang Multinational School yang mayoritas siswanya merupakan warga negara asing, maka sekolah ini mengadakan kegiatan Indonesian Cultural Week guna melestarikan budaya Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pelestarian budaya Indonesia melalui kegiatan Indonesian Cultural Week yang dilaksanakan di Elementary School of Semarang Multinational School. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Elementary School of Semarang Multinational School. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa yang berjumlah 13 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahap reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelestarian budaya lokal di Elementary School of Semarang Multinational School dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik melalui kegiatan Indonesian Cultural Week dengan dukungan dari seluruh pihak terkait yaitu kepala sekolah, guru, staff, siswa, dan juga orang tua yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya penambahan tingkat pengetahuan siswa mengenai budaya Indonesia.Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kegiatan Indonesian Cultural Week dapat melestarikan kebudayaan lokal di Elementary School of Semarang Multinaional School termasuk dalam kategori baik. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Indonesian Cultural Week meliputi upaya mempertahankan budaya lokal, pelestarian budaya didasarkan pada kebutuhan, serta terdapat strategi pelestarian budaya. Faktor pendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan Indonesian Cultural Week yaitu  dimulai dari tahap persiapan yang meliputi penyusunan rancangan kegiatan, anggaran dana, tempat dan waktu pelaksanaan dan penyusunan kepanitiaan, sampai dengan tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan dan evaluasi pasca kegiatan Many cultures in Indonesia are very necessary to be preserved, especially in Elementary School of Semarang Multinational School, where the majority of students are foreign nationals, so this school holds Indonesian Cultural Week activities to preserve Indonesian culture. This research aims to describe the preservation of Indonesian culture through Indonesian Cultural Week activities held at Elemenary School of Semarang Multinational School. This research uses qualitative approach. The research was conducted at Elementary School of Semarang Multinational School. The samples in this study were principals, teachers, and students of 13 people determined by purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation and field notes. Data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the preservation of local culture at Elementary School of Semarang Multinational School was carried out very well through Indonesian Cultural Week activities with support from all relevant parties, namely principals, teachers, staff, students, and also parents, which was shown by the addition of students' level of knowledge about Indonesian culture.The conclusion of this research is that Indonesian Cultural Week activities can preserve local culture at Elementary School of Semarang Multinaional School in the good category. The implementation of Indonesian Cultural Week activities includes efforts to maintain local culture, cultural preservation based on needs, and there are strategies for cultural preservation. Supporting factors for the implementation of Indonesian Cultural Week activities are starting from the preparation stage which includes the preparation of the draft activities, budget funds, place and time of implementation and preparation of committee, up to the stage of implementation of activities and post-activity evaluation

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Dea Aprilya

ABSTRAKKekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah perbuatan yang dilakukan terhadap seseorang dalam bentuk fisik, verbal, seksual, dan psikologis yang menyebabkan penderitaan dan penelantaran rumah tangga. Tujuan: Mengetahui lebih dalam tentang pengalaman perempuan korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) pada masa kehamilan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kampung Kawat, Kalimantan Barat. Metode: Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penentuan partisipan menggunakan purposive sampling dan snow ball.  Sebanyak 8 partisipan terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara in-depth interview dengan menggunakan catatan lapangan dan perekam suara.  Data dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi.  Hasil: Penelitian ini menghasilkan 6 tema yaitu bentuk kekerasan yang diterima oleh responden selama menjadi korban KDRT pada masa kehamilan, Masalah yang timbul pada kehamilan akibat KDRT, Mekanisme koping yang dilakukan korban KDRT, Perasaan yang dirasakan responden sebagai korban KDRT, Penyebab terjadinya KDRT pada masa kehamilan, Hal-hal yang diinginkan responden terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Diskusi: pengalaman perempuan korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga pada masa kehamilan memberikan dampak buruk terhadap ibu maupun janin. Hal-hal tersebut terlihat pada ungkapan-ungkapan yang diberikan partisipan bahwa perbuatan yang mereka terima masih membekas hingga saat ini, meskipun sudah tidak membekas pada fisik, namun masih membekas pada batin. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan pada penelitian lebih lanjut dan menjadi tambahan informasi dalam dunia pendidikan, serta menambah wawasan dan motivasi perawat maternitas dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan, misalnya pendampingan pada pasangan yang menikah di usia muda dengan memberikan edukasi terkait kesiapan pasangan dalam memasuki kehidupan berumah tangga.Kata Kunci: Kehamilan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, perempuan  Experience of Women Suffering from Domestic Violence During PregnancyABSTRACTDomestic violence is a physical, verbal, sexual, and psychological act committed against a person which causes suffering and neglect of the household. Objective: To reveal further the experience of women suffering from Domestic Violence during pregnancy in the working area of the Kampung Kawat Public Health Center, West Kalimantan. Methods: This research employed a phenomenological approach. Participants were taken using purposive sampling and snow ball. 8 participants were involved in this research. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews using field notes and voice recorders. Data were analyzed by using the Colaizzi method. Results: This research resulted in 6 themes, namely forms of violence received by respondents while being victims of domestic violence during pregnancy, problems arising in pregnancy due to domestic violence, coping mechanisms performed by victims of domestic violence, feelings experienced by respondents as victims of domestic violence, causes of domestic violence during pregnancy, things that respondents wanted from health services. Discussion: The experience of women suffering from domestic violence during pregnancy has a negative impact on the mother and fetus. These can be seen in their expressions that the actions they receive are still imprinted today. Although no longer physically imprinted, but they are still imprinted on the mind. Conclusion: The research results can be developed in further research and serve as additional information in education, as well as add insight and motivation for maternity nurses in providing nursing care, for example mentoring couples who marry at a young age by providing education about the readiness of couples to enter a married life.Keywords: Pregnancy, domestic violence, women

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Melantika Nur Fitria Syahri ◽  
Tiyas Kusumaningrum ◽  
Bagus Setyoboedi

Abstrak Latar Belakang : Gizi buruk adalah penyumbang angka morbiditas dan mortalitas pada anak. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya menyatakan kasus gizi buruk secara 100% telah teratasi. Fakta menunjukkan di kecamatan Sukomanunggal mengalami peningkatan angka gizi buruk. Pemerintah telah melakukan upaya perbaikan melalui program - programnya, tetapi kualitas perawatan dan pola asuh ibu belum diketahui. Sehingga dilakukanlah penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman ibu dalam merawat anak balita usia 6-24 bulan dengan status gizi buruk post diagnosis di kecamatan Sukomanunggal kota Surabaya. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Jumlah partisipan sebanyak 15 partisipan dan dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengalaman ibu. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dilengkapi dengan catatan lapangan. Hasil : Hasil penelitian didapatkan (53%) ibu mengubah pola pemberian makan (jumlah, menu, frekuensi) dan dari (53%) (83,3%) memberikan makanan secara aktif dan responsif. Ibu memiliki persepsi bahwa masalah gizi pada balita disebabkan faktor keturunan (60%) dan faktor nafsu makan (40%).  Ibu memberikan makanan tambahan (selingan) berupa snack sehat (80%) dan makanan ringan (20%). Ibu tidak memberikan vitamin kepada balitanya (53%). Ibu memiliki pola PHBS yang baik, yaitu (87%) balita tidak memiliki kebiasaan memasukkan barang yang dipegangnya ke mulut dan (53%) ibu mengajari serta membiasakan balita mencuci tangan. Ibu memiliki tingkat kepatuhan yang baik terhadap program puskesmas, (73%) ibu rutin membawa balitanya ke posyandu, (67%) ibu patuh memberikan PMT-P, (87%) ibu mengimunisasikan balita secara lengkap, dan (54%) ibu memberikan obat cacing rutin kepada balitanya. Tetapi hanya (26%) ibu yang melakukan konsultasi ke tenaga kesehatan. Kesimpulan : Perawatan yang dilakukan oleh ibu terhadap balitanya yang mengalami gizi buruk, yaitu melakukan perubahan pola pemberian makan dengan strategi praktik pemberian makan yang aktif dan responsif, memberikan makanan tambahan (selingan) berupa snack sehat yang berbahan lokal serta mengurangi konsumsi makanan ringan yang berlebihan, menerapkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), patuh terhadap program puskesmas dan melakukan konsultasi lebih lanjut ke tenaga kesehatan. Abstract Background : Malnutrition is a contributor to the morbidity and mortality rates in children. The Surabaya City Health Office stated that cases of malnutrition were 100% resolved. The facts show that in Sukomanunggal there has been an increase in the number of malnutrition. The government has made efforts to improve through its programs, but the quality of care and parenting is unknown. So a study was conducted to explore the experiences of mothers in caring for toddlers aged 6-24 months with malnutritional’s status post diagnosis in Sukomanunggal, Surabaya. Method : This research was a qualitative study. The number of participants was 15 participants and was selected using the purposive sampling method. The variable in this study was the experience of mothers. The data collection technique used was indepth interviews equipped with field notes. Results : The results showed that (53%) mothers changed their feeding patterns (number, menu, frequency) and from (53%) (83.3%) gave food actively and responsively. Mother had a perception that nutritional problems in toddlers were due to heredity (60%) and appetite factors (40%). Mothers provided additional food (interlude) in the form of healthy snacks (80%) and snacks (20%). Mothers did not give vitamins to their children (53%). Mothers had a good hygienic habits pattern, that was (87%) toddlers did not have the habit of entering the items they hold in their mouths and (53%) mothers teach and get children to wash their hands. Mothers had a good level of adherence to the puskesmas program, (73%) mothers routinely brought their babies to posyandu, (67%) mothers obediently gave supplementary feeding, (87%) mothers fully immunized their children, and (54%) mothers gave medication routine worms to her toddler. But only (26%) mothers consulted health workers. Conclusion : The care performed by mothers on their children who experience malnutrition, it is changing the pattern of feeding with an active and responsive feeding practice strategy, providing supplementary food in the form of healthy snacks made locally and reducing excessive consumption of snacks, apply hygienic habits, adhere to the puskesmas program and conduct further consultations with health workers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Puspita Palupi

ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Melahirkan umumnya merupakan suatu peristiwa yang menyenangkan, di sisi lain kehadiran anggota baru dalam kehidupan perempuan tidak selamanya merupakan kebahagiaan tersendiri. Perempuan yang mengalami kehamilan dan melahirkan memerlukan penyesuaian. Gangguan emosional dapat dialami oleh perempuan pasca persalinan seperti postpartum blues, depresi postpartum maupun psikosis postpartum. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman primipara saat mengalami depresi postpartum. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui metode wawancara mendalam. Partisipan sejumlah enam orang meliputi primipara yang melahirkan secara spontan maupun dengan tindakan yang diperoleh melalui purposive sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa hasil rekaman wawancara dan catatan lapangan. Data dianalisis dengan metode Collaizi. Hasil: didapatkan empat tema yaitu: (1) Melahirkan merupakan penderitaan dan membawa konsekuensi finansial; (2) Perubahan psikologis postpartum dan merasa menjadi orang yang berbeda dengan sebelumnya; (3) Ada hambatan dalam mengurus diri sendiri dan perawatan pada anak; dan (4) Ketidaksiapan menjadi ibu pada primipara. Simpulan: Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran pada petugas kesehatan khususnya perawat maternitas tentang pentingnya memahami masalah gangguan adaptasi postpartum khususnya depresi postpartum pada primipara.Kata Kunci: depresi postpartum, primipara, postpartumPhenomenological Study: the Experience of Primiparous Mother with Postpartum Depression ABSTRACTBackground: Childbirth as a happy event, but on the other hand the presence of a new member in women’s lives not always as a great pleasure. Women who experience pregnancy and childbirth require adjustment. Emotional disorders could be experienced by women after childbirth as postpartum blues, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. Objective: The objective of this study was to obtain the experience postpartum depression in primiparous. Method: This study used phenomenological descriptive design. Data were collected using in-depth interview method. The participants of this study were six primiparous mothers who giving birth either spontaneously or with other methods that obtained by purposive sampling. Data collected were interview recording and field notes. Data was analyzed using Collaizi techniques. This study identified four themes: (1) Delivery as a suffering and brought financial consequency; (2) Psychological change and felt like to be a different person; (3) Barriers in self care and child care; (4) Unreadiness to become primiparous mother. Discussion: Research result were expected to provide an overview to health care workers especially maternity nurses about the necessity to understand the problem of adaptation disorders, especially postpartum depression for primiparous mothers. Keywords: postpartum depression, primiparous, postpartum

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-143
Gebi Elmi Nurhayati ◽  
Bandu J. Murwasuminar ◽  
Laelasari Laelasari ◽  
Abdul Manap

Anak dengan HIV/AIDS membutuhkan perawatan orang tua yang lebih komprehensif dibandingkan anak lain pada umumnya karena mengalami masalah pada kesehatan fisik, psikologis, sosial dan spiritual. Orang tua memiliki banyak masalah ketika melakukan perawatan kepada ADHA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi secara mendalam mengenai hambatan dan tantangan yang dialami orang tua (ibu) dalam merawat anak dengan HIV/AIDS (ADHA) yang mengakses layanan HIV. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pemilihan informan penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling pada 6 informan dengan strategi in-depth interview menggunakan voice recorder dan field notes dengan prosedur analisa data 9 tahap Colaizzi. Hasil penelitian mengungkap tiga tema yaitu hambatan dari dalam, hambatan dari luar dan tantangan dalam perawatan. Saran, perlu adanya peningkatan upaya promosi kesehatan kepada masyarakat mengenai cara penularan HIV agar mengurangi stigma dan diskrimnasi pada ODHA.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Dwi Fathun Ary Halawati ◽  
Henni Kusuma

AbstrakTerapi hemodialisis tidak hanya memberikan masalah pada pasien, namun juga memberikan dampak pada kehidupan keluarga pasien. Tekanan yang dihadapi oleh keluarga menyebabkan stres yang cukup berat, sehingga resiliensi keluarga menjadi sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran resiliensi keluarga yang meliputi system keyakinan, pola organisasi keluarga dan komunikasi antar unit keluarga dalam merawat pasien hemodialisis di Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif fenomenologi dengan metode indepht interview. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah keluarga pasien hemodialisis yang didapatkan dengan purposive sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa hasil rekaman wawancara dan catatan lapangan yang dianalisis dengan metode analisa Colaizzi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa resiliensi keluarga bergantung pada sumber-sumber daya yang ada untuk digunakan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pasien penyakit ginjal kronik. Keluarga dianggap resilien jika mampu beradaptasi dan mencapai keseimbangan dalam keluarga, sehingga untuk mewujudkan resiliensi keluarga dibutuhkan peran aktif setiap anggota keluarga dalam memberikan perawatan pada pasien. Dukungan perawat juga diperlukan, diharapkan perawat melakukan skrining awal dan memberikan konseling pada keluarga pasien. Kata Kunci: resiliensi, keluarga, hemodialisis AbstractDescription of family resilience which includes belief systems, family organizational patterns and communication between family units in treating hemodialysis patients. Hemodialysis therapy not only gives problems to patients, but also has an impact on the patient's family life. The pressure faced by the family causes considerable stress, so the resilience of the family becomes urgently needed. This study aims to look at description of family resilience which includes belief systems, family organizational patterns and communication between family units in treating hemodialysis patients in Semarang City. This study uses qualitative phenomenological method with indepth interview method. The informants in this study were families of hemodialysis patients who were obtained by purposive sampling. Data collected in the form of interview records and field notes were analyzed by Colaizzi analysis method. This study resulted in family resilience depending on available resources to be used in solving the problems of patients with chronic kidney disease. The family is considered resilient if it is able to adapt and achieve balance in the family, so to realize family resilience it takes an active role for each family member in providing care to patients. Nurse support is also needed, it is hoped that nurses conduct initial screening and provide counseling to the patient's family. Keywords: resilience, family, hemodialysis

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Tasya Kartika Chandra ◽  
Nur Hadi

One of the diversity that Indonesia has is in terms of local culture. This culture can be in the form of tangible and intangible culture. One of the intangible cultures is the tradition Selamatan by most of the Javanese Muslim community, one of which is in Wonosari Village, Malang. Selamatan is held to fulfill someone's nadzar or for the purpose of connecting humans and the god to ask for salvation in life and the next life. In addition to Selamatan, there is also a puppet tradition that is held to tell various kinds of stories according to the request of the respondent and for the purpose of ruwatan. The purpose of this study was to determine the syncretism of culture and religion in the tradition of Selamatan and wayang performances. Where syncretism can be seen in the food served, the scripts and mantras that are read, as well as the stories on the puppets that are delivered. The sample used was purposive sampling and data collection methods were observation and interviews. This study uses qualitative research methods and data processing uses Miles and Huberman's analysis. Dalam keanekaragaman yang dimiliki Indonesia salah satunya yaitu dalam hal kebudayaan lokal. Kebudayaan ini dapat berupa budaya benda dan tak benda. Salah satu budaya tak benda adalah tradisi selamatan yang dilakukan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Islam suku Jawa, salah satunya di Desa Wonosari, Malang. Selamatan ini diadakan untuk memenuhi nadzar dari seseorang atau untuk tujuan penghubung antara manusia dengan sang pencipta untuk memohon keselamatan dalam hidup dan kehidupan selanjutnya. Selain selamatan juga ada tradisi pewayangan yang digelar untuk menceritakan berbagai macam cerita sesuai permintaan penanggap dan untuk tujuan ruwatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengenai sinkretisme budaya dan agama dalam tradisi selamatan dan pagelaran wayang. Dimana sinkretisme terlihat pada makanan yang disajikan, skrip dan mantra yang dibacakan, serta cerita pada pewayangan yang dibawakan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pengolahan data menggunakan analisis Miles dan Huberman.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Khoiriyah Shofiyah Tanjung

<p class="abstrak"><em>The research aims to analyze the needs of development teaching writing material ‘genre’ based on students’ local culture in Central Aceh. Mix methodologies are conducted in collecting the data, interviewing the teacher and giving the questionnaires to the students. The participants of this research are two English teachers and thirty students of tenth grade from two different Islamic High Schools in Central Aceh. The samples are taken by conducting purposive sampling. The result of the study showed three things; first, writing is the most difficult skill for students to be mastered, second, teaching material based on local culture has not been available yet, the last, teaching writing material ‘genre’ based on local culture is needed in order to improve students’ writing ability.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00082
I Made Ariasa Giri ◽  
I Ketut Ngurah Ardiawan

The significance of character education has becoming an appealing issue to be discussed. Its significance has been brought to school through a number of practices. In fact, character education is not merely the result of schooling but this is a widespread from integration of character education in local culture. This present study attempts to explore character values contained within a local genius called subak pancoran. Further, this study is a qualitative study by utilizing ethnographic design. It was conducted in Buleleng regency, Bali. There are three ways that the researcher uses to collect the data, namely interview, observation sheet, and field notes. The subjects are selected purposefully. Accordingly, the collected data are analysed qualitatively. This study reveals that subak pancoran tradition emphasis on the following characters; tolerance, religious, democratic, communicative, hard work, responsible, mutual help, and environmental awareness. The children character development cannot be separated from the culture where children live and grow. The contribution of this study to the board of knowledge will also be added.

2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Karien Jooste ◽  
Valencia Khumalo ◽  
Jeanette Maritz

Sportsmen are increasingly visiting somatology clinics for massages prior to an aerobic sports event. Massage is frequently utilised prior to an athletic activity, as a means of enhancing performance. Massage is known to have both calming and stimulating properties, thereby possessing the potential to benefit performance in numerous different circumstances. In the context of sportsmen visiting somatology clinics, it is unclear how men experienced the benefits of a massage by a therapist in the somatology environment, prior to participating in an aerobic sports event. The purpose of this qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual study was to explore and describe the experiences of men regarding sports massage in a somatology clinic prior to an aerobic sports event. Purposive sampling was used to select eight (8) men, aged between 25 and 50 years, who received two massages within two weeks prior to participating in an aerobic sports event. The data were collected through in-depth, unstructured, individual interviews and field notes until saturation of data was achieved. Trustworthiness was ensured by utilising the principles of Lincoln and Guba’s model. The men experienced the sports massage as relaxing and giving perceived holistic beneficial effects. They described their experience during the massage and during and after participation in an aerobic sports event. A sports massage brings about psychological, physical, and spiritual effects during and after participation in an aerobic sports event.Sportsmanne besoek toenemend somatologieklinieke vir masserings voor ’n aërobiese sportsbyeenkoms as ’n manier om prestasie te bevorder. Massering is bekend vir beide die kalmerende en stimulerende eienskappe daarvan, en daarom beskik dit oor potensiële voordele vir prestasie in verskeie omstandighede. In die konteks van sportsmanne wat somatologieklinieke besoek, is dit steeds onduidelik hoe mans die voordele van ’n massering by ’n somatologieterapeut voor hul deelname aan ’n aërobiese sportsbyeenkoms ervaar. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe, ondersoekende, beskrywende en kontekstuele studie was om die ervaringe van mans ten opsigte van ’n sportsmassering in ’n somatologiekliniek voor ’n aërobiese sportsbyeenkoms te ontdek en te beskryf. Doelbewuste steekproefneming is gebruik om agt mans, tussen 25 en 50 jaar oud, wie twee masserings binne twee weke voor deelname aan ’n aërobiese sportsbyeenkoms ontvang het, te selekteer. Die data is deur in diepte, ongestruktureerde onderhoude en veldnotas ingesamel totdat dataversadiging bereik is. Vertrouenswaardigheid is deur die gebruik van die beginsels van Lincoln en Guba se model verseker. Die mans het hul ervaring tydens die massering, asook tydens en na hul deelname aan die aërobiese sportsbyeenkoms, beskryf. Hulle het die sportsmassering as ontspannend ervaar wat holisties voordelige effekte meebring. Die massering het psigologiese, fisiese en geestelike voordele teweeggebring.

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