2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-210
Kundharu Saddhono ◽  
Winda Dwi Lestari

Dakwah refers to the spreading of Islam and its teachings through various means. Dongkrek, meanwhile, is a traditional artform with Islamic literary value that has been used as a medium for dakwah. This study seeks to describe and explore dongkrek as an artform with Islamic literary value and its use as a medium for dakwah in Madiun Regency. It is a qualitative study, which takes as its case study a dongkrek troupe from Madiun Regency. The main source of data for this study is the dongkrek performance itself; supporting data has been collected from texts and informants. Data collection involved observations, library research, and in-depth interviews with informants. For this study, data analysis was conducted using content analysis and interactive analysis. This study finds that dongkrek is an Islamic literary artform said to have been created by R. Bei Lo Prawirodipuro in 1910. It may be considered an Islamic artform as the lyrics used in performances convey Islamic teachings; it is through these lyrics that Islamic values are conveyed to audiences as a form of dakwah. It is shown that dakwah and dongkrek are complementary, ensuring both the innovativeness of dakwah and the survival of dongkrek. It may thus be said that dongkrek is both a spectator and guiding medium. Keywords: dakwah media, dongkrek, tradition, traditional performance artDONGKREK: SEBUAH SASTRA ISLAM DAN PERTUNJUKAN SENIDI MADIUN JAWA TIMUR AbstrakDakwah adalah cara menyebarkan agama Islam dengan metode yang beragam. Dongkreng adalah salah satu bentuk kesenian tradisional yang dapat digunakan sebagai media dakwah. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan kesenian dongkrek yang digunakan sebagai media dakwah di Kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian berbentuk penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Studi kasus dilakukan pada kelompok kesenian dongkrek yang ada di Kabupaten Madiun. Sumber data utama dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk pementasan dongkrek. Sumber data pendukung adalah teks dan informan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan content analysis dan analisis interaktif. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa kesenian dongkrek termasuk dalam sastra Islam yang diciptakan oleh R. Bei Lo Prawirodipuro tahun 1910. Disebut kesenian sastra Islam karena dalam kesenian dongkrek terdapat lirik lagu yang memuat tentang ajaran agama Islam. Kesenian dongkrek digunakan sebagai media dakwah dengan mengajarkan syi’ar kepada masyarakat melalui pementasan seni dan budaya. Hal ini seperti yang dilakukan oleh walisongo. Hubungan antara dakwah dan dongkrek adalah saling menguntungkan yaitu pembaruan dalam bidang dakwah serta pelesarian dalam bidang budaya. Dapat dikatakan dongkrek adalah sebagai media tontonan dan tuntunan.Kata kunci: media dakwah, dongkrek, tradisi, seni pertunjukan tradisional

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Abdul Ghofur

This research departs from academic anxiety, the thesis is only used as an annual ritual for the graduation requirements of students, regardless of competence standards, methodological, and actuality issues about education, especially ignored Arabic. In this case thesis student of Arabic Education Study Program (PBA) IAIN Surakarta year 201-2015. The few questions that will be answered in this study are: what are the Arabic educational clusters that have been studied; What percentage, which clusters are already saturated and need to be abandoned to avoid repetition; What clusters are still open opportunities to serve as a topic of study in the future; How its adaptability to the new educational issues being in the community, and what are the methodological problems that are often found. This study includes literary because the data and primary sources are derived from written materials derived from the thesis of students Prodi PBA FITK IAIN Surakarta 2010-2014. This research is descriptive qualitative, data collection using documentation technique. The written data collected and categorized and then analyzed inductively by content analysis method (content analysis). Data analysis technique is an interactive analysis model, namely: data reduction data, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research shows that from 98 thesis amount, "Typology of Study" data of Thesis student of PBA FITK IAIN Surakarta 2010-2014, a normative study is 72 (73.47%), and the sociology of education is 16 (16.33%). For the actuality of the issue, students of PBA FITK are about the problem of applying methods and approaches in learning Arabic. While issues related to current issues concerning the education of Arabic language, such as translation, content analysis, and character thinking, have not been raised much. While methodologically, the most errors that are found from the students' thesis Prodi PBA is in aspects of the theoretical framework, data analysis, and other grammar.

Anton Kurniawan ◽  
Suyitno Suyitno ◽  
Ani Rakhmawati

The purpose of this study is to describe Javanese women’s patriotism in the ketoprak manuscript “Kyai Kala Gumarang”. This qualitative descriptive study used a content analysis technique to analyze the data. The main data source was the ketoprak manuscript titled “Kyai Kala Gumarang”. Library research methods were employed to collect the data. Data analysis techniques using interwoven analysis techniques and interactive analysis with a feminist approach. The results of the study showed that the words, phrases, and sentences in the manuscript indicated that women had a key role as an important messenger of the kingdom, as a distraction, and as soldiers defending the homeland.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 281
Dandung Budi Yuwono

<p>Yogyakarta is known as a tolerans society, suddenly shocked by an incidence of the<br />destruction of the Ndoro Purbo’s grave, the 6th Sultan Hamengku Buwono’s grandchild, by irresponsible persons. In response to this incidence, a Nahdliyin (NU) community in Yogyakarta performs sacred rituals called an ‘istighotsah’. This is a qualitative research (case study) that aims to answer three problems: (1) how does NU in Yogyakarta look at the figure of Ndoro Purbo?  (2) How do they interpret the acts of  Ndoro Purbo’s grave destruction? And (3) Why does NU Yogyakarta perform a ritual ‘istighotsah’, and how do they interpret ‘istighotsah’? This study aims to explain the interpretation of NU members on the acts of Ndoro Purbo’s grave destruction, to understand the reasons of NU do ‘istighotsah’,   and to<br />find the meaning of ‘istighotsah’ for NU members. Data was collected through observation, participant observation and in-depth interviews, while the interpretive data analysis is done using emic and ethical perspective. The study’s findings indicate that Ndoro Purbo was imaged as a figure of saint and known as a person with supernatural power. The Ndoro Purbo’s grave destruction was considered as a form of rudeness to the Javanese value, which is interpreted as violation of the Islamic values and a game of symbol, and it was considered as an act of wrongdoers. To fight such injustice among the NU members, they perform ritual<br />‘istighotsah’ as an expression of  a protest to God and a form of spiritual resistance during the difficult situation in facing disobedient or ‘visible sin’.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
Franciscus Adi Prasetyo ◽  
Jajang Gunawijaya

Self-stigma experienced by people who experience schizophrenia has influence on reduced self-esteem, on powerlessness, the weakening of hope, and a motivation towards recovery. The aim of this study is to explain the efforts of people suffering schizophrenia to manage their self-stigma through self-control, using a case study approach. Based on the purposive sampling technique, five people with schizophrenia were selected as the cases to be studied. Data collection techniques utilized in-depth interviews, observation, and documentary studies. The analysis of the study data employed the stages of data reduction, data display, and data verification. Improvement in study quality employed the triangulation of data sources by checking the data to determine its consistency. The results of this study indicate that people with schizophrenia who have the ability to self-control can overcome self-stigma through changes in the manner of viewing themselves, self-training through activities, having endurance, having an honest approach, being able to explain schizophrenia from a positive viewpoint, having initiative, and having a positive attitude and the courage to face challenges.

Revista Foco ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 110
Rafaella Cristina Campos ◽  
Natália Fernandes Fonseca ◽  
Odemir Vieira Baeta

O objetivo é averiguar a correlação dos fatores motivacionais e produtivos no contexto institucional da Polícia Civil. O estudo de caso foi conduzido por entrevistas em profundidade com um Delegado de Polícia, um Investigador de Polícia, e um Escrivão de Polícia. A análise de conteúdo foi utilizada. Conclui-se que há evidente correlação entre o desenvolvimento de artefatos motivacionais, sejam eles de ordem ambiental ou individual, com a produtividade na instituição da Polícia Civil. Destaca-se também, que apesar do controle e avaliação dos índices de produtividade serem predominantemente burocráticos, institucionalizados e legitimados, a ligação que se estabelece com a manifestação dos artefatos motivacionais é subjetiva, relacional e intangível nas normas institucionais. Destaca-se este evento neste artigo, porque como foi visto anteriormente, tanto a natureza do trabalho, quanto o ambiente da Polícia Civil, estão em total desencontro ao desenvolvimento de produtividade e motivação no sentido clássico destas vertentes. The aims is to determine the correlation of the motivational and productive factors in the institutional context of the Civil Police. The case study was conducted by in-depth interviews with a Chief of Police, Police Investigator, and Actuary Police. The content analysis was used for fixed grid. It is concluded that there is clear correlation between the development of motivational artifacts, whether environmental or individual order, with productivity in the civil police institution. Also noteworthy is that despite the control and evaluation of productivity indexes were predominantly bureaucratic, institutionalized and legitimized, the connection that is established with the manifestation of motivational artifacts is subjective, relational and intangible assets in the institutional rules. It highlights this event in this article, because as discussed above, both the nature of the work, as the environment of the Civil Police, are in complete disagreement with the development of productivity and motivation in the classical sense of the aforementioned areas.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-27
Suratiningsih Suratiningsih

The research aims to describe the puzzling media as a solution to increase the learning motivation of elementary /MI student. This research is library research. It is a method that the data which is needed in completing research comes from library sources i.e. include books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines, etc as well as various sources on the internet. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation. Documentation means looking for data about things in the form of notes, books, papers, articles, journal, and so on. Then, the data analysis technique used in this study is content analysis. In this analysis, the process of selecting, comparing, and combining various meanings will be found to be relevant. The media is an intermediary or introduction. Puzzle media can improve the students’ motivation to keep trying to solve problems. It is fun for students because it can be repeated. The challenges in the puzzle game will give you an addictive effect to always try and try until they are successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Sibel Dal ◽  
Cemil Öztep ◽  

The purpose of this study is to examine how selected stories, which are written in Turkish by local or foreign authors for preschoolers, deal with honesty. In this basic interpretive qualitative study, data were collected through document analysis and analyzed through content analysis. Analyzed documents are twenty-one picture books, which written in Turkish for preschoolers published between 2004 and 2015, nine stories about honesty published online by four Turkish Provincial Directorates of National Education and one story about honesty published online by the Center for Values Education. The software NVivo 11 was used to conduct computer-assisted data analysis. The results of this study demonstrate that most of the analyzed texts use “dishonesty and its negative consequences” more than “honesty and its positive outcomes” to promote honesty.

Hendrianto Hendrianto ◽  
Juhaya S. Praja ◽  

This study aims to reveal the relationship between Islamic philosophy and Islamic economic philosophy, both in terms of foundation, operation, and objectives. This library research (Library Research) uses documentation data collection techniques with data analysis, namely content analysis. The results showed that the relationship between sharia philosophy and sharia economic philosophy is that there is a philosophical foundation based on al-qur'am, hadith, ijma 'and qiyas, as well as operational principles, observations are made, take generalization conclusions and serve as theory, while the goal is both want to get happiness in the world and the hereafter, but what distinguishes the two lies in the broader study of sharia philosophy and complexity, while Islamic economic philosophy specializes in sharia economic studies. But for sharia economic philosophy discusses tauhid, caliphate, tazkiyah, and masuliyya. Operational principles, observing, drawing conclusions and making theory. The goal of obtaining falah, namely survival, freedom of desire, and strength and honor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Moch Sya'roni Hasan ◽  
Mar’atul Azizah

This research to describe the strategy of Urwatul Wutsqo Islamic boarding school dealing with modernization challenges. The focus of his research is the strategy used by Al-Urwatul Wutsqo Islamic Boarding School deal with the challenges of modernization? 2). the activities forms of the Boarding School's deal with it. 3). the supporting and obstacle factors in the implementation it. This study is a qualitative approach in the form of case study. Data collection methods are done through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data display and verification. Al Urwatul Wutsqo's Islamic boarding school strategy dealing with modernization is providing integrated education of faith and piety in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith. The activities are to love Allah and the hereafter is amal sholih, thariqah, recitation, istighatsah, etc.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-115
Miki Yuliandri

This research aims to describe the paradigm of humanistic learning theory in implementing innovative learning in elementary school. The method used in this research is library research which data comes from various sources, both from libraries and various websites that exist on the internet. The source are books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines, and others. Techniques in collecting data that used in this study is documentation. Furthermore, the data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis. The results of this study attempt to illustrate that innovative learning is a learning designed by teachers in new way. The new design made to facilitate learners in building knowledge in the process of behavior change. In addition, the theory of humanistic learning is a theory that helps learners to enjoy learning on subject matter in developing the potential of students themselves to a better direction. Thus, humanistic learning theory can be used to implement innovative learning in primary schools. Humanistic learning theory emphasizes guidance education, develops and directs students basic potential in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Keywords: learning theory, humanistic, innovative learning ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan paradigma teori belajar humanistik dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran inovatif di sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode library research yang data-datanya berasal dari berbagai sumber, baik dari perpustakaan maupun berbagai website yang ada di internet meliputi buku, ensiklopedi, kamus, jurnal, dokumen, majalah, dan lain-lain. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi. Selanjutnya, teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini berusaha menggambarkan bahwa pembelajaran inovatif merupakan pembelajaran yang dirancang oleh guru yang sifatnya baru, untuk menfasilitasi peserta didik dalam membangun pengetahuannya pada proses perubahan perilaku. Di samping itu, teori belajar humanistik merupakan sebuah teori yang membantu peserta didik untuk senang belajar pada suatu objek atau materi pelajaran dalam mengembangkan potensi diri peserta didik ke arah yang lebih baik. Dengan demikian teori belajar humanistik dapat digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan pembelajaran inovatif di sekolah dasar. Teori belajar humanistik menekankan pada pendidikan membimbing, mengembangkan dan mengarahkan potensi dasar peserta didik baik dari segi kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Kata kunci: teori belajar, humanistik, pembelajaran inovatif

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