scholarly journals Wahhábi dalam Perspektif HUDA dan Implikasinya terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Keagamaan di Aceh

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Khairil Miswar

The HUDA, Himpunan Ulama Dayah Aceh (Association of Aceh Traditional Islamic Scholars) has generally viewed the Wahhabism as a heretical group. However, in practice the HUDA ulemas (Islamic scholars) have a different assessment on Wahhabi-developed teachings, either in theology or in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). This study examined the perceptions of the HUDA on Wahhabism and their implications for socio-religious life in Aceh. This was a qualitative study, combining library research and field research. The approach used was the sociological-phenomenological approach. Data were collected by interview and literature survey. Findings indicated that, in terms of theology, the HUDA perceived the Wahhabi movement asdeviant and heretical. In the case of fiqh, however, the Wahhabism has not followed any madhhabs (schools of thought) or mixed them. While in the socio-religious life, the Wahhabis often accused others of practicing bid‘ah (heresy) and shirk (polytheism). There were also some HUDA ulemas who considered Muhammadiyah part of the Wahhabism. The HUDA also believed that LIPIA, As-Sunnah Islamic boarding school, and Imam Shafi‘i boarding school were some educational institutions involved in spreading Wahhabism in Aceh. As Wahhabism has spread throughout Aceh, there have been resistance movements by the dayah ulema, leading to trigger people’s social movements. The study concluded that the HUDA has developed a negative perception towards the Wahhabism. As a consequence, the perception has caused hatred to arise within the community towards the Wahhabism. This also resulted in the emergence of dayah ulema’s resistance and refusal movements to the Wahhabism in Aceh.

2017 ◽  
pp. 208
Rohani Shidiq

This current study highlights the paradigm of KH. MA Sahal Mahfudh’s perspective on the concept of social fiqh (a worthy alternative to international Islamic jurisprudence) and the transformation of education in pesantren (Islamic boarding school). It was qualitative study by conducting library research. The findings promote that in his perspective, the education in pesantren is not merely Islam-oriented (tafaqquh fi al-din), but also plays a pivotal role in the students’ lives as well as the transformation into a shalih (good) and akram (noble) society, which is in line with the leadership principles of human beings. In relation to the social fiqh, KH. Sahal has asserted that fiqh does not refer to the concept of dogma and norms, but the active and progressive one so that fiqh always develops from time to time. It implies that fiqh does not demonstrate the stagnancy of its implementation in life. Meanwhile, the transformation of education in pesantren is generally viewed that this kind of boarding school functions as an institution of tafaqquh fi al-din, yet it is integrated with the content of additional learning materials. This content attempts a system of education that provides the students with various life skills as well in regard to the era of modernization. In KH. Sahal’s point of view, the transformation of education in pesantren can be identified in detail through the transformation of education components, namely: institution, organization, curriculum, methodology, and teachers

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-124
Nurul Hayati

Human is the creation of Allah swt who have morals, potentials, orientations, and tendencies toward positive and negative things. It is a characteristic and moral tied in every human. To neutralize and create a better human which is in accordance with the main purposes of  His creator, it needs specific ways to maintain a pure human appearance in their daily life. One of the ways to return and maintain their pureness is through dhikr. It has been implemented by one of the traditional educational institutions in East Aceh, namely the Islamic Boarding School Asasul Islamiyah and the Islamic Boarding School Darul Muta'allimin. In addition, besides teaching a religious subject as the main subject matter, they are also having daily dhikr-routine, before and after praying, and it becomes the main purpose to develop students’ morals. This study explores the implementation of dhikr as a development toward Islamic boarding school’s students’ daily morals in East Aceh regency, with aims (1) To figure out what kind of the several dhikr in the Islamic Boarding School Asasul Islamiyah and Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh regency, (2) To figure out a mechanism of implementing dhikr in the Islamic boarding school Asasul Islamiyah and the Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh, (3) To know an implication dhikr toward daily morals’ development in Islamic boarding school Asasul Islamiyah and Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh. This present study is qualitative research which is used as a field research method and uses primary and secondary data. The data collection methods used are observations and interviews. The present study found that the varied of dhikr words which are pointed in Islamic boarding school Asasul Islamiyah and Islamic boarding school Darul Muta'allimin, East Aceh Regency is istighfar, tauhid (لا اله الا الله), tasbih, tahlil, shalawat (remembering The Prophet), yassin, reciting Al-Qur’an verses and having a close-by reciting do’a. The mechanisms of implementing dhikr used in both Islamic boarding schools, methodology and time, are similar; using dhikr dzahir and dhikr sirri, in addition, the time is daily; before and after praying. Moreover, one of the dhikr implications toward the students’ daily morals development is enhancing Islamic spirituality through remembering Allah SWT in order to form a balancing life between the world and the day after, also have good morals toward humans (habl min al-nās)  and Allah SWT (habl min Allāh).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Bella Marta L.P ◽  
Laila Rahmawati ◽  
Zulfa Ihzani ◽  
Nuri Maulidiyah ◽  
Anisa Baroroh ◽  

This study examines how the influence of child-friendly Science Education in efforts to prevent Child Pornography. This research is in the form of library research. This research is a qualitative study in which data collection is done by collecting studies from books and scientific journals that are associated with the phenomenon of the rise of pornography in children and adolescents. The collected data were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to determine the effect of child friendly science education in reducing and preventing pornography at the level of children and adolescents. The results of the literature analysis found that child-friendly science learning can prevent pornography at the level of children and adolescents.

Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman

The evolusionist and functionalist approaches to religion are generally considered less sympathetic if not antipathy to religious phenomena. This is why, some western scholars propose another approach to study religion called ‘phenomenological’ approach. There have been a number of phenomenological studies of religion, but mostly not of  Islam. This article tries to fill in the gap by describing and analyzing the Islamic conception of intention (niyyah) developed by al-Sayuthi and al-Ghazali. As a jurist, al-Sayuthi explores different formal rules on niyyah in Islamic jurisprudence, while al-Ghazali as a Sufi, tries to deepen the meaning of niyyah in relation to one’s sincerity to God. Apart from this difference, both conceptions of niyya indicate that as believers, Muslims always attempt to live in the sacred space and time, and make their speech and deed sacred based on the niyyah. Thus, niyya is the very basis of Muslim religious life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Rizky Abdillah ◽  
Omon Abdurakhman ◽  
Novi Maryani

Perubahan zaman yang semakin cepat berpengaruh besar dalam segala aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Keadaan ini kemudian berdampak pula pada sistem pendidikan, khususnya sistem pendidikan Islam. Usaha yang terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pendidikan masyarakat Islam agar tidak tertinggal dari masyarakat lainnya menjadi penting dan mendesak untuk dilaksanakan. Pesantren memiliki ciri khas pada model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam sistem pendidikannya. Pesantren-pesantren yang berdiri pada masa pra-kemerdekaan sebagian besar menganut model pembelajaran tradisional. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman beberapa pesantren melakukan perubahan dengan model pembelajaran modern.. Keberadaan Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido menjawab tantangan masyarakat akan kebutuhan Pendidikan, ilmu keagamaan, dan ilmu umum yang seimbang. Perpaduan kurikulum umum (nasional) dan kurikulum lokal (pesantren) dirumuskan di dalam model pembelajaran pesantren modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sedangkan metode penelitiannya adalah etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan tentang sejarah dan juga perkembangan Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido dari mulai pengubahan model pembelajaran tradisional menjadi modern. Model Pembelajaran Pesantren Modern yang digunakannya mencangkup metode pembelajaran dan kurikulumnya.. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah modernisasi model pembelajaran di Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido berjalan baik walau masih perlu adanya penyempurnaan. Faktor utama yang mendukung pelaksanaannya adalah karena komposisi tenaga pendidik atau ustadza/ah yang mayoritas alumnus pesantren yang menerapkan model pembelajaran pesantren modern.Kata kunci: kurikulum, model pembelajaran instruksional, pesantren modern. INSTRUKSIONAL LEARNING MODEL IN MODERN BOARDING SCHOOLABSTRACTModernizing effect on people's lives. This situation also impacted on the educational system of Islam. Islamic education is required to be able to respond to changes in society in accordance with the needs of society. Efforts to improve public education of Islam order to keep up the rest of society becomes important to be implemented. Boarding school has a typical model of applied learning in its educational system. Boarding School that develop in pre-independence embrace traditional learning models. However, over the times lots of pesantren make a change to use model of modern learning. The learning model functional as a guideline for the designers of learning and teachers in implementing the learning activities. The existence of Modern Boarding School of Daarul 'Uluum Lido has responded to the challenges of society that aplicating the science of religion and general science education balanced. The combination of the national curriculum and the local curriculum of boardung school teaching model formulated in modern boarding school. This research was the field research and the library research, that used qualitative descriptive study with ethnographic methods. The results of this research described the history and development of Modern Boarding School Daarul 'Uluum Lido from began modifying traditional teaching model to be modern. Modern Boarding School Learning Model which covers uses teaching methods and curriculum. Factors that supporting and inhibiting were its implementation and implications. The conclusion of this study is the modernization teaching model in Modern Boarding Daarul 'Uluum Lido running well though is still need for improvement. The main factors that support its implementation is due to the composition of the majority of educators who alumnus pesantren that implement teaching model modern boarding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-217
Limas Dodi

This article reviews the religious ideology in the practice of domination of LDII over non-LDII communities in Gading Mangu Perak Jombang East Java. Using a phenomenological approach, this article concludes that as an ideology, religion functions to legitimize an action. Belief in religion as an ideology is very susceptible to the interests of domination. LDII Gading Mangu let the society to exchange knowledge through both pengajian (religious preaching) at the GAMA Islamic Boarding School and attending formal schools at Budi Utomo Foundation owned by LDII. It has been an evident that although there are two large educational institutions under the auspices of the Nahdlatul Ulama in the same area, the Budi Utomo Foundation has superior quality and quantity. It, therefore, attracts the common people or non-LDII members to send their children to Budi Utomo School. Within the economic field, LDII Gading Mangu set up its dominance by establishing a Joint Business (UB) which vends various goods and services, not only for its members but also for the non-LDII people. Keywords: Ideology; domination; LDII.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Hengki Pernanda

Service is a very important task that must be found from the figure of the government apparatus as a servant of the community, namely that the community must carry out its duties that always serve the interests of the community and meet every need of the community in accordance with applicable regulations. Serving and protecting the community is the main function of every government apparatus in carrying out government duties. The services provided by the government apparatus to the community must be in accordance with their authority. The reality that occurs until now there are still complaints from the community such as the unknown requirements, convoluted and also uncertainty in the administration of administration and the attitude of government officials who are less responsive to what is the needs of each community. In carrying out public services there is a tendency for injustice to exist in public services where people classified as poor will find it difficult to obtain services. To find out howcapacity of the state civil apparatus on the effectiveness of public services in the Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Sungai Penuh. The approach used in this study is a qualitative study, because it determines and reports the existing situation according to its reality and by measuring it. Typical qualitative research to find out attitudes, opinions, opinions, information, domography, circumstances and procedures. The informants in this study were 8 people. This study uses data collection techniques namely field research, library research, and interviews. From the interviews conducted by the researchers concluded that the services carried out by the Sungai Penuh village office staff were done well and in accordance with public service procedures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-85
Syaiful Ilmi ◽  
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah

Islamic boarding schools which were naturally as Islamic educational institutions that consistently breed inclusive and tolerant values. However, radicalism in the name of religion had become increasingly massive in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the Islamic boarding schools’ strategy in West Borneo in countering the radicalism movement with the AGIL paradigm. The phenomenological approach was used in this study with four objects, namely Darul Khairat Islamic Boarding School, Makarim al-Akhlaq Islamic Boarding School, Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School and Darussalam Islamic Boarding School. The results of this study found that various strategies were applied by Islamic boarding schools, namely internalizing Sufistic teachings, applying salaf education, instilling the Ahlu Sunnah wa al Jama'ah doctrine, and instilling the values of tolerance and pluralist attitudes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 231
Meriyati Meriyati ◽  
Havis Aravik

<p>This study discusses the impact of religious tourism bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar to the economy around boarding school IGM Al-Ihsaniyah Palembang City with the aim to know how the impact of religious tourism bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar to the economy around the boarding school of IGM Al-Ihsaniyah of Palembang City. This research is a mixture of research on library research (field research) and field research (field research). The approach used is descriptive qualitative that aims to give description or describe the reality that there is or what happened to the object under study. The results of this study show that religious tourism bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar very positive impact on the economy around the boarding school IGM al-Ihsaniyah Palembang.</p><p><br />Penelitian ini membahas tentang dampak wisata religi bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar terhadap ekonomi di sekitar Pondok Pesantren IGM Al-Ihsaniyah Kota Palembang dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dampak wisata religi bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar terhadap ekonomi di sekitar Pondok Pesantren IGM Al-Ihsaniyah Kota Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian campuran antara penelitian penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran atau mendeskripsikan kenyataan yang ada atau apa yang terjadi pada objek yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa wisata religi bait al-Qur’an al-Akbar sangat berdampak positif terhadap ekonomi di sekitar pondok pesantren IGM al-Ihsaniyah Kota Palembang.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Linda Nur Wahyuningsih ◽  
Rio Febriannur Rachman

This strudy aim is to describe how the interaction between caregivers and students, both men and women, in Islamic boarding schools, as religious-based educational institutions. The location of the study is Bustanul Ulum Islamic boarding schools, Sawaran Kulon, Kedungjajang, Lumajang. This study uses qualitative method, through the phenomenological approach, which is introduced by Lanigan. Lanigan argued, the communication process has a correlation with the residence of communicator and the communicant. In the context of this study, the residence is the Islamic boarding school, while communicators and communicants are caregivers and students. Sources of research data obtained through observing and interviewing, and reading literature regarding the research topic. Observations carried out for ten days (March 15, 2020 until March 25, 2020). Interviews are conducted with caregivers and students. The results are, first; communication between caregivers and students in Bustanul Ulum Islamic boarding schools runs both verbally and non-verbally. In general, caregivers play a more communicator role, and santri become communicants. Second; communication carried out across gender. Only indeed, interactions and communication between Kiai and female santri are not as close and frequent as interactions and communication between Kiai and male santri. Likewise, interactions and communication between Nyai and male santri are not as close and frequent as Nyai and female santri interactions and communication. Because in the curriculum or rules that have been set, the who focuses of intensive teaching of male students, is the Kiai. While the one who focuses intensively in teaching female students, is Nyai.

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