scholarly journals Dampak Perkawinan Anak dan Perceraian: Studi Kasus Komunitas Samin di Kudus Jawa Tengah

Moh Rosyid ◽  
Lina Kushidayati

This paper is a qualitative research based on observation and interview among Samin community in Kudus. The purpose of this study is presenting unregistered marriage among Samin community. Samin community is the descendants and followers of Ki Samin Surosentiko, renowned for his nonconformity against the Dutch since 1840s. Following the teaching, Samin people do not registered their marriage and thus they do not feel necessary to obey the government regulation on the minimum age of marriage. The marriage among Samin community will be performed once a girl and a boy perceived to be ready. There are three stages of maturity: adam timur, adam brahi and wong sikep kukuh wali adam. This understanding may lead to child marriage and among its negative impact is divorce. The consequences of unregistered marriage go further to dispute of marital property, right of guardianship, and even conflict between relatives. Nowadays, some Samin people try to find a way to register their marriage in order to get a marriage certificate from the Office of Civil Administration of Kudus. The government needs to pay more attention to the phenomena

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-87
Nurnazli Nazli

This article elaborates on solutions to promote and strengthen the regulation preventing child marriage practices in Indonesia, so the purpose of marriage that to create a happy and eternal family will be created based on the One True God. The equality paradigm in determining the minimum age of marriage has been realized by the Indonesian Government by raising Law No. 16 of 2019 on Amendment to Law No 1 of 1974 on Marriage. Article 7 paragraph (1) on the Post Revised Marriage Law explains that the minimum age for a marriage is 19 years and no age difference between spouses (men and women). The purpose of the Act is the Indonesian government can be more serious in minimizing the child marriages that still happen today. This research found that the following steps can strengthen the regulation preventing child marriage. First, create intense communication within the family. Secondly, it involves the judiciary in the context of enforcing rules regarding the age limit of marriage. Third, the Supreme Court must immediately make rules that can complicate marriage dispensation. Fourth, providing socialization related to the rule of law regarding the minimum age for marriage and counseling about the negative effects of child marriage. Fifth, open opportunities for adolescents to develop their potential, so that the gap in the child marriage can be minimized. To realize these steps, the government, parents and the community must work together in accordance with their respective capacities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-71
Jonathan Ndaula

This study explored the reasons for persistence of child marriage among Maasai girl-students in Tanzania. Three research questions guided this study, namely: Why does girl students’ marriage among the Maasai community of Tanzania continue to exist? What is the position of education stakeholders in protecting girls from child marriage? What strategies should be taken to address child marriage in the Maasai community? The study employed qualitative research approach where a case study design was used to explore the problem. It adopted interviews, focus group discussion and observations as research methods. Purposive and snowball sampling strategies were employed to get 39 participants who were involved in this study. Data were analysed qualitatively through thematic analysis strategies. The findings revealed that child marriage is still practiced in the Maasai community where the legible age for marriage of Maasai girls range from 6 to 15 years depending on the number of competing men and the economic status of the family of the boy or girl. Society members employ persuasion and pressure, transfer of students, pregnancy and corruption to enable marriage of Maasai girl students. In addition, the findings revealed that Maasai traditions and customs, fear of early pregnancies, corruption and irresponsibility of leaders, poverty and undervaluing of education are the factors contributing to persistence of child marriage among the Maasai girl students. The study recommends that the government in collaboration with other stakeholders should aggressively implement laws protecting children. A close monitoring of local leaders’ actions by top government leaders to help combating child marriage is also recommended. Moreover, joint efforts are needed to educate society members and girl-students on the negative impact of child marriage and the importance of girls’ education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 267
Ivandi Setiawan ◽  
Rasji .

PPAT is a public official authorized to make authentic deeds concerning certain legal acts concerning the right to land or the Property Right of the Flats Unit. Government Regulation No. 24 of 2016 is the latest regulation made by the government to regulate provisions on PPAT. in Government Regulation No. 24 of 2016 in Article 12 paragraph one explained that the scope of work area of PPAT is expanded into one province where in the previous regulation that is government regulation number 37 year 1998 explained that the scope of work of PPAT is only limited to district only. but the fact is now the government regulation number 24 of 2016 has not been applied efficiently, especially in terms of the scope of work of PPAT, it happens because of several factors that hamper causing the loss of effectiveness in Article 12 Paragraph one of Government Regulation No. 24 of 2016 . it is of course also contrary to the legal certainty that the public should have legal certainty with the enactment of the government regulation number 24 of 2016 by the government then the regulation should be applicable in the scope of the working area of PPAT should be applicable in practice in the community. contrary to lex posterior derogate legi priori principle which explains that in the same rules the new rules can replace the old rules. the approach used in this study using the approach of law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-98
Abdul Gaffar ◽  
M Ali Rusdi ◽  
Akbar Akbar

Indonesian Muslims have not maximally applied maturity of marriage age as an important aspect in obtaining marital success. Apart from the concept of maturity of diverse marriage age, divorces and many marital problems based on the immaturity of a married couple still rife in Indonesia. The government has even issued regulations related to the age of marriage through Law number 1 of 1974 that was revised by Law number 16 of 2019, which stipulates that marriage is limited to a minimum age of 19 years for the two brides. This article aims to find the concept of quality-oriented marriage age to complement the quantity-oriented idea as applied by the Indonesian government and as understood differently by Muslims based on the opinions of the scholars (‘ulamā). This article abstracts the concept of the ideal age of marriage from the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the primary reference of Islamic teachings by discussing the hadīth using the ma‘ānī al-ḥadīṡ analysis with three interpretation techniques namely textual, intertextual, and contextual interpretation to obtain comprehensive meaning. The results of the examination show that the hadīth requires the criteria for the maturity of the marriage age in the form of religious, physical, financial, and social maturity. These qualitative criteria fulfill the element of maqāṣid al-syarī‘ah and are interconnected so that they should be actualized as a new basis in the formulation of policies related to the maturity of marriage age in Muslim societies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 00009
Dani Sintara ◽  
Faisal Akbar Nasution

In administering governance, Regional Heads are given an authority to manage the local finances independently. This authority is regulated in Law Number 9 of 2015 and Government Regulation Number 3 of 2007. Accountability of Regional Heads is a form of a democratic government. In a democratic government, the government has limited power and is not justified to act arbitrarily against its citizens. In reality, the implementation of the accountability is often the result of a political compromise. Political compromises occur due to the behavior of the political elite and the weakness of the existing legislation. This weakness relates to the mechanism of the accountability against the management of regional finances which opens an opportunity between the Regional Heads and the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) to conduct a negative relationship. The political compromises in the accountability of the Regional Heads have had a negative impact on the local governance. Whereas, the purpose of implementing a regional autonomy is to improve the quality of justice, democracy and prosperity. Therefore, before the DPRD rejects the accountability of the Regional Heads, it must first be tested in the Supreme Court.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Suharso Suharso

The purpose of this study is to describe the values of faith, worship, and morals contained in the novel Api Tauhid by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. This researchis a type of qualitative research, which is a study that does not use calculation of numbers. In this study researchers used library research. In collecting data usingdocument review techniques or commonly called documentation analysis. Data analysis in this study through three stages, including: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Islamic values contained in the novel Api Tauhid include: the values of the faith which include planting the value of faith, faith in God, faith in the destiny of Allah, and faith in the last day. The values of worship include prayer on time, guarding against immoral acts, recitation, prayer, and preaching. Moral values include respect for parents, respect for experts, respect for the government, inferiority, courtesy, and honesty.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-105
Umi Supraptiningsih ◽  
Erie Hariyanto

Abstract. Child marriages as well as the prosession are happen due to the role of both ulama (the Islamic leaders) and the community leaders. This paper aimed at exploring the perception of ulama and the community leaders in line with the factors of child marriage as well as the minimum age of marriage. The descriptive qualitative were implemented in this study. Meanwhile, the data were gathered by conducting observation, interview, and documentation. The first finding of the study is in line with the factors of child marriages. The educational background of the parents and the children, economic factors, cultural factors, and the uncontrolled relationship among teens were regarded to influence the child marriage in Pamekasan. Second, the ulama and the community leader argued that the child marriage should be avoided because it determine the life of the spouse after marriage. It must be considered that marriage is a time to realize the happy family (sakinah). Therefore, maturation is important in attempt to mentally and economically prepare for the marriage. Also, the limitation of marriage is not merely about the minimum age, but also the preoparation and the in-depth understanding of the spouse. Third, there is no clear statement in Alquran regard to the minimum age of marriage. Alquran stated akil baligh as the requirement. Meanwhile, the marriage law stated that minimum age for man is 19 years old and 16 years old for woman. In child protection laws, the minimum age for both man and woman are 18 years old. Abstrak. Perkawinan Anak dapat terjadi karena peran serta dari para ulama atau tokoh masyarakat, begitu pula prosesi perkawinan dengan restu keduanya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan ulama dan tokoh masyarakat Kabupaten Pamekasan dalam terwujudnya perkawinan anak serta pendapat tentang batasan usia perkawinan. Metode penelitian mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif (qualitative approach) dan metode deskriptif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Ada beberapa temuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pertama Perkawinan anak masih saja terjadi diwilayah Kabupaten Pamekasan, hal ini dilatar belakangi beberapa faktor, yaitu faktor rendahnya pendidikan baik dari orang tua maupun anak, tidak adanya aktifitas atau kegiatan karena selepas dari pesantren atau MA mereka menganggur, faktor ekonomi, faktor budaya atau tradisi, dan faktor pergaulan bebas; kedua Para ulama dan tokoh masyarakat berpendapat bahwa perkawinan anak harus dihindarikarena berdampak pada kelangsungan rumah tangga yang tentunya pasca perkawinan adalah waktu yang panjang untuk mewujudkan rumah tangga yang sakinah. Pendewasaan perkawinan penting karena untuk mempersiapkan mental dan ekonomi dalam sebuah perkawinan. Batasan perkawinan tidak hanya sekedar usia namun persiapan dan pemahaman hak dan kewajiban bagi pasangan yang harus matang. Ketiga Batasan usia pernikahan dalam Al Qur’an dan hadis tidak secara jelas disebutkan hanya menjelaskan akil baliq, sedangkan dalam Undang- Undang Perkawinan usia 19 tahun bagi laki-laki dan 16 tahun bagi perempuan. Dalam UU Perlindungan ana laki-laki dan perempuan sama yaitu 18 tahun ke atas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-34
Messy Rachel Mariana Hutapea

Children are still victims of sexual violence by perpetrators who are stronger than victims. Children who are victims of sexual violence have a negative impact on the psychic and mental, so that children will have trauma that is difficult to be eliminated or even prolonged trauma. So that the government established the Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the Establishment of the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection into Law. In the laws and regulations, it has been regulated regarding the castration penalty of chemistry. Indonesia is a country that still upholds all human rights possessed by every community in Indonesia without discrimination. This chemical castration execution raises the pros and cons in people's lives. So this chemical castration is considered to have violated the Human Rights of perpetrators of sexual violence against children. This research wants to dig deeper about the use of chemical castration punishment in perpetrators of recurrent crimes in the human rights perspective. This study uses normative research methods with conceptual and legislative approaches. Chemical castration has not been one of the effective penalties and provides a deterrent for perpetrators of sexual violence, so the laws governing chemical castration punishment need to be reviewed.Anak masih menjadi korban kekerasan seksual yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku yang lebih kuat dari korban. Anak yang menjadi korban kekerasan seksual mendapatkan dampak yang negatif terhadap psikis dan batinnya, sehingga anak akan memiliki trauma yang susah untuk dihilangkan atau bahkan trauma tersebut berkepanjangan. Sehingga pemerintah membentuk peraturan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Undang-undang Nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak menjadi Undang-Undang. Didalam peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut, telah diatur tentang hukuman kebiri kimia. Indonesia adalah negara yang masih menjunjung setiap Hak Asasi Manusia yang dimiliki oleh setiap masyarakat di Indonesia tanpa adanya diskriminasi. Eksekusi kebiri kimia ini menimbulkan pro dan kontra didalam kehidupan masyarakat. Sehingga kebiri kimia ini dianggap telah melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia dari pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak. Penelitian ini ingin menggali lebih dalam tentang penggunaan hukuman kebiri kimia pada pelaku kejahatan berulang dalam persektif hak asasi manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normative dengan endekatan konseptual dan perundang-undangan. Kebiri kimia belum menjadi salah satu hukuman yang efektif dan membuat jera untuk pelaku kekerasan seksual, Sehingga undang-undang yang mengatur tentang hukuman kebiri kimia perlu dikaji ulang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Nurpatimah Nurpatimah ◽  
Abdul Mahsyar ◽  
Alimuddin Said

The purpose of this research was to know the implementation of government regulation policy number 68 year 2002 about food security in Nunukan Regency and to know the supporting factor and the obstacle factor of the implementation of government regulation policy on food security in Nunukan Regency. The type of research used was descriptive qualitative research. The study used a phenomological type. Technique of collecting data used instrument in the form of interview, observation and documentation. The reselts of the research indicated that there werefour things related in this case, namely(1)Implementation of government regulation policy number 68 year 2002 regarding food security in Nunukan Regency had been running well enough,it just needed little attention from the government for farmer assistance, it must always be on time so that farmers were not difficult in managing food. (2)Commitment built by the agricultural service and food security in Nunukan Regency had been running well,(3)Control of organization or supervision had been done well,(4)The behavior of target group dimension included positive or negative response of society in supporting or not supporting policy.The people who did not join the farmer groups gave response negatively to this policy. ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan peraturan pemerintah nomor 68 tahun 2002 tentang ketahanan pangan di kabupaten nunukan dan untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat implementasi kebijakan peraturan pemerintah tentang ketahanan pangan di kabupaten nunukan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan tipe fenomologis. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada lima yang terkait dalam hal ini yaitu (1)Implementasi kebijakan peraturan pemerintah nomor 68 tahun 2002 tentang ketahanan pangan di kabupaten nunukan sudah berjalan cukup baik, hanya perlu sedikit perhatian dari pemerintah untuk bantuan tani harus selalu tepat waktu agar petani tidak kesulitan dalam mengelolah pangan.(2)Komitmen yang dibangun oleh dinas pertanian dan ketahanan pangan di kabupaten nunukan sudah berjalan cukup baik,(2) Kontrol organisasi atau pengawasan yang dilakukan sudah baik.(4)Perilaku kelompok sasaran dimensinya mencakup respon positif atau negatif masyarakat dalam mendukung atau tidak mendukung kebijakan. Hanya masyarakat yang tidak bergabung di kelompok tani yang merespon negatif dengan adanya kebijakan ini. Kata Kunci:Implementasi, Ketahanan Pangan

2017 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 851-868 ◽  
Ragnhild Louise Muriaas ◽  
Liv Tønnessen ◽  
Vibeke Wang

Legislating a minimum age of marriage at 18 has stirred counter-mobilization in some, but not all, countries where religious or traditional institutions enjoy constitutional authority. To explore differences between states regarding likelihood of counter-mobilization, we investigate two cases in Africa. In Sudan, a government-led child marriage reform initiative has sparked counter-mobilization by conservative religious actors, while a similar initiative in Zambia has not caused visible counter-mobilization among traditional groups and has gained the support of many chiefs. With the literature on doctrinal gender status issues as theoretical background, we argue that the nature of law—codified versus living—is a factor in these distinct trajectories. We further identify variations in two mechanisms, legal power structure (centralized vs decentralized) and type of political battle (interpretation vs administration), that link nature of law to variation in the likelihood of counter-mobilization.

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