2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Setyorini Setyorini ◽  
Jaenal Arifin ◽  
Nicholaus Wayong Kabelen

Training is a process of helping students to get soft skills to prepare for the future world of work through the development of skills, thoughts, actions, knowledge and good attitude. SMK Mahardika is a vocational school that has the purpose to create students who are ready to work with a given skills that match the needs in their work place. Designing brochure is one of the additional skills students can have  to show their ability that can be utilized in the workplace. One of the skills designing that they can make  brochures, banners, posters and stickers by using object images formed based on point and color combination (Graphic Bitmap). Community Service Commitment is one part of Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi which must be implemented by the academic community, especially the lecturers. In this period  the title of the workship is "Workshop Design of School Brochure of SMK Mahardika Based Bitmap". As the result, this workshop got positive response from school and beneficial for students of SMK Mahardika Malang. So it is expected that studens can practice science which he got directly to their work place.Keywords: Brochure, Based, Bitmap, Workshop, Design ABSTRAKKegiatan pelatihan merupakan proses membatu siswa untuk mendapatkan soft skill untuk mempersiapkan dunia kerjadimasa mendatang melalui pengembangan kebiasaan tentang keterampilan, pikiran, tindakan, kecakapan, pengetahuan dan sikap yang baik. SMK Mahardika adalah sekolah SMK yang memiliki tujuan mencetak peserta didik yang siap kerja dengan memiliki bekal ketrampilan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan di dunia kerja. Pembuatan desain brosur adalah salah satu ketrampilan tambahan yang dapat dimiliki oleh siswa sebagai bentuk kemampuan lebih  yang dapat dimanfaatkan di dalam dunia kerja.  Salah satunya adalah pembuatan desain brosur, banner, poster dan stiker dengan menggunakan objek gambar yang dibentuk berdasarkan titik dan kombinasi warna (Grafis Bitmap). Kegitan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah salah satu bagian dari Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi yang harus dilaksanakan oleh civitas akademik khususnya para pengajar. Pada periode ini kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berjudul “Workshop Desain Brosur Sekolah SMK Mahardika Berbasis Bitmap mendapatkan respon positif dari sekolah dan bermanfaat bagi siswa SMK Mahardika malang, sehingga dapat mempraktekkan keilmuan yang didapatkannya secara langsung pada dunia kerja.Kata Kunci:, Brosur, Berbasis, Bitmap, Desain, Workshop

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-89
Waluyo Jati ◽  
Triyadi Triyadi ◽  
Aden Prawiro Sudarso ◽  
San Ridwan Maulana ◽  
Kharisma Danang Yuangga

Tujuan diselenggarakannya kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah dapat memberikan kemudahan kepada para mahasiswa SMK Sasmita. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode diskusi kelompok, sharing, tanyajawab, praktik yang di damping oleh co trainer. Selain itu penyusunan rencana karir dapat memberikan motivasi baru bagi siswa untuk lebih memacu diri dengan meningkatkan soft skill yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja. Siswa mendapatkan pengalaman dan support untuk menyusun rencana karirnya ke depan sebagai persiapan untuk menghadapi persiapan memasuki dunia kerja dan serta persaingan jika siswa ingin mendalami studi di perguruan tinggi. Siswa mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan untuk mengmbangkan diri, sehingga bisa digunakan untuk memaksimalkan potensi diriKata Kunci :Motivasi, KarirABSTRACTThe purpose of this Community Service activity is to provide convenience to Sasmita Vocational School students. The method used is the method of group discussion, sharing, question and answer, practice accompanied by the co trainer. In addition, the preparation of career plans can provide new motivation for students to improve themselves by increasing the soft skills needed in the world of work. Students gain experience and support to develop their career plans in the future as preparation for facing preparation for entering the world of work and competition if students want to study in college. Students get knowledge to develop themselves, so they can be used to maximize their potentialKeywords: Motivation, Career

Rismaja Putra

Companies looking for employees, the most important thing is not hard skills, but soft skills, this is because 80 percent of people are successful because of soft skills. In this case, students from the State Vocational School (SMK) in Banda Aceh need to develop good soft skills since grade X. Special attention and synergy between school principals as leaders, teachers and school officers as teachers and mentors need to be done properly. Implementation in a consistent and integrated manner in a sustainable manner will produce graduates and human resources who are superior and skilled, and graduates who are able to meet the needs of the business world and industry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
Masiah Masiah ◽  
Siti Rabiatul Adawiyah

ABSTRAKRemaja putri adalah calon pembentuk generasi masa depan sehingga membekalinya dengan keterampilan tertentu menjadi sebuah keharusan sebagai langkah membangun ekonomi kreatif di masa mendatang, serta yang tidak kalah penting juga adalah menghindarkannya dari pergaulan yang tidak sehat. Salah satu langkah yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan berupa kerajinan tas rajut. Kegiatan positif ini dapat menjadikannya memiliki kesibukan positif disela-sela waktu sekolahnya. Produk kerajinan tas rajut ini sangat diminati oleh masyarakat, hal tersebut merupakan hal yang menjanjikan untuk ditekuni. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi pembekalan dan pendampingan bagi beberapa mahasiswa (kegiatan ini melibatkan peran serta beberapa mahasiswa), sosialisai dan pendampingan membuat produk kerajinan tas rajut bagi remaja putri Desa Mambalan Kecamatan Gunung Sari LOBAR. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian meliputi; remaja desa Mambalan mempunyai bekal keterampilan untuk berwirausaha dan terciptanya produk kerajinan berupa tas rajut, selain itu kegiatan ini juga mendapat respon positif dari orang tua remaja yang menjadi peserta. Kata kunci : tas rajut; remaja putri. ABSTRACTAdolescent girls are candidates for forming future generations so providing them with certain skills becomes a necessity as a step to build a creative economy in the future, and equally important is to avoid unhealthy relationships. One step that can be done is to provide training in the form of craft knitting bags. This positive activity can make him have a positive activity in the middle of his school time. This knitting bag handicraft product is in great demand by the public, it is a promising thing to pursue. The method of activities carried out included debriefing and mentoring for some students (this activity involved the participation of several students), socialization and assistance in making knitting bag handicraft products for young women in Mambalan Village, Gunung Sari Subdistrict, LOBAR. The results of community service activities include; Mambalan village adolescents have the provision of skills for entrepreneurship and the creation of handicraft products in the form of knitting bags, in addition to this activity also received a positive response from parents of teenagers who became participants. Keyworda : knitting bag; young women.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Katherine M. Flynn ◽  
Peter Ho ◽  
Margarida C. Vieira ◽  
Paola Pittia ◽  
Marco Dalla Rosa

Food Scientists and Technologists (FS&T) need diverse skills in the globalized food and drink sector: Food-specific or scientific / technical skills and generic or intuitive soft skills. This study determined how satisfied FS&T students were with overall improvement, and in key technical and soft skills, based on their university work; and if satisfaction was linked to geography, degree in progress, anticipated degree, anticipated work place or anticipated job responsibility. An on-line survey was completed by 267 students in over 20 countries using a 5-point Likert scale to evaluate satisfaction. Responses were analyzed by the Friedman or Kruskal Wallis tests for more than two groups, otherwise by the Wilcoxon Signed Rank or Mann-Whitney tests. There were no differences in Overall Satisfaction with technical and soft skills training. Among soft skills, training in Working with Others and Being Responsible were more often rated “Excellent” and students were more satisfied with their training than with Solving Problems, Communication and Positive Attitude. Students anticipating a job with high responsibility were more satisfied with overall soft skill training and with 3 of the 5 specific soft skills. Among technical skills, students were more satisfied with improvement in basic sciences (Microbiology, Chemistry, Processing, Safety), and those in Northern Europe were more satisfied with overall technical training. These data show variations in perception and/or efficacy of technical and soft skill training in Food Science programmes and underline the need for separate attention to the incorporation of soft skill training into the design of FS&T courses.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 337
Hadi Barru Hakam Fajar Siddiq ◽  
Agnis Pondinekaria Aditama

Community service activities undertaken by lecturers from Pharmacy Diploma III Program of Pharmacy Academy of Jember held on March, 2018, held at MA. Habiburrahman Jatian, Pakusari Jember provides benefits for students in improving students skill through soap red dragon fruit extract. MA. Habiburrahman was senior high school under the Ministry of Religious Affairs located in Jatian-Pakusari-Jember. MA. Habibirrahman also has a religious education institution that is Pondok Pesantren Habibirrahman. Nearly 70% of students of MA. Habiburrahman were santri. The results show that MA Habiburrahaman does not have a curculum that focuses on the attachment of students. Therefore, this program provides many benefits to students to add soft skills in the field of technology. In addition, this program is in great demand by all students. Keywoard: Community Servive, Soft Skill, Soap, Red Dragon Fruit

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Samidjo Samidjo

Abstract. Unemployment of vocational high school graduates consists of two categories, the graduates who never been in work and who had been in work as a contract workers and then terminated. More than 63 percent of the graduates who have ever been as a contract workers did not work match with their competence, as a result when the contract agreement expired the workers did not been assigned as permanent workers. In order to get other jobs after termination,  the workers need to upgrade their competence or to retool with skills other than the skills the workers acquired from vocational school, in order to fit well with the need of workers in industry. Besides the functional skill needed for handling operational works, the terminated contract workers need to upgrade their soft skill suitable for the future working environment, that is learning to work in a group consisting of many communities to solve very complex problem as the characteristic of jobs in the industry 4.0, besides other component of soft skills such as honesty, discipline, attitude, commitment to work, communication skill, and open for change.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 180-193
Listyana Hartati ◽  
Marsono Marsono ◽  
Yoto Yoto

This study aims to analyze the project-based learning model on the soft skills of SMK students. The Project-Based Learning model requires students to have skills in solving a problem. The approach used in this research is quantitative using ex-post facto research, the type of correlation research. The sample used for the study was 170 students. The results of the study found a significant influence between the Project-Based Learning Model in the Network Infrastructure Administration Subject on students' communication skills, discipline, responsibility, creativity, and collaboration. Through the Project-Based Learning model, teachers are advised to often train students to complete tasks that can improve students' soft skills in other subjects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Suchaina Suchaina ◽  
Dwi Kartika ◽  
Khurotul Ayunin ◽  
Fitriyah Fitriyah

[Bahasa]: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah bagian dari program kegiatan tim KKN STKIP STIT PGRI Pasuruan yang didampingi oleh Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) di MA Sunan Ampel Keraton Pasuruan. Kegiatan pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan soft skill menjahit dan memberi bekal kesiapan bagi siswa untuk berwirausaha siswa melalui pengembangan ekstrakurikuler menjahit. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu: (1) tahap persiapan berupa observasi untuk mengidentifikasi apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler menjahit, (2) tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan pendampingan ekstrakurikuler menjahit bersama siswa yang terpilih melalui seleksi, (3) tahap evaluasi kegiatan pendampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah: (1) meningkatnya kemampuan memahami teknik mengayuh mesin jahit, (2) siswa dapat menjahit dengan rapi, (3) meningkatnya kemampuan memotong bahan jahitan sesuai dengan model, dan (4) meningkatnya kemampuan menjahit kain yang dikombinasi. Akan tetapi program ini belum dapat mengembangkan kesiapan berwirausaha siswa. Kesimpulan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah program pendampingan ekatrakurikuler mampu meningkatkan life skill siswa meskipun belum bisa mengembangkan kesiapan berwirausaha siswa. Kata Kunci: ekstrakurikuler; menjahit; life skill; wirausaha [English]: This community service program is a part of KKN STKIP – STIT PGRI Pasuruan programs supported by supervising lecturer at MA Sunan Ampel Keraton Pasuruan. It was aimed to improve students' soft skills and prepare them to have entrepreneurship skills through sewing extracurricular. The method used in this program were: (1) preparation step through observation to identify extracurricular needs, (2) the implementation step with selected students through selection process, (3) evaluation of the program. The results showed that (1) understanding of the techniques of operating sewing machine was improved, (2) students were able to sew tidily, (3) students’ ability to cut the cloth based on the model was increased, (4) students’ ability to sew combined cloth was improved. However, this program could not yet develop students’ readiness in entrepreneurship. In conclusion, this program improved students' skills but has not prepared the students for entrepreneurship practices. Keywords: extracurricular; sewing; life skill; entrepreneurship

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Andi Febriana Tamrin ◽  
Yanti Yanti

[Bahasa]: Pentingnya softskill bagi generasi muda menjadi dasar atas penyusunan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini. Fokus dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan minat belajar bahasa inggris masyarakat pegunungan berbasis buku cerita rakyat lingkungan/alam sekitar serta peningkatan softskill mitra Karang Taruna Desa Betao Kecamatan Pituriawa Kabupaten Sidrap. Tujuan khusus dalam PKM ini adalah dalam rangka untuk peningkatan minat belajar serta peningkatan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris (soft skill). Beberapa metode yang digunakan dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah metode tanya jawab dan diskusi untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan teknologi pendukungnya. Metode ceramah digunakan pada saat proses belajar dan pemahaman teoritis bahasa inggris. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilatih menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berbasis buku cerita bertema alam lebih mudah di mengerti oleh siswa yang diajar. Dengan menggunakan metode ini, terjadi peningkatan yang cukup baik bagi peserta didik. Selain itu, hasil lain yang diperoleh adalah para pemuda dan anak-anak lebih cepat menyerap materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan kegiatan ini juga menjadi awal untuk kegiatan lainnya. Kata Kunci: Bahasa Inggris; buku bergambar; soft skill [English]: The importance of soft skills for the young generation is the rationale for this community service program. The focus of the present program is to increase the interest of learning English for highlanders based on environmental/natural folklore books and soft skill enhancement for Karang Taruna in Betao Village, Pituriawa District, Sidrap. The specific purpose is to enhance learning interest and improve English (soft skills). The methods used in the program are the question and answer and discussion to identify knowledge and supporting technology. The lecturing method was used during the learning process and theoretical understanding of English. The results showed that English learning based on natural-themed storybooks is easier for students to understand. Using the book, the students have considerable improvement. In addition, another result was that young people and children could rapidly learn English and become the beginning of other activities. Keywords: English; picture book; soft skill

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Fauzan Fauzan

This research is explanatory research, intended to determine the relationship between soft skill and hard skill variables on the optimism of prospective graduates of Bengkulu Unihaz Management Study Program. The quantitative data of this study were obtained from questionnaires which were then processed into statistical analysis. The results of the analysis are known soft skill variables (X1) and hard skills (X2) have a strong and unidirectional relationship, and have a positive effect on the optimism variable of prospective graduates of the Unihaz Bengkulu study program. This is evidenced by the value of multiple correlation, multiple linear regression, t-test and f-test. Of the two independent variables hard skill contribution is greater than the soft skill. As a suggestion to improve students' hard skills and soft skills, they encourage them to be more active in research and community service, carry out excursion studies, namely visiting companies, entrepreneurs, crafts and other institutions that can foster their hard skills and soft skills, then directed to be more active in student organizations, youth and spirituality.

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